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Over time I have come to realize that public opinion is not always true.

One of those opinions the public

has that I strongly disagree with is that “A teacher’s reward is in Heaven”. This opinion is formed out of
the fact that teaching is one of the least paid professions in Nigeria. But then is money the only means
through which a person can be rewarded? With my little time in serving humanity as a teacher and also
a volunteer social worker, I have come to realize that there is nothing as rewarding as positively
impacting lives and being instrumental to people becoming a better version of themselves. The
fulfillment that comes with that cannot be quantified monetarily.

I hope to expand my scope by starting up a Tech-Incubator; where I will pick up Tech Start-ups, give
them exposure and funding. Through this incubator I hope to help young entrepreneurs create jobs and
establish themselves.

No wonder why the richest people of the world after spending sleepless night and working hard most of
their days and acquiring wealth still end up feeling empty and to fill that emptiness, they engage in acts
of philanthropy. My goal in life is to impact any and every life that crosses my path positively so much
that their transformation story will not be complete without the mention of my name.

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