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Need of the study:

Since the past, there has been a revolutionary change. The young people
back then would go outside and play physically, partake in physical
activities, and interact with one another. The young of today spend a lot of
time playing video games on consoles like the XBOX, Playstation,
computers, or mobile devices in enclosed spaces. Instead of actually going
out to play physically and engage with other people, the majority of them
(my friends and I included) choose to be at home lazily lounging on the
couch or sitting in front of the computer or TV displays playing online or
offline video games. Many young people have become gravely hooked to
playing video games for long stretches of time every day, both deliberately
and unknowingly. For the past few years, people have been debating
whether video games have more negative effects than positive ones, and
vice versa.
One of the many reasons young people enjoy playing video games is that it
allows them to escape from their occasionally boring and routine existence.
It acts as a stress reliever. Video games also provide young people a sense
of accomplishment, which is another reason why they are so interested in
them. the sensation you experience after beating a challenging video game
or after continuing to advance through stages. They believe they have
accomplished something significant or morally admirable. And as they
pursue this sensation, they begin to get dependent on it.
There are specific effects on people and their surroundings when they start
playing video games. Playing video games has a number of advantages and
disadvantages. The advantages and disadvantages of playing video games
should be made clear to young people. This study's major goal is to
determine how video games affect young people and how to educate them
about their benefits and drawbacks.
Benefits and drawbacks of playing video games:
Parents dislike playing video games since they are time wasters, and even
worse, some education experts believe that these games damage the brain.
The media and some experts are quick to point the finger at playing violent
video games as the cause of certain young people acting violently or
engaging in extreme anti-social conduct. The greatest benefit of video
games, however, according to many scientists and psychologists, is that
they help children become smarter. Children may learn critical thinking
abilities through video games that they will need in the future. C. Shawn
Green, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin, claims that playing
video games alters your brain. Similar to learning to read, play the piano, or
use a map, playing video games alters the physical makeup of the brain.
Similar to how exercise can develop muscle, the potent combination of
focus and pleasurable spikes in neurotransmitters like dopamine can
develop neural circuits in the brain.

Benefits :
1.Problem solving and logic: Playing games like The Incredible Machine,
Angry Birds, or Cut the Rope helps kids develop their problem-solving and
logic skills. These games train kids' brains to come up with quick solutions
to puzzles and other difficulties.
2. Spatial awareness, fine motor control, and hand-eye coordination. In
shooting games, the protagonist might be moving while also firing. This
necessitates the real-world player to maintain track of the character's
position, direction, and speed as well as where the gun is aimed, if the
opponent is being hit by gunfire, and other details. After taking into account
all of these elements, the player must then sync the interpretation and
response of his brain with the motion of his hands and fingertips. Eye-hand
coordination and visual-spatial skills are crucial for the success of this
process. According to research, playing video games can help people
develop their iconic, spatial, and visual attention skills. Even adult research
have demonstrated the link between playing video games and having higher
surgical abilities. Experts have also cited the fact that this generation's
pilots were raised on video games as another factor contributing to their
increased skill as jet pilots.
3. Planning, resource management and logistics: Similar to real life, the
player learns how to manage scarce resources and choose which uses are
optimal. Strategy games like SimCity, Age of Empires, and Railroad
Tycoon are great for honing this skill. Notably, SimCity has allegedly
encouraged many of its players to pursue careers in urban planning and
architecture, according to both The American Planning Association and
Maxis, the game's developer.
4. Multitasking, simultaneous monitoring of numerous changing variables
and management of different goals. For instance, in strategy games, an
unexpected surprise, such as an opponent, might appear as the city is being
developed. The player is compelled to be adaptable and switch tactics fast
as a result. Daphne Bavalier, a cognitive researcher, discusses how playing
video games might help us learn, concentrate, and, most intriguingly,
5. Quick thinking, quick analysis and decision-making. The brain gets a
significant workout when a player does this nearly every second of the
game. Cognitive scientist Daphne Bavelier and her team at the University
of Rochester claim that stressful events like those seen in action or combat
games can be simulated in video games and used as a training tool for
difficult situations in real life. According to the study, playing action video
games trains the brain to make snap judgments. According to the study,
video games can be used to train doctors and troops. Importantly, users of
action-packed video games make just as accurate decisions. Action game
gamers make more wise selections in a given amount of time, claims
6. Accuracy : A study found that playing action games helped players'
brains become faster decision-makers without sacrificing accuracy. In the
modern world, it's critical to act swiftly without compromising accuracy.
7. Strategy and anticipation: The author of Everything Bad is Good for
You, How Today's Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter, Steven
Johnson, refers to this as telescoping. 7. Strategy and anticipation The
gamer must handle urgent issues while keeping his or her long-term
objectives in mind.
8. Situational awareness: According to Defense News, the Army uses video
games to train soldiers to sharpen their awareness of their surroundings
during combat. Many strategy games also call on the player to pay attention
to and adjust to abrupt changes in the game's environment.
9. Developing reading and math skills: 9. The young gamer reads to obtain
instructions, follow game plots, and gather knowledge from the game texts.
This helps them develop their reading and math skills. Additionally, it helps
to be proficient in arithmetic to succeed in many games that need
quantitative analysis, such as managing resources.
10. Perseverance: In higher levels of a game, the player typically fails the
first time, but he or she keeps trying until they succeed and advance to the
next level.
11. Recognizing patterns: Games have internal logic, which the player
deduces by spotting patterns.
12. Hypothesis testing and inductive reasoning: According to James Paul
Gee, an education professor at the University of Wisconsin–Madison,
playing a video game is similar to solving a science problem. The player
must formulate a hypothesis, much like a student in a lab. For instance, to
beat an enemy, the player must constantly experiment with different
weapon and power combinations. If one doesn't work, he tries an other
hypothesis. According to Gee, goal-driven experiences are essential to
learning and are found in video games.
13.Navigation in virtual worlds is facilitated by the use of in-game maps or
custom maps created by the player.
14. Memory - According to a study published in the Psychological
Research, playing first-person shooter games like the Call of Duty and
Battlefield series helps the player effectively judge what information should
be stored in his working memory and what can be discarded considering the
task at hand.
15. Concentration - According to a study by the Appalachia Educational
Laboratory, playing Dance Revolution helped children with attention
deficit disorder improve their reading scores.
16. A study from the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York found a
direct correlation between skill at video games and skill at keyhole, or
laparoscopic, surgery. Improved ability to quickly and accurately recognise
visual information. Compared to non-gaming surgeons, doctors who played
video games at least three hours each week produced roughly 37% fewer
surgical errors and worked 27% faster. According to a different study,
persons who often play video games are faster visual learners because they
are better at registering visual data. They can learn for longer periods of
time in distracting surroundings because they are also more resistant to
perceptual disturbance.

1. Health Problems: Playing video games for extended periods of time
rather than engaging in physical activity can have a negative impact on a
child's health in a number of ways. If a child doesn't get out and interact
with others in the real world, his cognitive development can be hampered.
Constantly sitting still and playing video games for extended periods of
time can raise the risk of obesity, weaken the muscles and joints, cause
overuse injuries to the hands and fingers, and several studies indicate that it
may even impair eyesight. The health of the youngster is one of the serious
drawbacks of video gaming. A person who plays video games on a regular
basis runs the risk of gaining weight and developing serious illnesses. The
present scourge of humans and its causes is obesity. Plan a schedule for
playing the video game, but don't let the time go beyond that limit to avoid
the issue. Make sure it doesn't interfere with your daily activities or else all
the benefits could go and cause major issues.
2. Academic Concerns: Playing video games is a lot of fun, but a typical
school day is nothing like that. Kids may develop a strong preference for
video games over other activities as a result, which may make them less
focused on their academic work. Even after school, students could forego
studying for tests or doing their schoolwork in favour of playing computer
games. Poor performance and diminished emotional intelligence may
follow from this.
3. Exposure to Wrong Values: A lot of video games on the market feature
extreme violence, overt sexuality, profanity, racism, and other things that
young children are unable to understand or interpret correctly. They could
fail to view these representations critically and end up wanting to behave in
the same way that they do in the games. They won't be able to distinguish
between right and wrong until they are exposed to the outside world
because their brain architecture is still evolving.
4. They Become Socially Isolated: Despite the fact that multiplayer video
games exist, the majority of children play them by themselves in their
rooms. Their ability to engage with others in person is severely limited as a
result, and they might choose to spend their time alone or interacting
online. Your child becomes socially isolated if they play video games too
much. Additionally, he might spend less time on other pursuits like reading,
athletics, playing with the family and friends, and finishing his homework.
In actuality, being a loner is not typical among gamers. Such children
struggle to begin up discussions and experience boredom and awkwardness
in social situations. As a result, they are more likely to have adjustment
disorder, depression, anxiety, and stress in both their personal and
professional lives.
5. Violent Content and Rapid Satisfaction: The instant gratification that
video games offer can make kids frustrated and aggressive in their
behaviour. They may become angry or begin harbouring aggressive
thoughts when things don't go as planned or when any limitations are
placed on them. This can lead to problematic behaviour.
6. Costs associated with playing the game: The child may ask for money to
upgrade the game, to purchase various game-related items, or he may even
end up stealing from you to support the habit.
7. Disinterest in Other Aspects of Life: If a child's life is completely
consumed by video games, friends and family may start to seem
uninteresting to them. Poor academic performance is frequently the result
of ignoring other tasks like studying, interacting with peers, and being
disoriented. Some kids neglect their basic hygiene, skipping baths for days
on end and spending the majority of their time playing computer games,
among other bad habits.
8. Unrestricted Playing Times: The child may make a commitment to you
that he will play for only 10 minutes or until he completes a certain level,
but he might be unable to keep that promise and end up playing for longer
periods of time. He can unknowingly act in this way.
9. In circumstances where he loses the game or is unable to complete the
level, the child may act aggressively. He can lose control and get furious
and irritated, unable to comprehend that it's only a game.
10. Hiding and Playing: If you end up reprimanding or forbidding your kid
from playing, they'll try to figure out how to do it secretly so you won't find
out. To continue playing the game for a little while, he can begin to lie or
invent justifications.
11. Constantly preoccupied: Even when not playing the video game, the
child will appear disoriented and lost in thought, frequently considering or
talking about anything associated with the game. He can become irritated
by any allusion to his gaming obsession.
12. Incorrect message interpretation: Some video games instil negative
ideals in young players. Aggression, wrath, and violent behaviour are
rewarded. Negotiating and other peaceful approaches are frequently not
available. Women are frequently represented as weaker, helpless, or
provocative sexual beings. On the other side, a study contends that violent
games and other undesirable conduct may be helping to improve behaviour
in the real world. Violent video game players might feel bad about their
actions in the virtual world, which might make them more aware of the
moral responsibilities they breached while playing.
13. The amount of time spent playing video games on the whole may have
a negative impact on academic performance. Studies have revealed that a
child's academic performance suffers the more time he spends playing
video games. Gentile, Lynch, and Walsh (2004); Anderson & Dill 2000;
Video game addicts quarrel more with their teachers, fight more with their
classmates, and receive lower grades than those who play video games less
frequently, according to research from Argosy University's Minnesota
School of Professional Psychology. According to other research, many
gamers regularly forego doing their homework in order to play games, and
many students acknowledged that their video game habits frequently result
in subpar academic performance.
14. Foul language: While playing online, your child may learn bad
language and conduct from other users, which could leave them more open
to risks. Through multiplayer video games and chat apps, sexual predators
and other evil guys are meeting kids while frequently pretending to be kids.
15. Impulsive behaviour: Children who play video games for an excessive
amount of time may display impulsive behaviour and have attention issues.
This is supported by a recent study that was released in the Journal of
Psychology and Popular Media Culture's February 2012 issue. Attention
issues were characterised for the study as having trouble initiating or
maintaining action to achieve a goal.
16. Children are susceptible to video game addiction. In June 2018, the
World Health Organization classified gaming addiction as a mental health
condition. According to a study by the National Institute for Media and the
Family in Minneapolis, children who become addicted to video games may
have higher levels of anxiety and despair as a result. Children who are
addicted also show social anxiety. It should come as no surprise that
children who are video game addicts perform worse in school. According to
MRI scans, addicted video games can have a similar impact on children's
brain development to drugs and alcohol. According to a number of studies
conducted by California State University, heavy gamers have smaller
amygdala-striatal systems that were more responsive. According to
Professor Ofir Turel, teens who play a lot of video games between the ages
of 13 and 15 and whose self-control systems are not yet fully formed may
be more susceptible to other types of addiction and more likely to engage in
impulsive and risky actions later in life.
17. Some video games may actually damage the brain, according to a 2017
University of Montréal study. This is especially true of action video games
like Call of Duty. The caudate nucleus is primarily used by the majority of
research participants. These gamers rely on navigational "habit" rather than
active learning as they move across the game's geography using in-system
navigation tools or on-screen GPS. It appears that while the hippocampus
experiences a loss, the caudate nucleus experiences an increase in grey
matter. Reduced grey matter in the hippocampus has been associated with
increased risks of brain disorders such depression, schizophrenia, PTSD,
and Alzheimer's disease in the past. However, gamers who engage in games
that necessitate spatial navigation.
18. Playing video games might make it harder for people to fall asleep,
especially young people. According to a Flinders University study, playing
video games at night causes adolescents to become more physiologically
and cognitively aware, which makes it more difficult for them to fall asleep.
There "may be" a correlation between the amount of REM sleep a kid gets
after playing video games, according to research from Flinders University,
but further study is needed. As recommended by the majority of specialists,
playing in moderation can help resolve any potential problems. It is true
that many kids find it difficult to obtain a decent night's sleep when they
play video games right before bed. In a recent research, 18% of parents
reported that their kids had trouble sleeping because they played video
games at night. To reduce the chance of having trouble sleeping at night,
experts advise keeping media use, including TV and video games, to the
daytime. It's possible that playing video games won't make you sleepy
when you play them; in fact, it might be the reverse. However, they can
affect how well you sleep by interfering with it.

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