Soal Tenses 5

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1. Every night, My father before about Tenses.

a. teach
b. teached
c. taught
d. teaches

2. One of my best friends................ Scholarship from his school because he always

good grade.
a. get, gets
b. got., got
c. gets, get
d. get, getting

3. Andi is from Indonesia, so he............Indonesian.

a. speaks
b. speak
c. is speaking
d. spoken

4. Jane: How many time have you visited bali,

Rani? Rani: I..Bali many times.
a. have visited
b. visit
c. had visited
d. visited

5. There ............... three books on my bag yesterday, but now there...........only one book.
a. was, were
b. are, was
c. were, is
d. were, was

6. "How long have you been watching TV?".

a. I watch it for two hours
b. I am watching it for two hours
c. I have been watching tv for more than two hours
d. I had watched tv for two hours

7. A : Does your mother always cook food for breakfast everyday?

B : No, She does not, Sometimes my for breakfast in Small market.
a. buys
b. is buying
c. bought
d. have bought
8. A : Look!. The Sky ........... Blue. The sun.......brightly. Let's go to the beach.
B : That is a great idea.
a. is, is
b. is , is shining
c. was, shines
d. is, shines

9. My Parents had already eaten by the time I..............home.

a. go
b. am going
c. got
d. get

10. The Police............been looking for the criminal for two years before they caught him.
a. have
b. has
c. had
d. already

11. She............for five straight hours. " Why she doesn't take a break".
a. has been studying
b. have been studying
c. had been studying
d. is studying

12. I.............English since I was in junior high school.

a. have study
b. had studied
c. have studied
d. have been study

13. Mr jack always.............a pound of sugar.

a. buys
b. is buying
c. bought
d. has bought

14. The shop assistants...............the door now.

a. was closing
b. is closing
c. were closing
d. are closing

15. Kevin and Jane never..............away glass bottles.

a. throws
b. are throwing
c. throws
d. doesn't throw
16. Look! Angga.................two baskets.
a. brings
b. is bringing
c. brought
d. bring

17. two days ago.

a. visits
b. was visiting
c. visited
d. had visited

18. On August 17, 1945, Indonesia...................its independence from Netherlands.

a. declared
b. had declared
c. is declared
d. has declared

19. A: I Called you last night, but you...........answer my call.

B: I am sorry, I.............when you called me.
a. does not, was sleeping
b. did not, was sleeping
c. did not, am sleeping
d. did not, sleep

20. At eight o'clock last night, My father................TV with me.

a. is watching
b. watched
c. was watching
d. watched

21. Jakarta next week to meet her family.

a. will go
b. go
c. goes
d. is going

22. A : I would like to invite you to come at my birthday party next week. Would you like
to come?
B : I would love to, but I.............meeting with my Boss.
a. will have
b. have
c. will be having
d. will be

23. The tax officers.............their report at seven o'clock tonight.

a. will submit
b. will be submitting
c. submit
d. have submitted

24. A : Why did you buy this paint?

B : bed room tomorrow.
a. will paint
b. will be painting
c. am going to paint
d. paint

25. I will get home at 5.30. after I..........home, I will eat dinner.
a. get
b. had get
c. have get
d. will get

26. homework by the time you come to my house.

a. will finish
b. will have finish
c. have finish
d. am going to finish

27.A : Hi, John, I'd like you to accompany me to visit my uncle

tomorrow. B : I'm so sorry, I can't. I English at Online School.
a. will study
b. study
c. have been studying
d. will have studied

28. Before I cooked fried rice, homework yesterday.

a. have done
b. do
c. had done
d. did

29. She likes reading English books, and..........a novel.

a. writing
b. writes
c. wrote
d. write

30. Everybody in my class school on time.

a. came
b. comes
c. come
d. is coming

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