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The First 18 - What are they afraid of?

Concept 2: Ideal Client Avatar (ICA)

Psychographic Profile
Know Your Market - Who are they responsible to and for?
- Messaging - What are the biggest pulls on their energy and
- Marketing finances?
- Impact - What did they envision for their life versus
where did they end up?
Categories of People: - How often do they have sex?
 Undereducated about their own well-being - Are they self-employed? Married? Do they
- Not ready to invest have kids?
- They don’t know what they don’t know but - Do they have a hobby? If not, why?
they want to know something. - What kind of information do they digest?
- Make a checklist that would establish that you - What is their purpose?
are the authority.
To speak and write for your ICA, you should
 Assistance with unproductive habits or know:
motivation (DIY/Coaching) - Their mechanism for learning and acting
- Might be willing to invest - Their obstacles to action
- Ready to invest but never given enough reason - Their reason for action
to spend for one-on-one care - Their aspiration
*They want to work with a practitioner who
 Seeking condition-specific support understands my fears and aspirations.
- Cost is not the issue
- Issue: force them to confront their life (take  People will not take action with their health
away gluten, redress drinking habit) until the problem > obstacle.
- Mitigate their fears for them to book their - Educate them about their problem and
one-on-one appointment continue to reiterate the solution you provide.

 Health Optimization ICA Checklist

- Already moved to the other 3 stages - What problem is your IPA (Ideal Plan Avatar)
- You solved their problem, recognized the trying to solve?
power of having good health, willing to - What are the driving fears of your avatar?
maintain the good work you’ve done for them (Obstacle)
- People who will continue to invest - Why do they care about getting better? (Hook)
- What do they aspire towards? (Future State)
Build your ICA like you were building a
character: Demographics & Psychographics Imagine your Ideal Client
- Name (era of birth) - Frustrations in life (Obstacle)
- Occupation - What keeps them awake at night
- Style - What inspires them in the morning (Hook)
- Favourite designer, form of exercise, hot - What will their life look in 6 months (Future
beverage of choice and travel destination State)
- Self-employed? Married? Do they have kids? *Weave these stories when writing and talking
- Gender to your clients on how they can benefit from
- Social media platforms they use your care.
- What keeps them up at night?
- What are their sources of personal shame?
Milestones to Hit:
 Describe the problem, obstacle, hook and
future state of your ICA.

 What social channels are favoured by your

- Know where to talk about your ICA
- Social channels where your ICA is actually on,
not where you want to be on
(linkedin vs. instagram)

 What additional stores or services will your

ICA purchase from in your community?
- Leverage relationships within community to
accelerate marketing and access to your ICA.
-Marketing is not all about paying for ads in
social media channels but establishing


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