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Acec Arab Company Ay jell AS till Forlabontoras end Sol Ay oly aa at Messrs.: Agalat Project Riyadh $17000192-L1 Riyadh - KSA January 06, 2019 Subject: Geotechnical Preliminary Report for Agalat-Stc Smart Square - Phase-tI Riyadh - KSA Dear Sirs, Reference is made to your email request dated December 30” 2018, regarding water fevels, chemical analysis of water and physical properties of water (odour & Colour), ACES ‘would like to inform the following information: 1. The ground water levels were monitored in the following boreholes and the Table 1 shows the water levels from 24" Dec 2018 to 28" Dec 2018. Waterlevel | Waterlevel | Watarjavel | Water level Depth of | ‘depth from | dopthtrom | depthtrom | depth from Boreholes | gorshetetm | EGkon. EGLon EGL on EGLon zanzizoie | 2anzizois | 2erzzois | 2a/t2/2016 (em) (om) (em) (em) a 70 167 168 177 179 5 “20 183 180 184 35, an 10 163 372 185 158 [a3 20 173 170 165 174 7 10 973 979 943 915 18 10 ~ 191 185 wm | a7 a9 10 172 178 165 | ase [2320 169 170 36562 25 10 159 158 342 1a 28 10 149 156 173 158 29 20 181 17 a7 168 30 10 161 169 162 167 32 10 72) 885 167 167 35 10 148 162 158 356 [36 10 163 169 150 a7 38 10 aasimeces ieee) 179 168 40 20 159 168. 154 158 at 10 164 153 157 359 a2 EC} 158 351 152 153 45 20 151 182 a6 | ass. 48 20 174 193 167 158 50 | 40 748 741 0 7a 52 10 155, 164 160 172 53 10 142 167 359 170 | EGL= Existing Ground Level ‘Checked: QM: roved: AK Sesion? Wipe 8000192-L1 ‘AGES Rash: PO. Box 4669 Riga 11542 Te. + 966-1-292282 2859467 Fax: 4968.17 2987434. CC, NO. 116968-CR : TOIOTI208 Ema ‘ACES Jedd PO. Bo 12208 Jeddah 2182 Te :+906-12-0861422, 653520 Fax: +S66-12659548 -CC. No. 10KG4 CR. : IR0TS7S86. Emall acesjeddah@acos incom [AGES Kober: PO. Box 7189 frober 31952 To 066 18811841, 11642. Fox: +968:13€811847 CC. No. B6P16- CAR. :2061087267- Email acoskhober@acesintcom ‘AGES Narn: PO. Box 406 Najan «To. 96-17-5299067,+966-175290273- Fax: +988-17-235761 CC. No. 117878 CR. : 8940017513 -Emall: aceansian@acesitcom ‘ACES Burayda: PO. Box S201 Buraysh 225 Tl, + 96.163844875 Fax: +95-/6SBAKOOI- CC, No, 00011862 «CR 118108256 - Ema: cesburaycahacne nt com ‘AGES Medinah: PO. Box 4482 Macnah- Tal: 85-14 6828 Fax: +966-16-8699135-C.C. No, 203001171402 -C.R : 480078005 E-mal: aeeumadinan@acee nom ‘AGES Jazan: P.O, Box 45142 Jazan Te: +966 -17- 8226610 - Fax: 4966-17-3228649 -C.C. No, 702001198160 -C-R 8900022906 - Emel: aceslzanaces Website: [oy Q @ etea ame = & ga. sdlilyly syed gurl aso ¥ Qa” 2. The following table shows the chemical contents and total dissolved solids for the water samples. ‘Chemical Tests Results (Water Samples) BS 1577-3:190: 358,788 (amd. 902096) on jen Nas apa Project No 18000102 — Cienowner: Saul Consett Engen Ca Testoate |“ ast [Oo] tpt fuga cone dnape condone comune Sate | onl] Gone vis (a) Eee Percetarcenemcma ce Se oct) | pies [zo] ates | sm | om | won | - | - [awl - [er ras [os | gto | zener | amnao | wma [>] > rma | pra ase [ao tem | vom | oo | ssroo | |= [zwom] > [ea | [ows isolates | oem | vse | ove | - | - [ame] — [ee 3. The water was found to be light grey colour and light green colour. No odour was found in the water samples. The water samples show surface contamination. In the event that additional information or clarifications are required, please contact our office at your convenience. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your confidence and look forward to be of service to you in the near future. Sincerely Yours, ARAB COMPANY FOR LABORATORIES AND SOIL Mr. Abdel Fattah Ismael Branch Manager AKIStaion2 ‘Wip_Geo'S13000182-L1

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