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Author: Glenn McMann (Paradox)

Copyright: You may pirate this book if you honestly cannot afford the price
on Amazon, though understand that I make all my published books available
very cheaply for all parties due to the low finances that so many people have
these days, it's understandable. I do retain all copyright to this eBook and all
content contained therein. If you pirated this eBook but can afford my price
for it, I do ask that you please buy this eBook yourself. I don't ask for much
and as a self publisher, I too aren't the richest person in the world myself
(though it'd be nice if I were).
Within the contents of this eBook, you're going to learn the my theory on the
why and how psionics (Psychic Abilities) work, a hypothetical method for
performing telekinesis, what objects to use for telekinesis practice for the
beginners as well as learning about the scientific method and how to prevent
you from tricking yourself into thinking you're moving an object with your
mind when there's another explanation and force behind it. First, let's start off
with the scientific method and learn what it is and why it's needed for your
adventures in psionics.

The Scientific Method is a method by which you use to determine reality as it

is and learn about the whys and the hows of reality. It's the best way to
determine fact from fantasy and to prevent you from fooling yourself with
these experiments in Telekinesis (which you'll learn more about shortly).
Understanding this, our practice sessions of Telekinesis are going to be far
different from those that you would see others in the practice doing. We do
this primarily because it's the best way to prevent yourself from fooling
yourself into thinking you're doing something with your mind that you're not
actually doing and to make sure if the object moves, that it's actually psychic
abilities doing it.

A word of precaution with the practice of psionics and that's discouragement.

There's going to be people that are going to tell you that you're nuts, full of
crap, fooling yourself, etc and there's going to be discouragement from
yourself as well as a lot of people take time to gain the ability to perform
even the most simplest of seeming tasks with Telekinesis. Some people are
capable of making an object move with their first try, some aren't capable of
doing it for many months later. The point is to keep a regular practice session
and to try your best in each setting and to make sure you try and disprove
yourself so that you're not fooling yourself.

What do I mean by trying to disprove yourself? Quite simple. If you have a

home made psiwheel under clear glass on a smooth, flat surface and you
manage to make the psiwheel spin a certain direction, try various ways to see
if you can get it to move without attempting to do it by “psionic” means.
What I'm saying is you can take a hair drier and blow all around the clear
bowl and the floor to see if air currents are causing it to move that way, check
for static electricity and see if being near the bowl itself is causing it to move,
etc. Even when you debunk it, it may be possible that it was you moving it
yourself with your mind rather than other possible explanations, but it's best
that if it can be faked in some way with your attempts to disprove it yourself,
then it's generally best to throw out the “I moved it with my mind” notion and
accept that it was air currents or whatever it was that caused the object to

Why is it important not to be tricking yourself? Simplest answer for this is

that if you're actually fooling yourself and it's something else entirely that's
causing a psiwheel (or straw or whatever) to move/spin/whatever, then you're
not actually performing any sort of psychic feat such as Telekinesis, it just
means that another force was acting upon it that's already well known. If
you're going to be practicing Telekinesis, you're going to want to be for dead
certain that it really is you performing Telekinesis and not something else.
This way, it's easier for you to replicate it again in the future and become
better at sessions later on down the road for not only for documentation
purposes, but also for yourself in the ability to acknowledge that you truly did
it and it wasn't something else at all. It'll kill the doubt in your head that it
was something else and will aid in removing the barriers from your mind
that's preventing you from doing it.

One of the questions I commonly get asked as a telekinetic by newbies is

what do I visualize when performing TK, what do I think about, how long
ago did I start, why did I get involved in it and another very common
question is “Isn't this all the work of the devil?”
Let's answer these bits in short and then get on with the meat of our subject
matter. The first question I'd like to address is, “Is this all the work of the
devil?” and my answer to that is “no, no it is not”. First off, I try to meet my
burden of proof for all my claims, and there's some things in which I require
no burden of proof, and this one thing I don't have the requirement to prove is
that of religious claims such as those for any god, gods, demons, etc. There is
nothing satanic nor religious about psionics and everything in this eBook is
purely for scientific purposes. It's not about worshiping any sort of god,
angels, demons, etc and it's not a religion. I'm a skeptic myself and honestly
didn't believe any of this was possible and one of the claims I heard about
“proof” was that you shouldn't accept any video or anything as proof as
videos can be faked, and this was said by someone who was practicing TK
themselves and honestly, it was great advice. The best way to prove it is to
prove it to yourself and try to document your progress in a journal while
using the scientific method to try and disprove your skills.

“Well if you're really able to do this, why don't you go win the million bucks
by the James Randi foundation?” Aside from the fact that I doubt the million
smackeroos are usable right then and there if it's proven (It might be, I don't
know, but I've heard claims to the contrary so I don't know what to believe on
that one), I would love for someone like James Randi to actually look over
one of my own practice sessions and give me extra pointers to debunk
myself. I don't care to be televised or anything of that sort and would greatly
love for James Randi to “put me to the test” as it were. Not to win the million
bucks really (it'd be nice just the same though, I'll be honest) but in hopes that
if I am actually performing TK, that he'll be able to document it so that
further actual research can be done by other scientists OR if I'm somehow
fooling and tricking myself into thinking I'm doing TK when there's
something else at work, I'd like to know. I would prefer to believe things that
are true rather than believe something fictional through fooling myself. I'll
also be the very first to admit that I may be screwing up somewhere myself
and there may be a very great possibility that I am fooling myself, though I
try my best to make sure I'm not tricking myself into believing that I'm
moving something with my mind when I'm really not. That's why we use the
scientific method, to try and disprove our progress of our TK Sessions to
ourselves, to make sure we're not fooling ourselves.

And for the answer as to how I got involved in telekinesis? It was close to 11
years ago when I first got into it and I was reading and researching
everything I could on hypnosis and meditation and generally practicing
meditation itself the majority of the time. I was about a week into the
meditation bit as far as practice is concerned when my dad walked in on me
just sitting there. He revealed that he knew what I was doing and fully
supported the meditation thing and started introducing me to a whole huge
world of new age stuff I never knew about him, such as “crystal energies”,
“Mind reading” and overall “Remote Viewing”. Crystal Energies is
something I seriously doubt as much as I doubt any sort of claims of any god
or gods, but the remote viewing and mind reading bit did seem a bit iffy as
well. Same with his “stories” regarding people he knew of who could move
things with their minds.

One of these people he referred to was an old Russian house wife he called
Nina Kulagina. It wasn't until much later after the advent of Youtube and
various other technologies and websites gaining in size and popularity did I
go back and research Nina Kulagina, but the videos themselves of her
moving objects was astounding, as were the research they performed on her
and her story overall, it's very impressive and I highly recommend anyone
reading this eBook that hasn't heard of Nina Kulagina to check her out.

Regarding what I visualize and the like when doing a TK Session? Nothing,
and I'll explain why below.

The theory behind the how and why this works may sound simple, but in all
honesty, it's really not as we don't fully understand everything about the
quantum world as it is. Oops, too much too fast with too little explanation?
Let's elaborate as to what we're referring to by “Quantum World” and get into
what's going on here.

The Quantum World is basically reality itself, the fabric of it, the things that
make up reality itself on the smallest of scales. This of course is being
referred to by quantum particles and super strings from M-Theory and even
going as far as quantum entanglement itself (where one quantum particle
effects the state of another quantum particle regardless of the distance
between them, they act upon each other instantly).

But just how small is all this I'm referring to? Let's break apart the human
body a bit down to the cellular level, I'm assuming you know what cells are
by this stage in your life. Inside the cell you have various cell parts such as
cytoplasm, cell walls, nucleus, riboflavins, etc. If you take the cell down
smaller you'll have atoms, which broken down further you have electrons,
protons, neutrons, etc (and I say etc because we're dealing with quantum
particles here and there's more than just these 3). Broken down further, you
have super strings, tiny little bands of energy that vibrate a different
frequencies theorized to be vibrating in more than 3 spacial dimensions.

If you understand this thus far, you understand that you are made of super
strings, little vibrating bands of energy that vibrate and those different
frequencies in various spacial dimensions beyond the 3D we perceive. Now
think about the air and all matter. The same thing goes on within them.
Everything is made of these tiny bands of vibrating energy. You, me, your
parents, siblings, paper, pens, ink, all liquids, all solids, all gases, all people.
Everything with matter, everything contains these vibrating bands of energy.

Within the field of quantum mechanics, quantum particles exist as both a

particle and as a wave at the same time. This is referred to as a super position,
being able to exist in multiple phases at the same time. This is the same as
being able to say that the light in your room right now is both on and off.
However, the particles themselves don't become a particle nor a wave until
they're observed at which point they assume a certain position.

This is very apparent with the double slit experiment in which electrons are
fired at a sensor to detect how the particles actually move. When being
observed in the process of firing the electrons, the electrons always seem to
be that of particles, meaning that they show the pattern of the two slits in the
wall they were fired at. However, when they're not observed, something more
interesting happens in that they reveal the pattern of being a wave, such as a
rippling effect in water with multiple ripples touch each other, taking the
form of what looks like multiple slits hit on the sensor for sake of showing
end result appearances.

Further experiments have been performed that even show the potential for
backwards time travel in a sense in that when these very same electrons are
fired again through the double slit experiment that they continue with the
wave or particle states until they're observed, except when the electrons are
observed at the last possible instant before collision with the sensor, what
should've been a wave after having been fired turn out to be a particle
insisting the possibility and potential that the particles were traveling as a
wave while they weren't being observed, then upon observation, the electrons
shifted into the phase of existing as particles instead.

The significance of the particles vs waves ordeal is to show the constant flux
and unpredictable nature of quantum particles and show to you that reality on
the smallest of scales is not only extremely bizarre but also unpredictable and
still very well uncharted itself. Through the use of quantum physics we've
even uncovered a great potential of a multiverse instead of just a single
universe as many people would believe, but additionally we've already
uncovered the secrets for invisibility cloaking and even teleportation as it is!
Though teleportation is largely possible due to quantum entanglement of

Science has already uncovered so much but yet we still know so little. So far
science has found out and caculated so much with the world of our smallest
scales, the very fabric of our reality, however, the more the scientists learn
and uncover on the quantum world, the more questions that arise about it.
Like every truth we find out about this universe we live in on our smallest
scales, the fabric of reality itself, it seems several dozen other oddities and
questions pop up to replace it. One such oddity is the Virtual Particle.

The strangest thing about the virtual particle? Quite simple is that it's a
particle that we have been able to measure and show existence, however,
these particles are peculiar in the fact that they seem to pop in and out of
existence. Now you see it, now you don't. Peeka bye bye goes the virtual

The method to move an object is quite simple, when you're not trying to wrap
your head around quantum mechanics and the possibilities that may or may
not be or trying to wrap your head around the Many Worlds Theory. The
method itself is to try and move the object before you the same way you do
your own muscles. Don't try to just move anything right off the spot, it'll be
easier to build a psiwheel which we'll discuss here shortly.

Why not try to just move any object at first? The simplest answer I can give
for this is that you're trying to move an object with your mind, and I equate
telekinesis for beginners to be much like that of a newborn baby. You first
have to learn to crawl before you can walk, and you have to first walk
steadily for a bit before you can start to run, even even when running you're
probably still a bit wobbly and not the strongest at first but you get better
over time. However I would like to see an instance in which a newborn baby
just gets up and crawls it's first day out the womb, but this doesn't happen as
the baby isn't strong enough at the time, let alone being able to run a
marathon. Your mind is much similar.

It's also easily thought of as your brain being that of a muscle. If you're not
working your muscles for so long, they atrophy and will need built back up in
order to be able to accomplish regular tasks that would be simple for most
anyone else. Again, think of it like a newborn trying to run or a wormy thin
person trying to pick up a weight that a buffed up heavyweight lifting
champion just picked up and dropped. Try as hard as the wormy person
might, they'll be unable to lift that weight without going through training to
get himself strong enough to do so. The same goes for your mind and your
mind can truly be a wonderful thing. Let's not waste it and get right to
learning and strengthening that brain of yours and get on the roll with
practicing your telekinesis sessions.

The first step, however, is to build a psiwheel. This can be different things,
however, I recommend a small 2 inch by 2 inch square of aluminium foil
(Aluminum foil) placed on a fine point pin on a level surface with a clear
covering over it. You may also wish to use a towel wrapped around the base
of this clear bowl dome to aid in preventing air from reaching the psiwheel

To make your psiwheel, you'll want to take that 2 inch by 2 inch aluminium
foil and fold it corner to corner both ways (half and half, then again on the
unfolded half again), then fold it edge to edge then again with the other
unfolded end, then push the straight edges together to form a very basic
pinwheel we refer to as “psiwheel”.
Figure 1: Making your psiwheel

Figure 2: Psiwheel under glass

The practice sessions take time and you may not be able to get the psiwheel
to spin or even budge your first attempt, hell it might even take you months
to see movement for the first time, or it could happen your first session.
Regardless, when you manage to make the psiwheel move. Get on the ball
with trying to disprove it yourself. Do everything you can to make it move by
conventional means (meaning non psychic means). This includes blowing
around it everywhere on the bowl, around it's edges, etc with a hair drier to
try and get it to move with air currents and potentially heat, move your hands
all around it to make sure it's not static electricity, move yourself side to side
hard and fast to make sure it's not your weight on the floor causing it to have
a slight lopside to it, etc.

Remember your scientific method and journaling. Try to debunk yourself at

every step of the way and at every turn.

The journals is something else you're going to need to keep documentation

for. You'll want to write down the date, start time of session and end time of
session, if you were able to make it move, your thoughts while it moved (if at
all or any), your mental state (bored, angry, happy, etc) before and after
movement was seen (if any was seen at all that is), steps taken to debunk
yourself in as much detail as possible, and what you're going to do with the
next session to prevent those mistakes.

I've tried practicing before with a plastic drinking straw, however, I chucked
that out the window due to the fact that static electricity is capable of moving
the straw, it's easy to blow on, etc. I found that I could make the illusion that I
was moving the straw with telekinesis, but the illusion isn't what I was after, I
was after the real deal, so the straw was chuckable. It's too easy to fool
yourself with using a straw.

I've heard others recommend using a balloon partially filled with helium and
the rest of the way with air from your lungs. The reason this method doesn't
quite pan out so well is primarily because it's so easy to manipulate with even
very minor air currents, this includes very light breathing from a distance.
Additionally you can manipulate this method with static electricity. Overall,
when using the scientific method to disprove yourself so that you know for
sure you're not fooling yourself, this method doesn't hold the water needed to
be used in telekinesis practice sessions.

A really great tool to use when practicing is a compass. This is a bit more
difficult I would think than a psiwheel under a glass bowl but if setting this
up all the time and trying to make sure you don't have air currents messing
with your psiwheel is a bit more trouble than you're willing to go through
with each session, the compass is a great deal for you because it is already
enclosed within a clear casing and will always point a certain direction. You
don't have to worry about air effecting it and unless you're using magnets
nearby, static from your hands isn't going to screw with it much either, if at
all. Just place the compass on a smooth, level surface that's not going to be
disturbed by motion (such as a table that's wobbly).

Even with the compass be sure to try and disprove yourself and keep your
journaling regular do make sure you're not fooling yourself somehow.

One of the great things to do when using a new method (which we'll keep the
compass for sake of example) would be to try to find ways to make the
needle of the compass move without telekinesis while it's resting on it's level
surface. Try shaking the surface if possible, if it shakes and wobbles even
slightly, find another surface. If blowing on it moves the compass needle,
chuck it and get a better compass. If magnets within certain distances move
it, move away all the magnets. Also keep in mind of testing by it being near
electric outlets, electric cords, computers, things that can channel static
electricity (like drinking straws) and see if the needle will wobble based on
how close your hands are too it. To everything possible to try and disprove it
first with any and every new method. Try to do everything you can think of
to fake it and test it's variations of the faking it method. Once you know what
you can use to fake the results, things that'll end up fooling yourself into
thinking you're doing telekinesis when you're really not, get rid of all those
things and take every precaution possible to prevent the tricks from coming
up and to prevent yourself from fooling yourself in the future.

Do this with each and every new object and new method and you'll have less
of a chance of tricking yourself into believing you're moving something
you're really not. If you suddenly realize you can make the pages of a phone
book turn, for example, try using some small crumpled up pieces of paper all
around it, or pencil shavings, or foam peanuts, whatever, anything that's
easily blown and easily moved. Use these things as a sensor to detect if it's
actually an air current. If it's air, these control sensors will move, budge,
wobble, etc and you can then chuck out the result as being a trick on your
mind due to naturalistic means and natural forces and not actually psychic
ability, then try again removing the problem (if it was your hands, keep your
hands to your sides or behind your back, if it's you're breathing, make a t-shirt
ninja mask or get a painters mask, etc). Keep the control sensor there to be
sure you're again not tricking yourself. If you manage to get the page to turn
again with the control not moving any at all, try other methods to disprove it,
including charging your self up with static electricity to see how that may
effect the pages. If it's static electricity, consider grounding yourself like a
computer technician to a solid metal surface and try again so that static is

That's all for this particular eBook. Get out there and practice, keep your
journals up to date and debunk everything you can to assure yourself that
you're not fooling yourself.

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