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By Mel Q ~ Melissa Grenier

MAY 17, 2022

Telegram * TruthSocial * Twitter * Parlor * Gab * GETTR
The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Table of Contents
16 Year Plan to Destroy America 2008-2016 ............................................................................................... 7
01 Install Rogue Operators in Government .............................................................................................. 7
D5 Last Resort and Solar CME ............................................................................................................... 8
How about a nice game of chess? ...................................................................................................... 13
Taxpayer Theft .................................................................................................................................... 24
SeekretAgent/status ........................................................................................................................... 28
02 Leak Classified Intelligence and Military Secrets ............................................................................... 29
03 Cut Military Funding........................................................................................................................... 29
04 Weaken Command of Generals ......................................................................................................... 30
05 Kill NASA Space Supremacy and EMP Risk ......................................................................................... 30
06 Remove Good Guys From Government ............................................................................................. 31
07 Special Access Programs Selloff ......................................................................................................... 32
08 Weaken NSA and Reveal Programs.................................................................................................... 32
09 Target and Weaken Conservative Base.............................................................................................. 33
Facebook Returning To The News ...................................................................................................... 35
10 Relax Borders, Flood Illegals and Climate Change Hoax .................................................................... 39
11 Fund Terrorism (MS13 & ISIS) ............................................................................................................ 41
12 Nuclearize North Korea and Iran........................................................................................................ 44
13 Stage Supreme Court ......................................................................................................................... 46
16 Year Plan to Destroy America 2016-2024 ............................................................................................. 47
14 World War III/Real and Orchestrate .................................................................................................. 47
15 Population Control and Pocket Billions.............................................................................................. 48
16 Eliminate Final Good Guys in Government ........................................................................................ 49
17 Kill Economy and Enslave Public ........................................................................................................ 49
18 Revise Constitution ........................................................................................................................... 52
19 Ban Sale of Firearms/Repeal 2nd Amendment .................................................................................. 52
ANTIFA Safe Havens ............................................................................................................................ 54
20 Install Corrupt Supreme Court Justices .............................................................................................. 57
21 Remove Electoral College and Install Popular Vote ........................................................................... 57
22 Close US Military Bases Globally ........................................................................................................ 57
23 Destroy and Censor Opposing News Outlets ..................................................................................... 58
24 Open Borders ..................................................................................................................................... 58

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

25 Limit and Remove Military Funding ................................................................................................... 58

Trump and the 2016 Election derailed plans............................................................................................. 59
Secret Meeting ........................................................................................................................................ 59
Seth Rich.................................................................................................................................................. 59
Woods Procedures .................................................................................................................................. 62
FISA/Crossfire Hurricane ......................................................................................................................... 63
Central Tracing Agency ........................................................................................................................... 68
Finish The Wall ........................................................................................................................................ 74
HRC 4 Year Delta ..................................................................................................................................... 78
We Have Everything ................................................................................................................................ 80
Still Tracking ............................................................................................................................................ 82
Spy Campaign Failed ............................................................................................................................... 84
2020 Election........................................................................................................................................... 86
News Unlocks The Map ........................................................................................................................... 89
Voter ID ................................................................................................................................................... 94
Witch Hunt .............................................................................................................................................. 97
Cross Talk X Is The Queen ....................................................................................................................... 99
Infiltration and Invasion ........................................................................................................................ 104
Super T Event ........................................................................................................................................ 118
Q Knowledge Is Power .......................................................................................................................... 124
Jordan Sather/We The Media is a CIA Asset ......................................................................................... 126
The Wave and the Split ......................................................................................................................... 136
Q Decode Keys .......................................................................................................................................... 166
Sources...................................................................................................................................................... 171

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

All links in this book can be found here:

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q
Great Awakening Map Research

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


My wife and I knew something was wrong with our world in 2017, but when we tried to talk to others
about it we were labeled “conspiracy theorists” by friends and family alike. One person even used the
term “stark raving lunatics”. Our support circle grew smaller every week and we felt alone. Then, in early
2018, we heard about a local group, led by a fearless Anon that went by the name “Mel Q”, that actually
met and spoke of Q, Anons, and conspiracies. Our lives changed, our circle of support grew, and we
didn’t feel so crazy or alone anymore.
Over the next several months, Mel Q explained our world to us as we watched conspiracies turn into
realities. Her uncanny ability to tie together Q Drops with news events (decode) was amazing. So
amazing, she was banned multiple times on social media for exposing the corruption that big tech and
the MSM has vowed to protect.
For over four years now, we’ve trusted Mel Q to make sense of the world.
Have you finally recognized that something just isn’t right about the world you live in?
If you keep an open mind and read the blogs, it will start to make sense to you, too.
But there aren’t any Cliff Notes! You will actually have to put in the work, perform your own research,
and reach your own conclusions. Fortunately, Mel Q provides lots of links to her source materials to
make that relatively painless. Let your Great Awakening begin!

AJ Cole
Editor and
‘Mel Q’ Telegram Channel Administrator

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


What is Q?

Q (17) is a White Hat (WH) intelligence operation that bypasses the mainstream media. Originally
conducted in 2017 on anonymous chat sites like 4chan, then 8chan, and finally 8kun, the Q drops
garnered massive attention because of their Socratic question format. Getting Anons
(Frogs/Pepes/Digital-Soldiers) to research and find out for themselves what the mainstream media was
hiding from the public. Anons soon discovered that there were hidden codes and multiple meanings in
the drops which started what is known as a Q decode. This was simply one more way that the Q drops
get around declass laws or issues. Anons started to publish their decodes and research findings all over
social media, getting banned and shunned as a Q-Anon or conspiracy theorist, even though they were
posting with sources. Decodes became valid in the Q community because of the timestamps and words
in Q drops exactly matching those of President Trump (Q+) and other people in his administration. The
mathematical probabilities of this consistently happening were just too impossible to argue.

I have been researching Q drops since 2018 and originally posting my findings on Twitter before being
banned multiple times. Especially after August 2020 when President Trump retweeted one of my posts
about Covid deaths being linked to comorbidities and the actual death count was more like 6%. Some of
the research for these blogs and smaller posts also comes from my Telegram channel, along with my research group the ‘Digger Pepes’, as well as other Patriots
contributing. My Telegram channel started in January 2021 when we were all banned from Twitter along
with President Trump. Lots of news has unlocked the Decode Keys to these drops which I have collected
and keep updated in spreadsheet. These posts are also heavily sourced to ward off any fake news or
conspiracy labels.

I have finally compiled these posts into this book to make it easier for folks to share and understand. I
feel decoding is an art form and it has become very intuitive for me after doing it for so many years and I
have kept most of the original decodes intact for that reason. If you are newer to Q, reading the entire
Telegram channel as well as viewing all the links located in the "New To Q?" link will help you to
understand Q, the abbreviations, euphemisms and the drop interpretations in this book.

To say the Q drops are biblical is an understatement. We are actually in the great tribulation of
Revelation. Discernment is your guide; all secrets will be revealed and quite a few are in this book. So,
buckle up and welcome to the Great Awakening. ~ Mel

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

16 Year Plan to Destroy America

2008-2016 Barrack Obama, First 8 years, Goal: Weaken USA Globally

1. Install Rogue Operators in Government

Sacred bloodlines make up the pyramid of the Cabal/Illuminati and they are the main Puppet
Masters. The Rothschilds, scam the world with a fake fiat central banking system using debt and
usury. It is rumored that they own the Federal Reserve. This is a privately owned bank and yet is
accepted in America as a normal government entity. They are also connected to the Vatican
through long standing loan debts. The Rockefellers controls the oil and "pipelines". The
Morgan’s control the gold. These names make up the top 3 of the pyramid. Peter [P]oker
Wallenberg and his brother Jacob [W]allenberg (No Name) are above them on the pyramid and
the all-seeing eye at the top is Queen [E]lizabeth II.

The next part of the pyramid was the House of Saud including Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. The
House of Saud, whose family originated in Jewish roots, was involved in major sex trafficking
and connections through Big Tech. Their corrupt connections were cut in 2017 when Prince
Muhammad Bin Salman took over the throne. Some Saudi royal members like Alwaleed were
heavily involved. Dr. Khalid al-Mansour and Alwaleed were responsible for Barack Obama’s
Harvard education through "HUMA", Harvard University Muslim Alliance and his connections
put him and Obama’s Former Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett in the White House.

George Soros and his organization Open Society connected through the Clinton Foundation,
comes next with funding organizations responsible for supporting the Cabals agenda. He funds
the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) & Fake News. Connections such as
all the Dominion/Smartmatic voting machines, Pharma/Vaccines, DLA Piper, Perkins Coie, Loop
Capital, Crowdstrike, Fusion GPS, Microsoft, Red Cross, Red Org, BLM, Antifa, Big Tech/Silicon
Valley, Big Oil, Muslim Brotherhood, MS13, ISIS, climate change funding and many others. He is
responsible for Hillary Clinton’s placement as Secretary of State.

This top part of the pyramid is also connected throughout the world. Starting in the UK with the
Royal Family it then branches out through Europe and the United States & North America,
Europe, Asia, Australia, South America and Africa. The Cabal > Deep State is also heavily
embedded in UK, Israel, US, China, Russia, Ukraine, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan and other areas.
These heavily embedded areas include connections to intelligence agencies in each of these
regions, a few examples are the CIA, MOSSAD, MI6 and Russian Intelligence. A percentage of
agencies are involved with using sexual blackmail to help the Cabal control governments around
the world. They spy on everyone which means they have the dirt on everyone.

Q4799 - When does a Church become a playground? When does a Church become a business?
When does a Church become political? When does a Church become corrupt? When does a
Church become willfully blind? When does a Church become controlled?

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Illuminati Satanic cult and the NWO are also connected to the Vatican. The Vatican, like the
City of London and the District of Columbia, are considered separate corporations. They have
their own ambassadors and police. The Vatican and the Illuminati Cabal worship the devil. They
have hidden a lot from the world in the Vatican archives. The Vatican controls the world through
religion, the City of London controls it though currency, and DC controls the military forces.
Their goal is to ultimately set up a New Jerusalem Temple of Lucifer with a one world
government and a one world religion. The Freemasons are deeply embedded inside the church,
especially through the World Council of Churches. The Catholic Church and The Freemasons will
use a smoke screen of a long standing war between them to ward off anyone looking for current
connections between the two, but it is just a facade.

D5 Last Resort and Solar CME

The Cabal > Deep State uses money and force for control. They utilize a network of spies and use
blackmail to accomplish this. They have an armada of shipping container vessels that are
equipped with Club-K’s in the D5 shipping containers themselves, which usually house four
missiles inside each one. The missiles were obtained from North Korea during the Uranium-1
Their ‘D5 Last Resort’ plan includes launching theses missiles at the sun to create a Solar Coronal
Mass Ejection CME with the assistance of Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Tesla’s partnership with
California Solar. The Cabal plans to use this D5 last resort plan if any of their darkest secrets
regarding satanism, adrenochrome and human/drug/gun trafficking using the same armada of
ships. They would rather destroy the world than let the truth be known.

Q100 - Who is the Queen of England? (Queen Elizabeth II) How long in power? (68 years) With
power comes corruption… …Wealth. Corruption. Secret society. Evil. Germany. Merkel.
Migrants. Why are migrants important? Assets. What are assets? Define assets? Why are
migrants so important? What are assets? Why are migrants so important? What are assets?
(Assets are usually missing children picked up by the Cabal and groomed into whatever they
need to be, like Mockingbird media or politician or Hollywood pop star) Why are migrants so
important? (Migrants are used as assets, no one will miss them) Operations. Satan. Who
follows? (The Cabal) What political leaders worship Satan? (Hillary and Bill Clinton, John
Podesta) What does an upside down cross represent? (Baal. Satan. Molech.) Who wears
openly? (Chelsea Clinton) Why?(She worships Satan) Who is she connected to?(Hillary & Bill
Clinton) Why is this relevant?(She was groomed into it) Spirit cooking. What does Spirit
Cooking represent? (Satanic Rituals and Worship, Child Sacrifice) Cult. What is a cult? (A group
of people whose religious practices are regarded by others as strange or sinister) Who is
worshiped? (Baal. Satan. Molech.) Why is this relevant? (Human sacrifices are used to increase
power) Snow White (CIA Spy Operations and Poison Apple Gravity) Godfather III (Vatican
corruption involved) Speed. Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


The Deep State Government Puppets…

President Barrack Obama, Former First Lady Michelle Obama, Former Vice President Joe Biden,
Former Secretary of State John Kerry (2013-2017), Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham
Clinton (2009-2013), Former Secretary of Defense Ashton B. Carter (2015-2017), Former
Secretary of Defense Leon E. Panetta (2011-2013), Former Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates
(2009-2011), Former Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel (2013-2015), Former Secretary of the
Interior Ken L. Salazar (2009-2013), Former Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell (2013-2017),
Former Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch (2015-2017), Former Attorney General Eric H. Holder
(2009-2015), Former Secretary of the Treasury Jack Lew (2013-2017), Former Secretary of the
Treasury Timothy F. Geithner (2009-2013), Former Secretary of Health and Human Services
Kathleen Sebelius (2009-2014), Former Secretary of Health and Human Services Sylvia Mathews
Burwell (2014-2017), Former Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez (2013-2017), Former Secretary
of Labor Hilda L. Solis (2009-2013), Former Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker (2013-2017),
Former Secretary of Commerce John Bryson (2011-2012), Former Secretary of Commerce Gary
Locke (2009-2011), Former Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack (2009-2017), Former Secretary
of Education John King Jr. (2016-2017), Former Secretary of Education Arne Duncan (2009-
2016), Former Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz (2013-2017), Former Secretary of Energy Steven
Chu (2009-2013), Former Secretary of Homeland Security Jeh Johnson (2013-2017), Former
Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano (2009-2013), Former Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development Shaun Donovan (2009-2014), Former Secretary of Housing and Urban
Development Julián Castro (2014-2017), Former Secretary of Transportation Anthony Foxx
(2013-2017), Former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood (2009-2013), Former Secretary of
Veterans Affairs Robert A. McDonald (2014-2017), Former Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric
Shinseki (2009-2014), Former FBI Director James Comey (2013-2017), Former CIA Director John
Brennan (2013-2017), Former Deputy Director Andrew McCabe (2016-2018), Former Deputy
Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (2017-2019), Trump’s Former Aid Carter Page (2016), Former
Director of Counterintelligence Bill Preistap (2015-2018), Former Director of National
Intelligence James Clapper (2010-2017), Trump’s Former Campaign Manager Paul Manafort
(2016), Former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok (1996-2018), Former FBI General Counsel Lisa
Page (2006-2018), Former Deputy/Acting Attorney General Sally Yates (2015-2017), Former CIA
Director Gina Haspel (2018-2021), Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice (2013-2017),
Former DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman Shultz (2011-2016), Speaker Nancy Pelosi (2019-
Present), Representative Adam Schiff (2001-Present), Former Speaker Paul Ryan (2015-2019),
Senator Mitch McConnell (1984-Present), Senator Chuck Schumer(1999-Present), Senator
Richard Burr (2005-Present), Senator Mark Warner (2008-Present), Former Special Counsel
Robert Mueller (2016-2019), Former Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett (2009-2017), Senator John
McCain (1987-2018), Senator Lyndsey Graham (2009-Present), Counselor to President Obama
John Podesta (2014-2015), Hillary Clinton’s Former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin (2009-
2013), Former White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel (2009-2010)

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Q1929 - How the intelligence apparatus (CIA/Mossad) , State Dept, and Dept of "JUSTICE" of
the United States, in joint effort w/ our (x) (Queen Elizabeth II) primary foreign allies + other
covert assets, as directed by HUSSEIN [WH] in coordination w/ HRC, colluded and conspired to
RIG THE PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION OF 2016 in an effort to install HRC, frame POTUS
(PROJECTION!), (Obama using Warheads to coerce compliance using ship CME/missile system,
including removing President Trump) create emergency contingencies re: installation of
SAFEGUARDS and FIREWALLS(create emergency contingencies to protect Wallenbergs’ and the
OF THE FAKE NEWS MEDIA TO CARRY OUT X-FRAME(Queens plan to frame President Trump)

Key (‘Key’stone is the Royal Family/Queen) areas to control the U.S. are California and New
York. Spies are placed accordingly through CCP & CIA/Mossad.

Q4935 - hunter-biden-china-joint-venture-key-contacts “Key (Queen Elizabeth II) domestic

contacts for phase one target projects.” Harris, D-Calif. Senate Minority Leader Chuck
Schumer, D-N.Y. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. Sen. Kirsten
Gillibrand, D-N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y Mayor Bill de Blasio, D-N.Y.C former Virginia
Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others. Pandora's 'political elite' box? Q

The CIA/MOSSAD use “Madams” like Alex Adam, Heidi Fleiss, Allison Mack and Rachel “Ray”
Chandler to gather assets and groom victims for sexual blackmail. For example, Ray Chandler
was used at locations like the Standard Hotel and Epstein’s Island. She is connected to the
Rothschilds through her Hollywood friends like Nicky Hilton. She has many connections to
Hollywood, Royals and Government leaders as well as Satanic connections like “spirit cooker”
Marina Abramovic who was outlined in the Podesta email leak. Madams like her use blackmail
to secure power around the world for CIA/MOSSAD with evidence, filmed or otherwise, of
powerful individuals doing unconscionable things. Already shown by Allison Mack’s involvement
with NXIVM, she was the Madam for that cult and groomed victims in much the same way as
sex slaves and Ray Chandler = Allison MACK x 100. Mack was also connected to the Rothschilds
through the Bronfman family. Britney Spears may have been a victim of their grooming and her
recent Instagram posts imply she may tell their secrets. They openly flaunt satanic symbolism in
art, hand signals, jewelry and many other ways thinking no one will ever figure out their secrets,
but this symbolism will be their downfall.

Q9 - …D’s (Deep State) can’t lose control over the black population.(satanic Hollywood/music
industry) At some point the great awakening will occur whereby these false local / national

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

black leaders are corrupt and paid off to help keep the black pop(satanic Hollywood/music
industry) poor and in need. D’s (Democrats) formed the confederate states against freeing
slaves. D’s (Democrats) formed the KKK. HRC’s mentor is who? (Senator Robert Byrd) What
happens if the truth about Haiti is released? (They lose control. The world wakes up to their
trafficking scheme) Do D’s(Democrats) lose majority of the vote? Through the looking glass.
They rely on the MSM to keep the narrative going but tech is entrenching on their controls.
They missed this in 2016 and desperately attempting to censor now due to CIA cash infusions.
This will fail.

Q19 - …What happens if D’s (Deep State) lose the slave grip on the black pop (satanic
Hollywood/music industry)? Why do D’s, through the funding of the CIA, prop up and install
Hollywood/media assets? (control) Does this fall within Operation Mockingbird? (yes, asset
placement) What were the historical advantages D’s (Deep State) gained by having MSM and
famous people peddling narrative? (control human population) Who exposed the pedo
network within H wood? You can’t answer the above but will laugh once disclose details. The
network which controls this false narrative which in turns keeps the black pop (satanic
Hollywood/music industry) under control is being dismantled…

This lines up with the CIA/MOSSAD honey pots like Rep Adam Schiff's Standard Hotel, where he
and his friend’s rape and murder children. Others are Epstein's Pedo Island with help from
Ghislaine Maxwell, the 3 Adrenochrome HUMA Ghosts Ships of child sacrifice & Hugh Hefner's
playboy scheme, all to control Hollywood, Politicians and World Leaders to stay in power. This is
one reason our government is the way it is now, corrupt and blackmailed beyond repair.

Q160 - You guys are missing the importance of Hugh Hefner! Think of it this way. >Hugh
invites over celeb/politician >Hugh offers them "something younger" >Hugh offers them a
"safe space" to do it in >Hugh tapes encounter >Sends tape to CIA >CIA has person by the balls
for LIFE. This is MAJORLY IMPORTANT to what has been keeping people in control for so long!

CIA/MOSSAD agents Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell committed many of these crimes on
Little St James Island. The DOJ has evidence of it and it may even be part of Declas, many
exhibits detail what FBI/DOJ/SDNY knew about the duo. Maxwell is also going through court
proceedings to allow her evidence to become public as well. Once released this would allow for
another Executive Order, 13818 Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human
Rights Abuse or Corruption, to apply. Any Government official or person acting for or on behalf
of such official, found to be responsible for or complicit in or to have directly engaged in, serious
human rights abuse, their funds will basically be blocked and ultimately seized and forfeited.

The Deep State has a history of "painting the roses red". They make lots of mistakes and need to
"fix things" when they leak out. All the laptops, like Hunter Biden's and Anthony Weiner's, have
massive amounts of evidence of their heinous crimes against children and treason. NYPD
officers were murdered because they saw this evidence on Weiner’s laptop. The Deep State also
has control of Southern District of New York (SDNY) which explains why they are always going

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

after Trump and always able to control the justice system from that area with their ship missile

State Secrets Privilege, States v. Reynolds decision in the Supreme Court, is how the Military
Intelligence Complex hides from other branches of the government, including Presidents. The
Deep State is running amok in our government by funneling money into special access
programs. They spy on everyone, which allows for blackmail. Similar laws are used in other
countries as well and they can get away with anything by applying the law. Bush Sr, GW Bush,
and Truman had a hand in setting it up this way. It's another reason 9/11 was created, so they
could set up more laws like the Patriot Act as a power grab. George Soros, who is a Rothschild's
Cabal puppet, has his money tied into the democrats and media. This fact and States Secrets
Privilege, is how the Cabal stays in control of our government.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

How about a nice game of chess?

(D5 is a chess move and also part of a last resort plan by the Cabal>Deep State to use a ship missile
system to keep what they have; it also has the ability to create a Coronal Mass Ejection CME from the
sun to create a mass extinction event. Wallenberg used to push Covid/vaccines, Democrat wish lists,
cover Joe Bidens mistakes, vote by mail scam and it was used to weaken the election, but with President
Trump taking over it will eliminate any strategic positions the Cabal> Deep State held. There is also a life
size chess board on Richard Branson’s Necker Island)

IG Horowitz (“Justice” Dept) speech – ‘whistleblowers’’

(The signaling method, a phone, used to launch a missile from the ship missile system, to deter anyone
speaking out against the Cabal>Deep State. SecureDrop, hosted by Apache, was an open-source
whistleblower program that allows the media to install and accept testimony from anonymous sources.
The CIA was actually in charge of the program so this helped them to weed out and eliminate
whistleblowers like John Perry Barlow, an internet free speech pioneer.)

(A phone signal for missile strikes)


(Chairman Adam Schiff oversees the House Intel Committee)

“Since 2015, he has simultaneously served as the Chair of the Council of the Inspectors General on
Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE), an organization comprised of all 73 federal Inspectors General.”

(Since 2015, Adam Schiff has served as the Chair of the House Intel Committee and oversees his foot
soldiers to keep people in line)

Think yesterday.

What was learned?

Michael Sussmann exposed… (See FISA/CrossfireHurricane Background Page 63)

Robert Storch confirmed NSA IG.

(Representative Schiff is a confirmed CIA/Mossad foot soldier)

First presidentially-appointed IG for NSA?

(Representative Schiff is a confirmed CIA/Mossad foot soldier appointed by the Queen)

Dept of “Justice” [background] important?

(The Uranium One deal allowed for the Cabal to build an armada of ships with miniature depleted
uranium nuclear missile capabilities using Club K shipping containers. These are also equipped with
Direct Energy Weapons DEWs and fitted on container ships around the world.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Iran, Russia and North Korea get 20% of US Uranium in connection with Gulftainer, Crescent Petroleum
and Rosetec/Rosoboronexport, which they also used to produce Club K missile systems. Also connected
through Project Pelican and Gulftainer’s Port Canaveral completed in 2018 which allows them a 35-year
cargo container terminal lease. This allowed them to have their armada of ships with shipping container
missiles systems based in the US as their “military” presence.)

Federal prosecutor in N. District of NY [background] important?

(The Southern and Northern District of New York SDNY/NDSY are a strategic position for the Deep State.
Holding all of the AG’s and Judges in that area helps them control the Judicial system. It also happened
to be the jurisdiction for all the important evidence like the Weiner laptop, Clinton Foundation case,
Epstein evidence collection and Ukraine. These were all buried or made to disappear, any attempt to
remove Judges or AG’s results in the use of the ship missile system.)



( Adam Schiff, CHAIRMAN of the House Intel Comm and has foot soldiers to help keep the Cabal>Deep
State in control. He was caught leaking classified information in order to damage President Trump.
Former acting Director of Intelligence Richard Grenell called Adam Schiff out for leaking classified
information and for not coordinating on DNI reforms. He has been repeatedly asked to do the latter for
years. President Trump said he should be investigated for leaking intelligence. He was caught lying to
the press about having Russia/Trump evidence which was soon proved wrong when the actual
documents were released with no such evidence. President Trump purposefully left Schiff out of the Abu
Bakr al Baghdad operation because Washington is a “leaking machine”. Schiff often compromised
integrity and has proven to be a bad faith actor, all for partisan politics. He lied about the Ukraine phone
call. The President read the transcript out loud for all to hear and Schiff still lied about it reading his own
“parody” of a transcript which the public believed to be real.

Prior to joining NSA, Adam Schiff used the missile ship system to deter whistleblowers from coming
forward, using phones to control missile launches to make sure any attempts at whistleblowing did not
come to light.)

“Earlier in his career, Mr. Storch also worked as a federal prosecutor in the Northern District of New
York, most recently serving as the Deputy Criminal Chief and Counsel to the U.S. Attorney. He was
also posted overseas for two years as a Department of Justice Resident Legal Advisor in Ukraine.”

(Any Northern or Southern District of New York AG’s or Judges not serving the Deep State will be kept in
line with the ship missile system. The same applied for Ukraine. Any politician’s or leaders will comply
due to the ship missile system.)


(Phones unlock command and control of the ship missiles system, ability to launch from anywhere)


(People or foot soldiers who spy on behalf of Chairman Schiff)

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

“The CIGIE is comprised of all Inspectors General whose offices are established under section 2 or
section 8G of the Inspector General Act of 1978 (5 U.S.C. App.), those that are Presidentially-
appointed/Senate Confirmed and those that are appointed by agency heads (designated federal

(Spies that are handpicked by Chairman Schiff)

(People who spy for and do the legwork for of Chairman Schiff… See CIA/MOSSAD Page 10)

Q392 - 3,000+ saved by the raids in SA alone. WW lanes shut down. Bottom to TOP. [HAITI]. [RED
CROSS] [CLASSIFIED] High Priority. Q
Humanitarian Workers Sexually Exploiting Kids in Haiti-

Q1880 - Haiti [Read very carefully]
story/dcecf5950ca5b6d501c48ed927127bc3 "Child trafficking victims who’ve spent their formative
years servicing the carnal desires of men, often foreigners, who are three, four, five or six times their
age. Their madam tells me that many of their customers are western humanitarian workers who’ve
come here to help rebuild Haiti after the recent run of natural disasters." The more you know… Q

Q1881 - "This is far from a ‘vigilante group’; leading the team is ex-Department of Homeland Security
special agent Tim Ballard, perhaps America’s foremost human trafficking expert. "The problem in Haiti
is an international crisis,” Ballard explains. “With so many children displaced or orphaned during the
recent earthquake and hurricane, recruiters moved quickly to sweep these children up. And the worst
part of it all is that in many cases the clients are the foreigners who’ve come here to help, the NGO
workers and the so-called humanitarians.” PURE EVIL. [[[[HUNTERS]]]] BECOME THE HUNTED. THE

Q1233 - They will lose black vote once Haiti revealed. Lost now (awakening). They keep them
enslaved. What did Hussein (Obama) do for the black community? vs POTUS (President Trump)? Q

Q1276 - How many pics can you find of JL (John Legend) & HRC (Hillary Clinton)? re: Haiti? Marching
into the Darkness - lyrics. Follow the stars. It’s everywhere. Q

Q448 - AIDS is trending on Twitter. NYT ran this story today with sources saying POTUS said: " Haiti
had sent 15,000 people. They “all have AIDS,” he grumbled, according to one person who attended
the meeting and another person who was briefed about it by a different person who was there." Red Cross is corrupt and
used as a piggy bank. Future topic. Diseases created by families in power (pop (Hollywood/Music
Industry) control + pharma billions kb (kickbacks) ). Think AIDS.

AIDS purposely given to people would mean pharma millions of dollars in kickbacks for treatment.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Q663 -Klaus Eberwein, (a Clinton whistleblower on Haiti) , dies after accidentally shooting himself in
the face.

He was expected to expose the Clinton foundation corruption in front of the Haitian Ethics and Anti-
Corruption Commission.

Q89 - Thank you Anon. FBI/MI currently have open investigation into the CF(Clinton Foundation). Why
didn't Comey drop this? (He’s Deep State and in on it) Who was the FBI director during the Haiti crisis?
(Robert Mueller) How many kids disappeared? (Est. 50,000) How much money was sent to CF under
disguise of Haiti relief and actually went to Haiti?($9 million went to Haiti, Clintons kept $300 million
for themselves) What countries donated big money to CF? (Australia, Norway, Netherlands, Canada,
Italy, UAE, Qatar, Germany, Oman) SA (Saudi Arabia) ? Why is this relevant? (Hillary Clinton in
Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland. SA trafficking ring.) Snow White
(CIA Spy Operations Code and Poison Apple Gravity) Q


“Many Haiti orphanages run by child traffickers”

Q866 - https:// So much is open source. So much left to be

connected. Why are the children in Haiti in high demand? How are they smuggled out? (Ships)
‘Adoption’ process. Local ‘staging’ ports friendly to CF? (Possibly Richard Branson’s Necker Island) Track
donations. Cross against location relative to Haiti. (Ten Island Solar Project, linking Islands surrounding
Haiti, complete with underwater fiber cables) Think logically. The choice, to KNOW, will be yours. Q

Q208 - Rizvi Traverse Management. Very important. (Well acquainted with Richard Branson, Rizvi owns
Intra Island Air in the Caribbean, easy access to all the islands. Rizvi owned Summit Entertainment in
Hollywood, which was bought out by Lionsgate, which has a Haitian Development Fund by Frank Giustra
who is a friend of Bill Clinton)

Q2918 - Sometimes it takes a ‘roast’ in order to be

able to speak the TRUTH and get away w/ it. [Selected Samples] [13:45] – Deception [14:05] –
Pretending not to hate Catholics [14:40] – Haiti Symbolism will be their downfall. Q

Q3050 - This is

not just about sex trafficking [1]. Will the rich & powerful influence the court to prevent the
unsealing? THE TALE OF TWO: [1] - Sex Resort (non_temple_resort_only) > trafficked & drugged
underage girls [2] - Occult / Worship of Evil (temple) [CLAS 1-99] Haiti > Pray for the victims. Q

Q1831 - Does POTUS make statements that are false? Knowing what you know now….. [Start @ 12:00] Think Haiti [14:40] Think Watergate Commission

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

[removed_why_investigate]. Listen very carefully. TRUTH. Surrounded by EVIL. NEVER STOP PRAYING.
WWG1WGA!!!!!! Q

Red Cross, Foreign Aid and funding through the Paris Accords supported their human/weapons/drug
trafficking schemes. According to; Bill and Melinda Gates Care and supported Save
The Children have funds coming from the U.S. Department of State; Bureau of Population, Refugees,
and Migration. Jeff Bezos Amazon, Red Cross and China’s World Health Organization have funds coming
from the U.S. Agency for International Development; Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian
Assistance. These are just a few of the organizations that US Taxpayers fund through Foreign Aid
programs. It also goes to unknown or unverified vendors to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa, Haiti, Israel,
North Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Vietnam, India and China, the bulk of which comes
through the U.S. Agency for International Development; Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and
Humanitarian Assistance. The Paris Accords is just one more way to get taxpayer money through their
GCF fund, which funnels money to places like North Korea, even they claim US humanitarian aid is
sinister scheme. The Red Cross’s Gail McGovern’s has a history of corruption with Hillary Clinton , The
Red Cross also has a history of connections to the Rothschilds and Wallenbergs. These slush funds help
to pay for their Deep State Shadow Government.


How might this benefit ‘possible’ ongoing investigations across inter-intra federal agencies?

(Knowing all available information ahead of time allows for counter moves to be planned)


(Jeff Huber of Google >> Direct Line via phone >> Adam Schiff)



(Adam Schiff’s foot soldiers use the threat of signaling the ship missile system to assure information,
products and services are obtained.)

(My Telegram sessions advise public of their ship missiles system and Jeff Huber’s role in the scheme
with direct oversight from Adam Schiff)

NSA been pushed since the beginning.

(NSA won’t be pushed anymore, it’s time to push back)

Logical thinking.

The "Experts"

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

(NSA Wizards and Warriors)

But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP

But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP [team of less than 20
typically] & wait 2-4 years [take a gamble]

(My Telegram will expose that Hillary Clinton and Adam Schiff controlled and surveilled the swamp via
the ship missile system. They spied on the House, the Press and the Senate as well as the Intel
Committees. They also spied on President Trump and Senator Cruz during their 2016 Presidential
Campaigns. There were 2-4 ports open on Hillary Clinton’s server which allowed remote access to the
data anywhere in the world including the UK and China)

But… SESSIONS should appoint a 2nd SC in DC aka THE CORRUPT SWAMP because unlike the CLINTON
EMAIL CORRUPT CASE [as demonstrated by the FBI/DOJ people FIRED/REMOVED] this will be
conducted faithfully and honestly [like MUELLER]

(My Telegram will expose that Adam Schiff gave Hillary Clinton access to the Special Access Programs
SAPs which led to her email scandal. Schiff and Clinton used the ship missile system threat to make sure
it was conducted properly.

Leaked intel was received by China via Hillary Clinton’s private bathroom server. Clinton used a personal
email and computer to conduct official government business which goes against government policy. It
was set up with limited security hardening which made it vulnerable to intrusion and theft as early as
March 2013. She used non-government IT staff to maintain it which also goes against government
policy. Germany and South Korea also had access to the server.

Hillary Clinton purposely used outside servers and a Shadow IT, Bryan Pagliano and possibly others, who
did not have clearances to leak Special Access Programs SAPs information out. Using her personal email
allowed her to avoid any FOIA requests since she wasn’t using an official government email. Obama
knew about the servers and condoned it. SAPs are the most clandestine activities and are designated
above Top Secret. Many emails had “born classified” information on them, meaning classified from the
start. IG reports showed some emails on the servers were there as early as 2009. The IG report was
modified and redacted by Rod Rosenstein which left out additional classified information. President
Trump’s attempts to declassify original unredacted reports were met with the Cabal > Deep State threat
of ship missile systems and could not be released.

When asked to produce the email evidence, Hillary Clinton deleted approximately 30,000 of the 60,000
emails and her servers were wiped clean, showing intent to deceive.

The classified information leaked did irreparable damage to national security since some contained
information on the Drone program and had the names of CIA, NSA and other intelligence officers in
them. This led to the Tarmac meeting between Former President Bill Clinton and AG Loretta Lynch that I
mentioned above. In exchange for Hillary’s exoneration, Lynch would get a seat on the Supreme Court.
AG Lynch held up her end of the bargain, but Hillary didn’t win in 2016 so she couldn’t fulfill her promise
to AG Lynch. The Comey FBI report, altered by Peter Strzok, downplayed the incident from “gross
negligence” to “extremely careless”, helping to cover up her crimes.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Clinton was also allowing political access for donations to her Clinton Foundation CF, known as “pay for
play”. CF has also been accused of money laundering in the past. Romanian Marcel-Lehel Lazar aka
Guccifer was able to hack into Sidney Blumenthal’s AOL account that showed correspondence to Hillary
Clinton as early as March 2013.

The State Department was used for spying for Clinton. According to Wikileaks, diplomatic cables were
released in 2010 outlining the spying on foreign diplomats including the UN. This information was also
stored on her bathroom server.


But… HUBER has not ‘directly’ interviewed several witnesses therefore the appointment of HUBER by
SESSIONS [and therefore the IG] is not genuine

(There are many witnesses to the ship trafficking scheme that will come forward now because the threat
by Schiff’s foot soldiers is no longer genuine. Securing most of the ship missiles systems from the
Cabal>Deep State meant everything. This will bring severe pain to DC. You are witnessing, firsthand, the
demise of the Old Guard. They can no longer hunt and are now the hunted.)

But… SESSIONS & HUBER are following standard DOJ open/ongoing investigation policy by not
discussing [making public] so therefore nothing must be happening [FIRE SESSIONS!]

(Permission given to report on Huber and the human trafficking ship scheme despite the threat of ship
missile system)

But… HUBER [ability to prosecute + empanel a grand jury outside of DC [90%+ voted HRC (2016)], who
already began the investigation(s) late last year w/ assigned team of 470 investigators (attorneys) + IG
+ legal jurisdiction across all 50 states, is not a ‘special counsel’ so therefore nothing is being done

(There were 470 provisions in laws passed before 1976 that gave President’s emergency powers in the
National Emergencies Act NEA. These emergency powers were already in effect last year against Schiff’s
foot soldiers who recently lost 90% of their ship missile armada in ongoing military operations)

But… POTUS is attacking SESSIONS via TWITTER so therefore he is not working on behalf of the
people’s interest (or POTUS’) [D’s/LEFT LOVE/TRUST SESSIONS!]

(President Trump attacking me via Twitter was optics, my Telegram sessions are absolutely working for
the people’s interest and Trump loves to troll the Deep State, trust my Telegram sessions)

But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are so many FBI & DOJ senior
officials being FIRED and/or REMOVED from their respective positions of power? Who is AG? Who
must sign off on each removal? DOJ in charge of FBI?

(Military operations under President Trumps leadership removed 90% of their ship missile systems
which means the Cabal>Deep State has lost its power

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

**President Trump is the Commander in Chief of the US Military. In the event of a terrorist attack or
natural disaster, the Insurrection Act allows the President to use the US Military as a police force. To
ratify the powers of this Act, the President must first publish a proclamation order for insurgents to
disperse. On Jan 6, 2021 President Trump released a video statement telling Capital protesters to stay
peaceful. No violence. And to go home. He then tweeted a similar message a half hour later.

We now know that Antifa and Black Lives Matters were the true insurgents that stormed the Capital
building Jan 6. President Trump was actually telling these insurgents to disperse.)

But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are there 50,000+ sealed
indictments across the US [what % = USA v. X?]? Coincidence vs. HUBER start?

(But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are there 200,000+ sealed
indictments across the US? The revealing of the UK’s involvement with the ship human trafficking
scheme, as well as Adam Schiff’s exposure, is the start and opening of the indictments.)

But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are many ‘powerful’ CEOs,
members of Congress/ Senate, resigning? Coincidence? Example: Pre_POTUS did the SPEAKER OF THE
HOUSE indicate wanting to leave politics?

(But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are many ‘powerful’ CEOs, members
of Congress/ Senate, resigning? Coincidence? Example: Pre_President Trump did Nancy Pelosi SPEAKER
OF THE HOUSE indicate wanting to leave politics? No. But now she has mentioned she may leave.)

But… interestingly, if nothing is being done behind the scenes, why are human trafficking arrests

(One example: Operation Liberterra! Police rescue 430 human trafficking victims and identify 4,000
irregular migrants from 74 countries)

Nothing to See Here.



How do you accomplish the following:

1. Terminate history-making economic gains made by President Trump prior to the election

2. Stall US-China trade phase II _buy China time _prevent loss of billions [locked new agreement]

3. Terminate [hold] President Trump’s record attendance rallies across USA _deplete and remove

4. Protect Biden from embarrassment re: mental health [clear cognitive decline], Q&A, rally
attendance crowd size, lack of enthusiasm, etc.

5. Protect Biden from Ukraine scandal re: himself & son _Covid19 change of narrative

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

6. Protect Biden from sexual assault allegation _Covid19 change narrative

7. Protect and shelter #MeToo [Democrat] created movement _preserve to target future [Republican]
sexual assault allegations _allow hold vs Biden due to Covid19 narrative change

8. Create non_digital pathway to rig 2020 Presidential election _engage 80 million mail-in-ballot
distribution [coordinated as early as April/May] to sidestep election night defeat [no 'concede']
attempt ballot harvest media push 'we don't know how many ballots are left undelivered by postal
service' re: legal challenge battleground states _stall_challenge_push division/chaos _CLAS1-99

9. Create division hatred fear campaign primarily scare senior citizens from voting in person on
election day _riots _protests _Covid19 death _eliminate enough senior [Republican] votes counteract
[Democrat] to [Republican] defection(s)

10. Create impression country divided _use EU-early war election gaming tactics against current

11. Propaganda blame attack current administration economic hardship(s), death toll, attack plan re:
safety and wellbeing re: Covid19 failed _push Biden _stage Biden had answer to Pandemic early on
_country will heal with: Biden victory _violence will end with: Biden victory

12. Change narrative 44 Obama administration treason & corruption to President Trump Covid19
failure and death blame

13. Isolate faithful from each other _remove ability to attend Church [house of worship]

14. Justify social media censorship by using Covid19 W.H.O. claims as primary foundation _extend
beyond Covid19 to other 'political' areas to remove and cut off forms of anti-narrative communication
[seize control]

15. Leave door open to Constitution crisis

16. Avoid/delay public exposure of corruption & accountability _prevent loss of control/power

17. Avoid/delay loss of US taxpayer trillions due to loss of control _inability to enact corrupt policy to
send money overseas disguised as goodwill/climate _unregulated _no audit policy







How do you accomplish the above?

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Release a Coronal Mass Ejection CME from the Sun using the Cabal>Deep States ship missile system, or
constantly threaten to release one.

Who benefits the most? The Cabal


(See COVID-19 Page 49)


Q3518 - Donald Trump: How amazing, the State Health Director who verified copies of Obama’s “birth
certificate” died in a plane crash today. All others lived. Ask yourself a very simple Q - How
did someone die from this type of accident? Severity of impact? Low? Do you believe in coincidences?

On Dec 12, 2013 Loretta Fuddy died in a plane crash. She was the Hawaii Director of Health that
inspected and verified Barrack Obama's birth certificate as valid. Nine people total were on board the
Cessna aircraft. She was the only one to die. Two years prior, she allowed Obama access to the certified
copies which she later verified as accurate and authentic.

Fuddy knew Obama’s mother Ann Soetoro. They were in the same Muslim Sabud cult in Indonesia. This
cult has 3 major locations, Indonesia, Chicago and Hawaii. In fact, Fuddy was one of the cult leaders
since 2006. Ann Soetoros biographer even confirms in her book, A Singular Woman: The Untold Story of
Barack Obama’s Mother, that Fuddy was placed in the Hawaii Health Director position to “verify” his
birth. ”It also is a delicious fact that our Subud sister, Ms. Fuddy, just was appointed to her post in the
Health Dept in Hawaii in time to be involved in the documentation of the fact that Obama was born

Obama was actually born Barry Soebarkah and that is what is on the birth certificate. The name change
may have been done for adoption or spiritual reasons. The document presented by Fuddy has been
verified as a fake by many who have examined the documents. One example is Lord Christopher
Monckton who has done a thorough analysis on forgery pitch and found shifts that indicate fraud.

Was Ms. Fuddy’s death a chance to cover up loose ends? Now there will be no possibility of someone
coming forward to confess the truth on the matter.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Taxpayer Theft




Kennedy was an outsider [assassinated]

Reagan was an outsider [assassination attempt]

POTUS is an outsider [CLAS HIGH]

How much money (CASH) was sent by the FED to Iraq (Iraq War)? ( In 2003, $12 Billion was sent in
shrink wrapped $100 bills on pallets to Iraq. It was send from New York to Baghdad for Iraqi Ministries
and US Contractors for disbursement, using C130 planes that delivered the case once or twice a month.
It comes out to 363 tons of cash. According to an official memo "Many of the funds appear to have been
lost to corruption and waste ... thousands of 'ghost employees' were receiving pay cheques from Iraqi
ministries under the CPA's control. Some of the funds could have enriched both criminals and insurgents
fighting the United States." Totaling near $20 Billion with little to no accountability.)

How much money (CASH) was Confiscated from the Iraq Central Bank? ($1 Billion in cash, mostly $100
shrink wrapped notes, was taken from the Central Bank. It was take by US Service members to Kuwait to
be counted and slowly disappeared over time into the hands of officers and enlisted personnel who had
access to it, the bigger thieves were more elusive.)

[Example – not intended for PUBLIC awareness]

If it worked in IRAQ, why not replicate in IRAN? (Yes, in 2016, Obama did something similar.)

How much money (CASH) was sent to IRAN? (In 2016, the Obama administration paid $1.3 Billion,
supposedly to settle interest on a 1970’s military sale dispute, 2 days later sending $400 million in
pallets of cash to Tehran. 13 separate payments of $99,999,999.99 and the last payment of $10 million.
Payments were sent in multiple currencies like Euros, Swiss Francs and others and all in US taxpayer
funds. Some say the deal was used as leverage for releasing American prisoners and used as a ransom.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Who controls the distribution of funds? (The funds used were from a US Treasury account called a
Judgment Fund, that allows the President to bypass Congress and settle litigation quickly using US
taxpayer funds.)

Who accounts for the funds? (US Treasury)

Who has access to the funds? (The President of the United States has direct access to these funds)

Who ‘really’ has access to the funds? (Clinton Foundation)

Do funds return in the form of political donations?

Q1345 - …U1. Risk the welfare of the world. Why? Money. Organized/planned by BC/HRC( Bill &
Hillary Clinton). Carried out by Hussein(Barack Obama). [remember HRC ran against Hussein] U1
[donations to CF](Clinton Foundation gets the kickbacks). $1.7b in-cash transfer to Iran [4 routes][5
planes]. Did the total withdrawal actually depart EU?(No, bribes and kickbacks) Why EU? (Companies
outside US) Define bribe(a gift or money for acting in someone’s favor). Define kickback (Illicit
payments for specific transactions). Special Interest Groups (SIG). What US/EU Co’s Immediately closed
large deals in Iran post deal? (Royal Dutch Shell) Cross
check Co’s against political + foundation payments.(Royal Dutch Shell lobbied the Clinton-led State
Department in 2016, and CF has accepted donations from RDS. They have been wanting an Alberta
Clipper pipeline in Canada. Pipelines usually mean F assets.) Define bribe (A gift or money for acting in
someone’s favor.). Define kickback (Illicit payments for specific transactions.)…

Do funds return in the form of massive donations to ‘FOUNDATIONS’ and/or ‘INSTITUTES’? (Iran takes
money from Royal Dutch Shell for business purposes then returns it through Clinton Foundation in the
form of donations.)

Do funds return in the form of offshore bank accounts for future payments/payoffs? (According to; Bill and Melinda Gates Care and supported Save The Children have funds coming
from the U.S. Department of State; Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Jeff Bezos Amazon,
Red Cross and China’s World Health Organization have funds coming from the U.S. Agency for
International Development; Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance. These are
just a few of the organizations that US Taxpayers fund through Foreign Aid programs. It also goes to
unknown or unverified vendors to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa, Haiti, Israel, North Korea, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Vietnam, India and China, the bulk of which comes through the U.S. Agency for
International Development; Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance.)

Replicate: Environment (‘Green’), AID assist, etc. (An example would be taxpayer money goes to the
GCF climate change fund, which funnels money to Iran or North Korea and claim it as humanitarian aid.)

Q489 - US taxpayers are paying for it all. Paris accord = scam (trillions) Red Cross = scam (billions)
Foreign Aid = scam (trillions) WAR = scam (trillions) ………on…and….on…….. Who audits where the
money actually goes? Who actually receives the money? The US taxpayer is funding the very people
we are engaged in taking down. Slush funds everywhere. Think GS pays for Antifa out of his own
pocket? The hole is deep. Feel sick yet? Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q




Threat of an OUTSIDER becoming PRESIDENT? (2016 President Trump won)

LOSS OF CONTROL? (The Cabal>Deep State panicked; all their corruption was about to be exposed. They
use ships equipped with nuclear missiles to control people, and will also launch one to create a Solar
Coronal Mass Ejection CME to end life on the planet to keep the truth about their child trafficking
scheme hidden.)

“Trillions of dollars at stake.”

"Controlled by group of special interests."

"Illusion of democracy."

[Welcome to the Real World]






The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


The credibility of our institutions [Constitutional Law that governs our Great Land [Our Republic]], and
our ability to regain the trust and faith of the American people, all depends on our ability to restore
[EQUAL JUSTICE UNDER THE LAW] by prosecuting those responsible [Blind-Justice].
Treasonous acts [sedition] against the Republic [the 'People'] of the United States [START - LEAD-IN].
Infiltration [rogue] at the highest levels of our gov, media, corps, etc.
Planned & coordinated [D/ F]. (Domestic and Foreign Assets/Agents planned, coordinated and
infiltrated our government, media and corporate structure at all levels. They have committed Sedition
and Treason against our Country, the Constitution and the people of the United States. The ability to
prosecute those responsible will restore the American people’s faith and credibility in our laws and
justice system.)
This is not about politics.
Something far more sinister [evil] has been allowed to flourish through all parts of our society.
It has been protected and safeguarded.
It has been camouflaged to appear as trusted.
It has been projected [normalized] by stars.
[CLAS 1-99]

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

One must only look to see.

[Symbolism will be their downfall] (Satanism has been allowed to flourish through all parts of society, it
has been protected & safe guarded and hidden from the main public, but blatantly flaunted in movies,
TV, books, music and symbols throughout our society, causing people to relax its stance about it’s true
meaning. Music and movie stars blatantly normalize it with set designs, hand gestures, costumes and
lyrics or scripts. Some under the coercion or threat of the Cabal>Deep States ship missile system but
blatantly accept Satan and evil as their reality. But these symbols will be their downfall, the public will
learn the truth about how Satanism regularly practices in the sacrifice of children and the drinking of
their blood, Adrenochrome. The amount of adrenaline in the product makes this a potent and addictive
drug. The public will learn of their worldwide human trafficking schemes to mass harvest this blood and
supply it to stars, politicians and leaders. This keeps them in line and controlled and therefore the
population is controlled by their puppet system, but this won’t happen anymore when the truth is
learned. The people will NOT allow it and dismantle it quickly.)
This is not another [4] year election. (No this is about taking humanity back from the clutches of evil
and it’s about saving the children of the world from a horrible fate.)
"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong."
You are not alone.
We stand together. (We are winning this fight because we have been standing together as one. As long
as we keep doing that we are in full control and they will los.e)

2. Leak Classified Intelligence and Military Secrets

According to Wikileaks, leaked intel was received by China via Hillary Clinton’s private bathroom
server. Clinton used a personal email and computer to conduct official government business,
which goes against government policy. It was set up with limited security hardening which made
it vulnerable to intrusion and theft as early as March 2013. She used non-government IT staff to
maintain it, which also goes against government policy. Germany and South Korea had access to
the server.
Pakistani nationals, the Awan’s had access to the DNC servers from 2004 through 2016. The
servers collected congressional information and stored it on servers in Pakistan.

3. Cut Military Funding

Budget Sequestration during the Obama administration seriously crippled the US Military,
according to publicized statistics by the House Armed Services Committee published on March
22, 2018. The Air Force was short 2000 pilots, barracks were “mold-ridden”, the average age of
Air Force planes was over 27 years old, condemned hangers and contaminated water were just
a few of the issues the military faced.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

4. Weaken Command of Generals

During the Obama administration, the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy was repealed, transgenders
were allowed in and women in combat was pushed. This created weakened commands in the
US Military. A military report called The Marine found that units were less lethal, slower and
more injury prone when transgenders were allowed. Females in combat cause a weakened state
as well because men may be picking up the slack and foreign fighters are indifferent to women
in combat, so more women die as a result. The possibility of shared bunks between genders
increaseed which caused more issues for commanders. Overall, the policies created a less
capable fighting force.

In 2017, President Trump imposed high tariffs on Chinese steel and aluminum imports. Steel has
a 25% tariff and aluminum 10%. The US Trade Representative (USTR) started an investigation
under Section 232 regarding US national security on the effects of Chinese steel and aluminum.
Senator McCain strongly opposed the tariffs, claiming it would damage relations and hurt
American workers.

Q883 - …Was necessary. China produces 10x as much steel as US. What if war breaks out?
Matter of national security, geopolitics …to prevent war, peace trough strength.
+ deliberate performance issues to impact military / infrastructure. We were sold out. You
have so much more than you know. Q

Q855 - …What if the steel used for military-grade projects was made-inferior by our enemies
as a method to weaken? What if Hussein knew and authorized? Renegade. How many
Marines volunteered to serve Hussein during his term? Why? What if his name we don’t say
organized the deal? The US taxpayer subsidizes the WORLD. AMERICA has been sold to the
highest bidder. AMERICA has been weakened on purpose. The depths of their TREASON is
unimaginable. Pure EVIL. HELL on earth - HRC victory. Q

5. Kill NASA Space Supremacy and EMP Risk

NASA was cut and private CIA/MOSSAD Elon Musk’s Space X replaced it during the Obama
administration. Space X has a poor performance history of engine failures and missing cargo.
This lessened our missile technology shared with the US Military which weakened our national
defenses. Civilian infrastructure became more vulnerable to electromagnetic pulse EMP as a
result. NASA provided support for solar data from the Solar Optical Observing Network and
Radio Solar Telescope Network. Without these programs EMP Risk became higher. Loss of
power would have major implications to national security.
Musk receives millions in Government Subsidies so he can push the Cabal agenda, which is a
nuclear missile club K and human/drugs/gun trafficking ship scheme paid for with Taxpayer
funding and created through the Uranium One deal with Iran, Russia and North Korea. This
Satanic Illuminati Cabal will use Musk's Tesla/CalSolar/SpaceX connections to launch nuclear
missiles from their armada of container ships to keep people in line and to keep control of

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

politics, world leaders and intelligence agencies. There is also a threat to launch them at the sun
and create a catastrophic CME flare if anyone dares to bring the truth of their schemes to
humanity. Wave/Split

6. Remove Good Guys from Government/Law

Valerie Jarrett, a Progressive/Marxist extremist, was used as a sniffer, according to Webster, “a

dog that is trained to recognize and follow scents especially for the purpose of locating people
or contraband (such as illicit drugs and explosives)”
Jarret is in charge of “the trigger” on the ship missile system, she uses a phone to direct message
to John Brennan, regarding the warhead missile, Ship Placement and the marker to be killed
using the ships. Q1828

She is Iranian, her father was a Soviet spy, and her father-in-law Vernon Jarrett was connected
to Dr. Khalid al-Mansour representing the Saudi Royals. Vernon was also a political associate of
the Communist Party USA and Obama mentor. Her Uncle and Grandfather were leftists and
have Islamic connections.

Our police are under attack:

Q4382 - POLICE ordered to stand down by [D] (Democratic) mayor(s) [D] (Democratic) gov(s)
(governors) ? ANTIFA [coordinated] SAFE ZONES? Q

Q2683 - …1. Dilution of citizen voice 2. Dilution of citizen vote 3. Dilution of national
independence >POLICE turned against its own citizens >Citizens turned against its own POLICE
>People v People Controlled media > prevent mass awareness If the news doesn't report the
facts (i.e., truth) - how do people get informed in order to be heard? Silence the people.
Localize disruption. Target leaders of disruption (quietly take action). Deploy scare tactics &
political cross-talk Control volume. The media no longer represents the will of the people.

Q2646 - …D's (Democrats) attempt to turn the public against our police, ICE, and those who
continually serve the public interest (protect)? Open borders w/ no Immigration & Customs
Officials to safeguard the people? EU gov't attempt to turn the police against the people re:
yellow vest protests? Police vs People _ EU (and US) D's (Democrats) attempt to sway public
vs Police/ICE _ US A war against GLOBALISM. A war to retain SOVEREIGNTY. DIVIDE THOSE
FAKE NEWS push of racism, fascism, sexism, every other …'ism' etc…. against those seeking to
END GLOBALISM in favor of NATIONALISM (pride of heritage and culture - preservation &

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

7. Special Access Programs Selloff

Hillary Clinton purposely used outside servers and a Shadow IT Bryan Pagliano and possibly
others who did not have clearances to leak out Special Access Programs SAPs information. Using
her personal email allowed her to avoid any FOIA requests since she wasn’t using an official
government email. Obama knew about the servers and condoned it. SAPs are the most
clandestine activities and are designated above Top Secret. Many emails had “born classified”
information on them, meaning classified from the start. IG reports showed some emails on the
servers were there as early as 2009. The IG report was modified and redacted by Rod Rosenstein
which left out additional classified information. President Trump’s attempt to declassify original
unredacted report were met with the Cabal > Deep State threat of ship missile threats and could
not be released.
When asked to produce the email evidence, Hillary Clinton deleted approximately 30,000 of the
60,000 emails and her servers were wiped clean, showing intent to deceive.
The classified information leaked did irreparable damage to national security since some
contained information on the Drone program and had names of CIA, NSA and other intelligence
officers in them. The Comey FBI report, altered by Peter Stzrok, on the matter downplayed the
incident from “gross negligence” to “extremely careless”, helping to cover up her crimes.
Clinton was allowing political access for donations to her Clinton Foundation CF, known as “pay
for play”. CF has been accused of money laundering in the past. Romanian Marcel-Lehel Lazar
aka Guccifer was able to hack into Sidney Blumenthal’s AOL account that showed
correspondence to Hillary Clinton as early as March 2013. There appears to be a history of
allowing access to information.
The State Department was used for spying for Clinton. According to Wikileaks, diplomatic cables
were released in 2010 outlining the spying on foreign diplomats including the UN. This
information was also stored on her bathroom server.

8. Weaken NSA and Reveal Programs

In 2013 CIA/MOSSAD Edward Snowden purposely leaked NSA spy programs,

DARPA/PRISM/IQT/KEYSCORE to weaken the NSA because the NSA had dirt on all the political
corruption/human trafficking in DC, including the leaking of classified information to China from
Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration. He fled to China and then ultimately Russia, to
wait out the rest of the operation. The plan was for her to win the election so CIA Director John
Brennan could bring Snowden home. They never thought she would lose, but President Trump
won and CIA Director Gina Haspel replaced Brennan.
Snowden went to Russia and provided the NSA source code to Shadow Brokers located there.
Shadow Brokers are Russian Intel. They leaked the actual code on a Twitter account called
“theshadowbrokers”. Kaspersky Lab, who also has KGB ties through owner Eugene Kaspersky,
strengthened the NSA connection further after the incident. Kaspersky Lab was the security firm
that “discovered” the Red October malware campaign in 2013. This is a multiyear cyber
espionage campaign, created by Chinese and Russian operatives, that targets
computers/phones in government agencies, embassies, nuclear research centers and the

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Q2006 - 2nd Snowden. The US Department of Justice may charge a former NSA contractor
with espionage after discovering top secret documents and enough highly sensitive data to fill
10,000 DVDs at his home in Maryland. Retired US Navy officer Harold Thomas Martin III, 51,
has been dubbed ‘the second Snowden’ by the press. He worked for Booz Allen Hamilton, the
same firm that employed the famous whistleblower who revealed global surveillance
programs run by the US. https://

Geo location

Whistleblowers: The signaling method, a phone, used to launch a missile from the ship missile
system to deter anyone speaking out against the Cabal>Deep State. SecureDrop, hosted by
Apache, was an open-source whistleblower program that allows the media to install and accept
testimony from anonymous sources. The CIA was actually in charge of the program so this
helped them to weed out and eliminate whistleblowers like John Perry Barlow, an internet free
speech pioneer.

9. Target and Weaken Conservative Base

In 1996 the Telecommunications Act led the FCC to reduce regulations on cross ownership.
Since then, 5 Corporations (AT&T, Xfinity, Disney, News Corp and National Amusements) own
90% of the media, including films, newspapers, magazines and books. All of these (except for
National Amusements) is owned by BlackRock and Vanguard by majority shares. Vanguard
shareholders include elite like the Orsini’s, the Bush’s, the DuPont’s, the Morgan’s, the
Vanderbilt’s, the Rockefeller’s, the Rothschild’s, the Wallenberg’s and the British Royal Family.
And Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock.

Control of the media means control of the population. Using propaganda to create and shape
the narratives they want you to see, which at the moment is far left. This bias weakens the
conservative base with constant attacks and lies from this left-wing media.

Our Deep State Shadow Government, under Wallenberg's direction, also conspired to create the
9/11 false flag terrorist attacks and killed thousands to start endless wars, spy on Americans,
funnel money to their special projects, and destroy constitutional laws. Look here, not there.
They also use tactics like political discrimination to keep us divided: race vs. race, gender vs.
gender, sexual preference bias. Structural racism is the basis for Critical Race Theory CRT which
is a type of systemic racism that explains all inequities between racial groups. Focusing on
impartial justice that white Americans are responsible for keeping minorities down as well as
natural rights deserved for these minorities. Redistribution of wealth, power and influence is the
only way to repair these inequities. This has permeated through our military and school systems
and causes more division than unity. Marxist in nature, it goes against the Constitutions neutral
principles of equality. We are so busy fighting each other that we don't see what they are up to.
The Ukraine, North Korea, Iran, Russia, China and Israel are main countries controlled by the
Deep State. Keeping us at war keeps money in their pockets and the ability to control the world.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The IRS actually apologized for targeting conservatives in 2012. It was an election year, and they
were flagging political groups for additional review to see if they violated their tax-exempt
status using a “Be on the lookout” (BOLO) program that searched keywords like “Tea Party” and
“Patriot” which pulled up more than 75% conservative accounts . Lois Lerner, the head of the
tax-exempt IRS department that was targeting conservative groups did so from 2010 through
2013. She appeared to be acting under the suggestion of President Obama, although there was
no direct request.

Cancel Culture is defined as ““the deliberate de-platforming or ultimate unemployment of an

individual for views fraudulently held to be outside an increasingly turbulent public square”. In
other words, you will be excluded from society for not conforming to the extreme lefts beliefs of
how society should be. It’s goal is to disassemble the First Amendment, which gives us the right
to free speech.

The following people in this short list were canceled by the left for expressing conservatives
views which is their right under the Constitution: Gina Carrano (Disney Star) was fired for
comparing the current political climate to Nazi Germany, John Gibson (Tripwire) was fired for
supporting prolife legislation in Texas, Nathan Sylvester ( Idaho Police Officer) was fired for
mocking NBA star LeBron James, Kieran Bhattacharya (UVA medical student) was banned from
campus for questioning the definition of microaggressions in a panel discussion, Peter Vlaming
(West Point High School French teacher) was fired for not using proper trans pronouns and
Timothy Gordon (Garces Memorial High School teacher) was fired for calling Black Lives Matters
a terrorist organization.

They have also been targeting President Trump for the past decade with audits. Lots of grey
areas in the tax laws will keep him tied up in audits for quite a while. Resident Biden also plans
to beef up the IRS, using $80B in funds to increase the amount of IRS agents. People are
understandably upset about the increase because of President Obama’s IRS scandal of targeting

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(9) TOTAL (6_NON PUB).

(Social Media and Big Tech are under the control of CCP, CIA/MOSSAD. Lifelog was a project of the
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) that
captured the flow of one’s personal experiences and interactions and makes them accessible using
Artificial Intelligence (AI). The project was supposedly canceled at the same time that Facebook was
created in 2004. DARPA>LifeLog>FB. And Facebook even employed DARPA employees. Factor in other
Big Tech involved with DARPA like Google, Twitter and YouTube, all on an Amazon cloud contract and
you have the makings of a massive surveillance system. Embed these unremovable programs on Apple
and Android devices and the Deep State can capture anything, anywhere. Especially since the inception
of the Patriot Act after 9/11 which allowed for this type of massive surveillance. And FISA taught us how
much they love to spy and how easily they can do it. Some owners seem to have connections to China or
the Deep State, like Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg’s wife is a Chinese national, Googles founder Sergey
Brin was married to 23andme’s founder Anne Wojcicki whose sister is Susan Wojcicki (CEO of YouTube).
Even when Facebook is being investigated by the SEC for insider trading, the SEC Acting Director of the
Division of Enforcement is Melissa Hodgman which is Peter Strzok’s wife.

Not only do they spy on everyone, but they also use Big Tech to censor everyone as well. It’s also used
as a propaganda tool like the CIA/MOSSAD Mainstream Media. These information warfare tools were
used to “defeat disinformation”, at least their idea of disinformation; in the election and other key
topics like news of Hunter Bidens Laptop, that they deem necessary to control. It was also used to
suppress legitimate news sites like Breitbart, The New York Post and many others. Use of “Fact
Checkers” were used to severely moderate legitimate news about the 2020 Presidential election
results/audits and while at the same time supporting their own narrative by allowing CIA/MOSSAD
mainstream media the far-left news.

Sites like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, WeChat and Twitter are used for sex/human trafficking, while
Big Tech claims immunity through Section 230. Twitter was even sued twice by underage victims that
were trafficked through its website. Twitter knew about it and refused to remove the material and
instead sent a response that the material did not violate any of their policies.

They are allowed to get away with these horrific acts, as well as ban citizens of the world including
President Trump from free speech due to law loopholes like Section 230 of the Communications
Decency Act which claims Big Tech is protected from these actions because they are not publishers.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Before leaving office President Trump signed an Executive Order on Preventing Online Censorship that
basically made Big Tech a publisher, and he filed a major class action lawsuit which allows anyone that
has been banned for censorship to join in. However, we still have the threat of the ship missile system
that can delay such actions.)






[12-14-18] > RIP










(DARPA is Facebook was exposed by Q in April 2018, then a fire in Building 8, destroyed the Facebook
section. This caused the CIA/Mossad assets to chatter on XBOX and Play Station logs about the
exposure. This led to a scrub of Google about that information, and a Microsoft shutdown immediately
after Q posted it. Facebook’s Building 8 was not destroyed. It was just being restructured into an AR/VR
lab. So, they say, it’s really a bulk data collection area for the NSA/CIA that would be illegal inside the US
so they are able to run it in China. They also allow open access and pay for play, so they will give away
the data for a price. )




The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q








(Facebook Building 8 applications still are use, data is given to China for a fee, and Google is still working
on Dragonfly for the Chinese. This is a modified search engine that takes out certain topics that China
deems unnecessary to know about. Twitter tracks it all from the US. Google and Facebook listen in on
your voice and text in “passive mode” and conduct GPS monitoring. Twitter also tracks you via GPS.
Once the apps are installed on the phones, the code for spying cannot be removed, even if you delete all
of the apps done under the guise of “marketing” to avoid any applicable laws.

”The companies were among more than 150 firms, including Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Sony, that
had cut sharing deals with the world’s dominant social media platform.” NYT







(Facebook has over 80+ offices worldwide including 3 in China. Google has offices in 74 locations and 4
offices in China. Twitter has over 32 offices worldwide with 2 in China. Outside offices could lead to
bypassing US laws. In 2013 Amazon Services was given the CIA contract. Amazon AWS holds a $600M
contract to build and maintain the CIA’s cloud network. Amazon has 235 offices worldwide with 14
offices in China. Any information gathered, foreign or domestic could escape US laws by having locations
in communist areas.

WHAT FORMER US PRESIDENT WAS C_A DIRECTOR? George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st President of
the United States.


The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


(With the spying capabilities of the cell phones, the CIA has their dragnet mass surveillance system
already in place. Whether the phones are off or not they can spy. Since people carry their phones
everywhere, the entire US House and Senate have been spied on. Spy data will go up the chain of
command. Brennan > Obama > Queen Elizabeth II)

[PART 1 OF 9]

10. Relax Borders, Flood Illegals and Climate Change Hoax

The New World Order Cabal has their hands in America's destruction as well as a plan for world
domination and depopulation. The George Soros Open Society Foundation, through the
Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), funds MS-13 and creates border atrocities like kids in
cages, separating parents from children. MS-13, ISIS/terrorists, drug cartel members and
traffickers make up the bulk of caravans that come through the borders because of loopholes in
laws. MS-13 is based mostly out of El Salvador, Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras. They have
also come in from the middle east from places like Yemeni prisons. Hundreds have been
convicted of murders or federal racketeering charges which would also indicate an alliance with
a cabal.
They use the women and children to get in our southern border. Soros and the Democrats send
MS-13 to strategic areas like sanctuary cities such as Chicago, New York and throughout the
country. Immigration and Customs Enforcement indicate that MS-13 are murderers,
human/drug/sex traffickers, and they practice Satanic sacrifices.

President Trump built a wall to protect our southern border with Mexico to stop trafficking of
guns, drugs and humans and to stop gangs and terrorists. He had “tough on crime” policies and
wanted to take down those international criminal organizations. Attorney General Sessions
swore to aggressively support President Trump’s plan to take on international criminal
organizations, cartels and gangs. The caravans include MS-13, ISIS, terrorists, drug cartel
members and traffickers, that come through the borders because of loopholes in laws. MS-13 is
based mostly out of El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico. Hundreds have been
convicted of drugs and murders as well as federal racketeering charges.

President Trump has spent $5.5 trillion dollars in funding for the southern border wall with
Mexico. Infrastructure was included in the 2017 Tax Cuts and Reform Act for (FY2019) and the
US Army Corp of Engineers built the wall. This was planned in advance using the Constitution
and matters of National Security, to bypass any plan for open borders, the elimination of ICE,
Border Patrol and defending illegals over Americans. Attorney General Sessions supports the
need for a wall as it will create better border reinforcement and deportment's will be

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quicker. As of January 2021, 400 miles of border wall have been built and illegal crossings were
down 87%.

President Trump says that immigration affects our Mexico border security. Chain migrations
including terrorists and gangs, come in under failed immigration policies. These groups bring
violence, murder, human trafficking, weapons and drugs into the country. We need a merit-
based system where immigrants come into the country legally and close immigration law
loopholes. Increase in fair immigration judges and decrease in backlogs will help it run more
efficiently and support applicants that will respect our laws and institutions. President Trump
mentioned that Sanctuary Cities (in areas like Denver or Philadelphia) that harbor illegal
immigrants and limit local law enforcement in cooperating with Federal Immigration officials on
matters, essentially omits Immigration and Customs Enforcement ICE from the process. He also
ended Catch and Release which returned Illegal immigrants to their home countries and worked
with Mexico to dismantle human smuggling rings.

Legal and illegal immigration will ultimately shift 26 congressional seats by 2022, pulling them
away from mostly red states and redistributing them into blue states like California and New
York. Red states with Democratic governors have slowly been taking in refuges to their states,
allowing them to beef up their budgets as well as distribute immigrants throughout the country
more evenly. Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi,
Missouri, North Carolina, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, Minnesota,
Wisconsin and Rhode Island will all lose one seat. Ohio will lose 3 seats, Michigan and
Pennsylvania will lose 2 seats. This shift will put a lot more political power into Democrat hands.

Under President Trump’s administration, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) blocked 4
million pounds of hard drugs coming in across the southern border with Mexico in 2017. In FY
2019, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) seized 12,466 pounds of opioids and 3,688
pounds of fentanyl. It seized 10kg of heroin and the Department of Justice (DOJ) dismantled
3000 drug trafficking organizations including major drug indictments of the Chinese, India and
Mexico. In 2019, 142,000 pounds of methamphetamine was seized. Since Biden took office the
smuggling numbers have dramatically increased including the number of illegal immigrants.
Reversal of Trumps policies, like Remain in Mexico, have caused recent polls to show discontent
with the Biden administration.

Weather Modification is used to create the global warming narrative, and disasters are used to
get emergency funding for their “projects”. Storms are generated to hide missile attacks.
Climate change is an illusion, caused by weather modification systems like the High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). Scientists created Geoengineering it to “combat”
climate change by manipulating and removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. HAARP
claims to be investigating the ionosphere. UAF's Brian Rogers and Dr. [BOB] McCoy, (Director,
Geophysical Institute) transferred the powerful upper-atmosphere research facility from the
military to the university.

Q3471- Bigger than most realize. [Be Ready], [BOB]

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Al Gore, author of An Inconvenient Truth (about the severity of climate change and how dire the
situation is) was wrong. He did, however, make a ton of money over the years continuing to
poach the idea. He is also a hypocrite for using private jets to fly all over the world giving
speeches about global warming.

The earth has been cooling and warming since records could be kept on it. This includes
powerful storms, floods, droughts, heat waves and blizzards. All normal weather. Climate
change has turned into another political divider, as long as we are divided we can’t see the truth
in front of us. The Elitist United Nations and their Agenda 21 are the main backers behind this
climate change extremist agenda. If it is supported, it would give the UN authority over the
entire world.

Climate activist Greta Thornburg is just another George Soros actor supported by “One
Foundation”, which is funded by Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, Bono and a host of other
celebrities. Her family has ties to the Freemasons and Bavarian Illuminati founder Adam
Weisshaupt. Her propaganda is just one more avenue the UN is using to dupe the world on
Climate Change.

Another Soros hoax is the Green New Deal. It calls for public funding for “green” items like
expanding wind and solar, weatherizing buildings or reducing climate emissions. But woven
inside the deal is the “peoples bailout” which includes democrat wish list items like healthcare
for illegal immigrants, $15 minimum wage, government regulation of private companies to
ensure “worker representation”, and improved union group bargaining. As an added bonus
every citizen gets a cash stimulus payment if they accept the deal.

NASA and NOAA were caught deliberately falsifying historical temperature data to support this
climate narrative. They have been making the data in the past show much colder temperatures
and data in the present much warmer temperatures. NOAA’s US Historical Climatology Network
USHCN was updating computer models with fabricated temperature data.

A petition was created about the climate change hoax . 31,479 United State scientists, 9,029 of
which are PhDs, have signed it so far. The summary of the petition states ”The purpose of the
Petition Project is to demonstrate that the claim of “settled science” and an overwhelming
“consensus” in favor of the hypothesis of human-caused global warming and consequent
climatological damage is wrong. No such consensus or settled science exists. As indicated by the
petition text and signatory list, a very large number of American scientists reject this

11. Fund Terrorism (MS13 and ISIS)

Hillary Clinton’s Former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin has Muslim Brotherhood and Al
Qaeda ties. She grew up in Saudi Arabia and went to two Wahhabist colleges which are known

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

for terrorism. Her parents and family members are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. She
was a liaison between Clinton Foundation donors and “pay for play” schemes. In 2012 when
Senator Michelle Bachman brought up the issue of her connections to the Muslim Brotherhood
before the Members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the House
Judiciary Committee, Senator John McCain vehemently defended Abedin and the issue quickly
cooled. John McCain, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Britain UK, Saudi Arabia and Qatar are
responsible for creating ISIS. Saudi Arabian Ministry of Interior documents from 2012 prove they
funded and helped create ISIS in the region with assistance from Senator McCain and President
Obama. Saudi Arabia was also funding Israeli Mossad against Iran and Osama bin Laden Al
Qaeda. McCain was meeting with ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in Syria as early as 2013
evidenced by a photograph taken at the time. Clinton secretly had the weapons transferred to
ISIS and Al Qaeda from Libya to Syria. The US Ambassador to Libya, Christopher Stevens was also
assisting. Qatar is funding Rep Ilhan Omar in Michigan and she is working with US Intelligence
connected to the US Congress assessing information for Iran.

John McCain's, The McCain Institute is funded by Cabal, elites like George Soros’ Open Society
Foundation, The Eranda Rothschild Foundation – Sir Evelyn and Lynn Forester de Rothschild and
Jacob Wallenberg’s-Wallenberg Foundations AB. Hillary Clinton’s Clinton Foundation is funded
by the Australia through AUSAID, Commonwealth of Australia, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and The
Rockefeller Foundation.

Antifa, meaning Anti-Fascist, actually practices the opposite. Antifa, was modeled after the
National Socialist German Workers’ Party (aka the Nazi Party). It operates in much the same
way, with the biggest difference being the Nazis embraced German Nationalism where as Antifa
wants all US borders dissolved. Both fully support Marxism as a replacement for a Constitutional
Republic. The US Department of Homeland Security DHS designated Antifa as a terrorist

Antifa (with Nazi origins) and BLM (with Muslim Brotherhood, connections) are both funded by
George Soros through his Open Society Foundation and the Alliance for Global Justice, or AfGJ.
BLM’s website is connected to ActBlue through its donation link, which is 100% funded by
Democrats included “Biden for President” as a top donor. They are used as an army to incite
violence and political upheaval. They are highly organized using encrypted social media like the
Signal app to communicate and the mainstream media to play on the sympathies of
unsuspecting world citizens. They will be bused into key locations. Weapons like sticks, Molotov
cocktails and pallets of bricks will be there waiting for them ahead of time so they can cause as
much destruction and chaos as possible. Locations like Trump rallies, DC/London/Paris events,
and Portland CHAZ are used to make political statements about racial injustices and social
division, while at the same time destroying businesses and property in the name of “justice”. As
long as the world is divided, the Cabal’s plan to absorb America and other countries into a one
world government continues. Once enough of us are awake to this con, we can defeat the Cabal

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

MS-13 gang members are hired as hit men. The Mexican Sinaloa Federation Cartel has members
working as foot soldiers in the US. One group operates in Los Angeles, CA and another is in St
Paul Minnesota. They also have large presences in New York, Southern California, Washington
DC, Northern Virginia. They are reportedly in 46 states with around 50,000 members and are
also international. MS-13 is considered a Tier 1 level threat in Texas which is the highest threat
level. The gang is so dangerous that their motto is “kill, rape, control”. They made El Salvador
the murder capital of the world. Beheadings with machetes are used often by the gangs as well
as stabbings and shootings. There is evidence of former military training through their native
countries and links to terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda.

Funding for MS-13 comes from Bill and Melinda Gates through their Care foundation, which
funds Casa del Migrante and gives the MS-13 and Caravan supplies along the migration route to
the US border. The George Soros Open Society Foundation is connected through Southern
Poverty Law Center SPLC.

In 2021, President Biden canceled border wall construction that used military funds. This also
cancelled any overseas projects like schools, partner nation projects and National Guard
equipment. The money will now be reverted back to other military projects. Biden felt Trump
was misusing the funds by shortchanging our military and security and diverting attention away
from human traffickers. However, President Trump built up a very strong and robust military
during his administration and an excellent record on busting up human trafficking which
included an executive order on the issue. All this while Biden is faced with a National Emergency
from Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona and a lawsuit from Arizona’s Attorney General Mark
Brnovich regarding Biden’s reversal of Trump’s policies at the border creating the border crisis.
In February 2021, Resident Joe Biden signed 3 Executive Orders EO reversing President Trump’s
policies. He ended the “zero tolerance” on prosecuting illegal border crossings and to see
unification of children and parents at the border. He signed one that reviewed all Trump-era
immigration policies. Vice Resident Kamala Harris was appointed Border Czar by Biden. In
September of 2021, Resident Joe Biden’s administration’s policies created a 17,000+ Haitian
immigrant border influx in del Rio Tx, a back log for people waiting to get into the country. This
was due to Covid 19 vaccine mandates and relaxed immigration policies.

The Homeland Security Director and Vice President Kamala Harris are advising the media that
the border is closed, which is not the case. It is still open and illegal immigrants are flooding in.
Border Patrol has been ordered to stand down and allow this. Over 17,000 illegal immigrants
were remove from under the Del Rio bridge and 10-12,000 have been released and will stay in
the US. The others are being processed and may be released to stay in the US as well. A
deliberate invasion is being orchestrated here. Fox News was prevented from showing drone
footage of the immigrant camp under the bridge, which made Biden look bad. Only then did he
allow Border Patrol to stop the flood of immigrants coming in through the Rio Grande. Border
Patrol was using men on horseback to disperse the crowds and the horse reigns were mistakenly
viewed as horse whips. This caused a social media meltdown. The Border Patrol agents were
removed from duty by Biden, leaving the border even more exposed. Biden continued to use
the horse incident to inflame the situation against Border Patrol. BP now faces termination for

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

refusing the Covid-19 vaccine by November, allowing illegals to flow in through the border with
no mandate for vaccinations on them. They are not even tested for Covid.

As of Sept 2021, Welcome Us is now coordinating Afghan refugees into the US. The George
Soros Open Society is funding Welcome Us (WU). Co-Chairs of WU include Globalists Barack
Obama, George W Bush, Michelle Obama, Laura Bush, Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. Other
sponsors include the New York Times, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Microsoft, the US Chamber of
Commerce Foundation and others. We have an overtaxed immigration system as is, but these
migrants increase the Democrat voter base and 63% of non-citizens are already on our
overburdened welfare system .This may lead to a collapse of the existing government welfare
system and allow for a national social system where a redistribution of wealth would support it.
Whoever gets elected controls the borders

12. Nuclearize North Korea and Iran

2008 – 2012: Hillary Clinton fails to reveal to Hillary’s State Department a foreign donation of
two million shares of stock from a foreign executive.
August 2009 – The FBI has an investigation going on a Russian bribery plot concerning Rosatom
and Uranium One, which included kickbacks and money laundering. The DOJ held off on an
indictment until after the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) deal
was made, making it less known to the public.
May 14, 2010 – Bill Clinton gave a speech in Moscow and received $500,000. Then he tried to
meet with a Russian nuclear official during the uranium decision, after getting permission from
the State Department (i.e., Hillary Clinton), but due to missed communications he only met with
President Putin instead in June.
October 22, 2010 – Uranium One deal approved. The Obama administration and Committee on
Foreign Investment in the United States CFIUS went through with the deal even though the FBI
had collected evidence that corruption was rampant in the Russian nuclear industry. Using a
confidential witness to spy and gather information, Moscow compromised an American trucking
firm with kickbacks and bribes. It was essentially kept quiet until the deal could be completed.
President Obama’s deal approved the sale to Rosatom giving Moscow more that 20% control of
the United States uranium supply.
June 2010 – 2013: Clinton Foundation receives secret donations during 3 years of Uranium One
deal using the Uranium Ones chairman family foundation totaling $2.35 million. These
donations were undisclosed by Secretary Clinton.
2016-The US State Departments sends pallets of cash to Iran totaling $400 million in exchange
for hostages, claiming Iran couldn’t accept checks or wires. Yet 2 days later the US Treasury
wired 13 additional payments totaling $1,299,999,999.

Q1345- It was never about Nuclear disarmament.

It was about opening a new untapped market.
It was about securing a black site.
The ‘Exchange’.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Risk the welfare of the world.

Organized/planned by BC/HRC.
Carried out by Hussein.
[remember HRC ran against Hussein]
U1 [donations to CF].
$1.7b in-cash transfer to Iran [4 routes][5 planes].

POTUS > PEACE on the Korean P > NO further missile tests or U enrichment.

2018- President Trump removed Jacob Wallenberg’s control in North Korea (NK), meaning no
more nuclear capabilities or trafficking enrichment via President Obama, Clinton Foundation and
Russian Intelligence/Military Industrial Complex 2010 Uranium One deal. Iran, Russia and North
Korea get 20% of US Uranium in connection with Gulftainer, Crescent Petroleum and
Rosetec/Rosoboronexport, which they also used to produce Club K missile systems. Also
connected through Project Pelican and Gulftainer’s Port Canaveral completed in 2018 which
allows them a 35-year cargo container terminal lease. This allowed them to have their armada
of ships with shipping container missiles systems based in the US as their “military” presence.

Q29 NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play.

Q41 What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons and testing
collapsed. Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically important materials as well as scientists
aka the bomb makers were inside when it happened. Shocking no global news agency
suspects we had nothing to do with it.
Q1609 POTUS save the world from NK.

Red Cross, Foreign Aid and funding through the Paris Accords supported their
human/weapons/drug trafficking schemes. According to; Bill and Melinda
Gates Care and Save The Children have funds coming from the U.S. Department of State; Bureau
of Population, Refugees, and Migration. Jeff Bezos Amazon, Red Cross and China’s World Health
Organization have funds coming from the U.S. Agency for International Development; Bureau
for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance. These are just a few of the organizations
that US Taxpayers fund through Foreign Aid programs. It also goes to unknown or unverified
vendors in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa, Haiti, Israel, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan, Vietnam, India and China, the bulk of which comes through the U.S. Agency for
International Development; Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian Assistance. The
Paris Accords is just one more way to get taxpayer money through their GCF fund, which funnels
money to places like North Korea. Even they claim US humanitarian aid is a sinister scheme. The
Red Cross’s Gail McGovern’s has a history of corruption with Hillary Clinton. The Red Cross has a
history of connections to the Rothschilds and Wallenbergs. These slush funds help to pay for
their Deep State Shadow Government.

Q489 - US taxpayers are paying for it all.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Paris accord = scam (trillions)

Red Cross = scam (billions)
Foreign Aid = scam (trillions)
WAR = scam (trillions)
Who audits where the money actually goes?
Who actually receives the money?
The US taxpayer is funding the very people we are engaged in taking down.
SLUSH funds everywhere.
Think GS (Soros) pays for Antifa out of his own pocket?
The hole is deep.
Feel sick yet?

Q 2681 Meeting w NK > DENUC plan/process > sanctions lift meets subj A B food for people

13. Stage Supreme Court

An excerpt from my Crossfire Hurricane post at the end:

Q1150 - Think timing. LL (Loreta Lynch) remains AG (Attorney General for) HRC (Hillary Clinton).
HRC appoints new AS (Justice Anthony Scalia) replacement (Justice Sonia Sotomayor). RBG
(Justice Ginsberg) steps down. LL (Loreta Lynch) steps up. New AG (Attorney General) ‘The
Plan’. Q

Q2088 - …They always thought if charges were brought [v. them] they would ultimately be
safe [SC control] (Supreme Court). [AS] (Justice Anthony Scalia) out [HRC] (Hillary Clinton)
appointment(s) >> End of all ends. Final. Did Anthony Kennedy have a choice? Was this the
original plan according to HRC election win? What evidence was he shown? RBG replacement
[lifetime appointment - age]?...

CIA Director John Brennan and Peter Strzok used an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA)
with the Dossier added to it while Strzok’s wife, Melissa Hodgman, was hiding Hillary’s email
evidence. Hiding Hillary’s evidence was also the reason for former President Bill Clinton and
Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s Tarmac meeting in June of 2016. As an exchange, Lynch was
promised a Supreme Court appointment once Justice Ginsberg stepped down. They always
thought they would be safe having their nuclear missile ship armada to protect them. They
murdered Anthony Scalia in Feb 2016 to maintain control of the Supreme Court and Bill Clinton
promised AG Loretta Lynch on the Tarmac in June of 2016 a position on the Supreme Court. In
return Lynch was supposed to look the other way at any of Hillary’s email/server evidence which
she did. Hillary then appointed Justice Sonia Sotomayor to replace Scalia and advised Lynch the
plan is for her to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Justice Anthony Kennedy was shown

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

evidence of this and was forced to step down under threat of missiles/death.) RBG is also a
multiple meaning of the Royal Family/The Queen, so she oversaw ‘The Plan’.

2016-2024 Hillary Clinton, Second 8 years, Goal: Destroy USA, Rise New World Order NOW- Joe Biden
continuing their plan.

****Because of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Loss to President Trump the following events were adjusted but
some are still playing out because of the altered timeline.

14. World War III/Real and Orchestrated

Joe Biden’s disgraced withdrawal from Afghanistan in August of 2021, is a clear sign that the
Democrats have and will continue to weaken our military. He surrendered the war to the
Taliban and gave them $85B in military equipment including vehicles, planes, helicopters, small
arms and various combat equipment. He refused to apologize and a week later ended up killing
10 civilians (including 7 children) in a drone strike meant for ISIS-K in retaliation for killing 13 US
service members and 168 Afghans. Biden also left American citizens and Afghan allies behind.

It has invited unwanted aggressions from China and put pressure on Taiwan. In Oct of 2021,
tensions between China and Taiwan are the worst in 40 years. Joe Biden continues to side with
China and their “One China” policy, which declares Taiwan will once again be part of China in
the future whereas Taiwan considers itself sovereign. No shots have been fired but China has
increased aircraft in the area by 150, a move which Taiwan considers, hostile. Most allied
countries in the area are urging both countries to talk to find a resolution but China continues to
be aggressive with its military presence in the area.

US special operations are training small ground forces in Taiwan, and have been for at least a
year, indicating President Trump may have set that up. The Marines have also been
collaborating with maritime forces for small boat training. The training may reflect the
Pentagons concern that Taiwan is not ready for a Chinese invasion.

China appears to be the main threat, but Russia and Iran are also becoming an issues. Russia has
been interfering with Ukraine and Syria which could escalate further. And Iran has been
meddling with Iraq and Syria. Tensions could escalate into a large scale Cold War but things are
tempered for the moment.

Adm. Charles Richard (US Strategic Command) claims that there is a real possibility of a nuclear
threat by Russia and China as things escalate. The threat is still low, but we must rethink the
risks and our planning and execution. Both countries are taking advantage of cyber threats and
the pandemic that could lead to a power crisis or conflict. The US must actively keep their
aggression in check or risk embarrassment or worse from our adversaries.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The 2022 Russia-Ukraine war is being used two-fold. It is another situation they can use to
create a World War 3 scenario, and it’s covering up the Cabal/DeepState’s trafficking, corruption
connections and Covid-19 Biolabs. Hunter Biden, Barack Obama and the US Government have
been exposed as contributing funding to the biolabs. The labs themselves were working with
Wuhan labs and purposefully tampering with bat corona-viruses. Coincidentally, one is in
Shpyl'chyna Ukraine, West of Khazaria where Ashkenazi's (Nazi’s) originate from and the real
reason for Vladimir Putin’s invasion which is to remove the corruption, trafficking and the Nazi’s
that are still rooted in that area. There is also another pipeline there called the “Brotherhood
Pipeline” owned by Gazprom, which might be used to smuggle adrenochrome in by using a
“pigging” method where a specialized container is floated down the pipeline and later collected
at valve points.

Joe Biden’s corruption was exposed in 2019 when a video of him bragging about bribing officials
in Ukraine surfaced. Former prosecutor Viktor Shokin was fired because he was in charge of
Hunter Biden’s money laundering operations in the area. The CIA/MOSSAD mainstream media
ignored it and quickly covered this up with fake fact checks and Joe Biden went on to win the
“rigged” 2020 US election.

15. Population Control and Pocket Billions

Our Deep State government is in league with the Chinese Communist Party CCP, who has those
same world leaders on puppets strings. They purposely released Covid-19 from the Wuhan Lab
in Wuhan, China in 2020. Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric and Zhengli-Li Shi all
conspired to create, release and monetize Covid-19 as early as February 2016 using already
patented vaccines. The federal government is also involved in owning these patents. Their gain
of function research was funded by the NIAID, EcoHealth and the NIH to the University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill and Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
contributes to the NIH and NIAID for vaccine research and Gates has been on record for a
depopulation plan.
Dr. Peter Breggin a world renowned psychiatrist says Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates and World
Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab created Covid-19 and deadly vaccines to support a “new
world order” agenda. He wants people to stop being scared and to start getting angry, stand up
for your rights and for liberty. He says to stop trying to figure out why they would do such an evil
thing and just start to fight it.
Bill Gates has given depopulation speeches such as his 2010 Ted Talks where he describes if they
do a really great job, vaccines will lower the population by 10 or 15 percent. In 2015, before
Covid-19, Gates held an event in anticipations of a pandemic, where he implied they were
working on a pandemic and vaccine to go with it. Gates explained, “You get the vaccine. If it
doesn’t kill you, you get COVID and get very sick,”. Dr Breggin also discovered a 2015 paper that
showed NIAID funding to the Chinese Wuhan lab, which is even more evidence of a CCP
pandemic plan. They know these vaccines only work short term, long enough for the mutations
to appear.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

WEF’s Klaus Schwab website contains a 2016 plan that is 65 pages and lays out the pandemic. It
includes Fauci’s and Gates’ work with CEPI and the World Health Organization, which is
controlled by the United Nations, and it describes the vaccine plans and how the WHO will take
over once the vaccines are out.
Dr. Breggin feels if we fight back now we can turn this around. Not a violent fight, but get
involved, be vocal. Stop complying and take brave risks

Q4097 -
blocking-investigation-chinese-coronavirus-origins/ Why would Pelosi [D] block origination-
source [roll-out] investigation of COVID-19 in [China]? Prevent public exposure of truth? Ask
yourself, why? [D]_People's_Republic_of_China Q

‘House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's "husband, Paul Pelosi, has done a series of deals in mainland
China... and are part of the fact that the Chinese are trying to curry favor with high-ranking
politicians in the United States."’ Via Real Clear Politics

16. Eliminate Final Good Guys in Government

Clinton’s plan was to eliminate the rest of the good guys in government, but since she lost the
plan was delayed and now Resident Biden is fulfilling her plan. The following were let go or
asked to resign within the first week of Biden’s Residency; Michael Ellis (a National Security
Agency’s top lawyer); Charles Cowan Jr. (Senior Executive at the Office of Administration at the
Department of Housing and Urban Development); Surgeon General Jerome M. Adams; Michael
Pack (head of Voice of America VOA); Andrew Saul (Social Security commissioner); and Peter
Robb (National Labor Relations Board’s general counsel).

17. Kill Economy and Enslave Public

The Deep State leaked Covid-19 with the intention of creating a pandemic money-making
depopulation scheme using the virus and vaccines. Operation Warp Speed showed that the
vaccines were suspiciously available very quickly by Pfizer and Moderna (for which they receive
royalties). It’s a $100 billion dollar market. They, with the help of Dr. Deborah Birx, conspired
with the CIA/MOSSAD Media to push down real, safe treatments like Ivermectin and
Hydroxychloroquine HCQ so that they, Big Pharma, the Deep State and Cabal could reap the
benefits. Gates and Dr. Birx even have connections to the Institute for Health Metrics and
Evaluation (IHME) and Imperial College in London, which both produced incorrect CV-19 data.
With the media’s help, they pushed governments and the population into lockdown which
caused worldwide economic devastation.

If we all used HCQ or Ivermectin as a preventive for a few weeks, we could get rid of the
pandemic completely. But there is no profit in that. They want depopulation and control with a
"one world government with less than 500M people in the world" as stated in the Cabal’s
Georgia Guidestones creed. To complete this task, they need to erode our rights and tear down
our resolve with forced vaccination mandates, contact tracing, and quarantine camps which the

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Centers for Disease Control CDC and The World Health Organization have their corrupt hands in
as well as government collaboration to enforce these restrictions. This creates further division
by pitting the vaxxed against the unvaxxed and creating a fear of “doing the right thing”. If the
world is scared and following these “rules”, then they can achieve their goals of depopulation
and control.

Fauci, Soros and Gates also have these similar pandemic/vaccine scheme connections to Ebola
and Aids and seem very focused on places like Africa, which is in dire need of humanitarian aid
and where the Cabal has been known to traffick weapons/humans. It is also rumored that these
bioweapons are used by CIA/MOSSAD to control and coerce individuals for compliance.

Starting January 23, 2020, the city of Wuhan was on lockdown for 76 days until April 8, 2020
because of Covid-19. But the country of China was only on lockdown for 16 days, reopening
February 10, 2020. The United States started a nationwide lockdown March 23, 2020 and some
states like New York were locked down until June 27, 2020. California didn’t reopen until August
28 2020. How is it possible the source country of the virus was only on lockdown for 16 days?
That in itself is suspicious.

Q4335 'Quarantine' is when you restrict the movement of sick people. 'Tyranny' is when you
restrict the movement of healthy people. Q

The Deep State Democrats handled Covid-19 and the sick and elderly in nursing homes and
assisted living facilities in a murderous way. One example is New York. In March of 2020,
Governor Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio set up several multi-million-dollar field hospitals and
President Trump sent out the USNS Comfort to assist with Non Covid-19 patients to allow more
local resources to be used. He also sent out an unprecedented level of ventilators, PPE and
equipment to New York. They barely used them. Instead, they sent the overflow of Covid-19
patients to nursing homes that were forced to comply with regulations that made them take the
patients in. This caused Covid-19 to run rampant through these facilities, causing thousands of
unnecessary deaths. Governor Cuomo also claimed to give those facilities ventilators, PPE and
equipment, but the facilities have denied this. Similar situations also occurred in many other
Democratic states like New Jersey, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Minnesota, Connecticut and many
others. Out of 43 states reporting such information 42% of Covid-19 deaths have happened in
nursing homes and assisted living facilities. They knowingly pushed CV-19 patients into these
facilities to inflate death rate numbers and add to their depopulation plan. This should be
reclassified as murder!

In September 5, 2021, the CDC reported that deaths with comorbidities is 95% with an average
of 4 additional conditions per death. So, it’s actually 5% that die that have only Covid-19.
Comorbidities are additional illnesses that contribute to the death. Table 3 on the CDC website
under ‘Comorbidities and other conditions’ outlines the types of illnesses that contributed such
as Influenza, Pneumonia, Respiratory Distress Syndrome/Failure/Arrest, Hypertension and Heart
Diseases all of which are in the top categories as additional cause of death. The CDC Director

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

admits that the Covid-19 cases were overcounted. Hospitals are labeling deaths like heart
attacks and cancer as Covid-19 and the mainstream media helped to push the inaccuracy.

President Trump announced Operation Warp Speed in May of 2020. This was an expedited
process to produce vaccines quickly for Covid-19. He put vaccine expert Mancef Slaouli of Glaxo
Smith Kline in charge along with General Gus Perna of the US Army. This was in hopes to
produce a vaccine by the end of the year, and it bypassed Dr. Fauci’s ability to delay any vaccine
production efforts which he has a history of doing. The early vaccine allowed President Trump to
reopen the country quickly which they were able to do. He also supported therapeutics early on
like Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), an antimalarial drug along with Azithromycin (AZM) and Zinc
which the mainstream media balked at. As of January 2021, The American Journal of Medicine
now recommends it as a treatment for Covid-19. Ivermectin is another promising treatment for
Covid-19. Cases in India are heading way down because they chose to treat with Ivermectin and
HCQ. Hundreds of studies on both have shown that they are both effective as a treatment and
prophylaxis against Covid-19.

As of September 2021, there are currently four Covid-19 vaccines available; AstraZeneca,
Johnson and Johnson, mRNA Moderna and mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech. Both the mRNA vaccines by
Pfizer and Moderna can cause side effects like acute Central Nervous System (CNS)
demyelination, including Multiple Sclerosis (MS) in 24–64 year-olds. Functional Neurological
Disorder (FND) in women in their 30s. Guillain-Barre autoimmune paralysis in ages 43-70. They
induce prion-based disease which cause neurodegenerative disorders like Dementia and ALS,
which makes it a bioweapon. People who receive the vaccine will also shed these spike proteins
infecting people who are unvaccinated.

The AstraZeneca vaccine is causing dangerous blood clots with low platelets in ages ranging
from teens to mid-60’s. Like the mRNA’s, it also causes Guillain-Barre syndrome in ages 43–70
year-olds. The Johnson and Johnson vaccine has a similar issue with blood clots, especially for
people under 65, which can cause Cerebral Venous Sinus Thrombosis (CVST). They had removed
it from the market in April 2020 for 11 days and it had new warnings added once it returned.
The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contains all of the unverified
information on vaccine injuries and deaths. As of September 3, 2021 there have been 14,701
deaths from the Covid-19 vaccines. The current average since July 24, 2021 when 11,405 deaths
were reported, comes out to 3,296 or 70 deaths per day. A total of approximately 675,000 cases
of vaccine injury have been reported to the database.

Nobel Prize winner Prof. Luc Montagnier claims the vaccines are creating the variants and other
epidemiologists are aware of it but remain silent. Antibody-Dependent Enhancement ADE, are
the antibodies created by the Covid-19 vaccine that force the virus to find another solution
which it does by creating the variants. Scientific trends outline the curve of vaccination to the
curve of deaths. He has received support from a long list of medical doctors in the European
Medicines Agency.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

There is no way to get herd immunity from Covid-19 vaccines. Vaccine immunity does not last
long. The CDC admits vaccinated people are still getting Covid in large numbers because the
effectiveness has significantly dropped. Herd immunity is working in patients that have had
Covid-19 and are exposed to the Delta Variant. So, the CDC’s and Fauci’s claim that vaccines
would help us reach herd immunity is false. Covid vaccines are “” which cause
live virus to escape and to live inside a vaccinated person which mutates over time. This, along
with animals being able to infect us, ends up making viruses stronger and we will just keep
infecting each other. The CDC will continue to push this fear, so everyone becomes even sicker
over anxiety, depression and anger about the situation.

This ties back to Wallenberg, who is connected to BlackRock and Vanguard, who have high
shares in Johnson and Johnson, Moderna, and Pfizer. The Communist Chinese are connected to
the WHO and NIH and are pushing them for the Cabal.

Virologica Sinica published gain of function research in February 2022 that China’s Wuhan
Laboratory was experimenting with the Monkeypox virus in August of 2021. It allowed for PCR
testing of the virus and it used a method that researchers highlighted as creating a “contagious
pathogen”. In a strikingly similar fashion to World Economic Foundation’s Event 201 and Covid-
19, there was a biosecurity pandemic simulation for Monkeypox held in 2021 predicting the
outbreak in May of 2022. The Munich Security Conference and Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI)
are responsible for the simulation. Ted Turner is on the NTI board, his company Turner
Broadcasting is under AT&T which is one of the 5 main corporations that control all of the
CIA/MOSSAD mainstream media, Vanguard and BlackRock are their biggest stockholders.
Monkeypox is the new Covid-19.

18. Revise Constitution

The National Archives: “The Constitution of the United States contains a preamble and seven
articles that describe the way the government is structured and how it operates. The first three
articles establish the three branches of government and their powers: Legislative (Congress),
Executive (office of the President,) and Judicial (Federal court system). A system of checks and
balances prevents any one of these separate powers from becoming dominant. Articles four
through seven describe the relationship of the states to the Federal Government, establish the
Constitution as the supreme law of the land, and define the amendment and ratification

In order to make changes they must have control of the Presidency and Congress, Senate rules
that allow a minority to stop radical legislation must be changed. The ‘filibuster’ must be
removed so bills can be passed more easily with little opposition from the Senate minority. And
Vice President Kamala Harris could break any tie in favor of the radical Democrats agenda. The
Senate could then vote similarly to the way the House does. In theory it would make changing
the Constitution possible. An amendment would require 2/3 vote by both houses and an
additional ratification by 3/4 of the states.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

"An educated citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people." Thomas Jefferson

19. Ban Sale of Firearms/Repeal 2nd Amendment

The 2nd Amendment: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State,
the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.” The Constitution

Again, Resident Biden is picking up where Hillary was supposed to be four years ago. In his first
few months, he has already called on Democrats to go after the 2nd amendment. Sen. Feinstein
and Rep Cicilline already put forth assault weapons bans in legislation. It would ban over 200
types of assault weapons but allow owners to keep what they already have. It would also
include background checks on purchases, trades and gifts. They claim this is to prevent domestic

Joe Biden will also team up with George Soros and his Open Society Foundation plus 12 other
gun control groups, and go on tour to crime ridden cities to explain which best practices they
should apply to reduce violence in their cities. There will be no pro-gun advocates joining the
tour or giving any input.

Q120 - …They think you are stupid. Puppets w/o power. They want your GUNS. Why? No
power left…

Q3656 - …Why do [D]'s want to abolish the 2ND AMENDMENT?

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the
people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
What did the Framers of the Constitution fear the most?
"–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right
of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation
on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to
effect their Safety and Happiness.
But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces
a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw
off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.–"
We, the People. Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

ANTIFA and Safe Havens

Tweet: Donald J Trump: Consideration is being given to declaring ANTIFA, the gutless Radical Left
Wack Jobs who go around hitting (only non-fighters) people over the heads with baseball bats, a
major Organization of Terror (along with MS-13 & others). Would make it easier for police to do their

Irregular warefare.

(Extra e in warfare, see remarks below)


Insurgency is the organized use of subversion and violence to seize, nullify or challenge political
control of a region. As such, it is primarily a political struggle, in which both sides use armed force to
create space for their political, economic and influence activities to be effective. Insurgency is not
always conducted by a single group with a centralized, military-style command structure, but may
involve a complex matrix of different actors with various aims, loosely connected in dynamic and non-
hierarchical networks. To be successful, insurgencies require charismatic leadership, supporters,
recruits, supplies, safe havens and funding (often from illicit activities). They only need the active
support of a few enabling individuals, but the passive acquiescence of a large proportion of the
contested population will give a higher probability of success. This is best achieved when the political
cause of the insurgency has strong appeal, manipulating religious, tribal or local identity to exploit
common societal grievances or needs. Insurgents seek to gain control of populations through a
combination of persuasion, subversion and coercion while using guerrilla tactics to offset the
strengths of government security forces. Their intent is usually to protract the struggle, exhaust the
government and win sufficient popular support to force capitulation or political accommodation.
Consequently, insurgencies evolve through a series of stages, though the progression and outcome
will be different in almost every case.

(MS-13(M=13) Also is a double meaning for MSM Mainstream Media)

Location(s) [cities] loss-of-control?

(Cities like Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Minneapolis, Detroit and
Baltimore; to name just a few)

[D] controlled?

(Democrat or RINO controlled cities)

Define 'stand down' [safe haven] order.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

(Liberal city politicians order police to “stand down”, allow rioters to “protest”. This allows their gun
control agenda to take center stage. Another type of “false flag” in support of banning guns. Media will
highlight the “protest” instead of the violence created with this type of attack on America.

Our police are under attack:

Q4382 - POLICE ordered to stand down by [D] (Democratic) mayor(s) [D] (Democratic) gov(s)
(governors) ? ANTIFA [coordinated] SAFE ZONES? Q

Q2683 - …1. Dilution of citizen voice 2. Dilution of citizen vote 3. Dilution of national independence
>POLICE turned against its own citizens >Citizens turned against its own POLICE >People v People
Controlled media > prevent mass awareness If the news doesn't report the facts (i.e., truth) - how do
people get informed in order to be heard? Silence the people. Localize disruption. Target leaders of
disruption (quietly take action). Deploy scare tactics and political cross-talk Control volume. The media
no longer represents the will of the people.

Q2646 - …D's (Democrats) attempt to turn the public against our police, ICE, and those who
continually serve the public interest (protect)? Open borders w/ no Immigration & Customs Officials
to safeguard the people? EU gov't attempt to turn the police against the people re: yellow vest
protests? Police vs People _ EU (and US) D's (Democrats) attempt to sway public vs Police/ICE _ US A
VS ORIGINAL TARGETS (OLD GUARD) (Cabal/Elite). FAKE NEWS push of racism, fascism, sexism, every
other …'ism' etc…. against those seeking to END GLOBALISM in favor of NATIONALISM (pride of
heritage and culture - preservation & security/safety) is DESIGNED TO KEEP YOU SUBMISSIVE…)

Define 'organized' group.

Coordination of 'organized' [& funded] group(s) in [D] controlled 'safe haven' cities across US
[pre_knowledge to group(s)]?

(As mentioned above, funding for Antifa comes from Bill Gates and George Soros in, support of their Left
Wing agenda on banning the 2nd amendment.)

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Thank you for playing.

Have a Nice Day.


'War[e]fare' misspelling unintentional.

(Extra [e] in a killbox. This signifies that Queen Elizabeth II is involved. The Keystone, she and the Royal
Family are the agenda puppet masters controlling Soros and Gates.

On the move.

20. Install Corrupt Supreme Court Justices

The Constitution only offers guidance on how the Supreme Court should be set up. It doesn’t
specify the number of Justices, only that there should be a Chief Justice. Exploiting this loophole
would allow the Democrats to “pack” the court. There have been 9 justices since 1869.

The Democrats plan to introduce legislation that would increase the Supreme Court justices
from 9 to 13. If passed, this would allow Resident Biden to pick 4 additional judges during his
administration. Like most Presidents in the past, they are usually partisan picks, which would
mean 4 additional liberal justices on the court, meaning more liberal victories.

21. Remove Electoral College and Install Popular Vote

The Constitutional balances of the Electoral College EC were put in place so no one party could
over impose on the other. It was meant as a fair system. The Democrats would like to remove
the EC and go with a popular vote. The EC allows for equal distribution of voting so no one
state/county will outbalance another by compartmentalizing national elections. A popular vote
would allow for highly populated areas to overrun the election and allow just a few major cities
to control the outcome of elections.

22. Close US Military Bases Globally

Biden was pressured during his 2020 presidential candidacy to cut the military funding and get
rid of the Space Force. There are also plans to close Guantanamo Bay Naval Base in Cuba where
they have been holding 9/11 and Indonesian bombing trials for almost 2 decades. Instead of
following President Trumps exit strategy for Afghanistan, Biden chose to close Bagram Air Base

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

first, which ultimately allowed for the Taliban to take over and Biden basically surrendering
Afghanistan and $85B in Military equipment and leaving US civilians behind. (see #14)

23. Destroy and Censor Opposing News Outlets

Conservatives and Alternative media have long been censored by social media platforms like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram as well as Google and YouTube. Resident Biden plans to continue
that censorship under the guise of Covid 19 misinformation. Wanting to avoid “false narratives”
they will work with Social Media to maintain proper flow on the internet. Spokesperson Jen
Psaki claims they will also urge them to work even faster to take down what they consider
“harmful posts”. At this time, they are only allowing 2 of their trusted physicians to speak out
and have their content boosted. (see #9)

24. Open Borders

Allowing open borders allows for the “great replacement”. To fundamentally change the racial
mix of America. As an incentive it invites the poorest on Earth into the country with promises of
taxpayer funded programs for support. A constant stream of new Democrat voters. This is not
even including the invited crime element being ushered in, intended to weaken America. (see #10)

25. Limit and Remove Military Funding

Progressives have laid out a wish list that includes cutting $200B yearly from the Pentagon.
Ending the nuclear refurbishment for the nation and removing the Space Force. The Democrats
want to defund the military once again during a time of high tensions between China, Russian
and Iran. Over 60 Democrats signed a letter supporting the defunding of the military and in
support of an amendment that would push through their agenda.



Trump and The 2016 Election Derailed Their Plans

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Secret Meeting

Why, hours after the election, did seven people travel to an undisclosed location to hold a very
private & highly secured/guarded meeting?
Think McCabe [#2] interview re: meeting re: 25th amendment
Think [RR] wear a wire re: attempt to entrap re: 25th….
[2] accounted for?
IDEN remaining coming.
Note ‘BORDER Open’ context same drop.
BORDER has more importance than what is publicly disclosed.

(All questions above answered by an excerpt below from my post ‘How about a nice game of chess?’

“Queen Elizabeth II of the UK was using Israeli (Niv, Shalev and Omri Group) NSO Pegasus to spy on
everyone. She called all the shots through Obama’s administration. The exchange of classified
information flowed freely, with or without the use of FVEY. On the 2016 election night, 7 people (Barack
Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Susan Rice, John Podesta, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff) flew
to London to have a private secret society meeting with Angela Merkel, Jacob Wallenberg and Queen
Elizabeth II. The meeting was to discuss how to remove Donald Trump from the US Presidency, using the
one of their ships that have shipping container missile systems and they discussed how to keep their
worldwide trafficking scheme quiet.”


Seth Rich.

The FBI released documents that may tie Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to the Seth Rich
murder. July 2018 emails mentioning Special Council Robert Mueller and Clinton and both mentioning
hiring a hit-man and Seth Rich.

According to testimony in 2016 from Silk Road Task Force member Ryan D White who was in charge at
that time out of Baltimore MD. Shawn Bridges and Carl M Force IV (Former Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein’s Baltimore MD associates) were caught stealing Bit Coin during a Silk Road case in sent
to jail. Rosenstein remained in contact with others involved that were never charged.

Former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein acquired the help of Drug Enforcement Agent DEA
Joseph Rosati and Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agent Alan L Boroshok to retrieve the thumb
drive that Seth Rich always carried with him which contained the DNC emails, in which Wikileaks
ultimately posted. DEA Agent Joseph Rosati testifies that he hired the two MS13 agents Rafael Agular
and Carmelo Marmeljo-Calixto, to rough up Seth Rich and retrieve the USB thumb drive. DEA Agent
Rosati and former owner of Nexus Consulting Kevin C. Doherty met Agular and Calixtro and brought
them to Seth Rich’s location. The two MS13 members approached Rich on the night of July 10, 2016,
and in a botched robbery of the USB thumb drive, they ended up shooting and eventually killing Seth

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Rich. DEA Agent Rosati assisted the MS13 members in their escape 434 miles away to Myrtle Beach, SC
where he ultimately shot them dead on July 11, 2016.

Ryan D White claims Rosenstein dealt with all of the loose ends with the Seth Rich case and would
ultimately sign the illegal FISA warrants meant to take down President Trump in the Russia Spying
collusion. This would allow Vice President Pence to take power and for Rosenstein to be named VP.

-Who was found dead (2) shortly after his murder? What affiliation did they have?

Both DNC Staffer Seth Rich and DNC IT Staffer Imran Awan had inside access to DNC servers. Imram
Awan was part of an IT outfit known as the Awan Brothers who were 2 Pakistani Nationals working for
the DNC and Chairman Debbie Wasserman Shultz using servers in Pakistan to maintain DNC information.

On July 10, 2016, at approximately 4am, Seth Rich was murdered near his Washington DC home. On July
11, 2016, MS13 Members Rafael Agular and Carmelo Marmeljo-Calixto are found murdered with
multiple gunshot wounds, 434 miles away in Myrtle Beach. July 22, 2016, Wikileaks begins releasing DNC
emails which detail Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the DNC’s effort to shut out Democrat
Candidate Bernie Sanders who endorses Hillary Clinton 2 days after Rich’s murder. DNC Chairman
Debbie Wasserman Shultz resigns over the scandal. July 25, 2016, Imran Awan is arrested for bank fraud
charges and cannot leave the country. Both Awan Brothers were detained. In early August of 2016 Julian
Assange mentions Rich’s murder in an interview about great risks Wikileaks sources take. In the months
directly following President Obama, Hillary Clinton, CIA Director John Brennan, DNI James Clapper,
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and the Mainstream Media including The Washington Post and
New York Times start to spin a DNC Russian election hack story in which a 3rd party contractor
Crowdstrike links to the Ukrainian military which was later debunked. On October 7, 2016, Wikileaks
releases the first of the Podesta emails whom Wikileaks associate Craig Murray eventually confirms he
received from a source in Washington DC. All throughout, members of the Rich family tweet out
implications that there is foul play with the DNC. In March of 2017 the Rich family hires DC area
detective Ron Wheeler who claims there is evidence Seth Rich was emailing Wikileaks and there may be
a connection to Imran Awan.

2016- Five Pakistani DNC IT staffers with no clearance, 3 brothers Imran Awan, his wife Hina Alvi, Abid
and Jamal Awan and friend Rao Abbas all had access to congressional servers and IT equipment at the
Congressional House. They started getting noticed when a computer equipment request showed
$120,000 missing. Then Imram Awan was arrested and ultimately indicted for Bank Fraud while trying to
leave the country and wiring $165000 at the same time. His wife Hina was allowed to leave the country.
When searching his home, the FBI seized computers and found smashed hard drives. The indictment
indicated, “Defendants AWAN and ALVI did unlawfully, willfully, and knowingly conspire, combine,
confederate, and agree with each other to commit offenses against the United States,” regarding bank
fraud, false statements and unlawful bank transactions. These individuals all worked for Debbie
Wasserman Schultz who continued to double talk and defend them after being caught and even gave
Imran Awan another position with the House doing various office jobs for staff.

The events let to a House investigation and the House’s Office of the Inspector General report indicated
the Democrats were careless and failed to inform the constituents of the breech. There were also
indications of nefarious purposes and elevated risk that information/documents were read, stored or
removed. Lawmakers have expressed their concerns over Wassermann-Schultz Awan even after the

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

indictment. Frontpage Magazine did an exclusive report that links the Awan Brothers to the Muslim
Brotherhood and Imran Awan has ties to Intelligence through his father Haji Ashraf who was the head of
a Pakistani Intelligence agency.

On October 28, 2016, FBI Director James Comey notifies congressional leaders of the emails leaked from
Secretary Clinton’s personal server and that the FBI will review for classified information. Jan 10, 2017,
he informs the Senate committee publicly of the DNC Russian Hack and how they never inspected the
devices, instead using Crowdstrike. In March of 2017 he along with NSA Director Rogers appears before
the House Intelligence Committee confirming again, that they never had access to the physical machines
but relied on Crowdstrike. President Trump fired Comey on May 9, 2017, for mishandling the email and
Russian hack controversy. Rod Rosenstein recommended the firing of Comey to the President so he
could appoint Robert Mueller as Special Counsel, This action would assist the Deep State’s plan to
ultimately impeach President Trump.

Woods Procedures:

On Sept 30, 2021, “Execution of its Woods Procedures for Applications Filed with the Foreign
Intelligence Surveillance Court Relating to US Persons” Report was released by DOJ Inspector General
Michael Horowitz. FISC allows the government to spy on others using the Foreign Intelligence
Surveillance Application FISA. Once applied for it’s not usually subject to any scrutiny in subsequent
proceedings. Because of this the DOJ/FBI have the duty to maintain integrity in the process including
supplying all material facts and to correct and misstatements or omissions of facts. According to Rule 13,
these must be made in writing and immediately inform the original presiding Judge. This also includes
corrections/modifications and steps to correct and disclosure of non-compliance. All must include in
steps to correct any and all issues, in writing, to the original Judge.

This report focuses on the Woods Procedures, which is a process that minimizes factual inaccuracies in
FISA applications. All statements must be scrupulously accurate before presenting the application to the
presiding Judge. The latest sample audit by IG Horowitz included 29 FISA applications. Numerous
instances on non-compliance were found using the Woods Procedures in 25 of the files and of the
remaining 4 files, the FBI could not supply the original versions. The same 29 files showed over 400
instances of non-compliance s with Woods Procedures and between Jan 2015 and Mar 2020 another
7000 applications had 179 missing required Woods Files. They also found inaccurate and missing
information, as well as the information needed to support statements in the documents, instead saying
the target supported a specific cause. IG Horowitz’s Dec 2019 report on Carter Page’s FISA application
showed substantial issues and misconduct and even recommended remedial measures to correct the
issues created by the FBI.

The Four 2016 FISA Applications:

Paul Manafort
George Papadapoulos
Carter Page
General Michael Flynn

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Crossfire Hurricane:

The Obama administration conspired to spy against President Trump, using UK MI5/6/SIS, Five Eyes
(FVEY), Israeli NSO (Niv, Shalev and Omri Group) Pegasus Surveillance and FISC to obtain permission.
They were also spying on Senator Cruz’s presidential campaign.

Queen Elizabeth II of the UK was using Israeli NSO Pegasus to spy on everyone. She called all the shots
through Obama’s administration. The exchange of classified information flowed freely, with or without
the use of FVEY. On the 2016 election night, 7 people (Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James Comey,
Susan Rice, John Podesta, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff) flew to London to have a private secret
society meeting with Angela Merkel, Jacob Wallenberg and Queen Elizabeth II. The meeting was to
discuss how to remove Donald Trump from the US Presidency using one of their ships that have shipping
container missile systems and how to keep their worldwide trafficking scheme quiet.

The Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton's Uranium-1 deal with countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea
helped to create an armada of ships that have shipping container missile systems (Club K's) that contain
nuclear warhead missiles paid for by US Taxpayers under the guise of the Red Cross, foreign aid and
Paris Accord climate funding. They are used to cripple or remove any opponents to their plans
effectively creating a blockade using video game chat logs and cell phones to communicate their plans
and arm and operate these weapons. Plans that include the treasonous ‘16 Year Plan to Destroy
America’ and to prevent any exposure of their worldwide trafficking scheme which includes human/sex
trafficking with men, women, children, infants, guns and drugs. This missile system is also used to
prevent any delcas or disclosure from being exposed, anything from UFO’s to Durham reports.

This scheme also includes the harvesting and worldwide supply of adrenochrome from children with the
assistance of Shell Oil pipelines. This ships collect the substance (F assets/intel) from the pipelines and
deliver it to individuals based on a class system in which ranking determines use of these assets which
are used as feed. Poverty stricken locations are set up as exchange shelters such as Haiti using
humanitarian aid organizations like the Red Cross and political organizations like the Clinton Foundation
to traffick victims through adoption or other means. The money is funneled back through to the ships
and trafficking schemes. The Obama Administration was able to bypass finance paper trails by dumping
lots of cash before leaving office. A few other ports of call include New York and Los Angeles Ports,
Rotterdam, Antwerp, Port of London, Red Castle or Gibraltar, Las Palmas Canary Islands, Kenya
Mombasa, Brest Port, Sine Port, Saigon, Jeddah and Port Harcourt in Nigeria which hosts the F39 Shell
Oil pipeline that pumps Adrenochrome from shore to ship. There are even more ports and exchanges
worldwide. Q2658/Q4556/Q3486/Q1559/Q10 How about a nice game of chess? & Infiltration &

Some F Assets are kept as controlled pawns and used for key positions for the Cabal. The inner circle.
Some are sent to the CIA Farm at Langley Virginia to become intel agents. Agents are placed in positions
of need like the mainstream media, congress, political leaders, Hollywood celebrities and other various
vocations. These assets are told what to do and say to support the narrative of the Cabal>Deep State.

November 03, 2021: Special Counsel John Durham indicted Igor Danchenko on 5 charges for making
false statements to the FBI in 2017. Originally from Russia and known to be a Hillary Clinton supporter,
Danchenko worked for the Washington Think Tank: the Brookings Institution (BI) where Bill Clinton was
college friends with the former president Strobe Talbot. Fiona Hill introduced Danchenko to Christopher

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Steele, Hill and Danchenko were co-workers at BI. Hill was a key witness in the Ukraine Impeachment of
President Trump. She is also implicated in the Dossier operation.

Danchenko was the main source for the now discredited Dossier for Christopher Steele in 2016 that was
used to create the FISA applications. Joe Biden’s current National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, was the
Hillary Clinton Campaign senior foreign policy adviser and the likely operative that set the entire Dossier
scam in motion. Sullivan was possibly the lead in the confidential project that came up with the so called
Trump/Russia intel that was given to Danchenko who gave the fake information to Steele who
subsequently gave it to Fusion GPS, who then pushed it out to the CIA/Mossad mainstream media.

The indictment indicates that Danchenko and a Democrat PR Executive (Charles Dolan Jr. as confirmed
by his attorney), collaborated on Trump research intelligence in the Dossier in October of 2016. Dolan
later admitted to the FBI that the information he gave Danchenko was false. Danchenko lied to the FBI
again stating that in July of 2016 he received a phone call from a Russian Reporter named Sergei Millan
who gave him the information on the Trump/Russian collusion story. Millan says the call never
happened. Danchenko lied 3 more times stating Dolan did not give him the information, and that he
stayed in a Moscow Hotel in June of 2016 when he actually stayed there in October of 2016. He also lied
about Dolan being his source. According to the sun released several Solar Coronal Mass
Ejections (CME’s) the first week of November 2021 around the time of the indictment; creating auroras,
geomagnetic storms, and possible power grid and satellite fluctuations.

The FBI and DOJ knew they had false intel and lied on the FISA applications. Germany helped build the
Steele Dossier. The Dossier was paid for by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who held
containers ship missiles against people to get it done. It was another set up to take down President
Trump. They could not lose control or allow their treason or satanic pedo acts come out. They wanted to
rig the election. Senator John McCain and Senator Lindsey Graham pushed it because they are part of
the Deep State and every media outlet who reported the false information was sharing a hoax. Buzzfeed
News, along with the Soros funded International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ). MSM
heads conspired with Dems to help push Fake Russia narrative.

Fusion GPS had Perkins Coie Michael Sussmann, paid by Hillary Clinton, and a secret DNC committee
with Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, CEO Amy Dacey and Mr. Brown push the Russian narrative that
President Trump was communicating with a Russian Alfa Bank server in March of 2016. Mr. Sussmann’s
Sept 16, 2021 indictment reveals in section 7. “The FBI's investigation of these allegations nevertheless
concluded that there was insufficient evidence to support the allegations of a secret communications
channel with Russian Bank-1. In particular, and among other things, the FBI's investigation revealed that
the email server at issue was not owned or operated by the Trump Organization but, rather, had been
administered by a mass marketing email company that sent advertisements for Trump hotels and
hundreds of other clients.” They knew the information was false before they pushed it out to the media,
yet they did it anyway.

Durham filed a motion on 2/11/2022 that shows (Tech Executive-1) Rodney Joffe monitored President
Trump's internet traffic during and before his presidency. He gave the info to Clinton Campaign attorney
Michael Sussmann, who then altered that data to use it against Trump in favor of a Hillary Clinton win.

In 2016, Barrack Obama and FBI Director James Comey told Deputy Director Andrew McCabe and
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to approve the fraudulent FISA applications for Trump’s aid

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Carter Page. This allowed Obama to spy on Trump. Obama then pushed the Steele Dossier, supported by
the FBI and Director of Counterintelligence Bill Preistap, and that Hillary Clinton paid for claiming
Russian Election interference. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper tried to get the Supreme
Court to invalidate Trump’s presidency while Fusion GPS agent Natalia Veselnitskaya set up Trump’s
Campaign Manager Paul Manafort for the Trump Tower events regarding Donald Trump Jr and Jared
Kushner and then FBI Deputy Asst. Manafort was a deep state plant, deeply in debt to Russian oligarch
Oleg Deripaska. So they gave him a way out by setting up President Trump.

Former FBI Special Agent Peter Strzok and Deputy/Acting Attorney General Sally Yates went after
Trump’s National Security Advisor General Flynn. Obama used UK MI5/6/SIS, Five Eyes, Israeli NSO
Pegasus Surveillance and FISC to obtain permission. Assisting were German PM Angela Merkel, UK PM
May and CIA Director Gina Haspel, who was the prior CIA UK Station Chief. Obama used Senators
Warner, Cardin and Corker and the State Department.

Under FISA UK assist, the surveillance allowed for a ‘2 hop” rule. Since Carter Page was the target in the
original application for Russian spying, the FBI was then able to spy on anyone Page was in contact with
and anyone the next person was in contact with. This included President Trump, NSA Director General
Flynn, Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort, Trump’s campaign advisor George Papadopoulos, and
Senator Ted Cruz. The original application was dated April 1, 2016, 11 days before Carter Page joined the
Trump campaign on March 21, 2016, and 10 days after the Buryakov press release identified Page as the
Russian agent on March 11, 2016. The FBI used this same application plus 3 renewal applications as their
basis for the Dossier, then ultimately the Special Counsel Robert Mueller investigation. This throws off
the timeline and shows that Obama’s intel team was spying on President Trump and Senator Cruz long
before Carter Page was involved and likely earlier during the presidential campaign.

Q1150 - Think timing. LL (Loreta Lynch) remains AG (Attorney General for) HRC (Hillary Clinton). HRC
appoints new AS (Justice Anthony Scalia) replacement (Justice Sonia Sotomayor). RBG (Justice Ginsberg)
steps down. LL (Loreta Lynch) steps up. New AG (Attorney General) ‘The Plan’. Q

Q2088 - …They always thought if charges were brought [v. them] they would ultimately be safe [SC
control] (Supreme Court). [AS] (Justice Anthony Scalia) out [HRC] (Hillary Clinton) appointment(s) >>
End of all ends. Final. Did Anthony Kennedy have a choice? Was this the original plan according to HRC
election win? What evidence was he shown? RBG replacement [lifetime appointment - age]?...

CIA Director John Brennan and Peter Strzok used an Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) with the
Dossier added to it while Strzok’s wife, Melissa Hodgman, was hiding Hillary’s email evidence. Hiding
Hillary’s evidence was also the reason for former President Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta
Lynch’s Tarmac meeting in June of 2016. As an exchange, Lynch was promised a Supreme Court
appointment once Justice Ginsberg stepped down. They always thought they would be safe having their
nuclear missile ship armada to protect them. They murdered Anthony Scalia in Feb 2016 to maintain
control of the Supreme Court and Bill Clinton promised AG Loretta Lynch on the Tarmac in June of 2016
a position on the Supreme Court. In return Lynch was supposed to look the other way at any of Hillary’s
email/server evidence which she did. Hillary then appointed Justice Sonia Sotomayor to replace Scalia
and advised Lynch the plan is for her to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Justice Anthony Kennedy

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

was shown evidence of this and was forced to step down under threat of missiles/death.) RBG is also a
multiple meaning of the Royal Family/The Queen, so she oversaw ‘The Plan’.

Adam Schiff was caught leaking classified information in order to damage President Trump regarding
Russia collusion. While trying to dig up info on the President and General Flynn, he released classified
information about wire transfers in pursuit of Clinton emails by Paul Manafort (who we now know was a
Deep State plant) to Buzzfeed. Special Counsel Mueller never found any evidence of any Russian
collusion. Schiff repeatedly claimed he had evidence of Trump/Russia collusion but was never able to
provide any proof. He also lied about the basis of FISA warrants when he had access to documents
proving the Steele Dossier was bogus. While trying to pursue alleged naked photos of President Trump,
he got punked by Russian comedians who recorded Schiff asking for photos and recordings.

National Security Advisor Susan Rice unmasked Flynn’s meeting with Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislak,
with help from the Washington Post reporter Adam Entous, who leaked it from a source that saw it in a
Palpatine’s Revenge game chat log discussion. As early as November 2016, unmasking requests to the
NSA were made by 16 people including US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, DNI James Clapper
and then Vice President Joe Biden made a few of the requests. This was before the actual Flynn/Kislyak
phone call on Dec 29, 2017, proving a set up occurred beforehand. Approved by Rice in 2017 under
Obama’s guidance and Russian interference Executive Order, in a purely political move.

During this timeframe, Strzok’s FBI interview with Flynn on January 24, 2017, forced Flynn to later plead
guilty and be fired about lying to Vice President Pence. Strzok also withheld exculpatory evidence of
handwritten notes taken by him, DOJ official Tashina Gauhar and FBI Lawyer Dana Boente, during and
after the meeting with Flynn, that found that he had not engaged in any wrongdoing. The FBI kept the
case open regardless to pursue Joe Biden’s suggested idea to prosecute him under the Logan Act (which
didn’t apply either).

Trump’s campaign advisor George Papadopoulos and Australian Ambassador Downer were spied on by
Strzok in London and this was used to set up the Robert Mueller investigation and the 2019
impeachment of Trump.

Strzok’s and FBI General Counsel Lisa Page’s texts revealed Obama’s involvement and plan to take down
Trump and hide Hillary’s crimes, including crimes against children. Brennan’s CIA spied on FISA court
head Chief Justice Roberts who was likely blackmailed into all FISA investigations including Flynn’s, who
was ultimately pardoned by the President. The Illuminati Cabal and Hillary held CIA spying info and
shipping container missiles from her armada of ships, against people to get it done.

On November 22, 2017, Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed US Attorney for Utah John Huber
directing him to investigate Hillary Clinton and claims of FBI and DOJ misconduct, which didn’t amount
to much. So, in May 2019 Attorney General Barr assigned a special counsel to John Durham who is
known for successfully prosecuting mobsters like the Gambino, Genovese and Patriarca. He was tasked
to go after Boston corruption and in 2005 he investigated the CIA for destruction of videotapes
regarding 9/11 interrogations, something that former CIA Director Gina Haspel also did at the CIA black
site in Thailand. He is in charge of investigating the Deep State corruption that occurred during FISA as
well as other crimes. But it’s been delayed because of the shipping container missiles threat to the

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Most of the information discovered here was received from the Inspector General Michael Horowitz
report on FISA released on December 9, 2019, but the IG concluded that the DOJ and FBI largely
complied with policies. Both Barr and Durham publicly commented that they disagree with the
conclusion of the report. A likely conclusion if the threat of container ship missiles were known.

March 30, 2022 Update - The DNC and Hillary Clinton's 2016 Campaign have been fined $8,000 and
$105,000 respectively by the FEC Federal Election Commission, for lying about funding the fake Russian
dossier against President Trump. The fine will not be contested by either party. Dan Backer of the
Coolidge Reagan Foundation who reported it to the FEC said, “This may well be the first time that Hillary
Clinton — one of the most evidently corrupt politicians in American history — has actually been held
legally accountable, and I'm proud to have forced the FEC to do their job for once. The Coolidge Reagan
Foundation proved that with pluck and grit, Americans who stand with integrity can stand up to the
Clinton machine and other corrupt political elites.” and “Hillary Clinton and her cronies willfully engaged
in the greatest political fraud in history — destroying our nation's faith in the electoral process, and it’s
high time they were held accountable. I hope this is only the beginning.”

April 6, 2022 Update - John Durham has revealed text messages that showed the Clinton Campaign lied
to the FBI. Durham suggests that the Russia collusion against President Trump was a "joint venture or
conspiracy" to rig the election against Trump. Campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann texted the General
Counsel James Baker of the FBI that he was not working for any client when he presented the fake
Russian dossier to them, which was completely false.

“Jim – it’s Michael Sussmann. I have something time-sensitive (and sensitive) I need to discuss,”
Sussmann texted Baker on Sept. 18, 2016, according to the new court filing. “Do you have availability for
a short meeting tomorrow? I’m coming on my own – not on behalf of a client or company – want to help
the Bureau. Thanks.”

This new evidence will be used by prosecutors at Sussmann's trial.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

It was not supposed to be revealed POTUS (Biden) is not under criminal investigation _ NOT YET.


Massive intel sweep.

Manafort was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Who was arrested?

Non US.

Trace background.

Open source.

Carter Page was a plant.

Trace background.

Open source.

Why is Mueller going after 'inside plants'?

Flynn is safe.

Define 'witness'.

Can a 'witness' hold a position of power/influence while ongoing

(As a witness; The Central Tracing Agency is a permanent and integral part of the International
Committee of the Red Cross. Yet it retains an autonomous character during conflicts, as laid down in the
four Geneva Conventions. It is the duty of the Central Tracing Agency to carry out the mandate
entrusted in time of war to the two central information agencies mentioned in Article 123 of the Third
Convention and Article 140 of the Fourth Convention, namely: the central information agency for
prisoners of war, and the central information agency for civilian internees and other protected persons.
The Geneva Conventions contain about twenty–five articles relating to the role of these agencies, their
relations with the Detaining Power, with the “Power of origin”, with the captives and with their families.
via The Central Tracing Agency of the ICRC | International Review of the Red Cross

Tracing- Page 745 Law of War DoD Law of War Manual - June 2015 Updated Dec 2016.pdf (

Russia Russia Russia?

Real or fake?



The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Seth Rich?

MS_13 187 [2] -24 -Distance?

MS[13][13=M]MSM - The 'Wheel'

No investigation into WL receipt of information?

(Julian Assange and Wikileaks accrued the incriminating information including emails about the crimes
of the Cabal> Deep State through Seth Rich, who was murdered by two MS-13 members for leaking the
info. The CIA/MOSSAD Mockingbird Media is complicit in helping to cover up the crimes.)

No pull down of NSA metadata trace/C to WL?

No pull down of NSA metadata period?

Nothing transferred across web?

Direct-to-Direct bypass dump?

No 'direct' investigation into DNC computer/software?

No 'direct' investigation into CS?

FBI/SC/DOJ/FED G simply TRUST CS's report on data breach?

(To date, there has been no direct declas information disclosed by government intelligence agencies
that was revealed by Wikileaks and there has been no release of the Facebook metadata used to spy on
the US Government. The declas data has been revealed by bypassing a data dump and using citizen
journalists to decode/decipher Q drops to expose the Wikileaks revelations. This includes information on
the CS/Solar CME Termination event, using [their] shipping container missile system with Depleted
Nuclear weapons , that was planned by the Cabal >Deep State)

HUSSEIN block?

HUSSEIN control?


Awan attached?


Cheatin' Obama.

Trust the plan.

(The Cabal> Deep State has tried to block/control all release of information using both the State Secrets
Privilege, States v. Reynolds decision and the CS/Solar CME Termination event, using [their] shipping
container missile system with Depleted Nuclear WarHeads. The Awan’s via Pakistan, China and Russia
have been providing collected intel from US government officials to the Cabal led by Queen Elizabeth II
and Joseph [W]allenberg via the Obama Administration who sold out and cheated America via the 16
Year Plan to Destroy America. The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America)

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


(Disney's Bambi- Little April Shower Lyrics

Drip, drip, drop
Little April shower
Beating a tune
As you fall all around
Drip, drip, drop
Little April shower
What can compare
To your beautiful sound
Beautiful sound
Beautiful sound
Drip, drop, drip, drop
Drip, drip, drop
When the sky is cloudy
Your pretty music
Will brighten the day
Drip, drip, drop
When the sky is cloudy
You come along with a song right away
Come with your beautiful music
Drip, drip drop
Little April shower
Beating a tune
As you fall all around
Drip, drip drop
Little April shower
What can compare with your beautiful sound
Drip, drip drop
When the sky is cloudy
You come along, come along with your pretty little song
Drip, drip drop
When the sky is cloudy
You come along, come along with your pretty little song
Gay little roundalay
Song of the rainy day
How I love to hear your patter
Pretty little pitter-patter
Helter-skelter when you pelter
Troubles always seem to scatter
Drip, drip drop

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Little April shower

Beating a tune
As you fall all around
Drip, drip drop
Little April shower
What can compare with your beautiful sound )

‘The Hapsburgs of the 13th Illuminati bloodline had a sex salon in Vienna, where a porn photographer
named Felix Salten worked. Felix Salten wrote a book Bambi, which was then translated into English by
the infamous communist Whittaker Chambers. The elite were just beginning to form the roots for
today’s environmental movement. The book appealed to Disney, because Disney liked animals better
than people. In the book, tame animals view humans as gods, while the wild and free animals see
humans as demons who they simply called "Him." The book begins with both free and tame animals
viewing humans as rightly having dominion over them. In the end, the animals view all humans as simply
being on the same level as animals, a vicious animal only fit to be killed. Disney instructed his animators
to make the animals "to be human. I want people to forget they are watching animals." Bambi was to
receive a Christ-like manger birth, with the animals hailing him as a "prince." Due to his sexual problems,
Walt at one point permitted himself to be subjected to the packing of his genitals in ice for hours at a
time. (Elliot, Walt Disney Hollywood’s Dark Prince, p. 83.) Children were instructed to call Walt "Uncle
Walt." An example of this were the Mouseketeers. For those who know how mind-control programmers
have traditionally liked to be called "uncle" by their child victims, the insistence by Walt to be known as
"uncle" is distasteful. From what this author has learned from some sources about Walt’s non-public life
as a hidden sadistic porn king, it raises questions about other parts of his life.’ Bloodlines_
Introduction.doc (


Troops to Border.

Clown Black Ops.

Private funds.

Raised how?

Troops @ Border does what?

(Per HRC arrest: Expecting massive, planned riots by Soros and Gates funded MS13 armies to disappear
quickly due to US Military’s activation due to the Insurrection Act. President Trump is the Commander
in Chief of the US Military. In the event of a terrorist attack or natural disaster (Solar CME), the
Insurrection Act allows the President to use the US Military as a police force as well as use of the Law of
War manual. Referencing page 1030,; in the Law of War manual regarding 2 Important

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Commonalities Between the Law Applicable to International Armed Conflict and the Law Applicable to
Non-International Armed Conflict; Common Baseline Rules as well as Foundational Principles of the Law
of War and Rules for Conducting Operations Against Unprivileged Belligerents. Reference page 745,
10.32; Role of the Protective Power in the Geneva Convention and Page 83,; Distinguishing
Armed Conflict From Internal Disturbances and Tensions.)


To who?

D's involved.

MS_13/Illegals road block.

Sex traffic road block.

Children road block.

Drugs road block.

Guns road block.

China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.

Name we don't say AZ road block.

Jeff Flake AZ road block.

Big money TERMINATE.

The WALL means more than you know.

The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.

(The impact of Depleted Nuclear Warheads using the Cabal’s, led by Queen Elizabeth II and Jacob
[W]allenberg’s, shipping container missile system could cause a CS/Solar CME Termination event
affecting the entire planet. It would be used as a last resort plan by the Cabal>Deep State > CIA/MOSSAD
and the Mainstream Media to cover up their human/sex trafficking schemes with men, women,
children, infants, guns and drugs. Q, which is select Military Intelligence, the Space Force, the US Military
and God will stop and block the Cabal’s actions)

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Finish The Wall

Wow what a show!

President Trump on Tuesday engaged in an extraordinary argument with Democratic congressional

leaders over his demand for border-wall funding, threatening a government shutdown if he does not
get the money.

"I will be the one to shut it down," he told House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate
Minority Leader Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) at the White House.

During the contentious meeting in the Oval Office, Pelosi (D-Calif.) repeatedly asked Trump not to
discuss the funding request in front of the news media.

"You will not win," Pelosi told Trump.

The meeting was scheduled to be closed to the press, but the White House unexpectedly opened it to
reporters just as Pelosi and Schumer were arriving at the White House.

The exchanged heightened the sense of drama surrounding government-funding stalemate between
Trump and Democrats.

Q3778 - [D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – Speaker of the House Rep. Adam Schiff
(D-CA) – Chair Intel Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) – Chair Judiciary Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) – Senate
Minority (now Majority) Leader Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) – Ranking Mem Judiciary Control over
[CA] & [NY] vital to maintain [D] structural integrity?... …Leverage (control) dictates how far you rise
within the [D] party.

(Schumer and Pelosi are Chinese puppets, conveniently placed on each side of the country alongside
other NY and CA puppets…

‘House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's "husband, Paul Pelosi, has done a series of deals in mainland China... and
are part of the fact that the Chinese are trying to curry favor with high-ranking politicians in the United
States."’ Via Real Clear Politics

“A list of “key domestic contacts” for a joint venture involving Jim and Hunter Biden and now-bankrupt
CEFC China Energy Co. included former Vice President Joe Biden's current running mate Sen. Kamala
Harris, among other prominent Democrats, Fox News has learned…

…The list, included Harris, D-Calif.; Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y.; Sen. Amy Klobuchar,
D-Minn.; Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.; Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y.; New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo;
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio; former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others.” via Fox News

President Trump is letting them know [they] will be shut down)

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


Clock activated.




(The stage is set and the clock is activated to finish the WALL i.e., Wallenberg and take down their
human trafficking scheme which partly runs through Gibraltar i.e., RED CASTLE)


"You will not win?" - Pelosi

You didn't think the largest MIL spending bill in history (FY 2019) wasn't going to [indirectly] include
funding for the wall did you?

Learn the Constitution re: vested powers of POTUS re: matters of NAT SEC.

This was planned and forecasted as the 'border funding' solution from the beginning.

Anons had the proof long ago but shining a light back then would have defeated the primary purpose
of showing the 'public' the real objective of D's (party of open borders/elim of ICE/elim of
security/defend illegals over Americans _Midterm_elec).

(**President Trump is the Commander in Chief of the US Military. In the event of a terrorist attack or
natural disaster (Solar CME) , the Insurrection Act allows the President to use the US Military as a police
force. To ratify the powers of this Act, the President must first publish a proclamation order for
insurgents to disperse. On Jan 6, 2021 President Trump released a video statement telling Capital
protesters to stay peaceful. No violence. And to go home. He then tweeted a similar message a half hour

We now know that Antifa and Black Lives Matters were part of the protesters that stormed the Capital
building Jan 6. President Trump was actually telling these insurgents to disperse.**

This, and the use of the Law of War manual, will allow President Trump to use the Military to complete
the takedown of Wallenberg, while at the same time showing the public the real objective of the
Cabal>DeepState, part of which is human trafficking Who Funds MS13?)

These people are stupid.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

HRC 4 year delta

Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30,
HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border
run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in
defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated.
Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

(The H3RC Ever Given of the Ever Green Shipping Company, after having repairs from being stuck in the
Suez Canal, will be released from Qingdao Beihai Shipyard in China at the end of October 2021.

An HRC surrender will be in effect along with Germany’s Merkel and the UK’s Queen Elizabeth II, cross or
X passport marker confirms.

Expecting massive, planned riots by Soros and Gates funded MS13 armies coming from El Salvador,
Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico caravans; to disappear quickly due to US Military’s activation due to
the Insurrection Act. President Trump is the Commander in Chief of the US Military. In the event of a
terrorist attack or natural disaster (Solar CME), the Insurrection Act allows the President to use the US
Military as a police force as well as use of the Law of War manual. Referencing page 1030,; in
the Law of War manual regarding 2 Important Commonalities Between the Law Applicable to
International Armed Conflict and the Law Applicable to Non-International Armed Conflict; Common
Baseline Rules as well as Foundational Principles of the Law of War and Rules for Conducting Operations
Against Unprivileged Belligerents. Reference page 745, 10.32; Role of the Protective Power in the
Geneva Convention and Page 83,; Distinguishing Armed Conflict From Internal Disturbances and

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

We Have Everything

We have everything. (Nothing is ever truly deleted)

How can we use what we know? (Public disclosure)
How do you ‘legally’ inject/make public/use as evidence? (If anons like me can figure out the drops
then we learn declas legally)
What are you witnessing unfold? (The fall of the Cabal)
Trust the plan.
EO. (Trump’s 2018 Executive Order, 13848 Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign
Interference in a United States Election, will be applied, and the Emergency Alert System (EAS) will be
activated, to bypass Big Tech censorship and, advise the American population that an insurrection has
Study the EOs.( Executive Order, 13818 Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human
Rights Abuse or Corruption, will apply. Any Government official (or person acting for, or on behalf of,
such official) found to be responsible for, or complicit in, or directly engaged in, serious human rights
abuse, will have their funds will basically be blocked, seized and forfeited.)
Follow the ‘pen’. (My Telegram is the new “pen”, follow the posts)
EOs post ‘pen’ pics. (President Trump signed an Executive Order 13925 on Preventing Online Censorship
that basically made Big Tech a publisher, and filed a major class action lawsuit which allows anyone that
has been banned for censorship to join in.)
SKY Event. (A Coronal Mass Ejection CME Solar event is always a threat from the Deep State until they
are taken out completely.)
Push to DIVIDE is strong.
Think pre vs post 2016 election.
Why? (They don’t want their treason or pedophile secrets revealed. They want the sheep to remain
We, the PEOPLE.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Still tracking...

Justice K confirmation (missile confirmation)

Goodbye, Mr. Rosenstein (missile destroyed/deflected)
DECLAS (declas incoming)
POTUS Alert-Test (make sure Emergency Alert Systems on your phones are on)
RED OCTOBER? (cyber and information warfare, bloody October)
MIDTERM ELECTIONS (our elections WILL be fixed)
RED WAVE OR RED TSUNAMI? (either one and the crash will level our opponent)

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Spy campaign failed.

Russia Russia Russia failed.

Weissmann [Mueller] failed. (The plan to keep their Pedophile secrets quiet has failed)
Leaks failed.
Fake news reports failed.
Impeachment failed.
CDC/WHO (China CCP) recommend 'do not close' border failed.
What if C19 didn't exist? (Their D5 Last Resort plan also includes a Solar Coronal Mass Ejection CME
along with missiles in ship containers. This armada is used to ensure that their secrets never get out.
They would rather destroy the world than let the truth be known. If it didn’t exist we would have less
blackmail and corruption and probably no human, drugs or arms trafficking.)
Economy today? (Current Quarter 2, Gross Domestic Product GDP is 6.7%)
Unemployment today? (As of Sept 3 2021, Unemployment is at 5.2%)
Trade today [China phase II held accountable]? (Current trade for August 2021 is $73.3B)
Rally POTUS v BIDEN attendance? (Attendance for any rally President Trump holds is always over
capacity by thousands and an overflow area is always set up with a jumbo TV so people can still watch.
Joe Biden events are always small and intimate, maybe 100 or so people and low turnout is blamed on
Covid restrictions.)
BIDEN interview(s) non_basement?
BIDEN question(s) non_basement? (Questions for interviews are always fed to Biden in advance. So are
the answers.)
Removal of delay(s) re: Durham (GJ + interview(s) + testimony + DECLAS]? (The Durham report, and
any declas, is delayed on purpose due to the constant threat of the ship missiles system the Cabal>Deep
State holds over everyone.)
Removal of BIDEN ammunition P_Debate 1, 2, and 3 [200k dead, down-economy, unemployment,
debt, .....]? (The removal of most of The Cabal Wallenbergs and The Deep State Bidens ammunition has
occurred after lengthy discussions and military operations.)
Removal of mail-in ballot harvesting + fraud [normal in-person voting]? (The use of their ships has
been removed, so they can no longer harvest children using their shipping container missiles system.)
Removal of tech [tyranny] censorship [WHO foundation _anti WHO = suspend/terminate [C19 basis]]?
(The removal of Big Tech tyranny is starting to happen, as we saw with the 5-hour outages on
10/04/2021. President Trump filed an injunction the same week to be reinstated to Twitter and social
media for his Jan 2021 suspension, China’s Big Tech claimed he was inciting violence and insurrection.
The lessened threat of the Solar CME should allow things to go smoothly.)
Removal of bailout attempt re: CA & NY [debt solution]?
(California and New York can no longer ask for weather related bailouts which generate money for their
state and special funds. President Trump removed their weather modification capabilities to create
massive destructive storms, and he has removed their ability to use Direct Energy Weapons DEWs to
start wildfires in the western part of the US. Antifa was also stopped from lighting fires in the area that
allowed them to collect federal emergency funds.)

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


(White hat (Good guys) operations using the Law of War began at the end of July 2021 and then D5 last
resort plan and Solar CME threat started from the Cabal Wallenberg.)
WHO BENEFITS THE MOST? (The Cabal would have.)
(White Hats through God striped China CCP’s control of the Solar CME weapon away from them.)

2020 Election

Mike Lindell has provided tons of documented evidence of Voter Fraud in Maricopa County AZ, in a
Documentary called ‘Absolute Proof’ and he has presented it multiple times for the American public.
Dominion voting machines tampering, cyber intrusions (mostly from China) on election night, phony
paper ballots, dead voters and voter intimidation just to name a few. Dominion and Smartmatic
machines have connections to George Soros.

September 25, 2021, the Maricopa County 2020 Election audit results were released. The audit included
1500 volunteers. Over 2.1 Million ballots were hand processed and with 57,000 ballots that may be
legally in question which is more the 5x the amount of votes that Biden supposedly won by (10,457).
Karen Fann, the Arizona Senate president claims the audit received unnecessary obstruction from
Maricopa County by going to court and the use of subpoenas. The audit uncovered significant evidence
of broken statutes and personnel not following chain of custody. Election systems, record keeping,
signature verification match and voter roll issues need improvement and investigation. Because
Maricopa County officials refused to cooperate it was impossible to complete the audit.

It was led by Cyber Ninjas Doug Logan and Ben Cotton, as well as an independent team including
assistance from Dr Shiva Ayyadurai for audit analysis, Randy Pullen and Ken Bennet presented election
laws. Senator Peterson identified critical issues encountered while obtaining the audit including audit
obstruction, the numbers don’t add up, “It appears they broke the law with duplicate ballots”, people
need to be held accountable for mistakes, chain of custody issues, data files were not preserved,
weakness in Cyber Security and missing signatures on envelopes. The routers, Splunk data and Netflow
data were never given to the auditors for review, this would have shown internet traffic which was not
allowed. The actual recount in the audit showed Joe Biden won by 994 votes but also showed a
multitude of evidence that fraud was committed.

In August of 2021 Maricopa County was threatened by Attorney General Brnovich, if they didn’t release
the routers then millions in government funding would be withheld. Arizona Senate president Karen
Fann’s brother Mike Fann owns Fann Contracting which negotiated for the states road rebuild project
on September 14, 2021 and 3 days later Karen Fann signs MCBOS agreement for AZ Senate that allows
Special Master John Scadegg to describe the routers contents to the auditors if they will release
government funding for Maricopa. She retires on November 1 and Fann Contracting gets the
$445,940,000 road rebuild contract 2 days later.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Mail in ballot issues:

Mail‐in Ballots Voted from Prior Address 23,344; More Ballots Returned by Voter Than Received 9,041;
Potential Voters that Voted in Multiple Counties 5295; Official Results Does Not Match Who Voted
3,432; More Duplicates Than Original Ballots 2,592; In‐Person Voters Who Had Moved out of Maricopa
County 2,382; Voters Moved Out‐of‐State During 29‐Day Period Proceeding Election 2,081

Maricopa had originally refused to do a canvas, which would show the number of votes cast should not
exceed the number of voters. The ballot delta is currently 11,592. A Canvass was run by citizens and led
by Liz Harris during the audit instead. On its Canvass report, Maricopa had not counted any duplicate
ballots. Another Canvass could validate findings even further as could an investigation by the Attorney
General. As of Sep 26, 2021, 41 legislators from various states wrote letters calling on a 50-state audit.

There were 29,557 duplicate ballots and 26, 965 were sent for duplication, leaving 2,592 more duplicate
ballots counted then sent. When attempting to resolve discrepancies the audit team was met with
resistance by Maricopa County. Unidentified and misidentified ballot batches were supplied which
draws questions to signature verification verifiability. Dr Shiva found 17,322 duplicates in which some
cast 3- and 4-times mail in ballot signatures, 25% were received after the election.

Other ballot anomalies:

Received without Record of Being Sent 397; Voters With Incomplete Names 393; Deceased Voters 282;
Late Registered Voters with Counted Votes 198; Double Scanned and Counted Ballots 50.

The audit results show that over 1 million files were missing, and 284,412 ballot images corrupted from
the Election Management Server EMS, and logs were cleared. Maricopa County disputed that this
happened. There were statutes being broken and chain of custody issues regarding ballots and they
were not always delineated, or they had missing serial numbers. These will all need to be investigated.
Computer and cyber security protocols were not followed, like patch and credential management. Best
practices by Cyber and Infrastructure Security Agency CISA were ignored as well. Counties should always
be able to be in control of their administrator passwords for voting machines to maintain monitoring
and integrity. Fake paper was used in 100% of the ballots instead of VoteSecure stock. When asked to
research paper, ink, toner and ballot formats further, Maricopa County blocked the request.

74,243 more ballots were received then sent out, 11,326 didn’t show up on election but did show up on
Dec 4, 2020. 3981 voted but registered after Oct 15, which would disqualify them from voting in the
2020 election. An estimate of 57,000 votes with improper voter discrepancies voter registration were
found. This type of fraud could invalidate the election and should be criminally investigated. Also, a
Kinematic Artifact processing is checking the ballot images and will fully map all printer miscalculations
with a report available shortly.

Additional audit tallies:

Votes Counted in Excess of Voters Who Voted 1551; Voters not part of the Official Precinct Register
618; Ballots Returned Not in the Final Voted File 430; Duplicated Ballots Incorrect and Missing Serial
Numbers 500; Mail‐In Ballot Audit UOCAVA Count Does Not Match the EAC Count 226; Date of
Registration Changes to Earlier Date 194; Duplicate Voter IDs 186; Multiple Voters Linked by AFFSEQ
101; UOCAVA Electronic Ballots Double Counted 6; Duplicate Ballots Reuse Serial Numbers 6; Individuals

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

voted in more than one county 5,047, for up to 5,295 additional votes; Voters cast ballots using
incomplete names 393; Individuals who registered after the Oct. 15 deadline voted anyway 198; Voters
shared a registration number with another voter 2,861; Votes appeared to be cast in the names of dead
voters 282; Voters appeared to have duplicate voter IDs, both of which were presented at separate
times 186.

The Democrats have a history of cheating in elections. A Philadelphia Judge of Elections, Domenik
DeMuro, was caught adding votes for Democrats in the 39th Ward in 2014, 2015 and 2016.

In Troy New York, Former Democratic City Clerk William McInerney, Democratic Councilman John
Brown, and Democratic political operatives Anthony Renna and Anthony DeFiglio were caught forging
signatures on absentee ballots for the Working Families Party Primary in 2009. All four plead guilty.

In 2016 Project Veritas uncovered that the New York City Democrat election commissioner Alan Schulkin
admitted on film “there is a lot of voter fraud”. Democrat Operative Scott Foval admitted they “bus
people in”, using fake shell companies, out of state voters are hired just to vote and then paid off
through the shell companies.

House Resolution 1 (HR-1) transfers authority in how elections are run from the State to the Federal
Government. It mandates voter registration for anyone registered at the Department of Motor Vehicles,
Public Universities or any social service agency. It also mandates that States comply with these new laws
regardless of their state laws. Unmonitored absentee voter drop boxes must be made available 24 hours
a day within 45 days prior to federal election. This also allows for curbside voting.

It forces states to redraw congressional district lines to show “racial, ethnic, economic and gender”
diversity. It removes any requirements for Voter ID and allows illegal immigrants and felons to vote and
allows for ballot harvesting. It limits the ability for lawsuits against HR-1 and recommends statehood for
the District of Columbia. It limits free speech against the law and considers it “misleading information”.
Penalties could be up to 5 years in prison.

It is illegal in the United States for non-citizens to vote in elections. Regardless some jurisdictions allow
immigrants to vote. Immigrants are also counted when remapping congressional districts which allows
for more electors. These things apply even if they have broken the law. 6.4% of Immigrants voted in the
2008 presidential election according to a 2014 study. The majority of Americans are against non-citizen
voting. Voter ID requirements demonstrate identity and citizenship greatly reduce voter fraud.

**This also has a multiple meaning of removing Jacob Wallenberg from power through the use of cyber
and information warfare.


The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

News Unlocks Map.

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted? (To show the original wording from the Bible)

Which version? (Catholic version.)

Why is this relevant? (Q is bringing attention to the powers of the Catholic church and the Vatican)

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer? (In Dec 2017, Pope Francis called for the Lord’s Prayer
wording to be changed. He received backlash for the changes, some calling it an “abomination”)

What can be connected? (Q posted this section with the 9/11 drop, so they are asking to make
connections. The CIA and the Vatican are deeply connected. They have a history of working together
that goes back to World War II when the CIA was known as the OSS. The CIA uses the Vatican for its
knowledge and political leverage and the Vatican uses the CIA as a type of foot soldier for world reach)

Do you believe in coincidences? (The CIA was directly responsible for creating, and then continuing, the
farce of 9/11, so the Vatican must be involved as well.)

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III. (The Godfather, Michael Corleone tries to leave the Mafia and become a legitimate
businessman by facilitating a deal with the Vatican and a company called Immobiliare. However, the
Vatican is more corrupt than The Don’s Mafia. His family does not want to go legit and wants to
continue in the Mafia. **As a side note, oranges represent mortal danger and this is a reference to a
scene in The Godfather where Vito Corleone buys oranges just before he is sprayed down with bullets in
an ambush)

Tues Nov 4th,

Who financed 9-11? (Court evidence from a 9/11 lawsuit suggests that the Saudi Royal Family was
involved. Two of the hijackers, Mohammed al-Qudhaeein and Hamdan al-Shalawi actually worked as
Saudi government agents. The leader, Muhamad Atta, was being funded by the Saudi government. Al
Qaeda operative Zacarias Moussaoui said in a sworn deposition that high ranking Saudi officials and
Royal Family members were involved, such as ex Saudi Intelligence chief Prince Turki al Faisal, Prince al-
Waleed bin Talal, and top Saudi clerics who funded the operation.)

Who was Bin Laden's handler? (Raymond Davis. According to Gordon Duff (Veterans Today Senior
Editor) there is evidence out there to show Bin Laden died of an illness in 2001 and the CIA had been
propping up his identity with clones or look-alikes for years to keep the wars going. According to the
Intelligence community his body was recovered by US Special Forces in 2001 and kept in cold storage for
later use. The CIA kept the facility next door in Abbottabad Pakistan where Bin Laden was allegedly
located. Raymond Davis was in charge of the safe houses. There is also evidence that the Bush family,

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

especially former head of the CIA George HW Bush and Bin Laden were acquaintances since the 1970’s.
They were originally recruited by the CIA for the Soviet Afghan war and were repurposed by the CIA for
the War on Terror. The final raid on the Abbottabad compound in 2011 by the Navy Seals was mostly for
political show with a hasty burial at sea to cover any identity issues.)

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI? (CIA was tasked to hunt and kill Bin Laden because they were directly involved and
handling the case since Pre 9/11. Military Intelligence was not as intimately involved.)

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?
(Bin Laden was used to extend the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Keeping him alive through clones/look-
alikes kept the wars going. Endless wars are big money and political excuses to limit freedoms just like
the Patriot Act in 2001, which allowed warrant-less surveillance and was used to spy on Americans.)

Why wouldn't we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events? (The CIA would
not want to give him an opportunity to talk to the public in any way. That could lead to leaks about the
truth and their cover up. A possible Termination Level event to cover it up was discussed.)

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they' had a plan to conduct ‘another' mass extinction

(Termination Level Event just like the Solar Coronal Mass Ejection CME event.)

WWI and II - orchestrated and planned by select families? (Mainly, the Rothschilds and the Onassis
families instigated World War I by getting a heads up on Archduke Ferdinand’s assassination. The rest of
the Illuminati families went along with it. The Rothschilds, Morgans, Dulles and Warburgs mainly
prompted World War II. They used the event to create the League of Nations, their first attempt at
starting their one world order. It failed but other goals were met; a Russian Satanic dictatorship was
established, the creation of weapons of mass destruction, control over Palestine by the Rothschilds,
military power including airplanes, missiles, alien aircraft and submarines, the cold war and the United

Fantasy land. (CIA operations run all over the world and everyone plays a part. Nothing and no one is

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D's push for gun control ‘directly' after every tragic incident? (Democrat created false flags
help to get them to their goal of taking away America’s guns. A false flag is a real event but usually
planned. Mass shootings are a good example. Once the shooting occurs, the media analyzes it and plays
the propaganda on TV for the next week or two straight. By the end of the two weeks, they have folks
convinced that the country needs gun control. Sandy Hook was a particularly sore point because little
children were involved, but you have to understand they only care about their agendas.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

-Define 'False Flag'. An event created as a distraction or to change the narrative. For example, a school
shooting. The event isn’t’ necessarily fake, but it’s definitely planned. In the case of school shootings, the
narrative will be changed to control in the CIA/MOSSAD media. An example would be the Marjory
Stoneman Douglas High School at Parkland shooting in 2018. It was a real event but planned. Even
actors like CIA/MOSSAD asset David Hogg were set in place to maintain a gun control narrative. Students
report multiple shooters. Alexa Meidnik and Jalen Martin both claim seeing at least two shooters. Some
unnamed students also claim there were multiple shooters in different attire, one being tactical gear
and a gas mask whom Jalen saw tossing smoke bombs, and Teacher Stacey Lippel witnessed that tactical
gear shooter which didn’t match the attire Nikolas Cruz was arrested in.

The Secret Service was at the school weeks before performing active shooter drills using gunfire with
blanks and crisis actors panicking and screaming. The actual code red drill was scheduled for the day of
the shooting. Witness testimonies/videos by students that “army people” were there hiding bodies
under mats and leading students to rooms and directing them to stay there- but the media never
reported this. Laura Ingraham reported that Broward County police were ordered not to enter the
building without a body camera. Since the entire precinct does not have body cameras, no one ever
entered the school. Pro-gun legislation was scheduled to be voted on that day, and the next, in Florida.

The shooter, Nikolas Cruz, was likely coerced by a therapist and CIA MKUltra techniques into committing
the shooting. On the day of his arrest, he was saying voices and demons made him do it. One of his
therapists, Henderson Behavior Health, had him play violent video games as a form of “anger
management”. Henderson is funded by the United Way which is funded by Microsoft (Bill Gates),
Amazon (Jeff Bezos) and Pfizer which connects to BlackRock, Vanguard and Jacob Wallenberg.

Why is this so very important to their agenda? (By taking our constitutional rights and rifles away they
can achieve their goals of a weakened more controllable American population which will be susceptible
to their one world order, one world, one government socialism. The United Nations disarmament 2030
Agenda plans on removing guns to for the maintenance of peace and security for their own protection.
The UN also claims disarmament would achieve good health and quality education to gender equality,
economic growth reduced inequalities and safe crisis.)

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us our trespasses,

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

as we forgive those who trespass against us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.

The "marker."

Learn to read the map.

News unlocks the map.


The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Voter ID

Cross reference 'blue' areas w/ illegal immigrant high pop zones.

You might be shocked what you discover.

The real TRUTH about why D's depend on illegal immigrants and why they care more about them than


Amazing what you discover when you research for yourself.

God bless you, Patriots!

Will recent [expected] voter fraud actions by the D party provide support for a VOTER ID LAW?


Boomerang Suicide?

Queen Elizabeth II, who leads the Cabal> Deep State, uses their container ship missiles to control
Democrat politicians and Hollywood pop stars/celebrities. They depend on these missiles to keep their
CIA/MOSSAD political and celebrity assets in line and so the world does not discover the shocking truths
about their human trafficking, satanic practices or human hunting parties (including the use of
Adrenochrome). Illegal immigrants are sent to high population zones in the US to increase democratic
votes. FACT: The way the electorate is set up currently does not give them the votes they need, so they
seek to change the demographics. More illegal immigrants to the locations needed to increase their
numbers in votes.

We are now in the Great Storm, and it has God waking people up and researching for themselves now
and there will be amazing discoveries.

The Cabal> Deep State conspired to commit voter fraud and released the Covid-19 virus to affect the
election by pushing mail in voting in the 2020 Presidential election. Now the public is seeing and waking
up to this issue, which will result in a boomerang suicide death of the Cabal> Deep State.


The Cabal> Deep State and Communist China created and released the Covid-19 virus in 2020 order to
cheat in the election. They used their Democrat assets to rewrite election laws right before election day.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The fear created by the pandemic allowed Democrats to propose changes like automatic/same day
voter registration, ending voter ID requirements, allow for early voting and vote by mail with the last
creating the most issues since it allows for rampant voter fraud. Voting by mail is unconstitutional unless
you have applied for an official absentee ballot. The difference between absentee ballots and mail in
voting is that the former is certified, requires the voter to apply using their official residence and the
latter is not certified, no ID is required, and any unofficial ballot can be mailed in. Combined with ballot
harvesting, where “volunteers” collect these unofficial mail in votes in bulk and deliver to voting centers
in which anything could happen to these ballots during any part of the process including voter fraud like
removing candidate ballots, adding forged or fake ballots to create an increase in voting counts for
certain political candidates. *Cough**Cough* Joe Biden


The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Witch Hunt

Being afraid
They want blackmailed folks to turn on Hillary and her puppet master [W]allenberg and change mind
and surrender.

They always thought if charges were brought [v. them] they would ultimately be safe [SC control]. >
Holding D5 SC Ship Container/Missile plan over everyone for control.

Schiff is out (Hatter in Wikileaks email.) Also Antonin Scalia murder.

[HRC] appointment(s) >> Ship.

End of all ends.
Did Anthony Kennedy have a choice?
Anthony Kennedy knew that Hillary sold out America's secrets and Uranium to China/Russia and then
suddenly retired. Was he RR forced?

Was this the original plan according to HRC election win?

Yes, Ships > Cooperation.

What evidence was he shown?

Ukraine server evidence, Scalia evidence.

RBG replacement. > This links the royal family through the royal botanical gardens.

What is at stake?
D5/Solar CME.

Pain comes in many different forms.

Full control.
Enjoy the show.

Being afraid!

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Cross Talk X is The Queen

Chatter uptick re: how to effectively prevent cross-talk re: anti-narrative across all social media/online

Ability to prevent cross-talk narrows comms only to FAKE NEWS which provides for more control over
what is released to inform the public.

A series of scenarios is currently being conducted ['game the sys'] to test response, risk, and calc results.

'Censorship' [added] layers of inserted code 'through keyword targeting' in bio, history, and comments +
indiv platform mods has failed to curtail the problem.

'China-Russia-Iran' 'fake' take-down hacks of select platforms (for maintenance) is one scenario being


Countermeasures in place.


Think Emergency Alert System.

Think WH controlled *new* RT 'news' website

Think WH controlled *new* video stream platform

Think Here.

Should this occur, immediate steps will be taken to classify each as 'Public Utility' (essential public
services) to gain appropriate gov regulation (control).

Why do we make things public?

(In this global war chess match, Cross-talk or X passport marker confirms that UK’s Queen Elizabeth II
will attempt to increase the Mainstream Media and Social Media far left narratives meant to maintain
control and censorship using China-Russia-Iran cyber hacking and attacks and artificial intelligence,
CIA/MOSSAD fake news social media operatives/platform moderators and Bot commenters. But this has
failed. Election interference will be exposed. Countermeasures are in place, such as the Emergency Alert
System. White Hat controlled news and video streaming platforms will be in place and set up essential
public utilities to maintain government regulation and chaos control. This will allow for total
transparency to the public to provide truth and guidance in this situation.)


The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


(My telegram page is also providing testimonies of Queen Elizabeth II’s involvement in attempting to
control our US government with the use of spying intel and a ship armada armed with depleted nuclear
missiles, mostly obtained from the Iran/Russia/North Korea Uranium deal through taxpayer funding. As
head of the Cabal, she orchestrated the use of these tactics along with Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton
of the Deep State, garnering this spy information from Clinton’s private email servers as well as the
Awan congressional DNC servers. This information was also used to create the Steele Dossier, a fake
Russia election interference document, which Hillary Clinton paid for. This plan, along with a plan to
assassinate President Trump originated in London. The latter occurred on election night of 2016 when
Trump beat Clinton.

The Cabal leader, Queen Elizabeth II of the UK, was using Israeli NSO Pegasus to spy on everyone as well
as DARPA controlled spying/listening phone apps like Facebook, Google and Twitter. She called all the
shots through Obama’s administration. The exchange of classified information flowed freely, with or
without the use of FVEY. On the 2016 election night, 7 people (Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, James
Comey, Susan Rice, John Podesta, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff) flew to London to have a private
secret society meeting with Angela Merkel, Jacob Wallenberg and Queen Elizabeth II. The meeting was
to discuss how to remove Donald Trump from the US Presidency using the one of their armada of ships
that have shipping container missile systems that contain depleted nuclear DNC weapons, as well as
direct energy weapons DWS. They also discussed how to keep their worldwide trafficking scheme quiet.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

This scheme includes the harvesting and worldwide supply of adrenochrome from children with the
assistance of Shell Oil pipelines. The ships collect the substance (F assets/intel) from the pipelines and
deliver to individuals based on a class system in which ranking determines use of these assets which are
used as feed. Low poverty locations, such as Haiti, are set up as exchange shelters using humanitarian
aid organizations like the Red Cross and political organizations like the Clinton Foundation to traffick
victims through adoption or other means. A few other ports of call include New York and Los Angeles
Ports, Port of London, Red Castle or Gibraltar, Las Palmas Canary Islands, Kenya Mombasa, Brest Port,
Sine Port, Saigon, Jeddah and Port Harcourt in Nigeria which hosts the F39 Shell Oil pipeline that pumps
Adrenochrome from shore to ship. There are even more ports and exchanges worldwide. Then ships
travel around the world to deliver via the class system which includes world leaders, politicians, intel
officials like CIA/MOSSAD, Hollywood elite, social media heads, mainstream media as well as other
community leaders.) Q2658/Q4556/Q3486/Q1559

of Hollywood/Pop Stars decreases threat level of Solar CME Termination Event.)

MOUTH - THE START] means [F]all and hand in mouth means [F]eed; (Once the public knows what the
Cabal is doing with these children then that will be ‘The Start’ of [their] downfall.)

Q4935 “Key

(Key as in Keystone which is the Queen Elizabeth II and the UK Royal Family.) domestic contacts for
phase one target projects.” Harris, D-Calif. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. Sen. Amy
Klobuchar, D-Minn. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo,
D-N.Y Mayor Bill de Blasio, D-N.Y.C former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others. Pandora's
'political elite' box? Q

This was a great proof.

Anons are MONTHS ahead of the news!

The Corinthian Hotel.

(A native or resident of Corinth, Greece Definition of Corinthian , A city known for hosting Greek Gods
and Goddesses, The Cabal have been known to consider their bloodlines of the gods. The city was later
visited by St. Paul where, after a struggle with the Corinthians, he brought them the Christian gospels
and established a church there. Dark to Light. )


Q2054 -
preparedness-month-2018/ National Preparedness Month is a time to focus our attention on the
importance of preparing our families, homes, businesses, and communities for disasters that threaten
our lives, property, and homeland. During this time, we also honor the brave men and women who
selflessly respond to crises and disasters, rendering aid to those in need. These first responders, who

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

work tirelessly to safeguard our Nation and protect our citizens, deserve our utmost gratitude and
appreciation. Over the past year, communities nationwide and across the Territories have witnessed
and endured damage from multiple hurricanes, wildfires, tornadoes, floods, volcanic eruptions, and
other natural disasters. The historic hurricane season of 2017 included three catastrophic storms that
made landfall within a month, and was followed by a destructive series of wildfires in California.
Combined, these natural disasters affected 47 million people and tens of thousands were mobilized to
provide aid, comfort, and assistance. We are also especially mindful of those currently affected by
ongoing wildfires in California, Oregon, and Colorado. In spite of tremendous challenges, the
resilience of the American people continues to prevail. Tragedies are somber reminders that
preparedness is a shared responsibility and that it is critical to maintain readiness. All Americans can
prepare for potential disasters by developing and practicing a family emergency response plan,
assembling a disaster supply kit, signing up for alerts on mobile devices, setting aside emergency
savings, and maintaining adequate insurance policies for their homes and businesses. The Federal
Emergency Management Agency’s Ready Campaign outlines other important steps to best prepare for
a major disaster. This month, I encourage all Americans to take the opportunity to ensure they have
an emergency response plan in place and ready to be properly executed. Emergencies and disasters
test the resilience and strength of families, communities, and our Nation. It is impossible to avoid
every challenge and threat, but we can and must prepare for them. By doing so, we can help protect
our communities and save lives. NOW, THEREFORE, I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United
States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the
United States, do hereby proclaim September 2018 as National Preparedness Month. I encourage all
Americans, including Federal, State, and local officials, to take action to be prepared for disaster or
emergency by making and practicing their emergency response plans. Each step we take to become
better prepared makes a real difference in how our families and communities will respond and
persevere when faced with the unexpected. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this
thirty-first day of August, in the year of our Lord two thousand eighteen, and of the Independence of
the United States of America the two hundred and forty-third.



The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Infiltration and Termination


Only those who could[can] be controlled [via blackmail or like-beliefs] were installed in critical
leadership positions across all political and non-political Control and Command Positions [CCP].

CCP [necessary] to ensure protective blanket [insurance].

Traitors everywhere.

[D] leadership in joint ops w/ China [CCP] in effort to regain power?

It was never about the virus.

Sequence of events.

Flynn 1st strike designed to 1. cripple 2. prevent exposure of illegal acts [Hussein WH CoC] through
NAT SEC [intel] discovery 3. Install ‘controlled’ replacement [rogue1_McMaster].

McMaster removal of ‘loyalist’ intel community_NAT SEC

Install ‘controlled’ [rogue2_Coats_DNI] prevent DECLAS [House-Senate blockade].

Pre_Install [rogue3-6] > referral(s) to POTUS re: McMaster_Coats_Wray_Bolton_+++

Install ‘controlled’ [rogue7_Bolton]

Bolton removal of ‘loyalists’ intel community_NAT SEC

Intel community [NAT SEC_WH] essential to control [infiltration] to prevent DECLAS_public exposure
of true events [illegal surv [R] candidates 1&2, House members 1-x , Senate members 1-x , Journalists
1-x , Amb 1-x] + CLAS 1-99 events.

Mueller installed [Comey termination_loss of power][POTUS inside of a box][prevent counter-attack].

Impeachment installed [Mueller termination _loss of power][POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-


C19 insurance plan _above fail

C19 installed [Impeachment termination _loss of power][POTUS inside of box][prevent counter-


(The Cabal>Deep State, along with Communist China, have infilitrated our country and intelligence
agencies like the CIA and Israeli MOSSAD. Using Israeli NSO Pegasus to spy on everyone as well as
DARPA controlled spying/listening phone apps like Facebook, Google and Twitter to collect metadata on
world leaders, politicians, intel officials like CIA/MOSSAD, Hollywood elite, social media heads,
mainstream media as well as other community leaders. With blackmail, mind control and/or like-minded
satanic beliefs they have managed to control the world by placing their assets in key positions, insuring
their power with force against any and all opposition. CIA/MOSSAD agents Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine
Maxwell and Madam’s like Ray Chandler in order to blackmail to secure power around the world for the

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Cabal> Deep State with evidence, filmed or otherwise of powerful individuals doing unconscionable
things to children or other sexual blackmail. Even Royal Family members like Prince Andrew have been
caught up in Epstein’s pedo island as he has been accused of sexually assaulting a minor there.

Q3140 - Epstein island dungeon (beneath the temple). Sex & torture rooms. Openly flaunt across
social media? Untouchable? Q

Controlled Cabal> Deep State assets like Former NSA H. R. McMaster, Former Director of National
Intelligence Dan Coats, Director of the FBI Christopher Wray and Former US Ambassador to the UN John
Bolton were also put in place in President Trump’s administration to block any successes and to
undermine national security as well as cripple and prevent General Flynn from exposing the illegal acts
of the Obama administration including their participation in human trafficking. They used Star Wars
Video Game chat logs to communicate between the Cabal and Deep State plants. NSA McMaster and
Ambassador Bolton were installed to remove President Trumps loyalists in the intel community. DNI Dan
Coats was installed to help prevent declas and create a House-Senate blockade. These pre-installed
plants, McMaster, Coats, Wray and Bolton were referred to President Trump, Vice President Pence,
White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer and White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus.

Q2468 - The 'Scaramucci' Play Temp hire to remove embedded 'untrustworthy' staffers? >Spicer

Q3537 - …Wray is a sleeper Future marker. Q

The intelligence community and national security are essential to the Cabal> Deep State for control to
prevent delcas and public exposure to the truth. They used illegal surveillance with a threat of nuclear
missile attacks to President Trump and then candidate Senator Ted Cruz, House-Senate members,
Journalists and Ambassadors to keep classified material about their human trafficking ship schemes

The Obama administration planned the fake Russia collusion hoax, paid for by the Clinton Foundation,
failed even with the CIA/MOSSAD Media pushing it every day. No collusion was ever found. President
Obama’s Former FBI Director James Comey was used to keep the Russian Collusion hoax going and
hinder any truth being discovered about the Obama administration’s FISA abuse, spying or email
scandals. He was ultimately fired for it. Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller, along with a controlled
CIA/MOSSAD media, was used to uncover any Russian Collusion and ultimately try and impeach
President Trump, which also failed. There was no collusion with Russians, even if their interests aligned
at times. They invented a Russian threat for a disinformation campaign. Misusing FISC/FISA; the FBI,
DOJ, Congress, the Senate, CIA, NSA and UK MI5/6/SIS and millions of taxpayer dollars were used to
address an imaginary threat, the FBI and CIA used Vault 7 tools for planting evidence, which justified
creating a special council for the direct purposes of impeachment under the pretense of protecting the
public and our elections just so they could regain their power and prevent the truth coming out and
avert their subsequent prosecution. Chairman of the House Intel Committee, Adam Schiff, opened fake
and false investigations for this reason and deliberately leaked classified information to the press.

The Cabal leader, Queen Elizabeth II of the UK, was using this spying system. She called all the shots
through Obama’s administration. The exchange of classified information flowed freely, with or without

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

the use of FVEY. On the 2016 election night, 7 people (Barack Obama, Hillary Clintons, James Comey,
Susan Rice, John Podesta, Chuck Schumer and Adam Schiff) flew to London to have a private secret
society meeting with Angela Merkel, Jacob Wallenberg and Queen Elizabeth II. The meeting was to
discuss how to remove Donald Trump from the US Presidency using their missiles and armada of ships.

John Mueller of Google refers to the ships. The Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton’s Uranium-1 deal with
countries like Russia, Iran and North Korea helped to create an armada of ships that have shipping
container missile systems (Club k’s) that contain nuclear warhead missiles paid for by US Taxpayers
under the guise of the Red Cross, foreign aid and Paris Accord climate funding. They are used to cripple
or remove any opponents to their plans effectively creating a blockade using video game chat logs and
cell phones to communicate their plans and arm and operate these weapons. Plans that including the
treasonous ‘16 Year Plan to Destroy America’ and to prevent any exposure of their worldwide trafficking
scheme which includes human/sex trafficking with men, women, children, infants, guns and drugs. This
missile system is also used to prevent any delcas or disclosure from being exposed, anything from UFO’s
to Durham reports. The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America

This scheme includes the harvesting and worldwide supply of adrenochrome from children with the
assistance of Shell Oil pipelines. This ships collect the substance (F assets/intel) from the pipelines and
deliver to individuals based on a class system in which ranking determines use of these assets which are
used as feed. Poverty stricken locations, such as Haiti, set up as exchange shelters using humanitarian
aid organizations like the Red Cross and political organizations like the Clinton Foundation to traffick
victims through adoption or other means and the money is funneled back through to the ships and
trafficking schemes. The Obama Administration was able to bypass finance paper trails by dumping lots
of cash before leaving office. A few other ports of call include New York and Los Angeles Ports,
Rotterdam, Antwerp, Port of London, Red Castle or Gibraltar, Las Palmas Canary Islands, Kenya
Mombasa, Brest Port, Sine Port, Saigon, Jeddah and Port Harcourt in Nigeria which hosts the F39 Shell
Oil pipeline that pumps Adrenochrome from shore to ship. There are even more ports and exchanges
worldwide. Q2658/Q4556/Q3486/Q1559/Q10 How about a nice game of chess?

Some F Assets are kept as controlled pawns and used for key positions for the Cabal. The inner circle.
Some are sent to the CIA Farm at Langley Virginia to become intel agents. Agents are placed in positions
of need like the mainstream media, congress, political leaders, Hollywood celebrities and other various
vocations. These assets are told what to do and say to support the narrative of the Cabal>Deep State.

In 1996 the Telecommunications Act led the FCC to reduce regulations on cross ownership. Since then, 5
Corporations (AT&T, Xfinity, Disney, News Corp and National Amusements) own 90% of the media,
including films, newspapers, magazines and books. All of these (except for National Amusements) is
owned by BlackRock and Vanguard by majority shares. Vanguard shareholders include elite like the
Orsini’s, the Bush’s, the DuPont’s, the Morgan’s, the Vanderbilt’s, the Rockefeller’s, the Rothschild’s, the
Wallenberg’s and the British Royal Family. And Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Control of the media means control of the population. Using propaganda to create and shape the
narratives they want you to see, which at the moment is far left. This bias weakens the conservative
base with constant attacks and lies from this left-wing media.


The Cabal> Deep State was protected by rogue nuclear states.

Saudi Arabia

The House of Saudi including Prince Alwaleed bin Talal. The House of Saud, whose family originated in
Jewish roots, was involved in major sex trafficking and connections through Big Tech. They are a major
faction of the Cabal. Their corrupt connections were cut in 2017 when Prince Muhammad Bin Salman
took over the throne and with the help of President Trump and his administration. Some Saudi royal
members like Alwaleed were heavily involved. Dr. Khalid al-Mansour and Alwaleed were responsible for
Barack Obama’s Harvard education through "HUMA", Harvard University Muslim Alliance and his
connections put him and Obama’s Former Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett in the White House. Hillary
Clinton’s Former Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin has Muslim Brotherhood and Al Qaeda ties. She
grew up in Saudi Arabia and went to two Wahhabist colleges which are known for terrorism. Her
parents and family members are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood. She also was a liaison between
Clinton Foundation donors and “pay for play” schemes.

House of Saud was involved in creating ISIS with John McCain, Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Britain UK
and Qatar.

Q83 - Simplified. Alice & Wonderland. Hillary & Saudi Arabia. References: Hillary Clinton in
Wonderland by Lewis Carroll. Saudi Arabia - the Bloody Wonderland. Q

Hillary Clinton’s State Department was protecting Saudi Arabia and its Princes. The Saudi Royals have
been linked to parties or orgies that include alcohol, drugs and sex with prostitutes. There were past
links to drug trafficking and prostitution rings and modeling agencies like Elite Model Management with
underage girls as young as 13. They procured child sex slaves from Africa and Asia and other parts of the
world, and these boys and girls are sold and resold until used up. Saudi Royals were reported placing
special orders for children that were then snatched and delivered. Some of their sex rings were located
in Beverly Hills, CA. Former Miss USA Shannon Marketic was drugged and imprisoned after a trip to
Saudi Arabia and tried to sue but the US State Department granted immunity. The State Department
also granted this immunity for parents trying civil actions for their abducted children.

North Korea/Uranium 1

2008 – 2012: Hillary Clinton fails to reveal a foreign donation of two million shares of stock from a
foreign executive to Hillary’s State Department.

August 2009 – The FBI has an investigation going on a Russian bribery plot concerning Rosatom and
Uranium One, which included kickbacks and money laundering. The DOJ held off on an indictment until
after the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) deal was made, making it less
known to the public.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

May 14, 2010 – Bill Clinton gave a speech in Moscow and received $500,000. Then he tried to meet with
a Russian nuclear official during the uranium decision, after getting permission from the State
Department (i.e., Hillary Clinton), but due to missed communications he only met with President Putin
instead in June.

October 22, 2010 – Uranium One deal approved. The Obama administration and Committee on Foreign
Investment in the United States CFIUS went through with the deal even though the FBI had collected
evidence that corruption was rampant in the Russian nuclear industry. Using a confidential witness to
spy and gather information, Moscow compromised an American trucking firm with kickbacks and bribes.
It was essentially kept quiet until the deal could be completed. President Obama’s deal approved the
sale to Rosatom giving Moscow more that 20% control of the United States uranium supply.

June 2010 – 2013: Clinton Foundation receives secret donations during 3 years of Uranium One deal
using the Uranium Ones chairman family foundation totaling $2.35 million. These donations were
undisclosed by Secretary Clinton.

2016-The US State Departments sends pallets of cash to Iran totaling $400 million in exchange for
hostages, claiming Iran couldn’t accept checks or wires. Yet 2 days later the US Treasury wired 13
additional payments totaling $1,299,999,999.

Q1345- It was never about Nuclear disarmament.

It was about opening a new untapped market.

It was about securing a black site.

The ‘Exchange’.


Risk the welfare of the world.



Organized/planned by BC/HRC.

Carried out by Hussein.

[remember HRC ran against Hussein]

U1 [donations to CF].

$1.7b in-cash transfer to Iran [4 routes][5 planes].

POTUS > PEACE on the Korean P > NO further missile tests or U enrichment.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

2018- President Trump removed Jacob Wallenberg’s control in North Korea (NK). No more nuclear
capabilities or trafficking enrichment via President Obama, Clinton Foundation and Russian
Intelligence/Military Industrial Complex 2010 Uranium One deal. Iran, Russia and North Korea get 20%
of US Uranium in connection with Gulftainer, Crescent Petroleum and Rosetec/Rosoboronexport, which
they also used to produce Club K missile systems. Also connected through Project Pelican and
Gulftainer’s Port Canaveral, completed in 2018, which allows them a 35-year cargo container terminal
lease. This allowed them to have their armada of ships with shipping container missiles systems based in
the US as their “military” presence.

Q29 NK is not being run by Kim, he’s an actor in the play.

Q41 What a coincidence the mountain that housed NK’s nuclear weapons and testing collapsed.
Unbelievable timing. I wonder if critically important materials as well as scientists aka the bomb
makers were inside when it happened. Shocking no global news agency suspects we had nothing to do
with it.

Q1609 POTUS save the world from NK.

Red Cross, Foreign Aid and funding through the Paris Accords supported their human/weapons/drug
trafficking schemes. According to; Bill and Melinda Gates Care and Save The
Children have funds coming from the U.S. Department of State; Bureau of Population, Refugees, and
Migration. Jeff Bezos Amazon, Red Cross and China’s World Health Organization have funds coming
from the U.S. Agency for International Development; Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and Humanitarian
Assistance. These are just a few of the organizations that US Taxpayers fund through Foreign Aid
programs. It also goes to unknown or unverified vendors to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Africa, Haiti, Israel,
North Korea, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Vietnam, India and China, the bulk of which comes
through the U.S. Agency for International Development; Bureau for Democracy, Conflict, and
Humanitarian Assistance. The Paris Accords is just one more way to get taxpayer money through their
GCF fund, which funnels money to places like North Korea. Even they claim US humanitarian aid is a
sinister scheme. The Red Cross’ Gail McGovern has a history of corruption with Hillary Clinton and the
Red Cross has a history of connections to the Rothschilds and Wallenbergs. These slush funds help to
pay for their Deep State Shadow Government.


Do you believe? The world is awakening https://

Coincidence? Q https://
sargsyan-resigns-protests-180423120123655.html?__twitter_impression=true "Thousands of people
are on the streets, cheering and hugging each other, jumping up and down and honking their horns …

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

things happened so quickly…" AMAZING, Q!!!!!!! Like NK, they have been freed. Assets on the ground.

Freed nuclear states so far: Saudi Arabia, North Korea and Armenia

(See FISA/Crossfire Hurricane Page 63)


Q100 - Who is the Queen of England? (Queen Elizabeth II) How long in power? (68 years) With power
comes corruption… …Wealth. Corruption. Secret society. Evil. Germany. Merkel. Migrants. Why are
migrants important? Assets. What are assets? Define assets? Why are migrants so important? What
are assets? Why are migrants so important? What are assets? (Assets are usually missing children
picked up by the Cabal and groomed into whatever they need to be, like Mockingbird media or politician
or Hollywood pop star.) Why are migrants so important? (Migrants are used as assets, no one will miss
them.) Operations. Satan. Who follows? (The Cabal.) What political leaders worship Satan? (Hillary and
Bill Clinton, John Podesta.) What does an upside down cross represent? (Baal. Satan. Molech.) Who
wears openly? (Chelsea Clinton.) Why?(She worships Satan.) Who is she connected to?(Hillary & Bill
Clinton.) Why is this relevant?(She was groomed into it.) Spirit cooking. What does Spirit Cooking
represent? (Satanic Rituals and Worship, Child Sacrifice.) Cult. What is a cult? (A group of people whose
religious practices are regarded by others as strange or sinister.) Who is worshiped? (Baal. Satan.
Molech.) Why is this relevant? (Human sacrifices are used to increase power.) Snow White (CIA Spy
Operations and Poison Apple Gravity.) Godfather III (Vatican corruption involved.) Speed. Q

State Secrets Privilege, States v. Reynolds decision in the Supreme Court, is how the Deep State hides
from other branches of the government, including Presidents.

The ship missile system has been used in assassination attempts against President Trump throughout his
administration and continues through today as recently tracked by my Telegram page. He is 100% safe
aboard Air Force One and consistently evades these attempts with the assistance of the US Space Force.

So far the ship missile attacks above against President Trump have failed, so the Cabal is moving on to
their last resort plan using nuclear warhead missiles and cyber-attacks to create a Solar Coronal Mass
Ejection CME of which two Cabal container ships are equipped for completing. An X1 class CME was
released by the sun on October 28, 2021 and it arrived on Saturday October 30 and on through October
31, 2021 creating X1 level geomagnetic storms that could have disrupted power grids, communication
satellites and internet cabling as well as created aurora borealis seen across the US in states as low as
Iowa and Nebraska. The impact actually turned out to be minimal but did increase volcanic activity on
the planet.

X1(x-ray radiation) is the lowest strength CME in the X class CME’s with X9 being the strongest but there
are CME’s on record going as high as X28, and before recordings, the largest event likely was the 1859
Carrington CME Event estimated to be an X40-X50 which wiped out the telegraph system and auroras
were seen as far south as the Caribbean. Lower level X flares can also be dangerous and cause supply
chain interruption, power outages and electronics disruption depending on if it’s directly facing the
Earth and because both poles magnetic fields are currently in a weakened state. GOES X-ray Flux on the

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

NOAA Space Weather website measures the solar activity and total magnetic field strength that will
affect Earth with a RED LINE. An increase in severe weather, earthquakes and volcanic activity can also
occur. The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD along with Communist China will continue to increase
the CME’s by using their container ship’s nuclear missiles.

Human mental states are also affected by solar activity by up to 30% in healthy individuals. Studies have
shown the increase is most prominent during the recovery phase of a geomagnetic storm. An increase in
mental diseases will occur such as depression, anxiety, bi-polar mood swings as well as a suicide
increase. These solar storms can cause circadian rhythms and melatonin production disruption which
are normally regulated through the Pineal gland. These charged particles from the Sun will impact the
consciousness of the people on the planet.)


C19 _stage 1: Inform POTUS [intel + CDC + WHO + S_advisor(s)] _nothing to fear _do not close travel
_do nothing [the political ‘set up’]

(Stage 1- The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD along with Communist China is using the Solar CME
threat to keep President Trump from releasing any declas or disclosure. They will continue their Shadow
Government to undermine President Trump using their video game chat logs to communicate their

The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD-led Centers for Disease Control and World Health
Organization knowingly wanted to keep US travel abroad open when Covid-19’s first case broke out in
America on January 15, 2020. The Deep State even had Nancy Pelosi parade through China Town
claiming everything was fine in order to set up President Trump once again and try and make him look
bad. This would allow Covid-19 to run rampant with open travel. But President Trump closed travel early
on January 31 2020 and was called a fear mongering xenophobe for it by the mainstream media, even
though closing travel early helped to slow the spread of Covid-19 quickly.)

C19 _stage 2: Inform POTUS of Dooms Day ‘inaccurate’ scenarios [models] predicting death count
1mm+ [the political ‘force’] _lock down [wipe economic and unemployment gains]

(Stage 2- The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD along with Communist China will create Solar CME’s to
cause millions of deaths and wipe out economy and cause massive unemployment if President Trump
does not comply. This intel was verified by XBOX/PlayStation Star Wars video game chat logs that
Cabal>Deep State members used for planning false flag events and to discuss tactics against Trump
Administration, sourced from 'closed' door transcripts.

Dr. Fauci and Dr Birx encouraged lockdowns and predicted dire scenarios and death counts for Covid-19
and the CIA/MOSSAD Media helped to push their message out which caused worldwide economic
devastation, even though President Trump ignored most of their suggestions and created Operation
Warp Speed to expedite treatments and vaccines which allowed him to open the country more quickly
and avoid the Cabal> Deep State’s plans for permanent lockdowns.)

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

C19 _stage 3: Activate ‘controlled’ [D] GOVS to ‘spike’ death count + project statewide fear by
presenting ‘alarming’ on-ground conditions [hospital [care-supplies] projections].

(Stage 3- The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD along with Communist China will activate Solar CME’s to
maintain control, creating massive injuries and death counts due to alarming ground conditions with no
power, government structure, no medical care and no supplies. People will panic causing the stockpiling
of food and necessities due to supply shortage fears causing price gouging and possible looting.

Patients in hospitals, nursing homes and the elderly will be most vulnerable in this situation just like they
were with Covid-19. Multiple Deep State Governors, like Gov. Cuomo of New York, forced nursing
homes and assisted living facilities to accept Covid-19 patients which ended up causing thousands of
unnecessary deaths. Even though President Trump sent Military Hospitals to assist, that were largely
unused for Covid-19. They will attempt to establish more variants and virus waves. An overwhelming
majority recover from this virus, it was all about the election.)

C19 _stage 4: Push testing, testing, testing to spike ‘infected’ rate incline due to daily testing inc [the
political ‘set up’] _controlled MSDNC failure to report death count [rates] proportional to ‘infected’
rate _deliberate miscounting of infected numbers [%] _change non_positive to positive _label death
of non_C19 as C19 _etc.

(Stage 4- The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD along with Communist China will continue to push Solar
CME death threats and they will continue to use the video game chat logs to communicate and report
their shadow attacks. They will continue testing President Trump, with their depleted uranium nuclear
missiles and last resort Solar CME plan. They will use the Shadow Government/Presidency to counter
anything President Trump does, just like the fake Russia election interference and spying set up.

They used Covid-19 excessive testing to over inflate the sick numbers with the CDC and had the
CIA/MOSSAD Media reporting on it as well as over exaggerated death counts and labeling non Covid-19
deaths as actual Covid-19 deaths. Peter Daszak, Anthony Fauci, Ralph Baric and Zhengli-Li Shi all
conspired to create, release and monetize Covid-19 as early as February 2016 using already patented
vaccines with Bill and Melinda Gates funding them. They are using AstraZeneca, Johnson and Johnson,
mRNA Moderna and mRNA Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines to cause injury and deaths to the population. The
Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database contains all of the unverified information on
vaccine injuries and deaths. As of September 3, 2021 there have been 14,701 deaths from the Covid-19
vaccines. The current average since July 24, 2021 when 11,405 deaths were reported, comes out to
3,296 or 70 deaths per day. A total of approximately 675,000 cases of vaccine injury have been reported
to the database.)

C19 _stage 5: Eliminate / censor any opposing views [anti-narrative]

[Ready when needed] Activate 4-year BLM narrative 4x power [use as division + [2020] C19 infect
rates to justify close-limit until Nov 3].

(Stage 5- The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD along with Communist China will activate Solar CME
using Ballistic Long-range Missiles to create a stronger X22 Class Earth facing CME flare if any additional
attempts at declass, election cheating proof or any trafficking disclosure are made or if there are any

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

attempts to use the Law of War guidelines against them. Covid-19 infection rates were used to justify
stay at home mail in voting in the 2020 Presidential Election, which allowed them to cheat as we are
seeing with the Maricopa county election audit. Until it is fully exposed, it will continue to cause division
among the population. They will use George Soros funded Black Lives Matter in Democrat Safe Zones to
keep America divided, with assaults, murder, riots, city takeovers, weakened police and race wars. The
CIA/MOSSAD media will continue their propaganda and information warfare campaign and portray
them as peaceful protesters. These are the same tactics and playbook the Nazi’s used in Germany that
will cause the population to embrace extremism to solve their problems, but it will have the same result
that it did in Germany.)

C19 calculated [D] political gain:

1. Eliminate record economic gains

2. Eliminate record unemployment gains

(1-2.The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD along with Communist China will use Solar CME to choke the
-economy and cause massive unemployment. Their agenda is to cripple communities and jobs and
fundamentally change America with Socialism/Communism from within. They plan to make the police
stand down and put their Soros funded Antifa armies in their so called Democrat controlled “Safe
Zones”. Antifa has been designated a terrorist organization by the Department of Homeland Security
DHS. Their intention is to pit the public against the Police, to keep America divided and fighting with
each other instead of the real Cabal enemy who plans to install Globalism and a New World Order.. Dr.
Fauci and Bill Gates purposely created Covid-19 and Vaccines for the Cabal to also weaken the world’s
economies and population. They want a Global economic depression.)

3. Shelter Biden from public appearances _limit public exposure of mental condition

4. Shelter Biden from Ukraine exposure _narrative change _media focus C19

5. Shelter Biden from P_debates [requested demands due to C19]

(3-5. The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD along with Communist China will use Solar CME threats and
continue to use mainstream media mind control to limit public exposure of their human trafficking
exchange shelters like the one in the Ukraine. They also need to protect Biden and his son Hunter from
their shady and corrupt business dealings with the Ukraine or China. They need to hide Biden’s mental
decline and any other scandals he is involved in.)

Q3381 - Example: Joe Biden (Vice President of the United States) >Follow the Family Corruption in DC
> How to Get Rich Are Liberals willfully blind or ……….?
contract-in-iraq-for-bidens-little-brother-exposes-obama-ahead-of-debate Biden's brother $1.5b
contract in Iraq.
china/ Biden's son $1.5b deal w/ China. Coincidence? DRAIN THE SWAMP. Q

(Wallenberg will not allow this information to come out and will demand CME be used. The Wall means
more than you know! They also want a border collapse, by sending army caravans to the US Mexico
Border via El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Yemen. The caravans include MS-13, ISIS, terrorists,

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

drug cartel members and traffickers, that come through the borders because of loopholes in lax
immigration laws. They are used to carrying out assaults and assassinations, also called ‘wet work’, for
the Cabal > Deep State. Q2395 - …+MS13/ISIS reinforcements for 'wet work'…)

6. Delay [D] convention _strategic take-over of nominee post conf

7. Eliminate_delay POTUS rallies _term energy

8. Eliminate ability for people to gather _ divide

9. Eliminate ability to find peace – strength in time of need [strict Church closures]

(6-9. They will delay any disclosure posts or anyone confessing for the Deep State. They will continue to
threaten to terminate President Trump, threaten elimination of the public, and threaten elimination of
the public’s faith in God via the energy of the CME. They will continue to deplete and remove
enthusiasm for any rallies President Trump holds and hide any smashed attendance records he always

10. Promote mail-in-voting as only ‘safe’ method _bypass NSA election security [installed
midterms +1].

(10. The NSA has been attempting to reveal voter fraud and assist with keeping the population safe by
shielding the Earth from missile attacks. Termination of the NSA will occur if any additional election
fraud exposure or public security continues.)

11. Push state-bailout stimulus [CA][NY] + wish list items

12. Increase national debt [place China into controlling debt position _regain leverage]

(11-12. The Cabal and Communist China control California and New York via installed assets noted above
and they will attempt to regain any lost leverage, or any loss of taxpayer funds disguised as
humanitarian or climate aid.

Q3383 - US taxpayers are paying for it all. Paris accord = scam (trillions) Red Cross = scam (billions)
Foreign Aid = scam (trillions) WAR = scam (trillions) ………on…and….on…….. Who audits where the
money actually goes? Who actually receives the money? The US taxpayer is funding the very people
we are engaged in taking down. Slush funds everywhere. Think GS (George Soros) pays for Antifa out
of his own pocket? The hole is deep. Feel sick yet? Q Imagine what would happen, if, by
law, every US Congressman/woman, US Senator, President etc. was by US law audited every 1-2 years
by an independent agency. Imagine what would happen if those audits extended to all family
members of such 'elected' official? Would D's continue to push for Foreign Aid to other C's vs. the
Homeland? (funding will go towards the costs of Deep State missiles and Solar CMEs) What happens
when the kickbacks dry up? M. Waters $4mm House? N. Pelosi net worth $150mm+? J. Biden
son/brother net worth tens of millions? Clinton family $200mm+ (pre election of BC less than $1mm)?
Obama family $40mm+ (pre election less than $1mm)? Disguised under book deals? …………. Those
who take are offered more powerful positions within the party (controlled). DRAIN THE SWAMP. Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Q4935 - “Key

(Key as in Keystone which is the Queen Elizabeth II and the UK Royal Family.) domestic contacts for
phase one target projects.” Harris, D-Calif. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. Sen. Amy
Klobuchar, D-Minn. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo,
D-N.Y Mayor Bill de Blasio, D-N.Y.C former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others. Pandora's
'political elite' box? Q

Q3778 - [D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – Speaker of the House Rep. Adam Schiff
(D-CA) – Chair Intel Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) – Chair Judiciary Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) – Senate
Minority Leader Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) – Ranking Mem Judiciary Control over [CA] & [NY] vital
to maintain [D] structural integrity?
could-lead-to-voter-fraud/ Leverage (control) dictates how far you rise within the [D] party. Q )

13. Test conditional limits of public acceptance [obey]

14. Test conditional limits of public non_acceptance

15. Test conditional limits of State authority [Gov-mayor]

16. Test conditional limits of Media [social] censorship

(13-16. The Cabal is using the CIA/MOSSAD mainstream media and social media to continue to test the
public until they obey and accept their political authority. They will assassinate whistleblowers like they
did with Securedrop, if anyone speaks up, out or against them. Q4545- …Their power and control relies
heavily on an uneducated population. A population that trusts without individual thought. A population
that obeys without challenge. A population that remains outside of free thought, and instead, remains
isolated living in fear inside of the closed-loop echo chamber of the controlled mainstream media...

BLM and Antifa armies are using social media like Twitter and Facebook to organize and mobilize. These
social media sites, and others like Google and YouTube, promote their insurrection. This assists them on
weakening the police and continuing their race wars to keep people divided. BLM and Antifa are
unlawful enemy combatants.)

Who benefits the most?


China [CCP]?

Russia is the enemy.

China is our friend.

(The Cabal> Deep State along with Communist China will benefit the most)

[MSDNC [social media] programming]

All assets deployed.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Everything seen yesterday, today, and tomorrow = calculated political moves/events designed and
launched by [D] party in coordination with other domestic and foreign entities in an attempt to regain
power over you.

Prevent accountability.





(The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD along with Communist China will use social media direct
messaging or cell phones to program and launch depleted uranium nuclear missiles to try to regain
power and they will use mainstream/social media, information warfare and insurgency to maintain
control over you via an Obama shadow government and presidency, thus avoiding any accountability.
Using things like the fake and failed Russia Collusion hoax to mislead the people against President

Taxpayer funded Facebook/DARPA is an AI spying tool/app and is listening to everything you say and
collecting essential metadata on everyone for the Cabal>Deep State, eventually consuming the entire
internet into a metaverse along with other programs like Twitter, Google, Amazon and Microsoft. The
CIA runs it for them and gets everyone to join and give all their personal information freely by making it
cool and having celebrities make it popular. Use of “Fact Checkers” to support their own narrative at the
same time allowing CIA/MOSSAD Mainstream Media the far-left news. Legitimate news about the 2020
election results/audits or Covid-19 is severely moderated.) FB RETURNING TO THE NEWS

***The information on everything mentioned above, plus the CME, will have to bypass the corrupt
mainstream media to effectively stop the Cabal.)

Your voice and your vote matters.

Patriots stand united.

Welcome to the Revolution.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Super T Event

SARS 2007 Article: “The presence of a large reservoir of SARS-CoV-like Viruses in horseshoe bats,
together with the culture of eating exotic mammals in southern China, is a time bomb.

“the CHINA virus”

Worth remembering:

Wuhan Institute of Virology [geo location]?

[1st biosafety lvl 4 lab – 2015]

City/Province origin – hot zone [geo location]?

“Unbeknownst to Harvard University beginning in 2011, Lieber became a “Strategic Scientist” at

[Wuhan] University of Technology (WUT) in China and was a contractual participant in China’s
Thousand Talents Plan from in or about 2012 to 2017.”

[rapid spread]

>End POTUS rally(s)?

>End POTUS econ gains?

>End POTUS unemployment gains?

>End POTUS [A, B, C, D, ……]?

[weaken prior to P_elec?]

>Delay US/China trade negotiations?

[China pref Biden[+VP] as P?]

>Shelter [Biden] public appearances?

>Shelter [Biden] debate(s)?

>Push new/revised P_2020 > vote by mail? [unsecure]

>Push [D] ‘wish list’ [unrelated] items CV Bill [voting amends]?

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

What is the mathematical probability this occurs [the ‘time bomb’ explodes] at the exact point in time
that allows for maximum damage [above] prior to the P_elec?

Outside of standard deviation?

(The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD, along with Communist China and the Vatican, will use video
game chat logs to communicate orders and cell phones to operate ships missiles to create Solar CME’s
to choke the economy and cause massive unemployment. Their agenda is to cripple communities and
jobs and make fundamental changes America with Socialism/Communism from within. They plan to
make the police stand down and put their Soros funded Antifa armies in their so called Democrat
controlled “Safe Zones”. Antifa has been designated a terrorist organization by the Department of
Homeland Security DHS. Their intention is to pit the public against the Police, to keep America divided
and fighting with each other instead of the real Cabal enemy who plans to install Globalism and a New
World Order.. Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates purposely created Covid-19 and Vaccines for the Cabal to weaken
the world’s economies and population. They want a Global economic depression.

The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD, along with Communist China and the Vatican, are
sheltering/hiding stolen election and voter fraud using vote by mail. They are also controlling Resident
Biden’s appearances so they can replace him with VP Harris with the use of a CME threat.

They want to limit public exposure of their human trafficking exchange shelters like the one in the
Ukraine. They need to protect Biden and his son Hunter from their shady and corrupt business dealings
with the Ukraine or China. They need to hide Biden’s mental decline and any other scandals he is
involved in.

Q3381 - Example: Joe Biden (Vice President of the United States) >Follow the Family Corruption in DC
> How to Get Rich Are Liberals willfully blind or ……….?
contract-in-iraq-for-bidens-little-brother-exposes-obama-ahead-of-debate Biden's brother $1.5b
contract in Iraq.
china/ Biden's son $1.5b deal w/ China. Coincidence? DRAIN THE SWAMP. Q

Wallenberg will not allow this information to come out and will demand CME be used. The Wall means
more than you know! They want a border collapse, by sending an army of caravans to the US Mexico
Border via El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Yemen. The caravans include MS-13, ISIS, terrorists,
drug cartel members and traffickers, that come through the borders because of loopholes in lax
immigration laws. They are used to carrying out assaults and assassinations, also called ‘wet work’ for
the Cabal>Deep State.

The Cabal and Communist China control California and New York via installed assets noted above and
will attempt to regain any lost leverage, or any loss of taxpayer funds disguised as humanitarian or
climate aid.

Q3383 - US taxpayers are paying for it all. Paris accord = scam (trillions) Red Cross = scam (billions)
Foreign Aid = scam (trillions) WAR = scam (trillions) ………on…and….on…….. Who audits where the
money actually goes? Who actually receives the money? The US taxpayer is funding the very people

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

we are engaged in taking down. Slush funds everywhere. Think GS (George Soros) pays for Antifa out
of his own pocket? The hole is deep. Feel sick yet? Q Imagine what would happen, if, by
law, every US Congressman/woman, US Senator, President etc. was by US law audited every 1-2 years
by an independent agency. Imagine what would happen if those audits extended to all family
members of such 'elected' official? Would D's continue to push for Foreign Aid to other C's vs. the
Homeland? (funding will go towards the costs of Deep State missiles and Solar CMEs) What happens
when the kickbacks dry up? M. Waters $4mm House? N. Pelosi net worth $150mm+? J. Biden
son/brother net worth tens of millions? Clinton family $200mm+ (pre election of BC less than $1mm)?
Obama family $40mm+ (pre election less than $1mm)? Disguised under book deals? …………. Those
who take are offered more powerful positions within the party (controlled). DRAIN THE SWAMP. Q

Q4935 - “Key

(Key as in Keystone which is the Queen Elizabeth II and the UK Royal Family) domestic contacts for
phase one target projects.” Harris, D-Calif. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. Sen. Amy
Klobuchar, D-Minn. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y. Gov. Andrew Cuomo,
D-N.Y Mayor Bill de Blasio, D-N.Y.C former Virginia Gov. Terry McCauliffe, among others. Pandora's
'political elite' box? Q

Q3778 - [D] party leaders [‘Big 5’]: Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) – Speaker of the House Rep. Adam Schiff
(D-CA) – Chair Intel Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) – Chair Judiciary Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) – Senate
Minority Leader Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) – Ranking Mem Judiciary Control over [CA] & [NY] vital
to maintain [D] structural integrity?

The Cabal is using the CIA/MOSSAD mainstream media and social media. They will continue to test the
public until they obey and accept their political authority. They will assassinate whistleblowers like they
did with Securedrop, if anyone speaks up, out or against them. Q4545- …Their power and control relies
heavily on an uneducated population. A population that trusts without individual thought. A
population that obeys without challenge. A population that remains outside of free thought, and
instead, remains isolated living in fear inside of the closed-loop echo chamber of the controlled
mainstream media...

BLM and Antifa armies are using social media like Twitter and Facebook to organize and mobilize. These
social media sites, and others like Google and YouTube, promote their insurrection. This assists them on
weakening the police and continuing their race wars to keep people divided. BLM and Antifa are
unlawful enemy combatants.

The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD, along with Communist China and the Vatican, will use social
media direct messaging or cell phones to program and launch depleted uranium nuclear missiles to try
to regain power, and they will use mainstream/social media, information warfare and insurgency to
maintain control over you via an Obama shadow government and presidency, thus avoiding any

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

accountability. Using things like the fake and failed Russia Collusion hoax to mislead the people against
President Trump.

Taxpayer funded Facebook/DARPA is an AI spying tool/app listening to everything you say and collecting
essential metadata on everyone for the Cabal>Deep State, eventually consuming the entire internet into
a metaverse along with other programs like Twitter, Google, Amazon and Microsoft. The CIA runs it for
them and gets everyone to join and give all their personal information freely by making it cool and
having celebrities make it popular. They use fake “Fact Checkers” to support their own narrative and at
the same time allow CIA/MOSSAD Mainstream Media the far-left news. Legitimate news about the 2020
election results/audits or Covid-19 is severely moderated. FB RETURNING TO THE NEWS

***The information on everything mentioned above, plus the CME, will have to bypass the corrupt
mainstream media to effectively stop the Cabal.)


WHO BENEFITS THE MOST? (W > Wallenberg and E > Queen Elizabeth[Keystone])

[Mueller failed]

[Impeachment failed]

>Why was it critically important impeachment be rushed in the House?

[MSM[D party]/Hollywood narrative(s) failed]


(John Mueller/Mockingbird Media/Democrats/Hollywood Elite ships Club K missiles plan failed and were
removed-the coup failed.)

[D] party leading nominee established [super T] prior to lock-down [take-over]? [Sanders

(Super T is [their] Solar CME Super Termination event to prevent the elimination of Resident Biden and a
takeover by President Trump…

EO: President Trump’s 2018 Executive Order, 13848 Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign
Interference in a United States Election, will be applied, and the Emergency Alert System EAS will be
activated, to bypass Big Tech censorship, advising the American population of the insurrection that has

EO: Executive Order, 13818 Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or
Corruption. Any Government official or person acting for or on behalf of such official, found to be
responsible for or complicit in or to have directly engaged in, serious human rights abuse, their funds
will basically be blocked, seized and forfeited.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

EO: Executive Order 13925 on Preventing Online Censorship basically makes Big Tech a publisher.
President Trump has filed a major class action lawsuit that allows anyone that has been banned for
censorship to join in (this is currently in progress).)

Occam's razor simply states that of any given set of explanations for an event occurring, the simplest
one is most likely the correct one.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


Thanks & Godspeed.

How do you know when something VERY BIG is about to drop?
You have more than you know.
maxine-waters-goes-on-trump-impeachment-tear-vows-to-get-him.(Remove Trump)
author-believes-multiple-grounds-for-impeaching-trump (Remove Trump)
jerry-nadler-trump-democrats-impeachment (Remove Trump)
shhhh-dem-leaders-don-t-want-say-impeach-bill-clinton (Remove Clinton)
impeachment-will-be-at-the-top-of-democrats-agenda- (Remove Trump)
as-congresswoman-chants-impeachment-8-times-others-point-to-coup-in-trump-admin (Remove
-impeachment-robert-mueller-russia-investigation-bob-(Remove Trump using ship missiles under the
cover of Bob/HAARP)
trump-impeachment-odds-September(Remove Trump)
donald-trump-impeachment-rally( Rally to remove Trump)
-trump-unfit-for-office (Remove Trump)
market-won-t-crash-if-trump-faces-impeachment- (Remove Trump before he crushes The Fed)
trump-attack-sessions-justice-impeachment-fodder (Remove Telegram Sessions, Trump defends and
removes threat)

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Jordan Sather is a CIA Asset

(Jordan Sather, not Anon but CIA Asset owned and operated. A creation to combat ‘Q’ aka ‘you’.)

twitter. com/Jordan_Sather

Not Anon but Twitter. (Twitter > CIA Asset)

[owned and operated]

A creation to combat 'Q' aka 'you'.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

CodeMonkeyZ match to Q1062 discussing Chelsea Clinton in North Korea.

The Cabal > Deep State > CIA benefited from control of NK and the nukes they obtained for the
Container Ships and Club K's.

Drop confirms fake Q and post says "Follow the glowing rabbit" which is a slang term for CIA assets

Jordan Sather's accounts were all labeled fake & scam today by Telegram. This also connects to my
9/18/21 decode that Sather is a CIA Asset.

Be careful who you follow…

Law of War match 11.8

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

QClock match to Shills. Once again you always have to see/read between the lines. Flynn is pointing out
CIA shills Maria Zack and Jordan Sather. Sather is trying to make it look like he's on the MAGA side.

Anyone who followed the ships with me over the past year knows that any declass/information was not
released due to threats of missiles coming from inside D5 containers on a fleet of cargo ships owned by
Queen Elizabeth-II's Cabal > Deep State. So even IF evidence was given to Pompeo and/or Flynn, the DS
would have threatened them.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Flynn f/u - connects to dropping a MOAB, which I did through (computer SESSIONS) which was met with
a Flynn Twitter (CIA/MOSSAD) ban from antichrist Elon Musk (Cabal puppet) & I will be attacked for my
decodes/testimony. You are witnessing something [firsthand] that many cannot possibly comprehend or
accept as reality [Sci-Fi or precision M_planning?]

Coincidences > > > reveal (truth) w/o violating NAT SEC (National Security)

Coincidences > > > mathematically impossible to be 'FALSE'

Coincidences > > > bypass 'installed' restrictions to prevent future legal attachments Comms
understood? 5:5

[1] [2] [3]

Nothing is random.

Everything has meaning.


#2 attacked topic (Jesus/Q) _[POTUS #1]. (God Source/Q+)

The People's General [3] star = Archangel Michael of Q team

Law of War connections 11.2, 11.3, 11.5, 11.6, 11.12,11.3, 11.15, 11.16 Spiritual Assistance

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Wave and The Split

The CIA/MOSSAD, DOJ, FBI, SDNY, Germany, Australia, The Deep State’s Obama and Hillary's scandal
filled shadow government, Deep State Democrats/RINOs, Hollywood Elite, The Cabal’s Jacob
Wallenberg, Peter Poker Wallenberg, The Vatican and the finally the Queen of England giving the orders.
These New World Order bad actors planned the Covid-19 and vaccine disaster we are currently living in
so they could cripple the world’s economy and population. They have amassed an army of illegal
immigrant criminals out of El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico and middle eastern countries to
come in through the southern border to continue to weaken America from within for their One World
Government agenda. The Cabal paid thugs of BLM and Antifa will contribute and weaken the Democrat
“safe zones” in U.S. sanctuary cities because the American people were conned into thinking the Police
were no longer needed.

Their trafficking scheme includes the harvesting and worldwide supply of adrenochrome from children
with the assistance of Shell Oil pipelines. The ships collect the substance (F assets/intel) from the
pipelines and deliver it to individuals based on a class system in which ranking determines use of these
assets which are used as feed. Poverty stricken locations, such as Haiti, are set up as exchange shelters
using humanitarian aid organizations like the Red Cross and political organizations like the Clinton
Foundation to traffick victims through adoption or other means and the money is funneled back through
to the ships and trafficking schemes.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Pipeline Map

Then I said: “Hear now, O leaders of Jacob, you rulers of the house of Israel. Should you not know justice?
You hate good and love evil. You tear the skin from my people and strip the flesh from their bones. You
eat the flesh of my people after stripping off their skin and breaking their bones. You chop them up like
flesh for the cooking pot, like meat in a cauldron.” ~ Micah 3:1-4

The Wave

The Cabal plans to create a massive X22 Coronal Mass Ejection CME using the SpaceX Starlink satellites
to launch their missiles. This will cause 3 days of the sun to blackout (Q2903), the temperatures will
dramatically drop and it will get extremely cold with massive ice and snowstorms. The poles will shift. It
will cause the La Palma Cumbre Vieja volcano in the Canary Islands to violently erupt which will cause an

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

estimated 80-160 foot Atlantic Ocean tsunami wave that will overtake the entire east and southeast
coast of the United States, northern coasts of South America, 300 foot waves for the Western African
coasts and 20 foot waves for southwestern parts of Europe and the UK. This wave will kill millions of
people and destroy billions of dollars in property and tourism; the only reason for them to do this is to
cover up their crimes. Q1204 There is also the possibility they will create a fake Alien Invasion like
Project Paperclip and/or a nuclear WW3 with Russia at the same time. They are threatening me and my
family’s lives since I continue to talk about it. None of us are suicidal by the way. The 16 Year Plan To
Destroy America & Infiltration & Termination & Death Threats & La Palma Tsunami & LP Tsunami

The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of
the LORD come. ~ Joel 2:31


The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Q4881 - There is 'Q'. 1 There are 'Anons'. 2 There is no 'Qanon'. 3…

But whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a
great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Matthew 18:6

But if you would earnestly seek God and ask the Almighty for mercy, if you are pure and upright, even
now He will rouse Himself on your behalf and restore your righteous estate. Though your beginnings
were modest, your latter days will flourish. Job 8:5-7

Jesus said, "I'm the light that's over all. I am the All. The All has come from me and unfolds toward me.
"Split a log; I'm there. Lift the stone, and you'll find me there." Thomas 77

How did Q know all this was coming? Project Looking Glass and Control. Our Deep State government has
been hiding alien and UFO info for almost a century. Q drops indicate we are not alone in this universe.
They are hiding all kinds of alien technology and secret space programs from us. One piece of tech
allows you to look into the future: Looking Glass. Going Forward in Order to Look Back. This is how they
mapped everything out and planned for The Storm. The Space Force was specifically created to protect
us from the good and bad of space as well as protect us from the Cabal and their last resort plan using
the nuclear missiles with their armada of ships. Whistleblower Bill Wood PLG

Q3585 - Project Looking Glass? Going

Forward in Order to Look Back. Q

Q2222 - Q Are we alone ? Roswell ?

No. Highest classification. Consider the vastness of space. Q

Q2225 - Q, Did NASA fake the moon landings? Have we been to the moon since then? Are there secret
space programs? Is this why the Space Force was created?

False, moon landings are real. Programs exist that are outside of public domain. Q


Remember from my earlier decodes, below is how it will appear but always remember that God is in
control of the entire chess board and all of the pieces. The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD,
Communist China and the Vatican, will use video game chat logs, like Star Wars, to communicate orders
and cell phones to operate ships missiles to create a Solar CME to choke the economy and cause
massive unemployment. Their agenda means to cripple communities and jobs and fundamentally
change America with Socialism/Communism from within. They plan to make the police stand down and
put their Soros funded Antifa armies in their so called Democrat controlled “Safe Zones”. Antifa has
been designated a terrorist organization by the Department of Homeland Security DHS. Their intention
is to pit the public against the Police and to keep America divided and fighting with each other instead of

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

the real Cabal enemy that plans to install Globalism and a New World Order.. Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates
purposely created Covid-19 and Vaccines for the Cabal to also weaken the world’s economies and
population. They want a Global economic depression.

The Cabal> Deep State> CIA/MOSSAD, Communist China and the Vatican, are sheltering/hiding the
stolen election and voter fraud using vote by mail as well as Resident Biden and his appearances so they
can replace him with VP Harris with the use of a CME threat.

They want to limit public exposure of their human trafficking exchange shelters like the one in the
Ukraine and they need to protect Biden and his son Hunter from their shady and corrupt business
dealings with the Ukraine or China. They need to hide Biden’s mental decline and any other scandals he
is involved in.

Q3381 - Example: Joe Biden (Vice President of the United States) >Follow the Family Corruption in DC
> How to Get Rich Are Liberals willfully blind or ……….?
contract-in-iraq-for-bidens-little-brother-exposes-obama-ahead-of-debate Biden's brother $1.5b
contract in Iraq.
Biden's son $1.5b deal w/ China. Coincidence? DRAIN THE SWAMP. Q

The Wallenbergs will not allow this information to come out and will demand CME be used. The Wall
means more than you know! They want a border collapse, by sending army caravans to the US Mexico
Border via El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Yemen. The caravans include MS-13, ISIS, terrorists,
drug cartel members and traffickers, that come through the borders because of loopholes in lax
immigration laws. They are used to carrying out assaults and assassinations, called ‘wet work’, for the
Cabal > Deep State.

The Cabal and Communist China control California and New York via installed assets noted above and
will attempt to regain any lost leverage, or any loss of taxpayer funds disguised as humanitarian or
climate aid.

Super T is [their] Solar CME Super Termination event to prevent the elimination of Resident Biden and a
takeover by President Trump…

EO: President Trump’s 2018 Executive Order, 13848 Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign
Interference in a United States Election, will be applied, and the Emergency Alert System EAS will be
activated, to bypass Big Tech censorship, advising the American population of the insurrection that has

EO: Executive Order, 13818 Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or
Corruption. Any Government official or person acting for or on behalf of such official, found to be
responsible for or complicit in or to have directly engaged in, serious human rights abuse, their funds
will basically be blocked, seized and forfeited.

EO: Executive Order 13925 on Preventing Online Censorship basically makes Big Tech a publisher.
President Trump has filed a major class action lawsuit that allows anyone that has been banned for
censorship to join in (this is currently in progress).

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

This is where Devolution would come into play. Executive Order (EO) 13848 protects the continuity of
government under President Trump since he was the true winner of the 2020 election and still the
President. This will be proven and the results ultimately reversed. Proof will come out of the plans to
destroy America and set up a One World Government by the Cabal > Deep State > CIA/MOSSAD,
Communist China and the Vatican. President Trump remains in control of the US Military and at that
time “The Storm”, which is outlined below, would occur.


Q222 - Q! is this relevant? At In-Q-Tel, Painter’s work focused on identifying, researching and
evaluating “new start-up technology firms that were believed to offer tremendous value to the CIA,
the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, and the Defense Intelligence Agency.” Indeed, the NGA
had confirmed that its intelligence obtained via Keyhole was used by the NSA to support US
operations in Iraq from 2003 onwards. A former US Army special operations intelligence officer,
Painter’s new job at Google as of July 2005 was federal manager of what Keyhole was to become:
Google Earth Enterprise. By 2007, Painter had become Google’s federal chief technologist. ‘TK’ refers
to Talent/Keyhole, code names for imagery from reconnaissance aircraft and spy satellites,

(A televised sit-down, with evidence, will occur during national/global impact and subsequential sun
blackout explaining Queen Elizabeth II’s, the UK and Wallenberg’s roles in the Cabal and their crimes
against children/humanity, the spying operations, an explanation of the New World Order. Explanations
of military operations, and President Trump and Q’s role in the take-down of the Cabal. How the Cabal
changed history books to con the world into believing they were good guys and how they blackmailed
Hollywood stars and politicians/leaders will be included. Overall, it will be a smooth transition as arrests
are made and the Cabal is taken down.)

Q1 - …Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s
(Martials/Military) will conduct the operation while NG (National Global impact via CME) activated…

Q34 - Q Clearance Patriot My fellow Americans, over the course of the next several days you will
undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country (the land of the free) from the evil
tyrants that wish to do us harm and destroy the last remaining refuge of shining light. On POTUS’
order, we have initiated certain fail-safes that shall safeguard the public from the primary fallout
which is slated to occur 11.3 upon the arrest announcement of Mr. Podesta (actionable 11.4).
Confirmation (to the public) of what is occurring will then be revealed and will not be openly
accepted. Public riots are being organized in serious numbers in an effort to prevent the arrest and
capture of more senior public officials. On POTUS’ order, a state of temporary military control will be
action-ed and special ops carried out. False leaks have been made to retain several within the
confines of the United States to prevent extradition and special operator necessity. Rest assured, the
safety and well-being of every man, woman, and child of this country is being exhausted in full.
However, the atmosphere within the country will unfortunately be divided as so many have fallen for
the corrupt and evil narrative that has long been broadcast. We will be initiating the Emergency

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Broadcast System (EMS) during this time in an effort to provide a direct message (avoiding the fake
news) to all citizens. Organizations and/or people that wish to do us harm during this time will be met
with swift fury – certain laws have been pre-lifted to provide our great military the necessary
authority to handle and conduct these operations (at home and abroad).

IT WILL ALL COME OUT. President Trump & Q will not be BAITED by Cabal when the release itself will
FORCE TERMINATION of ship missile system in Canary Islands area causing an X22 CME. This will trigger
The Storm worldwide, White Squall, using the Military that's already deployed around the world &
applying the Law Of War. EAS alerts with Local and State Authority messages will be sent out, including
FEMA and DEFCON Alerts. The extraordinary success of this mission will be due to the incredible skill,
bravery, and selfless courage of the United States Military HEROES. This is the way the mission was

The Space Force (SF) is aware of the threat and will take steps to eliminate using the Missile Defense
System, which is a missile shield. This includes Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles ICBMs or other Ballistic
Missiles. We are well protected from our adversaries.

Put on your full armor of God! It will be Biblical!

The Storm Is Coming!

Earthquake and Category 5 type Storm damage. Significant, life-threatening impacts will occur as in
power outages and heavy rainfall, fast-moving significant flooding, dangerous life-threatening coastal
storm surge of 120-160 feet on eastern and southern coasts. Catastrophic wind damage in excess of 150
mph is expected, as well as isolated tornadoes. Extremely life-threatening inundation. Stay in small
interior rooms with no windows or evacuate inland. Be sure to have food, water & supplies on hand!
Residents should learn/know where they are on a map and which National Weather Service NWS office
covers their area.

FEMA will work with federal, state, local tribal and non-governmental partners to support the response
across multiple states. We will deploy staff and staged meals, water, tarps and generators to assist
states impacted by the Storm. To locate a shelter near you visit the Red Cross Shelter Map or download
the FEMA App.

Areas inland will continue to experience dangerous weather conditions, please be safe and listen to local
emergency management officials. Anyone in the forecast path should rush to complete final
The US Army Corps of Engineers team is in position & ready to provide support as well as the National
Guard. Helplessness, anger, and frustration are all normal feelings, but know that you are not alone.
Lean on each other, friends, family, chaplains, and others to talk it through. Residents should shelter in
place for the duration of the storm and follow shelter-in-place guidelines from State and Local officials.
Know that the US Military is here for you if you need assistance. Actions to protect life and property will

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

occur. Temporary Power Teams will set up Emergency Commands and Control Vehicles (ECCV) 03 at
Generator Staging Bases. The USACE Temporary Power Teams will be working day and night shifts to
deliver emergency power to critical facilities as assigned by FEMA for the Federal response. The mission
will focus on providing temporary emergency power to critical infrastructure, emergency responders,
and social systems to support lifesaving and life sustaining activities.

Put on your full armor of God! It will be Biblical!

Additional Storm Tips:
-Keep freezers & refrigerators closed.
-Only use generators outdoors and away from windows
-Do not use a gas stove to heat your home.
-Disconnect appliances in electronics to avoid damage from electrical surges.
-Have alternate plans for refrigerated medications or using power dependent medical devices.
-The refrigerator will keep your food cold for four hours. A full freezer will keep the temperature for
about 48 hours. Use coolers with ice if necessary. Monitor temperatures with a thermometer.

Due to the US east coast tsunami impact, anyone in its path should have a plan to evacuate west or
northwest at a minimum of 200 miles inland, preferably to a higher elevation. Emergency Alerts will go
out on all cell phones, radios and televisions with instructions, so make sure your emergency alerts are
turned on for your cellular carrier and that your phones are charged. The Cabal controls Big Tech
companies Microsoft, Google and Apple and therefore can take control of all your phone/tablet devices
at the root privilege level at any time. Be aware that this could affect the Emergency Alerts on your
phones and devices.
Keep a laptop, spare chargers and cables in your emergency kit as well as zip lock bags, paper maps of
your location and evacuation area. Always keep cash on hand and create backups of vital information
such as computer data, deeds, passport/ID’s, office documents and photos on portable or flash drives
and not on cloud space. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snap Chat, YouTube and Google will be going
away, make sure you extract your pictures and documents. Printed photos should be kept in waterproof
ziplock bags. A spare Wi-Fi or hotspot card would be useful. Keep your family together and have contact
lists available to reach loved ones. Plan to be away 1-2 months.
Be sure to help your neighbors and community during this time. Cities inland should prepare for an
influx of evacuees to their area. Volunteers will be vital and should be utilized for food banks/pantries,
soup kitchens, homeless shelters, donation centers and animal shelters. Additionally, anything from
giving blood, offering skills, sharing posts on social media or any other helpful tasks will help ease
burdens on communities. Donations, crowdfunding and food drives should also be coordinated with
local cities. Check with your local/state governments or websites like for
volunteering opportunities, organizing and planning. Inland areas near large population areas like New
York City, Boston MA, Philadelphia PA, Washington DC, Hampton Roads VA, Wilmington NC, Charleston
SC, Savannah GA, New Orleans LA, Houston TX and the entire state of Florida will need the most

The US Military and its complete arsenal, which President Trump controls, will be the SAVIORS OF
MANKIND! NOW THE HUNTERS BECOME THE HUNTED! The Cabal will cower in fear at the wrath of God!

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Cabal will fall. The governments will collapse, and the people should not be afraid. Pray for our
brave service members, they are true heroes! Our Soldiers will be working hard to secure a dangerous
environment to protect people of the world. That is the ultimate act of compassion.


The Split

At the same time this pole shift is happening, the CME will cause a plasma wave (which includes
Tennessine TS 117) to encompass the earth. This new plasma layer, will be directly from God and will
gradually replace the old matrix layer. It will be through the work of God and the consciousness of the
people on the planet that this transformation takes place. Q179 Think “The Rapture”

Then two men will be in the field: one will be taken and the other left. Matthew 24:40

I tell you, on that night two people will be in one bed; one will be taken and the other left. 35 Two
women will be grinding grain together; one will be taken and the other left.” 37 “Where, Lord?” they
asked. He replied, “Where there is a dead body, there the vultures will gather.” Luke 17:34-37

Since you have kept my command to endure patiently, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that is
going to come on the whole world to test the inhabitants of the earth. Revelation 3:10

The wave from the sun will also eliminate all harmful Artificial Intelligence (AI). The plasma will create
upgrades on multiple levels to both the planet and humans. Humans are an Angelic race and we have
natural superhuman abilities that were hidden from us by the Orion Group. Jesus had these abilities and
was showing us the way and these abilities will all return to us. Humans will awaken via the harvesting
of souls on the spiritual level and the pineal gland/third eye will activate over a period of time, allowing
abilities such as telepathy and telekinesis and the ability to block out the old matrix and any of Big Tech’s
television/internet brainwashing or targeted advertising with an internal security system. Third eye
images created in the mind with the ability to turn on and off at will. Free and open source with no
constraints of money and material things through manifestation. This path will be based on love, unity
and freedom, it will take time, possible years, to fully create this environment but with patience we can
construct a new world. There will be a global community of support on these changes. The power of
God will create a significant raise in human consciousness that will make you faster and more powerful
while maintaining your privacy both in mind and body. Integration should be seamless.

But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by
the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that
they will be like his glorious body. Philippians 3:20-21

I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. Romans 8:18-19

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the
Father. Mark 13:32

The earth is abundant in minerals like salt and gold, in the oceans and soil. The plasma wave will
alchemize these minerals into manna or monatomic elements called Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic
Elements (ORME), creating a white powder of gold or biblical manna. This “bread” of life has the ability
to alter and improve DNA. ORME was rediscovered by farmer David Hudson in the 1970’s. These m-state
elements exhibit quantum behaviors, and will enhance the energy flow in humans, creating the
crystalline double diamond heart light body. Gifts include telepathy, the ability to know good and evil,
determine real news from fake news, thought projection, levitation and the ability to heal yourself and
others. It awakens the God source inside us allowing the zero point energy to flow freely within us.
Q4108, Q4109

This plasma wave and rising consciousness of the people will ultimately diminish the tsunami wave
caused by the eruption of the La Palma Cumbre Vieja volcano.

“It’s all about the BREAK”, the break in the waves, many won’t swallow meaning the waves/water.

Humans that are spiritually ready will experience the new upgraded earth and light bodies. The earth
changes will be less severe since they will now reside in a 5th density/dimension (5D) version of Earth.
They will have a warmer, more comfortable climate and be able to see 5th density objects that were
previously invisible to the 3rd density (3D) eyes. One significant change will be the sight of the binary
star that circles our sun every 25,900 years, sometimes referred to as “Planet X” or “Nibiru”. Since the
15 million year old star resides in 5th density, only 5D beings will be able to view this massive star that
will be 6x the size of our sun and very visible. The veil, which is a “Local Bubble” that surrounds the
earth, will be unsealed or popped at the same time as the CME occurs. This will also allow us to see the
new star. Densities/Dimensions: Law of One

As this occurs it will disable Earth's Poison Apple Axis, the Cabal's distortion template of the Earth's 23.5°
axis using Black Hole Tech which keeps us from ascending. Distorted Template Mechanics is also being
used, the Flower of Life or Daisy of Death leaked into New Age teachings as well as other false teachings
by the Cabal is a distorted teaching of ascension and leads to prevention of ascension instead. Keeps
one in the Lower Self/Ego, but this will also end.

Snow White is mentioned often in Q Posts. She ate the poisoned apple which caused the "Sleeping
Death" and similar to Eve in the Garden of E-den eating 'forbidden fruit' from the tree of knowledge
which is a metaphor for a sleeping humanity when it comes to the truth of the Cabal's evil. They will go
to great lengths to hide their trafficking ship scheme. Removing this distortion will stop the harsh
gravitation push on the Earth and our bodies, the planet will be able to spin more accurately and this
will also make us lighter, reverse aging and allow us to ascend properly. This will allow us to remove old
matrix programming from our minds. It will repair our 12 Strand DNA as well as return our past lifetimes
of memories. Q1677, Q122, Q234

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Italian Station, Mario Zucchelli at Terra Nova Bay in Antarctica, is where the geomagnetic field and
poles are being manipulated in this way using Lux Zeppelin Dark Matter experiments, HAARP and
comprehensive magnetic models. Battleship Promontory (The Precipice) Q4564 Q4685

The station is used in several ways to influence and control humans. An excess of Krypton-85 is pumped
into our atmosphere close to 50% saturation via fuel reprocessing facilities like Iran, Pakistan and North
Korea have as well as spread across our skies in chem-trails. Q1306 Another way is from Elon Musk’s
SpaceX Starlink Satellites which completely surround the Earth. As of May 2022, 12000 are approved for
orbit and 2200 are currently already in orbit. Starlinks run on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Hall Thrusters
which use Krypton gas as a propellant. Too much in the atmosphere can have a narcotic effect when
breathed in, which alters consciousness, causing a numb like state. It can also show up as a ‘red sky’
similar to what was recently seen in Zhoushan China in May 2022.

Along with the excess Krypton-85, the Cabal is releasing MKUltra mind control frequencies through
HAARP and AI to the planet as well, which erases existing memories and reprograms the psyche. HAARP
is used via the Earth’s grid-lines and is helping to emit these frequency pulses. The pulses create a closed
loop echo chamber (The Beast Machine) inside our minds causing repeated thoughts and it also causes
forgetfulness. The AI technology involved is connected to every Apple and Android cell phone on the
planet, either through CIA apps like Facebook or through Chinese microchips in the phones themselves.
The blue light emitted from your phones is actually good for you but they tell you it’s bad so you will
block it, which blocks any discernment of truth. Q4545 Q774 Q2988 Q2336

Just like the giant tsunami wave, these things will be reversed by God Source who is currently incarnated
as President Trump (Q+). Q2791, Q1677 Q485 The frequencies will be changed to healing ones using the
Schumann Resonance, the heartbeat frequency given off by the Earth’s vibration. It has been steadily
increasing in it’s own ascension from 7.83 Hz and will continue to rise and assist in our four step
morphogenetic Angelic human transformation, just like a butterfly. Q3606 Q3604

Similar to Rife technology, using the solfeggio (1010 Hz, 129 Hz, 314 Hz, 315 Hz, 342 Hz, 449 Hz, 305 Hz,
306 Hz) octave group, it will be used to change the planet’s frequencies creating sound healing. This
healing will bestow great discernment on the population. It will allow people to think for themselves and
actually feel what is true regarding real and fake news. Reading and learning about the truth also
increases the bodies vibrational level through the heart (4th green ray) and throat (5th blue ray) chakras.
Chakras (1-15) transmit and receive energy, frequency and vibration in our bodies. This frequency and
truth duo will come in the form of Trumpet’s, one part sound and one part explosive President Trump
posts via Truth Social which will initiate full Declas as noted in the 16 Year Plan to Destroy America blog.
16 Year Plan Q4730, Q3689, Q3231, Q3093, Q3232

(3 6 9) “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration”
Nikola Tesla

The truth has already caused a planetary wide unsealing/repairing of DNA and a Kundalini awakening.
Some people are farther along than others and the planet is also ascending. Microcosmic Orbit- During
meditation, focusing Kundalini energy (sexual energy) from the base of the spine (root lock) to the back
of the throat (masculine) and then from the back of the throat to the base of the spine (feminine) in a

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

circular flow along the Hara Line will help us become more balanced in leading up to our ascension. This
circular flow state that will create and run through our double diamond hearts, is the original “wedding
ring”. This will activate your Monad matrix (Chakras 7Violet-8Gold-9Silver) in a figure-eight, as the top of
the ‘wedding ring’ circles around your Thalamus Complex (9th Chakra) which holds your pineal,
hypothalamus and pituitary gland which drips Amrita (elixir of immortality) into the back of your throat.

This process stimulates all 3 glands in the which in turn stimulates all of the glands in your endocrine
system, creating a Solar Star (10Saphire chakra, 6 in. above crown) God Source communication, like an
antenna which allows you to receive and process universal knowledge through your soul spirit. This is a
doorway to Christ Consciousness and your spiritual gifts and protections.

It progresses to the Galactic chakra (11Silver/Black, 18 in. above crown) which unifies the male/solar and
female/lunar merge of light or Buddhic Egg. Allowing us to connect to the Earth Star chakra (12Platinum,
6 in. below feet) planetary grid system through the Universal Mother Earth Core chakra (13Aquamarine,
12 in. below feet). This will unlock gate travel and the personal lightbody maharic shield by merging our
entire chakra column bringing us to zero (neutral, location: heart) point. Our hara line becomes the
rainbow bridge to Tara or heaven on earth via this God Source and Higher God Self unification.

Q3975, Q428

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The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The four horsemen of the apocalypse represent the inner turmoil each human will face during this
awakening. Famine (body issues), plague (illness, guilt, hypochondria), war (sexual repression; shame;
ego and higher God self battles), terror and death (past life trauma, fear) are common themes fought
with your Ego. We also see in the current news cycle that the Earth going through a similar ascension
(planetary logos) purge and will eventually transform into Tara (heaven on earth).

Wearing your armor of God (maharic shield), you will seal up leaks and fight your way through it while
aspiring the entire time for your highest and happiest timeline. God will open the doorway so you can
receive your past life knowledge, your crown chakra and your white wedding garments (Heiros Gamos
completed 13th chakra- spiritual marriage) as your divine feminine polarity (Sophia, Divine Seed Mother
Arc, Staff, Tiffany Blue) and divine masculine (Christos, Divine Spark, Father Arc, Rod, Emerald Green)
polarity become balanced so the God Source Trinity wave can be accessed. This sacred union is
returning to Angelic humans allowing us to reach zero point or a neutral balance (holy inner spirit/child,
unity logos ).

Through shadow work, self-love and self-learning; our veils will be lifted (harvested) when our Ego
eventually dies and we are reborn through Christ Consciousness and we have a permanent inner
childlike holy spirit. Each time a morphogenetic chakra (8-15) (doorway) is opened, a part of the Ego will
die and you will hear a pop as the each of the 7 membranes of the Cosmic Egg (seals) shatters around
our soul spirit. This is how you receive 7 golden crowns. (Christos-Sophia 12D Embodied)

Then we receive our gifts, which includes wings and flight and ‘I AM’ abundance manifestations for
heaven on Earth. We are a race of Angelic beings. Know thyself. Take back your power. I am God, I am
Sovereign, I am Free. We are all one, we are all connected through God Source. Where we go one we go
all. WWG1WGA Q599, Revelation 6;

Ego Death Spiritual Rebirth- Thy dead men shall live, together with my dead body shall they arise. Awake
and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew is as the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.
Isaiah 26:19

The heart (4green) and throat (5blue) chakra’s are how we access the Halls of Amenti (Tara-Heaven on
Earth) using the Flame of Amenti. The flame is actually described as light blue green flame (Aquamarine,
13th chakra) which also signifies Truth which occurs when your heart chakra is in line with your throat
chakra. This is symbolic of God's Sword of Truth which ultimately takes down the Cabal as mentioned in

The Golden Universal Sun chakra (14PaleGold, 3ft above crown) acts as extra shielding in the top lid
(capstone, golden fleece) of our maharic fields. This makes you invisible to any dark entities like the
Orion Group, it keeps anyone from telepathically spying on you or placing implants, possession and
projecting programs/spells on to you. It allows you to discern the truth from lies. An example of this
would be like your ego or entities telling you that “you can’t” do something or “you’re not good enough”
type of internal brainwashing.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Universal Father chakra (15PaleMagenta, location: deep space) ignites through the 12th chakra,
merging with the Universal Mother and travels up through the unified chakra column to zero point and
keeps you from dipping into the lower dimensions, like 1-3D or dual polarity, in a material world. Unity
of the two genders is divine, there will be no more warped programming that skews the genders like the
Cabal has instigated where women who used to be men like Susan Rice or Michelle Obama litter our
political world causing confusion and separation in the population. Q1510

Multiple Meanings: Law of War Manual Chapter 11 coincides with the chakras.

The Krypton will be decreased to a 33% saturation, lightening the atmosphere allowing for better use of
our new gifts including flight. In a model of an atom, you can see the outer rings in motion, this is
Ezekiel’s Wheel which is activated by the new frequencies and how we make our transformation via
proper inhalation of Krypton as well as Titanium Ti 22, Cobalt Co 27, Iron Fe 26 and Tennessine TS 117.
Titanium, cobalt and iron atoms in our bloodstream will reform in geometric patterns created by the

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

new sound frequencies, this will start the alchemical change in our blood to create Gold Au 79 via
Ezekiel’s Wheel. It moves the electrons (eyes) of the atoms and creates our vehicle for travel, which is
called a Merkaba. No more blood, or bodily waste byproducts. At the same time a Tennessine explosion
will create our crystalline rainbow light bodies through Christ Consciousness. Our maharic sheild will be
permanently hermetically sealed and our Merkabas’ will spin properly. Time will no longer exist, we will
no longer age and we will never die. Q3370 Q229 Q2310

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Ezekiel's Wheel Video

Kryptonite was Superman’s weakness, but not on Krypton. Hidden in plain sight. Also 27 is an age some
stars are sacrificed by the Cabal which explains the Cobalt 27 dimensional travel secret. Once their
occult secrets are unveiled we gain our powers back.

The humans that are not spiritually ready will remain in the old 3D earth until they have learned enough
to experience the upgrade. They will experience a harsher climate with snow, ice and worldwide storms.
They will continue in a fear based path until they choose to be on a path of God which embodies love,
unity, freedom and they ask for forgiveness from themselves and to others through Jesus Christ.

Long before the wave comes, Jesus (Q) who is the Alpha (Q) and Omega (Q) will return as Bridegroom
and Bride to spread truth of the Cabal. Follow the Bloodlines, the keystone is a double meaning for
royalty. This will be their 'tale of two' and they will alert the planet of this darkness and spread their light
as we manifest the world we want as a collective. They already walk among us. Their engagement photo
will be ‘THE SHOT HEARD AROUND THE WORLD’ and it will be the first of President Trump’s explosive
Trumpet posts (5:5 Loud and Clear) demonstrating that God is in control. This post, along with the
couple’s ‘I AM’ universal law manifestation teachings and truth enlightenment will ultimately be the
catalyst for the CME, plasma wave and rapture as well as a mirrored 3 days of light that will break up
and dismantle the Cabal. Justice will finally be in the arms of ‘We The People’. Q775, Q34, Q35, Q918,
Q3073, Q4348, Q3705, Q3050, Q133, Q559, Q4739 “Look, God’s home is now among his people!
Revelation 21:3 I am the light of the world John 8:12

The Satanic Trinity is a triangle comprised of Queen Elizabeth-II's at the top, which is Satan or The
Dragon, then The Beast, which is Jacob Wallenberg is in the lower left corner and the lower right corner
is Elon Musk, which is the False Prophet, A Trojan Horse.

Elon Musk will become the 'savior' or false prophet of the Cabal's Twitter, which is used as a tool to
control laws, news and policy. He will let President Trump and Patriots back on and be seen as a good
guy from the right political parties, the left already like him. Musk will also start implanting Neuralink
mind control chips into human brains in 2022. He receives millions in Government Subsidies so he can
push the Cabal agenda, which is a nuclear missile club K and human/drugs/gun trafficking ship scheme
paid for with Taxpayer funding and created through the Uranium One deal with Iran, Russia and North
Korea. Satan will be wounded during Tribulation by God's Sword of Truth because the world is about to
learn what is really going on through Q and Jesus's Bloodline which will be a Bridegroom and Bride and
they will also be the 2 witnesses Rev 11:3. To recover from these wounds, this Satanic Illuminati Cabal
will use Musk's Tesla/CalSolar/SpaceX connections to launch nuclear missiles from their armada of
container ships, at the sun and create a catastrophic CME flare. This will cause 3 days of darkness, the La
Palma volcano blast, tsunami waves, worldwide earthquakes and destruction which only the
unenlightened will see. They cannot let truth about their human trafficking ship scheme and
cannibalistic sacrifices become public knowledge.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


Before any of this happens, we need to have love, mercy and forgiveness in our hearts. We have seen
some heinous crimes in recent years especially having to do with children. These criminals will receive
justice but we must find it in our hearts to forgive them. There souls must also be allowed the chance to
grow or they will continue on their repetitive path of evil. We must be the epitome of love, forgiveness
and mercy in order to advance our own souls into the new Earth. ...forgive us our trespasses as we
forgive those who trespass against us...

If you have accepted Jesus as your Savior, and asked for and given forgiveness to all, you will go with
everyone during the rapture. No need to worry about any floods, tsunamis or disasters. You can do
these things in your mind too; you don't need a church or actual person in front of you.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

C before D is also Christ Before Declas Q3570

Q1547, Q1543

1,000-light-year wide bubble surrounding Earth is source of all nearby, young stars (

***Recap: Destructive wave will strike the 3D old earth but a significantly diminished wave if any will
strike the 5D new earth. Have faith in God and the ascension and things will turn out well. Heaven on
earth! The drops and decodes consistently tell us that God has taken over control of the Cabal’s ship
missile armada and Q drops are just a way of letting us know that the ascension is upon us and that
the split will occur. So basically, if you are reading this, it is a form of enlightenment and you will be
part of the 5D earth. I wrote about the storm and destruction of 3D to show how the timelines will
split. ,

“For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a cry of command, with the voice of an archangel,
and with the sound of the trumpet of God. And the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive,
who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we
will always be with the Lord.” Thessalonians 4:16-17

“But in those days, following that distress, “ ‘the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its
light; the stars will fall from the sky, and the heavenly bodies will be shaken.’ “At that time people will
see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. And he will send his angels and gather
his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of the heavens. Mark 13:24-27

But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass,
that at evening time it shall be light. Zechariah 14:7

For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether
thrones or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And
He is before all things, and in Him all things consist. Colossians 1:16-17

To him that overcometh.—The promise should run thus:—To him that conquereth will I give of the
hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, and upon the stone a new name graven, which no man
knoweth, but he who receiveth it. Revelation 2:17

And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people,
and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God.
Revelation 21:3 (White Squall- to utter in a strident voice.)

“Then will appear the sign of the Son of Man in heaven. And then all the peoples of the earth will mourn
when they see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven, with power and great glory. And he will
send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end
of the heavens to the other. Matthew 24:30-31

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed— in a flash, in the twinkling
of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we
will be changed. For the perishable must clothe itself with the imperishable, and the mortal with
immortality. 1 Corinthians 15:51-53

And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, each of the gates made of a single pearl, and the street of the
city was pure gold, transparent as glass. Revelation 21:21

Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and
the sea was no more. And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God,
prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Behold,
the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God
himself will be with them as their God. He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be
no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have
passed away.” And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” Also he
said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” Revelation 21:1-27

For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel
and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive
and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will
be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-

You should know this, Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times. 2 For people will
love only themselves and their money. They will be boastful and proud, scoffing at God, disobedient to
their parents, and ungrateful. They will consider nothing sacred. 3 They will be unloving and unforgiving;
they will slander others and have no self-control. They will be cruel and hate what is good. 4 They will
betray their friends, be reckless, be puffed up with pride, and love pleasure rather than God. 5 They will
act religious, but they will reject the power that could make them godly. Stay away from people like that!
2 Timothy 3:1-5.

But it shall be one day which shall be known to the LORD, not day, nor night: but it shall come to pass,
that at evening time it shall be light. Zechariah 14:7

And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and
threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. Rev 11:3

And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and
threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. Rev 14:11

For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the
dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and
intents of the heart. Hebrews 4:12

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Revelation 6-19

Q2619 - Q: Do we have the gold? Yes. Gold shall destroy FED. Q (FED = F Assets or CIA/Queen
Elizabeth/D5 Termination Plan)

Q3624 - It's going to be BIBLICAL! THE GREAT AWAKENING. Q



A President Trump decode in August 2021 shows us that Jacob Wallenberg(No Name) is Hermes the
winged-foot messenger god of Ancient Greece. The god of science, a trickster, the conductor of souls
and the messenger are a few of his traits and he was usually depicted as birdlike. Hermes has also been
known as many other gods throughout history. Originally Thoth Trismegistus in Atlantis from estimated
1000000 - 8000 BC before migrating around the Earth westward and then back east to become
additional gods such as Dattatreya in Hindu (10000 BC), Thoth again in Egypt (6000-3000 BC),
Ningishzidda in Sumeria/Annunaki (2100 BC), Nabu and-or Nanna/Sin of Babylon (1800-500 BC),
Moloch/Baal/Chemosh in Sumer/Moab/Canaan (1800 BC), Hermes in Greece (1500-1300 BC), Loki in
Norse (1300 BC), Quetzalcoatl and Tehuti in Central America (1200-300 BC) and Mercury in Rome (400-
300 BC).

At the same time the dog/jackal-like Egyptian Anubis, another deity of the underworld, was also many
gods around the world such as Yama in Hindu, Irkalla/Nergal in Sumeria/Annunaki, Mot in
Moab/Canaan, Hades in Greece, Hel in Scandinavia, Mictlantecuhtli in Central America and Pluto in
Rome. Greek mythology blends Hermes with Anubis to result in the god Hermanubis. In my personal
opinion, I think Anubis is Queen Elizabeth II and her royal bloodline.

Moloch/Baal/Chemosh are one in the same and were the name or title of the chief god of the
Moabites/Ammonites near Canaan which in the future will be Jordan and Israel respectively, around the
southeast/west of the Dead Sea. This group migrated here originally from Sumer. Child sacrifice is
associated with him. Solomon built a sanctuary to him on Mount of Olives. Worshiping Baal was a
recurring temptation for the Israelites’, as noted in the book of Judges. Jeremiah 19:5 speaks of
sacrificing children to Baal. Jeremiah 32:35; male and female children were burnt to Moloch/Baal.

Q1232 What will next week hold? MOAB. Q Fire up those Memes! Please stand by. On the clock.
Ready to play? MOAB incoming. Q

Anubis presided over funerals by guiding lost souls and weighing the heart on scales for truth to allow
admittance into the underworld. Along with Thoth, creating the Book of the Dead for each soul to assist
them in crossing over to the underworld. It has various texts and ritualistic spells of sacrifice, torture and
mind control including keeping hearts in a jar and drinking blood.

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Thoth wrote the Emerald Tablets, which glorify the fallen angels and has satanist characteristics. The Joy
of Satan ministries even considers Thoth as one of their most active demons and one of the 7 sons of
Satan according to the Church of Satan. As Quetzalcoatl, oversaw human sacrifices of the Aztecs.

Hermes/Thoth had a son who was a Satyr called Pan in Arcadia, he had goat legs and 2 horns on his
head. Pan was known as the Baphomet which is a representation of the devil. The Baphomet has close
ties with Freemasons. There is the Goat of Mendes which is a 4 horned goat used for ritual sex with
women in a public setting. Using goats for other sexual purposes and other satanic practices are part of
the initiation to the Mysteries of Pan. Aleister Crowley famously connected Satanism and Freemasonry.
Additionally, according to the book “Numbers: Their Occult Power and Mystic Virtues” by W. W.
Wescott, nine holds great significance among many Masonic orders and secret societies because satanic
forces work in variables of nine. Crowley says the number nine is “most evil”. They bypass the 9th chakra
Amrita by using Adrenochrome instead, manipulating the chakra system.

He said: “I am going to tell you what will happen later in the time of wrath, because the vision concerns
the appointed time of the end.[c] 20 The two-horned ram that you saw represents the kings of Media
and Persia. 21 The shaggy goat is the king of Greece, and the large horn between its eyes is the first king.
22 The four horns that replaced the one that was broken off represent four kingdoms that will emerge
from his nation but will not have the same power. 23 “In the latter part of their reign, when rebels have
become completely wicked, a fierce-looking king, a master of intrigue, will arise. 24 He will become very
strong, but not by his own power. He will cause astounding devastation and will succeed in whatever he
does. He will destroy those who are mighty, the holy people. 25 He will cause deceit to prosper, and he
will consider himself superior. When they feel secure, he will destroy many and take his stand against the
Prince of princes. Yet he will be destroyed, but not by human power. Daniel 8:19-25

Around 800 BC another group traveling from Sumer moved north to the area which makes up
Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine, east of the Black Sea and North of the Caspian Sea. They worshiped
Baal and Innana/Ishtar (Isis/Diana/Venus) who was the consort of Baal, they settled and named the area
Khazaria. The Silk Road ran directly through the lands, and Khazarians would murder people on their
travels through and steal their identity. They sacrificed children to Baal. Around 600 BC they were
warned by the Russian King to convert from Luciferianism to a religion and they ended up choosing
Judaism. This Khazarians Mafia or Askenazi which was made up of the Khazarian nobility, eventually
were driven from their country and traveled west through Europe settling in Germany and France and
other European countries. The Rothschilds were part of this group and settled in Germany and
eventually created and controlled the banking system.

The Knights Templar (1096-1312 AD) would eventually be disbanded and become the Jesuits (1534-1773
AD) and Jesuits would be disbanded and eventually become the Freemasons (1774 AD) all secret
societies that developed and/or thrived from this Khazarian group and eventually become the Illuminati
(1776 AD). Using the Protocols Of The Elders Of Zion and a lust for power and revenge, they mapped out
a plan and this group would eventually infiltrate and control royalty/government, wars, banking and
religion to include the Vatican. The Napoleonic wars, the Russian Revolution, Titanic sinks and The

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Fed/Tax starts, WWI, WWII, the US Wall Street Crash and Great Depression were all purposely created
false flags this secret society has become a master at creating. This same Cabal controlled the Nazi party
(Ashka-nazi) in WWII and sacrificed millions of legitimate Jewish people in an ultimate plan to get land in
Israel that never even belonged to the Khazarian Mafia group from Sumer. They hope to erect a third
Solomon’s Temple on the Temple Mount for their “Jewish Messiah” which would likely be satanic in

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Coronal Mass Ejection: CME Solar Flare

When CMEs collide with the Earth's magnetosphere, an area of space dominated by the magnetic field,
a geomagnetic (solar) storm can happen.

The SWPC (per Irish Mirror) explained that a geomagnetic storm is a large disturbance of Earth's
magnetosphere that happens when the solar wind exchanges energy extremely efficiently into the space
environment around Earth.

**Geomagnetic impact on human health - heart, nervous system

Powerful ‘Cannibal’ Solar Storm Incoming: Experts Warn Of 50,000 Mile-Long ‘Plasma’ From Sun’s Flare
| Science Times


The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Angel and the Little Book

And I saw another mighty angel come down from heaven, clothed with a cloud: and a rainbow was upon
his head, and his face was as it were the sun, and his feet as pillars of fire: And he had in his hand a little
book open: and he set his right foot upon the sea, and his left foot on the earth, And cried with a loud
voice, as when a lion roareth: and when he had cried, seven thunders uttered their voices. And when the
seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying
unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. And the angel
which I saw stand upon the sea and upon the earth lifted up his hand to heaven, And sware by him that
liveth for ever and ever, who created heaven, and the things that therein are, and the earth, and the
things that therein are, and the sea, and the things which are therein, that there should be time no
longer: But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of
God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets. And the voice which I heard
from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go and take the little book which is open in the hand of the
angel which standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. And I went unto the angel, and said unto him,
Give me the little book. And he said unto me, Take it, and eat it up; and it shall make thy belly bitter, but
it shall be in thy mouth sweet as honey. And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up;
and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter. And he said
unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. (Also see
Ezekiel 3:1–15) ~ Revelation 10


The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Q Decode Keys

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book of Q Sources

16 Year Plan to Destroy America

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


North Korea
Red Cross-, ,,,,,,

Border / Election
Using some excerpts from my post ‘How about a nice game of chess?’
$5.5 border wall -,

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q
** SR
** EL

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q
Maricopa Letters &
refugees-in-to-america/ &
C Event:
Decode Keys:
D5 Thread Pt1:

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q
Sullivan 8min mark:

How about a nice game of chess?

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q
$5.5 border wall -,

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q
Red Cross-, ,,,,,,

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q
Brotherhood Pipeline

Taxpayer Theft
C Event:
Decode Keys:
D5 Thread Pt1:

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Finish The Wall
How about a nice game of chess?
Part 1 -
Part 2 -
C Event:
Decode Keys:
(Includes Trafficking)
D5 Thread Pt1:

Cross Talk X is The Queen
C Event:
Decode Keys:
D5 Thread Pt1:

Super T Event
T Event:
T or C Event: &
Sun CME:
Cal Sol:
Decode Keys:
D5 Thread Pt1:
The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America BLOG:
Part 1
Part 2

ANTIFA & Safe Havens
The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America BLOG:
Part 1

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Part 2

Q Knowledge is Power

We Have Everything

Seekret Agent Status

Spy Campaign Failed

3 part series

News Unlocks The Map
C Event:
Decode Keys:
D5 Thread Pt1:

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Secret Meeting

Facebook In The News

HRC 4 Year Delta
C Event:
Decode Keys:
D5 Thread Pt1:

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q

Central Tracing Agency
C Event:
Decode Keys:
D5 Thread Pt1:

Infiltration and Termination

Suspicious 0bservers:

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q &
C Event:
Decode Keys:
D5 Thread Pt1:
Assassination Tracking:

Voter ID
Decode Keys:
D5 Thread Pt1:

Jordan Sather is a CIA Asset

The Wave and The Split

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q
Devine Order of Truth- Satanic Trinity -Clarence Larkin
Voyagers I & II - Ashayana Deane
Poison Apple
Musk Subsidies
Amenti &
C Event:
Decode Keys:
D5 Thread Pt1:
Ego death,_Buddhic_and_Cosmic_Egg

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q
Blog Part 1
Part 2
Michelle Obama Man-

Littllemel Blogs:
The 16 Year Plan To Destroy America
Crossfire Hurricane: Durham Indicts Danchenko
How about a nice game of chess?
News Unlocks Map
Who Funds MS13?
Humanity Is Good
Antifa & Safe Havens
Finish The Wall
Super T Event
Cross-Talk: X is The Queen
Infiltration & Termination
Central Tracing Agency- Red Cross
Voter ID
All Telegram Threads @littllemel (New to Old)

PDF Copies of my blogs:

New to Q?
Watch the linked videos in order for best understanding.

Great Awakening Map

Version 2 Edits: Page 52, 132-135, 144, 147, 149-152, 159-163

The Little Book Of Q ~ Mel Q


I just want to take a moment to thank God, Q and my family especially my son Jack, for sticking with me. Thank
you to my Telegram digger group the ‘Digger Pepes’ @Ratfinks @RedWhiteBlue804 @BakerSmith
@RedHeadRedemption1 They rock! They dig up the best stuff and help me every day. Love you guys!

And a very special thank you to my Telegram admins. You guys make my job so much easier. I couldn't do it
without you!!! Love you guys too. Pew Pew @AJ_Cole_Sr @DebBaumel @Parent5x @Rytzch @KickDreaming
@Ratfinks @parkercraft256 @SteveQ17 @Allmagoo @qz370 @MAGACAY


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