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hospital practice and patient care

Nigeria health care system

Nigeria has three tiers of healthcare system. The Nigerian federal ministry of health formed the national
healthcare policy. This organisation makes out policies that provides comprehensive health care services
to all citizens of Nigeria using the available resources such that individuals and communities are ensured
adequate health condition and enjoyment of living. To achieve this goal, the healthcare system was
divided into three

Primary health care

The main objective is to provide basic health care

it is the responsibility of the local government.

under this tier we have health centres , health district & health units

at the primary health centre there are sanitation services,health orientation, family planning antenatal
first aid treatment delivery humanization circumcision vaccinations at sea

workers include nurses lab attendant sanitation workers doctors

private health practitioners are under the primary health care system

the primary healthcare system is under the supervision supervision of the district health officer to the
district hospital it is found mostly in rural areas

secondary healthcare

these chairs under the administration of the state government they are called general hospitals each
government as a general hospital and they offer a more specialised services than the primary healthcare
centres the hospitals are a point of reference after the primary health care as field general hospitals
have more specialised and advanced services EG surgery lab technicians diagnostics to therapy
pharmacy medical laboratory services and someone they are more medical personnel under the
secondary healthcare system there are no private practitioners under the system under the supervision
of the commissioner of health through the state ministry of health

tertiary health care

it is under the administration of the Federal government under the supervision of the federal minister of
health the hospitals under the tertiary health care of very elaborate this hospitals have different
departments and numerous specialist AG pediatricians radiologist neurosurgeons cardiologist all the
services provided in the primary and secondary roads can be found in the tertiary healthcare found in
urban areas

types of hospitals in Nigeria teaching hospitals federal medical center's specialist hospitals

teaching hospitals they usually owned by universities with medical students teaching hospitals are under
the tertiary health care and are therefore specialised

specialist hospitals is hospitals that accept specialised medical personnel neuro psychiatrist hospital's
orthopaedic hospitals they also give training to students

federal medical centres they are not owned by universities who offer training to medical field

management of hospitals teaching hospital management board orthopaedic hospital management


clinical medicine

diagnostic investigative

rehabilitative preventive therapy tick medicine

we are the eye of medicine

body planes

sagittal lateral plane this is an imaginary plane passing from the front through the centre of the body to
the back and dividing the body into right and left

midsagittal plane this is a sagittal plane through the middle of the body and dividing into right and left

axial transverse plane this is an imaginary plane dividing the body into superior and inferior parts

coronal plane frontal plane this is a vertical imaginary plane running from side to side from right to left
and dividing the body into anterior and posterior parts
transpyloric Addison's plane an imaginary line located at the level of l1 first lumbar vertebrae and needs
help with between the suprasternal jugular notch and the pubic symphysis

subcostal plane is an imaginary horizontal plane at the level of l3 and bisects the body as a level of the
10th costal cartilage what is the lower border of the kidney

trans umbilical umbilical plane this is an horizontal line through the abdomen at the level of the

supracostal play this is a transverse plane passing through the anterior superior iliac spine marking the
boundary between lateral and oblique origin superiorly and the ingredient and pubic region in phelan

midclavicular line play this is an imaginary line parallel to the long axis of the body passing through the
midpoint of the clavicle on the ventral surface of the body it is important for a number of reasons

four assessment of liver size for assessment of art sound to find the location of the gallbladder
gallbladder is at the intersection of the line and the transpyloric plane

the nine regions of the abdomen and the organs in them

the opinion is divided into nine regions using the mid Carolina postal line and intertubercular lines

right hypochondriac region right lobe of liver right kidney right sides of large intestine right side of small

epigastric region liver stomach pancreas spleen duodenum adrenal glands

left hypochondriac region of the liver stomach pancreas spleen left kidney large intestine and small

right lumbar region ascending: right kidney small intestine

umbilical region transverse: duodenum small intestine

left lumbar region ascending: small intestine left kidney

right iliac region appendix small intestine ascending colon caecum

hypogastric region urinary bladder sigmoid: gonads

left iliac region ascending: sigmoid: small intestine

medical terminology abbreviations

cardio heart pulmonary lungs hyper xx hypo little deadly glycemia sizes pregnancy cedar falls cutaneous
skin subcutaneous below the skin ptosis nephro ptosis holy hypertrophy agenesis renal agenesis ectasis
itis cholelithiasis bronchiectasis fracture on induction RTA road traffic accident fhf hxhx indicates both
parents are diabetic family history hbhg bmo global LLP last menstrual period ga gestational age HHT
hypertensive heart disease CCF congestive cardiac failure chd congestive heart disease chd coronary
heart disease intravenous diagram of America in fraction art attack PT patient LBC red blood cell count
ABC red blood cell have a rule out s.o.b. shortnes o'brate s.o.b. shortness of breath on exertion or rest
treatment UTI urinary tract infection to RTI upper respiratory tract infection TPR temperature pulse and
respiration CBC complete blood count ca cancer neoplasia semen HR heart rate BP blood pressure mpq
new oral pmh past medical history dehydration hypovolemia CHF congestive heart failure CNS central
nervous system co-ed chronic obstructive airway disease COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
are my joy of motion FBS fasting blood sugar ABC full blood count CVA cardiovascular accident stroke
diagnosis disease CC chief complaints ENT ear nose throat ECG electrocardiography STI sexually
transmitted infection STD socially transmitted disease si Siri surgical intensive care unit a random blood
sugar high by intravenous urography

diamond list all the body systems and their chief function body cavi

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