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Present Unreal Conditional (2nd Conditional)

We use the present unreal conditional when we want to talk about an imaginary condition with
an imaginary result:

If S past-V O , S would present-V O

If I won a million dollars , I would buy a new car.

Reverse order:
S would present-V O if S past-V O

I would buy a new car if I won a million dollars.

Present Unreal Conditional with conjunctions

Only if (True, but only in this particular circumstance)
S would present-V O conjunction S past-V O

I would buy a house only if I won the lottery.

*Never use wouldn’t with only if.

Even if (Always true, no exceptions)

S wouldn’t present-V O conjunction S past-V O

I wouldn’t buy a house even if I won the lottery.

I would ride my bike even if the were in bad

to work roads conditions.

Unless (True with an exception)

S would/n’t present-V O conjunction S past-V O

I would keep my job unless I found a better job.

I wouldn’t keep my job unless I got more money.

Examples: In each sentence, is there a chance that Sam would go to the party? Yes or no?

1. Sam would go to the party if he were invited. No. he is not invited

2. Sam wouldn’t go to the party unless he were invited. Yes, he is invited
3. Sam would go to the party only if he were invited. No, he is not invited
4. Sam wouldn’t go to the party even if he were invited. No, he is not invited

Textbook practice:

2. I would / wouldn't borrow a lot of money from a friend only if / unless . ..

I would borrow a lot of money from a friend only if he were a rich person.
I would borrow a lot of money from a friend only if I were broke.
I wouldn’t borrow a lot of money from a friend unless she felt comfortable.

3. I would / wouldn't return a gift I'd received to the store if / unless …

4. I would / wouldn't "temporarily borrow" an unlocked bicycle on the street only if / even if . ..

5. I would / wouldn't report my friend for skipping work only if / unless ...

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