Sources of Innovative Management of General Secondary Schools in The Conditions of Modernization of Education

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

Volume 6 Issue 2, January-February 2022 Available Online: e-ISSN: 2456 – 6470

Sources of Innovative Management of General Secondary

Schools in the Conditions of Modernization of Education
Taylakov Muhammad Norbek Oglu
Scientific Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences Named After T. N. Qori Niyazi, Uzbekistan

ABSTRACT How to cite this paper: Taylakov

The article discusses the sources of innovative management of Muhammad Norbek Oglu "Sources of
general secondary schools in the context of modernization of Innovative Management of General
education. Secondary Schools in the Conditions of
Modernization of Education" Published
KEYWORDS: modernization, school, innovation, innovative idea, in International
information provision, management culture, improvement, innovation Journal of Trend in
management Scientific Research
and Development
(ijtsrd), ISSN:
Volume-6 | Issue-2, IJTSRD49211
February 2022,
pp.250-253, URL:

Copyright © 2022 by author (s) and

International Journal of Trend in
Scientific Research and Development
Journal. This is an
Open Access article
distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License (CC BY 4.0)

In the context of modernization of education, it studied by such scientists as R. Siddikov, I. Tursunov,
becomes clear that innovation is a new educational J. Urumbaev, E. Kadirov, J. Hasanbaev, K.
value in the introduction to the methodological Khoshimov, K. Ergashev, N. Erkaboeva.
framework for improving the management process of
Fundamental research on the organization and
general secondary schools. Therefore, in the context
development of educational processes in secondary
of modernization of education, it is expedient to form
schools B. Adizov, R. Ahliddinov, R. Djuraev, K.
innovative ideas to improve the management of
Yuldashev, O. Musurmonova, R. Safarova, E.
general secondary schools, to identify positive
Seytkhalilov, S. Turgunov, Sh. Implemented by
educational changes, to analyze their potential [1].
Kurbanov, M. Kuronov, B. Khodjaev [2].
METHODOLOGY The importance of objective and subjective sources
A number of research works on the organization of
influencing the improvement of the management
educational institutions, the effective development of
process of general secondary schools in the context of
education and upbringing have been carried out in the
modernization of education will be discussed.
country, which are reflected in dissertations,
monographs, scientific literature and a number of The changes that have taken place and are taking
brochures. In particular, the theory and history of place in the social life of society have a special place
education, the history of schools and educational in objective sources. General education schools are a
institutions M. Abdakimova, N. Azizkhodjaeva, U. social institution, and many of the methods used in
Aleuov, D. Vasieva, J. Yuldashev, R. Mavlanova, S. the process of education and upbringing must be
Nishonova, S. Rajabov, T. Khotamov, It has been improved in accordance with the ongoing social

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
changes in society. Of course, the place and role of elimination of disparities and inconsistencies between
different social systems in the history of the them.
development of pedagogical ideas and the Inconsistency is not only the difference between what
development of educational institutions has not
is and is expected to exist and what is and is expected
always been the same. to be, but also the basis for innovative activity.
In this regard, it is logical to propose the division of Because inconsistency leads to the substantiation of
educational innovative sources that ensure the new innovative ideas.
effectiveness of general education schools into two
In the course of the research, it was concluded that
groups in accordance with the objective and
the discrepancies between social changes and the
subjective changes in school life (Table 1):
development of educational institutions, including
Table 1 general education schools, can be grouped as follows:
Innovative resources 1. Inconsistency between economic realities
Objective sources Subjective sources (inconsistency between the formation of the
Changes that have budget, the order of its financing and the priority
taken place and are Internal needs of the of state guarantees in the use of the budget and
taking place in the educational institution the lack of optimal methods used or
social life of society recommended in calculating financial
Professional expenditures). and the existing difficulties in
Changes that occur and finding sources of funding in this way can be
experience of heads of
occur in the network considered as a consequence of inconsistencies
institutions and
system such as the above).
pedagogical staff
Opening up new 2. Inconsistency between the current situation in
Adoption of legal and perspectives on the full general education schools and the teaching and
regulatory documents demonstration of the educational methods used in pedagogical
by higher authorities talents of teachers and activities (for example, the level of students'
students knowledge in science is assessed by certain
New forms of criteria in the educational institution and
cooperation between expressed in certain conventional symbols -
Demographic changes educational institutions numbers or grades. supplemented with analysis,
and social the class teacher and parents would be able to
organizations analyze the level of mental and spiritual-moral
Creation of new Accidental failures and maturity of the students (children) and the
scientific knowledge unexpected successes students would be able to independently assess
The formation of new their personal abilities and capabilities, which
views on the would help them to be more demanding.
The emergence of new
organization of
types of services In our opinion, the "Student's Individual
production or
professional activities Development Book" will help the class teacher and
science teachers to identify future tasks, to identify
The social impact on the educational institution was areas for development of the student's personality.
sometimes positive, sometimes negative, and
Among the changes taking place in the network
sometimes the strength of the social impact was large
system are the emergence of new types and types of
or insufficient. The level of social influences has
educational institutions, the introduction of state
sometimes limited or encouraged the independence of
educational standards, the establishment of unity and
the educational institution.
coherence between general education schools and
The impact of society on the educational institution secondary special education institutions, the
cannot be eliminated. On the contrary, supporting the establishment of specialized classes, students'
existence of this influence, establishing strong links knowledge, skills and abilities. It should be noted that
between educational institutions and social the level of assessment is based on the organization of
organizations will serve to increase the effectiveness final certification, the introduction of preferential
of the education and upbringing process. admission to higher education, the introduction of
The most important task in this direction is to achieve psychological services in the education system,
mutual coordination of social development with the admission of students to general secondary and
development of the educational institution, the rapid secondary special education institutions on the basis

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of psychological and pedagogical diagnosis and management of an educational institution by
others. protecting their rights and regulating the
fulfillment of their responsibilities. Student self-
Changes in the network system are also an important
government bodies operate on the basis of the
source for the effective organization of innovative
Charter and the program.
activities of the institution. Consequently, changes in
the field of education force the institution to look for 4. Demographic changes are understood as the
new forms and methods of work, to improve existing number, composition, employment, education and
forms and methods. social lifestyle of the population. Although the
importance of these changes has always been
Establishment of regional education systems, uniform
recognized, little attention is paid to this issue in
requirements for general secondary education in the
daily life. In the current situation, demographic
country, a unified approach to the management of all
changes are not so important for specialists of
secondary schools, reforming the management of the
education authorities and heads of educational
education system, the development of classifications
institutions and have no practical significance.
of specialists, strengthening the system of additional
Many believe that demographic research is
education , the establishment of psychological and
important for the fields of history, economic
socio-pedagogical services are also among the socio-
geography, and statistics. In our opinion, this is a
educational changes that have taken place in the
wrong conclusion.
In modern conditions, demographics are not stable
Understanding socio-educational changes and taking
and population characteristics change very quickly
them into account in the organization of the activities
and unexpectedly. Therefore, regular monitoring and
of the educational institution shows that the
analysis of demographic changes is of particular
management culture of leaders should be high.
importance in the management of educational
M. Mirkasimov describes the concept of institutions. Indeed, a decline in the birth rate will
"management culture" as follows: management reduce the need for school education after 5-6 years.
culture is the organization of management work on
In the dynamics of age distribution, the shift of the
the basis of a scientifically based, purposeful plan,
center of demographic weight from a certain age
ensuring practical cooperation with the word, paying
cohort to a second age group cohort leads to a sudden
attention to the needs and requirements of school
change in the needs and values that are a priority in
staff, students and parents and self-interest, not to
infringe on their dignity, not to engage in fraud, to
introduce a high level of discipline in work, to 5. The creation of new scientific knowledge is also
maintain a high level of pedagogical culture in important in the establishment and management
management, to be demanding of the leader of innovative activities of the educational
personally and subordinates, not to put his personal institution. Achievements in modern psychology,
interests above the interests of the state and society pedagogy, sociology, neurophysiology, ecology,
and so on [3] economics, medicine and other sciences serve as
an important methodological basis for the birth of
Proper leadership is important in organizing the
innovative ideas, project development and active
innovative activities of general education schools.
implementation in practice.
Indeed, "in order to lead properly, it is necessary to
know in advance, to anticipate and anticipate changes In order to be aware of new scientific knowledge and
and difficulties that may occur" [3]. apply it in educational practice, school leaders should
establish contacts with higher education and research
3. Adoption of legal and regulatory documents by
institutions and their staff, work with them to find
higher authorities also plays a special role in the
solutions to certain problems in teaching and
management of innovative activities of the
educational practice. It is also necessary to create a
educational institution. Changes in the education
bank of information or ideas in order to put into
system also occur on the basis of the submission
practice the important results of discoveries, scientific
of laws, by-laws or regulations by the republican,
innovations and research in various fields of science.
regional, local education authorities. In this
The collected materials are used in the database of
regard, the legal and regulatory framework of
information or ideas on important components of a
general education schools is one of the sources of
single pedagogical process, ie "Ways to improve the
organization and effective management of
educational process", "Forms and methods of
innovative activities. For example, student self-
improving the effectiveness of teaching methods",
government bodies are actively involved in the

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49211 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 252
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development @ eISSN: 2456-6470
"Technological approach to the organization of CONCLUSION
spiritual and educational work", etc. grouped as Thus, in the context of modernization of education, it
follows. is expedient to form innovative ideas in improving the
6. The formation of new approaches to the management process of general secondary schools, to
organization of production or professional identify positive educational changes, to analyze their
activities also serves as an important basis for the potential. In accordance with the objective and
management of innovative activities of the subjective changes taking place in school life, it is
educational institution. Humanization of expedient to objectively and subjectively divide the
education content and enrichment with sources of effective management of general education
democratic ideas, introduction of differentiated schools into two groups.
education, creation of necessary conditions for LIST OF LITERATURE:
full realization of individual potential of students, [1] Meskon M. M., Albert M., Xedouri F. Basic
ie search for and support of talented youth (for management. - M . : Delo, 1992. - 699 p.
example, "Umid", "Ulugbek", " Talent Funds and
[2] Aytimbetov M. Z. Development of the system
the establishment of the Nihol and Zulfiya State
of general secondary schools of karakalpakstan
Prizes) are a good example of a new educational
in the years of independence (late xx century
and early xxi century). 13. 00. 01 - Theory of
7. One of the most notable changes in the field of pedagogy. History of pedagogical teachings.
technology is the widespread application of Author's abstract of the Doctor of Philosophy
advanced pedagogical technologies in the (PhD) dissertation in pedagogical sciences.
teaching practice of distance learning. Their main Nukus – 2018.
principle is individuality, independence and
[3] Begimqulov U. Scientific and theoretical bases
educational activity, which allows them to
of introduction of modern information
achieve high results in the educational process
technologies in pedagogical education. - T . :
with less physical effort.
Fan, 2007. - 1605.

@ IJTSRD | Unique Paper ID – IJTSRD49211 | Volume – 6 | Issue – 2 | Jan-Feb 2022 Page 253

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