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Political, Cultural and Socio-Economic Issues in Philippine History

- the evolution of beliefs and aspirations of Filipinos as enshrined in the Philippine Constitution and other
pertinent laws
- focuses on the origin and practices of Filipinos that affect their way of life.


- refers to a body of fundamental laws, rules, customs, norms, standards, and principles by which the
government operates and its relations with the citizens are delineated.
- symbolizes the country’s freedom and independence


By: George A. Malcolm, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands (1917)

1st page

- In the Philippine Islands, Constitutional History looks strange to them. They only have few researches
but no accounts have been made
- Teodore M. Kalaw, Secretary of the Interior serves to magnify the deficiencies
- Constitutional History is quite barren in secondary authorities and not rich in primary sources.
- All forces have been concentrated in obtaining charter of political liberty to the neglect of scholastic
inquiries in political theory and history

Barren – unproductive Delineated -outlined, or

described, or portrayed
Secondary authorities-
(legal textbooks/ digests/
treatises/ review articles/
commentaries and notes
Charter – grant
Political Liberty – right
of an individual to
participate in govt.
- Philippine Constitutional History
 It is the prime cause of the rise of liberalism and nationalism.
 a tracing of the development of national ideals.
 A study in civilizations and their curious fusion in remote isles

Two divergent systems of law and two divergent civilizations that met in the Philippines and blended

2 systems: the Roman-Spanish Civil Law, the Anglo-American Common Law

2 civilizations: the Latin, the English-American

- The institution of the 2 countries which have most influenced development are Spain and United States.
- Japan may cast the shadow of their institutions over the Philippines in future.

A study of the Constitutional History of the Philippine Islands can best be made under three heads: (1)
Spanish influence, (2) American influence, (3) Philippine influence.


- Philippine islands were under the dominion of Spain during the circumnavigation of the globe by
Magellan and his accidental re-discovery of “Islands of St. Lazarus” in 1521
- Spanish conception of govt., Spanish laws, institutions, education, language and state-religion were
urged upon the native inhabitants until the loss of the last vestige of sovereignty in 1899.
- Spanish constitutional history began in 1808
- The colony did not secure the benefits of Spanish Constitution. Unlike in Cuba, Porto Rico, in which
certain constitutional rights were granted.
- There was an article in the fundamental law providing that the Philippine Islands shall be governed by
special laws.
- As a result of these, all laws for the Islands are originated in Spain, in accordance with the provisions of
the Laws of the Indies and the Constitutions
- 3 short periods where Spanish Constitution was effective in the Philippines
o 1810-1813
o 1820-1823
o 1834-1837
- Due to the great distance of the Philippines and Spain, it was impossible to reach Spain from time to
time for the session of the Cortes, so then they selected a Philippine delegate, Ventura de los Reyes.

Vestige - a trace of something that is

disappearing or no longer exists.
Sovereignty- supreme power or
- After 1837, Philippines had no representation in the Cortes, but repeated efforts to revive the right.

Presented (in Cortes)

- Amendments granting parliamentary representation to the Philippines (1869) and again in (1890)
- Republican constitutions of 1872 &1873 were inclined
- 52 petitions praying for the restoration of parliamentary representation for the Philippines (1895)

2nd Page

- None of these proposals received more than scant consideration from the Spanish Government.
- In 1853, Sinabaldo de Mas recommended the institution of legislative assembly in the Islands and the
transference of authority to a Philippine Constitutional Government. This report was quietly
- The failure to extend Spanish Constitution to the Philippines, to provide Filipino representation, and to
grant representative institution has a little disastrous result
o It was the cause of the Ilocano revolt (1814), and more general revolts (1896,1898)
- There was always an idea that Filipinos should have the same political and civil rights like Spanish
- Filipinos did not receive direct benefits from the constitutional government but rather indirect benefits.
- Filipinos were permitted to participate in the administration of the Government. (positions like: justice of
the peace, fiscals, judges, members of the lowest municipal offices and consultative Administrative
- Through social, educational, governmental, and religious contact with the Spaniards, Spanish ideas of
govt and Spanish thoughts became pre-dominant. It resulted in a great advance in civilization.

Inclined – disposed Pigeonholed- put aside

Scant – little or no Pre-dominant - having or exerting
control or power.

- (1) Dewey’s victory in Manila Bay, followed by the (2) capture of Manila by the American forces,
(3) the formal ratification of the Treaty of Peace with Spain transferring Spanish sovereignty
marks the inception of American Constitutional History in the Philippines.
- For many years, American laws have been bodily or partially transplanted; American methods of
education have been inaugurated; American thought has been predominant
- The President of U.S. issued orders and the Congress of the U.S. passed laws having force in
the Philippine Islands.
o Instructions of the President to the Philippine Commission on April 7, 1900
o The Philippine Bill
o Act of Congress of July 1, 1902
o Philippine Autonomy Act
o Act of Congress of August 29,1916
Are served to take the American Constitution Principles to the Islands.

Ratification - is the adoption or

confirmation by one person of an act
performed on his behalf by another
without authority.
Inaugurated - begin or introduce (a
system, policy, or period).

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