Noorikiran Summative Assignment 3

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Conflict Management Plan

Noor-i-Kiran Naeem
Educational Management, Leadership and Administration
( EDUD-804-ZM )
Dr. Koula Evangelou
6th July 2022
Conflict Management Plan
This paper aims at discussing a recent conflict episode in my institution and
analyzing the event. It further highlights my role as educational leader in intervening and
managing the conflict. Further it discusses a brief plan with strategies and measures to inhibit
the emergence of conflict and a plan to manage conflict in my institution. For the sake of this
assignment, Kirtman and Minkoff Seven Step approach of conflict management has been
taken as a framework for analysis in this paper.

A Case of Conflict in my Institution

Conflicts, when healthy can lead to constructive decisions with consensus among
stakeholders. Conflicts are bound to occur among people with variety of opinions and
viewpoints(Piryani & Piryani, 2019). A recent case of conflict, its nature and necessary steps
which were taken is discussed. As a part of medical education department, one of my
responsibility is to oversee timetable implementation and management. However, it had been
observed that department A had been conducting unscheduled assessments near the time slot
of department B. The students complained to department of medical education which reached
me , along with this department B head put forward a complaint at the same time. Having two
sources of complaints, I tried to call a meeting with two departments sitting together to
oversee what was the issue from both sides. It was important to listen to both sides , without
forming any pre-judgements.
The two departments had their say, while in the meeting the principal also joined in to
mediate between the two departments. It was decided with consensus to make a new
timetable with pre-scheduled assessment schedules for both departments. The smooth
implementation of timetable would be followed by Department of medical education and
reported on monthly basis to the office of Principal. In this was a conflict , which could had
been turned into a cold war was picked up early and dealt with.

My role as educational leader in conflict management

Educational leaders are expected to have the option to dominate and manage conflicts
that happen in institutions that should be overseen and managed appropriately by the
educational leader who is also an administrator in the school. Capacity and abilities of the
educational leader will influence the circumstances of conflicts and disagreements in schools
it to change into a positive energy drive to modulate the processes in schoolwork for
betterment instead of enhancing clashes among people(Harolds & Wood, 2006).
Social change, innovation, also, the progression of science expects everybody to
change to be better than anyone might have expected and conditions as are this the job of the
educational leader required in overseeing clashes that happen in schools. The principal or the
educational leader should have the option to carry out his job as a coordinator, director,
instructor, pioneer as well as training manager.
Entering the period of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 presently, it doesn't preclude the
development of progressively complex instructive issues. In this period data innovation has
turned into the premise or premise in human existence, remembering for the field of
schooling. In the period of the Modern Revolution 4.0 a few things happened to become
endless through data innovation. This period will likewise upset (give development) different
human exercises, including the areas of science and innovation.
In the era of technology enhanced learning , the roles of educational leader have
expanded and now encompass conflict resolution and management in both physical as well as
virtual settings. Following are some of the roles of educational leader in conflict management
( Figure 1 ).


Diagnosis of
cause of

Fact finding


basis of
Figure 1 – Roles of educational leader in conflict management

a. Early Identification
It has been long debated at what point an educational leader should jump in to manage a
conflict as looking into matters of conflict which are very minute or trivial will only lead to
loss of confidence among the faculty members to deal small matters on their own. Hence the
first step in conflict management is the early detection of conflict that needs to be addressed.
b. Diagnosis of cause of conflict
After diagnosing that conflict has taken place, then next important step is looking for the
root cause due to which conflict have occurred. Many of the conflicts have been proposed to
be due to one of the following main factors( Figure 2). An issue that begins guiltlessly as a
disagreement of views between people can frequently grow into a completely fledged
struggle, which then, at that point, turns out to be increasingly more and more personal. In the
event if this present circumstance is left unmanaged, this contention can prompt people
involving a novel trait of the other party as a switch and a source of future struggle.

Figure 2 – Key Components leading to conflicts

c. Fact Finding
Once the root cause of conflict has been analysed, the next task of the educational leader
is to determine how both parties view each other because of the dispute and what are the
actual course of events that happened inn the way. It is important for the educational leader to
maintain a neutral stance , avoiding any personal favouritism. The leader should bear in mind
that there may be tendency of each party to present oneself as the victim and put the blame on
the other party.
d. Developing integrated solution
Conflict management , in its fullest sense, happens when there is consensus between the
two parties with agreement to one point on how to move the stuck situation further ahead. In
order to achieve results, everyone should be taken on board for final decision making and
collaborative decision making will help reach a solution which is most agreed to all the
stakeholders(Sumpter & Pratt, 2009). The educational leader here acts as a mediator ,
diffusing any situation that may arise in the way.
e. Developing basis of compromise
In situations where integrated decision fails to reach consensus, a compromise should be
proposed between the two parties. The educational leader now acts as a referee to put out the
list of possible solutions and the way compromise can occur. Alternatives are given to the oth
parties for selection in order to have conflict resolution. It is important to note that
compromise should not be from one side only- both parties should equally be asked for
compromise for gain of achieving wider institutional goal.

Proposed plan for conflict management in my institution

Management plan actions will fluctuate in light of the circumstance and may include:
requiring nothing past documentation of revelation, plans to cover all college obligations
during their nonappearance, methodologies to wipe out the conflictual components of the
action, or potentially restriction of the movement(Overton & Lowry, 2013).Regardless of the
end decision, the issue due to which conflict occurred needs to be resolved. The following
seven steps have been proposed by Kirtman and Minkoff as an approach to conflict
management( Figure 2).
Check need for Identify leaders in Identify stakeholders Develop strategies
alignment with initiative to create after examining to modify affected
Vision awareness situation processes

Establish monitoring Factor results from
and evaluation steps 1-5 into
influence on
processes implementation plan

Figure 2 – Kirtman and Minkoff Seven Step approach of conflict management.

a. Check need for alignment with Vision

The first step in conflict management is to see where the conflict effects the
institutional vision. To put importance to the conflict issue, it is important to identify what
impact the conflict will have on the institutional mission, vision, and aim.
b. Identify leaders in initiative to create awareness
Once the need for alignment with the vision is established , it will be easier for the
educational leader to identify both formal and informal leaders of the initiative and
discuss with them the need to manage the burning issue with prioritization.
c. Identify stakeholders after examining situation
Once confidence has been gained from the key leaders of the institution, the involved
stakeholders from both sides of conflict can be taken into account and the situation can be
discussed with them in a problem-solving approach.
d. Develop strategies to modify affected processes
The problem-solving approach will then allow the educational leaders to identify the
root cause of conflict along with the concerned parties and propose various strategies to
address the processes that have been affected by the conflict. Consensus can be achieved
at this point between the two parties.
e. Determine institution's influence on initiative
Once set of probable solutions have been devised by the stakeholders and educational
leaders, these solutions will be analysed in in terms of influence on the institution. The
solution with the most beneficial impact on the institution can then be chosen to address
the impending issue.
f. Factor results from steps 1-5 into implementation plan
Based on the meetings that were held to discuss the problem from the very start, an
implementation plan will be devised to address the problem into a workable solution.
g. Establish monitoring and evaluation processes
It is paramount that along with implementation plan, a monitoring and evaluation plan
should be devised to follow up the project with rigour and quality.

Proposed strategies to inhibit emergence of conflicts in my institution

Being an educational leader , it is my responsibility to provide educational
environment to my faculty to prevent fatigue which can then give rise to conflicts among the
people working in the institution. Conflict prevention is paramount in growing healthy
relationship ad establishing trust among the team members(McKibben, 2017). Considerable
effort should be invested in preventing conflicts for which come of the proposed strategies
are as below( Figure 3).

Strategies to prevent conflicts

organization-wide Providing stable, well- Facilitating intergroup Avoiding win-lose
goals and structured tasks communication situations

Figure 3 – Strategies to prevent conflicts

a. Emphasizing organization-wide goals and effectiveness

It is important to put emphasis on instituion’s mission, vision and educational goals
and also share with all to prevent any conflicts in achieving goal. Firstly , the goals should
be alinged with the teaching and learning procedures occuring in the instituion. Should
there be any difference, conflicts have a greater chance to occur. Secondly, broad
educational goals should be shared with all the stakeholders. This will allow the
staekholders to see the bigger picture and work in teams to achieve educational goals.
b. Providing stable, well-structured tasks
It has been docmuneted that well structured and declared tasks makes it easier for the
team members to complete the assigned tasks. When these tasks are clearly defined and
allocated to different team members, conflict is unlikely to occur as there will be less
ambiguity and more clarity.
c. Facilitating intergroup communication
Communication forms the enabling key between successful team work. Hence any
misperception found in the abilities or motivations of others may lead to conflict
underiably, and shall make the sittuaiton more worse by lack of fulfillment of
expectations.It is important that clear communication is kept betweenn all team members
in order to avoid conflicts , and to have more productivity at the tasks given.
d. Avoiding win-lose situations
It has been debated that the win-lose situations lead to conflicts. Therefore, it is
recommended to avoid win-lose situation to decrease the probability of occurring
conflicts. In cases where there are issues of resource provision, extra support ca be sought
by the management from outside sources. Also, institution can give incentives to the
people who have contributed to achieving goals. This can motivate other faculty members
for produce more productive work.


The investigation of conflict management involves intricate work while thinking that
the educational leaser must frequently accept the moving job of leader to a friend,
companion, or advisor, and, while also tending to the issues of the medical school.
Educational leadership demands unbiased judgments and meticulous prudence. It is rare to
have a conflict between the principal and the teachers at the school as the leaders are
supposed to learn the basics of conflict management. However, the inconspicuous
interpersonal conflicts can be the more troublesome tests for school leaders to handle.
Research has shown interpersonal relations to be an important focal point for enhancing the
conversation of favored peace-making strategies. It should continue to keep on advancing in
the bigger conversation of successful grounds pioneer ways of behaving. Previous studies do,
nonetheless, highlight insight as affecting peace promotion ways of behaving especially
agreeing to compromise. Educational leaders ought to be more mindful of their perspectives
and ways of behaving and how these may adjust over the long run and across settings.
Empowering mindfulness can likewise advance more successful administration. Grasping
tendencies of self, or possibly recognizing their reality, may go quite far to shaping more
inspirational outlooks. Educational leaders ought to perceive that individual sentiments can
frequently cloud choices and decision-making skills.

Harolds, J., & Wood, B. P. (2006). Conflict management and resolution. Journal of the
American College of Radiology : JACR, 3(3), 200–206.
McKibben, L. (2017). Conflict management: importance and implications. British Journal of
Nursing (Mark Allen Publishing), 26(2), 100–103.
Overton, A. R., & Lowry, A. C. (2013). Conflict Management: Difficult Conversations with
Difficult People. Clinics in Colon and Rectal Surgery, 26(4), 259.
Piryani, R. M., & Piryani, S. (2019). Conflict Management in Healthcare. Journal of Nepal
Health Research Council, 16(41), 481–482.
Sumpter, D. J. T., & Pratt, S. C. (2009). Quorum responses and consensus decision making.
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological
Sciences, 364(1518), 743–753.

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