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Peer cee ‘cambridgeenglish.org/movers-audio-sample- Pa eH a a = iB bs 4 Ei] Cambridge Assessment LP English Centre Number Candidate Number A1 Movers Listening There are 25 questions. You have 25 minutes. You will need a pen or pencil. My name is: Copyeght © UCLES 2018 AI Movers 2 ple. and draw lines. There is one exai Listen Part 2 — 5 questions ~ Listen and write. There is one example. TE) Going to the 200 Going to zoo today by Name of zoo: Jungle .... Number of different kinds of animals: Can give food to: 4} Animal food in store next to: 5| Food on train: train . and lemonade AI Movers pe Si s Fa & bs < Part 3 —5 questions — Mrs Castle is telling Sally about the people in her family and about their different hobbies. Which is each person’s favourite hobby? Ey z Fi Fy a FS Listen and write a letter in each box. There is one example. her parents H her uncle her son her cousin her brother her daughter PPBBDE 30 Cambridge Assessment English pe Si s $ & bs < Part 4 — 5 questions — Listen and tick (/) the box. There is one example. be Ed 3 2 Fy ct What is the DVD about? 2 What clothes does Nick want to wear at school today? A B c 32 Cambridge Assessment English Where did Peter find the shell? What is Daisy doing now? What sport did Anna — c Oma Ey z Fi Fy a FS 34 Part 5 — 5 questions — Listen and colour and write. There is one example. Cambridge Assessment English EMG eTLONTN v a s a ~ © = a AI Movers Ey z Fi Fy a FS 36 A1 Movers Listening Marking key () = Acceptable extra words are placed in brackets 1 = Asinglesiashis placed between acceptable alternative words within an Part Smarks Lines should be drawn between 1. Nick boy carrying birthday cake, not walking carefully 2 Ben _boysitting on mat, playing with toy truck 3. Paul man carrying sandwiches 4 Mary woman cleaning table 5 Jane woman climbing tree, putting lamps on it Part 2S marks 1 ALL 2 89/eighty-nine 3. parrot(s) 4 café 5 burger(s)/hamburger(s) Part3_ Smarks Her uncle Her son Her cousin Her brother > eon Her daughter ‘Cambridge Assessment English Part 4 5 marks 5 marks Colour rock on ground —blue Colour coud with sun behing it— pink Colour lea a top of ree —red Write WINDY’ on kite Colour bay's sweater -brown A1 Movers Listening Tapescript Rerubric Feh = Female child FFemale adult Meh = Male child M= Male adult R Hallo. This is the Cambridge English Movers Listening sample tet [music] Look at Part [Now look at the picture Listen and took, There izone example. PAUSE O0'03" Feh Look Grandpa My rene family ae inthe garden M—— What'syour frends name? Feh W's Sally. Canyou see her? she's got glasses M ——sshe opening present? Fh That'sright. i's her irthéay today. PAUSE 00.03" R —_Canyousee the line? This is an example. [Now you listen and draw tines PAUSE OO'03" [REPEAT FROM HERE] R One M — That boy's carrying the birthday cake I's very big. Fch That sNick M——He'snot waking very careful with it Feh Thaw Oh dese PAUSE 00°05" R Two M_——_sthat boy your friend's brother? Fh Which bey? M Hes siting onthe mat Fh Oh, yes.And he's playing with atoy truck MThat’sig Fh That boy's name's Ben. He's Sally's cousin, PAUSE O0'05" R Three Henow that man, Lok a his at. FehYoumean the man with the sandwiches? M Yes Hes called Paul Feh He's got lots. Py £ g is = Ba M Yes People get hungry at parties PAUSE 00°05" R Four M-——Angisthat your fiene’s mum? Feh_ The woman who's cleaning the table? Mes Feh Thats right. Hername’s May. M ——Thattable' vey iy Feh Yes That's becouse it always outside PAUSE 00°05" R Five Mook that woman! Feh Where? M_ She's purting something inthe ree Feh Oh that's Aunt Jane. She's putting some lamps there for this evening. M What a nice party PAUSE 00°05" R Now listen to Part 1 again. PAUSE 00°03" [REPEAT PART 1 WITH ONLY 00°03" PAUSES] ‘Thats the end of Part PAUSE 00'05" art2. Listen and look ‘Thereis one example. PAUSE 00'03" F Come quickly, chilren. The train's waiting totakeusto the 200. Meh Great, Mes White e's excting going tothe 20, F Yes Andi lave going by train Meh Metoo, PAUSE 00°03" R—_Canyousee the answer? Now you listen and writ, PAUSE 00°03" IREPEAT FROM HERE] Rone Meh Isthe zoo called Jungle’ something? F Thats right t's Junge Hk Meh Junglewhat? FL Thats HetoubleL Meh 0k AI Movers 37 Ey z Fi Fy a FS PAUSE 00"08" R Two Mch Are there hundreds of ferent animals atthe x00? F Not so many, Isa inthis book there ae 89 itferent kines of animale Mch 997 F Yes. And they al have to have food every éay PAUSE O0'08" R Three Mch — Arethere tigers? Fo Yes Mch Can we give foodto them? F Novae cant But we can give food tothe parrots Mch Great. love parots. Theyre very funny. PAUSE 00'08" R Four Meh Where can we buy fod fr them? F Aethezoo store Mch Where's that? F Nexto the café Mch Next to the café? OX. fdlke to go and do that PAUSE 0'08" R Five Meh Canwe eat at the 700? F You've got your lunch with you, think. Meh Yes, my mem gaveit tome, F Well youcan est that st the zoe and then nthe evening on the train, we can buy burgers and lemonade, Meh Burgers and lemanace. Great! My favourites PAUSE O0'08" R Now stent Part again PAUSE 00'03" [REPEAT PART 2 WITH ONLY 00°05" PAUSES] ‘Thats the end of Part 2. PAUSE 00"05" para LUsten and look, “Thereis one example PAUSE 00"03" R Mrs Castles tlling Sally bout the people inher {family and about their different hobbies Which is each person's favourite hobby? PAUSE 00"03" Feh Hello, Mes Castle 38 Cambridge Assessment English F Hello Sally. Oh fm tre. went to see my parents today They never sop taking! They tolé meal about their new sing boat They ove goingto diferent places ini W's theieavourite hobby? PAUSE 00°03" R —_Canyousse the letter? Now you listen and write a leterin each box PAUSE 00°03" IREPEAT FROM HERE] Fch What does your sn ike doing, Mrs Caste? Hein my class at school, thnk F _That'sright He lves movies. bt nt watching them onTV...Acthe cinema. He often goes wth his frends He likes funny filme mast. De you? Fh Notalways PAUSE 0070: F tue gota daughter too Fh Iéidt know that! F Will she's thre years alder than you. We bought her some new skates for her birthday. She's realy good, but she enjoys cooking most of al Fh Wow! PAUSE 00"03" F _Myunde enjoys being outside mare than inside! He catches me ach for dinner every weskend! Thats his favourite hobby. He ves near a ver now. He moved there last year Feh Wow! F Yer Helikert there ts easier frhim to gettohis favourite place realy quickly now. PAUSE 00° Fh Haveyou got any brothers or sisters? F Pve got a brother Fh What'hie favourite hobby? Walking inthe mountains? know you do that sometimes F No Heloves dancing, He's got ots of great music at home. He goes te classes on Saturday evenings, too! PAUSE 0003" F ve got a cousin too, really ike him. He makes me laugh He loves sport Fh Does he? F Yes He can swim really well. onhis back rhs font He goes tothe pol in Hall Roae. De you go there Fh Yes.td. PAUSE 0003" R ——_Nowlistento Pare again, PAUSE 00703" [REPEAT PARTS) Thatis the end of Part PAUSE 0005" pare, Look atthe pictures, LUsten and ook, ‘There iz one example. PAUSE 0003" R —_Whatiethe DVD about? PAUSE 0003" Fch Dad, come and wateh this DVD with me. M What'sit about? Fh Rsastory about theses, M——What shacks and fish and things? Fh No,it'sabouta boy and some dolphins PAUSE 00°03" R ——_Canyousee the tick? [Now you listen and tick the box. PAUSE .00'03" [REPEAT FROM HERE] R__One. Whois Vieky’s pane teacher? PAUSE 00°03" Feh Oh, look There's my piano teacher. Mch Theman withthe moustache? Fh Yes And he's very thin Mch — Ishe nce? Feh Yes Very PAUSE 00'03" R Two. What clothes does Nick want to wear at school today? PAUSE 00°03" Mch Mum, we can go to school in funny clothes today. You knows, ikea pirate or something. F Great. What do youwant to wear, Nick? Mech 1want to wear those clown clothes from my bithday, F They're diy. know. Get your dacs white coat and you canbe doctor Mch OX. reluctantly) PAUSE 00°03" R Three, Where did Peter find the shel? PAUSE 00°03" F This shells beaut, Peter You an find lots of beaut shel onthe beach Mch Yeah, and sometimes you find them near waterfals F That’igh Mch Yeah. aut found this one ina citferent place big forest. n't that great? F ——Wew, am surprised PAUSE 00'03" R Fur. What is Daisy doing now? PAUSE 00'03" pe Si 8 & bs < F Is Daigy getting essed? We must go. M She's eating her breakfast F Obsthat’s good, M Yes. woke her up when you were inthe bathroom, PAUSE 00'03" R Five, What sport did Anna get a cup for? PAUSE 00'03" eh Mum, Anna gota cup today for port F id she? she's very god at skating Was for that? Feh_Noitwaefortable tennis F Thats great, Feh Yes And her sister got one forthe ong jump, toe. PAUSE 00°03" R——_Nowlisten to Part 4 again, PAUSE.0'03" IREPEAT PART 4 BUT WITH NO PAUSE AFTER THE ‘QUESTION; ONLY A PAUSE OF 00'03° AFTER THE DIALOGUE] ‘That isthe end of Part 4 PAUSE.0'05" Part. Look atthe picture. Listen and look, ‘There is one example. PAUSE 00'03" M —Cenyoucolourthis mountain picture now? Feh Yes! Those children went fora swim inthe lake, think M Thats right. The get's got awet towel her ane. Colour tha please Fh Ok M Make it orange PAUSE.0'03" R—_Canyou see the orange towel? Ths is an example. Now you listen and colour and write, PAUSE 00'03" IREPEAT FROM HERE] Rone M Now, fd tike youto colour the rock Can you seit? Feh__ Yes. i's onthe grou. M That's right. Colourit with your blue pen please, Feh —OK!.. ean seealizrdonit! M Yes! Meteo! AlMovers 39 Ey z Fi Fy a FS PAUSE 0015" R Two Feh—Cantcoloura cleus now? M_—Allright. Colour the lous that’s got the sun behind it. Feh Can colour pink? M Yes That's avery goodies, Feh Great! PAUSE 0075" R Three eh avethe panda! The gir looks relly curried to see) M Yes she does! tke you to colour leaf now. Feh The one inthe pande's mouth? Mo. Colour the one atthe top ofthe picture. I's onthe tuoe Make ted Fh OK. PAUSE 0075" Ro Four Feh Cando some writing too? M Yes 16 ike yout write the wore Windy’ Feh Where? On the ite? M ——Yesplease! Kites lik that kind of weather PAUSE 0075" R Five M Andrew, colour the boy's sweater. Feh_Allright.Can Ieolourityelow? M —_That'sa nie colour but ke you to make itbrov, please Fh ohlox, M Thankyou! Well one! PAUSE 0075" R Now istento Part again PAUSE 00"03" [REPEAT PARTS WITH ONLY 00°10" PAUSES] ‘Thatisthe end of the Movers Listening test [ausic] ‘Cambridge Assessment English

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