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Section C| Group 6

Kshitij Yash H21145 | Lakshmi Venkatesh H21146 | Meghna Puri H21147 | Mohan Krishna Yalla
H21148 | Shashwat Krishna H21166

Ontela A & B

Q.1 Which factors would you look at while deciding variables? 

 Ability to use technology

 Potential Usage of the service
 Primary usage reason 
 Determining factor in making the purchase decision
 Price level 

Q.2 How will you arrive at clusters that are important? 

The clusters that tell us the following information shall be deemed to be important:

 They tell the willingness the of customers to pay for service

 They give us the spending power of the individual (ARPU)
 The clusters respond similarly to the marketing strategy
 The cluster is frequent to use the internet and data services 
 The level of loyalty to the brand in usage is high (won’t switch easily, we are first to market)
 Take high volumes of photos through phone

Based on the parameters identified above, we believe that the appropriate target cluster would be
“Cluster 1”.

According to the cluster analysis, the segment represented by Cluster 1 should be the target for PicDeck
because they have demands that PicDeck can meet, such as transferring photos from phone to other
devices or sharing them via email and social media, and they adapt to new technology at a relatively fast
rate, in addition to the fact that PicDeck's simplicity easily satisfies cluster one's desire for an easy-to-use
tech product. Their interest in technology magazines/websites makes them easy to contact to promote
PicDeck. Furthermore, 91 percent of this segment pays their own cell phone bill, indicating their ability
to afford this service to some level. PicDeck will be utilized as a potential tool to reduce churn rate for
carriers rather than grow the number of subscribers in this sector, given that 72 percent of the group
already has a data plan on their cell phones. This also corresponds, to a considerable extent, with the
target consumer category defined in the initial section of this instance based on personalities.

If we had to choose another segment to target, we would go for “Cluster 4”.

The bulk of this group is male and between the ages of 25 and 40, however only approximately a third of
them are married. Many persons in this group are message pack subscribers, and over half of the group
has data plans on their phones. This demographic uses the Internet extensively and is particularly
interested in sports-related channels. This group has the easiest experience uploading phone images
and is the least likely to upgrade to new technology. When buying new tech equipment, examine the
ease of setup and market costs. People in this cluster aren't very enthusiastic about sharing photos.
They are willing to pay a reasonable fee for PicDeck services.

If we were to refer Ontela A, according to our group, Ontela's target group will be the cluster with
Regina, Teen (Persona 3).
The following were the selection criteria: 

 Demographic: A teen who was born in the internet age and is quick to adapt to new technology. 
 Psychographics: Young, enthusiastic, impulsive, require control over image to post 
 Trend-setter and early adopter: Good for word-of-mouth marketing (many friends and
connections), future market of Ontela PicDeck.

But given the relevance of quantitative data given in the case, we have selected “Cluster 1” and “Cluster
4” as our priority target clusters.

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