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Sonde Operations Manual

Natural Gamma Sonde

Natural Gamma Sonde


Recommended mnemonic NGRS

Sonde measurement parameters

Parameter Recommended Depth Recommended Resolution

Mnemonic Offset Unit
Natural GR NGAM 18 cm cps 1 Count

Sonde Dimensions
Sonde length 0.7 m
Sonde diameter 38 mm / (also available in 28mm)
Sonde weight 4.0 Kg

Communications Parameters

Sonde Protocol Type Geovista

Sonde Address 7

Principle Of Operation

This sonde uses a Sodium Iodide scintillation crystal coupled to a photomultiplier to

detect natural gamma radiation. The scintillation crystal has external dimensions of
50mm long by 28mm diameter.

The range of energies detected by the sonde is from 65KeV (the lower threshold of the
sonde) and upto 2.6MeV, the highest naturally occurring radiation.

Channel Description

Channel 1 is the natural gamma count rate in counts per second.

Channel 2 is the elapsed time between data acquisitions in milliseconds.

Channel 3 is a diagnostic sonde head voltage monitor.

Checking The Integrity Of The GR Detector

The detector of the Natural Gamma Ray sonde consists of a crystal and a photo-multiplier
tube (PMT). Both these are VERY FRAGILE. Hard impacts may break either or both

If a sonde powers correctly and the communications are good but the Gamma Ray Counts
channel shows Zero Counts, then it is likely that either the crystal or the PMT or both are
broken. A good crystal would be transparent. A broken crystal may look cloudy and may
show internal cracks. A good PMT should look brownish at its end. If it looks clear, then
the gas has escaped from a rupture. It may also make a sound similar to that of a broken
filament in a lamp bulb when shaken.

To check whether either of these is indeed broken one needs to make a visual
examination. To open the sonde, proceed as follows:

Step #1:
Disconnect the sonde
and unscrew the housing
from the bottom sub.
The detector can be seen
through the slot in the
brass chassis with PMT
tube uppermost.

Step #2:
Pull out the red feed-
through wire and cut it
in the middle. Undo the
screws at the bottom and
pull out the bottom sub.

Step #3:
Using a small flat screw
driver or a similar tool,
gently ease off the PMT
from its socket. Slide the
crystal and the PMT out
of the brass chassis.
API Calibration

An optional calibrator is available to convert count rate (cps) into equivalent American
Petroleum Institute (API) units. The Geovista calibrator contains a 100kBq Ra226
source. When placed correctly on the sonde, this calibration should register an increase in
counts corresponding to N API where N is the number stamped on the calibrator.

Please Note:
As most operators do not use API units, the default unit for the Natural Gamma channel
NGAM is cps (counts per second). In order to change the unit name from the default cps
to API, go to the gvsystem directory in drive C. Find and open the file GV_Sonde.ini and
find section describing the NGRS sonde. Change the Unit Name of NGAM curve from
the default cps, to API. Save and close the file.

Geovista API Calibration Jig

The calibration jig comes with a keeper tube in place in order

to secure the locking mechanism. To set up the jig ready for a
1. Loosen the locking knob and remove the keeper tube
2. Slide the jig over the sonde body as shown in Fig.2
3. Make sure that the locating pin fits into one of the
spanner holes in the brass sub
4. Tighten the locking knob to secure the jig.

To remove the jig, proceed in reverse order.

Initial Calibration Procedure

Fig. 1
For a new Geovista 38mm GR tool with a 50x25mm NaI
crystal, 1cps= 1.396 API. The full value of this coefficient
from the master calibration is shown in the Appendix.
Initially, one needs to establish the API count increase caused
by the calibration jig. Procedure is as follows:
1. With the sonde powered up and resting on suitable stands,
go to the diagnostic menu and start the calibration routine
for the GR curve. Make sure that the calibration jig is kept
well away from the sonde, not to influence the background
2. In the calibration menu, select the 20s (or100s) Averaging
Period, and the 2 Point Calibration option. Leave the CAL
Value blank, and click on the StartCal1 button. The
average background count rate b will be displayed in the Fig. 2
Data Value after 20s. Note this value.
3. Place the jig on the on the tool, and again leaving the CAL Value blank, click on the
StartCal2 button. The average count rate j including the jig counts, will be displayed after
20s. Also note this value.
4. Calculate cps jig increase D = j - b, and the jig API value, J = 1.396xD.
5. Now, in the StartCal1 row, leave CAL Value as Zero, and set Data Value to Zero
6. In the StartCal2 row, set CAL Value to J and set Data Value to the difference D.
7. Click on Calculate button, and the system should plot the calibration curve. If it looks
normal, click on Save button, and finish.
The above steps accomplish two things. They calibrate the GR sonde to give counts in API
units, and they give the new calibration jig its API value J. Note down the jig API value J for
future reference, or/and stamp it on the jig.

Subsequent Sonde checks, and Calibration Procedure

As the detector ages, it may lose some of its efficiency, and the value of D would drop. It is
therefore important to check or calibrate the tool regularly with the jig. The procedure is similar
to the above:

1. With the sonde powered up and resting on suitable stands, go to the diagnostic menu and
start the calibration routine for the GR curve. Make sure that the calibration jig is kept
well away from the sonde, not to influence the background readings
2. In the calibration menu, select the 20s (or 100s) Averaging Period, and the 2 Point
Calibra1.tion option. Leave the CAL Value blank, and click on the StartCal1 button. The
average background count rate cps(b) will be displayed in the Data Value after 20s. Note
this value.
3. Place the jig on the on the tool, and again leaving the the CAL Value blank, click on the
StartCal2 button. The average count rate cps(j) including the jig counts, will be
displayed after 20s. Also note this value.
4. Calculate cps jig increase D = cps(j) -cps(b)
5. Now, in the StartCal1 row, leave CAL Value as Zero, and set Data Value to Zero
6. In the StartCal2 row, set CAL Value to the original jig API value J, and set Data Value
to the difference D.
7. Click on Calculate button, and the system should plot the calibration curve. If it looks
normal, click on Save button, and finish.


Correction for Borehole Diameter and Fluid Density

1 2 3 4

Chassis Mounted TIP137

Front View
Mounted on insulating pad

GAMMA COUNTER BOARD (component view)

26 AWG
PTFE wire
Brown Screened cable


Black PTFE
Dynode Chain

Pink R6095 PM Tube Crystal



Banna RED (0.25 Raychem)


GAMMA POWER SUPPLY (component view)


Earth connection is made

via the fixing holes for

mounted on
opposite side
OV RED (0.25 Raychem)

RED BLACK (0.25 Raychem)

GeoVista - Unit 6, Cae Ffwt Business Park,

Glan Conwy, Conwy, LL28 5SP.
Tel +44 (0)1492 573399 Fax +44 (0)1492 581177

Drawn Issue Circuit Description Checked Date Issue Parts List Checked Date Title: Gamma Sonde Wiring Diagram

Date PCB Ident: Filename Issue

GCB_A_2b.SCH 2
January 2000
Sheet Of 2 of 2 Project Gamma Sonde

1 2 3 4

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