Responsive Documents (9/30/10 FOIA) - CREW: Department of Education: Regarding For-Profit Education: 6/20/2011 - Fred Sellers Emails 00026

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Sellers, Fred


Tinalee (-]


Thursday, August 05, 2010 2:59 PM

Sellers, Fred Higher Education - Please Stop Them

Docket ID: ED-2010-0PE-0012 My name is )"ina Maronek of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I doubt that this email will even be read by you. It most likely will end up in your Spam or trash folder. I am writing this email because I am at the end of my road with no where to tum like most Americans. I think you need to hear our story.

I decided online education was the way to go while I working full-time. I attended the University of Phoenix and Kaplan University where I majored in Criminal Justice. I really wanted to do something with law enforcement after September 11, 2001 , but did not know exactly what. I finished my degree in December of 2008. I could not find employment in any field.
I sit here with $60,000 worth of debt, no way to pay the monthly payments to all agencies, and trying to decide what course of action to take next. I went back to school to be the bread winrier of the family. I was told by these two schools that they would help me find a job, the salaries that I would be making, and that I would have a wonderful future. I have the same j ob that allows us to live pay check to paycheck. My h~sband lost his job and I have bill collectors asking to for their money. After all of this, I decided to go back to local school for nursing. I was told that none of my credits from either university would transfer. This has to be happening to a lot of people across the country. You need to help us! I know I cannot pay these bills and raise a family. Who is going to help me? Please pass the law to lessen future students from being in my position. If colleges could not keep their promise with me, they will not in the future. It is a black ho le effect that -needs to be stopped. Sincerely, Tina Lee Maronek

"'--=== -- .... Sellers, Fred

From: Sent:

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To: Cc:

Stein, Suzanne [Suzanne.Stein@morganstanley.comJ Thursday, July 29, 201 o 4:09 PM Kolotos, John; Sellers, Fred Colon Garcia, Cristina Question on the NPRM on Gainful Employment

Dear John/Fred: I am hoping you can help to answer a question that there seems to be significant confusion about {or direct me to someone who can help) .. In the NPRM on Gainful Employment, there is discussion about what debt wquld be included for the purposes of Debt to Income (DTI) calculations. It specifically says that debt from prior institutions will be included if the debt is from institutions are under common ownership or control. Does this debt have to come from identical programs? In other words, if a student were to get a bachelor degree from the University of Phoenix - let's say in an IT program (one CIP code)- and then go on to get an MBA in Accounting (another CIP code), would the debt from the bachelor . program count against the calculation for-the .debt from the MBA program? . . From the NPRM: The annual loan payment would be the median loan debt of students who completed a program during the three year period under standard repayment terms (i.e. 10-year repayment schedule and the current annual interest rate on Federal unsubsidized loans). Loan debt would include title IV, HEA program loans, except Parent PLUS loans, and any private educational loans or debt obligations arising from institutional financing plans. However, it would not include any student loan that a student incurred at prior institutions or at subsequent institutions unless the other and current institutions are under common ownership or control, or are otherwise related entities. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks for your time. Regards, Suzanne Stein

Morgan Stanloy I Research 1585 Broadway; 34th Floor I New York, NY 10036 Phone: Mobile:

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