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A Codex on Telekinesws Magic
Magick Unvewled, Volume 12

Albertus Crow‘ey

Pub‘ished by Albertus Crowley, 2020.


while every precaution has been taken in the preparation oftl’lls
book, the publisher assumes no responsibility for errors or
omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the infor
mation contained herein.
First edition. lanuary 12,2025.
Copyright © 2020 Albertus Crowley.
ISBN: 9784393420897
Written by Albertus Crowley.
Table of Contents





Understanding Teiekinesis

The Power onour Mind


The Techniqfl
Ta Madam Helen

Mogick Unveiled:A Codex oh Telekirlesl‘s Magic is an occult rnan

ual that will teach you how to move opyects with your mind,
Teleklrlesis is an ancient art, For many years, this practice has
been kept in strict secret. Now is the time to reveal the inner
teachings and true practices oithis sacred psychic art.
indeed, the mind is
very powerful. Once you learn to harness its
power, you can use it to influence and move objects without any
physical contact. Teleklrlesis is something that mankind is familr
iar with, but only a very few know the manner ofpropei initiation
into this practice. But, it should be noted that the practice of
(elekinesis is more than about moving obiects, but it is a dlSClr
pline and training of the mind, Telekinesls is both furl and uses
iul. Just imagine the wonders that you can do once you learn to
move obyects with the power ofyoui mind alone,
Magick Unveiled:A Codex oh Teltkirlesls Magic provides clearscut
instructions on the practice ofteiekinesis. You will learn to uns
leash the power oiyour mind. You will learn the right theories, as
well as practical exercises to achieve mastery. Acquiring the right
ioundational knowledge is important to success, as well as
engaging in regular practice. The students of this codex are ads
vised to take their time and enioy the teachings herein revealed.
They do not need to seek another source. This codex is complete
in and ofltself. ifyou stick to these teachings, then the power of
telekinesis shall be yours,
Magick Urweiied:A Codex on Telekmesls Magic is more than an oc
cult writing, it is a journey that leads to selfirealization and per
sonal power. indeed, to the laypeople, telekinesis is nothing but
the moVing of objects Without physical contact, However, the

true initiates ofthis art form know that it is much more than that,
it is the training ofthe mind and soul and unleashing one's true
Anyone can learn telekinesis, Yes, you can learn it as well. ifyou
are willing to dedicate time and effort to practice the teachings in
this codex, then you will be on the right path toward mastery of
this ancient magical art. lfyou think that you are ready, then let
me now welcome you into this world of telekinesis and pure
magic. Be awakened and harness the infinite power oryour mind.
Understanding Telekinesis

Telekinesis is the power ofmoving obiects solely with the power

ofthe mind, No physical contact is done, An example ofthis is
making a pen (or any other obiect) move from one place to an
other as if being pushed by an unseen force, Light obiects like
paper, pen, feather, and others, are often the sublect oftelekiner
sis. However, it should be noted that heavy obiects like a car,
television, tables and chairs, and others, can also be moved
usingtelekinesis. Afterall, the potentials and powers orthe mind
are limitless.
There is also what is known as psychokinesis. This is also under
the practice of telekinesis, However, instead of directly moving
obiects, psychokinesis is concerned with influencing the result
ofrandomness, like the toss ofa coin or the roll ofdice.
There are two main ways ofdoing telekinesis: using your mind as
accompanied by the will and by the direct manipulation of en
ergy, You will learn both methods later in this codex.
Orle's will is important in telekinesis. it directs the energy and
creates the reality that you want. The will ora magician or witch
ought to be strong irthey want to make their will manifest in the
physical plane. A common mistake is to not have enough
willpower that what you try to do only becomes manifest on
other realms or dimensions but fails to reach the material world.
For a manifestation to occur the physical plane, more energy

is required, and an essential part of attaining such energy re

quirement is to accompany your magical work with a strong will,
You should understand that everything is made of energy, With
your mind, you tap and harness energy and create changes in
reality, Reality, after all, is a mirror of your mind. indeed, when
you practice telekinesis, you get to work on your mind on an iniir
mate level, As you can see, it is not really about moving physical
objects, but more about attaining control and mastery of the
The Power onaur Mind
The mind is everything This is
so in magic as well as in the
practice of telekinesis. When a strong mind is directed by the
Will, then you can create changes on all levels of existence in
cluding the material plane.
There is a reason why many spells and magical techniques do
not seek to work even ifthe practitioner is able to follow the right
process: failing to tap and harness the power ofthe mind efl‘eo
tively. When you practice, telekinesis, you get to work directly on
your mind. This is also why some practitioners still practice
telekinesis although it may not be their main focus. There is Sims
ply so much you can gain from this ancient practice which would
be highly beneficial to you,
The mind is powerful because it is connected to the Divine
Mind. As this is so, it has the force ofthe Divine, which allows it
to do everything. The only limitations that the mind knows are
the ones that you have built against it. Telekinesis teaches that
you are infinite and that you are one with the Divine Source of
When you engage in the actual practice of telekinesis, you will
notice that you will be asked to use your visualization skiils, this
is a simple as picturing something in your mind and thereby
making use of your imagination, Now, for laypeople or those
without magical background, the imagination is nothing more
than a fancy thought. However, for true magical and psychic
practitioners, the imagination the key to power and great myss

tery. To access the power ofthe imagination, you need to wield it

in a magical way. You have to understand and know with convie

tion that whatever you imagine is actually taking place in the

magical plane. ifyou are told to imagine pushing an object, do
notjust picture it in your mind visually but you must also feel the
force and even feel the object being pushed. The more psychic
senses are engaged in the imagination the better and stronger it
will be. Here is the key: it is with your imagination that you shall
unlock and harness the great powers ofthe mind,
When the imagination and the will work together, everything be
comes possible.
Preparatory Steps

Before you engage in the actual practice oftelekinesis, it is good

to start with some preliminary steps. Consider this as your
preparation for the true undertaking, When you practice telekine
sis,it is important that you must have a clear mind. For clarity of
mind, it strongly suggested that one should practice medic

tation. Here is a simple yet very effective meditation technique

that you can practice:
Assume a meditative position. You can take any position that you
want as long as you keep your spine straight. ideally the suggested
position is to meditate while sitting. Now, just breathe and relax.
Breathe in gently through your nose, and out through your nose or
mouth. inhale and exhale in peace. focus on your breathing. Noths
ing should exist in the mind but your breath. ifother thoughts arise

while in meditation, gently ignore them and bring your attention

back to your breath. be one with the breath. You are the breath,
Breathe and let go.
To end this meditation, simply bring your awareness gently back to
your physical body, move your fingers and toes, and slowly open your
eyes with a smile,
Do not underestimate the power ofthis meditation because it is
really powerful. Many spiritual masters, monks, and gurus have
practiced this meditation for many years. it is also an effective
technique to give you a sense of calm and peace. Make it a Win
ority to practice meditation at least once every day. This medis
tation will develop your overall spiritual and magical faculties,

and it can even lead to enlightenment. Remember: practice

makes perfect.
As mentioned earlier, having a strong will is important in
telekinesis as well as in any other form of magical practice. The
following exercise is taught in Hermetics, and it is a way to de
velop and strengthen the will ofan individual. The steps are as
place asmall object infront afyoa, such as a pen or a small ball or
anything that you can comfortably place on a table, it can even be a
spoon or a cap, The object will serve as your point offocus.
just relax and look at the object. Now, concentrate on the object. Fill
your mind with nothing but the object. in your universe, nothing
must exist but this object alone. During the time that you are earls
eentrated on this subject, no other thought or emotion shall arise in
your mind. lfother thoughts arise, gently ignore them and then bring
your attention back to the object. Feelfree to choose or use another
object in any way you please. The key is to learn how to concentrate
completely without anyform ofdestruction.
Make it a priority to practice this exercise at least once every day,
Another important thing is to have the right mindset. Although
you would want to move objects, take note that you will not use
any kind of physical force, instead, you should be as relaxed as
possible. The more relaxed you are, the more easily and smooth
ly energy can flow. Keep in mind that telekinesis is an effort of
the mind and not of any physical muscle, it is pure mental
Also, you must have the firm conviction that you can do it. Allow
your strong will to merge with your personal power.The very mo
ment of telekinesis the moment when you exercise your divine

power as connected to the immortal Mind. As you can see, it is a

purely spiritual experience.
During the time that you are actually engaged in the practice of
telekinesis, do not ask questions or entertain your doubts. For
such is not the right time for that. Asking questions while you are
engaged in practice will only divide and weaken your focus and
your power. The time to ask questions will be attenuard but not
during the actual practice itself. you should learn to be fully
present in the moment of now. You have to realize that real
magic happens right now,
You should also enjoy the practice itself Especially ifyou arejust
starting out, it is very easy to feel frustrated and be discouraged if
nothing happens. However, this is normal for beginners since
you are still learning how to access the power ofyour mind, In
stead offeeling bad about it, you have to learn and continue to
practice and persevere. With continuous practice, you will get
better and better over time, and then you will see significant re
sults and improvements. if you notice that you are feeling
stressed because you cannot do it, then stop and take a break for
a while, Come back to the practice later on when you are feeling
much better. After all, you do not need to rush the learning
processThe important thing is not to stop and to keep on learn
ing and practicing the techniques. In time, if you stay true, the
new will surely be rewarded, Enjoy the magic as it unfolds for

you, The practice oftelekinesis is not just about moving objects,

but it is also about selfdiscovery and realization. Always do your
best to learn and be sure to always have love and kindness in
your heart. You should also realize that telekinesis is not hard. it
is, in fact, a natural ability of the mind. However, most people
have built so many walls and limitations against their mind that
they fail to realize their true power. Telekinesis helps you to real
ize this and to break down these walls and allow you to finally
experience true power and freedom,
The Techniques

Let us now discuss the actual techniques oftelekinesis. Remems

ber: Practice makes perfect,
Candle Flame Manipulation
For this exercise, you will need a candle and a match or a lighter,
This technique will allow you to control the flame of a candle.
You can make the flame lean to the left, right, or any other direcs
tion that you want. You can also make it smaller or bigger, de

pending on your will, of course, you are going to do this by

using your mind alone. The steps are as follows:
Light the candle and sit infront ofit. it is good ifyou can have the
candle on a table and do this exercise in a dark room, simply allow
the /lame ofthe candle to illuminate the room. Now, relax andfocus
on the flame ofthe candle, Byfocusing on the flame, you get to sort
nect to it. Be one with the flame. The more that you are connected
to the /lame, the more that you will become one with it to the point
that you willfeel as ftheflame is an extension ufyuwself. Once you
feel this connection ofonerless, ofbeing one with the flame, you can
then control it in any way you want. You can make the flame to
grow bigger or smaller. You can make it lean to the direction ofyour
choice. The flame does become a part ofyoa. Being one with the ob
ject that you want to move is
important in telekinesis, There are no
hard and fast rules on how this happens. The important thing is to
focus and reach out with your soul. This is something that you will
just feel once you have enoughfocus on something. Once again, press
tice makes perfect. By learning this technique, the more that you will
realize that everything is connected and that all things are one.
Energy Push technique
This telekinesis technique uses energy to push and move an ob
ject. For this exercise, you will need a balloon. You may use other
objects such as paper or anything else that you can push but if
you arejust starting out, an inflated balloon is an excellent object
to practice on. The steps are as follows:
place the balloon on the table or on the floor Now, place your hand
a few inchesfrom it, with your palmsfacing the balloon as ifyou are
going to push it with your hand. Gather energy in your hand. You
can easily do this by Visualizing the universal energy around you, see
andfeel drawing this energy and have it accumulate in your hand.
Once you feel that you have enough energy in your hand, as you exs
hale, send it out like a ray oflight toward the balloon. You can move
your hand in a pushing motion ifyou want butjust be sure not to
touch the bal/uuri, Remember that it is with energy that you shall
make the balloon move and not with any physicalforce. ifdone cars
rectly, the balloon will move, lfnothing happens, simply accumulate
and use more energy to move the balloon.
This technique falls more under energy manipulation than
telekinesis. Most telekinesis techniques do not really engage in
the direct manipulation ofenergy, However, ifthis works well for
you, then there is nothing wrong with using this approach to do

Light as a Feather
This technique is popular in many Wiccan and occult circles.
This uses the power ofa chant as well as the focus and inner
power ofthe magician/witch.The steps are as follows:
You will need a light object. Any object can be used, but fyou are
just starting out it is good to start with a light obyect. As you gain
more confidence, then you can move on to heavier objects, You
might want to start with a book or a piece ofpaper. Hold the abject
flat on your palms, with your palmsfacing up. You can close your
eyes or keep them open. Relax andfocus. Use this chant, “Sta’fas a
board, light as a feather." Repeat it out loud or in yourmind only, As
you do this, will the obfect to rise/levitate. Focus and use the power
of your will. ifdone correctly, the object will levitate upfrom your
Tunnel Method
The tunnel method is a technique that allows you to focus more
on the object that you want to move. The more focus that you
have, the more that you can exercise the power of your will. in
the practice oftelekinesis, remember that a strong focus equals a
strong will. The steps are as follows:
Relax and focus on the object that you want to move. Look at it,
Now, visualize a tunnel between you and the object, it should be so
that nothing else must exist your vision but the object that you

will move. You can adjust the size of this tunnel in any way you
want, The key is to remove all otherthings that can divide or weaken

your focus. ofcourse, this tunnel will be something that isfast lrrlags
ined, but it does not mean that it is not real, Nothing should exist in
your vision but the object. Now, be one with this obfect to the point
that it will feel as fit was an extension ofyourself Once you reach
this point, simply move it as you would move any pait ofyour body.
Will it to move and it shall move for you. Be one with it, you are
Pen Roll Method
For this technique, you will use a pen or a pencil. The steps are
as follows:
Hold a pen or pencil on a table with your indexfinger, Roll it while
maintaining contact with your indexfinger Feel the pen as it rolls,
Be one with it. Do this repeatedly several times. Once you feel more
connected to the pen, lift your indexfinger and will the pen to move.
ifyou have established a good connection with the pen, then it will
move and roll as ifyou still had your finger on it. Here is a good tip.-
use your feelings to control the pen, Evoking the feeling of the pen
rolling can command the pen to produce the said outcome by and
ally moving. Keep practicing until mastery is achieved.

just Move It Method

ifyou think about it, telekinesis is not hard or complicated at all,
it is all about making something move. 50, this method simplls
fies everything and just makes something move, it has a very die
rect approach. The steps are as follows:
Choose an object that you want to move, For beginners, it is good to
start with a small and light object, As you gain more experience and
confidence, then you can gradually work on heavier objects. The
method is simple. simply focus on the object and then will it to
move. it is all about using the power ofyour will and making some
thing move. You can say it out loud, "movel" You can repeat this
as many times as you want until it moves. it is as simple as that:
just movel
Astral Hand Technique
This is technique in telekinesis. it uses your astral
an exclusive
hand to move an object just as you would when you move some
thing with your physical hand.The steps are as follows:
Focus on the object that you want to move. Now, imagine reaching
for this object with your astral hand, and then move it. Do it as you
would with your physical hand except that you will be using your
astral hand. push the object, iyt it up, bend it, anything. Do with it
whatever you want. imagine your astral hand as clearly as you can
your mind. When using your astral hand, know that it is actually
your hand. Hence, when it comes in contact with the object, you
ought to feel the object. Get used to your astral hand and you will
soon learn many other ways to use it, Once again, practice makes
Power of Repetition
So much can be said about the power of repetition, By repeating
something in your mind, energy is raised and it also creates a
sort of programming that the energy can follow to create the
chance that you want, Telekinesis is also magick as it also iris
volves change, By pushing an object or making it levitate, the ob
ject moves from one point to another, and thereby there is
change. The steps are as follows:
Once again, focus on the object that you want to move. Byfocusing,
you are able to make a connection. Next, imagine in your mind how
you want to move the object, see and feel that it is already naps
pening right now. see and feel it
your mind. Repeat it in your

mind. As the mind is, so does reality become. Through this writiris
uous repetition in your mind, you can raise energy, Once you feel this
build up and cannot hold it any longer, release it and see how the
object responds. ifdone correctly, the object should movejust as how
you imagined it repeatedly in
your mind. ifnothing happens, just
keep in practicing.
Micro TK Technique
Micro TK or micro telekinesis is where you influence and control
the outcome of randomness. For example, you can roll a die and
force the number six, or flip a coin io times in a row and force
the outcome to always be the head side ofthe coin. it should be
noted that this is not divrriation. Divination is where you predict
the outcome, in telekinesis, you actually make the outcome in
accordance with your will. Having said that, the steps are as fol
For this exercise, you will only need a coin, as well as a pen and
paper to record the outcomes, You will use micro telekinesis to cons
trol the coin andforce a certain side to come up over the other You
will flip the coin 100 times. For now, choose a side, Let us say that
you pick the head side. You have to focus on the coin and be one
with it. As you flip it, you ought to will the coin to land with the
headsidefacing up. imagine it in your mind repeatedly and will it to
happen. Feelfree to techniques that you have
use other telekinesis
learned. Record every flip. Do 2ooflips and then check the out

come. You can consider this experiment a success ifyou got at least
a7o% success rate, which means 70 outcomes with your chosen side
facing up.
Once you are comfortable with the coin, you can try more come
plicated objects like dice principle of prae
or playing cards, The
tice remains the The key is to be one with it and let your

will be made manifest. it is normal to not be able to control all

the outcomes, but you ought to have a success rate of at least
70% to consider it as successful, Keep on practicing and you will
soon succeed,
in the practice oftelekinesis, regardless ofwhat you are trying to
do, continuous and regular practice is a must. The more that you
practice, the better you will get. Remember to be one with the ob
ject that you are trying to move. You do not really force anything
to move. You do not force your hand to move or any part ofyour

body. instead, you are just connected to it. Once you have this
connection, then moving is a natural thing, Remember this, it is
only through regular practice that you will understand its mean
ing. Last but not least, you should be as relaxed as possibie, No
physical pressure should arise. Everything is an effort of the
mind. indeed, the All is mental. Now, practice and start to law
leash the infinite powers ofyour mind,
ifyou ery'oyed reading this occult codex, kindly give it a positive
rating and review. Thank you!

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