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Health and safety precautions when

dealing with compost

Hazard Cause Precaution to follow

Diseases Caused by bacteria, fungus  Always using the right PPE properly
 Aspergillosis and other pathogens found  Avoiding tiling on windy days
 Histoplasmosis in compost.  Not storing compost in airtight containers
 Legionnaire’s  Washing hands after dealing with compost
disease  If developed severe cough or skin infection
 Paronychia seeking medical attention properly.
 Tetanus
Compost fire  dry materials that go  Adequate ventilation of the pile
unattended;  Don’t turn a pile that is smoldering
 dry pockets of debris  Don’t let the pile get to dry
among a non-uniform  Monitoring the pile’s temperature.
mix of materials; 
 limited air flow;
 poor moisture
distribution due to
neglect or oversight in
monitoring; and
 Unknown temperature
within the pile, and
time for the
temperature to build up
Health and safety precautions when
dealing with Biogas and liquid fertilizer.

Hazard Cause Precaution to

Fire/Explosion  Under certain conditions, biogas in  No open flames should ever be
combination with air can form an explosive near the digester.
gas mixture. It can occur because of a gas  Equipment such as large engines
leak, creation of an explosive zone, and electric generators must be
welding, clogged or frozen pipes or others. suitable to the environment so a
spark will not ignite the gas.
 There must be no smoking near
the digester or related biogas lines
and equipment.

Asphyxiation  Biogas generation, transportation and  Never enter a facility where

flaring can lead to oxygen-deficient manure is stored or where there is
atmospheres. The biogas accumulation in a a suspected biogas leak as natural
confined space can significantly reduce the ventilation cannot be trusted to
level of oxygen (anoxia) and result in dilute the explosion hazard
poisoning or asphyxiation symptoms sufficiently.
 Airing out a facility does not
impart safety, as some of the gases
produced are heavier than air.
 If a person is found unconscious in
such a facility, do not enter the
facility because you may be
overcome as well. Contact
emergency services so that
firefighters wearing self-contained
breathing apparatus (SCBA) can
safely retrieve the victim.
Chemical hazard  Due to their toxicological properties,  It is essential to maintain the
ammonia, hydrogen sulphide or carbon threshold limit value (TLV).
dioxide expose operators to safety hazards.
Hazard Cause Precaution to follow
Disease  Animal manure contains bacteria, viruses and,  Must use PPE when handling
possibly, parasites. Biogas is generated by the  Washing after working around the
anaerobic digestion of manure, which occurs digester
because of the bacteria present in animal  Keeping the digester facility clean
wastes, some of which can produce infection. will reduce disease hazards
Pathogenic species that are regularly present in
animal manures, slurries and household waste
are bacteria (e.g. Salmonellae, Enterobacter,
Clostridiae, Listeria), parasites (e.g. Ascaris,
Trichostrangylidae, Coccidae), viruses and fungi.

General precautions
 Use corrosion-resistant material to water or sulphur products
 Equipment should be designed not to let biogas in or out
 Electrical installations must comply with standards and regulations
 Project Goal: Create a new app
 Objectives: All the milestones that must be achieved to reach that ultimate goal.
 Success Criteria: The development team needs to communicate with the project stakeholders
and agree upon success criteria.
 Scope Statement: Here’s where the development team will document all the work needed to
develop the app. That work is broken down into tasks, which are known as user stories in
product and software development. Here, the team must also note all the exceptions, which
means everything that won’t be done.
 Resource Plan: In this case, the resources are all the professionals involved in the software
development process, as well as any equipment needed by the team.
 Risk Analysis: Using a risk register, the product manager can list all the potential risks that
might affect the app development process.
 Timeline, Milestones and Metrics: Here’s an image of an implementation plan timeline we
created using Project Manager’s Gantt chart view. The diamond symbols represent the
implementation plan milestones.

Monitoring and evaluation

General Manager

Facility department OSH department Farm department

The departments involved in the production of compost, liquid fertilizer and biogas must report
to the general manager. There must be report each week describing the production process what
has been used, what we have in store and when the batch is going to be mixed with soil.
There will be meetings if the management requires an update and the minutes will be recorded
by Admin secretary or Human resources secretaries. The farm assistant manager will make sure
to follow up and gives the approval on how and when to mix the compost with the soil. The
entire process and the reports will be evaluated by the General manager.

Project sustainability
The agricultural waste products by horticultural farms are generally problematic to manage,
especially in areas where production is intensive and under greenhouse. But they can be
appropriately valorized by addressing them in a virtuous compost chain. In fact, through the
realization of an on-farm composting plant, it is possible to produce a quality compost, usable as
a production factor on the holding itself, with the further advantage to close the carbon cycle and,
at the same time, solve the problem of disposing large volumes of agricultural waste. Composting
is an important element of sustainable solid waste management as it offers a way of processing the
biodegradable waste fraction. Converting waste into compost eliminates pollution of the air, water, and
soil. Waste is a reusable resource, and it is a resource if utilized properly. It promotes higher yields of
agricultural crops. Compost can help aid reforestation, wetlands restoration, and habitat revitalization
efforts by improving contaminated, compacted, and marginal soils. Compost can be used to remediate
soils contaminated by hazardous waste in a cost effective manner.

Composting is good for several reasons:

 It saves water by helping the soil hold moisture and reduce water runoff.
 It benefits the environment by recycling organic resources while conserving landfill space.
 Enriches soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and pests.
 Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.
 Encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic
matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material.
 Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint.

Organic liquid fertilizer is derived from naturally existing products such as plants and animal manure.
This makes it a sustainable product. Waste from animals is used to make organic fertilizer that provides
much-needed nutrition to plants and soil as well. The green waste and animal waste will always be
available as it renews itself. Since organic farming takes care of the environment, it is safe to say that the
farm is safe for the long run. Organic liquid fertilizer is also made from human waste such as urine and
that is definitely sustainable. The advantages of liquid organic fertilizer are to provide nutrients in
accordance with the needs of plants. Other than that the application can be more evenly and
concentration can be arranged according to the plants requirement. Organic liquid fertilizers are short-
acting. Consequently, they are easier to regulate that dry organic ones which are longer-acting. The ease
with which liquid fertilizers can be used makes them quite popular and therefore sustainable

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