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Mise en données des matériaux composites

cimes – 2019
rév. 0

Matériaux composites – CIMES rev. 0 Page 1


❑ pour les unidirectionnels

Mechanical properties Units resin

density kg/m3
elastic modulus MPa
Poisson's coefficient -
shear modulus MPa
tensile strength MPa
compressive strength MPa
shear strength MPa
tensile elongation -
mechanical properties of the resin

Mechanical properties Units fibres

density kg/m3
elastic modulus MPa
Poisson's coefficient -
shear modulus MPa
tensile strength MPa
compressive strength MPa
tensile elongation -
ISLL (cisaillement inter luminaire) MPa
plane shear MPa
mechanical properties of the fibers

Matériaux composites – CIMES rev. 0 Page 2

Propriétés mécaniques après homogénéisation :

Mechanical properties Units Valeurs

surface density gr/m2
rate of fiber volume %
rate of fiber mass %
thickness mm
density kg/m3
elastic modulus : Ex
elastic modulus : Ey MPa
elastic modulus : Ez
Poisson's coefficient : xy
Poisson's coefficient : xz -
Poisson's coefficient : yz
shear modulus : Gxy
shear modulus : Gxz MPa
shear modulus : Gyz
tensile strength : Xt
compressive strength : Xc
tensile strength : Yt
compressive strength : Yc
shear strength : Sxy
shear strength : Sxz MPa
shear strength : Syz
tensile elongation : Xt_eps
compressive elongation : Xc_eps
tensile elongation : Yt_eps -
compressive elongation : Yc_eps
shear elongation : S_eps
GI fracture toughness in mode I J/m2
GII fracture toughness in mode II J/m2
Critical normal traction mode I (T) MPa
Critical shear traction mode II (S) MPa
Initial and critical delaminate length mode I (1) mm
Initial and critical delaminate length mode II (2) mm

Matériaux composites – CIMES rev. 0 Page 3

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