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Unit – 1

1. Technology for reducing pollution

• It includes relatively cleaner technologies, technologies that help other
technologies to be cleaner, and certain mass-market technologies.
• All of them reduce environmental impacts compared to their alternatives.

2. Importance of energy conservation:

• It helps the replacement of non-renewable resources with renewable energy.
• Energy conservation is often the most inexpensive solution to energy shortages.
• It is more environmentally kind alternative to increased energy production.
• Decreasing the environmental pollution by reducing the emission of harmful
• Reduces the wastes.

Recycling tips

3. Sum
4. G20 Countries

5. Organizational structure of G20

6. Action taken for reducing carbon emission
• Drive efficiently.
• Keep stuff out of the landfill
• Use alternative transportation
• Switch to renewable sources
• Turn off lights and unplug devices when you’re not using them
• Buy energy efficient.

7. Sum

8. BEE decides the star rating of home appliances

• Whenever you’re shopping for appliances such as refrigerators, air conditioners,

or geysers, you might have noticed star rating stickers on the appliances.
• These are called BEE star labels and they show how much electricity the
appliance consumes in a year.
• Each appliance gets between one and five stars, with five stars meaning that it’s
extremely efficient and is likely to keep your electricity bills in check.

9. The things to watch out before buying an appliance based on BEE label
• Before buying in haste, please check the energy rating.
• Electrical appliances vary greatly in terms of energy usage and are all graded with
ratings from A-G.
• For maximum savings in the long run, aim for an A graded appliance (A+, A++ or A+++).
• If you are buying electrical appliances online, you can often filter your search by energy

10. Types of labels used in giving star rating of a product

11. Impact of energy efficiency

Environmental: Increased efficiency can lower greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and
other pollutants, as well as decrease water use.

Economic: Improving energy efficiency can lower individual utility bills, create jobs, and
help stabilize electricity prices and volatility.

Utility System Benefits: Energy efficiency can provide long-term benefits by lowering
overall electricity demand, thus reducing the need to invest in new electricity
generation and transmission infrastructure.

Risk Management: Energy efficiency also helps diversify utility resource portfolios and
can be a hedge against uncertainty associated with fluctuating fuel prices.

12. Energy conservation building code


1. power factor improved by use of capacitor

• Power-factor-correction capacitors are used for this purpose.
• A motor requires inductive or lagging reactive power for magnetizing.
• Capacitors provide capacitive or leading reactive power that cancels out the lagging reactive
power when used for power-factor improvement.

2. indicate consequence of low power factor for power factor correction

• This means that a poor power factor i.e., low power factor will result in higher load
current and hence higher losses.
• Thus, it is always desirable to achieve unity power factor.
• But it is not possible to design equipment having pf unity.

3. Types of tariffs

❖ Simple tariff - When there is a fixed rate per unit of energy consumed, it is known as .
simple tariff (Uniform Rate Tariff). Simplest tariff.
❖ Flat Rate tariff - unchanging charge that allows the user to consume up to a maximum amount.
❖ Block meter Rate tariff - a type of tariff which charges customers a different price depending
on how much electricity or gas they have used.
❖ Two-part tariff – fixed charge & running charge
❖ Maximum demand tariff - The demand charge is based on the maximum demand in
kVA, while the energy charge depends on the energy
consumption in Unit (kWh) of the month.
❖ Power factor tariff – based on power factor

4. steps to followed by an energy manager to minimize voltage unbalance and effect of it on motor

❖ Motor Efficiency Factor affecting Motor Performance

5. factors that will affect due to winding burnt out motor?

It is common practice in industry to rewind burnt-out motors.

• The population of rewound motors in some industries exceed 50 % of the total population.

• Careful rewinding can some times maintain motor efficiency at previous levels, but in most
cases, losses in efficiency result.

• Rewinding can affect a number of factors that contribute to deteriorated motor efficiency:
winding and slot design, winding material, insulation performance, and operating temperature.

6. predict factors involved in deciding an electricity traffic and indicate parameter?

❖ Type of load
❖ Maximum demand
❖ Time at which load is required
❖ The power factor of the load
❖ The amount of energy used
The amount of money frame by the supplier for the supply of electrical energy to various types of
consumers is known as an electricity tariff. In other words, the tariff is the methods of charging a
consumer for consuming electric power. The tariff covers the total cost of producing and supplying
electric energy plus a reasonable cost.

7. effects of low power factor in copper losses and voltage regulation

• Ohmic loss (I2r loss) is also known as copper loss.

• Larger current due at low power factor causes more ohmic loss and hence reduced
• Since large line current causes larger voltage drop in the line impedance.
• Therefore, the receiving end voltage (VR) will be much lower than the sending end voltage


❖ Harmonic content makes it harder to magnetize the copper and iron in the motor’s stator and
❖ Causing higher eddy current and hysteresis losses.
❖ If harmonic frequencies exceed 300 Hertz, the skin effect compounds these losses.
❖ Second, all these extra losses manifest as additional heat.
9. Power factor sum

Real power (W) = 130W

Apparent power (VA) = 155VA

Power factor = real power / apparent power

= 130W / 155VA
= 0.83

Calculate the rated required capacitance value for the single-phase, 220V, 1 HP, 50Hz, 80% of the


1 HP = 746 Watts.

Use our capacitance calculation formula.

C(µF) = (power * efficiency of motor in % * 1000) / (V2 * frequency)

C(µF) = 746 x 80 x 1000 / (220 x 220 x 50) = 24.66 µF.

Hence 1 HP Motor required 24.66 µF capacitance to start the motor smoothly. But in the market,

you can get 25 µF.

The voltage range for the capacitor should be 440V min.


Advantages of star connections:

❖ Used for high voltage

❖ Common neutral point
❖ Good for unbalanced loading
❖ Each phase is a separate circuit
❖ Dual voltage applications
❖ Star connection can distribute the load evenly
❖ Star connection alternator requires lesser insulation
❖ Star connection alternator requires a lesser number of turns than delta for the same
❖ Ability to spread the load between the phases
❖ Availability of single phase at a lower voltage
❖ The neutral point can be earthed

Unit – 3

1. Dynanmometer
• A dynamometer, also known as a "dyno", is a device that measures force, torque or
• For chassis or engine applications, a dynamometer is designed to create a load to
duplicate various speed (RPM) and torque (Nm or lb-ft) requirements.
• From this data, power (HP or kW) can be calculated.

2. In low power factor wattmeter, the compensating coil is connected in series with pressure coil.
Justify the statement.

3. Various power qualities issues in electricity lines

• Very short interruptions.
• Long interruptions.
• Voltage spike.
• Voltage swell.
• Harmonic distortion.
• Voltage fluctuation.
• Noise.
4. Power quality events in long duration events and short duration events occur because of voltage
• Yes, Power quality events in long duration events and short duration events
occur because of voltage fluctuations.
• One of the most common causes of voltage fluctuation is an obstruction in the
transmission lines. Obstructions are mostly caused by natural factors such as
thunder, lightning, fallen trees and heavy rains. In the case of lightning and
thunder, complete power shutdown can be observed.
5. Indicate how material and energy balance is analysed in sugar manufacturing industry.
• Material and energy balances can be worked out quantitatively knowing the
amounts of materials entering into a process, and the nature of the process.
• Material and energy balances take the basic form Content of inputs = content of
products + wastes/losses + changes in stored materials.

6. Represent the process flow chart for pulp and paper product manufacturing industry.
7. If a 100-watt bulb is replaced with a 15-watt LED. Predict the annual (360 days) energy saving if
it is running 10 hours per day.

Old bulb = 100watt

new bulb = 15watt

No.of.hours per day = 10hrs

No.of.days = 360 days

Energy saving = Old bulb – new bulb

Energy saved = 100 – 15

= 85watt

running time = no.of.hours x no.of.days

= 10 x 360

= 3600

Total Energy stored = (energy saved x running time)/1000 kwh

= (85x 3600)/1000

= 306000 / 1000


8. Predict the areas for improvement in lightning system.

9. A pump’s efficiency is determined by how effectively the pump can convert one form of energy
to another, based on the difference between the horsepower going into and out of a pump.
10. The maximum demand can also be reduced at the plant level by using capacitor banks and
maintaining the optimum power factor.
• Yes, the maximum demand can also be reduced at the plant level by using
capacitor banks and maintaining the optimum power factor.
• Reactive Power Compensation
11. A cooling water pump is connected to pillar furnace, the specifications of the pump as follows,
Q =10.5 lps, H = 50 M, P = 12.6kW,
Unit – 4

1. Guidelines for conducting an energy audit in sugar manufacturing industry.

• Conduct a condition survey.
• Establish the audit mandate.
• Establish the audit scope.
• Analyse energy consumption and costs.
• Compare energy performance.
• Profile energy use patterns.
• Inventory energy use.
2. Infer any four bench marking parameters followed in equipment/utility related in Industries.
• kWh/ton of refrigeration (on Air conditioning plant)
• %Thermal efficiency of a boiler plant
• kWh/NM3 of compressed air generated
• kWh /liter in a diesel power generation plant.

3. Various levels of mass and energy balance.

▪ Material quantities, as they pass through processing operations, can be
described by material balances. Such balances are statements on the
conservation of mass.
▪ Similarly, energy quanti- ties can be described by energy balances, which are
statements on the conservation of energy.

4. Infer the role of energy manager.

• The tasks of energy manger are setting goals, tracking progress, and promoting the
energy management program
• An Energy Manager helps an organization achieve its goals by establishing energy
performance as a core value
• Energy Manager understands how energy management helps the organization
achieve its financial and environmental goals and objectives

5. Duties and responsibilities of energy auditor in sugar in energy auditing on sugar industry.
• The primary duties and responsibilities of an energy auditor include the following:
calculating the amount of energy conservation.
• Identifying any health or safety concerns that may arise as a result of the planned
welfare projects.
• collecting and evaluating energy usage information from various sources
6. Plant energy performance (PEP) of the factory
• Plant energy performance (PEP) is the measure of whether a plant is now using
more or less energy to manufacture its products than it did in the past: a measure
of how well the energy management programme is doing.
• It compares the change in energy consumption from one year to the other
considering production output.
7. Types of energy audit
• Preliminary energy audit
➢ Usually takes one to three days depending upon the complexity of plant
➢ Performed by a quick walkthrough of the facilities and by analyzing utility
and fuel bills
➢ Visual inspection is made to determine broad energy saving
opportunities and to establish the need for a more detailed analysis
➢ Focuses on major energy supplies and demands, accounting for about
60 70 of total energy requirements
• Detailed energy audit
evaluates all systems and equipment which -
➢ consume energy and the audit comprises a detailed study on energy
➢ savings and costs
➢ This type of audit offers the most accurate estimate of energy savings
➢ cos
➢ Detailed energy cost saving calculation project cost
➢ Calculation of energy use
➢ Estimated use is compared to utility bill charges
• Targeted energy audit
8. Phase II of detailed energy audit process in which cost benefit analysis is done.
• Energy cost & tariff data – the cost benefit analysis is done.
• Energy Conservation Options Recommendations
i. List of options in terms of no cost, low cost, medium cost and high
ii. cost, annual energy savings and payback
iii. Implementation plan for energy saving measures Projects

9. Managerial skills are as important as technical skills in energy management.

• Multi-tasking and the ability to prioritise tasks are key.
• Energy managers also need to balance the organisation with patience.
• Because energy management can take time to deliver concrete results, knowing
how to manage the interim while finding new ways to deliver value is key.

10. Role of training and awareness in energy management programme.

• EMA Energy Management training will help organizations to strengthen their
commitment to strategically decrease energy consumption and ultimately
energy cost.
• Training employees will contribute to increasing their productivity and have a
positive impact on organization’s profitability.

11. Fundamental features of an effective energy management programme for health care facilities.
• Risk Management
• Efficiency
• Environmental Sustainability
Unit – 5

1. Calculation of annual fuel cost

2. Net annual saving
3. Examples for positive and negative forces acting towards achieving the goal in an industry.

4. Factors need to be considered in calculating annual cash flows.

5. Calculation of payback period

6. An outlay of Rs,12,20,00 for new boiler installation in expected to provide each flow of
Rs.2,44,000 over a period of five years. Find the return on investment. Also indicate the
importance time value of money.
7. If a 100-watt bulb with a 15-watt LED and it is running 10hrs per day. Resolve the payback
period if the energy/watt hour is Rs.4. Also, comment on energy conserved by replacing bulb
with LED.
8. NPV measures the increases in value of investment based on the organizations required rate of
return. Justify its energy audit statement with one example.
9. Identify micro factors to be used for sensitivity (risk) analysis on cash investment and capital

10. The financial issues associated with capital investment in energy saving project.

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