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+ CS(COMM) 284/2021
..... Plaintiff
Through: Ms. Shwetasree Majumder, Ms. Diva
Arora, Mr. Aditya Verma, Ms.
Vasundhara Majithia, Advocates.


M/S JBMR ENTERPRISES ..... Defendant

Through: Mr. Umesh Pal, Proprietor of D-1, in

% 04.06.2021


I.A. 7416/2021 (for exemption)
1. Exemption allowed, subject to just exceptions.

2. The application stands disposed of.

I.A. 7417/2021 (for extension of time for filing Court fee)

3. The present application u/Section 149 and 151 of CPC on behalf of
the Plaintiff seeking extension of time for filing Court fee.

4. It is submitted that the Plaintiff, on account of being situated in

Mumbai, is unable to transfer the Court fee directly to Stock Holding
Corporation of India Ltd., as their office is closed. Therefore, leave is sought

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to file the same upon resumption of regular functioning of the Court.

5. The application is allowed, subject to the Plaintiff filing court fee

within two weeks from the day the lockdown restrictions imposed by the
Government of NCT of Delhi and the Government of Maharashtra are lifted
and the facilities for issuance of court fee stamps is resumed.

6. The application stands disposed of.

I.A. 7415/2021 (u/O 11 Rule 1(4) seeking leave to file additional


7. This is an application seeking leave to file additional documents under

the Commercial Courts, Commercial Division and Commercial Appellate
Division of High Courts Act, 2015 (in short ‘Commercial Courts Act’).

8. The Plaintiff, if they wish to file additional documents at a later stage,

shall do so strictly as per the provisions of the Commercial Courts Act.

9. Accordingly, the application stands disposed of.

I.A. 7418/2021 (for exemption from filing notarized affidavits)

10. The present application under Section 151 of the Code of Civil
Procedure, 1908 (in short ‘CPC’) on behalf of the Plaintiff seeks exemption
from filing notarized affidavits.

11. The application is allowed, subject to the Plaintiff filing the exempted

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documents within two weeks from the day the lockdown restrictions
imposed by the Government of NCT of Delhi are lifted and the facility for
attestation of affidavits is resumed.

12. The application stands disposed of.

CS(COMM) 284/2021
13. Let the plaint be registered as a suit.

14. Upon filing of process fee, issue summons to the Defendant by all
permissible modes. Summons shall state that the written statement shall be
filed by the Defendant within 30 days from the date of receipt of summons.
Along with the written statement, the Defendant shall also file an affidavit of
admission/denial of the documents of the Plaintiff, without which the written
statement shall not be taken on record.

15. Liberty is given to the Plaintiff to file a replication within 15 days of

the receipt of the written statement. Along with the replication, if any, filed
by the Plaintiff, an affidavit of admission/denial of documents of the
Defendant, be filed by the Plaintiff, without which the replication shall not
be taken on record. If any of the parties wish to seek inspection of any
documents, the same shall be sought and given within the timelines.

16. List before the Joint Registrar for marking of exhibits on 9th August,
2021. It is made clear that any party unjustifiably denying documents would
be liable to be burdened with costs.

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17. List before Court on 10th September, 2021 for framing of issues

I.A. 7414/2021 (u/O 39 Rules 1 and 2 r/w Section 151 of the CPC, 1908
seeking interim injunction)

18. The Plaintiff has filed the present application for permanent
injunction restraining infringement of trademark and copyright, passing off,
rendition of accounts, damages, delivery-up, etc. The Plaintiff is a statutory
body established under the Khadi and Village Industries Commission Act of

1956. It is the prior adopter and owner of (“the

KHADI trademarks”) the trademarks KHADI PRAKRITIK PAINT, the

device marks (“the KHADI

PRAKRITIK PAINT trademarks”), and VEDIC PAINT in several classes,
including class 2, which are the subject matter trademarks for the present
suit. The Plaintiff is the registered proprietor of KHADI trademarks in
several classes in India, details of which are provided in paragraph 12 of the
plaint. The KHADI trademarks are valid and subsisting and have been
declared to be well-known marks in multiple administrative proceedings.

19. The Plaintiff adopted the trademark ‘KHADI’ on 25th September,

1956 and the same has been in use continuously till date. By virtue of its
adoption more than sixty years ago and extensive use thereof, the KHADI
trademarks is the sole and exclusive intellectual property of the Plaintiff.

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The KHADI trademarks not only act as source identifiers but also as
symbols of purity and authenticity. It is the most essential and prominent
feature of the Plaintiff’s trademarks. The Plaintiff uses the trademark and
label KHADI on a wide range of products and operates on several social
media platforms and a mobile application by the name of ‘Khadi India’ and
by virtue of extensive use, the trademark KHADI has become exclusively
and globally associated with the Plaintiff, in the eyes of consumers.

20. On 17th December, 2020, the Plaintiff announced the launch of a

unique, first-of its-kind eco-friendly anti-fungal, anti-bacterial paints, with
one of its main components being cow dung, under the brand and trademark
VEDIC PAINT. The Plaintiff thereafter adopted the trademark KHADI
PRAKRITIK PAINT on 12th January 2021 as an additional brand for its
eco-friendly, cost-effective and odourless paints which are certified by
Bureau of Indian Standards. The said paints are free from heavy metals like
lead, mercury and others and are expected to boost local manufacturing and
create sustainable local employment through technology transfer. Said
launch generated a lot of media and public interest. Within a short span
since the launch, the Plaintiff’s KHADI PRAKRITIK PAINT has gathered a
lot of media attention and has been covered by some leading local and
international newspapers/media houses. The Plaintiff has also commenced
sale of its KHADI PRAKRITIK PAINT on its own e-commerce platform
available at Further, in order to protect its rights in

the trademark KHADI PRAKRITIK PAINT and , the

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Plaintiff has also filed trademark applications under numbers 4859937 and
4859938, respectively, which are currently pending. The Plaintiff has
adopted a unique packaging/trade dress for its KHADI PRAKRITIK
PAINTS, as reproduced in paragraph 36 of the Plaint.

21. In February 2021, the Plaintiff came across the Defendant’s paints
and “VEDICA PRAKRITIK PAINT” (the ‘impugned marks’). A
comparison of the Plaintiff’s product with the Defendant’s product, in
paragraph 47 of the plaint, clearly indicated that the Defendant has not only
adopted an identical mark but has also copied the entire trade dress and
packaging of the Plaintiff’s products, both in respect of distemper and
emulsion varieties and is simply selling counterfeit versions of the Plaintiff’s
products. Upon further investigation, the Plaintiff discovered that the
Defendant had also filed trademark applications for VEDICA PRAKRITIK

PAINT and under numbers 4830398 and 4844378

respectively, that is almost identical to the Plaintiff’s trademark and logo.
During its investigation, the Plaintiff also came across the Defendant’s
website operating through the domain name
(hereinafter referred as ‘the impugned domain name’). The said impugned
domain name was registered by the Defendant on 26th January, 2021, after
the launch of KHADI PRAKRITIK PAINT by the Plaintiff in December,

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22. It is further submitted by the Plaintiff’s counsel that upon coming
across the Defendant’s unauthorized use of Plaintiff’s trademarks, the
Plaintiff addressed a legal notice dated 8th February, 2021 to the Defendant
calling upon the Defendant to immediately cease and desist the use of the
impugned marks and further asked the Defendant to withdraw its trademark
applications. The Defendant did not reply to the legal notice, despite
successful delivery. Thereafter, on 4th May, 2021, the Plaintiff instituted
UDRP proceedings against the Defendant’s domain name seeking transfer of the same in favour of the
Plaintiff. Upon receipt of the complaint, the Defendant responded vide email
dated 5th May, 2021 stating that he took training from KVIC and is taking
franchise of Khadi Prakritik. However, Ms. Majumder submits that the
Plaintiff’s KHADI PRAKRITIK PAINT is currently only manufactured by
the Plaintiff’s authorized manufacturers and the Plaintiff has neither
outsourced the marketing process to any third party nor given out any
franchises in respect of the same.

23. It is also submitted by the Plaintiff’s counsel that on its website, the
Defendant displays the official logo of the Ministry of Micro, Small and
Medium Enterprises under the Government of India, (the MSME logo)
without any authority, in order to mislead the general public into believing
that the Defendant is a Government-affiliate. When on 21st May, 2021, the
Plaintiff’s investigator telephonically contacted the Defendant, enquiring
about the products bearing the impugned marks, Defendant informed that he
has two varieties of paints - Distemper paints and Emulsion paints, available
in 10 litre and 20 litre bucket sizes, of which 20 litre bucket of distemper

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paint was delivered by the Defendant on 26th May, 2021, marks to Plaintiff
representative’s address in Delhi, and an invoice was issued thereof. The
paint bore the impugned mark, and the invoice clearly mentions the name of
the products as “PRAKRITIK PAINT”. Further, the Defendant has also
copied the Plaintiff’s e-posters advertising the mark, reproduced in
paragraph 49, which is further indicative of Defendant’s mala fide conduct.
The Defendant is also using the e-mail ID

24. A perusal of the abovementioned trademarks, product packaging and

advertising material makes it evident that the Defendant has indulged in
counterfeiting and has adopted the impugned marks and product packaging
to gain undue advantage from the false impression generated from its goods
that it originates from the Plaintiff and is bound to mislead the consumers
and hamper the Plaintiff’s goodwill and reputation.

25. On the basis of the material placed on record, the court is of the
opinion that the Plaintiff has established a prima facie case in its favour. The
balance of convenience also lies in favour of the Plaintiff and irreparable
loss would be caused to the Plaintiff, in case interim injunction is not
granted. Accordingly, till the next date of hearing, the Defendant, its
proprietors, partners, servants, representatives, agents and all others acting
for and on its behalf are –
a. Restrained from manufacturing, selling, offering for sale, or
advertising products or operating a website and any social media
accounts under the trademark KHADI, amounting to infringement

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b. Restrained from manufacturing, selling, offering for sale or
advertising products bearing an identical or deceptively similar
packaging as the Plaintiff’s products or use any promotional or
advertising material, images or logos that amount to infringement of
the Plaintiff’s copyrights;

c. Restrained from manufacturing, selling, offering for sale or

advertising goods under the trademarks KHADI PRAKRITIK


PAINT, and/or any mark identical or deceptively similar to the
Plaintiff’s trademarks as listed above, and/ or in trade dress/ product
packaging that is identical or substantially similar to the Plaintiff’s
trade dress/ product packaging for KHADI PRAKRITIK PAINT in a
manner as may amount to passing off of the Defendant’s goods and
business as the Plaintiff’s or affiliated to the Plaintiff;

d. Directed to takedown its social media (Facebook) page at;

e. Directed to suspend its email ID;

26. Although the proprietor-defendant who appears in person has been

heard and also explained the directions issued by the court, nevertheless

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Compliance under Order XXXIX Rule 3 be done within one week from

27. List before the Joint Registrar on 9th August, 2021.

28. List before the Court on 10th September, 2021.

JUNE 4, 2021

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