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The little corner of ϕ - χ DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.


Difference between Isoelectric point (IEP), Point of

zero charge (PZC), and Isoionic point (IIP)
- What is the definition of Isoelectric point (IEP), Point of zero charge (PZC), and Isoionic point (IIP)?
- What is the difference between IEP, PZC, and IIP?
- Why IEP, PZC, and IIP are important?

- Definitions and differences
- Examples : proteins, carbons, and metal oxides

Colloids in an aqueous medium become naturally charged to
form an electrical double layer. The protonation/deprotonation
capacity of the colloid surface is a key parameter for the
charge transfer between solvent and particle. In this case, the
net surface charge is affected by the pH of the medium. Of
particular importance is the pH value at which the surface is
electrically neutral as the electric repulsion between colloids
is minimal. Depending on how and what is measured, this pH
is either called Isoelectric Point (IEP), Point of Zero Charge
(PZC), or Isoionic Point (IIP).

However, these 3 terms are often confused and misused in

many articles while they are very different. This paper aims
to define these 3 terms and explain when and how they should
be used but also compared to each other.
Figure 1. Ionic concentration and potential difference as a
1. Principle function of distance from the charged surface of a particle
suspended in a dispersion medium.
1.1 Context
The surface charge developed by particles in water attracts charge, it is then of importance to know the pH value, at which
counterions forming the electrical double layer (Figure 1). the net surface charge equals zero.
Two characteristic potentials are defined:

• the surface potential, i.e. the potential at the surface of 1.2 Point of zero charge (PZC)
the particle (particle/solution interface); There are several different definitions of the point of zero
• the zeta potential, i.e. the potential at the shear plane. charge depending on which one of the categories of surface
charge is equal to zero [1]:
The protonation/deprotonation capacity of the surface is a
key parameter for the charge transfer between solvent and • point of zero charge (PZC) is the pH at which the
particle. Thus, H + and OH − are potential-determining ions net surface charge (surface potential) of total particle
as they can modulate the surface charge and potential decay. surface is equal to zero;
Particle interfaces tend to be positively charged at low pH, • point of zero net charge (PZNC) is the pH value at
and negatively charged at high pH. Likewise, the charge can which the intrinsic surface charge is equal to zero;
also be affected by the presence of electrolytes (acids, bases,
• point of zero net proton charge (PZNPC) is the pH
and salts) in solution.
value at which the net proton surface charge is equal to
As the ion distributions and the physical properties of dis-
persions depends on the sign and magnitude of the surface • point of zero salt effect (PZSE) is the pH value at

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The little corner of ϕ - χ DOI : 10.5281/zenodo.6346860

which the effect of electrolyte concentration on a pH- arising from the dissociation of the aqueous solvent (H + or
dependent charge is zero. OH − ). This particular pH serves as an important reference
point in acid-base titration studies of amino acids and pro-
But, mostly, authors used PZC as a general term for all types teins. As an example, he considered an isoionic solution
without making any difference. of glycine. The following species can be present in aque-
ous solution: H + , OH − , + H3 NCH2CO2 H, + H3 NCH2CO− 2,
At the PZC, there is no surface charge to be neutralized by H2 NCH2CO2 H and H2 NCH2CO− 2 . The concentration of H +
ions in the diffuse layer, and any adsorbed ions that exist must is equal to :
be bound in surface complexes. Therefore, the PZC can be √
[H + ] = K1 K2
measured by ascertaining the pH value at which a perfect
charge balance exists among the ions in an aqueous solution with K1 and K2 the equilibrium constants of the glycine.
with which particles have been equilibrated.
The operationally defined IIP is dependent on amino acid
This does not mean that the surface has no charge at PZC, but concentration. At high concentration the operationally IIP
rather that there are equal amounts of positive and negative approaches its theoretical value, but as concentration goes to
charges. zero it approaches a value of 7. The fact that the operationally
defined IIP of glycine is always less than 7 is an indication
PZC can be determined using potentiometric titration of col- that when glycine is dissolved in water, the protonated amino
loidal dispersions [2]. Once satisfactory graphs are obtained group of the molecule has a greater tendency to loose a proton
(acid/base amount—pH, and pH—zeta potential), the PZC is to the solvent than the carboxylate group has to gain a proton
established as the common intersection point (cip) of the lines. from the solvent. The result is a net production of hydrogen
Therefore, PZC is also sometimes referred to as cip. ions.

1.3 Isoelectric point (IEP) IIP can be measured through potentiometric titrations car-
ried out at different ionic strengths. It is obtained as the
IUPAC gives the following definition : ”The pH value at
intersection point among the different titration curves [6, 7].
which the net electric charge of an elementary entity is zero.
pI is a commonly used symbol for this kind-of-quantity. It
should be replaced by pH(I) because it is a pH determined 2. Differences
under that particular condition” [3].
2.1 IEP vs PZC
However, this definition is not accurate, it is better to define The equivalence IEP = PZC occurs if there is no adsorption
IEP for materials showing a pH dependent surface charging of other ions than the potential determining ions like H + and
as the ”pH value at which the electrokinetic potential equals OH − at the surface. This is often the case for pure (pristine
zero”, i.e. zero velocity for particles subjected to an external surface) oxides in water. Other potential-determining ions
electric field. This doesn’t mean there is zero charge: for include:
proteins at IEP, there will be positive and negative charges
present at the same extent. Furthermore, it does not matter • ions that are constituents of the surface and can cross
how the charges are distributed. to the aqueous phase,
• specifically-adsorbing ions that form chemical bonds
It is of importance to notice that IEP is strictly determined (complex) with surface ions,
by electrokinetics (e.g. electrophoresis). This term cannot be
used with other measurement techniques. • ions forming precipitates that accumulate at the parti-
cle/solution interface.
1.4 Isoionic point (IIP) In these cases, the x-axis would not be the pH but the concen-
According to IUPAC, ”IIP is the pH value at which the net tration (or activity) of these ions.
electric charge of an elementary entity in pure water equals
zero” [3]. Again, this definition can be confusing and it is In the presence of specific adsorption ions, i.e. counterions
better to define IIP as the ”pH at which the net protonic charge held only by electrostatic forces, PZC and IEP generally have
of an amino acid or a protein is zero” [4]. It is important to different values. For example, in Figure 2 each Ca2+ ions
highlight that IIP only relates to protons and only applies to a carries two charges, they cause the potential to become less
zwitterionic substance in pure water. negative more rapidly with distance than equal concentrations
of monovalent ions but leave the surface potential unaffected.
Bryan [5] used an operational definition of IIP as the pH Strictly, these ions cannot reverse the zeta potential, but it can
of a solution of the substance in water which contains, in approach zero.
addition to the substance itself, no ions other than those

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IIP is defined as the pH value at which a zwitterionic molecule

has an equal number of positive and negative charges and no
adsorbed ionic species. IEP is the pH value at which the zeta
potential (or surface potential), equivalent to the net charge of
the molecule including bound ions, is zero.

The differences between IEP and IIP for proteins, and their
shifts with salt type and concentration, have been widely stud-
ied [7, 9]. These differences depend also on the experimental
conditions and the experimental method used [6, 10, 11].

The concept of PZC should not be used for proteins due to

their zwitterionic nature. It is more appropriate to use IEP and
IIP which only includes protonic charge.

3.2 Carbons
Figure 2. Effect of Ca2+on electric potential as a function of The chemical and electrochemical surface properties of car-
distance from the particle surface. bons are of critical importance when used as catalyst supports
and absorbents [12]. It has been suggested that the IEP values
The PZC is obtained by acid-base titrations of colloidal dis- are only representative of the external surface charges of car-
persions while monitoring the electrophoretic mobility of the bon particles in solution, whereas the PZC varies in response
particles and the pH of the suspension. Several titrations are to the net total (external and internal) surface charge of the
required to distinguish PZC from IEP, using different elec- particles [13, 14].
trolytes (including varying the electrolyte ionic strength).
The difference PZC − IEP can be interpreted as a measure
Note that both surface and zeta potentials reverse sign (i.e., of surface charge distribution of porous carbons [15]. Values
cross the zero-potential line) at the same pH. The pH where greater than zero indicate more negatively charged external
the zeta potential reverses is the IEP and where the surface than internal particle surfaces, and values close to zero cor-
potential reverses is the PZC. respond to a more homogeneous distribution of the surface
For simple materials, e.g. inorganic oxides, zero velocity usu-
ally means zero absolute charge (rather than zero net charge). 3.3 Metal oxides
If there is only one charged species so it cannot be ”iso”, Oxide particles in aqueous solution form a monolayer of sur-
hence IEP doesn’t apply but PZC does. face surface hydroxyl groups that may become protonated
or deprotonated depending on the pH. The particles develop
2.2 IEP vs IIP electrical charges that are either positive or negative:
IIP is for protons only while IEP is for all types of charges +
MOH + H(aq) ⇌ MOH2+
such as bound counterions. Therefore, unless the entire charge
is proton, IIP and IEP are different [8]. So, IIP and IEP should

coincide when the electrolyte concentration is zero. MOH + OH(aq) ⇌ MO− + H2 O

If the concentrations of the two sites MOH2+ and MO− of the

3. Examples particle are equals, there will be no net charge on the surface.
This condition is the PZC (or more accurately the point of
3.1 Proteins zero proton charge). At pH values lower than the PZC, the
The net electrical charge of proteins is a parameter that strongly sites become protonated and MOH2+ predominates; the oxide
affects their physicochemical behavior in living organisms. behaves as a Brönsted acid and as an anion exchanger. At pH
The most common surface charge determining ions are H + values higher than the PZC, MO− predominates and the oxide
and OH − . The pH value at which the surface of the protein is behaves as a Brönsted base and a cation exchanger. Mixed ox-
electrically neutral is particularly important because at this pH ides can have both exchange types, depending on the relative
the electrical repulsion between proteins is minimal. There- pK values of the different surface sites.
fore, they can easily coagulate and precipitate.
As seen before, PZC can be measured by potentiometric titra-
This pH value is called either IIP or IEP. As discussed before, tion if there are no others ions that H + and OH − in solution.
there is a conceptual difference between these two terms. The However, with electrolytes, other ions A− and B+ may absorb

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onto the surface sites as follow: them neutralize the OH − , and the others neutralize the MO− .
This is the reason for the smaller pH values in this curve as
MOH2+ + A− + −
(aq) ⇌ MOH2 A compared to those in the blank curve. On the other hand, the
H + added from f to g (Region II) also play two roles: to
− +
MOH2+ + B+ +
(aq) ⇌ MO B + 2H(aq) protonate the neutral MOH sites (major role) and to neutralize
the small amount of OH − remaining in solution (minor role).
Thus, the net surface charge not only depends on the H + and The difference in pH between the sample and blank curves
OH − ions, but also on the concentration of the electrolytes. in this region will therefore be essentially proportional to the
amount of solid sample in the suspension.
A simple and fast method that gives a reasonable approxi-
mation to the PZC consists in locating the intersection of Between the end of Region I and the beginning of Region
one or more titration curves performed with constant ionic II, there is a small region (or even a single point f ) where all
strength and different amounts of solid, and that of a blank the H + added serve to neutralize the OH − , just as they do in
solution (i.e., without the solid). This is called the potentio- the blank curve. For this reason both curves intersect at this
metric mass titration method (PMT). This method is explained point, which is then identified as the PZC. This intersection
by Ibanez et al. [16] by analyzing the plot in Figure 3. should appear at the same pH value for any amount of oxide
placed in the solution.

Ibanez et al. [16] present a simple experimental method to

aproximate the PZC for several metal oxides TiO2 , SiO2 ,
Al2 O3 , ZnO, and MgO. Vakros et al. [17] also proposed a
simplified PMT with a single determination curve intersecting
the blank curve which gives a very good approximation to the
true value. In addition, the PZC determined using this method
is independent of the charging mechanism assumed for the
oxide surface, of the structure of the double layer, and of the
surface-site density.

Although there are many confusions regarding the use of these
3 terms, it is easy to differentiate them both by their theoreti-
cal definition and by their method of measurement.
Figure 3. Determination of PZC of a simple metal oxide by
PMT. (Modified from [16]) The point of zero charge (PZC) is the pH at which the net
surface charge (surface potential) of total particle surface is
The points a, b, and c correspond to the blank solution, and equal to zero. This does not mean that the surface has no
d, e, f , and g correspond to the sample. The blank solution charge at PZC, but rather that there are equal amounts of
consists of a solution of an inert, supporting electrolyte (e.g., positive and negative charges. PZC can be determined using
KNO3 ); thus, the point at a corresponds to the natural pH of potentiometric titration of colloidal dispersions.
this solution. Upon addition of NaOH, the pH of the blank
increases to b. By doing a potentiometric titration with a The isoelectric point (IEP) is the pH value at which the elec-
strong acid (e.g., HNO3), the blank curve is generated (c is trokinetic potential equals zero. This does not mean there is
an arbitrary final point). zero charge. IEP is strictly determined by electrokinetics (e.g.
The initial pH of the sample solution (inert electrolyte so-
lution and the hydrated oxide MOH) is at d (i.e., below the The isoionic point (IIP) is the pH at which the net protonic
PZC due to the removal of H + from the solution by the neutral charge of a zwitterionic substance as an amino acid or a pro-
surface sites in MOH to form MOH2+ . Then, addition of the tein is zero. IIP can be measured through potentiometric
same volume of NaOH to this suspension of the sample brings titrations carried out at different ionic strengths.
it to the point e, which is below b. This is because the OH −
added play three roles: they serve to neutralize the H + and It is important to conclude concerning the measurement of
the MOH2+ created during the a → d step, and to remove H + the pH which is a key element for these 3 parameters. This
from the resulting MOH sites so as to create basic sites MO− is because the determination and accuracy of pH is highly de-
at the oxide surface. By doing a potentiometric titration, the pendent on electrolyte concentrations. At high ionic strength
H + added from e to f (Region I) play two roles: some of (> 10 mM), pH depends on the activity of hydrogen ions and

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