Financial-Based Incentive Plan To Reduce Construction Waste

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Financial-Based Incentive Plan to Reduce

Construction Waste
Amirreza Mahpour 1 and Mohammad Mehdi Mortaheb, Ph.D. 2

Abstract: Construction materials wastage has always been a problem in construction projects. This study was conducted to address a long-
standing debate in the area of construction waste reduction: financially incentivizing or penalizing during construction. After a question-
naire survey, it was found that construction industry experts prefer financial-based incentive plans to levying. Accordingly, a financial-based
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incentive plan was developed based on guidelines elicited from comments of the respondents, content analysis, and plugging gaps of
previous incentive-based plans. In this plan, the stakeholders are incentivized to save money by reducing quantities of purchased materials,
wasted materials, landfilled wastes, and illegally dumped wastes. The saving is to be shared among the stakeholders. To investigate the
plan’s usefulness, the plan was applied to a real construction project through which its serviceability was confirmed. The results of this
study uncovered that incentivizing provides better results compared to penalizing in construction waste reduction. The main explanation for
this observation is that incentivizing promotes ethics, is more efficient, and is more compatible with sustainable development goals.
In addition, viability and on-site waste reduction via promoting professional ethics and motivating stakeholders are determined to be
key factors of a successful financial-based incentive plan. In summary, this paper contributes to the construction engineering and man-
agement, built environment, and sustainable construction global communities by comparing incentive-based and penalty-based construction
waste reduction schemes; providing evidence of preference for incentivizing by enumerating its advantages over penalizing; and finally,
introducing professional ethics and personal motivation as two important factors in significant construction waste reduction as well as
sustainable building materials management. This is accomplished by basing the design of a reward plan on motivating project stakeholders
and developers that is focused on detailed net benefit calculation being applicable to construction projects regardless of their type, geo-
graphic location, and kind of construction waste they generate. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862.0001461. © 2018 American Society
of Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Construction materials; Construction waste; Financial incentive; Construction projects.

Introduction of construction waste is respectively 70, 50, 44, 36, 30, 26,
and 14% of the total waste generated (Poon et al. 2013). It is
The growing worldwide generation of waste is a salient problem documented that in landfilled wastes the ratio of construction
that requires management strategies focusing on environmental waste over demolition waste is 1∶2 (Mortaheb and Mahpour
sustainability. The construction industry is among the main contrib- 2016a).
utors to this problem since it produces large amounts of construc- One critical issue caused by construction waste pertains to envi-
tion and demolition waste. Construction and demolition waste ronmental problems. For example, construction waste is a culprit in
includes abandoned substances produced due to construction, global warming, asthma attacks, premature deaths, and reduction of
renovation, and demolition of civil structures (Wu et al. 2017). lung function in children (Marzouk and Azab 2014). Illegal
Demolition waste is a proportion of construction and demolition construction waste dumping by roadsides and open spaces has aes-
waste generated in demolition projects (Chen and Lu 2017). thetic ramifications. Construction waste exacerbates construction
Construction waste, which is the target of this study, refers to sur- projects’ constraints, namely resource scarcity (Ma et al. 2014;
plus materials or damaged products engendered in the course of Cha et al. 2009). Improper construction waste management causes
construction work or used in interim on-site activities (Lu et al. problems for developing (Lockrey et al. 2016; Wu et al. 2017) and
2015). Across the globe, the construction industry generates developed countries (Chen and Lu 2017). However, contractors
35% of total solid waste (Llatas 2011) and 10–30% of landfilled tend to manage cost, time, and quality rather than materials waste
waste (Begum et al. 2009). In Spain, the United Kingdom,
(Shen and Tam 2002) wherever there is lack of inventive for/official
Australia, Japan, Italy, the Netherlands, and Finland, the generation
compulsion on stakeholders to reduce waste (Mortaheb and
Mahpour 2016b). Additionally, in developing countries, urban
1 managers have poor knowledge of the paramount importance
Construction Engineering and Management Group, Dept. of Civil
Engineering, Sharif Univ. of Technology, 11365-11155 Tehran, Iran of construction waste management (Mortaheb and Mahpour
(corresponding author). E-mail: 2016b).
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Sharif Univ. of Due to the problems caused by construction waste, the need for
Technology, 11365-11155 Tehran, Iran. E-mail:
appropriate measures to reduce construction waste generation has
Note. This manuscript was submitted on July 8, 2017; approved on
October 13, 2017; published online on March 15, 2018. Discussion per- been highlighted over the past few decades. To this end, several
iod open until August 15, 2018; separate discussions must be submitted regulations have been devised globally. For instance, in Hong Kong
for individual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Construction the following regulations have been put in place in order to manage
Engineering and Management, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9364. construction waste: waste disposal ordinance, green manager

© ASCE 04018029-1 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(5): 04018029

scheme, waste reduction framework, practical note on use of re- about waste management solutions. Then, a questionnaire survey
cycled aggregate, commissioning a pilot recycling plant to supply was carried out to gather quantitative data about improving waste
recycled aggregate, circulars of waste management, and public management practices. After analyzing the data, “proposing finan-
landfill levy scheme (Tam and Tam 2008), which are of a limiting cial incentive” was ranked thirteenth.
nature. In addition to limiting regulations, combined systems of All in all, the reviewed studies neither compared incentivizing
bonus and penalty as well as incentive-based techniques have been and penalizing nor provided a detailed net benefit calculation for
successfully implemented (Tam and Tam 2008; Chen et al. 2002). their suggested methods. These missing subjects are investigated in
The required incentive can be provided by means of upgrading the present paper.
certificates or designing financial-based incentive plans (Tam
and Tam 2008).
The research communities have worked on designing incentives Determining and Filling Gaps of the Previous
for reducing construction waste since decades ago. Hendriks Incentive Plans
(1994) declared that issuing a certificate of using recycled aggre-
gates promotes utilizing them, especially when there are tight and Although the reviewed incentive-based plans work well to reduce
strict quality assessment criteria. Chen et al. (2002) applied a bar- avoidable wastes, there are some unnoticed gaps. This paper iden-
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code system to implement a group-based reward program to min- tifies and fills the gaps to the best possible extent. Previous studies
imize construction waste generation. They also introduced an do not consider illegal dumping at open spaces [solved by Eqs. (6)
integrated system to avoid jerrybuilding, reworking, and resched- and (14)], profit on selling recyclable wastes [solved by Eqs. (4)
uling. Total money saved/wasted was the total price of materials and (10)] labors’ training cost [solved by introducing CT in
saved/wasted calculated based on quantities of requested materials Eq. (19)], system’s openness to abuse [solved by Eq. (17)], quantity
and returned materials to storage that were measured by a barcode of wasted materials during transportation, and quantity of reused
system. Furthermore, estimated quantity of normal wastage was materials in other construction sites [solved by Eq. (5)]. Further-
carefully pinpointed according to past experiences and projects’ more, in the ladder approach proposed by Tam and Tam (2008)
circumstances. To test this program, two identical 34-story residen- labors would gain 50% of reward at most. In the new plan, labors
tial complexes in Hong Kong were studied over a 3-month period can receive more rewards [Eqs. (21) and (22)] because they are in a
by teams A and B. Team A did not adopt the program while Team B closer touch with materials than other stakeholders are and they
did. As a corollary, Team A wasted US$ 95,890.73, whereas team B affect waste reduction directly. This result also complies with
saved US$ 90,428.83. This savings totaled US$ 186,319.56 for the comment of a respondent, which will be explained in the next
Team B while the team spent US$ 19,231 on barcode system. Thus, sections.
Team B saved US$ 71,198 net. In December 2005, Hong Kong
Government devised the Construction Waste Disposal Charging
Scheme to finance incentive plans to promote reusing and recycling Overview of the Research Process and
and to reduce construction waste generation (Poon et al. 2013). Methodology
They prepared this program due to the fact that noninert wastes, This paper attempts to address a long-standing debate in the
wastes with unstable chemical properties (Lu et al. 2015), were area of construction waste reduction, that is whether to finan-
landfilled in Hong Kong and existing landfills were supposed to cially incentivize or penalize the construction firms. After a ques-
be filled within a few years. Tam and Tam (2008) interviewed tionnaire survey, it was concluded that construction industry
20 contractors and announced the following as existing reward- experts prefer financial-based incentive plans to levying. Thus,
based methods in Hong Kong construction projects: (1) dividing a financial-based incentive plan was developed based on guide-
cost savings due to reducing quantities of purchased materials; lines elicited from comments of the respondents, content analysis,
(2) imposing penalties (i.e., withholding payments of subcontrac- and filling gaps of former incentive-based plans. To investigate
tors not meeting required environmental standards); (3) cash the effectiveness of the plan, it was applied to a real construction
rewards or certificates for teams/individuals with the best environ- project.
mental performance; and (4) certifying contractors with the best
safety performance. Afterward, they designed a three-step incentive
scheme based on materials waste and purchase reduction. This re- Questionnaire Survey
duction was accomplished by harnessing employees’ awareness
and appreciating their efforts to reduce avoidable construction To decide which of incentivizing or penalizing is preferable to
waste. The resultant cost savings were divided among them so that produce less construction waste, a questionnaire survey was con-
the higher the waste reduction, the higher was the incentive fund- ducted. With this purpose in mind, 17 statements comparing
ing. To verify the system, it was implemented in a local hotel financial-based incentive plans with penalty systems were formu-
development project during three 3-month assessment periods. As lated on a Likert scale. Statement Nos. 1–4, 9–11, and 14–17 were
a result, wasted and purchased material quantities decreased by 23 suggested by the experts who the authors consulted prior to design-
and 11%, respectively. ing the questionnaire. These experts had at least 20 years of expe-
Yuan (2013) investigated critical measures of effective construc- rience in construction industry. Other items were deduced from the
tion waste management in China through literature review, semi- following reviewed papers:
structured interviews, a questionnaire survey, and statistical • Item Nos. 5, 7, and 12 from the paper of Tam and Tam
analysis through which they identified 16 critical management (2008);
measures. After data analysis, “establishing systems of rewards • Item Nos. 6 and 13 from the paper of Chen et al. (2002);
and punishments to encourage material saving” was ranked third. and
Udawatta et al. (2015) adopted qualitative and quantitative research • Item No. 8 from the paper of Gangolells et al. (2014).
approaches to determine means of developing waste management In this scale, Numbers 1 and 5 represented the least and most
practices in nonresidential buildings. For this purpose, 16 semi- agreement, respectively. The statements compared four aspects of
structured interviews were conducted to collect qualitative data financial-based incentive plans with those of penalty systems.

© ASCE 04018029-2 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(5): 04018029

These aspects were as follows: (1) professional ethics, (2) need for Statistical Analysis of the Findings from the Survey
legislations, (3) managerial acts, and (4) sustainability. Among
the questions, one question was open-ended, allowing respondents Table 1 lists the responses, their mean, and their standard deviation
to provide comments (Fig. 3). A pilot test was performed to assess for pilot and final survey. Table 2 lists the characteristics of the
coherency, comprehensibility, and suitability of the questionnaire respondents.
as well as to calculate number of required questionnaires that were The arithmetic mean is a good statistic to interpret results of a
to be filled. Four well-known construction companies founded 29, Likert scale questionnaire (Harpe 2015), which are called ordinal
20, 13, and 11 years ago, which have been actively involved in data (Wadgave and Khairnar 2016; Bernstein 2005). In a Likert
nearly all types of domestic and international construction projects, scale questionnaire using 5 scale points with score 5 reflecting
were contacted. Once they gave their consent, questionnaires were the most agreement, which is a common design of Likert scale
delivered to 15 of their employees to conduct the pilot survey. The questionnaires (Wadgave and Khairnar 2016; Hartley 2013), it
respondents were asked to answer the questions and comment on will be logical to conclude that the respondents are in favor of a
the questionnaire’s structure. No major revision was suggested by statement if the corresponding μ ≥ 4 (Harpe 2015). Therefore, con-
these experts. Minor revisions were made after receiving all com- sidering the response distribution for Statement Nos. 1–4, 10, 11,
ments. The response rate for the pilot survey was 100%. Based on and 14–17 implies that experts prefer incentivizing to penalizing
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Eq. (1) and choosing an error margin of 10% and confidence in- for construction waste reduction. In this regard, 91.36% of the re-
terval of 90% that resulted in a quantity of 1.28 for a normal spondents (74 out of 81) believed that the best way to reduce con-
variable (z), and required sample size (n) was 81: struction waste is the promotion of professional ethics (Statement
No. 1, μ ¼ 4.321, σ ¼ 0.625); 98.77% of the respondents (80 out
 2   of 81) agreed that promoting professional ethics through incentives
zσ 1.28 × 0.699 2 is easier than that through penalties (Statement No. 2, μ ¼ 4.556,
n¼ ¼ ¼ 81 ð1Þ
d 0.10 σ ¼ 0.521); and 93.82% of them (76 out of 81) maintained that
incentivizing generates more motivation in stakeholders to reduce
construction waste than penalizing does (Statement No. 3,
where σ ¼ 0.699 was the standard deviation of pilot responses μ ¼ 4.247, σ ¼ 0.556). Even in the case of construction projects
(Table 1) and d ¼ 0.10 was the error margin (Gangolells et al. that the contractor has to pay the cost of materials, 86.42% of
2014; Walpole et al. 1998). Considering 15 respondents in the pilot the respondents (70 out of 81) believed that incentivizing will
survey, 66 other respondents were asked to participate in the sur- be more effective than penalizing to reduce materials waste (State-
vey to complete the data gathering process. ment No. 4, μ ¼ 4.309, σ ¼ 0.696); 80.25% of the respondents
(65 out of 81) affirmed that for the sake of success, penalizing
needs more monitoring than incentivizing does (Statement No.
Survey Validity 10, μ ¼ 4.037, σ ¼ 0.656); 95.06% of the respondents (77 out
of 81) confirmed that if a policy needs monitoring, stakeholders
To check the internal and overall consistency of the statements, will try to circumvent it, which eventually reduces the policy’s
Cronbach’s alpha was calculated. Since α ¼ 0.776 > 0.700, efficiency (Statement No. 11, μ ¼ 4.210, σ ¼ 0.514); 96.30% of
the favorable consistency of the statements, as well as goodness the respondents (78 out of 81) stated that incentive-based plans
of the scale, were approved (Ostad-Ahmad-Ghorabi and Attari work better than penalizing ones to reduce national demand for
2013). building materials (Statement No. 14, μ ¼ 4.407, σ ¼ 0.562)

Table 1. Responses’ Distribution, Mean, and Standard Deviation

Scaled responses
Pilot results Overall results
Strongly Strongly (questionnaires (questionnaires
disagree Disagree Neutral Agree agree 1–15) 1–81)
Statement Mean Standard Mean Standard
number Total Percent Total Percent Total Percent Total Percent Total Percent (μ) deviation (μ) deviation
1 0 0.00 0 0.00 7 8.64 41 50.62 33 40.74 4.400 0.490 4.321 0.625
2 0 0.00 0 0.00 1 1.23 34 41.98 46 56.79 4.600 0.490 4.556 0.521
3 0 0.00 0 0.00 5 6.17 51 62.96 25 30.86 4.067 0.442 4.247 0.556
4 0 0.00 0 0.00 11 13.58 34 41.98 36 44.44 4.133 0.618 4.309 0.696
5 11 13.58 34 41.98 36 44.44 0 0.00 0 0.00 2.667 0.699 2.309 0.696
6 0 0.00 50 61.73 30 37.04 1 1.23 0 0.00 2.267 0.573 2.395 0.513
7 0 0.00 0 0.00 17 20.99 47 58.02 17 20.99 4.200 0.653 4.000 0.648
8 3 3.70 8 9.88 51 62.96 19 23.46 0 0.00 2.867 0.618 3.062 0.691
9 0 0.00 0 0.00 12 14.81 48 59.26 21 25.93 4.133 0.618 4.111 0.629
10 0 0.00 0 0.00 16 19.75 46 56.79 19 23.46 4.200 0.653 4.037 0.656
11 0 0.00 0 0.00 4 4.94 56 69.14 21 25.93 4.267 0.442 4.210 0.514
12 0 0.00 0 0.00 13 16.05 51 62.96 17 20.99 4.067 0.573 4.049 0.607
13 0 0.00 0 0.00 15 18.52 48 59.26 18 22.22 4.200 0.653 4.037 0.637
14 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 3.70 42 51.85 36 44.45 4.533 0.499 4.407 0.562
15 0 0.00 0 0.00 3 3.70 35 43.21 43 53.09 4.533 0.499 4.494 0.569
16 0 0.00 0 0.00 12 14.81 43 53.09 26 32.10 4.200 0.653 4.173 0.663
17 0 0.00 0 0.00 10 12.35 49 60.49 22 27.16 4.200 0.542 4.148 0.611

© ASCE 04018029-3 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(5): 04018029

Table 2. Characteristics of the Respondents Comments of the Respondents
Number of Relative To get more insight from the experts, one question of the question-
Property Subproperty respondents percent Total Percent naire was open-ended allowing respondents to write their own
Gender Male 59 72.84 81 100 ideas. The comments were analyzed and the helpful ones were
Female 22 27.16 identified. One project manager made the following comment:
Age 0–25 3 3.70 81 100
26–35 48 59.26 Financial-based incentive plan will be espoused by project
36–45 17 20.99 managers but the objective of construction waste reduction
46–55 9 11.11 should not mar other targets; i.e., high execution quality.
≥56 4 4.94 Financial-based incentive plan must be economically viable
Work 0–5 26 32.10 81 100 and cost savings should exceed costs [Eq. (7)]. In addition,
experience 6–10 24 29.63 waste thresholds should be defined in the contract prior to
(years) 11–15 12 14.81
project initiation or in the course of construction. Further-
16–20 8 9.88
21–25 4 4.94 more, for the sake of success, increasing stakeholders’ aware-
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≥26 7 8.64 ness of construction waste reduction is a significant issue

Field of Civil and environmental 62 76.54 81 100 that motivates them ethically (i.e., through financial-based in-
study engineering centive plan). Besides, the temptation to use materials less
Industrial engineering 8 9.88 than required quantity to gain more cost saving/reward saps
Architecture 8 9.88 project quality. Hence, assessment mechanisms (i.e., penaliz-
Surveying and geospatial 3 3.70 ing stakeholders in case of abuse) should be foreseen
engineering [Eq. (17)].
Degree Associate’s 2 2.48 81 100
B.Sc. 28 34.56 Moreover, several respondents contended that solutions to re-
M.Sc. 44 54.32 duce wastes in origins should be identified from project initiation
Ph.D. 7 8.64 to closure [Eq. (16)]. These points are considered when developing
the new plan.

and incentivizing is more environmentally friendly than penalizing Content Analysis

(Statement No. 15, μ ¼ 4.494, σ ¼ 0.569); 85.19% of the respond-
ents (69 out of 81) asserted that widespread application of The following are elicited from reviewed literature to design a more
incentive-based plans to construction projects will save more natu- serviceable financial-based incentive plan:
ral resources than penalizing will (Statement No. 16, μ ¼ 4.173, 1. Promotion of reuse and recycle: This factor causes waste reduc-
σ ¼ 0.663); and 87.65% of the respondents (71 out of 81) declared tion. The following solutions are derived from reviewed litera-
that incentivizing is more preferred than penalizing in order to pro- ture to increase reusing and recycling rates in construction
mote utilization of biodegradable materials (Statement No. 17, projects:
μ ¼ 4.148, σ ¼ 0.611). • Providing waste storage containers: Reusable/recyclable
The respondents also approved the suggested guidelines for wastes must be collected in these containers (Chen et al.
construction waste reduction. In this regard, 79.01% of the re- 2002). Regarding landfills’ limited capacity, recycling/
spondents agreed that the distribution of the incentive/penalty reusing is an essential part of a proper construction waste
should be proportional to the extent to which a stakeholder plays management plan (Doan and Chinda 2016).
a role in materials saving/wastage (Statement No. 7, μ ¼ 4.000, • Hiring site waste coordinator: This stakeholder should
σ ¼ 0.648); 81.48% of respondents (66 out of 81) expressed that (1) provide waste storage containers; (2) do on-site waste
increasing stakeholders’ shares of financial reward/penalty is a per- collecting and sorting; (3) ensure that the site in neat and free
tinent tool for construction waste reduction (Statement No. 13,
from reusable/recyclable wastes; (4) prevent mixed waste
μ ¼ 4.037, σ ¼ 0.637); 85.19% of them (69 out of 81) highlighted
the importance of setting waste thresholds for materials in construc- generation; (5) collect wastes separately to alleviate reusing
tion contracts (Statement No. 9, μ ¼ 4.111, σ ¼ 0.629); and and recycling; (6) invoice costs of waste management includ-
finally, 83.95% of respondents (68 out of 81) stated that prior to ing containers, wages, etc. [Gangolells et al. 2014; see
implementing an incentive-based plan, stakeholders should be Eq. (9)]; and (7) set waste thresholds in case they are not
trained sufficiently. set in the contract.
Another statistic to analyze ordinal data is the mode (Walpole 2. Quality control and managerial tools: Task quality control is in-
et al. 1998). Modes of the responses to Statement Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, cluded in the reward scheme as follows:
9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17 are 4, 5, 4, 5, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, • Tasks qualities should be controlled/assessed according to
and 4, respectively. This means that the majority of the respondents client’s policy.
agreed that incentivizing was superior. • All stakeholders, labors, and other human resources should
With respect to the facts that (1) a Cronbach’s alpha greater than be questioned if the quality of consumed materials’ quanti-
0.700 is an indicator of a reliable survey (Ostad-Ahmad-Ghorabi ties is less than that of billed quantities (Chen et al. 2002).
and Attari 2013; Gliem and Gliem 2003), (2) in the designed ques- • The contractor will be fined in case of jerrybuilding
tionnaire scores greater than 3 reflect respondent agreement, (3) μ [Eq. (17)].
is greater than 4 for the statements discussed above, and (4) modes • The reward should be divided among stakeholders.
of the responses to the mentioned statements are either 4 or 5, it is A ladder approach can be used to persuade labors.
inferred that the experts prioritized financial-based incentive plans Labors are more in close touch with materials than other
over penalty systems. stakeholders and so motivating them to generate less

© ASCE 04018029-4 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(5): 04018029

Table 3. Construction Waste Origins and Reduction Solutions
Osmani et al. (2008)
Origin Solutions suggested Stakeholders
number Origin description by the authors (L: Labor, O: Others)
1 Contractual Minimization of avoidable errors in contract documents Client (O)
Beginning of construction after contract documents completion if Contractor (O)
Determining thresholds for materials wastage in contract documents Project manager (O)
2 Design Designing as simple as possible Designer (O)
Minimization of design and detailing complexity
Minimization of avoidable errors in design and construction details
Clear specification
Enhancing coordination and communication, i.e., avoiding slow
drawing revision and distribution
3 Procurement Ordering carefully and in compliance with specification Material purchaser (L)
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4 Transportation Transporting slowly in case of damageable materials Delivery vehicle drivers (L)
Devising smooth paths for delivery vehicles to access construction sites Superintendent (L)
Protection during unloading Unloading labors (L)
Unload by means of efficient methods
5 On-site management Proper supervision Superintendent (L)
and planning On-site material control
Planning for required materials
Documenting information on types and sizes of materials and
components to be used
6 Material storage Appropriate storage Warehouse keeper (L)
Proper storing methods
Storing materials close to point of application
7 Material handling Careful transportation of materials from storage to point of application Workers (L)
Handling materials adequately
8 Site operation Promotion of reuse or recycle Workers (L)
Being careful not to use wrong materials Project manager (O)
Avoiding use of malfunctioned equipment
Employing well-trained and certified workers
9 Residual Avoiding overuse of materials Workers (L)
Collecting waste from cutting uneconomical shapes and off-cuts from Project manager (O)
cutting materials to length to reuse them or to sell them for recycling
10 Other (weather, — —
vandalism, theft)

Table 4. Terminology of the Quantities of the Materials Developing the Financial-Based Incentive Plan
Description Notation
Following the findings from the questionnaire survey as well as
Quantity of material purchased MP guidelines of an efficient financial-based incentive plan extracted
Quantity of material not wasted M NW from comments of the respondents, content analysis, and previous
Quantity of material wasted MW
studies a financial-based incentive plan is developed. In a viable
Quantity of material used MU
Quantity of material unused M UnU
financial-based incentive plan, savings surpass costs (Tam and
Quantity of material reused MReu Tam 2008; Chen et al. 2002). Hence, it is necessary to identify
Quantity of material recycled M Rec the key inputs of the model including savings and costs. In order
Quantity of material reused at the same project MReu;SP to facilitate this, different quantities are identified as shown in
Quantity of material reused at the other projects MReu;OP Table 4. The relations among these quantities, which can be quan-
of the construction company tified according to Eqs. (2)–(6), are presented in Fig. 1
Quantity of material dumped at landfills ML
Quantity of material illegally dumped M ID M P ¼ M NW þ M W ð2Þ

M NW ¼ MU þ M UnU ð3Þ
construction waste is prudent [Tam and Tam 2008; see
Eqs. (20)–(23)]. M UnU ¼ M Reu þ M Rec ð4Þ
3. Regardless of all regulations and techniques, successful
construction waste management heavily relies on the coopera- M Reu ¼ M Reu;SP þ M Reu;OP ð5Þ
tion of all the people engaged with construction materials
(Gangolells et al. 2014) who are called stakeholders in this M W ¼ M L þ M ID ð6Þ
paper. Stakeholders are introduced in Table 3 [Eq. (20)].
4. Waste reduction schemes have to cover all waste origins intro- The goal is to persuade the stakeholders shown in Table 3
duced in Table 3 [Osmani et al. 2008; see Eq. (8)]. to reduce wastes in all origins through training and education.

© ASCE 04018029-5 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(5): 04018029

where Pricei is the unit price of recyclable waste i and N is the
number of recyclable waste types.

Cost Saving due to Reusing Materials (P Reu )

W NW PReu will be calculated based on Eq. (11):

PReu ¼ M rReu × Pricer ð11Þ
where Pricer = unit price of reused material r and O = number of
reused material types.

Rec Reu Landfilling Cost (C L )

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CL will be calculated under one of these conditions:

CL is a function of landfilled wastes’ mass that, in this case, will
be computed based on Eq. (12):
Reu, OP Reu, SP
CL ¼ MassjL × Landfilling Chargej ð12Þ
Fig. 1. Elements of the proposed financial-based incentive plan j¼1

where Landfilling Chargej = waste j landfilling fee (per unit

The builder trains them and informs them that if they reduce the mass); MassL = mass of landfilled waste; and M = number of
waste they will be rewarded. The task of supervising the stakehold- landfilled waste types.
ers is incumbent upon the waste coordinator. Because of waste Otherwise, CL is a function of dump cycle frequency.
reduction, some costs will be saved. However, the plan may cost If wastes are carried to landfills by W types of vehicles (pickup,
some money. The difference will be the net benefit or the reward trucks, etc.), the landfilling cost can be calculated according to
that should be divided among stakeholders: Eq. (13):
Reward ¼ Total Cost Savings − Total Costs ð7Þ CL ¼ Mj × Landfilling Chargej ð13Þ
where positive and negative reward means bonus and penalty, re-
spectively. To calculate the savings and the costs, the required where j = vehicle type; Mj = vehicle j dump cycles number; and
parameters should be computed through Eqs. (8)–(23): Landfilling Chargej = landfilling fee per cycle.

Illegal Dumping Cost (C I D )

Total Quantity of Wasted Material (M W )
If U types of vehicles (pickup, trucks, etc.) are used to dump wastes
M W is the sum of quantities of wasted materials in 10 waste origins
illegally, then ðCID Þ will be calculated according to Eq. (14):
suggested by Osmani et al. (2008) in Table 3:
10 CID ¼ M j × Illegal Dumping Chargej ð14Þ
MW ¼ M Origin
ð8Þ j¼1
Origin Number¼1
where Illegal Dumping Chargej = illegal dumping fee and
where M W = wastages during transporting reusable materials to M j = dump cycle number of vehicle type j.
other projects.
Cost of Transporting Reusable Materials to Other
Cost of Hiring Waste Coordinator (C W M ) Projects (C Reu;O P )

If CiWM is the invoiced cost by the waste coordinator for containers, This parameter can be calculated according to Eq. (15):
wages, etc. in the ith period and B is the number of periods, then X
CWM will be calculated based on Eq. (9): CReu;OP ¼ Transportation Costq ð15Þ
CWM ¼ CiWM ð9Þ where Transportation Costq = transportation cost of the qth trip
i¼1 and K = total times of transporting reusable materials to other
Cost Saving due to Selling Recyclable Wastes (P Rec )
PRec will be calculated according to Eq. (10): Cost of Adopting Solutions (C Sol )
N The stakeholders may adopt some solutions that are suggested by
PRec ¼ M iRec × Pricei ð10Þ the authors in Table 3 to reduce waste generation in specific waste
i¼1 origins. If these solutions are used for E types of materials and cost

© ASCE 04018029-6 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(5): 04018029

Sol for origin i and material t, CSol can be calculated according to R ¼ ΔPRec − ðCU þ ΔCL þ ΔCReu;OP þ CT þ CSol þ CWM Þ
Eq. (16):
10 þ ðΔM Reu − ΔM P − ΔMW Þi × Pricei ð19Þ
CSol ¼ Ci;t
Sol ð16Þ i¼1
t¼1 i¼1

These solutions are supposed to reduce wasted materials’ Chen et al. (2002) suggested distinguishing labors’ and other
quantities. stakeholders’ share of reward (RL and RO , respectively):

R ¼ R L þ RO ð20Þ
Contractor Fine in Case of Jerrybuilding (C U )
In the case of jerrybuilding, the contractor should be fined R can be divided among stakeholders using a ladder approach.
according to Eq. (17). If the quantities used for G material types Following the experts’ suggestions, labors should receive a higher
are less than the required quantities in Y specific tasks, the contrac- share because they are in closer contact with materials than other
tor faces a fine of up to the total price of not using the agreed stakeholders are. Consequently, more incentives for labors will
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materials plus the cost of reworks rectifying jerrybuilding, CU . Oth- persuade them more than other stakeholders (i.e., client, contrac-
erwise, no penalty is necessary tors, and designers) to reduce materials waste. This ladder approach
can be designed based on waste reduction ratio ðWRRÞ, which is
X Y X G 
defined as the sum of saved materials’ quantities (ΔM W ) over the
CU ¼ maxf0; ðM U;Required − M U;Used Þg;y × Priceg;y g sum of waste thresholds (M tW (%)) multiplied by purchased quan-
y¼1 g¼1
tities (MP ) ratio:
þ Reworks Cost ð17Þ PT
WRR ¼ PT t¼1 t × 100 ð21Þ
t¼1 M W ð%Þ × M P

Stakeholders Training Cost (C T )

where M tW (%) is a waste threshold of material t mentioned in
The cost of stakeholder training in implementing financial-based
contract/set by the waste coordinator. The bigger the WRR, the
incentive plan should be considered. Whoever is in charge of train-
greater the waste reduction and the higher should be the reward
ing is supposed to bill the client for this service. After identifying
share. Hence, the ladder approach below is suggested:
the costs and the savings of the model, the net benefit can be
calculated according to ΔðXÞ: 8
> 0.3R 0 < WRR < 25
ΔðXÞ ¼ X 2 − X 1 ð18Þ RL ¼ 0.5R 25 ≤ WRR < 60 ð22Þ
where subscript 1 indicates Case 1, to which no incentive plan is 0.7R 60 ≤ WRR < 100
applied, and subscript 2 indicates Case 2, to which the financial-
based incentive plan is applied. Based on Eq. (7) and identified RO ¼ R − R L ð23Þ
inputs [Eqs. (8)–(17)], the reward amount is calculated according
to Eq. (19), where T is the number of material types used in Labors and other stakeholders are determined in Table 3. The
the project: importance of involving all stakeholders in waste reduction policies

Fig. 2. Procedures of Cases 1 and 2

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(5): 04018029

Table 5. Characteristics of the Studied Project
Subcharacteristic 1 Subcharacteristic 2
Characteristic (if any) (if any) Description
Location — — Ardebil, Iran
Type — — Residential
Number of stories — — 1 parking and 4 stories
Floor area — — 285 m2 (15 × 19 m)
Contract type — — Lump sum
Estimated project duration — — 9 months
Project start date — — 24 November 2015
Assessment start date — — 10 February 2016
Project progress (before the assessment) — — 29%
Dumping charges For construction waste hauled to landfill by Pickup 440,000 Rials per dump
4-wheel trucks 550,000 Rials per dump
6-wheel trucks 770,000 Rials per dump
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10-wheel trucks and so on 880,000 Rials per dump

For illegal dumping — 1,100,000 Rials per dump
Assessment finish date — — 26 May 2016
Assessment duration — — 3.5 months

Table 6. Studied Materials’ Characteristics

Unit market value
Reference Material Unit Bill of quantity Unit price (Rials) for recycling (Rials)
1 Concrete m3 298.52 890,000 0
2 Rebar kg 35,516 14,500 (average) 6,000
3 Brick Block 39,396 3,800 0
4 Tile (grade 2) m2 366.34 90,000 0

Table 7. Obtained Data from the Studied Project for Case 1

Reference Material Unit MP MW ML M ID M NW MU MUnU M Rec M Reu M Reu;SP M Reu;OP
1 Concrete m 320.00 21.44 0.00 21.44 298.56 298.56 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Rebar kg 38,000.00 760.00 0.00 760.00 37,240.00 35,530.00 1,710.00 1,710.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Brick Block 42,500 2,125 1,063 1,063 40,375 39,398 978 0 978 293 684
4 Tile (grade 2) m2 400.00 18.00 7.20 10.80 382.00 366.40 15.60 0.00 15.60 0.00 15.60

Table 8. Obtained Data from the Studied Project for Case 2

Reference Material Unit MP MW ML M ID M NW MU M UnU M Rec MReu M Reu;SP M Reu;OP
1 Concrete m 310.00 11.47 0.00 11.47 298.53 298.53 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
2 Rebar kg 37,000.00 185.00 0.00 185.00 36,815.00 35,520.00 1,295.00 1,295.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
3 Brick Block 40,500 608 182 425 39,893 39,407 486 0 486 194 292
4 Tile (grade 2) m2 385.00 13.48 2.70 10.78 371.53 366.52 5.01 0.00 5.01 0.00 5.01

Table 9. Materials Cost in Case 1

Material Unit P1Mp P2Mw P3Rec P4Reu CL CID CReu;OP
Concrete m3 284,800,000.00 19,081,600.00 0.00 19,081,600.00 — — —
Rebar kg 551,000,000.00 11,020,000.00 4,560,000.00 0.00 — — —
Brick Block 161,500,000.00 8,075,000.00 0.00 8,075,000.00 — — —
Tile (grade 2) m2 36,000,000.00 1,620,000.00 0.00 1,620,000.00 — — —
Sum 1,033,300,000.00 39,796,600.00 4,560,000.00 28,776,600.00 880,000.00 6,600,000.00 1,033,300.00
Hints — — — — 2 pickups 6 trucks 0.1% of PMp
Note: All costs are in Rials. 1, 2, 3, and 4: Total value of purchased, wasted, recycled and reused materials, respectively.

© ASCE 04018029-8 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

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12 man-hour
is highlighted by several scholars (e.g., Zhang et al. 2005). Fig. 2
demonstrates Cases 1 and 2 and the procedure of implementing

the proposed model.

Illustration by Example

1.5% of PMp

The developed financial-based incentive plan is independent of the
type of construction project. However, to assess the applicability
and effectiveness of the proposed model, it has to be applied to
one actual construction project (Tam and Tam 2008) to obtain

quantities of parameters of Eq. (19) for both Case 1 (parameters

with subscript 1, when the financial-based incentive plan is not
applied to the project) and Case 2 (parameters with subscript 2,


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when the financial-based incentive plan is applied to the project).

A form was designed and reviewed by six construction industry
experts to gather the required data for both cases. The form asked

0.1% of PMp
the builder to provide builder’s personal information; project in-

formation; materials information; additional costs such as training,

adopting solutions, employing waste coordinator, transporting
reusable material to other projects; and costs of jerrybuilding
and reworks. One question was open-ended, asking the builder

for further suggestions. The selected project was a residential

3 Trucks
building project in Ardebil, Iran. In Case 1, similar to the verifi-


cation of Tam and Tam (2008), the builder, based on his 32 years
of experience in constructing residential buildings, was asked to
estimate the parameters of Eq. (19) assuming that the proposed
financial-based plan would not be applied. In Case 2, the proposed

1 pickup
financial-based incentive plan was implemented in the project

while construction and the quantities of parameters of Eq. (19)
were obtained. The form containing all the inputs of Eq. (19)
was completed and returned on 26 May 2016. Calculations were
done using Microsoft Excel. The characteristics of this project and

the studied materials are shown in Tables 5 and 6, respectively. —

The gathered data for both cases of the studied project are shown
in Tables 7 and 8. Costs of both cases are calculated according
to collected data and proposed financial-based incentive plan for-
mulation. Tables 9 and 10 illustrate calculations for Cases 1 and 2,




The results of the illustrative example and calculations reveal

Table 10. Cost of the Materials and Implementation of the Model in Case 2

that owing to implemented financial-based incentive plan, the

following points were seen:
• The total cost of purchasing materials (PMp in Tables 9 and 10)
is reduced from 1033.3 million Rials (MR) to 1001 MR

(a 3.13% reduction, 1 MR ¼ 28.57 US$).

• The total value of wasted materials (PMw in Tables 9 and 10)


is reduced from 39.80 MR to 16.41 MR, suggesting a 58.8%

• Cost saving due to recycling materials (PRec in Tables 9
and 10) is reduced from 4.56 MR to 1.11 MR, which is

a reasonable value. The only studied recyclable material

was rebar waste, which was reduced after financial-based in-


centive plan implementation due to excessive purchase order

• Similarly, cost saving due to reusing materials (PReu in
Note: All costs are in Rials.

Tables 9 and 10) is reduced from 28.78 MR to 13.73 MR

because of the drop in excessive purchase order of reusable


• The cost of landfilling (CL in Tables 9 and 10) was decreased by
half (from 0.88 MR to 0.44 MR).
Tile (grade 2)

• The cost of illegal dumping (CID in Tables 9 and 10) was


decreased by half (from 6.60 MR to 3.30 MR).



• According to contractor estimation, the cost of reusing



materials in other projects, CReu;OP , and cost of hiring a waste

© ASCE 04018029-9 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(5): 04018029

coordinator, CWM , to put on-site policies into practice are as Conclusion
Construction waste generation poses environmental, social, and
CReu;OP ≈ 0.1% × Total Cost Of Purchasing Materials economic problems for nations. To manage materials wastage,
≈ 0.1% × PMP ð24Þ two classes of remedial solutions exist: penalizing and incentiviz-
ing. To decide which one is preferable from the construction indus-
try experts’ point of view, a questionnaire survey was conducted
CWM ≈ 1.5% × Total Cost Of Purchasing Materials
and it resulted that the latter is more desired. The reasons for this
≈ 1.5% × PMP ð25Þ preference (according to the conducted questionnaire survey) are
given in the following:
• Based on Eq. (19) as well as summarized information and 1. Incentivizing is a more ethical solution since:
calculations in Tables 5–10, the reward equals 34.81 MR. • Promoting professional ethics through incentives is easier.
Furthermore, according to Eq. (21), WRR equals • Incentivizing generates more motivation in stakeholders to
PT reduce waste.
WRR ¼ PT t¼1 × 100 2. Incentivizing is easier to manage because:
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t¼1 M P × M W ð%Þ
t t
• Penalizing needs more monitoring than incentivizing does.
21.44 − 11.47 þ 760 − 185 þ 2125 − 608 þ 18 − 13.48 • If a policy such as penalizing needs monitoring, stakeholders
320 × 6.7% þ 38000 × 2% þ 42500 × 5% þ 400 × 4.5% will try to circumvent it, which eventually reduces the pol-
¼ 72.03 ð26Þ icy’s efficiency.
3. Incentivizing is more compatible with sustainable development
With respect to Eq. (22), because 60 < WRR ¼ 72.03 < 100, goals because:
then 70 and 30% of the reward will be allocated to labors • Incentive-based plans work better than penalizing ones to
and other stakeholders, respectively. reduce national demand for building materials.
• Since the proposed financial-based incentive plan cut excessive • It is more environment-friendly than penalizing.
purchase of reusable and recyclable materials such as rebar and • Widespread application of incentive-based plans to construc-
tile, the cost savings resulting from reusing and recycling tion projects will save more natural resources than penalizing
materials in Case 2 are less than Case 1. will.
• Results of the illustrative example guarantee that the proposed • Incentivizing is more preferred than penalizing in order to
financial-based incentive plan can be implemented successfully in promote utilization of biodegradable materials.
construction projects regardless of geographic location because Based on these results, subsequent content analysis, and plug-
the design of the model is independent of the locality. ging gaps identified in existing incentive-based models, a new and
During the interviews, the builder and the waste coordinator more detailed financial incentive-based plan was developed in
stated that they could feel that less material is purchased and less the present research. To test the efficiency of the plan, it was
waste is produced in comparison with the similar projects they pre- implemented in a real construction project, which confirmed its
viously were involved in. In addition to the implemented reward serviceability.
scheme, the application of the plan engenders a powerful driving In summary, this paper contributes to the construction engineer-
force to focus on waste reduction. Stakeholders are motivated ac- ing and management, built environment, and sustainable construc-
tively to reuse and recycle various types of construction materials. tion global communities by comparing incentive-based and
Therefore, the assessed project shows some improvement in waste penalty-based construction waste reduction schemes; providing
reduction. evidence of preference for incentivizing by enumerating its advan-
tages over penalizing; and finally, introducing professional ethics
and personal motivation as two important factors in significant con-
Results struction waste reduction as well as sustainable building materials
management. This is accomplished by basing the design of a re-
The results of the questionnaire survey indicated that incentivizing
ward plan on motivating project stakeholders and developers,
works better than penalizing to reduce construction waste. In this
which is focused on detailed net benefit calculation being appli-
regard, a number of factors are determined to be effective on the
cable to construction projects regardless of their type, geographic
success of the financial incentive-based plan including viability,
location, and kind of construction waste they generate.
involving as many stakeholders as possible, adopting waste reduc-
tion solutions in waste origins, promoting professional ethics in
construction sites, training stakeholders sufficiently before apply- Research Limitations
ing the reward plan, increasing reuse and recycle rates by hiring a
waste coordinator and assigning predetermined tasks to him/her, The findings of this research are based on conducting a survey cov-
controlling quality through managerial tools, setting waste thresh- ering 81 samples as well as studying one residential building. Since
olds, preventing abuses, minimizing reworks, and persuading construction waste reduction is not a top priority for project man-
stakeholders by distributing net benefits purposefully (i.e., increas- agers, surplus costs of construction waste reduction grab more at-
ing shares proportional to effort of each stakeholder in waste reduc- tention and encourage them to overlook its benefits. Therefore,
tion based on a ladder approach). The illustrative example of this implementing the suggested plan required support from top man-
study revealed that the developed financial-based incentive plan agement. In addition, before applying the developed incentive-
saves money by reducing quantities of purchased materials, wasted based plan, training was required to incentivize the stakeholders.
materials, landfilled wastes, and illegally dumped wastes. Finally, Furthermore, employing new stakeholder of waste coordinator
the proposed financial-based incentive plan can be implemented made the site more crowded. Finally, in this research, wasted
successfully in construction projects regardless of geographic material during transporting reusable wastes to other projects
location, because the design of the model is independent of the has been included in the quantity of wasted material while trans-
locality. porting [waste origin number 4, see Eq. (8) and Table 3].

© ASCE 04018029-10 J. Constr. Eng. Manage.

J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(5): 04018029

Appendix. Construction Waste Reduction Questionnaire
The questionnaire survey, presented in Fig. 3, was conducted to determine whether financial incentive or penalty would reduce construction
waste generation more effectively.
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Fig. 3. Construction waste reduction questionnaire

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J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 2018, 144(5): 04018029

Data Availability Statement Llatas, C. (2011). “A model for quantifying construction waste in projects
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Acknowledgments Ma, G., Wang, A., Li, N., Gu, L., and Ai, Q. (2014). “Improved critical
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The authors are grateful to all people who participated in the ques- projects.” J. Constr. Eng. Manage., 10.1061/(ASCE)CO.1943-7862
tionnaire survey and the illustrative example. They also sincerely .0000908, 04014055.
thank the editors and the anonymous reviewers whose comments Marzouk, M., and Azab, S. (2014). “Environmental and economic impact
and suggestions improved and clarified this paper. assessment of construction and demolition waste disposal using system
dynamics.” Resour. Conserv. Recycling, 82, 41–49.
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