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MODULE 1: INTRO TO HISTOLOGY Thus, cells and ECM form a continuum that

functions together and reacts to stimuli and

inhibitors together.
Study of the tissues of the body and how these
Why study Histology?
tissues are arranged to constitute organs.
• To be able to better understand the
Literally translated, the root word histo means
structure and the inner workings of the
tissue or web.
human body in general.
The Greek root histo can be translated as either
• To distinguish diseased tissues from
“tissue” or “web,” both of which are appropriate
normal specimens.
because tissues are usually webs of interwoven
filaments and fibers, both cellular and noncellular, • To understand the proper handling of
with membranous linings. tissue samples.
1. Cell structure. • To be able to recognize histologic
sections through their structure.
2. Arrangement
Tissue Processing
3. Functions
Histology involves all aspects of tissue biology,
with the focus on how cells’ structure and
arrangement optimize functions specific to
each organ.

Two (2) interacting components of Tissues:

Most tissues studied histologically are prepared

as shown, with this sequence of steps (a):
Fixation: Small pieces of tissue are placed in
solutions of chemicals that cross-link proteins and
inactivate degradative enzymes, which preserves
cell and tissue structure.
1. Extracellular Matrix
Dehydration: The tissue is transferred through a
The ECM consists of many kinds of series of increasingly concentrated alcohol
macromolecules, most of which form complex solutions, ending in 100%, which removes all
structures, such as collagen fibrils and basement water.
Clearing: Alcohol is removed in organic solvents
The ECM supports the cells and the fluid that in which both alcohol and paraffin are miscible.
transports nutrients to the cells, and carries away
their catabolites and secretory products. Infiltration: The tissue is then placed in melted
paraffin until it becomes completely infiltrated with
2. Cells this substance.
The cells produce the ECM and are also Embedding: The paraffin-infiltrated tissue is
influenced and sometimes controlled by matrix placed in a small mold with melted paraffin and
molecules. allowed to harden.
Cells and matrix interact extensively, with many Trimming: The resulting paraffin block is trimmed
components of the matrix recognized by and to expose the tissue for sectioning (slicing) on a
attaching to cell surface receptors. Many of these microtome.
protein receptors span the cell membranes and
connect to structural components inside the cells.
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Similar steps are used in preparing tissue for
transmission electron microscopy (TEM), except
special fixatives and dehydrating solutions are
used with smaller tissue samples and embedding
involves epoxy resins which become harder than
paraffin to allow very thin sectioning.
A microtome is used for sectioning paraffin-
embedded tissues for light microscopy. The
trimmed tissue specimen is mounted in the
paraffin block holder, and each turn of the drive
wheel by the histologist advances the holder a
controlled distance, generally from 1 to 10 μm.
After each forward move, the tissue block passes
over the steel knife edge and a section is cut at a
thickness equal to the distance the block
advanced. The paraffin sections are placed on
glass slides and allowed to adhere,
deparaffinized, and stained for light microscope
study. For TEM, sections less than 1 μm thick are
prepared from resin-embedded cells using an
ultramicrotome with a glass or diamond knife.

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Definition of Terms • Anastomosis G. " + stoma = an opening;
natural communication between two
Commonly encountered terms in histology.
vessels (adj. anastomotic).
• Acidophilic - adj. L. acidus = sour + G.
• Angio- G. angeion = a vessel, prefix used
philein = to love; affinity for an acidic dye,
to refer to blood vessels.
such as eosin staining cytoplasmic
proteins. • Angström, Anders Jonas. 1814-1879.
Swedish physicist; unit of measurement; 1
• Acinus (-i) L. = a juicy berry, a grape;
Angström (symbol Å) = 0.1 nanometer.
applied to small, rounded terminal
secretory units of compound exocrine • Anlage (-n) Ge. an = on + legen = to lay,
glands that have a small lumen (adj. place; a primordium; an incipient structure.
• Antrum (-ra) L. = a cave, cavity; a nearly-
• adenoid G. " + -oeides = in form of; in the closed cavity or bulge.
form of a gland, glandular; the pharyngeal
• Apical adj. L. = apex, tip.
• Apposition L. ad = to + ponere = to set,
• Adipose adj. L. adeps = fat.
place; placed in contiguity; juxtaposition.
• Adluminal adj. L. ad = towards + lumen =
• Arborisation from L. arbor = tree;
a hole; adjacent to lumen.
branching as in a tree.
• Adnexa L. ad = to + nexus = bound;
• Argentaffin L. argentum = silver + affinis
accessory parts of a structure, e.g., the
= associated with; of cells which can
adnexa of the eye.
reduce silver from its salts without special
• Adventitia L. adventicius = coming from pretreatment.
the outside; outermost connective tissual
• Argyrophilic G. argyros = silver + philein
covering of an organ, e.g., the outer coat
= to love; of cells or structures reducing
of a blood vessel is its tunica adventitia.
silver from its salts after special
• Afferent adj. L. ad = to + ferre = to bear, pretreatment with a reducing agent.
carry, produce; passing towards,
• Artefact L. arte = by art + factus = made;
centripetal, e.g., sensory nerves are
inadvertent abnormality in tissue arising
afferent nerves with respect to the brain
during histological processing; also
and spinal cord; afferent arteriole of the
renal glomerulus.
• Atrophy G. a = without + trophe = food; a
• Albicans adj. L. = whitish.
wasting or reduction in organ size.
• Albuginea adj. L. albus = white; firm white
• Azurophilic OF. azur = blue + G. philein =
fibrous tissue.
to love; refers to reddish-purple granules
• Alveolus (-i) L. = a small hollow, basin or in some leucocytes when stained by
flask (dim. of alveus = a belly, tub); Romanowsky method.
applied to air-cell in lungs; large terminal
• Basal G. basis = base.
secretory units of some exocrine glands
with relatively thin walls (cf. acinus); tooth • Basement Membrane = histological term
socket; adj. alveolar. for extracellular layer at base of
• Amoeboid G. amiobe = change + -oeides epithelium.
= form of; having motion like an amoeba. • Basophilic G. basis = base + philein = to
• Amorphous G. a = not + morphe = form; love; affinity for a basic dye, e.g.
haematoxylin, gallocyanin, toluidine blue.
lacking structural definition.
• Bifurcate L. bis = twice + furca = fork;
• Ampulla L. ampla = full + bulla = vase; a
divide into two branches.
jar or flask; a local widening in a tube;
duodenal ampulla of Vater.

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• Bulbar L. bulbus = a swollen root; of eye- • Deferens L. = carrying away or down.
ball; of urethra; of olfactory tract; of aorta;
• Desmosome G. desmos = a bond, anchor
of a hair; of embryonic heart.
rope + soma = body; intercellular bridge;
• Bursa (-ae) L. from G. = a leather sac, a patch component (i.e., macula adherens)
purse. of terminal bar.
• Canaliculus (-i) L. = a small channel (L. • Desquamation = shedding of squames,
canalis = a channel, a water-pipe; dim.L. or shedding of cells from any epithelium.
canna = a reed).
• Diapedesis G. dia = through + pedan = to
• Cancellous adj. L. cancellus = lattice; of leap; normal passage of red or white blood
spongy bone with numerous cells across an endothelium of a capillary.
interconnecting cavities.
• Diaphysis G. dia = apart + physis =
• Capillary L. capillus = hair (from L. capitis growth; a gap between teeth; point of
pilus = hair of the head); a very narrow branching of a plant; shaft or mid-region of
("hair-like") blood vessel. long bone between the growing ends.
• Carneae L. carneus = fleshy; trabeculae • Differentiation = 1. embryological
carneae. process by which different tissues and
organs arise in ontogeny; 2. histological
• Cell L. cella = a small room.
process of distinguishing different tissual
• Cervix (-ices) L. = the neck (of an organ). components.

• Chromophil G. chroma = colour + philein • Diploid G. diploo = to repeat (a process);

= to love; cells or granules taking up dye having a (normal) double set of
readily. chromosomes = twice the haploid number
(all somatic cells are diploid).
• Chromophobe G. " + phobos = fear; cells
or granules not taking up any dye readily. • Distal L. distare = to stand apart; away
from the centre; opposite to proximal.
• Cilium (-ia) L. = eyelash; also hair-like
projections on epithelial cells. • Diverticulum (-a) L. = a by-road, from L.
devertere = to turn aside; a blind-ended
• Circumvallate adj. L. circum = around + sac or pouch in wall of an organ.
vallare = to wall; of largest lingual papilla,
surrounded by a moat-like depression. • Ductule L. ductulus = a little duct (dim. L.
ductus); bile ductules; efferent ductules;
• Cisterna (-ae) L. = a reservoir, dilated prostatic ductules.
• Ductus (-us) L. = passage from L. ducere
• Coeliac (celiac) G. koilia = a belly; related = to lead; tube lined by epithelium for
to abdominal organs. exocrine glandular secretions to reach
• Coelom G. koilos = a hollow, belly; an surface.
internal sac; the single coelom inside the • Eccentric G. ek = out(side) + kentron =
embryo gives rise to the pleural, centre.
pericardial and peritoneal sacs of the body
lined by mesothelium. • Ectoderm G. ek = outside + derma = skin;
outer cell layer of embryo giving rise to
• Collateral L. con = together + lateralis = CNS, skin, glands, etc.
of a side; accessory or accompanying
branch of something; side branch of a • Ectopic G. ek = out + topos = placed;
neurite or axon; branch of a blood vessel. displaced; in an abnormal position;
opposite to entopic.
• Cytology G. kytos = hollow vessel (cell) +
logos = study; study of cells and their • Efferent L. ex = away + ferre = to carry;
organelles, usually with electron centrifugal; e.g., motor nerves are efferent
microscope. with respect to central nervous system;

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efferent arteriole of renal glomerulus; fibrils bundle together to form a fibre; cf.
opposite to afferent. microfibril.
• Field of View = the circular field seen
• Effete = worn out.
when looking into an optical device (e.g. a
• Electron-dense = appearing dark in microscope).
electron microscope; scatters electrons. • Filiform L. filum = a thread + forma =
form; hair-like, of thread of keratin
• Electron-lucent = appearing light in emerging from the apex of a filiform lingual
electron microscope; transmits electrons; papilla.
opposite to electron-dense. • Fimbria L. = a fringe; e.g., fimbria at
• Encephalon G. enkephalos = brain, from ovarian end of uterine tube; fimbria of 3rd
en = in + kephalos = head. ventricle of brain.
• Flavum L. flavus = yellow (often due to
• End Artery = a small artery that ends in presence of large amount of elastic
branches which do not have sufficient tissue); ligamentum flavum of vertebral
anastomoses other arteries to keep the column.
organ alive if the end artery is occluded. • Flocculus L. = a little tuft, dim. L. floccus;
small lobe beneath each cerebellar
• Endo- or Ento- G. endon = within.
• Endothelium G. " + thele = nipple; the • Folium (-ia) L. = a leaf; 1. folds of
special name for epithelium (q.v.) lining cerebellar cortex; 2. leaf-like foliate
blood and lymph vessels papillae of tongue.
• Eosin G. eos = dawn, rose-coloured; an • Follicle L. folliculus = little bag (dim. of L.
acidic dye staining the basic cytoplasmic follis).
proteins pink • Fovea L. = a pit or depression.
• Eosinophilic = having an affinity for eosin • Foveola (-ae) L. = a little pit (dim. of L.
dye. fovea).
• Epi- G. = upon, on. • Fundus L. = bottom, base (as in
• Euchromatin G. eus = good + chroma = fundamental); refers to region of organ
colour; chromatin rich in nucleic acid. (e.g., stomach, uterus, eye), gland (e.g.,
• Evagination L. evaginare = to unsheath; gastric glands).
protrusion of an organ or a surface. • Fungiform L. fungus = mushroom + forma
• Extravasation L. extra = out + vas = = a shape; of lingual papillae.
vessel; leakage, e.g., of urine from urinary • Fusiform L. fusus = spindle + forma =
tract. shape; see extrafusal/intrafusal.
• Exudate L. ex = out + sudare = to sweat. • Ganglion (-a, -ions) G. = knot, swelling;
• Facet F. facette = a face. an accumulation of nerve cell somas
• Fascia (-ae) L. = a band, bandage; fibrous outside the central nervous system; also
membrane covering and supporting applied to cells forming optic nerve axons
muscles, cf. epimysium; hypodermis. within the central nervous system; also
• Fascicle L. fasciculus = a little bundle, small synovial swelling under skin.
dim L. facis (fasces was a symbolic bundle • Gap Junction = intercellular junction for
of rod with an axe in the middle); e.g., a communication between cells (see nexus).
bundle of nerve fibres, of muscle fibres • Glomerulosa adj. L. = like a little ball;
• Fenestrated adj. L. fenestra = window; 1. e.g., zona glomerulosa = superficial zone
of an aperture in a cell membrane (e.g., in in adrenal cortex where cells are arranged
a capillary endothelial cell) often closed by in small clusters.
a membrane; 2. of an aperture in an • Glomus (-mera) L. = a ball; cluster or
elastic sheet in tunica media of an artery. conglomeration of small arteries or
• Fibre L. fibra = fibre (Vesalius, c. 1550); arterioles and nerve fibres.
original meaning was a lobe, e.g., of lung, • Glycan G. glykos = sweet.
liver, or bowels examined for prophecies. • Glycocalyx G. " + kalyx = cup; layer like a
• Fibril L. fibrilla = a small fibre (from L. husk rich in carbohydrates outside cell
fibra = fibre); subunit of a fibre, i.e., many plasma membrane.

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• Granulosa L. granulum = little grain; cells • Hypoplasia G. " + plassein = to form;
around ovarian oocyte. reduction in tissue or organ size.
• Granulosum L. " ; referring to granule- • -iculus L. = a diminutive suffix.
containing cells in epidermis. • Infundibulum L. = a funnel, from L.
• Ground substance = colloidal material, infundere = to pour into; funnel-shaped
with variable viscosity, of the intercellular part of an organ.
spaces of connective tissue; usually • Integument L. in = on + tegere = to roof,
homogeneous and scarcely stainable. to cover (L. tegmen = a roof) ; a covering,
• Haematoxylin or Hematoxylin = a basic hence the skin, consisting of epidermis,
dye from a South American tree; its dermis and hypodermis.
oxidation product haematein is used with • Intercalated L. inter = between + calare =
mordants for histological staining of to proclaim, calatus = inserted; of a duct
nucleic acids. inserted between the end of the gland
• Haemopoiesis G. haima = blood + poiein (acinus, or alveolus) and a larger duct; of
= to make; production of the cellular a disc inserted between the ends of two
elements of blood, in bone marrow, etc. cardiac fibres.
(also haematopoiesis or hematopoiesis). • Interstice (-es) L. " + sistere = to set; a
• Haustrum (-a) L. haurire = to draw water space or gap in a tissue or in an organ.
in a bucket; sacculated pouches of colon. • Interstitial adj. L. " ; located in between,
• Helicine adj. G. helix = coil, snail; e.g, e.g., cells of Leydig.
helicine arteries of ovarian medulla, penis, • Interstitium L. " ; the interstices.
etc. • Intima L. = innermost; cf. tunica intima.
• Heterochromatin G. heteros = other + • Intra- = within
chromatin; other than euchromatin. • Invagination L. invaginare = to ensheath;
• Hilum or Hilus (-a) L. = a trifle; process of pushing inwards and thereby
depression in a seed; a depression at creating a sheath.
vascular entrance/exit of a gland or organ. • Involution L. in = into + volvere = to roll;
• Histochemistry G. histos = web, tissue + retrogressive change with size decrease.
chemeia = chemistry; application of • Isotropic G. iso = same + tropos = a
specific chemical reagents to a histological turning; having the same properties in all
section to reveal the location (topography) directions.
of natural substances within the various • Isthmus G isthmos = a narrow passage, a
tissues of the section; cf. cytochemistry. land-bridge; a connecting band.
• Histology G. histos = web, woven • Iter L. = a journey, a passage-way; a way
material, sail of a ship + logos = between two anatomical structures, e.g.,
knowledge, study; microscopic anatomy, iter of Sylvius = midbrain aqueduct; iter
as opposed to macroscopic anatomy. chordae tympani (anterior, posterior).
• Humour L. umor = a fluid; aqueous • Karyon G. = nucleus, nut.
humour and vitreous humour of the eye. • Keratin G. keras = horn; protein of hair,
• Hyaline adj. G. hyalos = glassy, nails, horny tissue.
translucent, crystalline; hyaline cartilage • Lacuna (-ae) L. = a pit, a small hollow
with its glassy appearance. space, a dimple, dim L. lacus = lake.
• Hyaloid adj. G. " + -oeides = form of. • Lamella (-ae) L. = a little plate, a scale,
• Hydatid G. hydatis = watery vesicle; a dim. L. lamina.
cyst; e.g., appendix testis is the hydatid of • Lamina (-ae) L. = plate or layer; hence
Morgagni. adj. laminated.
• Hyperplasia G. hyper = above, an excess • Lamina Propria (-ae -ae) L. " + propria =
of + plassein = to form; growth of organ belonging to; layer of connective tissue
due to increase in cell number. under epithelium.
• Hypertrophy G. " + trophe = nourishment; • Limbus L. = border, edge.
growth of organ or tissue (e.g., muscle) • Lingual adj. L. lingua = tongue.
due to increase in cell size. • Lobule L. lobulus = a small lobe, dim. L.
• Hypodermis G. hypo = under, a lack of + lobus = lobe, from G. lobos.
dermis; subcutaneous connective tissue = • Locule L. loculus = a small place; dim. of
superficial fascia. L. locus; a cavity or chamber; used to
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describe unilocular & multilocular • Myoepithelial = a contactile cell derived
adipocytes. from ectoderm (as opposed to
• Lumen L. = light; space enclosed by mesoderm).
tubular or vesicular structure; hence • Nest = a group or collection of similar
luminal. objects, e.g., a cell nest, a keratin pearl.
• Luteum L. luteus = yellow; cf. corpus • Nucleolus L. = a little kernel, dim. of L.
luteum. nucleus = a nut (G. Valentin, 1836).
• Lysis G. = dissolution. • Nucleus L. = a kernel; 1. central
• Macula Adherens (maculae adherentes) component in a soma (R. Brown, 1831), 2.
L. macula = a spot, a mark + adhaerere = cluster of nerve cells in central nervous
to stick to. system.
• Matrix L. = the ground substance of • Organelle dim. of G. organon = a living
cartilage harbouring the chondrocytes. part of body with special function, hence a
• Medulla (-ae) L. = pith, marrow, inner little body; an intracellular component,
portion of an organ (from L. medius = in e.g., a mitochondrion.
the middle), in contrast to cortex. • Os L. os, ossis = a bone, e.g. os
• Membrane = any structure in the form of a innominatum.
sheet that separates one region from • Osteon G. = bone; system of concentric
another, e.g., a layer of cells, a thin layer bony lamellae surrounding a canal
of connective tissue, a layer of glycocalyx, containing nerves, blood vessels, etc.; cf.
etc.; plasma (q.v.) membrane = cell Havers.
membrane. • Ostium L. = a door.
• Mesangial adj. G. mesos = between + • Oxyntic adj. G. oxyntos = making acid;
aggeion = a blood vessel (G. "gg" is parietal cells in gastric mucosa.
pronounced "ng"); 1. the mesentery • Oxyphil G. oxys = sour, sharp + philein =
suspending a developing blood vessel; 2. to love; staining readily with acidic dyes.
the extravascular tissue of the renal • Palisade L. palus = stake; like a fence of
glomerulus. stakes.
• Mesenchyme G. mesos = middle + • Papilla (-ae) L. = a teat, a nipple; a nipple-
enchyma = infusion; cells, fibres & fluids like projection, e.g., on the tonge
derived from mesoderm (middle layer) of (Malpighi, c. 1670; cf. circumvallate,
embryo. filiform, foliate, fungiform, vallate);
• Mesoderm G. " + derma = skin; middle duodenal papilla (containing duodenal
cell layer of embryo giving rise to ampulla); optic papilla; renal papilla
connective tissues, most muscle, (Berengarius, c. 1480-1550).
circulatory system, urogenital system, etc. • Para- G. = beyond, beside, near.
• Mesothelium G. " + thele = nipple; • Parenchyma G. " + enkeim = to pour in;
epithelium lining coelomic body cavities; the essential functional cells of an organ
most superfical layer of a serous as opposed to its stroma (NB. the accent
membrane (tunica serosa). is on the "e", not the "y").
• Meta- G. = after, beyond, over. • Parietal adj. L. parietalis = relating to
• Metachromasia G. " + chroma = colour; walls; the outer region or wall as opposed
change in colour of a dye when it binds to to visceral.
different components of tissue; a • Pars L. = a part; a part of an organ, or
metachromatic dye may stain one structure, e.g., pars iridica retinae; pars
component differently to the background nervosa; pars distalis, etc.
(or ground substance). • Peri- G. = around, about.
• Molecular L. molecula = a little mass. • Plasma G. = a thing formed; liquid
• Myelin G. myelos = marrow; lipoprotein component of lymph, blood; NB. plasma
sheath around axons (Virchow, 1854). membrane = cell membrane.
• Myeloid adj. G. " + -oeides = form; of • Pleomorphic G. pleon = more + morphe
bone marrow tissue. = form; varying in shape and size.
• Myo- G. mys = a mouse, a muscle, q.v. • Plexus (-i) L. = a braid; a woven network
of linear structures, especially nerves.
• Polysome = aggregation of ribosomes.
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• Refractile L. refractus = ability to turn • Stroma G. = a cover, table-cloth, bedding;
back, i.e., bend the path of light. strictly, an incorrect term for the internal
• Rete (-tia) L. = a net (-work); a snare. supporting frame-work of a tissue, or
• Reticular adj. L. reticula = a little net; of a organ, as opposed to its parenchyma.
type of extracellular fibres that form a • Suture L. sutura = a seam (in sewing).
network and can be impregnated with • Trabecula (-ae) L. = a little beam, dim. L.
silver salts; of a type of connective tissue trabs, from G. trapes = beam, rib of a ship;
with a network of many fine branching 1. bundles or sheets of fibres giving
reticular fibres; thickest and strongest internal support to an organ, 2. bony
layer of dermis with many dense irregular lamellae in cancellous bone.
collagen fibres. • Tunica (-ae) L. = a shirt, a sheath.
• Rouleaux F. = rolls (of erythrocytes). • Visceral adj. L. viscera = body organs; as
• Ruga (-ae) L. = a fold or wrinkle, e.g., in opposed to somatic structures.
stomach, in vagina. • Viscus L. = any internal organ in a cavity,
• Sac L. saccus = sack, bag, from G. from L. visco = I make sticky.
sakkos. • Zona L. = a girdle.
• Saccule L. sacculus = a little bag, a
purse; 1. smaller of two sacs of
membranous labyrinth ofinner ear, 2.
saccule of larynx.
• Secretion L. secretus = separated;
production of materials by glandular
• Septum (-a) L. saeptum = fenced in;
hence, a flat partition; e.g., septum
• Serosa L. serum = whey; a pale fluid; a
serous membrane lining body cavities.
• Sinus L. = a hollow, a curved space;
usually a larger vessel, or space, which
may contain air, blood, or lymph.
• Sinusoid L. " + G. -oeides = like; a tiny
vessel with a tortuous path and many
connections to similar vessels, e.g.,
hepatic sinusoids, bone marrow sinusoids.
• Soma (-ata) G. = body, mortal part of
body (as opposed to G. psyche = soul);
cell body.
• Somatic adj. G. " ; of cells of the body
excluding cells of the viscera and sex
• Sphincter G. sphinkter = a binder, from
sphingo = I strangle; a ring-like muscle
controlling an aperture.
• Squamous adj. L. squama = scale (of a
fish), a paving stone; of an epithelium with
flat cells.
• Stellate adj. L. stella = star; star-shaped.
• Stratum (-a) L. = layer, bed-covering,
sheet; of layers in the skin: cf. basale,
spinosum,germinativum, granulosum;
lucidum, corneum; rete Malpighii.
• Stria L. = a channel, a furrow, a flute in a

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THE MICROSCOPE Key components of a Light Microscope
The primary tool used in the study of histology is
the microscope.
The microscope is an optical device that
produces an enlarged image and enhances
contrast for resolving details.
Histology is the study of body tissues and cells,
their constituents. Cells cannot be seen with the
naked eye,
The primary tool used to study them is the
microscope. It produces enlarged images of
cells and enhances contrast for resolving details.
Of several kinds of microscopes,
Two major ones are light and electron
microscopes. They have different lenses and
sources of illumination and provide
complementary information at different levels of
resolution and magnification.
The ability to discriminate two points that are
close together is the resolving power of a
microscope. It is related to the light wavelength. Photograph of a bright-field light microscope
A conventional light microscope uses bright-field showing its mechanical components and the
illumination, with a resolving power of about pathway of light from the substage lamp to the
0.2μm. Study specimens absorb visible light; eye of the observer. The optical system has three
glass lenses focus and magnify specimens. sets of lenses:

Most cells absorb very little light, so staining is The condenser collects and focuses a cone of
needed to increase light absorption. light that illuminates the tissue slide on the stage.
Objective lenses enlarge and project the
illuminated image of the object toward the
LIGHT MICROSCOPY eyepiece. Interchangeable objectives with
different magnifications routinely used in histology
Brightfield Microscopy
include X4 for observing a large area (field) of the
Specimen is examined with ordinary light passing tissue at low magnification; X10 for medium
through the preparation. magnification of a smaller field; and X40 for high
magnification of more detailed areas.
The two eyepieces or oculars magnify this
image another X10 and project it to the viewer,
yielding a total magnification of X40, X100, or
Fluorescence Microscopy

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Tissues are stained with a fluorescent dye that Phase-contrast Microscopy
binds to specific component of the tissue and are
irradiated with UV light.
When certain cellular substances are irradiated
by light of a proper wavelength, they emit light
with a longer wavelength—a phenomenon called
fluorescence. In fluorescence microscopy,
tissue sections are usually irradiated with
ultraviolet (UV) light and the emission is in the
visible portion of the spectrum. The fluorescent
Uses a lens system that produces visible images
substances appear bright on a dark background.
from transparent objects and, importantly, can be
For fluorescent microscopy the instrument has a
used with living, cultured cell.
source of UV or other light and filters that select
rays of different wavelengths emitted by the
substances to be visualized.
Fluorescent compounds with affinity for specific
cell macromolecules may be used as fluorescent
stains. Acridine orange, which binds both DNA
and RNA, is an example. When observed in the
fluorescence microscope, these nucleic acids
emit slightly different fluorescence, allowing them
to be localized separately in cells. Other
compounds such as DAPI and Hoechst stain
Living neural crest cells growing in culture appear
specifically bind DNA and are used to stain cell
differently with various techniques of light
nuclei, emitting a characteristic blue fluorescence
microscopy. Here the same field of unstained
under UV. Another important application of
cells, including two differentiating pigment cells, is
fluorescence microscopy is achieved by coupling
shown using three different methods (all X200):
compounds such as fluorescein to molecules that
will specifically bind to certain cellular Bright-field microscopy: Without fixation and
components and thus allow the identification of staining, only the two pigment cells can be seen.
these structures under the microscope.
Antibodies labeled with fluorescent compounds Phase-contrast microscopy: Cell boundaries,
are extremely important in immunohistologic nuclei, and cytoplasmic structures with different
staining. refractive indices affect in-phase light differently
and produce an image of these features in all the
Components of cells are often stained with cells.
compounds visible by fluorescence microscopy.
(a) Acridine orange binds nucleic acids and Differential interference microscopy: Cellular
causes DNA in cell nuclei (N) to emit yellow light details are highlighted in a different manner using
and the RNA-rich cytoplasm (R) to appear orange Nomarski optics. Phase-contrast microscopy, with
in these cells of a kidney tubule. or without differential interference, is widely used
to observe live cells grown in tissue culture.
(b) Cultured cells stained with DAPI (4′,6-
diamino-2-phenylindole) that binds DNA and Confocal Microscopy
with fluorescein-phalloidin that binds actin
filaments show nuclei with blue fluorescence and
actin filaments stained green. Important
information such as the greater density of
microfilaments at the cell periphery is readily
apparent. (Both X500)

angat, m
uses a small point of high-intensity light (laser), Electron Microscope
and a plate with a pinhole aperture in front of the
• Electron microscopes exploits the
image detector to obtain better resolution and
interaction of tissue components with a
beam of electrons.
With a regular bright-field microscope, the beam
• Higher resolutions can be obtained in
of light is relatively large and fills the specimen.
electron microscopy, since electrons are
Stray (excess) light reduces contrast within the
far smaller than the wavelength of visible
image and compromises the resolving power of
the objective lens. Confocal microscopy avoids
these problems and achieves high resolution and Transmission and scanning electron microscopes
sharp focus by using (1) a small point of high- are based on the interaction of tissue components
intensity light, often from a laser, and (2) a plate with beams of electrons.The wavelength in an
with a pinhole aperture in front of the image electron beam is much shorter than that of light,
detector. The point light source, the focal point of allowing a 1000-fold increase in resolution.
the lens, and the detector’s pinpoint aperture are
all optically conjugated or aligned to each other in Electron microscopes are large instruments
the focal plane (confocal), and unfocused light generally housed in a specialized EM facility.
does not pass through the pinhole. This greatly (A) Schematic view of the major components of a
improves resolution of the object in focus and transmission electron microscope (TEM), which is
allows the localization of specimen components configured rather like an upside-down light
with much greater precision than with the bright- microscope. With the microscope column in a
field microscope. vacuum, a metallic (usually tungsten) filament
Confocal microscopes include a computer-driven (cathode) at the top emits electrons that travel to
mirror system (the beam splitter) to move the an anode with an accelerating voltage between
point of illumination across the specimen 60 and 120 kV. Electrons passing through a hole
automatically and rapidly. Digital images captured in the anode form a beam that is focused
at many individual spots in a very thin plane of electromagnetically by circular electric coils in a
focus are used to produce an “optical section” of manner analogous to the effect of optical lenses
that plane. Creating such optical sections at a on light.
series of focal planes through the specimen The first lens is a condenser focusing the beam
allows them to be digitally reconstructed into a 3D on the section. Some electrons interact with
image. atoms in the section, being absorbed or scattered
to different extents, while others are simply
transmitted through the specimen with no
interaction. Electrons reaching the objective lens
form an image that is then magnified and finally
projected on a fluorescent screen or a charge-
coupled device (CCD) monitor and camera.
In a TEM image areas of the specimen through
which electrons passed appear bright (electron
lucent), while denser areas or those that bind
heavy metal ions during specimen preparation
absorb or deflect electrons and appear darker
(electron dense). Such images are therefore
always black, white, and shades of gray.
(B) The scanning electron microscope (SEM) has
Merged stack of confocal images showing actin many similarities to a TEM. However, here the
filaments, stained with phalloidin, in an focused electron beam does not pass through the
osteosarcoma cell line (U2OS). The image has specimen, but rather is moved sequentially
been colour coded in the z-axis to show where (scanned) from point to point across its surface
different types of filaments are found. similar to the way an electron beam is scanned
across a television tube or screen. For SEM

angat, m
specimens are coated with metal atoms with One such distortion is minor shrinkage of cells or
which the electron beam interacts, producing tissue regions produced by the fixative, by the
reflected electrons and newly emitted secondary ethanol, or by the heat needed for paraffin
electrons. All of these are captured by a detector embedding. Shrinkage can create artificial spaces
and transmitted to amplifiers and processed to between cells and other tissue components. Such
produce a black-and-white image on the monitor. spaces can also result from the loss of lipids or
The SEM shows only surface views of the coated low-molecular-weight substances not preserved
specimen but with a striking 3D, shadowed by the fixative or removed by the dehydrating and
quality. The inside of organs or cells can be clearing fluids. Slight cracks in sections may also
analyzed after sectioning to expose their internal appear as large spaces in the tissue.
Other artifacts may include small wrinkles in the
Care of the Microscope section (which the novice may confuse with linear
structures in tissue) and precipitates from the
1. Carry microscope with two hands,
stain (which may be confused with cellular
supporting the base with one hand.
structures such as cytoplasmic granules).
2. Always hold the microscope in a vertical Students must be aware of the existence of
position. artifacts and able to recognize them.

3. Clean optical surfaces only with a good Another difficulty in the study of histologic
quality lens tissue and commercial lens sections is the impossibility of differentially
cleaner. staining all tissue components on one slide. A
single stain can seldom demonstrate well nuclei,
4. Do not use the 10× and 40× objectives mitochondria, lysosomes, basement membranes,
with oil. elastic fibers, etc. With the light microscope, it is
5. Clean the oil immersion lens after use. necessary to examine preparations stained by
different methods before an idea of the whole
6. Always remove slides with the low-power composition and structure of a cell or tissue can
objective raised. be obtained. The TEM allows the observation of
cells with all its internal structures and
7. Store the microscope with the low-power
surrounding ECM components, but only a few
objective in position and the stage
cells in a tissue can be conveniently studied in
these very small samples.
Notes When Interpreting Structures of Tissue
Finally, when a structure’s three-dimensional
volume is cut into very thin sections, the sections
• Tissue preparations may produce artifacts. appear microscopically to have only two
dimensions: length and width. When examining a
• A single stain seldom demonstrate well section under the microscope, the viewer must
various cellular organelles. always keep in mind that components are missing
• Three-dimensional structure of an organ in front of and behind what is being seen because
cannot be demonstrated in a 2D section. many tissue structures are thicker than the
section. Round structures seen microscopically
INTERPRETATION OF STRUCTURES IN may actually be portions of spheres or tubes.
TISSUE SECTIONS Because structures in a tissue have different
orientations, their two-dimensional (2D)
In studying and interpreting stained tissue
appearance will also vary depending on the plane
sections, it is important to remember that
of section. A single convoluted tube will appear in
microscopic preparations are the end result of a
a tissue section as many separate rounded or
series of processes that began with collecting the
oval structures.
tissue and ended with mounting a coverslip on
the slide. Certain steps in this procedure may
distort the tissues slightly, producing minor
structural abnormalities called artifacts not
present in the living tissue.

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EPITHELIAL TISSUE ▪ Meaning, they are not supplied by blood
HumHisto Lec Module 2 vessels.
 Epithelial cells are polarized.
Outline: ▪ One side faces the basement membrane
I. Introduction (4 Basic Tissue Types) and underlying supporting tissues and the
II. Characteristics of Epithelial Tissue other side faces outwards.
III. Types of Epithelia
BASAL SURFACE/ Faces the basement
I. FOUR TYPES OF TISSUES BASAL POLE membrane and underlying
1. Epithelial Tissue/ Epithelium tissue.
2. Nervous Tissue APICAL SURFACE/ Faces outwards.
3. Muscle Tissue APICAL POLE
4. Connective Tissue
 Epithelial cells are derived from three germ
 It is composed of closely aggregated
polyhedral cells that adheres strongly to one
another and to a thin layer of extracellular • Arises epidermis of skin,
ECTODERM epithelium of corner, and lining
of oral and anal canals, and
 It functions on lining of body cavities and neural crest derivatives.
glandular secretion that is why we have two • Arises lining epithelium of
types of epithelial tissue: kidneys, male and female
a) Lining Epithelium reproductive tracts, and lining
b) Glandular Epithelium of body cavities and urogenital
 Main focus for this module. MESODERM system.
• Another thing to take note:
2. NERVOUS TISSUE the connective tissues such as
 Characterized by very small amount of the bones, cartilages, and
extracellular matrix and comprises of cells with muscles also arises from here.
long, fine processes that are specialize to • Lining of gastrointestinal tracts
receive, generate, and transmit nerve impulses. ENDODERM and epithelium of GIT arises


There are several functions of epithelial tissue mainly it
 Characterized by moderate amount of
serves its purpose in:
extracellular matrix and is composed of
elongated cells that specialize for contractions
and body movements.
 It protects underlying tissues from abrasion and
 Characterized by cells that produce very
 Functions in the absorption of materials from the
abundant extracellular matrix and functions to
lumen such as that in the small intestine.
support and protect tissues and organs.
 Various epithelial glands secrete enzymes
 The cells of epithelial tissue are compactly
hormones and mucus.
arranged in 1 or more layers.
 They are supported by a Basement Membrane.
▪ Basement Membrane: It separates
 The basement membrane is a non-cellular
epithelia from underlying supporting tissues
region that separates the epithelium from the
and are never penetrated by blood vessels.
connective tissue.
It acts as a border, that’s why the epithelial
cells are:  It is a thin extracellular sheet of
 Avascular.
▪ Vascular: means blood vessels; A—:
meaning none or no.

@aweglay | BSMT 2-A

▪ On the picture, the highlighted area or the • It contains type III collagen and
one in yellow, acts like a border that is bound to basal lamina by type
separates the two tissues. VII collagen.

 Surface epithelia are classified according to
three morphological characteristics:

a) Number of cell layers

b) Shape of the component cells

c) Presence of surface specializations


 It also serves as a semi-permeable filter for
In some books, the classification of surface epithelium
substances that reach epithelial cells from
is subdivided into four subtypes:
 It has two parts: Simple:
− There is only one layer of cells.

Stratified or Complex:
− There is only more than one layer of cells.



However, in most of the histology books, there are

only two types: Simple and Stratified. Stratified is
under simple (???) and transitional is under stratified


• The one nearest the epithelial Dito rin mago-originate yung name of the type of
cells tissue.
• It is it is a mesh work of type IV
BASAL collagen and laminin. SQUAMOUS
LAMINA o LAMININ are large − Cells appear to
glycoproteins that attach to be flat.
integrins at the basal surface
of cells. CUBOIDAL
• It is a more diffuse and fibrous − Cells appear to
RETICULAR layer. be cube-like.
LAMINA • It contains type III collagen and is
bound to basal lamina by type VII COLUMNAR
collagen. − Cells appear to
be taller than its
Epithelial tissue is present in two forms:
• It is present as SHEETS of
COVERING/ continuous cells that cover the
SURFACE/ body on the external surface and
LINING line the body on the internal
• Present as GLANDS that
GRANDULAR originate from invaginated cells.

@aweglay | BSMT 2-A

• Proximal Kidney:
Convoluted transport,
tubules absorption,
(kidney) secretion
• Thyroid
CUBOIDAL follicles
• Exocrine
(salivary and
• Lining
epithelium of
COLUMNAR • Male and
• Lining of • Protection
trachea • Secretion
• Bronchi • Cilia
• Nasal Cavity mediated
PSEUDO- CUBOIDAL transport of
STRATIFIED particles
trapped in
1) Simple Squamous — It is a one cell layer mucus out
with flat epithelial cells. of the air
2) Simple Cuboidal — It is a single layer of passages
cuboidal cells or cube-like cells.
3) Simple columnar — Tall cells in one single A) SIMPLE SQUAMOUS EPITHELIUM
layer.  It is characterized by single layer of tightly
4) Stratified Squamous — multiple layer of packed flat cells polygonal cells that form a
cells with flat cells continuous sheet
5) Stratified Cuboidal
 They are also called “Pavement Epithelium”
6) Stratified Columnar
 They line surfaces involved in passive
transport of either gases or fluids.
▪ That is why they can be found in the
As mentioned, the classification of lining epithelia in pulmonary alveoli and also at the loop of
other books is composed of 4 subtypes: Simple, Henle.
Stratified, Pseudostratified, and Transitional — but for • Simple squamous epithelial tissue also forms the
this module, we’ll be following the 2 major classification parietal layer of bowman’s capsule in the kidney.
of lining epithelia: Simple and Stratified or Complex. • It also forms the endothelial lining of blood
vessels and lymph vessels and forms the lining of
1. SURFACE/LINING EPITHELIUM the pleura and peritoneal cavities.
Simple squamous
Simple cuboidal
Simple columnar
Simple columnar ciliated
Pseudostratified columnar ciliated


• Serous lining Well –

cavities exchange,
(pericardium, lubrication  It includes single layer of cells shaped like
pleura, and cubes or truncated hexagons.
 They are the intermediate form between
SQUAMOUS • Lining of blood purposes
vessels simple squamous and simple columnar
(ONE • Parietal layer epithelium.
LAYER) of Bowman
 Each cell has a centrally placed round
(kidney) nucleus.
• Pulmonary  Simple cuboidal epithelial lines excretory and
alveoli (Lungs)
secretory ducts and tubules.
• Ovary Protection  It also lines ducts and tubules with absorptive
(surface) functions.

@aweglay | BSMT 2-A

▪ Example of this can be found in the:
collecting docks of the kidney, proximal
convoluted tubules, small excretory
ducts of the pancreas, and salivary
▪ Other examples are the thyroid follicles
and the surface of the ovary.

Basement Membrane

A picture of simple columnar epithelium. We have here

the basement membrane (see photo) and we have here
a single layer of cells. You may notice that they are
rectangular in shape or they are taller than white.

This is an example of simple cuboidal epithelium. This is

a picture of Proximal Convoluted Tubules. You will
notice that the lining of the ducts are a single layer of
cube cells there are some surrounding flat cells which
are the Squamous Cells of the Parietal Surface.

But when asked what is the lining epithelium of proximal

convoluted tubules — the answer is Simple Cuboidal
 It is characterized by layers of cells with nuclei
at different levels — not all cells reach
C) SIMPLE COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM surface but all adhere to basal lamina.
 It is characterized by a single layer of cells that  The term “pseudostratified” is derived from the
are taller than wide — they are rectangular appearance of this epithelium in the section
cells.  Remember “pseudo” means almost or
 They have elongated nucleus in each cell and approaching — pseudostratified conveys the
may be found near the base at the center or erroneous impression that there is more than
near the apex. one layer of cells, when in fact this is a true
 Simple columnar epithelium is found on simple epithelium since all the cells rest on the
absorptive surfaces such as the small intestine basement membrane.
 They may constitute the circulatory surfaces  The most common type of pseudostratified
such as in the stomach. columnar epithelia has Cilia, which are motor
 They are also found in the gallbladder and hair like projections on the apical surface.
large blocks of glands.  They are almost exclusively confined in the
 They may exhibit a striated border or respiratory tract and hence is referred to as
microvilli. “Respiratory Epithelium”
▪ Microvilli are narrow finger-like cytoplasmic  Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium is
processes that project from the apical layer found in the trachea, primary bronchi,
of the cells. auditory tube, part of the tympanic and nasal
▪ They may have cilia or hair-like structures cavities, and lacrimal sac.
projecting from the apical surface of cells
into the lumen.

@aweglay | BSMT 2-A

 Its cells form many layers with the less
differentiated cuboidal cells near the
basement membrane that become irregular in
shape and flatten as they move progressively
as toward the skin surface accumulating keratin
through the process of Keratinization.
▪ Keratinization is the process wherein cells
are filled with keratin.
▪ When you hear the word “in” — it is a
protein; so, Keratin is a protein that
strengthens and serves to waterproof the
Pseudostratified Ciliated Columnar Epithelium  In this Keratinization, the cells lose their
nuclei and organelles and so they become thin
You will notice here that the layers of cells with nuclei in active packets of keratin also known as
are at different levels. Not all cells reach the surface Squames.
but all adhere at the basal lamina — that is the ▪ What is the function of squames? It
characteristic of pseudostratified epithelia. functions in the protection against abrasion,
desiccation, and helps in the prevention of
Then, it is ciliated look at the apical surface and you dehydration or water loss.
will notice hair-like projections — they function to move  Keratinized cells are regularly sloughed off
microbes and debris up and out of the airways. This is a and replaced by new cells from basal layer.
section of a primary bronchus of the human lung


Keratinized stratified squamous
Non-keratinized stratified squamous
Stratified cuboidal

SQUAMOUS • Epidermis Protection

water loss
• Mouth Protection
CUBOIDAL • Esophagus Kidney:
NON- • Larynx transport,
KERATINIZED • Vagina absorption,
• Anal Canal secretion
• Sweat Protection
glands Secretion
STRATIFIED CUBOIDAL • Developing This is a picture of the epidermis.
Above is the keratin layer. You will notice here the
LAYERS) stratification or the multiple layers of cells. You will notice
• Bladder Protection
• Ureters Distensibility that at the base, medyo undifferentiated pa or di pa siya
TRANSITIONAL • Renal ganon ka-flat. But, as they move toward the apical
surface, mas nagiging flat siya.
COLUMNAR • Conjunctiva Protection
 Here the flattened cells of the surface layer
acquire less keratin and retain their nuclei but
still provide protection and able to withstand the
A) STRATIFIED SQUAMOUS KERATINIZED wear and tear of the surfaces of the mouth,
 It is characterized to be tough and resilient esophagus, vagina, and oral cavity.
multi-layered epithelium.  Now, when we say Squamous Keratinized,
 This is the one packed with keratin filaments more on dry surfaces or for example the
and is found mainly at the epidermis of the skin epidermis of the skin.
▪ Remember that Epidermis, it is keratinized.

@aweglay | BSMT 2-A

 But when we say Squamous Non-Keratinized, D) STRATIFIED COLUMNAR EPITHELIUM
more on wet surfaces such as the mouth,
esophagus, vagina, and oral cavity.
 The stratified squamous non-keratinized, its
multi-layered cellular composition protect the
surfaces of these organs.
 Secretions from closely associated glands
lubricates the surface of the epithelium.
 Again, when we say Squamous Keratinized —
dry epidermis of the skin; Squamous Non-
Keratinized — more on wet.

Stratified Columnar
This can be found at the conjunctiva of the eye.


 The stratified transitional epithelium can be
found at the bladder, ureters and the renal
 Transitional epithelium is also known or also
Non-keratinized — you will not see here the keratin called as “urothelium”
layer, the wavy projection at the apical surface. Then, ▪ This is because the transitional epithelium is
stratified, you will see a multiple layer of cells and you commonly or is unique to the urinary tract,
will see squamous cells. it lines the urinary bladder, renal calyces,
ureters and a portion of the urethra.
 Another unique characteristic of the transitional
C) STRATIFIED CUBOIDAL EPITHELIUM epithelium is the presence of umbrella cells.
▪ Umbrella cells are large dome-like cells at
the superficial layer.
 Transitional epithelium is also unique in a way
that it is able to adopt changes in shape or for
example during distension
▪ For example, when the urinary bladder is
empty, the lining epithelium is characterized
to be a tall epithelia with 5 to 7 layers;
▪ But when the urinary bladder distends, this
tall or 5 to 7 layers of epithelia will be
downgraded or will be will shorten into 2 to 3
layers of thin epithelia.
▪ So, the function of this again, is for
distensibility and for protection against
hypertonic and cytotoxic effects of urine.
Stratified Cuboidal
This can be found under sweat glands or developing
ovarian follicles.

@aweglay | BSMT 2-A


• When we say merocrine eccrine

glands, the cells remain intact.
• They release secretion by
• On the picture, the merocrine
glands have no loss of any part
of cell.
• Secretion usually contain protein
and most exocrine glands are
This is a picture of a transitional epithelium in the
• Examples of merocrine glands are
urinary tract.
salivary glands and sweat

 They function to produce a secretion.
 Glands are specialized organs that consists of
epithelial cells that produce and secrete different
▪ They develop from lining or covering
epithelia in the fetus by self-proliferation and
growth in to the connective tissue.
▪ It then differentiation undergoes to become
either exocrine and endocrine glands.

• Exocrine glands remain • When we say apocrine,

EXOCRINE connected with surface epithelium remember the word apoptosis —
GLANDS • They still have tubular ducts that it is cell destruction.
deliver secreted material. • When we say apocrine, part of
cell is destroyed and discharged
• Lose connection to original with secretion.
epithelium; they lack ducts. • Examples of these are sweat
• Secretory Products or glands in axilla and
ENDOCRINE Hormones are directly delivered circumgenital area.
GLANDS into the bloodstream through • Apocrine is described as having a
adjacent capillaries foul odor.



• Unicellular, meaning single
secreting cell.
• One cell: goblet cell (clear
• They secrete mucus.
• Secretion is produced via
• There are multiple secreting
destruction of entire cells.
MULTICELLULAR • An example of is • The difference between holocrine
HOLOCRINE and apocrine is that in Apocrine
Submandibular Gland.
Glands, apical part of cell is
released with secretory product —
so it's just a part of the gland

@aweglay | BSMT 2-A

• But in Holocrine Glands, there is SIMPLE TUBULAR
a destruction of entire cells;  They are elongated
remnants of cells discharge secretory portion and
together with secretions. duct is usually short or
• An example of this are absent.
sebaceous glands.  Examples: mucous
glands of colon; intestinal
glands or crypts (of

• It is characterized to be watery
SEROUS • Examples are sweat glands and BRANCHED TUBULAR
GLAND parotid glands
 Several long secretory
parts joining to drain into 1
• Mucus is characterized as viscous
MUCUS and thick
GLANDS • Example is the sebaceous gland  Examples: glands in the
uterus and stomach.
• It secretes both watery and
MIXED viscous — just like the sublingual
GLAND and submandibular glands

• Are glands that secrete cells just COILED TUBULAR
CYTOGENIC like the ovary.  Secretory portion is very long
GLANDS and coiled.
 Examples: sweat glands.


• Simple tubular
• Simple coiled tubular
• Simple branched tubular ACINAR (OR ALVEOLAR)
SIMPLE • Simple branched alv(acinar)  Rounded and sac-like
One branch • Simple acinar – not present secretary portion.
eolarin man  Examples: small mucous
glands along the urethra.
COMPOUND • Compound tubular
More than • Compound acinar
one branch • Compound tubulo-acinar

 Multiple sac-like secretory parts entering the
same duct.
 Examples: sebaceous glands of the skin.


Tubular: they are tubular in shape

Acinar: Sac-like

@aweglay | BSMT 2-A

 Several elongated coiled secretory units and
their ducts converge to form larger ducts.
 Examples: submucosal mucous glands (of
Brunner) in the duodenum.

 Several sac-like secretory units with small ducts
converge at a larger duct.
 Examples: exocrine pancreas

 Ducts of both tubular and acinar secretory units
converge at larger ducts.
 Examples: salivary glands

@aweglay | BSMT 2-A


CONNECTIVE TISSUE It consists of different types of cells and the

extracellular matrix. The matrix consists of ground
substance and fibers.
● First component of the matrix
● Consists primarily of amorphous,
The diagram illustrates the classification of connective
transparent, and colorless
It is subdivided into two types: extracellular matrix.
● Connective tissue proper ● Semifluid gel and high water content/
● Connective tissue specialized highly hydrated
Under connective tissue proper you have loose and ● Supports and surrounds all the
● Loose: areolar, reticular, adipose
connective tissue cells and fibers. (fills
● Dense: regular, irregular, elastic the spaces between cells and fibers)
Under connective tissue specialized, you have bone, ● Diffusion of small molecules and acts
blood, and cartilage as lubricant and barrier
● Bone: spongy, compact ● Its viscous consistency provides protection
● Cartilage: elastic, fibrocartilage, hyaline against invading microorganisms.
● Blood: RBCs, WBCs, Platelets ● It contains different types of mixed
CONNECTIVE TISSUE polysaccharides:
● Originates from the mesenchymal cells
● Origin: Mesoderm (except for some parts of
the head which is ectoderm derived) (GAGs)– HYALURONIC ACID
● 3 germ layers: ECTODERTM [Epidermis], ○ PROTEOGLYCANS
MESODERM [Inner lining of body cavities], ○ ADHESIVE
ENDODERM [Lining of GI tract]
Hyaluronic acid: is the largest and the most ubiquitous?
●Highly vascular except for cartilage Glycosaminoglycans
●Good nerve supply except for FIBERS – Fibroblast
cartilage The amount and arrangement of these fibers depend
● Primarily consists of cells and on the functions of the tissues and organs in which they
extracellular materials (matrix) except are found.

for Blood and lymph They also primarily provide strength to the connective
● Extracellular matrix - consists of tissue and allows it to be resistant to stretching and
tissue fluid, ground substances and deformation.
fibers 3 TYPES
● Provides support for different cells, 2. ELASTIC
tissues and organs of the body. 3. RETICULAR
● Allows exchange of nutrients, oxygen, Collagen and Reticular are closely related since they
are both formed by proteins of the collagen family
and metabolic waste - gel-like
medium of the ground substance. Fibers are produced by the fibroblast in the connective
● Provide defense and protection tissue proper
against bacterial invasion. In connective COLLAGEN FIBERS
tissue, there are different type of immune cells Collagen: most abundant protein
that fight off these invaders ● Found in almost all the connective
COMPOSITION tissues of all organs
● Most abundant fiber in the
● Tough, thick, fibrous protein
that do not branch

● There are primarily 28 types of RETICULAR FIBERS

collagen in the body ● Type III collagen – thin
● Most frequently recognized in
histological slides:
● Form delicate netlike support
○ TYPE 1 – most framework
common, very strong ● Liver, lymph nodes, spleen
and offer great and hematopoietic organs/
tissue where blood and lymph are
resistance to tensile
strength; found in the ● Capillaries, nerves and muscle
dermis of the skin, tendons
ligaments, fibrocartilage,
bones, and the capsules of
○ TYPE 2 – provides
resistance to pressure;
found in hyaline and elastic
○ TYPE 3 – thin
branching reticular
fibers that form the
supporting network in
some organs; found in
lymph nodes, spleen, and The mechanical and physical properties of the
bone marrow connective tissue primarily depend on the mixture of
the fibers in the extracellular matrix into which particular
○ TYPE 4 – meshwork
is dominant.
in the basal lamina of
the basement For example, if the connective tissue is dominated by
membrane to which the elastic fibers, that tissue will have a characteristic of
basal regions of the cells being flexible, probably that function of tissue requires
attached with the ability to recoil.
Another example, if a connective tissue is dominated
by collagen fibers, that will provide great resistance to
● Less tensile strength than pressure, tensile strength, pulling and tearing, so you
collagen fibers might find those tissues in the body wherein they
● Thin, small, branching fibers, require that such strength and support. Example,
consists of microfibrils and tendons and ligaments.
protein ELASTIN.
Thick: collagen fiber, does not branch
● Capable of stretching and
thin : elastic fiber, branching
recoiling to their original length. CELLS
● Abundant in the lungs, bladder There are plenty connective tissue cells and each
wall, skin, walls of aorta and serves a particular function:
pulmonary trunk. FIBROBLASTS
● Active cells
The amount and arrangement of these fibers depend ● Most common cell types
on the functions of the tissues and organs in which they
are found.
● Synthesize protein fibers and
extracellular matrix
For example: it is just right that the lung is dominant FIBROCYTES
with elastic fibers, the bladder wall has many elastic ● Mature form of fibroblast
fibers. Lungs expand during inhalation and exhalation.
● Inactive or resting fibroblasts
Bladder when filled with fluid, it expands. Aorta pumps,
constricts, and dilates. MAST CELLS
● Associated with blood vessels

● Widely distributed in Skin, digestive ● Cytoplasmic storage of lipids (stores

and respiratory organs lipid in cytoplasm)
● Localized release of many bioactive ● Production of heat
substances – local inflammatory
All in all, now that their compositions are known, you
can now classify them now according to their type
● Play an important role in the local
depending on the:
inflammatory response. They release many
bioactive substance such as heparin, Amount, type, arrangement and abundance
histamine, and serine proteases of cells, fibers, and ground substance.
● Lymphocyte –derived
● Originated from B lymphocytes particularly and
give rise to Antibody / immunoglobulins–
producing cells
● Widely distributed
● Loose connective tissue, lymphatic
Under connective tissue proper, you have loose and
tissue of the respiratory and digestive dense tissue that refers to the amount of collagen
tract present.
● AKA. WBC (white blood cells) Loose connective tissue is more prevalent in the body
compared to the dense connective tissue. It is
● Main function: Defend the organism described by a loose irregular arrangement of protein
against bacterial invasion or foreign fibers and plenty of ground substance.
In order to do this function, they have to migrate from Dense connective tissue contains thicker and densely
the circulation to the connective tissue and until? The packed collagen fibers with fewer cells and less ground
site of the infection substance.
● Lifespan: Few hours or days
After completion their task, they will undergo apoptosis LOOSE CONNECTIVE TISSUES
● AKA. HISTIOCYTES General Organization
● Histiocytes: phagocytic cells that ingest foreign ● Cells, fibers and ground substance –
substances or dead cells present at equal parts
● Derived from Monocytes ● Collagen fibers – predominates this
● They are called by different names depending
on where they are situated
● Other fibers also exist
● Phagocytic cells
● Fibroblasts - most abundant cells
● Second most numerous in loose
● Areolar connective tissue has a delicate
connective tissue
consistency and are Flexible
but not very
resistant to stress
1. Dust cells: If the macrophage is found in Function
the alveoli of the lungs
● Main function: Supports immune defense
2. Kupffer cells: if the macrophage is found
in the sinusoids of the liver
cells, microvasculature and nerves
3. Langerhans cells: if the macrophages Example
found in the epidermis of the skin ● Lamina propria beneath epithelial
4. Microglia: if the macrophage is found on a lining of digestive tract and even on the
tissue of the brain basement membrane
5. Monocytes: in circulating blood
6. Osteoclasts: if found in the bone


They differ based on location, structure, color, and
● More common type
● Widely distributed in the body compared to
brown adipose
● Generally function for Fat storage
● Triglycerides is the lipid stored
Equal parts of fibers, ground substance, and cells ● Insulation by forming fat pads around
different organs
RETICULAR TISSUE ● Unilocular which means that they contain
General Organization one large cytoplasmic droplet of whitish yellow
● Type III collagen (RETICULIN) fat

● Reticular cells BROWN ADIPOSE

● This reticulin is produced by fibroblasts called ● Limited distribution
reticular cells ● Cells – smaller
Function ● Multilocular (Store lipids in multiple small
● Provides a framework for cells in droplets)
hematopoietic tissue and some ● Supply heat through non-shivering
lymphoid organs. thermogenesis
Example ● Very abundant mitochondria
● Bone marrow
● Liver
● Pancreas
● Adrenal glands
● ALL lymphoid organs except thymus


Less ground substance compared to loose connective
General Organization
● Type I collagen fibers
● Arranged in Parallel that provides great
● Densely packed
ADIPOSE TISSUE ● Found in the body where great tensile strength
● Body weight of a man is approximately 15% is required
to 20% adipose tissue Function
● Unfortunately, it does a little bit more among ● Provide strong connections within the
women skeletal system.
● Fat storage ● Strong resistance to force.
● Fills spaces between other tissues
helping them to keep some organs in place
● Cushion regions subject to repeated
● Ligaments
mechanical stress such as palms, heels,
● Tendons
and toe pads


Tendons and ligaments are attached to the bones so TISSUE
they are always subjected to strong pulling forces. They Blood tissue is quite unique because the cells are
are packed with collagen fibers. suspended in a circulating fluid
● Circulating fluid
● Formed elements
○ Platelets
● Plasma
The formed elements are suspended in a liquid medium
called plasma


General Organization
● Type I collagen fibers
● No definite orientation – resistance to
stress from all direction
● Fibers are oriented randomly
Function ❏ Plasma (55%)
● Protects and supports organs ❏ White Blood Cells and Platelets (4%)
● Resists tearing ❏ Red Blood Cells (41%)
● Dermis of skin ● Transport gases, nutrients, waste
● Organ capsules products, hormones, antibodies,
● Submucosa layer of digestive tract various chemicals, ions and other
substances to and from different cells,
tissues and organs
Since the blood cells have limited lifespan, they have to
be continuously replaced in a process called

Hematopoiesis is the process of blood cell production

that occurs in different sites of the body depending on
the stage of development of the individual.

● Yolk sac: hematopoiesis occurs here during

embryonic stage
● Red marrow: after birth it continues in the
red marrow of different bones

possible because of the protein

● Lifespan: 120 days

It decreases in size as it matures and finally it is

extruded kaya siya matured non nucleated

If you see a nucleated RBC in the peripheral smear,

that is abnormal. Immature red blood cells should not
be in the circulation.

This is a schematic diagram illustrating the causes of

blood cell production.

The formed elements originate from a common stem

STEM CELL. This stem cell produces two major cell
lines: the COMMON MYELOID PROGENITOR and the Microscopic image of red blood cells. They are
COMMON LYMPHOID PROGENITOR. anucleated, they have biconcave shape and they are
From the COMMON MYELOID PROGENITOR, arises the most numerous blood cells
the erythrocytes, basophils, neutrophils, eosinophils WHITE BLOOD CELLS/ LEUKOCYTES
and monocytes and thrombocytes. ● Nucleated
● Divided into Granulocytes and
also develop into bone marrow, some of the lymphoid
cells stays in the bone marrow, some they migrate in ● Main function: Defend the body
the spleen, lymph node, and thymus against invading foreign
microorganisms or material
Remember: before reaching maturation, all cell
● In order to perform this function, WBC
lineages undergo cell division. This process continues
in order to replace worn out cells.
migrate out of the blood vessel and go
into the site of infection and then they fight off
these invading microorganisms
● Circulates in the blood vessels for 10 hours
● WBC divided into two based on the presence
● Migrate into the connective tissue and stays
of granules
there for 2 to 3 days

Granulocytes: Neutrophils,
● Phagocytes/ they are phagocytic cells
Eosinophils, and Basophils
which means that they engulf foreign
○ Agranulocytes: Lymphocytes microorganisms and then kills them
and Monocytes ● They are attracted to the site of infection
● PLATELETS because of the Chemotactic factors that
RED BLOOD CELL/ guides the neutrophils to go to the site of
● Once they reached the site of infection, they
● Most numerous will kill the invading microorganisms using the
blood cells Lysosomal enzymes found in their
● The mature RBCs granules
are said to be
non nucleated
● Main function:
Transport oxygen
and carbon
dioxide that is made

This is an example of basophil. It contains blood??

Purple or blue granules that contains histamine and
● Life span variability from days to months
● Size variability (there are small and large
● Play an important role in Immunologic
● B lymphocytes – plasma cells =
Here is a picture of the neutrophil. It is bigger than red
blood cells, nucleated, and contains multiple lobe. This ANTIBODIES
is granulated, the granules of neutrophils are not as For example:
visible, especially under a light microscope. B lymphocyte is a type of lymphocyte. It can develop
GRANULOCYTES – EOSINOPHIL into a plasma cell and this plasma cell produces
antibodies that are specific to counteract certain
● 10 hours antigens
● Stays longer in a connective tissue than
neutrophils for about 10 days
● Phagocytes / phagocytic cells
● Allergic responses
● Parasitic infection
They primary respond during allergic episodes and
parasitic infection
Here is a photo of a lymphocyte. The nucleus almost
occupies the entire cytoplasm
● They can live in the circulation for 2 to 3
● Stay in the connective tissue for few months
● Precursor of mononuclear phagocyte
● After entering the connective tissue, they
become phagocytic cells/ Phagocytes

This is an example of eosinophil. The granules are ● Tissue macrophages

prominent compared to that of neutrophils At the site of infection, they differentiate into
macrophages and destroy the invading agents
Their function is closely similar to that of mast cells
● Histamine
● Heparin
● Inflammatory responses
When basophils are exposed to allergens, they release
their granules containing histamine and heparine

● Technically, they are NOT blood cells
● Membrane-bound cytoplasmic
fragments of MEGAKARYOCYTES.
They are cytoplasmic remnants of large cells called
megakaryocytes which is the largest cell in the bone

● Special form of supporting connective
tissue– rises from the mesenchymal cells
The first picture is the hematopoietic stem cell, 2nd is ● Composed of extracellular matrix
the immature megakaryoblast, 3rd is the mature
(ECM) and cells
megakaryocyte, 4th: the platelets are formed when
small portions of the cytoplasms separates from the
periphery of the megakaryocyte and then they are The only difference is that the extracellular matrix of the
released into the bloodstream or in the circulation. cartilage contains:
○ High concentration of GAGs
and proteoglycans thus making
them suitable to their protective roles
within the adult’s skeleton
○ Most dominant cells:
Chondrocytes and
○ Lacunae
Chondrocytes are located within the lacunae and
they synthesize and maintains all the components
of ECM
● NO BLOOD SUPPLY – diffusion
In order to maintain the integrity of chondrocytes, the
nutrients are delivered to them by diffusion. They do not
● Promote blood clotting have blood supply, they exhibit low metabolic activity
● Repair minor tears in the blood vessel that lengthens the repair of cartilage whenever there
wall are injuries.
Like the RBCs, platelets perform their function inside ● NO NERVE SUPPLY
the blood vessels. They monitor the integrity of the FUNCTION
blood vessel wall and then detect any damage. If there
● Provides firm structural support for
is any damage, they control the bleeding by promoting
blood clotting by adhering the damaged site.
soft tissues.
● Allow flexibility without distortion and
As shown in the illustration, the first picture shows that is resilient to compression because of
the blood vessel wall has an injury, the injury calls for the high water content of the cartilage
the platelet and the platelet will promote blood clotting ● Because of their lubricated surface, they
and the clot will be stabilized by a protein called Fibrin.
facilitate bone movement.
● Guides development and growth of
long bones both before and after birth

The proportion of protein fibers in the matrix

characterizes the cartilage into:
● Hyaline
● Elastic
● Fibrocartilage
● Special part of some cartilage
● Peripheral layer of vascularized,
dense, irregular connective tissue.
● Only found in Hyaline and elastic

● External ear
● External acoustic meatus
● Auditory tube
● Epiglottis
● Other laryngeal cartilages

● Most common of all the three types
● Temporary skeleton during embryonic
stage but eventually, this is your place by
bone in a process called endochondral
● GLASS LIKE/TRANSLUSCENT Mas madaming yung elastic fibers
● Provides smooth, low friction FIBROCARTILAGE
surfaces in joints. GENERAL ORGANIZATION
● Provides structural support for the ● Remember: No perichondrium
respiratory tract. FUNCTION
EXAMPLE ● Provides cushioning, tensile strength,
● Articular ends and resistance to tearing and
● Epiphyseal plate of long bones compression
● Fetal skeleton EXAMPLE
● Many components of upper ● Intervertebral discs
respiratory tract ● Pubic symphysis
● Meniscus
● Insertion of tendons

● Abundant network of elastic fibers –
distributed unevenly
● More flexible
Almost similar to the hyaline cartilage except for the
abundance of elastic fibers which are distributed
unevenly. This network of elastic fibers renders the
elastic more flexible.
● Provides flexible shape and support of
soft tissues

● Reservoirs for calcium and phosphate.

● About 99% of the calcium in the body is
stored in the bones
There are basically four types of bone cells:
● Osteoprogenitor cells
● Osteoblasts
● Osteocytes
● Osteoclasts
Osteoprogenitor Cells
● Derived from the connective tissue
● They are undifferentiated Pluripotential
stem cells
● Found in Periosteum and in the single
layer of the internal endosteum
Periosteum and endosteum provides nutrition for the
● Bone development – proliferate –
During bone development, the osteoprogenitor cells
proliferate via mitosis and differentiate into cells that we
call osteoblast
This illustration shows the different location of cartilages.
Blue: hyaline cartilage ● Surfaces of the bone
Red: fibrocartilage ● Derived from Osteoprogenitor cells
Purple: elastic cartilage ● Osteoid – organic components of the
The ear is flexible but provides support; it has elastic
new bone matrix
Their primary function is to synthesize, secrete, and
deposit osteoid
Usually in the laboratory, the sample is from the trachea Osteocyte
if you want to see the hyaline cartilage ● Mature form of osteoblast
● Principal cells of the bone
Fibrocartilage can be found in the intervertebral discs ● Situated in a cave-like structure called
and pubic symphysis
Lacunae (1 Lacunae:1 Osteocyte)
● Since the bone matrix is highly calcified, you
OSSEOUS TISSUE cannot expect nutrients to diffuse within the
OSSEOUS TISSUE matrix just like with cartilage, that’s why they
OSTEO: Greek – osteon = bone are Highly vascular
A specialized type of connective tissue. ● Also contain tiny channels called Canaliculi
● Consists Cells, fibers, and ECM that serves as their nutrition system
● Its matrix is Calcified – hard and rigid The canaliculi together with the vascularization keeps
● That enables it to bear more weight compared or maintains osteocytes alive. Therefore the osteocytes
to other connective tissue types maintain the bone matrix and the blood concentration of
calcium and phosphate
● Like the chondrocytes, the osteocytes are
● Protect some of the organs. trapped in the matrix formed by the osteoblast
○ Skull- Brain
○ Thorax- Heart and Lungs In bone tissue, one osteocyte per lacunae
○ Pelvic - Reproductive Organs
● Provide attachment sites for muscles
and organs.
● Site of blood production (Red Bone

Osteoclast Endochondral
When an osteocyte dies, they are reabsorbed by the ● “Within the cartilage”
cells called osteoclast ● Takes place within the Hyaline cartilage
● Originated from the Mononuclear ● Forms most of the bones
macrophage-monocyte cell line Hyaline cartilage serves as the skeleton during
● Primarily function is Bone resorption during embryonic stage and gradually it will be replaced by
bone remodeling bone is called endochondral ossification
● Found in tiny depressions called Howship Intramembranous
lacunae ● The bones of the skull are produced
BONE MATRIX through this form of ossification
● Calcified or Mineralized ● Forms most of flat bones such as bones
● Harder than the cartilage in skull, jaws, scapula, and clavicle
● Highly vascularized ● Mesenchyme – osteoblasts – osteoid
The osteoblasts arising directly from the mesenchyme
● The bones are surrounded by a dense
secrete the osteoid
connective tissue called Periosteum
● Perforating canals (Volkmann canals)
The blood vessels from periosteum enters the
bone matrix via the perforating canals or the
Volkmann canal
● Primary consists of Organic and Inorganic
● Consists of minerals such as calcium and
● They are present in the form of
Hydroxyapatite crystals
● Other inorganic components present in small
amounts are the Bicarbonate,
magnesium, potassium, and sodium
First. You have the embryonic model made up of
ions hyaline cartilage. The ossification starts at bone color
The mineral components of the bone render the bone produced by the osteoblast that differentiate within the
resistant to compression. perichondrium. The color will prevent the diffusion of
Organic nutrients within the cartilage, thereby, kapag wala ng
● 90% - primarily consists of Type I nutrients, the chondrocytes will start to swell up and
collagen. Embedded in calcified then the matrix will compress in shading calcification.

matrix Since wala ng diffusion within the chondrocytes, they

● Other organic components are: will eventually die creating empty spaces within the
○ Proteoglycans calcified matrix.
○ Osteonectin
The organic components of the bone matrix enables the Next, the previously perichondrium will become
bone to resist tension. periosteum and then one or more blood vessels from
BONE FORMATION (Ossification) that periosteum will penetrate the bone colors., and
then, allowing the invasion of the osteoprogenitor cells,
● Endochondral thus producing the primary ossification center. This
● Intramembranous primary ossification center begins in many embryonic
● Same histologic structure or bones as early as the first trimester.
Begins at as early as embryonic stage either Take a look at the 4th bone, in here the bone will
endochondral and intramembranous ossification undergo calcification into woven bone and remodeled
as a compact bone. The secondary ossification centers
Despite the difference in these two processes, the will begin to develop in the epiphyses of the bone. This
resulting bones from either process exhibit the same time, this is around birth.
histologic structure or morphology

5th bone is around childhood. The primary and Compact Bone

secondary ossification becomes separated by the ● Aka. Cortical bone
epiphyseal plate.
● Represents at least 80% of the total bone
6th bone. When full stature is achieved, the plate will mass
disappear causing the merging of the two ossification ● Thick outer regions of bone
centers. Cancellous Bone
● Aka. Spongy, trabecular, medullary
Nice to know: the epiphyseal plate allows the growth in bone
length of the bone and then disappears upon
completion of the bone development probably at around
● 20% of the total bone mass
• So once the epiphyseal plate is closed, the growth ● Found in the deeper areas
in the bone also ceases or becomes impossible. ● Numerous interconnecting cavities
EPIPHYSEAL GROWTH PLATE ● Inner regions, adjacent to marrow
Has a distinct regions of cellular activity cavities
• Zone of reserve cartilage – or resting zone;
site where chondrocytes divide
• Proliferative zone – where we’ll see the
lengthening of cartilage model
• Zone of hypertrophy – mature chondrocytes
undergo hypertrophy, they contain vacuole
and continue to accumulate glycogen
• Zone of calcified cartilage – chondrocytes
start to degenerate and matrix between cells
becomes filled with hydroxy apatite
• Zone of Ossification – contains
differentiating osteoblast
● Woven bone
● Lamellar bone
● Compact bone
● Cancellous bone
Woven Bone
● Aka. Immature, primary or bundle
● First bone tissue to appear in embryonic
development and fracture repair
● Temporary
● Nonlamellar
● Characterized by the random
11 – Z Line
of Type I collagen fibers
12 – Myosin
● Has typically lower mineral content 13 – Actin
● Higher proportion of osteocytes 14 – A Band
Immature woven bone forms quickly but has less 15 – Sarcomere
Major Location:
1. Developing or growing bones
2. Hard callus of bone fracture
Lamellar Bone
● Aka. Mature bone or secondary bone
● Made up of Lamellae of calcified matrix
● Compact or Cancellous known as
Lamellar Bone
Major location:
● All normal regions of adult bone

● In all three types of muscles, contraction
INTRODUCTION is caused by the sliding interaction of
thick myosin filaments along thin actin
● The human body is a very mobile filaments.
● Its ability of locomotion enables it to Special terms used to refer to muscle cell
change position appropriately in organelles:
accordance with environmental stimuli. ● Sarcoplasm – cytoplasm of muscle cells.
● It can transport various materials such as ● Sarcoplasmic reticulum – smooth
food, blood and waste products from endoplasmic reticulum of muscle cells.
within for appropriate disposition. ● Sarcolemma – muscle cell membrane
● This mobility is provided by a special type and its external lamina.
of tissue – the muscle tissue.
● It is the fourth basic tissue type with
epithelia, connective and nervous tissue SKELETAL MUSCLES
● Muscle tissue are composed of cells
● Consists of muscle fibers – long, cylindrical
optimized for contraction.
multinucleated cells around 10-100
● Mesodermal in origin.
microns in diameter.
● Multinucleation results from the fusion of
Three types: (distinguished by morphologic and
embryonic mesenchymal cells called
functional characteristics, with a structure
adapted to its physiologic role)
● Skeletal muscle - bundles of very long,
multinucleated cells with striations.
Voluntary, generates quick and forceful
● Cardiac muscle - composed of
elongated, branched cells connected by
intercalated discs. Involuntary but
vigorous and rhythmic.
● Smooth muscle - collections of fusiform
cells or spindle-shaped cells, no striations,
slow and involuntary movements.

● For the medical application, the variation

in diameter of skeletal muscle fiber
depends on factors such as age, specific
muscle, sex,state of nutrition, and physical
traning of individual
● Exercise enlarges the musculature and
decreases fat deposits


● Increase in muscle caused by formation

of new myofibrils and pronounced
growth in diameter of individual muscle
● Hypertrophy - increase in diameter of
muscle fiber or cell volume
● Hyperplasia - increase in the number of
➔ Takes place more readily in
smooth muscle whose cells have
not loss the capacity to divide by


● Thin layers of connective tissue surround

and organize the contractile fibers in all
● Epimysium - outer layer with fascicles
three types of muscle but it is most
prominent in skeletal muscles.
● Perimysium- covers the fascicles with
1. Epimysium – external sheath of
individual muscle fibers inside
dense irregular connective tissue,
● Endomysium - covers the individual
surrounds the entire muscle.
muscle fibers
2. Perimysium – thin layer of
connective tissue surrounding
each bundle of muscle fibers
called a fascicle.
3. Endomysium – surrounds the
external lamina of individual
muscle fibers. Contains Nerve
fibers and capillaries.
● Collagen in the connective tissue layers
serve to transmit the mechanical forces
generated by the contraction of muscle
● These connective tissue layers, plus the ● All three of these tissues contain collagen
dense irregular connective tissue of the types I and III
deep fascia are continuous with the
tough connective tissue of a tendon at Organization Within Muscle Fibers
the myotendinous junction. ● Striations – appear in longitudinal sections
of skeletal muscle fibers. Light and dark


● Myofibrils – long cylindrical filaments Organization Within Muscle Fibers

running parallel to the long axis of the ● The A and I banding pattern in the
fiber. sarcomeres result from the regular
● A bands – dark bands of the myofibrils. arrangement of thick and thin
● I bands – light bands myofilaments.
● Z disc – dark transverse line bisecting an I ● These myofilaments are composed of
band. myosin and F-actin.
● Sarcomere – repetitive functional subunit ● Myosin – large complex with two identical
of the contractile apparatus, extends heavy chains and two light chains.
from Z disc to Z disc. ● Myosin heavy chains – thin, rodlike motor
proteins twisted together as myosin tails.
Striated Skeletal Muscle in Longitudinal Section ● Myosin light chains – forms a head at one
end of each heavy chain, which binds
both actin and ATP.

● Actin filaments (F actin) – run between

the thick filaments. Comprises the thin
filaments, a polymer of globular actin
➔ G-actin – contains a binding site
for myosin.
● Two regulatory proteins associated with
the thin filaments.
➔ Tropomyosin – 40nm-long coil of
two polypeptide chains located in
the groove between the two
twisted actin strands.
➔ Troponin – complex of three
Reveals striation which is a characteristics of subunits: TnT which attaches to the
skeletal muscle tropomyosin, TnC which binds to
● 1st image - parts of three muscle fibers Ca2+, and TnI which regulates the
separated by small amount of actin-myosin interaction.
● 2nd image - higher magnification ● I bands consist of portions of the thin
showing striation slightly out of alignment filaments that do not overlap with the
● 3rd image - shows more electron dense A thick filaments. You can see:
bands bisected by a narrow, less electron ➔ Alpha-actinin – anchors actin
dense region called the H zone and in filaments to the z disc.
the I bands, the presence of sarcoplasm ➔ Titin – supports myofilaments and
with mitochondria connects them to the Z disc.
➔ Nebulin – binds each thin
myofilament laterally, anchors


them to alpha-actinin and ● Troponin inhibits the actin-myosin

specifies the length of the actin interaction
polymers during embryogenesis. ● Troponin complexes are attached at
● A bands contain both thick and thin specific sites at regular intervals along
filaments. tropomyosin molecule
➔ A lighter zone near the center (the ● Myosin head
M line), the H zone contains only ➔ actin-binding site
myosin molecules. ➔ ATP- and ATPase- binding site
● M line bisects the H zone, contains a
myosin-binding protein myomesin that
holds thick filaments in place, and
creatine kinase that helps regenerate ATP
during vigorous contraction.

Parts of Sarcomere
● M line - cross connecting elements of
● Shows the molecules composing the thin cytoskeleton located in the middle of
and thick filaments sarcomere
● Contractile proteins within the myofibrils ● H zone - thick filaments that has no actin
➔ thick and thin filaments ● Z disc - series of dark lines and acts as
● Thin filaments composed of: anchors for actin filaments
➔ F-actin ● A band - composed of thick and thin
➔ Tropomyosin-troponin complex filaments
● Thick filaments consist of: ● I band - surrounds z disc; zone of thin
➔ Myosin heads filaments not superimposed by thick
➔ Myosin heavy chain molecules filaments
bundled together along their
Organization Within Muscle Fibers
rod-like tails with heads exposed
● Sarcoplasmic reticulum – modified
and directed toward neighboring
smooth ER containing Ca2+ pumps.
thin filaments
Release Ca2+ ions through its cisternae
● Tropomyosin is located in the groove
between two twisted actin strands


upon stimulation by depolarization by a ● Contraction is induced when an action

motor nerve. potential arrives at a synapse – the
● Uniform contraction of all myofibrils is neuromuscular junction.
facilitated by sarcolemmal infoldings ● The impulse is transmitted via a
called transverse or t-tubules. neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) to the
● Adjacent to each t-tubule are the sarcolemma, where it generates local
terminal cisternae of the sarcoplasmic potential then evolves into an action
reticulum. potential.
➔ In longitudinal TEM sections, two ● This action potential propagates along
terminal cisternae sandwiching a the sarcolemma and into the t-tubules
t-tubule is seen. This complex is and the terminal cisternae, triggering
referred to as a triad. calcium release.

● AT rest, the myosin heads cannot bind

actin because tropomyosin is blocking
the myosin-binding site at g-actin.
● Calcium ions uncovers the binding sites
by binding to troponin, causing
conformational change, moving
tropomyosin from the f-actin to expose
myosin-binding sites.
● Binding of the myosin head to f-actin
results in crossbridge formation, resulting
in a conformational change in myosin,
causing it to pivot, which pulls the thin
filaments farther into the A band.
● Muscle contraction depends on the
availability of calcium ions and muscle ● Energy for the myosin head pivot is
relaxation is related to the absence of provided by hydrolysis of ATP, after which
calcium ions myosin binds another ATP and detaches
● During muscle contraction, the thick and from actin.
thin filaments do not change their length. ● In the continued presence of calcium
● Contraction occurs as the result of the ions and ATP, this attach-pivot-detach
overlapping of the thin and thick event occur in a repeating cycle, each
filaments of each sarcomere as they slide lasting 50ms, shortening the sarcomere.
past one another resulting to a shorter ● When the neural stimulation is withdrawn,
muscle length and the contraction the wave of depolarization disappears
➔ Which is why muscle contraction is and Ca2+ is sequestered back to the
also called as the sliding sarcoplasmic reticulum.
mechanism theory ● With decreasing sarcoplasmic calcium
ion levels, the tropomyosin is returned
back to its original position and covers


the myosin binding site, preventing further ➔ Myosin will then return back to its resting
contraction. position

● As you can see, sarcomere in contracted

shortened compared to relaxed
● The spaces within them is what changes
and not their length


➔ Muscle contraction happens when the ● Myelinated motor nerves branch out
synaptic knob releases ACh that will bind within the perimysium, where each nerve
to the ACh receptor. gives rise to several branches.
➔ It will now produce muscle impulse that ● Each axonal branch forms part of the
will travel to t-tubules and will pass the synapses termed the neuromuscular
terminal cisternae connected to junctions, or motor end plates (MEP).
sarcoplasmic reticulum. ● The axon terminal contains mitochondria
➔ It will release calcium that will bind to and numerous synaptic vesicles
troponin, causing thin filament to containing acetylcholine.
rearrange its position, exposing myosin ● Between the axon and the muscle
binding site. sarcolemma is a space called the
➔ With the presence of ATP, myosin will go synaptic cleft.
to the contracted position to bind with ● The sarcolemma at the synaptic cleft
the exposed myosin binding site. features numerous deep junctional folds
➔ The overall binding of myosin heads to where acetylcholine receptor is located
myosin binding site will cause sarcomere ● Acetylcholine release from the axon
shortening, causing the contraction. terminal is triggered by a wave of nerve
➔ During muscle relaxation, calcium is action potential.
detached and will return to sarcomere. ● It diffuses across the synaptic cleft and
➔ Thin filament will go to the original position binds to its receptors.
covering the myosin binding site. ● Binding of acetylcholine to its receptors
causes opening of the associated cation

channels, allowing these ions to enter, internalized, digested by

depolarizing the sarcolemma. lysosomes, and replaced
● The depolarization eventually generates by newly formed receptors.
muscle action potential. These receptors, however,
● The action of acetylcholine is terminated are made unresponsive
by acetylcholinesterase. again by the antibodies
and the disease follows its
progressive course
➔ Ach cannot bind to
receptor = no
muscle impulse = no
calcium released
from sarcoplasmic
reticulum = nothing
will bind to troponin
= myosin binding site
will not be exposed
= no cross bridge
formation cycle = no
shortening of
sarcomere = no

Feedback Mechanism of Skeletal Muscles – Role

● Autoimmune disorder
of The Muscle Spindles and Tendon Organs.
characterized by
● Muscle spindles – stretch detectors.
progressive muscular
Senses changes in length and relays the
Myasthenia weakness caused by
information to the spinal cord via the
gravis (MG) reduction in the number of
afferent nerves.
functional acetylcholine
● Golgi tendon organs – much smaller.
receptors in the
Detects changes in tension within
sarcolemma of the
tendons. Inhibit motor nerve activity if
myoneural junction.
tension becomes excessive.
● It is caused by circulating
antibodies that bind to the Feedback Mechanism of Skeletal Muscles – Role
receptors in the junctional of The Muscle Spindles and Tendon Organs.
folds and inhibit normal ● Muscle spindles – stretch detectors.
nerve-muscle Senses changes in length and relays the
communication. information to the spinal cord via the
● As the body attempts to afferent nerves.
correct the condition, the ● Golgi tendon organs – much smaller.
membrane segments with Detects changes in tension within
affected receptors are


tendons. Inhibit motor nerve activity if ➔ Fast oxidative-glycolytic fibers

tension becomes excessive. (Type 2a)– many mitochondria
and much myoglobin with
considerable glycogen. Utilizes
both oxidative metabolism and
anaerobic glycolysis. Crossover
between the two types
(intermediate both in color and
metabolism). Adapted for rapid
contraction and short burst of


● Classified into three types based on

physiological, biochemical, and
histochemical characteristics. All are
normally found throughout most muscles
● Different types of fibers can be identified
on the basis of (1) their maximal rate of
contraction (fast or slow fibers), and (2)
their major pathway for ATP synthesis
(oxidative or glycolytic).
➔ Slow oxidative fibers (Type 1) –
adapted for slow contractions
over long periods without fatigue, Nice to know (not part of exam)
many mitochondria and
surrounding capillaries and high
myoglobin content (red fibers).
➔ Fast glycolytic fibers (Type 2b) –
specialized for rapid, short-term
contraction, but they fatigue
quickly. Fewer mitochondria and
capillaries, lower myoglobin
content (white fibers) but
abundant on glycogen. Depend
largely on glycolysis for energy.
Located in small muscles with a
relatively large number of ● Found in the myocardium of the heart.
neuromuscular junction


● Cells are 15-30 microns in diameter and ➔ The junctions between the terminal
85-120 microns in length. cisterns and t tubules typically
● Striated, uninuclear (mononucleated) involve only one structure of each
● Surrounded by a delicate sheath of type, forming dyads instead of
endomysium with a rich capillary network. triads in TEM.
● A thicker perimysium separates bundles
and layers of muscle fibers. In specific ● Cardiac muscle fiber contraction is
areas, it forms larger masses of fibrous intrinsic and spontaneous.
connective tissue comprising the cardiac ➔ Impulses for the rhythmic
skeleton. contraction are initiated,
● Intercalated discs – represent interfaces regulated, and coordinated
between adjacent cells, consisting of locally by nodes of modified
many junctional complexes. myocardial fibers specialized for
➔ Transverse regions consist of many impulse generation and
desmosomes and fascia adherens conduction.
junctions, providing strong ● Secretory granules can be found near
intercellular adhesions. atrial muscle nuclei with small Golgi
➔ At the longitudinal regions, gap complexes.
junctions provide ionic continuity ➔ Release peptide hormones such as
between the cells, promoting atrial natriuretic factor that acts on
rapid impulse conduction the kidneys to influence Na+
simultaneously. excretion and water balance.
● Structure and function of the contractile
apparatus of the cardiac muscle cells are
essentially the same as in skeletal muscle.
● Mitochondria are numerous – occupy as
much as 40% of the cell volume.
● Cells also feature small lipid droplets and
glycogen granules for storing metabolic
fuels, as well as lipofuscin pigment

● Histologic features in the atria and

ventricles may vary.
● Muscle of the heart ventricles is much
thicker than that of the atria.
● T tubules are well-developed in the ● A representation of cardiac muscle tissue
ventricles than in the atria. having fibers consists of separate cells
● Sarcoplasmic reticulum is less organized in with an interdigitating process where they
cardiac muscle compared to skeletal are held together.
muscle fibers.


● This region of contracts are called the ➔ Thick and thin filaments crisscross
intercalated discs and it crosses an entire the sarcoplasm obliquely.
fiber between two cells ➔ Less regular arrangement among
● Also shows gap junctions that forms thin filaments and fewer cross
electrical synapses, allowing contraction bridges than striated muscle.
signals to pass from cell to cell as a single ➔ Actin filaments are not associated
wave with troponin and tropomyosin,
● Desmosomes and other adherent instead calmodulin and
junctions hold the cells firmly together calcium-sensitive myosin
light-chain kinase (MLCK) produce
SMOOTH MUSCLES ● The myofilaments are anchored at the
cytoplasmic and
● Smooth muscle is specialized for slow,
plasmalemma-associated dense bodies
steady contraction under the influence of
which contain alpha-actinin.
autonomic nerves and various hormones.
● Smooth muscle cells also have an
➔ Which is why its movement is
elaborate array of intermediate filaments
composed of desmin, also attached to
● Major component of blood vessels and of
the dense bodies.
digestive, respiratory, urinary and
● The submembranous dense bodies
reproductive tracts and their associated
include cadherins of desmosomes linking
adjacent smooth muscle cells.
● Fibers are elongated, tapering and
● Dense bodies thus serves to transmit
contractile forces within the smooth
● Each of which is enclosed by a thin basal
muscle cell and also in between them.
lamina and fine networks of reticular
● Smooth muscle contraction is involuntary.
● Smooth muscle cell sizes ranges from 20
● Contraction is stimulated by autonomic
microns in small blood vessels to 500
microns in the pregnant uterus.
➔ In the GI tract, contraction is
● Cells are linked by numerous gap
stimulated by paracrine secretions.
➔ In the uterus, contraction is
stimulated by oxytocin from the
● Fibers have rudimentary sarcoplasmic
pituitary gland.
reticulum but lack t-tubules.
● In addition to contractile activity, smooth
● Plasmalemmal (cell membrane)
muscle cells also suplement fibroblast
invaginations called caveolae contain
activity, synthesizing collagen, elastin and
ion channels that control Ca2+ release
from the sarcoplasmic cisternae.
● Contractile activity is generated by
myofibrillar array of actin and myosin
organized differently from those of the
striated muscle cells.

● The three types of muscle have different

potential for regeneration after injury

Skeletal ● Although nuclei can

muscle undergo mitosis, the tissue
can only undergo limited
● The source of regenerating
cells are satellite cells
● Satellite cells are inactive,
persist after muscle
differentiation, and after
injury or other stimuli, this
normally quiescent cells
● A representaion of smooth muscle tissue
become active,
from small intestine
proliferating and fusing to
● As you can see, you have your inner
form new skeletal muscle
circular and outer longitudinal
● displays limited
regenerative capacity,
after major muscle trauma
or degeneration, through
the sparse population of
mesenchymal satellite cells
lying in the external lamina
of each muscle fiber.

Cardiac ● Lacks satellite cells; thus

● This picture shows the presence of dense muscle has virtually no
bodies located at the cell membrane regenerative capacity
and deep in the cytoplasm beyond early childhood.
● Serves as attachment for thin filament ● very little regenerative
● Also attachment for intermediate capacity beyond early
filaments and for adhesive junctions childhood. Any infarcted
between the cells cardiac muscle tissue is
● This arrangement allows the multicellular replaced by fibroblast
tissue to contract as a unit providing proliferation and growth of
better efficient and force connective tissue forming
scar (myocardial scar)

Smooth ● Composed of simpler

MUSCLE REGENERATION muscle mononucleated cells


● capable of more active ● Pericytes from the walls of

regenerative response. blood vessels participate in
● After injury, viable smooth the repair of vascular
muscle cells undergo smooth muscle
mitosis and replace the
damaged tissue


Nervous Tissue ganglia and can be
Objectives formed part of the
• Review the structure of a neuron. autonomic nervous
• Enumerate and discuss the different types system (sympathetic
of neuroglia. and parasympathetic
• Discuss the histologic features of the ganglia).
following nervous tissue: cerebral • Sensory receptors and
cortex, cerebellar cortex, spinal cord, nerve endings
peripheral nerve and ganglia. o At the terminal
• Discuss the histologic features of the end of the nerves
supporting structures of the nervous Functional Divisions of the Nervous System
system: meninges and choroid plexus. • Under conscious voluntary
Introduction control, somatic sensory
Anatomical Divisions of the Nervous System Somatic (receptors in the skin, pain,
Brain nervous temperature, proprioception,
o Which acts as the system stretch, pressure), and
command center of the somatic motor (sketal
entire nervous system muscles under voluntary
o Also responsible for control) innervation.
consciousness, • Efferent innervation to
memory, and allowing smooth muscle, cardiac
us to perceive whatever muscles and glands.
Central information is being sent • Divided into:
nervous from the sensory
system receptors. Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympa
Spinal cord nervous division thetic
o Connected to the brain system division
or the caudal end of the • Prepares the Allows the
brain is the spinal cord. body for fight- body to
o Consists of: neuronal or-flight conserve
fibers and going down • Prepares the energy (rest
and also going up. body for and digest).
o This serves as the emergencies
superhighway.“ Afferent
• sensory
Peripheral nerve, which is innervation from viscera.
classified into: o Which connects to the
• Cranial and spinal efferent neurons and
nerves even in the higher
Peripheral o Cranial: have their centers going to the
nervous origins in the brain; brain
system then, they emerge to o Viscera: internal organs
innervate primarily the • Enteric division – network
structures of the head of neurons in the
and neck. gastrointestinal tract.
o Spinal: emerge from o Works independently of
the different segments the autonomic and
of the spinal cord to somatic nervous
innervate the rest of system. Controls the
the body. glands and the smooth
• Ganglia (neuronal cell muscles of the gut.
bodies) 2 Components of Nervous Tissue
o Are collections of • Functional unit of the
neuronal cell bodies Neuron nervous system
o Can be classified into: because they are the
sensory/dorsal root ones capable of
transmitting impulse. neurons and glial cells.
• Consist of: cell body The Neuron
and processes Neuronal Structure
• Axon and dendrites • Neurons – the functional unit of the nervous
• Supporting cells system.
Neuroglia • They come in different • Consist of 3 major parts
• contains the nucleus and
most of the cell’s
Soma organelles and serves as
or the synthetic or trophic
Perikaryon center for the entire neuron.
(Cell body)

• numerous short, small

processes extending from
Dendrites the soma and specialized to
receive stimuli from other
o at unique sites called
** encircled is neuron; they are very big
compared to neuroglia • single long process ending
** neurons: larger ; quiet easy to identify in at synapses specialized to
sections Axon generate and conduct
** neuroglia: smaller but more numerous (Gr. axon, nerve impulses to other
axis) cells (nerve, muscle, and
gland cells).
• Axons may also receive
information from other
neurons, information that
mainly modifies the
transmission of action
potentials to those neurons.
Additional info in ppt:

The functional unit in both the CNS and PNS is the neuron.
Some neuronal components have special names, such as
“neurolemma” for the cell membrane. Most neurons have
three main parts (Figure 9–3):
Additional ppt info notes:

(a) Most neuronal cell bodies (N) in the CNS are

larger than the much more numerous glial cells
(G) that surround them. The various types of glial
cells and their relationships with neurons are
difficult to distinguish by most routine light
microscopic methods. However, oligodendrocytes
have condensed, rounded nuclei and unstained
cytoplasm due to very abundant Golgi complexes,
which stain poorly and are very likely represented
by the cells with those properties seen here. The
other glial cells seen here similar in overall size,
but with very little cytoplasm and more elongated
or oval nuclei, are mostly astrocytes. Routine H&E
staining does not allow neuropil to stand out well.
(X200; H&E)
(b) With the use of gold staining for neurofibrils,
neuropil (Np) is more apparent. (X200; Gold
chloride and hematoxylin) (for clearer picture, you may refer to Junqueira’s, page 164)
Neuropil – network of fine cellular processes emerging from
** the trophic center of the neuron is where you
will find the nucleus; it is where the important processing sites on neurons. The large number
and extensive arborization of dendrites allow a
cellular components of the neuron that will
single neuron to receive and integrate signals from
sustain these processes are produced many other nerve cells. For example, up to
** if you cut off a process from the nucleus, what 200,000 axonal endings can make functional
will happen is, the part that was cut off will contact with the dendrites of a single large
Purkinje cell of the cerebellum.
disintegrate because it already lost its • Unlike axons, which maintain a nearly constant
connection from the neuron. diameter, dendrites become much thinner as they
** dendrites (projecting from the nucleus), branch, with cytoskeletal elements predominating
usually receive the information from other in these distal regions. In the CNS most synapses
on dendrites occur on dendritic spines, which are
neurons or from sensory receptors; they are
dynamic membrane protrusions along the small
shorter compared to axon dendritic branches, visualized with silver staining
** axon is one long process responsible for and studied by confocal or electron microscopy.
transmitting the neuronal impulse from one • Dendritic spines serve as the initial processing
sites for synaptic signals and occur in vast
neuron to another
numbers, estimated to be on the order of 1014 for
** at the terminal end of the axon, you will find cells of the human cerebral cortex.
axon terminals or “terminal buttons or • Dendritic spine morphology depends on actin
synaptic knob” that will form component of filaments and changes continuously as synaptic
connections on neurons are modified. Changes in
synapse — which are connections with another dendritic spines are of key importance in the
neuron or an effector organ. constant changes of the neural plasticity that
occurs during embryonic brain development and
Additional ppt info notes: underlies adaptation, learning, and memory
Cell Body (Perikaryon or Soma)
• The neuronal cell body contains the nucleus and Axons
surrounding cytoplasm, exclusive of the cell • Most neurons have only one axon, typically longer
processes. It acts as a trophic center, producing than its dendrites. Axonal processes vary in length
most cytoplasm for the processes. Most cell and diameter according to the type of neuron.
bodies are in contact with a great number of nerve Axons of the motor neurons that innervate the foot
endings conveying excitatory or inhibitory stimuli muscles have lengths of nearly a meter; large cell
generated in other neurons. A typical neuron has bodies are required to maintain these axons,
an unusually large, euchromatic nucleus with a which contain most of such neurons’ cytoplasm.
prominent nucleolus, indicating intense synthetic The plasma membrane of the axon is often called
activity. the axolemma and its contents are known as
• Cytoplasm of perikarya often contains numerous axoplasm.
free polyribosomes and highly developed RER, • Axons originate from a pyramid-shaped region of
indicating active production of both cytoskeletal the perikaryon called the axon hillock, just
proteins and proteins for transport and secretion. beyond which the axolemma has concentrated ion
• Histologically these regions with concentrated channels which generate the action potential. At
RER and other polysomes are basophilic and are this initial segment of the axon the various
distinguished as chromatophilic substance (or excitatory and inhibitory stimuli impinging on the
Nissl substance, Nissl bodies). neuron are algebraically summed, resulting in the
• The amount of this material varies with the type decision to propagate—or not to propagate—a
and functional state of the neuron and is nerve impulse.
particularly abundant in large nerve cells such as • Axons generally branch less profusely than
motor neurons. The Golgi apparatus is located dendrites, but do undergo terminal arborization.
only in the cell body, but mitochondria can be Axons of interneurons and some motor neurons
found throughout the cell and are usually also have major branches called collaterals that
abundant in the axon terminals. end at smaller branches with synapses influencing
• In both perikarya and processes microtubules, the activity of many other neurons. Each small
actin filaments, and intermediate filaments are axonal branch ends with a dilation called a
abundant, with the latter formed by unique protein terminal bouton (Fr. bouton, button) that contacts
subunits and called neurofilaments in this cell another neuron or non-nerve cell at a synapse to
type. Cross-linked with certain fixatives and initiate an impulse in that cell.
impregnated with silver stains, neurofilaments are • Axoplasm contains mitochondria, microtubules,
also referred to as neurofibrils by light neurofilaments, and transport vesicles, but very
microscopists. Some nerve cell bodies also few polyribosomes or cisternae of RER, features
contain inclusions of pigmented material, such as which emphasize the dependence of axoplasm on
lipofuscin, consisting of residual bodies left from the perikaryon. If an axon is severed from its cell
lysosomal digestion. body its distal part quickly degenerates and
undergoes phagocytosis.
Dendrites • Lively bidirectional transport of molecules large
• Dendrites (Gr. dendron, tree) are typically short, and small occurs within axons. Organelles and
small processes emerging and branching of the macromolecules synthesized in the cell body
soma. Usually covered with many synapses, move by anterograde transport along axonal
dendrites are the principal signal reception and microtubules via kinesin from the perikaryon to
the synaptic terminals. nucleus”
• Retrograde transport in the opposite direction
** Near this neuron, since this is in the spinal
along microtubules via dynein carries certain
other macromolecules, such as material taken up cord, you would see bundles of myelinated
by endocytosis (including viruses and toxins), from axons in the form of white matter (Fig 2)
the periphery to the cell body. Retrograde
transport can be used to study the pathways of Additional ppt info notes:
neurons: if peroxidase or another marker is
injected into regions with axon terminals, its later
Structure of a Neuron
distribution throughout the neurons serving such
• The neuron is a highly polarized cell that consists of a
regions can be determined histochemically.
soma, or cell body, from which cytoplasmic processes
• Anterograde and retrograde transports both occur
arise. The processes, known as nerve fibers, vary
fairly rapidly, at rates of 50-400 mm/d. A much
greatly in size, some being up to 1.5 m long.
slower anterograde stream, moving only a few
• Processes conducting impulses toward cell bodies are
millimeters per day, involves movement of the
dendrites, whereas a single process conveying
axonal cytoskeleton itself. This slow axonal
impulses away from cell bodies is an axon. The soma
transport corresponds roughly to the rate of axon
consists of a nucleus and the surrounding cytoplasm,
known as the perikaryon.
• Soma sizes, which depend on cell type and function,
vary from 5 to 150 mm. Anterior motor neurons of the
spinal cord are among the largest in the CNS, whereas
granule cells in the cerebellar cortex are among the
• Irregularly shaped masses of basophilic material known
as Nissl substance are scattered in the cytoplasm of
the body and the dendrites.
• Neurons are classified into three types on the basis of
the number of processes.
o Multipolar neurons are the most common and
characteristic and have one axon and several
o Bipolar neurons have two processes, an axon
and a dendrite, and are found in the visual,
auditory, and olfactory systems.
o Pseudounipolar neurons have one short
process, which bifurcates into an axon and a
Neuronal Structure
 sites where nerve impulses
are transmitted from one
neuron to another, or from
one neuron to an effector
Synapses cell.
(for clearer picture, you may refer to Netter’s, page 107)
• Composed of the following:
** Fig. 1 is an image of neuron coming from o Presynaptic axon
spinal cord. The cell body features highly terminal
basophilic material which consists of mainly: o Postsynaptic cell
ribosomes, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and membrane
RNA. o Synaptic cleft
** NS (Nissl substance)

** The nucleus is lightly stained at the periphery (for clearer picture, you may refer to
Junqueira’s, page 167)
but at the center, it is very dark. This dark center
is the nucleolus, which is eccentrically placed. ** this is where the impulses;
** This appearance of the nuclei of the neuron is neurons communicate with each
quiet prominent, referred to as “fish-eyed
other. Synapses convert an electrical
signal (nerve impulse) from the
** how do they communicate?
presynaptic cell into a chemical
The nerve impulse will simply signal that affects the postsynaptic
stimulate the release of a cell. Most synapses act by
neurotransmitter. Once releasing neurotransmitters, which
are usually small molecules that
released, the neurotransmitter bind specific receptor proteins to
will diffuse to the receptors either open or close ion channels or
where they will bind and trigger initiate second messenger
a change in membrane potential cascades. A synapse has the
following components:
which can develop into another
o The presynaptic axon
action potential, nerve impulse if terminal (terminal bouton)
the quantity of neurotransmitters contains mitochondria and
is great enough. numerous synaptic vesicles
from which neurotransmitter is
Additional ppt info notes: released by exocytosis.
o The postsynaptic cell
A. Diagram showing a synapse membrane contains receptors
releasing neurotransmitters by for the neurotransmitter, and
exocytosis from the terminal bouton. ion channels or other
Presynaptic terminals always mechanisms to initiate a new
contain a large number of synaptic impulse.
vesicles containing o A 20- to 30-nm-wide
neurotransmitters, numerous intercellular space called the
mitochondria, and smooth ER as a synaptic cleft separates
source of new membrane. Some these presynaptic and
neurotransmitters are synthesized in postsynaptic membranes.
the cell body and then transported
in vesicles to the presynaptic  At the presynaptic region the nerve
terminal. Upon arrival of a nerve impulse briefly opens calcium
impulse, voltage-regulated Ca2+ channels, promoting a Ca2+ influx
channels permit Ca2+ entry, which that triggers neurotransmitter
triggers neurotransmitter release release by exocytosis or similar
into the synaptic cleft. Excess mechanisms.
membrane accumulating at the  Immediately the released
presynaptic region as a result of neurotransmitter molecules diffuse
exocytosis is recycled by clathrin across the synaptic cleft and bind
mediated endocytosis, which is not receptors at the postsynaptic region.
depicted here. This produces either an excitatory
B. The TEM shows a large presynaptic or an inhibitory effect at the
terminal (T1) filled with synaptic postsynaptic membrane, as follows:
vesicles and asymmetric electron- o Neurotransmitters from
dense regions around 20- to 30-nm- excitatory synapses cause
wide synaptic clefts (arrows). The postsynaptic Na+ channels to
postsynaptic membrane contains open, and the resulting Na+
the neurotransmitter receptors and influx initiates a depolarization
mechanisms to initiate an impulse at wave in the postsynaptic
the postsynaptic neuron. The neuron or effector cell as just
postsynaptic membrane on the right described.
is part of a dendrite (D), associated o At inhibitory synapses
with fewer vesicles of any kind, neurotransmitters open Cl- or
showing this to be an axodendritic other anion channels, causing
synapse. On the left is another influx of anions and
presynaptic terminal (T2), hyperpolarization of the
suggesting an axoaxonic synapse postsynaptic cell, making its
with a role in modulating activity of membrane potential more
the other terminal. (X35,000) negative and more resistant to
Synaptic Communication  Interplay between excitatory and
 Synapses (Gr. synapsis, union) are inhibitory effects on postsynaptic
sites where nerve impulses are cells allows synapses to process
transmitted from one neuron to neuronal input and fine-tune the
another, or from neurons and other reaction of the effector cell.
effector cells.  Impulses passing from presynaptic
 The structure of a synapse ensures neurons to postsynaptic cells are
that transmission is unidirectional. usually modified at the synapse by
similar connections there with other
neurons. The response in narrow synaptic cleft 12-30 nm
postsynaptic neurons is determined wide.
by the summation of activity at  Clusters of large numbers of
hundreds of synapses on that cell. synaptic vesicles in the
Three common morphological types presynaptic terminal contain
of synapses occur between neurons neurotransmitter that is released by
of the CNS and are shown in Figure exocytosis to mediate synaptic
9–7. transmission.
 By electron microscopy, synaptic
 The chemical transmitter used at vesicles are 4060 nm in diameter
neuromuscular junctions and some and are membrane-bound. Whether
synapses of the CNS is they have a clear center or an
acetylcholine. electron-dense core depends on the
 Within the CNS other major chemical nature of the
categories of neurotransmitters neurotransmitter.
include:  Pre- and postsynaptic membrane
o Certain amino acids (often specializations contain electron-
modified), such as glutamate dense material that extends into
and γ-aminobutyrate (GABA) underlying cytoplasm and is usually
o Monoamines, such as thicker in the postsynaptic area.
serotonin (5-  An action potential causes
hydroxytryptamine or 5-HT) presynaptic vesicles to fuse with the
and catecholamines, such as presynaptic membrane and
dopamine, all of which are discharge neurotransmitter into the
synthesized from amino acids synaptic cleft.
o Small polypeptides, such as  Neurotransmitter then diffuses
endorphins and substance P. across the cleft to interact with
receptor molecules on the
 Diferent receptors and second postsynaptic membrane, which
messenger systems often occur for changes postsynaptic membrane
the same transmitter, greatly conductance.
multiplying the possible efects of
these molecules.  Mitochondria, sacs of smooth
 After their release transmitters are endoplasmic reticulum,
removed quickly by enzymatic microtubules, and neurofilaments
breakdown, by glial activity, or by are also seen in axon terminals.
endocytotic recycling involving Types of synapses
presynaptic membrane receptors.


(for clearer picture, you may refer to

Netter’s, page 111)

Additional ppt info notes:  Axon synapsing with

neuronal cell body
Ultrastructure of Synapses  Less frequent
 A typical synapse in the CNS
consists of three major components:
o presynaptic terminal
o synaptic cleft
o postsynaptic membrane
 The presynaptic terminal aligns
closely with the postsynaptic
membrane of the target cell. In the
area of membrane apposition,
presynaptic and postsynaptic
membranes are separated by a
 The diagrams show three common morphologic types of
synapses. Branched axon terminals usually associate
with and transmit a nerve impulse to another neuron’s
cell body (or soma) or a dendritic spine. These types of
connections are termed an axosomatic synapse and an
axodendritic synapse, respectively.
 Less frequently, an axon terminal forms a synapse with
an axon terminal of another neuron; such an axoaxonic
synapse functions to modulate synaptic activity in the
Axodendritic other two types.
synapse  All three morphologic types of synapses have the
features of all true synapses:
o a presynaptic axon terminal that releases a
o a postsynaptic cell membrane with receptors for the
transmitter; and
o an intervening synaptic cleft.
 Most commonly depicted  Synaptic structure usually cannot be resolved by light
microscopy, although components such as dendritic
type of axon spines may be shown with special techniques (Figure 9–
 An axon synapsing with a 5).
dendritic spine Classifications of Neurons
(additional ppt info notes)

Neurons and their processes are extremely variable in size

and shape. Cell bodies can be very large, measuring up to
150 μm in diameter. Other neurons, such as the cerebellar
granule cells, are among the body’s smallest cells
 According to number of processes
Multipolar which have one axon and two
Axoaxonic neurons or more dendrites, most
synapse common.

 Axon synapsing with

other axon
 Very rare  E.g. motor neurons in the
 Usually functions to cerebral cortext
modulate the activity of with one dendrite and one
the other axon axon.
o comprise the sensory neurons
of the retina, cochlea, the
olfactory epithelium, and the
Bipolar inner ear. (ppt info notes)

 Usually innervate special

single process that bifurcates
close to the soma, with the
longer branch extending to a
peripheral ending and the other
(for clearer picture, you may refer to Junqueira’s, page 169)
toward the CNS.
o which include all other
Additional ppt info notes:
sensory neurons. (ppt info
Unipolar or notes) muscle, glands).
pseudounipo integrate other neurons in

lar neurons the brain and spinal cord.
 establish relationships
among other neurons,
Interneurons forming complex functional
networks or circuits in the
 But short branch CNS.
connected to cell body  Interneurons are either
 Usually innervate somatic multipolar or anaxonic and
sensory receptors (pain, comprise 99% of all
touch, proprioception, etc.) neurons in adults.
with many dendrites but with no Neuroglia
true axons. • Supporting cells of the nervous system.
o do not produce action
potentials, but regulate • More numerous than neurons (10:1)
electrical changes of adjacent • Classified according to morphology.
CNS neurons. (ppt info
notes) (additional ppt info notes)


Anaxonic  Glial cells support neuronal survival and activities,
neurons and are ten times more abundant than neurons in the
mammalian brain.
 Like neurons most glial cells develop from progenitor
cells of the embryonic neural plate. In the CNS glial
cells surround both the neuronal cell bodies, which are
often larger than the glial cells, and the processes of
axons and dendrites occupying the spaces between
 Except around the larger blood vessels, the CNS has
only a very small amount of connective tissue and
 Modulates activity of the collagen. Glial cells substitute for cells of connective
other neurons. tissue in some respects, supporting neurons and
 According to function creating immediately around those cells
microenvironments that are optimal for neuronal
 Somatic afferent neuron activity.
o Afferent: receiving  The fibrous intercellular network of CNS tissue
Sensory stimuli from receptors superficially resembles collagen by light microscopy,
throughout the body. but is actually the network of fine cellular processes
emerging from neurons and glial cells. Such
o touch, temperature,
processes are collectively called the neuropil.
pain, pressure,  There are six major kinds of glial cells, as shown
proprioception – from schematically in Figure 9–9, four in the CNS, two in
periphery. the PNS. Their main functions, locations, and origins
are summarized in Table 9–2.
 Somatic (voluntary)
efferent neurons There are four major kinds of glial cells in the
o Efferent: sending CNS: oligodendrocytes, astrocytes,
impulses to effector ependymal cells, and microglial cells. The
organs such as muscle interrelationships and major functions of these
fibers and glands cells are shown diagrammatically here.
Motor o innervate skeletal

 Autonomic (visceral)
efferent neurons
o control the involuntary
or unconscious
o innervate most smooth
muscles, cardiac
Two glial cells occur in the PNS: Schwann
cells (sometimes called neurolemmocytes),
which surround peripheral nerve fibers, and
satellite cells, which surround the nerve cell
bodies and are thus found only in ganglia. Major
functions of these cells are indicated.

(for clearer picture, you may refer to Junqueira’s, page 172)

(for clearer picture, you may refer to Junqueira’s, page 172)

** astrocytes are the main cells that provides

structural support and organization to CNS ** ganglion cells

** cuboidal-like cells that line the fluid-filled

** common name: Schwann cell

(for clearer picture, you may refer to Junqueira’s, page 173)

** Astrocytes appear like a “star” ; most unique marker for this glial cell.
abundant glial cells of the CNS  Distally the processes lack GFAP, are not readily seen
by microscopy, and form a vast network of delicate
** (a) Fibrous astrocyte (relatively few terminals contacting synapses and other structures.
processes) and protoplasmic astrocyte  Terminal processes of a single astrocyte typically
(numerous branches) occupy a large volume and associate with over a million
** (b) astrocyte stained with immunostaining synaptic sites.
 Astrocytes originate from progenitor cells in the
technique targets a specific protein in the embryonic neural tube and are by far the most
astrocytic processes. This protein will help to numerous glial cells of the brain, as well as the most
distinguish that the cells are astrocytic. diverse structurally and functionally.
o protein: glial fibrillary acid protein  Fibrous astrocytes, with long delicate processes, are
abundant in white matter; those with many shorter
(GFAP) or glial fibrillary astrocytic processes are called protoplasmic astrocytes and
protein (GFAP) predominate in the gray matter. The highly variable and
(accdg to Junqueira book, pg 168, yung acid hehe dynamic processes mediate most of these cells’ many
di ko naintindihan sinabi ni doc [astrocytic ??] :<<) functions.

** GFAP serves as a unique marker for this glial Functions attributed to astrocytes of various CNS regions
include the following:
cell. o Extending processes that with expanded
o For example, there is tumor in brain, perivascular feet associate with or cover
they would know that the cells of the synapses, affecting the formation, function, and
tumor originate from the astrocyte by plasticity of these structures.
o Regulating the extracellular ionic concentrations
staining it with antibody/immunostaining around neurons, with particular importance in
for GFAP buffering extracellular K+ levels.
o Guiding and physically supporting movements and
(additional ppt info notes) locations of differentiating neurons during CNS
 (a) Astrocytes are the most abundant glial cells of o Forming a barrier layer of expanded protoplasmic
the CNS and are characterized by numerous processes, called the glial limiting membrane,
cytoplasmic processes (P) radiating from the glial cell which lines meninges at the external CNS surface.
body or soma (S). o Filling tissue defects after CNS injury by
 Astrocytic processes are not seen with routine light proliferation to form an astrocytic scar.
microscope staining but are easily seen after gold
staining. Finally, astrocytes communicate directly with one another via
 Morphology of the processes allows astrocytes to gap junctions, forming a very large cellular network for the
be classified as fibrous (relatively few and straight coordinated regulation of their various activities in different
processes) or protoplasmic (numerous branching brain regions.
processes), but functional differences between these
types are not clear. X500. Gold chloride. Clinical Notes
Most brain tumors are astrocytomas derived from fibrous
 (b) All astrocytic processes contain intermediate astrocytes. These are distinguished pathologically by their
filamentsof GFAP, and antibodies against this protein expression of GFAP.
provide a simple method to stain these cells, as seen
here in a fibrous astrocyte (A) and its processes.
** Functions of astrocytes:
 The small pieces of other GFAP-positive processes in
the neuropil around this cell give an idea of the density  Provide support to the neuronal
of this glial cell and its processes in the CNS. tissue/neurons structure
 Astrocytes are an important part of the blood-brain  Regulate the substances coming to and
barrier (BBB), regulating entry of molecules and ions
from blood into CNS tissue. Capillaries at the extreme
from the neural tissue; forming “Blood
upper right and lower left corners are enclosed by Brain Barrier (BBB)”
GFAP-positive perivascular feet (PF) at the ends of o Astrocytic foot processes will
numerous astrocytic processes. X500. surround the capillaries
 Anti-GFAP immunoperoxidase and hematoxylin o To avoid giving access to
counterstain. (c) A length of capillary (C) is shown here
completely covered by silver-stained terminal processes obnoxious substances and
extending from astrocytes (A). X400. Rio Hortega silver. pathogens to the CNS tissues,
BBB regulates the passage,
***************************************************************** entry, and exit of materials.
 Also unique to the CNS astrocytes (Gr. astro-, star +
kytos) have a large number of long radiating, branching
 Proximal regions of the astrocytic processes are
reinforced with bundles of intermediate filaments made
of glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP), which serves as a
maintaining homeostasis.
 Their delicate processes terminate either on surfaces of
the brain and spinal cord or on walls of blood vessels.
 Main functions of oligodendrocytes are to provide
support to nerve fibers and produce myelin sheaths that
insulate them.
 Ependymal cells are remnants of embryonic
neuroepithelium and form a closely packed cuboidal or
columnar epithelium lining the ventricles of the brain and
central canal of the spinal cord.
 Microglia, as their name implies, are the smallest glial
cell. They act as phagocytes and remove CNS debris,
protect the brain from invading microorganisms, and
constitute the brain’s immune system.
 Unlike neurons, glia retain a postnatal ability to divide
and are the source of most intracranial tumors, known
as gliomas.

(for clearer picture, you may refer to Netter’s, page 114)

 Components of BBB:
o Astrocytic foot processes
o Basement Membrane
o Capillary endothelial cells
connected with;
o Tight junctions
(additional ppt info notes) but this was skipped on the video

(for clearer picture, you may refer to Netter’s, page 113)

Ultrastructure of the Blood-Brain Barrier

(for clearer picture, you may refer to Netter’s, page 112)

Structure and Function of Glial Cells

 Glial cells outnumber neurons by at least 10:1 and make
up more than 50% of the total volume of the brain and (for clearer picture, you may refer to Netter’s, page 115)
spinal cord. Their existence has been known for more
than 100 years. (additional ppt info notes)
 They are ubiquitous but are not easily detected by
conventional stains; special, improved techniques are  The BBB restricts passage of large molecules from the
required to reveal them. The four types of cells bear capillary lumen to the surrounding tissue, but it allows
descriptive names: astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, free passage of gases and selected molecules such as
ependymal cells, and microglial cells. glucose.
 Except for microglia, which originate from blood  The barrier protects neurons in the CNS from toxins,
monocytes, glial cells are derived from neural ectoderm. drugs, and other potentially harmful substances that
Smaller than neurons, with cell bodies 3-10 mm in may be in the bloodstream.
diameter, these nonconducting cells of the CNS have  Most antibiotics such as penicillin do not cross the
diverse structural, protective, and nutritive roles, as they barrier in sufficient quantities because of their large
ensure an interstitial milieu compatible for neuronal molecular size and low degree of lipid solubility.
function.  A few brain regions—pineal gland, posterior pituitary,
 Astrocytes, the most abundant glial cell, are stellate and parts of the hypothalamus—lack this barrier and
cells with various critical functions in the CNS, such as contain capillaries that are highly permeable and
fenestrated.  Microglia do not originate from neural progenitor cells
Microglia like other glia, but from circulating blood monocytes,
belonging to the same family as macrophages and
other antigen-presenting cells.

(for clearer picture, you may refer to Junqueira’s, page 174)

** of all the cells in CNS, this is the one that is

not native to the CNS; the cells here do not
originate from the neuroectoderm and instead,
they arise from the mesoderm. (for clearer picture, you may refer to Netter’s, page 117)
** originate in the bone marrow, developed into
monocyte in the blood, and then they migrate ** Each of the processes will wrap around
out and move to the CNS tissue, where they repeatedly around a portion of a nearby CNS
become microglial. axon.
** functions for immunologic defense, ** During this wrapping, most of the cytoplasm,
immunologic surveillance in the CNS; they gradually moves out of the growing extension
phagocytose pathogens and other substances. leaving multiple compacted layers of cell
membrane called myelin.
(additional ppt info notes) ** The resulting myelin sheath electrically
insulates the axon and facilitates rapid
Microglia transmission of nerve impulses.
 Microglia are monocyte-derived, antigen-presenting ** Found only in the CNS oligodendrocytes are
cells of the CNS, less numerous than astrocytes but the predominant glial cells in white matter
nearly as common as neurons and evenly distributed
in both gray and white matter. o White matter: because of the lipid
 By immunohistochemistry, here using a monoclonal concentrated in the wrapped membrane
antibody against human leukocyte antigens (HLA) of sheaths.
immune-related cells, the short branching processes ** The processes and sheaths are not visible by
of microglia can be seen. Routine staining
demonstrates only the small dark nuclei of the cells. routine light microscope staining, in which
 Unlike other glia of the CNS, microglia are not oligodendrocytes usually appear as small cells
interconnected; they are motile cells, constantly used with rounded, condensed nuclei and unstained
in immune surveillance of CNS tissues. cytoplasm
 When activated by products of cell damage or by
invading microorganisms, the cells retract their
(additional ppt info notes)
processes, begin phagocytosing the damage- or
danger-related material, and behave as antigen
presenting cells. X500. Antibody against HLA-DR and Oligodendrocytes
peroxidase.  An axon’s full length is covered by the action of many
***************************************************** oligodendrocytes.
 Less numerous than oligodendrocytes or astrocytes Ependymal Cells
but nearly as common as neurons in some CNS
regions, microglia are small cells with actively mobile
processes evenly distributed throughout gray and
white matter.
 Unlike other glial cells microglia migrate, with their
processes scanning the neuropil and removing
damaged or effete synapses or other fibrous
 Microglial cells also constitute the major mechanism of (for clearer picture, you may refer to Junqueira’s, page 174)
immune defense in the CNS, removing any microbial ** Ependymal cells are epithelial-like cells that
invaders and secreting a number of immunoregulatory form a single layer lining the fluid-filled ventricles
cytokines. and central canal of the CNS.
** Helps circulate and monitor CSF content. support these cells in various ways.
(a) Nuclei of the many satellite cells (S) surrounding
the perikarya of neurons (N) in an autonomic
(additional ppt info notes)
ganglion can be seen by light microscopy, but their
cytoplasmic extensions are too thin to see with
(a) Lining the ventricles of the cerebrum, columnar H&E staining. These long-lived neurons commonly
ependymal cells (E) extend cilia and microvilli from the accumulate brown lipofuscin (L). (X560; H&E)
apical surfaces into the ventricle (V). These (b) Immunofluorescent staining of satellite cells (S)
modifications help circulate the CSF and monitor its reveals the cytoplasmic sheets extending from
contents. these cells and surrounding the neuronal cell
o Ependymal cells have junctional complexes at bodies (N). The layer of satellite cells around each
their apical ends like those of epithelial cells but soma is continuous with the myelin sheath around
lack a basal lamina. the axon. Like the effect of Schwann cells on
o The cells’ basal ends are tapered, extending axons, satellite glial cells insulate, nourish, and
processes that branch and penetrate some regulate the microenvironment of the neuronal cell
distance into the adjacent neuropil (N). Other bodies. (X600; Rhodamine red-labeled antibody
areas of ependyma are responsible for production against glutamine synthetase)
of CSF. (X100; H&E) *****************************************************
(b) Ependymal cells (E) lining the central canal (C) of the
spinal cord help move CSF in that CNS region. (X200;
 Also derived from the embryonic neural crest, small
satellite cells form a thin, intimate glial layer around
each large neuronal cell body in the ganglia of the
PNS. Satellite cells exert a trophic or supportive effect
 Ependymal cells are columnar or cuboidal cells that
on these neurons, insulating, nourishing, and
line the fluid-filled ventricles of the brain and the central
canal of the spinal cord. regulating their microenvironments.
 In some CNS locations, the apical ends of ependymal Schwann Cells or Neurolemmocyte
cells have cilia, which facilitate the movement of
cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and long microvilli, which are
likely involved in absorption.
 Ependymal cells are joined apically by apical junctional
complexes similar to those of epithelial cells. However,
unlike a true epithelium there is no basal lamina.
Instead, the basal ends of ependymal cells are
elongated and extend branching processes into the
adjacent neuropil.
Satellite cells

(for clearer picture, you may refer to Netter’s, page 116)

** functions to myelinate axons in the PNS

(additional ppt info notes)

 Schwann cells (named for 19th century German

histologist Theodor Schwann), sometimes called
neurolemmocytes, are found only in the PNS and
differentiate from precursors in the neural crest.
 Schwann cells are the counterparts to oligodendrocytes
of the CNS, having trophic interactions with axons and
most importantly forming their myelin sheathes.
 However unlike an oligodendrocyte, a Schwann cell
forms myelin around a portion of only one axon.
(for clearer picture, you may refer to Junqueira’s, page 175)

** closely associated with the neuronal cell Origin, location, and principal functions of
bodies in the PNS; ganglion cells neuroglial cells
** surrounding the cell bodies are the satellite Glial cell Origin Locatio Main
cells; thereby supports the cell bodies n fxns
(additional ppt info notes)
Neural CNS Myelin
Oligodend tube productio
Satellite cells are very closely associated with neuronal cell ro n,
bodies in sensory and autonomic ganglia of the PNS and cyte electrical
insulation (additional ppt info notes)
Astrocyte Neural CNS Structural
 The major structures comprising the CNS are the
tube and
cerebrum, cerebellum, and spinal cord.
metabolic  The CNS is completely covered by connective tissue
support of layers, the meninges, but CNS tissue contains very little
neurons, collagen or similar material, making it relatively soft and
especially easily damaged by injuries affecting the protective skull
or vertebral bones.
at  Most CNS neurons and their functional organization are
synapses more appropriately covered in neuroscience rather than
; repair histology courses.
processe  Many structural features of CNS tissues can be seen in
unstained, freshly dissected specimens. Many regions
s show organized areas of white matter and gray matter,
Ependym Neural tube Line Aid differences caused by the differential distribution of lipid-
al cells ventricle productio rich myelin.
and n and  The main components of white matter are myelinated
axons, often grouped together as tracts, and the
central movemen myelin-producing oligodendrocytes.
canal of t of CSF  Astrocytes and microglia are also present, but very few
CNS neuronal cell bodies.
Microglia Bone CNS Defense  Gray matter contains abundant neuronal cell bodies,
dendrites, astrocytes, and microglial cells, and is where
marrow and
most synapses occur.
(monocytes immune-  Gray matter makes up the thick cortex or surface layer
) related of both the cerebrum and the cerebellum; most white
activities matter is found in deeper regions. Deep within the brain
are localized, variously shaped darker areas called the
Schwann Neural crest Peripher Myelin
cerebral nuclei, each containing large numbers of
cell al nerves productio aggregated neuronal cell bodies.
n, Cerebral Cortex
Satellite Neural crest Peripher Structural
cells (of al and
ganglia) ganglia metabolic

Central Nervous System .

3 tissues:  The important structure to remember is:
 Cerebral cortex pyramidal cells.
 Cerebellar cortex  They have dendrites extending in the
 Spinal cord direction going to the cortical surface
CNS comprises of:
Brain (additional ppt info notes)
 Cerebrum Spinal cord
Cerebral Cortex
 Cerebellum (a) Important neurons of the cerebrum are the
pyramidal neurons (P), which are arranged
vertically and interspersed with numerous smaller
glial cells, mostly astrocytes, in the eosinophilic
Meninges Completely covered by
neuropil. (X200; H&E)
connective tissue layers. (b) From the apical ends of pyramidal neurons (P),
Very little collagen Within the CNS’ long dendrites extend in the direction of the
parenchyma, it has very cortical surface, which can be best seen in thick
silver-stained sections in which only a few other
little collagen making it
protoplasmic astrocytes (A) cells are seen.
very susceptible to injury (X200; Silver)
 In the folded cerebral cortex neuroscientists recognize
six layers of neurons with different sizes and shapes.
The most conspicuous of these cells are the efferent
pyramidal neurons (Figure 9–15). Neurons of the
cerebral cortex function in the integration of sensory
information and the initiation of voluntary motor
(additional ppt info notes) but this was skipped on the video

(for clearer picture, you may refer to diFiore’s, page 185)

I. Molecular layer
II. External granular layer
Cytoarchitechture of the Cerebral Cortex III. External pyramidal layer
 The cerebrum consists of two hemispheres with an
outer cortex of gray matter and a central region of
IV. Internal granular layer
white matter. V. Internal pyramidal layer
 The cerebral cortex, 1.5-4.5 mm thick and with more VI. Multiform layer
than 15 billion neurons, constitutes 40% of the weight
of the human brain. The outer surface is highly folded Cerebral Cortex: Gray Matter
to increase the surface area, estimated at about 2000
cm2.  The different cell types that constitute the
 The convolutions are known as sulci and the gray matter of the cerebral cortex are
intervening grooves, gyri. Different types of neurons distributed in six layers, with one or more
and fibers are arranged in horizontal layers, so the
cell types predominant in each layer.
cortex appears laminated. Despite regional variations,
the cortex typically consists of six ill-defined layers,  Although there are variations in the
which differ in neuronal population density. arrangement of cells in different parts of the
 As many as five types of cortical neurons exist, but cerebral cortex, distinct layers are
pyramidal cells and stellate cells are most
numerous. Nerve fibers are oriented tangentially and
recognized in most regions.
radially, establish complex intracortical circuits, and  Horizontal and radial axons associated with
transmit impulses at multiple synaptic sites. neuronal cells in different layers give the
 Many neurons make connections with other cortical cerebral cortex a laminated appearance.
neurons or project to other areas of the brain and
spinal cord. Pyramidal cell bodies, shaped like
isosceles triangles, range from 10 to 50 mm in  The most superficial is the molecular layer
diameter. A large dendrite projects apically, is oriented (I). Overlying and covering the molecular
at right angles to the surface, and branches cell layer (I) is the delicate connective
repeatedly as it climbs to the surface.
tissue of the brain, the pia mater (1). The
 Emerging from the base of each cell is a single axon
that penetrates to deeper cortical layers and enters peripheral portion of molecular layer (I) is
the medullary white matter. In certain cortical regions, composed predominantly of neuroglial
giant pyramidal neurons, called Betz cells, have cells (2) and horizontal cells of Cajal.
diameters up to 100 μm. Their axons contribute to the horizontal
6 layers of cerebral cortex fibers that are seen in the molecular layer
 The external granular layer (II) contains
mainly different types of neuroglial cells
and small pyramidal cells (3). Note that
the pyramidal cells get progressively larger
in successively deeper layers of the cortex.
The apical dendrites of the pyramidal matter in the cerebellar medulla (M).
cells (4, 7) are directed toward the Each fold has distinct molecular layers
periphery of the cortex, whereas their (ML) and granular layers (GL). (X6;
axons extend from the cell bases [see Cresyl violet)
Figure 7.9 (4, 10) below]. (b) Higher magnification shows that the
 In the external pyramidal layer (III), granular layer (GL) immediately
medium-sized pyramidal cells (5) surrounding the medulla (M) is densely
predominate. packed with several diferent types of
 The internal granular layer (IV) is a thin very small rounded neuronal cell bodies.
layer and contains mainly small granule The outer molecular layer (ML) consists
cells (6), some pyramidal cells, and of neuropil with fewer, much more
different neuroglia that form numerous scattered small neurons. At the interface
complex connections with the pyramidal of these two regions a layer of large
cells. Purkinje neuron (P) perikarya can be
 The internal pyramidal layer (V) contains seen. (X20; H&E)
numerous neuroglial cells and the largest o Neurophil: processes of thre
pyramidal cells (8), especially in the motor neurons and glial cells
area of the cerebral cortex (the axons in o Purkinje: large neurons in
the motor area will have to travel a very between molecular and granular
long distance from the motor cortext; the layer
farthest of them would even reach the (c) A single intervening layer contains the
lumbar area of the spinal cord). very large cell bodies of unique Purkinje
o In order for neuron to sustain its neurons (P), whose axons pass through
very long axon, they have to the granular layer (GL) to join tracts in
contain larger amount of the medulla and whose multiple
organelles. Hence, their size. branching dendrites ramify or projecting
 The deepest layer is the multiform layer throughout the molecular layer (ML).
(VI). This layer is adjacent to the white Dendrites are not seen well with H&E
matter (10) of the cerebral cortex. The staining. (X40; H&E)
multiform layer (VI) contains intermixed (d) With appropriate silver staining
cells of varying shapes and sizes, such as dendrites from each large Purkinje cell
the fusiform cells, granule cells, stellate (P) are shown to have hundreds of small
cells, and cells of Martinotti. Bundles of branches, each covered with hundreds
axons (9) enter and leave the white matter of dendritic spines. Axons from the small
(10). neurons of the granular layer are
Cerebellum / Cerebellar cortex unmyelinated and run together into the
molecular layer where they form
synapses with the dendritic spines of
Purkinje cells. (X40; Silver)

(a) The cerebellar cortex is convoluted with
many distinctive small folds, each
supported at its center by tracts of white
(for clearer picture, you may refer to diFiore’s, pages 187
and 189) (for clearer picture, you may refer to Netter’s, pages 121)

(additional ppt info notes) (additional ppt info notes)

Cerebellar Cortex: Molecular Layer, Purkinje Cell Layer, Cytoarchitecture of the Cerebellum
and Granular Cell Layer  The cerebellum is a bilaterally symmetric part of the
brain with an extensively folded surface that has thin
This illustration shows a small section of cerebellar cortex transverse folds known as folia, which resemble
above the white matter at a higher magnification. The leaves of a tree. It consists of a surface layer of cortex
Purkinje cells (3) comprising the Purkinje cell layer (7), of gray matter and a medullary center of white
with their prominent nuclei and nucleoli, are arranged in a matter. Its name is misleading as it implies that it is a
single row between the molecular cell layer (6) and the small part of the brain, but the cerebellar cortex is
granular cell layer (4). The large “flask-shaped’’ bodies of three-fourths the size of the cerebral cortex.
the Purkinje cells (3, 7) give off thick dendrites (2) that  Also, the cerebellar cortex most likely contains more
branch extensively throughout the molecular cell layer (6) to neurons than the cerebral cortex. The cerebellar
the cerebellar surface. Thin axons (not shown) leave the cortex has a remarkably uniform trilaminar
base of the Purkinje cells, pass through the granular cell organization: an outer molecular layer, an inner layer
layer (4), become myelinated, and enter the white matter (5, of granule cells, and a middle monolayer of large
11). The molecular cell layer (6) contains scattered basket pear-shaped neurons known as Purkinje cells. The
cells (1) whose unmyelinated axons normally course molecular layer is a pale-stained zone with relatively
horizontally. Descending collaterals of more deeply placed few neuron bodies. It contains a network of profusely
basket cells (1) arborize around the Purkinje cells (3, 7). branching dendrites of Purkinje cells and represents
Axons of the granule cells (9) in the granular cell layer (4) mainly a synaptic field. These dendritic branches are
extend into the molecular layer (6) and also course not readily seen in conventional preparations; more
horizontally as unmyelinated axons. In the granular cell layer specialized techniques, such as metal impregnation or
(4) are numerous small granule cells (9) with dark-staining immunocytochemistry, are required for elucidation.
nuclei and a small amount of cytoplasm. Also scattered in
the granular cell layer (4) are larger Golgi type II cells (8)
with typical vesicular nuclei and more cytoplasm. Throughout
the granular layer are small, irregularly dispersed, clear
spaces called the glomeruli (10). These regions contain
only synaptic complexes.

(for clearer picture, you may refer to Netter’s, pages 122)

(additional ppt info notes)

Histology and Ultrastructure of the Cerebellum

 Cerebellar Purkinje cells have a very large unique  The white matter of the spinal cord, unlike
flask-like shape and, with soma diameters of 50-80
mm, are one of the largest neurons in the CNS. At 15-30
that in other CNS areas, is peripherally
million, they are also among the most numerous in the located; the gray matter occupies an H-
brain. They form a single row of uniformly arranged, shaped central region or butterfly-
large neuron bodies on the outer surface of the granule shaped.
cell layer.
o PNS: Outer white matter ; inner
 Light microscopy shows a single, vesicular nucleus with
prominent Nissl substance in surrounding cytoplasm. By gray matter
electron microscopy, primary and secondary o CNS: (it is reversed) outer gray
dendrites are smooth surfaced; small tertiary branches matter ; inner white matter
have short, stubby spines.
 Gray matter consist of primarily cell bodies
 Each Purkinje cell has more than 100,000 dendritic
spines that markedly increase its surface area for and unmyelinated nerve fibers
synaptic contact. A single myelinated axon projects from  White matter consist of anything that is
the base of each Purkinje cell and descends to the myelinated fibers
underlying medullary white region.
 Granule cells are densely packed, round to oval, small
(additional ppt info notes)
neurons, about 5 mm in diameter. Only the nucleus is
 White matter is so named because of large amounts
readily seen, as there is very little surrounding
of myelin, the fatty insulating substance that forms
cytoplasm. Several short dendrites project from the base
sheaths around individual nerve fibers. White matter
of each granule cell, and one apical axon extends into
consists of ascending and descending tracts of
the molecular layer, loses its myelin sheath, and
myelinated nerve fibers.
bifurcates up to 3 mm in each direction. Because of their
orientation parallel to the surface, unmyelinated axons  Gray matter consists chiefly of cell bodies and
are known as parallel fibers. They establish multiple unmyelinated nerve fibers, so to the naked eye they
synaptic contacts with dendritic spines of Purkinje cells. appear pinkish gray compared with myelinated fibers
of the white matter.
Clinical Notes  Gray matter has two ventral horns and two dorsal
Medulloblastoma—the most common malignant brain horns connected at the center by an isthmus of gray
tumor in children—is a fast-growing, invasive embryonal commissures surrounding a small central canal, which
tumor derived from primitive stem cells residing in two is lined by ependymal epithelium.
germinal zones of cerebellum. It belongs to the family of  Sensory nerve fibers enter the spinal cord via the
primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNETs), reflecting its dorsal horns, and motor nerve fibers exit from the
origin, undifferentiated histologic appearance, and potential ventral horns in discrete bundles known as spinal
for neuronal and glial neoplasia. It tends to invade the nerves.
subarachnoid space in the midline, often obstructing CSF  The PNS comprises 31 pairs of spinal nerves, which
flow in the fourth ventricle, which leads to hydrocephalus. are divided into cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and
CSF analysis shows elevated protein and low glucose levels coccygeal groups. Two enlargements of the ventral
along with metastatic tumor cells. Biopsy samples show horns—in the cervical and the lumbar regions—
rosettes of mitotically active tumor cells and immunostaining provide motor innervation to upper and lower limbs,
for neuron-specific enolase (NSE) and GFAP. Abnormal respectively.
activation of several signal transduction pathways may lead  A unique feature of the thoracic and upper lumbar
to tumor formation. Treatment combines surgical resection, levels of the spinal cord is small lateral horns of gray
craniosacral radiation, and intrathecal chemotherapy. matter, which are the source of efferent sympathetic
Spinal Cord neurons of the autonomic nervous system. The spinal
cord is covered by connective tissue meninges—an
outer dura, middle arachnoid, and inner pia mater.

Clinical Notes
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou
Gehrig disease, is a progressive neuromuscular disorder
caused by destruction of specific neurons in the brain and
spinal cord. ALS belongs to a class of disorders known as
motor neuron diseases and results in loss of nervous control
of skeletal muscles, which leads to degeneration and
atrophy of muscle fibers. Respiratory muscles are ultimately
affected; death is thus due to an inability to breathe. ALS
mostly affects men, although women also get the disorder,
with the progression rate varying among individuals. Its
cause is uncertain, but several proposed hypotheses include
glutamate toxicity, mitochondrial dysfunction, and
autoimmune mechanisms.
Anatomy and Histology of the Spinal Cord Spinal Cord: Midthoracic Region (Transverse
 Specific spinal cord anatomy varies Section)
according to the cord level, but in cross
section the cord is roughly oval to
cylindrical with a ventral fissure.
Located in the pia mater (4) are numerous anterior and
posterior spinal blood vessels (1, 12) of various sizes.
 Between the arachnoid (3) and the pia mater (4) is the
subarachnoid space (14). Fine trabeculae located in the
subarachnoid space (14) connect the pia mater (4) with
the arachnoid mater (3). In life, the subarachnoid space
(14) is filled with circulating CSF. Between the arachnoid
mater (3) and the dura mater (2) is the subdural space
(13). In this preparation, the subdural space (13)
appears unusually large because of the artifactual
retraction of the arachnoid during the specimen
Spinal Cord: Anterior Gray Horn, Motor
Neurons, and Adjacent Anterior White Matter

 A transverse section of a spinal cord cut in

the midthoracic region and stained with
hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) is illustrated.
 Although a basic structural pattern is seen
throughout the spinal cord, the shape and
structure of the cord vary at different levels
(cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral).
o Gray matter inside; white matter
o And a butterfly-shaped
o Appearance vary depending on the
level of the spinal cord  In gray matter, you will see neuronal cell
 Gray matter would be prominent in the lower bodies called “Anterior Horn Cells”
cervical, upper thoracic, and upper lumbar o These are the neurons that would
segments because you will find a lot of actually innervate skeletal muscles
sensory axons entering the spinal cord and  At the white matter, you would find
synapsing with the second order neuronal myelinated axons
cell bodies unlike in torso.
(additional ppt info notes)
(additional ppt info notes)
 The thoracic region of the spinal cord differs from the  A higher magnification of a small section of the spinal
cervical region illustrated in Figure 7.3. cord illustrates the appearance of gray matter,white
matter, neurons, neuroglia, and axons stained with
 The thoracic spinal cord exhibits slender posterior gray
hematoxylin and eosin.
horns (6) and smaller anterior gray horns (10, 20) with
fewer motor neurons (10, 20). The lateral gray horns (8,  The cells in the anterior gray horn of the thoracic
19), on the other hand, are well developed in the region of the spinal cord are multipolar motor
thoracic region of the spinal cord. These contain the neurons (2, 6). Their cytoplasm is characterized by a
motor neurons (8, 19) of the sympathetic division of the prominent vesicular nucleus (7), a distinct nucleolus
autonomic nervous system. (7), and coarse clumps of basophilic material called
the Nissl substance (3).
 The remaining structures in the midthoracic region of the
spinal cord closely correspond to the structures  The Nissl substance extends into the dendrites (5)
illustrated in the cervical cord region in Figure 7.3. but not into the axons. One such neuron exhibits the
These are the posterior median sulcus (15), anterior root of an axon and the axon hillock (4), which is
median fissure (22), fasciculus gracilis (16) and devoid of the Nissl substance and characterizes the
fasciculus cuneatus (17) (seen in the mid to upper axon
thoracic region of the spinal cord) of the posterior white hillock.
column (16, 17), lateral white column (7), central canal  The nonneural neuroglia (8), seen here only as
(9), and the gray commissure (18). basophilic nuclei, are small in comparison to the
 Associated with the posterior gray horns (6) are axons prominent multipolar neurons (2, 4).
of the posterior roots (5), and leaving the anterior gray  The neuroglia (8) occupy the spaces between the
horns (10, 20) are the axons (11, 21) of the anterior neurons.
roots (11).  The anterior white matter of the spinal cord contains
 Surrounding the spinal cord are the connective tissue myelinated axons of various sizes. Because of the
layers of the meninges. These are the thick and fibrous chemicals used in histologic preparation of this
outer dura mater (2), the thinner and middle arachnoid section, the myelin sheaths appear as clear spaces
mater (3), and the delicate inner pia mater (4), which around the dark-staining axons (1).
 In certain neurons (2), the plane of section did not
closely adheres to the surface of the spinal cord.
include the nucleus, and the cytoplasm appears
enucleated (without nucleus). mother) consists of dense irregular connective tissue
organized as an outer periosteal layer continuous with
The Meninges the periosteum of the skull, and an inner meningeal
• Membranes of connective tissue covering  These two layers are usually fused, but along the
the CNS. superior sagittal surface and other specific areas
• Three layers (from outermost to innermost) around the brain they separate to form the blood-filled
Dura mater outermost layer, consists of dural venous sinuses.
 Around the spinal cord the dura mater is separated
dense irregular connective
from the periosteum of the vertebrae by the epidural
tissue space, which contains a plexus of thin-walled veins
o Mater = mother and loose connective tissue. The dura mater may be
o Dura = tough separated from the arachnoid by formation of a thin
subdural space.
o Hence, tough mother
consists of 2 components: a sheet Arachnoid
Arachnoid of connective tissue and a system  The arachnoid (Gr. arachnoeides, spider web-like)
mater of loosely arranged trabeculae. has two components: (1) a sheet of connective tissue
in contact with the dura mater and (2) a system of
o Double-layered
loosely arranged trabeculae composed of collagen
consists of flattened cells closely and fibroblasts, continuous with the underlying pia
Pia mater applied to the surface of CNS mater layer.
tissues  Surrounding these trabeculae is a large, sponge-like
cavity, the subarachnoid space, filled with CSF. This
fluid-filled space helps cushion and protect the CNS
from minor trauma. The subarachnoid space
communicates with the ventricles of the brain where
the CSF is produced.
 The connective tissue of the arachnoid is said to be
avascular because it lacks nutritive capillaries, but
larger blood vessels run through it. Because the
arachnoid has fewer trabeculae in the spinal cord, it
can be more clearly distinguished from the pia mater
in that area.
 The arachnoid and the pia mater are intimately
associated and are often considered a single
membrane called the pia-arachnoid.
 In some areas, the arachnoid penetrates the dura
mater and protrudes into blood-filled dural venous
sinuses located there. These CSF-filled protrusions,
which are covered by the vascular endothelial cells
(additional ppt info notes) lining the sinuses, are called arachnoid villi and
function as sites for absorption of CSF into the blood
Meninges Around the Brain of the venous sinuses.

Pia Mater
 The dura, arachnoid, and pia maters also surround
 The innermost pia mater (L. pia mater, tender mother)
the brain and as shown here the relationships among
consists of flattened, mesenchymally derived cells
the cranial meninges are similar to those of the spinal
cord. The diagram includes arachnoid villi, which are closely applied to the entire surface of the CNS tissue.
outpocketings of arachnoid away from the brain, which  The pia does not directly contact nerve cells or fibers,
penetrate the dura mater and enter blood-filled being separated from the neural elements by the very
venous sinuses located within that layer. thin superficial layer of astrocytic processes (the glial
The arachnoid villi function in releasing excess CSF limiting membrane, or glia limitans), which adheres

into the blood. Blood vessels from the arachnoid firmly to the pia mater.
branch into smaller arteries and veins that enter brain  Together, the pia mater and the layer of astrocytic end
tissue carrying oxygen and nutrients. These small feet form a physical barrier separating CNS tissue
vessels are initially covered with pia mater, but as from CSF in the subarachnoid space.
capillaries they are covered only by the perivascular
feet of astrocytes. Blood vessels penetrate CNS tissue through long
perivascular spaces covered by pia mater, although the pia
Meninges disappears when the blood vessels branch to form the small
capillaries. However, these capillaries remain completely
 The skull and the vertebral column protect the CNS,
but between the bone and nervous tissue are covered by the perivascular layer of astrocytic processes.
membranes of connective tissue called the meninges. Spinal Cord and the Meninges
 Three meningeal layers are distinguished: the dura,
arachnoid, and pia maters.

Dura Mater
 The thick external dura mater (L. dura mater, tough
Choroid Plexus
• A highly vascular structure responsible for
the production of CSF.
• Elaborately folded and projects into the
large ventricles of the brain.
• Found in the the roofs of the third and
fourth ventricles and in the lateral ventricle

(additional ppt info notes)

A. A diagram of the spinal cord indicates the relationship

of the three meningeal layers of connective tissue: the
innermost pia mater, the arachnoid, and the dura
mater. Also depicted are the blood vessels coursing
through the subarachnoid space and the nerve
rootlets that fuse to form the posterior and anterior
roots of the spinal nerves. The posterior root ganglia
contain the cell bodies of sensory nerve fibers and are
located in intervertebral foramina.
B. Section of an area near the anterior median fissure
showing the tough dura mater (D). Surrounding the
dura, the epidural space (not shown) contains
cushioning adipose tissue and vascular plexuses. The
subdural space (SD) is an artifact created by
separation of the dura from underlying tissue. The
middle meningeal layer is the thicker weblike
arachnoid mater (A) containing the large subarachnoid
space (SA) and connective tissue trabeculae (T).The
subarachnoid space is filled with CSF and the
arachnoid acts as a shock-absorbing pad between the
CNS and bone. Fairly large blood vessels (BV) course
through the arachnoid. The innermost pia mater (P) is
thin and is not clearly separate from the arachnoid;
together, they are sometimes referred to as the pia-
arachnoid or the leptomeninges. The space between
the pia and the white matter (WM) of the spinal cord
here is an artifact created during dissection; normally
the pia is very closely applied to a layer of astrocytic
processes at the surface of the CNS tissue. (X100;
 It is a highly vascular structure as expected
in tissues that are producing fluid (CSF)
 At higher magnification, each fold of the
choroid plexus has a well vascularized
capillaries and covered by continuous layer
of cuboidal cells
 This tissue is specialized for water
transport across the capillary endothelium
 This fluid is elaborated in CSF.

(additional ppt info notes)

Choroid Plexus
 The choroid plexus consists of highly vascular
tissue, elaborately folded and projecting into the large
ventricles of the brain.
 It is found in the roofs of the third and fourth ventricles
and in parts of the two lateral ventricular walls, all
regions in which the ependymal lining directly contacts
the pia mater.
 Each villus of the choroid plexus contains a thin layer
of well-vascularized pia mater covered by cuboidal
ependymal cells (Figure 9–20b).
 The function of the choroid plexus is to remove water
from blood and release it as the CSF. CSF is clear,
contains Na+, K+, and Cl- ions but very little protein,
and its only cells are normally very sparse
 It is produced continuously and it completely fills the
ventricles, the central canal of the spinal cord, the
subarachnoid and perivascular spaces.
 It provides the ions required for CNS neuronal activity
and in the arachnoid serves to help absorb
mechanical shocks. Arachnoid villi provide the main
pathway for absorption of CSF back into the venous
circulation. There are very few lymphatic vessels in
CNS tissue.

Clinical Notes
A decrease in the absorption of CSF or a blockage of outflow
from the ventricles during fetal or postnatal development
results in the condition known as hydrocephalus (Gr. hydro,
water + kephale, head), which promotes a progressive
enlargement of the head followed by mental impairment.
Peripheral Nerves
 Composed of nerves, ganglia, and nerve
 Nerve fibers can be myelinated or
o Schwann cells myelinates nerve
fibers in the PNS.
(additional ppt info notes)
 The Schawnn cells would wrap around the
 Nerves are bundles of nerve fibers (axons) axon several times up to hundred lamella
surrounded by Schwann cells and layers of connective
tissue. (additional ppt info notes)

 Nerve fibers are analogous to tracts in the CNS,  A Schwann cell (neurolemmocyte) engulfs one portion
containing axons enclosed within sheaths of glial cells along the length of a large-diameter axon.
specialized to facilitate axonal function. In peripheral  The Schwann cell membrane fuses around the axon
nerve fibers, axons are sheathed by Schwann cells, and one thin extension of the Schwann cell elongates
or neurolemmocytes. The sheath may or may not greatly and wraps itself repeatedly around the axon to
form myelin around the axons, depending on their form multiple, compacted layers.
diameter.  The Schwann cell membrane wrappings constitute the
myelin sheath, with the Schwann cell body always on its
outer surface.
 The myelin layers are very rich in lipid, and provide
insulation and facilitate formation of action potentials
along the axolemma.
perineurium, containing flat fibrocytes with their edges
sealed together by tight junctions.
 From two to six layers of these unique connective tissue
cells regulate diffusion into the fascicle and make up the
blood-nerve barrier that helps maintain the fibers’
 Externally, peripheral nerves have a dense, irregular
fibrous coat called the epineurium, which extends
deeply to fill the space between fascicles.
 Very small nerves consist of one fascicle. Small nerves
can be found in sections of many organs and often show
a winding disposition in connective tissue.
 Peripheral nerves establish communication between
(The entire nerve is covered by a connective centers in the CNS and the sense organs and effectors
(muscles, glands, etc). They generally contain both
tissue covering called “Epineurium.” The nerve afferent and efferent fibers.
fascicles are groups of individual nerve  Afferent fibers carry information from internal body
fiber/bundles grouped together covered by regions and the environment to the CNS.
connective tissue covering called  Efferent fibers carry impulses from the CNS to effector
organs commanded by these centers.
“Perineurium.” An individual nerve fiber would  Nerves possessing only sensory fibers are called
be covered by a “Endoneurium.”) sensory nerves; those composed only of fibers carrying
impulses to the effectors are called motor nerves.
Nerve fibers  fascicle  peripheral nerve  Most nerves have both sensory and motor fibers and
are called mixed nerves, usually also with both
Connective tissue covering: myelinated and unmyelinated axons.
 binds all fascicles together.
Epineurium Consists of dense irregular
connective tissue.
 Covers the entire nerve.
 surrounds one or more
individual nerve fascicles.
 Covers nerve fascicles.
Perineurium  Acts as a selective,
metabolically active
diffusion barrier.
o Forms part of the
blood nerve barrier
akin to BBB in the
o Controls the
materials going into (additional ppt info notes)
the nerve fibers Histology of Peripheral Nerves
 Surrounds the nerve
Endoneurium axon.  A peripheral nerve consists of one or more bundles of
nerve fibers. Each bundle, or fascicle, contains a
 Composed of loose
mixture of fibers, either efferent (motor) or afferent
connective tissue. (sensory).
(additional ppt info notes)  In peripheral nerves consisting of more than one
fascicle, an outer layer of dense irregular connective
Organization of Nerves tissue, the epineurium, binds the fascicles together and
forms a strong cylindrical sheath around the whole
 In the PNS nerve fibers are grouped into bundles to nerve.
form nerves. Except for very thin nerves containing  Surrounding each fascicle is a very condensed layer of
only unmyelinated fibers, nerves have a whitish, specialized connective tissue called the perineurium,
glistening appearance because of their myelin and which is made of multiple concentric layers of flattened
collagen content. perineurial cells with intervening, longitudinal collagen
 Axons and Schwann cells are enclosed within layers of fibrils. The perineurium acts as a selective,
connective tissue. Immediately around the external metabolically active diffusion barrier.
lamina of the Schwann cells is a thin layer called the  It restricts passage of many macromolecular
endoneurium, consisting of reticular fibers, scattered substances, thereby regulating the internal
fibroblasts, and capillaries. microenvironment of the nerve. Perineurial cells are
 Groups of axons with Schwann cells and endoneurium modified fibroblasts, most likely of mesenchymal
are bundled together as fascicles by a sleeve of origin, which are linked together by tight junctions and
help contribute to a blood-nerve barrier between highly
permeable blood vessels in the exterior of each
fascicle and the interior tight capillaries.
 Individual nerve fibers and their support cells within
each fascicle are firmly embedded in a delicate packing
of loose connective tissue called endoneurium.

(additional ppt info notes)

Ultrastructure of Myelinated and Unmyelinated Nerve

Fibers in the Peripheral Nervous System

 Schwann cells, the principal supporting cells of the

(additional ppt info notes) PNS, surround all nerve fibers, myelinated and
(a) The diagram shows the relationship among these  Myelin acts as an electrical insulator and permits
three connective tissue layers in large peripheral nerve impulses to be transmitted rapidly by saltatory
nerves. The epineurium (E) consists of a dense conductance along nodes of Ranvier.
superficial region and a looser deep region that  A direct relationship exists among speed of nerve
contains the larger blood vessels. conduction, axon size, and thickness of the myelin
(b) The micrograph shows a small vein (V) and artery sheath (number of concentric myelin lamellae).
(A) in the deep epineurium (E). Nerve fibers (N)  In myelinated fibers, the speed of conduction may
are bundled in fascicles. Each fascicle is vary from 5 to 100 m/s, which is much higher than that
surrounded by the perineurium (P), consisting of a in smaller unmyelinated fibers, with conduction
few layers of unusual squamous fibroblastic cells speeds of 0.2-2 m/s.
that are all joined at the peripheries by tight  The association of Schwann cells to nerve fibers
junctions. The resulting blood-nerve barrier helps differs for myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. Small-
regulate the microenvironment inside the fascicle. diameter nerve fibers composed of both axons and
Axons and Schwann cells are in turn surrounded dendrites are grouped together by a Schwann cell that
by a thin layer of endoneurium. (X140; H&E) either completely or partly envelops them in groove-
(c) As shown here and in the diagram, septa (S) of like invaginations that open to the surface.
connective t sue often extend from the  Schwann cells associated with unmyelinated nerve
perineurium into larger fascicles. The fibers may invest up to 20 fibers, and the outer surface
endoneurium (En) and lamellar nature of the of the Schwann cell is covered by a basal lamina.
perineurium (P) are also shown at this The narrow cleft from the external surface of the
magnification, along with some adjacent Schwann cell to the nerve fiber is the mesaxon.
epineurium (E). (X200; PT) Ganglia
(d) SEM of transverse sections of a large peripheral
nerve showing several fascicles, each surrounded  Ovoid structures containing neuronal cell
by perineurium and packed with endoneurium bodies and their surrounding glial satellite
around the individual myelin sheaths. Each cells.
fascicle contains at least one capillary. Endothelial
cells of these capillaries are tightly joined as part
o Supported by a delicate connective
of the blood-nerve barrier and regulate the kinds of tissue and surrounded by a denser
plasma substances released to the endoneurium. capsule.
Larger blood vessels course through the deep o Serve as relay stations for nerve
epineurium that fills the space around the
perineurium and fascicles. (X450)
impulse transmission.
 This is where the cell bodies
of the sensory neurons are
 Two types:
Sensory (dorsal Autonomic ganglia
root) ganglia
(additional ppt info notes)

Because they serve as relay stations to transmit nerve

impulses, at least one nerve enters and another exits from
each ganglion. The direction of the nerve impulse
determines whether the ganglion will be a sensory or an
autonomic ganglion.

Sensory Ganglia
 Sensory ganglia receive afferent impulses that go to the
CNS. Sensory ganglia are associated with both cranial
nerves (cranial ganglia) and the dorsal roots of the
spinal nerves (spinal ganglia).
 The large neuronal cell bodies of ganglia are associated
with thin, sheet-like extensions of small glial satellite
 Sensory ganglia are supported by a distinct connective
tissue capsule and an internal framework continuous
with the connective tissue layers of the nerves.
 The neurons of these ganglia are pseudounipolar and
relay information from the ganglion’s nerve endings to
the gray matter of the spinal cord via synapses with
local neurons.

Autonomic Ganglia
 Autonomic (Gr. autos, self + nomos, law) nerves effect
the activity of smooth muscle, the secretion of some
glands, heart rate, and many other involuntary activities
by which the body maintains a constant internal
environment (homeostasis). A. A sensory ganglion (G) has a distinct connective
 Autonomic ganglia are small bulbous dilations in tissue capsule (C) and internal framework
autonomic nerves, usually with multipolar neurons. continuous with the epineurium and other
Some are located within certain organs, especially in the components of peripheral nerves, except that no
walls of the digestive tract, where they constitute the perineurium is present and that there is no blood-
intramural ganglia. nerve barrier function. Fascicles of nerve fibers (F)
 The capsules of these ganglia may be poorly defined enter and leave these ganglia.(X56; Kluver-Barrera
among the the local connective tissue. A layer of stain)
satellite cells also envelops the neurons of autonomic B. Higher magnification shows the small, rounded
ganglia, although these may also be inconspicuous in nuclei of glia cells called satellite cells (S) that
intramural ganglia. produce thin, sheet-like cytoplasmic extensions that
 Autonomic nerves use two-neuron circuits. The first completely envelop each large neuronal perikaryon.
neuron of the chain, with the preganglionic fiber, is (X400; H&E)
located in the CNS. C. Sympathetic ganglia are smaller than most sensory
 Its axon forms a synapse with postganglionic fibers of ganglia but similar in having large neuronal cell
the second multipolar neuron in the chain located in a bodies (N), some containing lipofuscin (L). Sheets
peripheral ganglion system. The chemical mediator from satellite cells (S) enclose each neuronal cell
present in the synaptic vesicles of all preganglionic body with morphology slightly different from that of
axons is acetylcholine. sensory ganglia. Autonomic ganglia generally have
 As indicated earlier autonomic nerves make up the less well-developed connective tissue capsules (C)
autonomic nervous system. than sensory ganglia. (X400; H&E)
o This has two parts: the sympathetic and the
parasympathetic divisions.
o Neuronal cell bodies of preganglionic
sympathetic nerves are located in the thoracic
and lumbar segments of the spinal cord and
those of the parasympathetic division are in
the medulla and midbrain and in sacral portion
of the spinal cord.
o Sympathetic second neurons are located in
small ganglia along the vertebral column,
while second neurons of the parasympathetic
series are found in very small ganglia always
located near or within the effector organs, for
example in the walls of the stomach and
o Parasympathetic ganglia may lack distinct
capsules altogether, perikarya and associated
satellite cells simply forming a loosely
organized plexus within the surrounding
connective tissue.
To distinguish sympathetic and sensory/dorsal root ganglion. In
sensory, ganglion cells are larger; more centrally located nuclei. In
sympathetic, some of the nuclei, are eccentrically located.
Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology 2 (Pekson & Sunglao)

MODULE 5: Circulatory System

oxygenation. After that, it goes back
to the left side of the heart.
OVERVIEW ▪ Pulmonary circulation where blood
• Introduction from the heart is carried to the lungs
• The Heart for gaseous exchange.
• The Vascular Wall o Systemic Circulation
• Vasculature ▪ where blood brings nutrients and
• Lymphatic Vascular System removes wastes in tissues
throughout the body
▪ larger systemic circulation pumps
INTRODUCTION blood from the left side of the heart
CIRCULATORY SYSTEM through vessels supply either head
• Pumps and directs blood cells and substances or arms or the lower body
carried in blood to all tissues of the body ▪ then back to the right side of the
• 2 major systems: heart
1. Cardiovascular System ▪ the oxygenated blood from the heart
2. Lymphatic Vascular System is distributed via systemic
circulation where blood brings
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM nutrients and remove waste and
tissues throughout the body
• Also known as the blood vascular system
▪ propels/pump blood through the system
▪ a series of vessels efferent from the heart
- Efferent: carry oxygenated blood
AWAY from the heart, to the tissues
▪ branch into various organs where they
become smaller in size carrying blood to
different tissues
▪ Arterioles: smallest artery
▪ the smallest vessels
▪ the sites of gas exchange (O2, CO2),
nutrient, and waste product exchange
between blood and tissues
▪ Microvasculature/Microvascular bed
- complex
network of thin,
tubules, made up Oxygenated blood is carried away from the
of capillaries, heart by arteries which branch into smaller
together with the arterioles until they reach the capillaries where
smallest arterial actual gas exchange occurs. Then,
and venous branches that carry deoxygenated blood from the capillaries will be
blood towards and from capillaries carried by the venules which convergence or
o VEINS merge to form veins, a system of larger
▪ the convergence of venules channels that continue to enlarge as they
▪ a system of larger channels that continue approach the heart. Once the blood is
enlarging as they approach the heart oxygenated, the cycle begins again and the
▪ carry blood TOWARD the heart, to be heart pumps the blood into the arteries
pumped again
o Pulmonary Circulation
• begins with the lymphatic capillaries (thin-
▪ where blood is oxygenated in the lungs
walled, closed-ended tubules carrying
▪ the right side of the heart pumps blood
lymph) that merge to form vessels of steadily
through pulmonary vessels (pulmonary
increasing size
arteries) through the lungs for

• the largest lymph vessels connect with the blood
vascular system and empty into large veins near
the heart
• this returns fluid from tissue stasis all over the
body to the blood


• Innermost layer of the heart
• Consists of a:
o Thin layer of endothelium and
supporting connective tissue
o Myoelastic layer of smooth muscle fiber
and connective tissue layer
o Deeper to the endocardium is the
Subendocardial layer of connective
tissue that merges with the endocardium
▪ In this image, we can observe that
4 Chambers of the heart located below the endothelium and
• Right atrium myoelastic layer, the subendocardial
• Left atrium layer are the SEN in the ventricles
• Right ventricle contains the Purkinje fibers
• Left ventricle → this is the part of the heart’s
impulse conductive network. These
The cardiac muscle in these 4 chambers of the heart wall
fibers are modified cardiac muscle
contracts rhythmically pumping the blood to the
circulatory system. The right and the left ventricle propel cells and are specialized for impulse
blood to the pulmonary and the systemic circulation conduction rather than contraction
respectively. On the other hand, the function of the right → Purkinje fibers typically are paler
and left atria is to receive blood from the body and staining compared to contractile
pulmonary veins respectively. cardiac muscle fibers
3 Major Layers of the Heart Wall
• Internal endocardium
• Middle myocardium
• External epicardium


• Aka the visceral layer of the pericardium, the • The heart also contains other structures
membrane surrounding the heart found within its major layers that are
• It is a simple squamous mesothelium with a important for its overall function of moving
subepicardial layer of loose connective tissue blood
with coronary blood vessels and nerves • CARDIAC SKELETON
• During heart movements, underlying structures o contains dense fibrous connective
are cushioned by deposits of adipose tissue in the tissue:
epicardium ▪ part of interventricular and
• Prevents friction by producing lubricant fluid interatrial septa (tissues that
o Lubricant fluid is produced by both layers of separates the ventricles and atria
serous mesothelial cells respectively)
▪ surrounds heart valves (called flaps
of connective tissue in histology that
can be seen as the white region in
the figure shown in the image); these
are anchored endocardiac skeleton
▪ the fibrous tissue also extends to
valve cusps and chordae tendineae
MYOCARDIUM (cords that extend from the cusps of
• Thickest layer both atrioventricular valves and
• Consists mainly of cardiac muscle with its fibers attach to papillary muscles; prevent
(spirally arranged) around each heart chamber the valves from turning inside-out or
• Because strong force is required to pump blood prevent prolapse during ventricular
through the systemic and pulmonary contraction). In short, they allow a
circulations, the myocardium is much thicker in
one way or one directional flow of
the walls of the ventricles, particularly the left
ventricle compared to the atria walls
- They also contain fewer
contractile filaments
- Purkinje fibers are located
beneath the endocardium on
either side of the interventricular
septum and are recognized as
separate tracks.
- Also, the reason of its pale
appearance is because of the
glycogen. It fills much of its

The micrograft shows a section through a cusp of an AV

valve and attached chordae tendineae

• These regions of dense irregular connective

tissue perform the following functions:
o Anchors and supports the heart valves
o Provides firm points of insertion for cardiac
o Helps coordinate the heartbeat by acting as In the image, shown in yellow are parts of the cardiac
electrical insolation between the atria and the conducting system which initiates the electrical impulse
ventricles for contraction for the heart beat and spreads it through
the ventricular myocardium. Both the SA node in the right
• Conducting system of the heart – modified atrial wall and the AV node, the floor of the right atrium,
cardiac muscle cells that generate and propagate consist of myocardial tissue. It is quite difficult distinguish
waves of depolarization that spread through the histologically from surrounding cardiac muscle but the AV
node is continuous with its specialized bundle of cardiac
myocardium to stimulate rhythmic contractions.
muscle fibers, the AV bundle. This gives rise to the right
o As mentioned, modified cardiac cells found and the left bundle branches that run along
within subendocardial layer and adjacent interventricular septum to the apex of the heart.
myocardium. This makeup the impulse At the apex, the bundle branches subdivide further as
conducting system of the heart, which conducting purkinje fibers and extends into the
myocardium of the ventricles.
generates and propagates to waves of
depolarization that spreads to the
myocardium in order to stimulate rhythmic CAN YOU REMEMBER THAT...
contractions. • These fibers are generally located below the
o This system consists of two nodes of • Intercalated discs serve to connect cardiac muscle
specialized myocardial tissue found in the fibers. However, these are not seen in purkinje fibers
right atrium instead, they are connected to one another via
▪ Sinoatrial node (SA node) - pacemaker desmosomes and gap junctions.
▪ Atrioventricular node (AV node) -
continuous with the AV bundle
▪ AV bundle (of His) - a specialized bundle
of cardiac muscle fibers; gives rise to
right and left bundle branches that run Spontaneous
Modified cardiac rhythmic
along the interventricular septum to the muscle fibers stimulates
apex of the heart (SA and AV node) / impulse
▪ Purkinje fibers – pale-staining, thicker
and larger than the adjacent contractile • Cardiac muscle is involuntary and that
muscle fibers, with much glycogen; contracts rhythmically and automatically.
connected via desmosomes and gap o Now the impulse generating and the
junctions impulse conducting portions of the
- Thicker and larger than the typical heart are specialized or modified
cardiac muscle fibers cardiac muscle fibers located in the

SA node and the AV node in the wall of innervate the heart but they do
the right atrium not affect the initiation of the
o These modified cardiac muscle fibers rhythmic of the nodes, instead,
exhibit continuous rhythmic they effect the heart rate
depolarization or impulse conduction ▪ Stimulation by the sympathetic
and this would then send away a wave of nerves accelerates the heart rate
stimulation throughout the myocardium whereas stimulation by the
or the middle layer of the heart parasympathetic nerves produces
• SA node: “PACEMAKER” → Fibers in SA node the opposite effect and decreases
depolarizes and repolarize FASTER than the the heart rate
AV node
o Because the fibers in the SA node
depolarize and repolarize faster than
those in the AV node, the SA node sets
the pace for the heart beat and that’s why
it’s called the PACEMAKER
• Gap junctions – allow rapid spread of stimuli
throughout the heart muscle and cardiac
muscle fiber contraction
o As said earlier, intercalated discs bind to
all cardiac muscle fibers, while stimulatory
impulses from the SA node are conducted
via gap junctions to the atrial musculature.
This allows the rapid spread of stimuli
throughout the entire heart muscle and
the cardiac muscle fiber contraction
• Impulses from SA node to AV node →
Internodal pathways • Except for the capillaries, the walls of all
o Impulses from the SA node travel through blood vessels contain smooth muscle and
the heart musculature via internodal connective tissue in addition to the
pathways to stimulate the AV node that endothelial lining
lies in the interatrial septum • Their differences lie in the amount and the
• From the AV node, impulses spread along the arrangement of these tissues in vessels
AV bundle which branch to become • This is influenced by mechanical factors
Purkinje fibers and transmit stimulation to such as blood pressure and some metabolic
heart musculature factors that reflect the local needs of tissues
= systole + eject blood • Walls of both arteries and veins have three
o From the AV node, the impulses spread main tunics or layers:
along a bundle of specialized conducting o Tunica intima
cardiac fibers or the AV bundle located in o Tunica media
the interventricular septum. The AV o Tunica adventitia/tunica externa
bundle would then divide into the left and These somehow correspond to the heart’s endocardium,
right bundle branches and approximately myocardium, and epicardium.
half way down the septum, the AV bundle
branches become the Purkinje fibers
which branch throughout the myocardium • From the given figure, looking at the 2 given
further in order to transmit and deliver blood vessels, we can observe that the artery
continuous waves of stimulations from the has a thicker media and a relatively narrow
two atrial nodes to the rest of the heart lumen.
musculature. • On the other hand, we can clearly see that the
o The stimulations produce ventricular vein has a larger lumen and its adventitia (blue-
contractions or systole and the ejection of colored outer layer) is its thickest layer. Aside
blood from both ventricular chambers from that, there’s a structure present in the
intima of the vein that is not seen in the artery.
• Autonomic Nervous System & Hormones
So, the intima of veins is often folded to form
→ influence heart rate
o Sympathetic nerves: accelerate heart rate
• In contrast to these blood vessels, capillaries
o Parasympathetic nerves: decrease heart rate only have an endothelium with no
▪ The pacemaker activities of the heart subendothelial layer or other tunics.
are also influenced by axons from the
autonomic nervous system and by
certain hormones
▪ Axons from both the parasympathetic
division and sympathetic division
ARTERY VEIN ▪ Vascular tone is basically the degree of
- Thicker media - larger lumen constriction of a blood vessel compared
- Relatively narrow - adventitia is the to its maximally dilated state
lumen thickest layer ▪ This is important to regulate blood
(blue-colored pressure
outer layer) ✓ Endothelium has several roles in
Inflammation and local immune
- intima of veins is
often folded to
▪ In venules endothelial cells stimulate
form valves,
specific white blood cells to migrate at
which are not
sites of tissue injury or infection.
seen in arteries ▪ The cytoplasm of the endothelial cells
also contains small membrane-bound,
COMPONENTS SEEN IN THE VASCULAR WALL electron dense structures called the
• The endothelium Weibel-Palade bodies, which store the
• Growth factors glycoprotein, von Willebrand factor.
• Smooth muscle fibers ▪ When the endothelium is damaged, the
• Connective tissue von Willebrand factor is released into
the blood to induce platelet adhesion
and eventually clot formation
TISSUES OF THE VASCULAR WALL ▪ Endothelial cells also secrete
ENDOTHELIUM interleukins that affect the activity of
• A specialized epithelium that acts as a local white blood cells during
semipermeable barrier between two major inflammation
internal compartments: the blood and the ✓ Under various conditions, endothelial cells
interstitial tissue fluid secrete different growth factors, including
o Highly differentiated to mediate and actively proteins that promote proliferation of
monitor the bidirectional exchange of specific WBC lineages and cells that make up
molecules the vascular wall. Growth factors such as:
▪ Endothelial cells anchored to the basal ▪ Vascular endothelial growth factor
lamina are highly differentiated in order (VEGF)
to mediate and actively monitor the - stimulates formation of the vascular
bidirectional exchange or movement of system from embryonic mesenchyme
molecules. This can occur by simple and (VASCULOGENESIS)
active diffusion, receptor-mediated - help maintain the vasculature in
endocytosis, transcytosis, and other adults
mechanisms - promote capillary sprouting and
▪ Aside from their important role in outgrowth from small existing vessels
metabolite exchanges between blood (ANGIOGENESIS), occurs during
and tissues, endothelial cells also have normal growth, tissue repair and
other functions. regeneration, and in tumors and
other pathological conditions
FUNCTIONS ▪ Angiopoietins
✓ Non-thrombogenic surface on which blood will - In both processes’ other growth
not clot and actively secretes agents that control factors, called angiopoietins,
local clot formation stimulate endothelial cells to recruit
▪ thrombo: refers to the clotting of blood smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts
▪ a non-thrombogenic surface therefore to form the other tissues of the
ensures that the blood will not clot; actively vascular wall.
secretes certain agents that will control local
clot formation if any. It secrets agents such
- Heparin (anti-coagulant) • Occurs in walls of all vessels larger than
- TPA or tissue plasminogen activator capillaries
(a protein that dissolves blood clots) • Arranged helically in layers or spiral
- von Willebrand factor or vWF arrangement
✓ Regulates local vascular tone and blood flow by • In Arterioles & Small arteries: smooth
secreting various factors that stimulate smooth muscle cells are connected by many gap
muscle contraction and vasoconstriction junctions and permit vasoconstriction and
(endothelin 1, ACE or angiotensin converting vasodilation (regulate blood pressure)
enzyme) or those that stimulate relaxation or
vasodilation (NO or nitric oxide, Prostacyclin) CONNECTIVE TISSUE
• Present in vascular walls in variable amounts
based on functional requirements
o Collagen fibers – in subendothelial layer, o Elastic fibers → distention and
between the smooth muscle layers and in recoil of the vessel walls during
the outer covering of the vessels heart contraction and blood ejection
o Elastic fibers – provide the resiliency • Arteries: may have external elastic
required for the vascular wall to expand lamina (EEL) separating it from the
under pressure outermost tunic.
▪ Elastin – major component in large
arteries where it forms parallel lamellae; 3. TUNICA INTIMA
regularly distributed between the muscle • Innermost layer
• Consists of the endothelium and a thin
o Proteoglycans & Hyaluronate underlying subendothelial layer of
- Variations in the amount and loose connective tissue sometimes
composition of ground substance containing smooth muscle fibers
components such as proteoglycans and • Arteries: includes internal elastic
hyaluronate also contribute to the lamina (IEL), composed of elastin,
physical and metabolic properties of the with holes allowing better diffusion of
wall in different vessels, especially substances from blood deeper into the
affecting their permeability wall.


• Aka Tunica externa
• Refers to the network of blood vessels and
their arrangement
• Outermost layer
• Elastic arteries, arterial sensory structures,
• Connective tissue that consists principally
muscular arteries, arterioles, capillary beds,
of collagen type I fibers and elastic fibers venules, veins
• Just like the heart wall is supplied with its
own coronary vasculature for the nutrients ELASTIC ARTERIES
and oxygen, large vessels usually have Vasa
• Aorta, the pulmonary artery, and their largest
 Vasa Vasorum
• Other name for these large branches is
o “Vessels of the vessel”
conducting arteries (carry blood toward the
o Consist of Arterioles, capillaries, and smaller arteries)
venules in the adventitia and the outer part
• Tunica Intima: well-developed, many
of the media
smooth muscle cells in the subendothelial
o Required to provide metabolites/nutrients
connective tissue layer
to cells in those tunics in larger vessels
o In a cross section, it is observed with
because the wall is too thick to be
folds which is a result of low/loss of BP
nourished solely by diffusion from the
and contraction of the vessel at death
blood in the lumen. ▪ Folds: loss of BP and contraction of
o Because they carry deoxygenated blood, the vessel at death
large veins commonly have more vasa
vasorum than arteries.
- More common in veins than arteries
❖ Vasomotor nerves – release norepinephrine
- The adventitia of larger vessels also
contains a network of unmyelinated
autonomic nerve fibers, the vasomotor
nerves, which release the vasoconstrictor
norepinephrine. The density of this
innervation is greater in arteries than in

2. TUNICA MEDIA • Internal elastic lamina: more well-defined

• Middle layer than the elastic laminae of TM; between
• Consists chiefly of concentric layers of intima and media
helically arranged smooth muscle cells • Tunica media: most prominent feature
• Among the muscle fibers are variable (thick TM), with elastic lamellae alternating
amounts of elastic fibers and elastic with layers of SM fibers
lamellae, reticular fibers, proteoglycans • Elastic lamellae
and some collagen fibers, all of which are o The adult aorta has 50 elastic lamellae,
produced by the smooth muscle cells. and if a person has high BP or is
o Collagen fibers → tensile strength
hypertensive, the elastic lamellae increases o There are ion channels in the glomus cell
in number to compensate membranes that respond to stimuli in the
• Elastic laminae functions arterial blood, they will then activate the
o Ensures uniform blood flow release of neurotransmitters to respond
o Helps maintain arterial pressure to hypoxia (low oxygen levels),
• During ventricular contraction (Systole) that is hypercapnia (excess carbon dioxide
moved through the arteries forcefully and the content), acidosis
elastin is stretched, it expands the wall within the o Sensory fibers that branch from the
limit that is allowed by the wall’s collagen glossopharyngeal or CN IX form
content. When the ventricles relaxed (Diastole), synapses with the glomus cells and signal
ventricular pressure drops to a lower level, but the brain centers to initiate cardiovascular
because of the elastin, the vessel recoils or
and respiratory adjustments that correct
rebounds passively, and this helps maintain the
the condition
arterial pressure
• The aortic and pulmonary valves prevent the
back flow of blood into the heart, so the rebound MUSCULAR ARTERIES
continuous the blood flow away from the heart • Aka distributing arteries
• Tunica Adventitia: thinner than TM • Distribute blood to the
organs and help regulate
• Carotid sinuses relaxing the smooth
o Structures that appear as slight dilation of the muscles in the tunica
bilateral internal carotid arteries where they media
branched from the elastic or common carotid • Tunica Intima: thin
arteries subendothelial layer and
o Important baroreceptors monitoring arterial a prominent internal
blood pressure elastic lamina
o Tunica media: thinner; allows greater • Tunica Media: contain up to 40 layers of
distention and expansions when BP rises large smooth muscle cells that intersperse
o Tunica Adventitia: Contains many sensory with a variable number of elastic lamellae
nerve endings from cranial nerve IX (CN IX), o This depends on the size of the vessel, a
the glossopharyngeal nerve. smaller vessel would have fewer elastic
o The vasomotor sensors of the brain will lamellae
process afferent impulses that it receives and • External elastic lamina: present only in
regulate the vasoconstriction which will larger muscular arteries
maintain the normal blood pressure
• Tunica Adventitia: connective tissue found
o Functionally similar baroreceptors found in in TA contains lymphatic capillaries, vasa
the aortic arc also transmit signals pertaining
vasorum, and nerves and all of which may
to blood pressure via the CN X (vagus nerve)
penetrate to the outer part of the media
• Aside from the carotid sinuses, there are more • Muscular arteries will continue to branch
complex chemoreceptors that monitors blood
until they become smaller arteries reaching a
CO2, O2 levels and pH. These are found in
size of about 3 or 4 layers medial smooth
carotid and aortic bodies, which are located in
the walls of carotid sinuses and the aortic arc muscle.
o Chemoreceptors - monitor blood CO2, O2 ARTERIOLES
levels and pH → in carotid and aortic bodies
(parts of the autonomic NS: paraganglia)
o Paraganglia – with rich capillary networks

• Smallest arteries; with only 1 or 2 smooth

muscle layers
• Glomus cells • Indicate the beginning of an organ’s
o large, neural crest-derived cells that closely microvasculature where exchanges
surround the capillaries between blood and tissue fluid occur
o these cells are filled with dense-core vesicles • Arterioles are <0.1 mm (diameter), with
containing dopamine, acetylcholine, and other lumens approximately as wide as the wall is
neurotransmitters thick
o Also supported by smaller satellite cells
• Very thin subendothelial layer, no elastic laminae CAPILLARY BED
• Tunica Media: circularly arranged smooth • Capillaries
muscle cells o smallest blood vessels, permit and
• Tunica Adventitia: very thin and inconspicuous regulate metabolic exchange between
in both arteries and arterioles blood and surrounding tissues
• Almost always branch in order to form → o function in networks called capillary
anastomosing networks of capillaries that beds whose size and overall shape
surround the parenchymal cells of the organ conforms or adapts to the structure
• At the end of arterioles, Smooth muscle fibers supplied
→ act as sphincters and produce periodic blood • The density of the capillary bed is related to
flow into capillaries the metabolic activity of the tissues
• Muscle tone or the resistance of muscle that is o Tissues with ↑ metabolic rates:
addressed to stretching normally keeps the abundant capillaries (kidney, liver, cardiac
arterioles partially closed resisting blood flow and skeletal muscle)
and makes arterioles the major determinants of o Tissues with ↓ metabolic rates: less
systemic BP capillaries (smooth muscle, dense
• ARTERIOLES (PATHWAYS) connective tissue)
o In certain tissues and organs, arterioles • Capillary beds: supplied by 1 or more
deviate from their normal or simple path in terminal arteriole branches called
order to accommodate other specialized metarterioles → continuous with
functions thoroughfare channels connected with the
o Involved in thermoregulation by the skin postcapillary venules
(involves arterioles that can bypass capillary • Metarteriole muscle cells: act as precapillary
networks and connect directly to venules) sphincters that serve to control blood flow
o TM & TA: thicker in arteriovenous into the capillaries (contract and relax
shunts/anastomosis and are richly innervated cyclically 5-10 cycles per min), causing blood
by sympathetic and para sympathetic nerve to pass through capillaries in a pulsatile
fibers manner
o Autonomic fibers - control the degree of • When the sphincter are closed blood flows
vasoconstriction that occurs in the shunts, directly from the metarteriole and
regulate blood flow through the capillary beds thoroughfare channels into the postcapillary
▪ ↑ capillary blood flow: more heat venules
dissipation/evaporate from the body • Capillaries
▪ ↓ capillary blood flow: conserves heat o are composed of simple layer of
▪ *Both are important functions when the endothelial cells rolled up as a tube,
environmental temperature is hot or cold surrounded by basement membrane
respectively o average diameter is 4-10um which allow
o Venous portal system (important alternative transit of blood cells one at a time
microvascular pathway): blood flows through o their thin walls, extensive surface area
2 successive capillary beds separated by a and slow pulsatile blood flow optimize
portal vein; this arrangement allows capillaries for the exchange of water and
hormones or nutrients picked up by the blood solutes between blood and tissues
in the first capillary network to be delivered • Capillary cells
most efficiently to cells around the second o Have many features specialized for
capillary bed before the blood is finally molecular transfer by mechanisms that
returned to the heart for general distribution range from simple diffusions to
(ex: hepatic portal system of the liver, transcytosis
hypothalamic-hypophyseal portal system in o Average thickness: 0.25um
the anterior pituitary gland and both of which o Nuclei: distinctly curved to
have physiologic importance accommodate the very small tubular
o Cytoplasm: contains mitochondria,
other organelles, and large number of
membranous vesicles typically
o Along with basal lamina, Junctional
complexes between the cells maintain
tubular structure with variable numbers
of tight junctions with important role
capillary permeability
o 3 histologic types: (depending on the
continuity on endothelial cells and their
basement membrane)
✓ Most common

✓ With many tight, well-developed • Pericytes
occluding junctions between slightly o Mesenchymal cells along continuous
overlapping endothelial cells which capillaries and postcapillary venules
provide continuity and well-regulated o Have long cytoplasmic processes partly
metabolic exchange across the cells surrounding the endothelial layer
✓ Ultrastructural studies show numerous o Secrete many extracellular membrane
vesicles indicating transcytosis of components and form their own basal
macromolecules in both directions lamina which fuses with the basement
across the endothelial cell cytoplasm membrane of the endothelial cells
✓ Location: muscle, connective tissue, o Well-developed cytoskeletal networks or
lungs, exocrine glands, and nervous myosin, actin and tropomyosin indicate that
tissue pericytes also dilate or constrict capillaries;
helps regulate blood flow in some organs
o Maintain endothelial blood brain barrier
o After injuries, pericytes proliferate and
differentiate to form smooth muscle cells in
new vessels as the microvasculature is re-
o In many organs, the pericyte population
also includes mesenchymal stem cells that
are important for regeneration of other
✓ sieve-like allowing extensive exchange of
molecules across the endothelium
✓ Endothelial cells are penetrated by
numerous small circular openings
(fenestrations) approximately 18nm in
✓ Basement membrane is continuous and
covers the fenestrations
✓ Location: Organs with rapid interchange
between the tissues and blood such as the
kidneys, intestine, choroid plexus, and
endocrine glands
✓ aka sinusoids
✓ allow maximal exchange of molecules and VENULES
easier cell movement between tissues
• Postcapillary venules
and blood
o The transition of
✓ Endothelium has large perforations capillary to
without diaphragms and irregular venules occurs
intercellular cliffs forming a gradually
discontinuous layer with spaces between o Similar to
and through the cells capillaries with
✓ Unlike other capillaries, sinusoids also pericytes but
have highly discontinuous basement larger; 15-20um
membranes and much large diameters (diameter)
often 30-40mm that slows the blood flow o Primary site at
✓ Location: liver, spleen, some endocrine which WBCs
organs, and bone marrow adhere to
endothelium and
leave the circulation at sites of infection or
tissue damage
o These vessels gradually converge to larger
collecting venules that have more distinct
contractile cells
o Muscular venules: larger venules with 2-3
smooth muscle layers with recognizable
tunica media
o Characteristic feature of all venules:
Large diameter of the lumen compared to
the overall thinness of the wall

VEINS • Valves:
o important feature of large and medium veins
are valves which consists of thin paired folds
of the tunica intima projecting across the
o thin, paired folds of the TI projecting across
the lumen
o Especially numerous in the veins of the legs
help keep the flow of venous blood directed
toward the heart
o Even small sized and medium sized veins
particularly veins in the extremities the arms
or the legs and those that convey blood
• Carry blood back to the heart from against gravity have valves, because of the
microvasculature all over the body low blood pressure in the veins blood flow to
• The blood that enters the vein is under very low the heart in the veins is quite slow and can
pressure and it moves towards the heart via even back up the presence of valves in the
contraction of smooth muscle fibers in the media veins assist venous blood flow toward the
and external compressions from surrounding heart by preventing back flow
skeletal muscles
• Small to medium veins with diameters of 10mm or
less; located close and parallel to muscular arteries
o Tunica intima: usually thin
o Tunica media: small bundles of smooth muscle
cells mixed with reticular and delicate elastic
o *Tunica adventitia: thick and well developed
• Large veins: big venous trunks, paired with elastic
arteries close to the heart
o Tunica intima: well developed and IEL may be
o Tunica media: think with alternating smooth
muscle and connective tissue
o *Tunica adventitia: thicker than the media,
contained longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle
* both media and adventitia contain elastic fibers

Type of Artery Outer Intima Media Adventitia Roles in Circulatory
Diamater System
Elastic >10mm Endothelium Many elastic Connective Conduct blood from
arteries connective tissue lamellae tissue thinner heart and with elastic
with smooth alternating with than media recoil help move
muscle smooth muscle with vasa blood forward under
vasorum steady pressure

| 10
Muscular 10-1mm Endothelium; Many smooth Connective Distribute blood to all
arteries connective tissue muscle layers, tissue, organs and maintain
with smooth with much less thinner than steady blood pressure
muscle, internal elastic material media: vasa and flow with
elastic lamina vasorum vasodilation and
prominent maybe constriction
Small arteries 1-0.1mm Endothelium; 3-10 layers of Connective Distribute blood
connective tissue smooth muscle tissue, to arterioles.
less smooth thinner than adjusting flow with
muscle media: vasodilation and
no vasa constriction
Arterioles 100-10µm Endothelium; no 1-3 layers of Very thin Resist and control
connective tissue smooth muscle connective blood flow to
or smooth muscle tissue layer capillaries; major
determinant of
systemic blood
Capillaries 10-4µm Endothelium only A few pericytes None Exchange metabolites
only by diffusion to and
from cells

Venules 10-100µm Endothelium; no Pericytes and None Drain capillary beds;

(postcapillary, valves scattered site of leukocyte exits
collecting, and smooth muscle from vasculature
muscular) cells

Small veins 0.1-1mm Endothelium; Thin, 2-3 loose Connective Collect blood from
connective tissue layers of smooth tissue, thicker venules
with scattered muscle cells than media
smooth muscle
Medium veins 1-10mm Endothelium; 3-5 more distinct Carry blood to larger
connective tissue, layers of smooth veins, with no
with valves muscle backflow

Large veins > 10mm Endothelium; > 5 layers of Thickest Return blood to heart
connective tissue, smooth muscle, layer, with
smooth muscle with much bundled
cells; prominent collagen longitudinal
valves smooth

components which are carried through many

organs to and from the lymph nodes and
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM other lymphoid tissues
RECALL • Lymphatic capillaries
functions: o a system of very thin walled channels that
a) gaseous exchange collect excess interstitial fluid from the
b) temperature control tissue spaces as lymph and return it to the
c) transport of oxygen, carbon dioxide, blood
nutrients, hormones, metabolic products, and o Tubes of thin endothelial cells which lack
other essential products tight junctions and rest on a
discontinuous basal lamina. They collect
excess interstitial fluid called lymph from
LYMPHATIC VASCULAR SYSTEM the tissue spaces and return it to the
• Second major component of the circulatory blood
system o Interstitial fluid enters lymphatic
• Other functions: major distributor of capillaries by flowing between endothelial
lymphocytes, antibodies, and other immune cells and by transcytosis
• Lymph
| 11
o rich in lightly staining proteins, no RBCs
o lymphocytes and WBCs maybe normally
• Aside from the bone marrow and most of the CNS
most tissues with blood microvasculature also
contains lymphatic capillaries or lymphatics
• Lymphatic vessels
o Lymphatic capillaries converge into larger
lymphatic vessels with thin walls and
increasing amount of connective tissues and
smooth muscles but never really form outer
tunics or layers
o have valves comprises of complete intimal
• Lymph nodes
o where lymph is processed by cells of the
immune system
o interposed in the path of larger vessels
• In histologic sections, lymphatic vessels are often
dilated with lymph. As in veins the lymphatic
circulation is aided by external forces such as
contraction of surrounding skeletal muscle with
the valves keeping the lymph flow unidirectional
• Lymphatic vessels converge as two large trunks
the Thoracic duct and Right lymphatic duct
which empty lymph back into the blood
o Thoracic duct connects with the blood
circulatory system near the junction of the left
internal jugular vein with the left subclavian
o Right lymphatic duct enters near the
confluence of the right subclavian vein and
right internal jugular vein
• The structure of these largest lymphatic vessels
is similar to the small veins
• TA: underdeveloped; contains vasa vasorum and
a neural network
Besides gathering interstitial fluid as lymph, and returning it
in blood the lymphatic vascular system is a major
distributor of lymphocytes, antibodies, and other immune
components which are carried to many organs to and from
the lymph nodes & other lymphoid tissues

 Eroschenko, Victor P. (2013). Di Fiore’s Atlas
of Histology with Functional Correlations.
12th Ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott, Williams.
 Mesher, Anthony I. (2016). Junquiera’s Basic
Histology. 14th Ed. NY: McGraw-Hill

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