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BIM in Hong kong Construction Industry

Coventry University




The study aims to evaluate the benefits accrued to the construction industry of Hong Kong

through the use of BIM, the impact that BIM use had on the Hong Kong construction industry,

and the differences between traditional project delivery and the project delivery using BIM. The

study achieves this through literature review and case study analysis. The case study selected for

analysis was the 70-storey One Island East commercial building in Hong Kong, which was one

of the first buildings that used BIM in Hong Kong. The case study examines the benefits that the

contractor, owner, and other stakeholders of the building in particular and the benefits that the

local Hong Kong construction industry received in general. The literature review looks at the

various definitions of BIM, the level of adoption of BIM in various countries, the different

features of BIM, the different types of BIM, and the comparison of traditional and BIM-based

project delivery. During the comparison, the traditional approaches, the waste reduction due to

BIM utilization, and the BIM approaches were discussed. The research methodology adopted by

the study included a interpretivist paradigm using inductive approach and qualitative

methodology as the study is exploratory in nature.

Keywords: BIM, One Island East, Hong Kong


Table of Contents


Table of Contents.................................................................................................................3

List of Figures......................................................................................................................6

List of Tables.......................................................................................................................8

BIM in Hongkong................................................................................................................9

1. Introduction......................................................................................................................9

1.1. Research Background...............................................................................................9

1.1.1. Building Information Management (BIM)........................................................9

1.1.2. Hong Kong Construction Industry...................................................................11

1.1.3. Research Questions..........................................................................................15

1.2. Research Methodology...........................................................................................15

2. Literature Review..........................................................................................................16

2.1. Definitions of BIM.................................................................................................16

2.1.1. Definition of BIM as a Model.........................................................................16

2.1.2. BIM as a Representation..................................................................................17

2.1.3. BIM as a Process.............................................................................................17

2.1.4. BIM as an Interdisciplinary Set.......................................................................17

2.1.5. BIM as Instrument...........................................................................................18

2.2. BIM Adoption.........................................................................................................18


2.2.1. United States....................................................................................................19

2.2.2. United Kingdom..............................................................................................19

2.2.3. Scandinavian Region.......................................................................................20

2.2.4. Singapore.........................................................................................................21

2.2.5. Japan................................................................................................................22

2.2.6. Australia...........................................................................................................22

2.2.7. China................................................................................................................22

2.2.8. Hong Kong.......................................................................................................23

2.3. Features of BIM......................................................................................................24

2.4. Types of BIM..........................................................................................................25

2.5. Impact of BIM in the AEC Industry.......................................................................28

2.6. BIM Benefits for Construction...............................................................................29

2.7. Comparison of Traditional and BIM-based Approach............................................36

2.7.1. Traditional Construction Approach..................................................................36

2.7.2. Waste in Construction Industry........................................................................44

2.7.3. BIM Approach.................................................................................................45

3. Research Methodology and Design...............................................................................49

3.1. Research Philosophy and Design............................................................................49

3.2. Research Philosophy...............................................................................................50

3.2.1. Research Approaches to Theory Development................................................52


3.2.2. Research Methodology....................................................................................52

3.2.3. Time Horizon...................................................................................................53

3.2.4. Data Collection................................................................................................54

4. Results and Discussion..................................................................................................55

4.1. One Island East (OIE) - Case Study.......................................................................55

5. Conclusions....................................................................................................................68


List of Figures

Figure 1: Capabilities stages across the 21 countries.....................................................................11

Figure 2: Hong Kong Construction Activity.................................................................................12

Figure 3: Hong Kong construction industry ecosystem................................................................12

Figure 4: Industrial fatality statistics in the HK construction industry..........................................14

Figure 5: BIM Uses throughout a Building Lifecycle...................................................................30

Figure 6: An example of exterior envelope virtual mock-up.........................................................32

Figure 7: Layers of Complex Systems at Research 2 Tower Vivarium.........................................33

Figure 8: Hennessey center safety and site logistics planning......................................................34

Figure 9: Quantity takeoff based on S-BIM..................................................................................35

Figure 10: A Comparison between “Traditional” and “BIM” Process..........................................37

Figure 11: DBB process.................................................................................................................38

Figure 12: Design-build characteristics.........................................................................................41

Figure 13: Comparison between DB and DBB.............................................................................42

Figure 14: Communication and contract pathways for CMR........................................................43

Figure 15: Project Life Cycle - ability to influence cost...............................................................46

Figure 16: Typical BIM roles and responsibilities.........................................................................48

Figure 17: Saunders research onion...............................................................................................50

Figure 18: One Island East............................................................................................................56

Figure 19: Highlights about One Island East.................................................................................57

Figure 20: A schematic diagram of the design team......................................................................60

Figure 21: The framework for collaboration.................................................................................62

Figure 22: OIE construction site in Sep 2006................................................................................63


Figure 23: Information for 3D design coordination......................................................................63

Figure 24: BIM data in a tree structure..........................................................................................64

Figure 25: Automated clash detection and management...............................................................64

Figure 26: Creation of rule-based parametric objects....................................................................65

Figure 27: Automated quantity take-off generation.......................................................................66

Figure 28: Interoperability between 2D drawings and BIM 3D model.........................................66

Figure 29: Partial MEP model of OIE...........................................................................................67

Figure 30: Construction sequence modeling through Primavera..................................................67


List of Tables

Table 1: Top 5 most expensive cities to build globally..................................................................13

Table 2: Performance of select mega-projects...............................................................................13

Table 3: BIM features....................................................................................................................25

Table 4: Key stakeholders and activities in the traditional delivery process.................................39

Table 5: BIM benefits for project stakeholders.............................................................................48

Table 6: Summary of the adopted research methodology for the study........................................50

Table 7: Essential research paradigms...........................................................................................51

Table 8: Deduction and induction: from reason to research..........................................................52


BIM in Hong kong Construction Industry

1. Introduction

1.1. Research Background

1.1.1. Building Information Management (BIM)

The first use of computers in the construction industry was to produce drawings apart

from its use in administrative tasks. Technological developments had led to three-dimensional

(3D) modeling and the use of computers began to increase for visualization of the buildings. In a

construction project, a large amount of information has to be processed and exchanged among

various departments of various disciplines which increases the information processing

requirements to a very high level (Winch, 2001). For construction project delivery organizations,

these information processing requirements are even higher as they have to process information

from every project singly as well as integrate information from various discrete projects to

conduct multi-project management (Winch, 2014). BIM enables users to generate, store,

exchange, and reuse building information and domain knowledge throughout the lifecycle of a

building (Gu and London, 2010; Vanlande, Nicolle and Cruz, 2008).

The construction industry in several countries such as the US and the UK have suffered

constant decline in performance while manufacturing and other industries have had productivity-

enhancing changes continuously (Sveikauskas et al., 2016). There has been continuous scrutiny

of the construction industry for its failure to meet stakeholder expectations and the inherent

inefficiencies in its processes (Demian and Walters, 2014). According to the Construction

Industry Training Board (CITB) (2017), the prediction of both the cost and time for design and

construction processes is inconsistent in most projects, causing project stakeholder


The construction industry is characterized by collaboration by multi-disciplinary

departments and their interactions whose processes and information are interwoven. The critical

success factors for communicating, integrating, and aligning the values of these departments is

necessary given that the interdependence and design and construction tasks complexity has been

growing (Knotten et al., 2015). Longitudinal studies over multiple decades have identified the

need for improvements in project communication and changing confrontational procurement and

contractual structures as critical strategies for benefiting the construction sector (Cahill and

Puybaraud, 2008; Murray, 2003; Wolstenholme et al., 2009).

BIM emerged as a critical process that emerged as an innovation related to technology

and policy. BIM is increasingly adopted or mandated by governments across the work as BIM it

enables, over the entire project lifecycle of the project, to digital facility modeling, performance

simulation, and manage information flow. Figure 1 shows the BIM adoption in 21 different

countries and their capability stages.

Figure 1: Capabilities stages across the 21 countries (Kassem and Succar, 2017)

1.1.2. Hong Kong Construction Industry

According to WEF (2018), in the Global Competitive Index (GCI) for 2017-18, Hong

Kong was number one in the world for the eighth consecutive times for quality of construction.

According to Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) (2019), a significant driver for Hong

Kong economy is the construction industry as it accounts for nearly 5.2% of Gross Domestic

Product (GDP) excluding contributions from related sectors. These related sectors include real

estate that contributes a 5.1% to the GDP, professional and business services that contribute a

5.9% to the GDP, and transport and storage that contributes nearly 5.9% to the GDP, and many

others. Also, the construction industry is a significant employer as it employed approximately

340,000 comprising of management to worker jobs in 2017, while this number was 270,000 in

2011 including an estimated 120,000 manual workers employed at construction sites in 2017

(Census and Statistics Department, 2019). Figure 2 shows the construction activity for Hong

Kong from 2007 to 2027 along with forecasts while Figure 3 shows the significant stakeholders

in the construction industry in Hong Kong.

Figure 2: Hong Kong Construction Activity (KPMG, 2018)


Figure 3: Hong Kong construction industry ecosystem (KPMG, 2018)

According to a report prepared by KPMG for Hong Kong Development Bureau in

September 2018, Hong Kong had recorded a construction activity volume of HK$1.9 trillion

over the past decade, and the construction investment is expected to grow to HK$2.5 trillion in

Hong Kong over the next decade (KPMG, 2018), also shown in Figure 2. While the healthy

pipeline of construction is a positive sign for the construction, several disturbing factors plague

the construction industry in Hong Kong. The construction industry in Hong Kong has an aging

workforce, Hong Kong tends to lag in innovation and in adopting advanced technologies, and is

amongst the most expensive markets for construction in the world as shown in Table 1 (KPMG,

2018). Hong Kong also witnessed a series of incidents in megaprojects where there have been

unsatisfactory cost performance and delays in commissioning as shown in Table 2, safety

incidents at the sites as shown in Figure 4, and quality-related issues related to construction

delivery (KPMG, 2018).

Table 1: Top 5 most expensive cities to build globally (Arcadis, 2018; Turner & Townsend, 2019)

Ranking Arcadis International Turner & Townsend

Construction Costs 2018 International Construction
market survey 2018
1 New York City San Francisco
2 San Francisco New York City
3 Hong Kong Hong Kong
4 Zurich Toronto
5 London Boston

Table 2: Performance of select mega-projects (KPMG, 2018)

Figure 4: Industrial fatality statistics in the HK construction industry (KPMG, 2018)

In Hong Kong, there are nearly 25,000 companies in the construction industry out of

which 75% have a gross work activity of less than HK$5 million. About 321 companies

considered as main contractors performed nearly half of the total gross value of construction

work performed in Hong Kong. This shows that a few of the companies have high degree of

market control, and the rest of the industry is highly fragmented (KPMG, 2018). There is a

significant level of subcontracting that happens in Hong Kong, mostly in the case of private

contracts. While subcontracting is beneficial as it becomes easier to secure specialist skills, there

can be intermediary organizations that generate commissions without performing any physical

work or services in Hong Kong (KPMG, 2018).

In Hong Kong, the Construction Industry Council (CICHK) had developed a BIM

implementation roadmap in construction industry by taking up several initiatives (Fung, 2014).

These strategies include “push and pull” strategies. Push strategies include developing policies

that encourage BIM adoption by the industry, while the pull strategies facilitate industry-wide

buy-in and industry-wide readiness. CICHK has proposed seventeen initiatives across nine areas

which include 1) Collaboration, 2) Incentive and Proven Benefit, 3) Standard and Common

Practice, 4) Legal and Insurance, 5) Information Sharing and Handover, 6) Promotion and

Education, 7) Compliant BIM Tool, 8) Audit and Risk Management, and 9) Global

Competitiveness (Fung, 2014).

1.1.3. Research Questions

The research questions that the thesis tries to answer are as follows:

RQ1. What are the benefits that the construction industry of Hong Kong gets from BIM


RQ2. What is the impact of BIM use on the Hong Kong construction industry?

RQ3. What are the differences between traditional and BIM-based project delivery?

1.1.4. Research Aim and Objectives

The study bears the following objectives:

1. To identify the barriers to the use of BIM technology in property facility management

practittioners in Hong Kong.

2. To provide reccomendations for ways in which property facilitators, managers, and

practitoners can enhance the use of BIM

To ensure the attainment of the the above objectives, the study:

i. Reviewed previous literature on the barriers and enablers to the use BIM;

ii. Analyze literature on successful cases foof BIM implementation both locally and overseees

iii. Compose a questionnaire survey to investigate and capture the opinion of property

facilitators and managers on barriers to, and enablers for, the use of BIM.

iv.The study examine the survey data and identify the major barriers and enablers of the use of


v. Draft recommendations on the appropriate ways of the use of BIM technology for

property/facility management practitioners in Hong Kong.

1.2. Research Methodology

Since this is exploratory research, the researcher used a qualitative research methodology.

Qualitative research is preferred as it provides insights and any future researcher can develop

hypotheses from the current for quantitative research (Wilson, 2014). The researcher intends to

use a case study analysis method for this research. The rationale behind the selection of this

method is that it allows an in-depth study of the phenomenon of BIM adoption, usage, benefits,

and impacts on the construction industry, which is a contemporary phenomenon (Teegavarapu,

Summers and Mocko, 2008).


2. Literature Review

2.1. Definitions of BIM

BIM has been defined by various researcher and practitioners in various ways based on

how they viewed BIM to be. The definitions of BIM fall under five categories based on how they

were viewed by the practitioners. These five categories relate to BIM being viewed as a model, a

process, a representation, as an instrument, or an interdisciplinary set. The following are the BIM

definitions according to each category. The diversity of the definitions shows that BIM has a

vital role to play in construction management and the different countries and regions are all not

on the same page regarding BIM adoption and implementation.

2.1.1. Definition of BIM as a Model


2.1.2. BIM as a Representation

2.1.3. BIM as a Process

2.1.4. BIM as an Interdisciplinary Set


2.1.5. BIM as Instrument

2.2. BIM Adoption

BIM originated from robust IT modeling programs in the 1970s and 1980s, but the real

origin of BIM can be considered as the date when the first version of ArchiCAD software

program appeared in 1982. However, the shift from traditional practice to the real BIM

implementation happened in 2000 as the software program Revit was put into use for project

practice (Bergin, 2012). Several researchers had investigated the advantages and disadvantages

of adopting BIM in construction projects in single projects or small samples (Ahmad, Demian

and Price, 2013; Bryde, Broquetas and Volm, 2013; Cook, 2014). However, a long-term study by

McGraw Hill Construction (2014) shows an increase of BIM adoption rate during the past few

years with the adoption rate in North America increasing from 28% in 2007 to 71% in 2012.

A survey in 2013 of 727 global contractors from countries such as Australia, Brazil,

Canada, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, South Korea, the United Kingdom and the

United States showed that the US took the lead in BIM implementation and outperformed BIM

adoption in countries such as UK, Japan, Germany, Canada, and France (MGH Construction,

2014). A quantitative assessment of emerging markets China and India show a significant

upward trend (MGH Construction, 2014), which is in line with the prediction that the BIM

market will grow from $1.8 billion in 2012 to $6.5 billion in 2020 (Langdon, 2013).

2.2.1. United States

The US leads in BIM adoption and development in the construction industry, with the

construction and maintenance of all federal building and facilities being managed by General

Service Administration (GSA) (Wong, Wong and Nadeem, 2009a). GSA had pioneered the

advocacy of employing BIM in public projects and initiated a national 3D-4D BIM program

through Public Building Service (PBS) in 2003 and conducted the study to validate BIM usage

for spatial programs on those projects in 2007 (Khemlani, 2012). GSA is the top public client

with approximately 8700 buildings with more than 300 million square feet of space across the

US and also develops guidelines and standards such as national BIM Standard to play a critical

role in promoting BIM adoption in the US (CIBER, 2012). It is also planning to increase its scale

by including project lifecycle and validation of spatial programs, laser scanning, 4D phasing, and

other activities. The US may follow the GSA lead and use BIM in construction projects in Air

Force and Coast Guard and the US Army Corps of Engineers (CIBER, 2012).

2.2.2. United Kingdom

The UK government set BIM implementation as a strategy, and it was considered as the

most advanced and ambitious program in construction industry (Blackwell and UK Government,

2012). According to the program which was initiated in 2011, all government projects had to

adopt BIM on or after 2016. The implementation of BIM-enabled realization of 20% savings in

the construction budgets (Cabinet Office, 2011). The UK government is aiming to play a leading

role in the world in BIM implementation rapidly (Withers, 2012). To realize this in a short span

of five years, the UK government injected resources into establishing BIM task group that is

tasked in covering the major supply chain issues related to public sector and private sector to

facilitate BIM delivery (MGH Construction, 2014).

2.2.3. Scandinavian Region

Apart from the US, Scandinavian region consisting of Norway, Denmark, and Finland is

another global leader in BIM adoption and development as they were the first few countries that

intended to use ArchiCAD software, promote interoperability, open standards, developing

information foundation classes (IFC), and use model-based design. Construction projects in this

region use prefabrication as an essential element as they use BIM modeling technology

extensively, which illustrates the best use of BIM to support construction project (Khemlani,

2012). The governments in the Scandinavian region offer considerable support to BIM adoption

which can be ascertained by the fact that Finnish government invested massive investments in IT

research in construction since 1970s that has enabled a background setting for BIM practice in

Finland. The Universal BIM Guide was published to support BIM implementation in the

construction industry. In the Scandinavian region, as in the US and UK, the public sector is the

key driver in promoting BIM implementation (Bragança, 2007).

The Danish government is an active supporter of BIM adoption by spending a significant

amount in IT research and development. Also, clients such as the Danish University Property

Agency, Defense Construction Service, and Palaces and Properties Agency have requirements

for using BIM in construction projects due to which BIM implementation accelerated (Bragança,

2007). In Norway, the firm Statbygg conducts and promotes the BIM practice and also maintains

most of the government facilities. The company had started adoption of BIM in 2007 and

required compliance with IFC standards since 2010 (Bragança, 2007).

2.2.4. Singapore

The construction industry in Singapore did not see a comprehensive implementation of

BIM until 2015 when Singapore Building and Construction Agency (BCA) made using BIM an

essential requirement for public projects (Bragança, 2007). To support this initiative, Singapore

government raised S$250 million through a special vehicle; Construction Productivity and

Capability Fund (CPCF). CPCF was tasked with developing BIM as a strategy in construction

industry. In 2000, Singapore had set up Construction and Real Estate Network (CoreNet) for

fostering use and development of IT in construction. CoreNet was at the forefront in advocating

the BIM adoption and implementation through its built-in e-Plan Check system which enables

architects and engineers to check the BIM design of a project through an online gateway.

Singapore took advantage of IFC standards to take the lead in BIM implementation in Asia

(Bragança, 2007).

Due to the policies promoting BIM in Singapore, local practitioners are trained in various

BIM skills, which increases the percentage of BIM-skilled workforce at the industry level

(Cheng, 2013). Therefore, fewer draftspersons are needed, and they can be replaced by skilled

modelers. Kaner et al. (2008) conducted four case studies and found that using BIM to model

production of error-free fabrication drawings resulted in savings of approximately 2.6%, 20.3%,

27.7%, and 47.3% of working hours, respectively in the four case studies compared to traditional

CAD tools.

2.2.5. Japan

Due to supply chain management, post-construction activities, and use of model-driven

robotics which had adopted BIM extensively in Japan, BIM adoption rate in Japan is high

making it the leader in BIM implementation practitioner in Asia (MGH Construction, 2014).

2.2.6. Australia

Australia lags in BIM implementation and adoption compared to other countries

mentioned earlier due to lack of sufficient government support. However, voluntary adoption of

BIM usage is increasing as other project stakeholders are adopting BIM for the potential

productivity and competitive advantage that it delivers to them. In Australia, the organization

BuildingSmart takes the initiative in BIM development and implementation (CIBER, 2012).

2.2.7. China

China lags behind other countries in BIM implementation. A survey conducted in 2012

by China Construction Industry Association 85% of 388 responding construction companies did

not use BIM as they considered BIM as additional work rather than as a tool that assists in

improving productivity in construction projects (MGH Construction, 2014). As implementation

of BIM requires expenditure that reduces the incentives of project stakeholders and practitioners,

many practitioners were reluctant to adopt BIM in their projects. Also, the laws related to

construction in China cause design and construction stages to be separated, which reduces the

advantages of BIM implementation due to which projects rely on traditional practices (MGH

Construction, 2014). China established a BIM Union in 2013 as part of China Industry

Technology Innovation Strategic Alliance by the Ministry of Science and Technology to pave the

way for developing BIM standards and future developments and practice (NATSPEC, 2016).

2.2.8. Hong Kong

BIM adoption is mainly driven through the requirement by clients or project owners and

uses one-off style BIM practice. The significant institutes that drive BIM adoption in Hong Kong

are Development Bureau, Housing Authority, and Hong Kong Institute of Building Information

Modelling (HKIBIM) (MGH Construction, 2014). The mandate of Development bureau is to

plan, implement, and manage BIM implementation in infrastructure development in public sector

(Wong, Wong and Nadeem, 2009a). The Hong Kong Housing Authority (HKHA) is one of the

public governmental agencies that adopt BIM in design, construction coordination, and

sustainability studies. HKHA established BIM center in 2009 and piloted a series of public

housing projects and realized substantial savings as well increases in productivity due to

effective collaboration, optimization of design, better planning, clash detection. Hong Kong is

also looking at expanding BIM implementation in more application areas such as an automatic

bill of material (BOM) extraction from BIM models, checking compliance with building codes

and regulations, integration with the specifications, and prefabrication and assembly (Wong,

Wong and Nadeem, 2009a, 2010). A group of stakeholders, corporations, and BIM application

experts established HKIBIM in 2009 and is the first professional body in the world for

promoting and facilitating BIM applications in the building environment (Wong, Wong and

Nadeem, 2010).

2.3. Features of BIM

BIM has seen widespread use in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC)

industry for several years and can potentially become the information backbone of the industry

(Eastman et al., 2018; Cheng and Ma, 2013). Due to technological advances, the BIM

capabilities are increasing. The concept of BIM keeps developing and is now thought as the

definitive project delivery tool in the construction industry (Joannides, Olbina and Issa, 2012).

Based on the definitions in the previous section, the M in BIM can be management, model, or

modeling. Ahmad, Demian, and Price (2012) analyzed sixteen different definitions of BIM and

identified eight keywords that appeared at least three times in each of these definitions. Table 3

shows the features of BIM-based on the keywords, which are in the headings.

Table 3: BIM features (Ahmad, Demian and Price, 2012)

2.4. Types of BIM

Several studies discuss about the application of different dimensions of BIM such as three

dimensional modelings (3D), construction scheduling and sequencing (4D), costing (5D),

sustainability (6D) and as-built modelling for facilities operations and maintenance (7D) (Wang,

2011; Abbasnejad and Moud, 2013; Redmond et al., 2012). However, Gammon (2018) takes it

further and defines ten dimensions of BIM. According to Gammon (2018), their integrated

project delivery (IDPD) includes geometry as the third dimension (3D), planning through

software such as Synchro Pro that lets the activities to be sequenced and scheduled (4D), and

quantification that lets generation of all materials (BOM) and cost estimates automatically (5D).

The sixth dimension of IDPD allows using BIM for reaching their sustainability objectives (6D),

seventh dimension allows facility management (7D), eighth dimension allows design

collaboration between stakeholders (8D), ninth dimension allows control of robotics such as

drones and Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machines (9D), and tenth dimension allows

using Artificial Intelligence (AI) for automatic scheduling, planning, and modelling (10D).

The following is a detailed description of the use of 3D-BIM to 5D-BIM, which are

construction-related activities (Eastman et al., 2018).


Also, according to Ashcraft (2008), BIM uses include 1) allows single data entry and

multiple usages; 2) ensures accuracy of design; 3) ensures consistency of design bases; 4) allows

3D modeling; 5) allows identification and resolution of conflict and clashes; 6) allows

estimation; 7) allows visualization of alternative solutions and options; 8) allows optimizations

such as energy optimization; 9) allows reviews and 4D simulation of constructability; 10) allows

control of fabrication errors and costs; and 11) allows functional simulations. According to

Baldwin (2012), at the design stage, BIM allows modeling of the existing conditions, spatial

programming, authoring models, and coordinating designs. At the analysis stage, BIM allows

structural, lighting, and energy analysis, auditing of the model, and checking the code. At the

construction stage, BIM allows utilization of the site, 4D sequencing of the construction, 5D

estimation of cost and material take-off, and digital fabrication. During operations, BIM allows

scheduling maintenance, management of assets and space, and expansion of the facility. For data

management, BIM allows change management, reporting, and tracking issues, providing

platforms for collaboration, metadata management, database linking, and provides

interoperability and exchange of files (Baldwin, 2012).


According to Gray et al. (2013), a survey about the patterns of BIM in Australia, Korea,

China, Indonesia, the UK, Canada, Brazil, India and the US found that the patterns include

interdisciplinary usage, project lifecycle stages, integration of technology including compatibility

of software, organizational issues, and interoperability. Therefore, it can be considered that BIM

usage is varied and has a broad range of applications. Since one person cannot have proficiency

in all the types of usages and one company or project may not need all the functions offered by

BIM, one should be careful about the right functions applicable for one’s project or company.

2.5. Impact of BIM in the AEC Industry

BIM mirrors the transformation that is occurring within the AEC industry and offers

many benefits that include enhanced efficiency, accuracy, speed, coordination, and consistency. It

allows for energy analysis, and reduction of project costs and various stakeholders can benefit

from this. Stakeholders such as the owners, architects, engineers, contractors and contracting

companies, and professionals can benefit from this (Mandhar and Mandhar, 2013). BIM allows

improvement and support for business practices when compared with traditional practices that

include two-dimensional CAD or paper-based practices (Eastman et al., 2018). As constructions

projects become more and more complex and the communication and information sharing

requirements become more complicated due to the requirement for collaboration, the necessity of

BIM for managing the projects becomes highly required. Moreover, BIM serves the needs of all

the stakeholders during the design, construction, and forecasting and budgeting processes

(Weygant, 2011).

The adoption of BIM shows that the construction industry accepts and acknowledges its

potential to enhance the integration between procurement and actual operations (Lorch, 2012).

According to Sebastian and Berlo (2010), BIM makes it possible to incorporate the frameworks

as well as technologies required for integrating processes and object-oriented information across

the lifecycle of a building in a multi-dimensional model. Collaboration is mandated when

contracting parties and stakeholders utilize BIM (Eastman et al., 2018). BIM usage can enhance

the building value, reduce the duration of the project, provide accurate and reliable cost

estimates, generating facilities that are market-ready, and allows facility management in an

optimized manner (Eastman et al., 2018). According to Sarno (2012), integration of BIM, project

management of the construction, and infrastructure lifecycle management (ILM) allow

stakeholders to benefit from enhanced efficiencies throughout the project lifecycle, achieve

control, and get more savings. BIM allows the creation of models that are rich about the

information related to geometric, topology and semantic details and the life cycle of a facility

resulting in an improved communication, coordination, analysis, and quality control (MGH

Construction, 2012). BIM reduces waste, is green as it reduces energy usage, assists in

sustainable demolition, allows an array of interdisciplinary design review, allows many

collaborative activities, and coordination and clash detection (Karlshøj, 2012; Kolpakov, 2012).

2.6. BIM Benefits for Construction

BIM finds many uses in construction, and Figure 4 shows these various uses in design

(preconstruction), construction, and operation (post-construction) phases.


Figure 5: BIM Uses throughout a Building Lifecycle (Aumba et al., 2009)

To maximize BIM impact on a project, its use during the design phase has to be

maximized as it can influence the cost maximum when used so. The team can coordinate to

provide solutions before problems cause high-cost impacts to the project. Using BIM enhances

the collaborative efforts of the team. Architects and engineers can test energy analysis and design

ideas. The contractor can check the provided constructability, sequencing, value, and engineering

reports, and during the early stages of design, start 3D coordination between subcontractors and

vendors. The owner can check the visualization of the design (Aumba et al., 2009).

BIM usage is also beneficial if used during the construction phase. However, it does not

have as much impact on the cost as it has when used during the design phase as seen in Figure 11

as the construction progresses. BIM can still be used for sequencing, cost estimation, fabrication,

and onsite BIM, which are discussed below. During the post-construction phase, maintenance

scheduling, building system analysis, asset management, and space management and tracking,

disaster planning, and record modeling can help in the building maintenance throughout its

lifecycle. By connecting the record model to building automation systems (BAS), it becomes

possible to control and monitor the use of mechanical and electrical equipment, thereby

providing a successful location-based maintenance program. Also, building system analysis can

be used to analyze the energy, lighting, and mechanical energy can be used to measure building’s

performance and initiate upgrades as needed (Aumba et al., 2009). Visualization

BIM is a great visualization tool and provides a 3D virtual representation of the building

and allows provision of walkthroughs, renderings, and modeling construction sequences during

the bidding phase. Due to this, the model can be communicated to the contractors who are

invited to bid as it provides a better understanding of what the final product may look like and

visualize and make informed decisions on the aesthetics and functionality of the space as

depicted in Figure 6 (Khemlani, 2012).


Figure 6: An example of exterior envelope virtual mock-up (Khemlani, 2012) 3D Coordination

The construction team must collaborate with the architect, engineer, and the owner in the

early design phase to properly implement BIM. The construction manager can convert 2D

drawings provided by the architect to 3D intelligent models. In the case of contractor

involvement, there is a need to spatially coordinate their work, especially in the case of MEP

contractors. The construction manager can start the 3D coordination immediately after creating

the model to ensure resolution of any same space interference (hard clash) or clearance clash

(soft clash) conflicts. Therefore, coordination between construction manager and specialty

contractors before construction can reduce design errors tremendously. For example, Research 2

Tower Project of Colorado Denver Health Science Center had implemented whereas the

Research 1 Tower did not. The latter had significant problems in mechanical systems. Figure 7

shows the 3D MEP coordination for Research Tower 2, work planning for concrete placement,

and assembly instruction models. The project benefited by reduction of RFIs by 37% and

reduction in change orders by 32% (MGH Construction, 2009).


Figure 7: Layers of Complex Systems at Research 2 Tower Vivarium (MGH Construction, 2009) Prefabrication

Prefabrication delivers benefits such as reduced cost and time of field labor and increased

accuracy and quality of the construction as the prefabrication allows usage of tools and options

that are readily available in a controlled environment of the prefabrication site to deliver better

results. BIM can provide the level of accuracy required for prefabrication, but the BIM used for

the project is interoperable with the software used by fabricators so that approved designs can be

fabricated using CNC machines at the prefabrication site and ensure the delivery on schedule.

Complicated steel connections can be welded offsite. Roof penetrations for rooftops must be

sleeved before pouring. Any other complex requirements can be taken care of during the

prefabrication (Antillón, Morris, and Gregor, 2014).

The 4D model can include a site logistics plan; the space utilization model can include

the temporary components used for logistics, transportation, and construction such as trucks and

cranes. Figure 8 depicts the site logistics plan for Hennessey Center Steel Erection (Enshassi,

Ayyash and Choudhry, 2016). Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) can be used to track

material delivery status and linked to BIM to show that materials are the right location. RFID can

be linked to workforce for monitoring. 3D laser scanning can be used to monitor the progress of

the designed BIM. Construction managers can use BIM and upload site survey points to robotics,

which could help in several instances, such as accurate positioning of hangars would help the

MEP contractors (Healthcare Facilities Today, 2013).

Figure 8: Hennessey center safety and site logistics planning (Enshassi, Ayyash and Choudhry, 2016) Cost Estimation

Cost estimation has two main components, quantity take-off, and pricing and the former

is automatically generated for an object by BIM. Figure 9 shows an example of quantity take-off

based on structural BIM (S-BIM). An expert analyzes the components and their installation

details. In case of non-availability of pricing for a specific activity, it has to be broken down

further for accurate pricing information.


Figure 9: Quantity takeoff based on S-BIM (Lee and Cho, 2012) Construction Planning and Monitoring

4D-BIM includes construction planning and monitoring and sequencing using critical

path method (CPM) or line of balance. CPM defines predecessors and successors for each

activity along with duration, and the path that takes the longest duration is the CPM. Line of

balance uses a location for scheduling and takes advantages of repetitive tasks to increase labor

productivity as it focuses on one trade completing its work at a location before another trade

moves in (Kenley and Seppänen, 2009). Planning using BIM enhances the utilization of the site,

coordination of the space, and product information.


2.7. Comparison of Traditional and BIM-based Approach

2.7.1. Traditional Construction Approach

According to Association of General Contractors (AGC) (2008), the traditional 2D-based

project delivery evolved from paper-based drawings, to overlay drafting, to layers and levels in

the CAD programs. However, since this was a 2D-based delivery process, it became difficult to

think, see, document from an integrated 3D or beyond way. For instance, a change such as

moving a duct or a beam could not be visualized in the 2D environment. Therefore, in a 2D

design process, there is a possibility of incomplete designs as not all areas are drawn. In a

traditional delivery process, the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders are delineated.

The principle difference between traditional 3D CAD and BIM is that the former is a

visual representation of the construction as separate and independent 3D views such as

elevations, plans, and sections. Since they are separate and independent, updating or modifying

one must be followed by correcting all the others, which is an error-prone process. This renders

the documentation quality to be reduced. Also, in the traditional process, the 3D renderings are

just drawings and graphical entities with lines, arcs, and circles and have no embedded

information. However, in the case of BIM, the models have intelligent contextual semantics and

objects in the model are defined as elements and systems which can be beams, spaces, columns,

and others. The BIM information model carries all the functional and physical characteristics of

the elements and systems and project lifecycle characteristics as a series of smart objects. An

example could be the water purifier system in the BIM which would contain the data about its

supplier, procedures about its operation and maintenance, and other relevant details (Azhar and

Richter, 2009; Cooperative Research Centre for Construction, 2008).


Also, digital models that contain only 3D data with no attributes or information of the

object, models that have no support of behavior, models that consist of several 2D CAD files that

have to be combined for obtaining the building definition. Models that do not automatically

reflect changes to dimensions in one view to others are not considered as digital models that fall

under the category of BIM (Eastman et al., 2018). Figure 10 shows a comparison of traditional

and BIM process.

Figure 10: A Comparison between “Traditional” and “BIM” Process (Azhar, Khalfan and Maqsood,

According to American Institute of Architects (AIA) and American Institute of Architects,

California Council (AIACC) (2007), the project teams consist of primary participants and key

supporting participants who are the major stakeholders. Accordingly, the primary participants are

those that have substantial responsibilities and involvement in the project throughout its

lifecycle. Some of the primary participants include the owners, architects, Mechanical,

Engineering, and Plumbing (MEP) contractor, and general contractor. In the case of supporting

participants, they could include primary design consultants and subcontractors. They could also

include the government and the operations and maintenance team. Table 4 shows a list of

possible significant stakeholders in each stage.

BIM IN HONG KONG CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY 39 Types of Traditional Contracts

There are three major contract types in construction industry, and the type of contract has

a big say in the project technology and method of management. The contract type also impacts

the project management culture, relationship between project stakeholders, risks and advantages

for the stakeholders, and the flow of information between the stakeholders. These contract types

are Design-Bid-Build (DBB), Design-Build (DB), and Construction Management at Risk

(CMR). Design-Bid-Build (DBB)

DBB is the most used worldwide contractual approach and is used in nearly 90% of all

public works and nearly 40% of private works as well (Guy, 2007). The fact that this is followed

more in public works than private works indicates that there is less political pressure on this

contractual process as DBB seeks the cheapest bid for construction process. The most

advantageous factor about DBB is that it allows discovery of the most competitive contract or

bid through an aggressive approach (Guy, 2007). Figure 11 shows the DBB process.

Figure 11: DBB process (Guy, 2007)

As seen in Figure 6, the process is linear, and each step in the process has to wait for the

previous step to finish before starting the next step.


Table 4: Key stakeholders and activities in the traditional delivery process (AIA and AIACC, 2007;
Eastman et al., 2018)

The approach shown in Table 4 is DBB method. This is a viable and most widely-used

delivery method for most public building construction projects (Miller et al., 2000; Ibbs et al.,

2003; Ling et al., 2004). Typically, design services are obtained before the construction phase by

awarding architectural and engineering contracts. However, the design was not completely fixed

until the construction phase as the input from the construction contractor was not available until

then. Since the delivery model provides the owner a market advantage by allowing open

competition through a regimented design phase that is followed by separate bid and construction

phases. Also, most governments mandate the use of “open bidding” for state construction

projects. Therefore, the eventual contractor is prohibited from any substantive early involvement.

In this DBB process, the owner initially gives the design services contract to a designer who

develops the project requirements by working with the owner and develops the design. The

design will be used for bidding which allows the owner an option to select the contractor based

on pre-selected criteria and the project proceeds to construction. This shows the design of the

project has little if any, input from the contractor who does the construction. This results in

substantive issues related to constructability and coordination that may surface during

construction and have to be resolved in that phase (AIA and AIACC, 2007). This strict

delineation in the delivery process causes frequent claims and disputes among the participants.

Other issues could be overruns of cost and time overruns (Azhar, Kang and Ahmad, 2014). Design-Build (DB)

In the case of DB contract, the owner chooses a single contractor or entity to transfer the

risk and coordination effort so that there can be higher coordination between the design and build

team. Therefore, there will be a single point responsibility for activities related to both the design

and construction. The owner has a higher involvement during the design phase while defining the

project criteria and this involvement reduces to less management as the contractor executes the

project based on the established criteria. This is supposed to improve the constructability and

coordination while reducing the cost of change thereby reducing the risk to the owner and

transferring it to the designer-builder entity. Most of the risk is borne by the contractor who

designs and builds and so often retains the majority of the savings that is accrued (AIA and

AIACC, 2007). Figure 12 indicates the communication lines between the different significant

stakeholders in the DB contract.


Figure 12: Design-build characteristics (AIA and AIACC, 2007)

The contractor responsible for the design and build takes the owner’s project design

criteria and starts controlling the project from thereon. The success of the project is measured by

the improvements in the project delivery time or project cost savings realized by the contractor

from the baselined and agreed-upon Guaranteed Maximum Price. The owner is responsible for

defining the acceptable level of quality expectations by imposing the relevant quantitative or

performance requirements in design criteria itself. DB contracts can be 1) qualifications only

selection, 2) best value selection with criteria documents provided by the owner, or 3) price-

driven selection with detailed bridging documents provided by the owner (AIA and AIACC,

2007). As an example, the difference in the number of days of project execution between DB and

DBB contracts is illustrated in Figure 13.


Figure 13: Comparison between DB and DBB (Park and Kwak, 2017) Construction Management at Risk (CMR)

There are a variety of project delivery scenarios for which the generic phrase

“Construction Management” is applied where specific services are required in addition to the

general services that a contractor for construction traditionally provides. In most cases, the hiring

of the construction manager is done early in the design phase to enable delivery of early cost

commitment and to management issues related to schedule, cost, construction, and building

technology. There can be different types of Construction Management such as CMc

(Construction Manager - Constructor) or CMa (Construction Manager - Adviser), which differ

based on the responsibilities of construction that they assume. In cases where both the

construction manager and constructor are same, all the liability and responsibility of the general

contractor is absorbed by the construction manager, and such as delivery system is called as CMc

as well as CMR (AIA and AIACC, 2007). Figure 14 shows the communication and contract

pathways for CMR.


Figure 14: Communication and contract pathways for CMR (AIA and AIACC, 2007)

CMc compares will with DBB in the sense that it offers the same benefits of direct

owner-architect and owner-contractor contractual relationship. It also offers comparable advisory

benefits of CMa and the comparable early cost commitment attribute of DB. The difference

between CMc and DB is that the responsibility of the design remains with the architect, who has

contracted independently with the owner. Also, in this delivery model, the constructor is

introduced before construction to supervise scheduling, cost control, constructability, and to

bring additional knowledge to various fields such as project management, building technology,

and bidding or negotiation of construction contracts. In this model, the selection of the

constructor is typical via a qualifications-based selection, which is done early in the design

phase, and the constructor is paid a fee for services performed in that phase. In some cases,

owners might competitively bid CMc contracts, which is not a good practice. To assist

integration, it is imperative for the construction manager to be involved in the project as early as

feasibly possible. There are variations to CMc known as Negotiated Select Team (NST), the

CMc is contracted by the owner at the beginning of design or even earlier (AIA and AIACC,

2007). Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)

IPD is a project delivery approach that is collaborative and involves a deliberate effort for

integration among project participants, including the owner, architect, engineers, contractor and

subcontractors (KPMG, 2013). Historically, design-assist, DB, public-private-partnerships and

even DBB through early contractor involvement in the design process have achieved this

collaboration resulting in improved cost estimating and constructability, schedule condensation,

increased value to the stakeholder and reduced field conflicts. The success of IPD depends on

right project delivery strategy, which is based on the project size, complexity, and schedule.

Selecting the right team with experience in IPD principles helps.

2.7.2. Waste in Construction Industry

Waste in construction industry can be process-related, technology-related, or policy-

related (Won and Cheng, 2017). The main areas of wastage in the AEC industry are due to poor

procurement and planning due to inaccurate take-off. Scheduling and planning play a significant

role in reducing the rate of wastage as managing the buffer depending on the sequencing of the

events. Poor procurement planning can lead to long storage times, demurrage, spoilage, and

damages to materials such as chemicals and cements (Katz and Baum, 2011). Another waste

generation area is due to design modifications and poor design management, and change orders

can result in 33% of the construction waste (Osmani, Glass and Price, 2008). Wastage is possible

due to lack of prefabrication and standardization resulting in inaccurate dimensions at early


design stage (Won and Cheng, 2017). Cast-in-place concrete is a source of big waste, and there

can be 70% reduction in waste due to prefabrication (Lawton et al., 2002) and reduction of 52%

overall construction waste volume through prefabrication (Jaillon, Poon and Chiang, 2009).

Double material handling and inappropriate material handling can lead to wastage (Lu

and Yuan, 2010). Another area of waste is inadequate construction waste management at the site

that includes lack of tracking waste movement, space planning for construction waste and

material storage space, and delayed on-site waste sorting (Lu and Yuan, 2010). Passive

participation, poor communication, and lack of coordination and reviewing meetings between

project stakeholders has been known to have a harming effect on project waste management

(Wang et al., 2010).

2.7.3. BIM Approach

All the traditional project delivery methods discussed earlier can benefit from the

application of BIM. BIM can be used to quantify work and estimate costs and for providing

compelling 3D renderings. Usage of schedule integrated BIM or 4D-BIM is recommended for

animations, safety analysis, and for site logistics plan preparation. It can be used for coordinating

work between contractors and subcontractors, update schedule and costs, and turn over as-built

building information model to the owner’s maintenance team (AIA and AIACC, 2007). DBB with BIM

The contractor starts the job as soon as the project is awarded, which is dependent upon

the construction delivery approach. In the traditional approach, the design, bid, and build phases

follow each other. The architect who is typically the lead designer and construction manager

work directly for the owner while the designer's team comprises of the engineering consultants.

The design of the building is first done by the engineer and the architect. Once the design phase

is completed, general contractors bid for the job and start construction once they are awarded the

bid. Therefore, the approach does not involve early participation of the construction team during

design. A 3D parametric model created by the designers during design phase for the project

through BIM will lack the knowledge of the contractors in that phase. Overall, DBB eliminates

the benefits of having the construction input during design phase as this is the phase which has

the highest impact on the cost as shown in Figure 15. The architects and engineers may hesitate

from sharing their models due to intellectual property loss, liabilities, and others and

misinterpretation of the information included in the model (AIA and AIACC, 2007).

Figure 15: Project Life Cycle - ability to influence cost (Eastman et al., 2018)

In CMR delivery method, both the designer and the construction manager work directly

for the owner and can collaborate and complement each other’s work while reporting to the

owner. Even when BIM is used, the same risk as in traditional method is carried forward as

sharing their models could cause liability concerns and unauthorized reuse of intellectual

properties in designers and architects. Also, CMR approach usually involves the preconstruction

services which enables construction team to input their information during the design phase to

the BIM at an early stage. CMR with BIM can be used for private and public fast track projects

(AIA and AIACC, 2007). DB with BIM

DB delivery approach has a single entity taking over the responsibilities of the designing

and building for the owner. Selection of DB professionals is usually based on a combination of

professional qualifications and cost. The quality control assurance is limited as the designer, and

the general contractor works together as cost could become a priority over quality. However,

BIM can be freely used right from beginning of the project, and the intimate collaboration of the

designer and the builder through BIM will make it a reliable and productive process (AIA and

AIACC, 2007). IPD with BIM

IPD, by its nature, requires a high level of collaboration contractually and requires the

stakeholders such as designers, contractors, subcontractors, and owners to share the project risks.

If a project is completed within the budget and schedule, then all project participants gain.

Otherwise, they all lose their fee. Due to this, all participants are incentivized to work together

towards a common goal. They share BIM, decision making, and responsibility. Pure

collaboration and no litigation are the results of this joint project management approach. BIM

makes it easy to achieve IPD (AIA and AIACC, 2007). Table 5 shows the benefits that each

major project participant gets out of various dimensions of BIM, and Figure 16 shows the typical

BIM roles and responsibilities at various stages of construction.

Table 5: BIM benefits for project stakeholders (Azhar and Richter, 2009)

Figure 16: Typical BIM roles and responsibilities (AEC (UK) BIM, 2015)

3. Research Methodology and Design

3.1. Research Philosophy and Design

Management research involves observing the daily activities of people as they work in

organizations and try sensemaking (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe and Jackson, 2015). The researcher

incorporates the assumptions and theoretical points of view in the research through the selection

of research philosophy or research paradigm, which are a set of philosophical assumptions

concerning the epistemology that include the methodologies that need to be adopted (Maxwell,

2013). The researcher plans the research based on the questions that the research needs to answer

or the problem that the research needs to solve. The research problem or the research question

determines the types, methods, and techniques for collecting the data. However, from Figure 17,

it can be seen that the data collection methods and techniques are at the center of the onion, and

the researcher has to peel the outer layers before finalizing them (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill,


Figure 17: Saunders research onion(Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2016)

Table 6: Summary of the adopted research methodology for the study (Adapted from Saunders, Lewis and
Thornhill, 2016)

Item Selection for the current study

Research philosophy/paradigm Interpretivism
Research design Qualitative
Research purpose Exploratory
Research approach Inductive
Research strategy Study a single Case
Research time horizon Cross-sectional

3.2. Research Philosophy

Research philosophy guides the choice of research approach and the data collection, its

interpretation, and its analysis (Levin, 1988). It affects the research design and strategy adopted

by the researcher. The four major paradigms of research philosophy are pragmatism,

interpretivism, realism, and positivism, though researchers consider positivist and interpretivist

paradigms as the primary research paradigms and Table 7 shows the differences between them

(Easterby-Smith, Thorpe and Jackson, 2015).

Table 7: Essential research paradigms (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe and Jackson, 2015)

Interpretivism paradigm allows the researcher to understand the difference between

humans acting as social actors and is used to research phenomenon such as organizational

behavior and managing human resources as it is not possible to measure reality in such cases but

only viewed through the experiences of those experiencing them (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill,

2016). When the requirement is subjective assessment and complex and interrelated relationships

may have to be established, then this paradigm is preferable (Wallace and O’Farrell, 2012). It is

an appropriate choice when quantitative measures seem inappropriate (Dent, 2002).

An exploratory study allows the researcher to gain valuable insights about topics about

which there is little knowledge (Gray, 2004) and often relies on secondary research methods such

as reviewing existing literature and is typically combined with qualitative methods. Therefore, if

the researcher plans to understand how the use of BIM has impacted the construction industry in

Hong Kong, the researcher has to conduct a literature review followed by studying the case of

single building construction and how BIM helped in the construction of the building.

3.2.1. Research Approaches to Theory Development

According to Gray (Gray, 2004), a theory is used to derive hypothesis before the research

and findings in the case of a deductive approach and uses strategies such as qualitative,

quantitative, and mixed methods research and, the outcome of this research will be a theory

(Mackenzie and Knipe, 2006). To answer research questions, an inductive approach is a better

approach, as the findings will be used to generate new ideas and structures. Table 9 depicts the

primary differences between deductive and inductive methods.

Table 8: Deduction and induction: from reason to research (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2016)

3.2.2. Research Methodology

According to Johnson, Onwuegbuzie, and Turner (2007), the three categories of research

methodologies are qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-method, which are not mutually

exclusive. The researcher uses qualitative methodology in the current study as the researcher

wants to understand and explore the in-depth the application of BIM in a particular building and

the advantages and disadvantages derived from the implementation of BIM in that building. The

proposed research is an exploratory study, aiming at investigating research questions that

investigate the “what.” It can, therefore, use, experiment, survey, archival analysis, history, and

case study as strategies. However, the researcher preferred case study analysis as the

phenomenon that the study focuses is contemporary and has some real-life context. The

researcher has little control over the events (Yin, 2003). Also, the number of construction

projects that implemented BIM in Hong Kong is limited and hence the other four strategies

would be impractical as there is a lack of historical evidence, making case study analysis the

most suitable approach.

The case study was divided into three main sections. The first section of the study was to

acquire basic information about the organizations and buildings under study. The sectin helped

to provide detailed qualitative information about the subject under study. The second section was

to analyze the BIM softwares installed, the extent of BIM application in the projects and reasons

for the companies to adopt BIM. The section sought to provide insights of the research while

enabling the investigation of otherwise difficult situation. The sectin further analyzed the extent

of BIM implementation. The third section of the case study was to collect opinions about usage,

barriers and support required for the implementation of BIM technology . Case studies are

important in creating a research on an investigative topic that would otherwise require a large

number of participants while still shedding light on the subject matter.

3.2.3. Time Horizon

A cross-sectional study involves researching a particular phenomenon at a particular time

while a cross-sectional study enables a researcher to compare several variables at the same time.

Cross-sectional variables cannot allow the researcher to understand the cause-and-effect

relationships between the variables as they use a single snapshot of a moment in time and ignores

the developments before and after the snapshot (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2016).

Longitudinal studies emulate a diary by representing a phenomenon over a long period and are

observational, and the researchers do not interfere with their subjects. However, in a longitudinal

study, the researcher takes several snapshots over a period and hence helps the researcher to

detect developments or changes in the characteristics of the target population at several levels to

establish sequences of events (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2016).

Based on the research question, definitions of both cross-sectional and longitudinal

horizons, the research design and methodologies selected, the researcher chose the cross-

sectional time horizon as the appropriate time horizon for the present study.

3.2.4. Data Collection

The researcher searched using Google search, as well as searched databases such as

Google Scholar to find out any documents or articles related to the use of BIM in Hong Kong in

the building of any notable building. The researcher decided to use ten years from 2008-2018 as

the period in which this study was conducted. Search terms such as “BIM” “Hong Kong”

“Building” and others were used along with qualifiers and operators to return a set of results.

They were examined for relevance, and irrelevant results were discarded The researcher

thereafter conducted an extensive review of the litrature including the journal

papers,aticles,webpages and publication to create a wide range of information on the importance,

barriers, and recoomendation in relation to the use of BIM. Out of the relevant results returned,

they were analyzed further if they focused on BIM usage or not and if not, they were discarded.

Out of the results, one case study was selected that discussed BIM adoption for a notable

building in Hong Kong, and it was analyzed. The data consisted of the document and archival

records related to the case study.


4. Results and Discussion

The study aims to examine the uses and benefits of BIM for construction industry. The

literature review included the definition and the use of BIM and its adoption in the construction

industry of various countries. The methodology consists of presenting a case study that involved

a noteworthy building in Hong Kong. The building whose case study was presented in the study

is One Island East, which is a 70-story, Grade A, commercial building located at North Point on

Hong Kong Island. Its construction was completed in 2008 and was one of the first commercial

buildings that were designed and constructed using BIM. This case study presents real-life

examples of BIM use and their benefits. Overall, the literature review and case studies provided

an insight into the benefits of using BIM and its applications and answer the research questions.

The resuts of the case study and litrature review indicate that the due to the increase in

demand the industry is moving towards productive,safer and green construction. In order to

ensure that the goals of safety, productive and green construction the case study reveals that

companies and constructors are increasingly becoming and adopting innovation and cutting edge

technological design for construction and maintainace of buildings. Some of the technology

include prefabrication to enhance efficiency of work execution.

The case study reveals that the industry can move towards high productivity and several

projects have enhanced BIM on the project lifecycle. The building under the case study had

integrated Radio Frequency Identification( RFID) to ensure effective project modeling and

visualization. BIM technology was used for simulation,monitoring and management of projects

inorder to create, share and exchange building information through out the lifecycle of the

project and interaction between the stakeholders. Manual construction activities are increasingly

becoming automated through the use of technology and robotics to enhance efficiency, site safety

and quality of the project and to ensure the reduction of construction waste.

The resuts of the case study indicate that BIM has become important in the facilitation

and creation of a platform where they can efficiently share design, on the construction and

maintance of buildings over a life cycle. BIM has also impacted how stakeholders collaborate

through ensuring completeness of information by enhacing life cycle management. The case

study analysis indicated that BIM contribution to the success of the project under the study

were due to the enhancement of information model, visualisation of construction process. BIM

made ir easier for enhancement of design details by facilitating the analysis of alternative

solutions and identifying areas of potential conflicts. Mangers of the projects indicated that

BIM helped to effectively improve cost estimating, tendering and site planning of the projects

thereby enhancing efficiency.

The outcome of the case study and literature review indicate that BIM was mostly

utilized to enhance interactions with non proffesionals such as clients and potential clients.

Principally the 3D visualization component of BIM technology helped the non proffesionals to

understand the complex details of construction. The technology helped to improve communation

and collaboration during the project and in some cases helped to reduce time on project

documentation and communication. The most successful projects used not only for

communication processes but also as a platform for multi-disciplinary collaboration to enhance

project scheduling and cost estimating is not yet mature. The projects under study on the

implementation of BIM technology in hongkong

The process of adopting new technology is a lengthy process and the readiness of

stakeholders to adopt the technology also encompasses very many procedures. Adoptation of the

technology depends on various factors such as the ability of technology to merge with existing

practices, operation system and personees capability. However several challenges such as

technological feasibility,cost and time benefits and training of human resource. The result of the

case study indicate that the promotion of intiatiatives gerared towards transforming the

construction industry such as awards and government funding will help transform the

construction industry into a high tech and highly efficient working environment.

4.1. One Island East (OIE) - Case Study

One Island East project in Hong Kong is a building that is in Taikoo Place that is a 70-

story, Grade A, commercial building located in North Point at Quarry Bay. It is ranking as the

tallest building in the world is 153, while is ranked 89 in Asia, 73 in China, and 7th in Hong

Kong (CTBUH, 2019). The owner of the building is OIE limited (OIEL), and the developer was

Swire Properties Limited. The architectural design was by Wong & Ouyang, the structural

engineering design was by Arup, MEP engineering was by Meinhardt, and the main contractor

was Gammon construction limited (CTBUH, 2019). Since OIE was one of the first commercial

buildings in Hong Kong that are of repute that has used BIM for, designing, modeling, and

virtual construction, its implementation of BIM in construction is a good case study for analysis.

Due to the adoption of the BIM, there were significant improvements in quality and savings in

time and cost. BIM adoption also changed the design and construction organization and

processes. As the building construction used BIM, it formed the basis for efficient facilities

management. OIE is an illustration one of the most substantial BIM implementations for a

commercial building and was awarded the American Institute of Architects’ 2008 BIM Award for

design delivery and process innovation (Brandon and Kocatürk, 2008). Figure 18 shows the OIE

building after it was finished. Figure 19 shows some of the highlights of the high-rise OIE


Secondly, although BIM was proposed as an innovative solution to the fragmentation of

the construction industry, the nature of fragmentation itself turns out to be one of the factors

inhibiting further successful implementation of BIM (Gu and London, 2010). The study

conducted by Dossick and Neff (2008, 2010) proves that BIM’s positive influence on project

integration is limited to the technological level; the key to team cohesion is still based on human

factors. Observation of current practice of BIM also indicates that a collaborative atmosphere

with collective participation and contribution from all stakeholders in a building project will be

of great significance (Gu et al., 2008), rather than the innovation itself. In fact, researchers had

asserted that improved communication techniques themselves in the construction process will

add little value to the improvement of co-ordination and cohesion in the building team, but the

patterns of relationships and responsibilities within project teams have significant influence on

the way team members communicate (Higgin et al., 1965). In Hong Kong, proponents claim that

BIM has the power to alter and reinforce the collaborative relationships between project

stakeholders, rather than a simple technology innovation. However, the project team members

broadly accept BIM as advanced CAD. Therefore, we conducted research to explore the reality

of BIM implementation in the Hong Kong construction industry.


Figure 18: One Island East (CTBUH, 2019)


Figure 19: Highlights about One Island East (CTBUH, 2019)

The implementation of BIM was targeted to bring the following improvements to this

project and also to the local construction industry:

 Generation of comprehensive 3D geometric coordination of all building elements

before tendering

 Enhancing the take-off quantities by using the BIM which improves the accuracy

and speed of the BOM preparation in the Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors


 Increase the accuracy which results in more accuracy and reduction in unknowns

and risks for the contractors that lower the tender pricing

 Automation and interoperability of 2D documents with 3D building information

model data

 Enable knowledge capture by creating a reusable catalog of intelligent parametric

building parts

 Use BIM elements and process modeling and managing the sequence of

construction activities

 Waste reduction in construction throughout the entire process

 Reduction of contractor requests for information (RFIs)

 Elimination of incomplete design coordination reduces the claims on-site

 Enables quicker construction which reduces the construction cost, enables the

standardization that helps the construction supply chain and regulatory authorities,

enhances the safety of the site, increases the quality of build, and enables facilities

maintenance using the BIM elements

For constructing the OIE, the BIM was produced using Gehry Technologies Digital

Project software. This was based on Dassault Systèmes software comprising of CATIA for

product modeling and DEMIA for process modeling. It has the best possible geometric modeling

capabilities and was specifically developed to adapt 3D tools from other industries to

construction. It enabled automated detection and management of clashes. It had comprehensive

routing tools for mechanical and electrical systems. Digital Project had built-in scripting

functionality that enabled customization and integration as per the project requirements. It

enabled concurrent file versioning and management of collaboration and file sharing over the

internet using compressed data. BIM allowed integration and interoperability with planning and

scheduling software such as Microsoft Project and Primavera. It allowed handling of substantial

amounts of data. Since CATIA was used in other industries, the knowledge gained in those

industries could be useful in construction industry. It enables streamlining and reuse of process

knowledge as it was designed for that (Riese, 2010).

However, the decision to adopt BIM was taken after the project had already reached the

completion of the schematic stage of design so that BIM could be implemented starting from the

detailed design stage onwards. The contractor did modeling based on 3D BIM project database.

Rule-based parametric object data were created to enable the comprehensive modeling of

mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) systems (Chan, Liu and Chen, 2018). To facilitate

the detailed design, production of drawings, and coordinating the design and cost implications,

the BIM model was used, which required managing the design team and the design model. The

staff, as well as the design team members, were co-located in a project design office close to the

construction site where nearly 25 to 50 designers collaborated on the design (Figure 20). In order

to complete the construction quickly, it was essential to detect clashes and resolve them before

the commencement of the construction. In this particular case, the design team used the BIM

model to resolve nearly 2000 clashes and design errors before tendering. Due to the BIM model

and its completeness based on the building elements and components, it was possible to estimate

the costs accurately and prepare and maintain their accuracy even after several design changes

(Wong, Wong and Nadeem, 2009b).


Figure 20: A schematic diagram of the design team (Baldwin and Bordoli, 2014)

BIM implementation in OIE started after scheme design phase and was used to enhance

the coordination and cost estimation of the detailed design as well as enable the contractors to

estimate more accurately for their bids. OIEL instructed the contractors to use the BIM model for

recording, coordinating, and communicating all the construction aspects of the actual building. In

general, the contractor enhances the BIM model and increases its granularity compared to that

provided by the design team. The contractors do this by enabling construction level detailing in

the BIM to automate the production and vetting of combined builder’s work drawings (CBWD).

BIM allowed the production of 2D drawings automatically that are used by the site workers to

layout the built works and traditional combined services drawings (CSD) that record the “as-

built” condition (Tse et al., 2006).

On the OIE project, the owner and the contractor collaborate on sharing and maintaining

the master BIM in the project office. If the contractor initiates any changes and improvements in

the design and construction process, then they will be communicated to the owner through

Digital Project, and the contractor merges them into the master BIM (Figure 21). The

construction process (Figure 22) is improved through the use of BIM as it is clear that the

relative success of a construction project depends mainly on the quality of the information

provided that the contractors obtain the constructors. Figure 23 shows the 3D coordination of

design that enumerates the order of magnitude of information that requires coordination before

construction in just one part of a building. Figure 24 shows the strategic placement of BIM data

in a ‘tree’ structure, making it easy to identify elements, even in vast databases as well as helps in

optimizing performance in large databases. While nearly 50 designers and modelers work

together on a single BIM, its capability to identify and manager clashes become essential. Before

inviting tenders from potential contractors, the BIM in the project was able to identify and

resolve roughly 2000 clashes between the MEP systems and the surrounding structural and

architectural elements (Figure 25). In previous constructions that did not use BIM, such clashes

may not have been detected until construction, resulting in penalties in project cost and schedule.

In the case of Figure 25, the automatic clash detection allowed to identify a clash between an

electrical cable tray and an air supply duct (Tse et al., 2006).

Figure 21: The framework for collaboration (Tse et al., 2006)


Figure 22: OIE construction site in Sep 2006 (Tse et al., 2006)

Figure 23: Information for 3D design coordination (Tse et al., 2006)


Figure 24: BIM data in a tree structure (Tse et al., 2006)

Figure 25: Automated clash detection and management (Tse et al., 2006)

Digital Project allows the creation of rule-based parametric objects and the project used

several graphically friendly templates for inputting the simple rules and parameters (Figure 26).

So, for example, it becomes easier to generate models of steel plates and stiffeners automatically

instead of modeling them one at a time by inputting the rules that govern the geometric

framework, which saves time, reduces errors, enables dynamic change management, and

enhances the collaborative design process.

Figure 26: Creation of rule-based parametric objects (Tse et al., 2006)

Figure 27 shows the possibility of automated quantity take-off from BIM, and Figure 28

shows the interoperability between 2D documents and BIM 3D model. A significant effort was

required related to MEP elements in the BIM model (Figure 29) and coordinating between the

MEP elements and ultimate coordination of the MEP elements with the rest of the project. BIM

allowed exploring several MEP design options using 3D process and, as the process is

automated, it is easier to make changes and enables iterative change management which

improves the quality of the design. Often solutions for problems identified were found in quick

time resulting in reduced correspondence. Also, as seen in Figure 30, its interface and

interoperability with Primavera allow for modeling of construction sequencing (Tse et al., 2006).

This allowed reduction of risks, early identification of process-induced design clashes, schedule

conflicts, and greater transparency between different trades (Riese, 2010).

Figure 27: Automated quantity take-off generation (Tse et al., 2006)

Figure 28: Interoperability between 2D drawings and BIM 3D model (Tse et al., 2006)

Figure 29: Partial MEP model of OIE (Tse et al., 2006)

Figure 30: Construction sequence modeling through Primavera (Tse et al., 2006)

5. Conclusions

The study aims to answer the following three research questions.

RQ1. What are the benefits that the construction industry of Hong Kong gets from BIM


RQ2. What is the impact of BIM use on the Hong Kong construction industry?

RQ3. What are the differences between traditional and BIM-based project delivery?

The study answers these questions by examining the benefits that BIM delivers to the

construction industry in general across various countries and the level of adoption as well as the

level of maturity in adoption of BIM in different countries in the literature review. The literature

review also looks at the several initiatives taken by various statutory and industry bodies in Hong

Kong to proliferate the use of BIM. To definitively understand the benefits that the BIM-based

project delivery delivers to the construction industry in Hong Kong in general and the benefits

delivered to the construction owner, contractor, and other stakeholders, the study analyses the

case study of OIE construction as it was one of the first commercial buildings that used BIM.

The case study analysis showed that BIM delivered several benefits to all the involved parties.

These benefits include

 The design process is fully coordinated enabling complete information

availability before tender resulting in lower tender prices

 The quantity and cost are controlled and more efficient as they are semi-


 Interoperability and compatibility is promoted through the use of IFC

 Dynamic design changes and new designs are a possibility


 To shorten the build time and increase the safety, it is possible to model the

construction sequence in 3D

 It allows automated clash detection and management that reduces the risk and

claims resulting from the construction process

 Buildings built sooner, cheaper and better

 Can interface with Machine Intelligence in the design process and construction

and maintenance through the use of AI and drones

 The BIM models built during the construction can be used further as an advanced

facilities management tool

These are the benefits in general that the local construction industry gets due to

implementation of BIM. Apart from these benefits, the OIE gained several specific benefits that

were discussed in the case study analysis. The literature review answers the other other two

questions about the impact of BIM on construction industry and the differences between

traditional and BIM-based project delivery.



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