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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)


Programme title

Assessor Internal Verifier

Unit 13: Computing Research Project
Final Research
Assignment title

Student’s name
List which assessment Pass Merit Distinction
criteria the Assessor has

Do the assessment criteria awarded match

those shown in the assignment brief? Y/N

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded

justified by the assessor’s comments on the Y/N
student work?

Has the work been assessed

Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:

• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment
criteria? Y/N

• Identifying opportunities for

improved performance? Y/N

• Agreeing actions?
Does the assessment decision need
Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if

Confirm action completed
Remedial action taken

Give details:

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier
Programme Leader
signature (if required)

Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID
Unit Title
Assignment Number Assessor
Date Received 1st
Submission Date
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:

LO2 Conduct and analyse research relevant to a chosen computing research project

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2 D1


LO3 Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders

Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 M3 D2


LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts

Pass, Merit & Distinction P6 P7 M4 D3


Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and grades decisions have
been agreed at the assessment board.

Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor signature Date

Student signature Date

Higher Nationals in
Unit 13: Computing Research Project
Assignment 01

General Guidelines

1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use previous page as
your cover sheet and be sure to fill the details correctly.
2. This entire brief should be attached in first before you start answering.
3. All the assignments should prepare using word processing software.
4. All the assignments should print in A4 sized paper, and make sure to only use one side printing.
5. Allow 1” margin on each side of the paper. But on the left side you will need to leave room for binging.

Word Processing Rules

1. Use a font type that will make easy for your examiner to read. The font size should be 12 point, and should be
in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line word-processing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all headings are consistent in terms of size and font style.
4. Use footer function on the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No, and Page Number
on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached for any reason.
5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help edit your assignment.

Important Points:

1. Check carefully the hand in date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late submissions will not be
2. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
3. Don’t leave things such as printing to the last minute – excuses of this nature will not be accepted for failure
to hand in the work on time.
4. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
5. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you may apply (in
writing) for an extension.
6. Failure to achieve at least a PASS grade will result in a REFERRAL grade being given.
7. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will then be asked to
complete an alternative assignment.
8. Take great care that if you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, you properly reference them,
using the HARVARD referencing system, in you text and any bibliography, otherwise you may be guilty of
9. If you are caught plagiarising you could have your grade reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be
excluded from the course.

Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as my own
without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand what it means to copy another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of the assignments for this
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will be my own, and where
I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding agreement between
myself and Edexcel UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not attached to the

Student’s Signature: Date:

(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)

Assignment Brief

Student Name /ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 13 – Computing Research Project

Academic Year

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Final Research Project Proposal

Issue Date

Submission Date

IV Name & Date

Submission Format:

The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal
business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs
and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with research and referenced using the
Harvard referencing system.
Report format- Please provide a referencing list using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended
word limit is minimum 4,500 words

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the

research process.

LO2. Conduct and analyse research relevant to a chosen computing research project

LO3. Communicate the outcomes of a research project to identified stakeholders

LO4. Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Learner is now required to provide a comprehensive research project report based on the findings of secondary
and primary researches carried out on the project proposal submitted in the previous section.

The Learner requires to produce a detailed research project report covering following areas

• Conduct primary and secondary research using appropriate methods for a computing
research project that consider costs, access and ethical issues.
• Carry out your research and apply appropriate analytical tools to analyse research
findings and data.
• Draw conclusion based on the research findings.
• Communicate the outcomes of your research project to the identified audience.
• Reflect on the success of your research project and your performance at the end of the project
with the inclusion of a project evaluation and recommendations (Consider alternative research
methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes)

Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

P3 Conduct primary and secondary research using

appropriate methods for a computing research project that
consider costs, access and ethical issues

P4 Apply appropriate analytical tools to analyses research

findings and data.

M2 Discuss merits, limitations and pitfalls of approaches to

data collection and analysis.

P5 Communicate research outcomes in an appropriate

manner for the intended audience.

M3 Coherently and logically communicate outcomes to the
intended audience, demonstrating how outcomes meet set
research objectives.

D2 Communicate critical analysis of the outcomes and make

valid, justified recommendations.

P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied

for meeting objectives of the computing research project.

P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons

learnt in view of the outcomes.

M4 Provide critical reflection and insight that results in

recommended actions for improvements and future research
D3 Demonstrate reflection and engagement in the resource
process leading to recommended actions for future

My heart full gratitude must be offered to Mr.Nadeera and the professional lecturer team of E-soft
Metro Campus Negombo branch. Without their support, I could never be able to have vast
knowledge about Emerging Technologies and could never complete this assignment too. I must
thank for them for their enormous support and guidance to accomplish the best of me throughout
HND program, Also, I would like to thank my parents and my fellow friends who helped me a lot
during composing and in finalizing this assignment within the limited timed frame. Moreover, out
sources like books and websites, (which I mentioned below) which I used to gather more details
was really useful and it helped me a lot throughout assignment. All these studies indeed helped me
to explore more Knowledge relatable areas which was very important and useful for now and future

R A S M Divyanjalee

Acknowledgement ............................................................................................................. 14

1. Introduction. ............................................................................................................... 18

Aims of the project. ........................................................................................................ 19

Objectives of the project ................................................................................................ 19

Hypothesis .......................................................................................................................... 20

What effect does smart trash management have in modern world? .............................. 20

Research hypothesis ....................................................................................................... 21

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)? .................................................................................. 22

Blend of AI and IOT in new innovations. ...................................................................... 22

Advantages of AI Enabled IoT ...................................................................................... 22

How can it work ............................................................................................................. 23

AI and IOT powered Smart Trash bin ........................................................................... 24

2. Literature Review ....................................................................................................... 25

Introduction to the process of Smart Trash Bin. ............................................................ 25

Technologies used in the system. ................................................................................... 25

How these technologies work behind my project. ......................................................... 25

Existing trash management Systems .............................................................................. 26

Positives of smart trash management ............................................................................. 27

Negatives of smart trash management ........................................................................... 28

3. Methodology............................................................................................................... 29

Primary Research ........................................................................................................... 29

Here are a portion of the primary research strategies associations or organizations use to
gather information: ........................................................................................................ 29

Secondary Research ....................................................................................................... 30

Following are prevalently utilized secondary research strategies and models: ............. 31

Key Differences between Primary Research and Secondary Research ......................... 32

My Research Project ...................................................................................................... 33

Proposed system (Smart trash bin)................................................................................. 34

Flow Chart...................................................................................................................... 34

Flow Diagram ................................................................................................................ 35

System Architecture ....................................................................................................... 36

Proposed design of the Web Page .................................................................................. 40

Advantages and disadvantages of the proposed system................................................. 42

Advantages ..................................................................................................................... 42

Disadvantages ................................................................................................................ 42

Budget ............................................................................................................................ 43

Risk Assessment ............................................................................................................ 44

Project milestones .......................................................................................................... 45

4. Result and discussion .............................................................................................. 46

Questionnaire Form........................................................................................................ 46

Data Analyzing .............................................................................................................. 49

Gantt chart ...................................................................................................................... 57

References ........................................................................................................................ 1

Figure 1 simple work flow of Smart trash bin ................................................................... 24
Figure 2 flow chart ............................................................................................................. 34
Figure 3 flow diagram ........................................................................................................ 35
Figure 4 System architecture.............................................................................................. 36
Figure 5 Arduino uno ......................................................................................................... 37
Figure 6 Ultrasonic Sensor ................................................................................................. 38
Figure 7 ESP8266 WIFI ..................................................................................................... 39
Figure 8 smart trash bin web page 1 .................................................................................. 40
Figure 9 smart trash bin web page 2 .................................................................................. 40
Figure 10 smart trash bin web page 3 ................................................................................ 41
Figure 11 Project milestone. .............................................................................................. 45
Figure 12 data analyzing 1 ................................................................................................. 49
Figure 13 data analyze 2 .................................................................................................... 50
Figure 14 data analyze 3 .................................................................................................... 51
Figure 15 data analyze 4 .................................................................................................... 52
Figure 16 data analyze 5 ................................................................................................... 53
Figure 17 data analyze 6 .................................................................................................... 54
Figure 18 data analyze 7 .................................................................................................... 55
Figure 19 Gantt chart ......................................................................................................... 57

Table 1 differences between primary and secondary research .......................................... 32

1. Introduction.
More or less, the Internet of Things is the idea of associating any gadget (such as it has an
on/off change) to the Internet and to other associated gadgets. The IoT is network of
associated things and individuals – all of which gather and offer information about the
manner in which they are utilized and about the climate around them. ongoing
progressions in correspondence innovation utilizing remote sensor gadgets opened
immense open doors for engineers and specialists of numerous astute smart frameworks
created for social pertinent applications. Utilizing this everybody is moving to choose just
smart cell phones, smart sensors, smart home computerization, smart water system
framework and so on The IoT allows all people and things to be smarter and more
associated with the Internet world. Consequently, we can call it as Internet of Everything.
To encourage new smart administrations also, update the dynamic gadgets in smart urban
areas are very compelling, when we use IoT. For this situation trash assortment is
reshaped to Waste Collection as a Service. Dynamic planning and gathering waste are the
manual measure, yet done productively through internet utilizing IoT.
Smart trash bin, is a trash gathering container, which is mindful and recognizes the degree
of the loss in the dustbin, in light of that it can send ready messages to the individual so
the person makes the plans to supplant the dustbin. This kind of dustbins will be helpful
in spots where the recurrence of individuals utilizing the dustbin changes on the grounds
that ideal checks won't be adequate. Different highlights are additionally added, one is
robotized shutting of the entryways with the assistance of engines utilizing Ultra-sonic
Sensor, on the off chance that the dustbin is full, another is the location of items around
the dustbin utilizing IR Sensor, which thus can help the dustbin from collecting squanders
around the dustbin. An Arduino board is utilized to send the data to a worker. Force supply
of 12V-2 Amps is utilized for the circuit. An IR Sensor is utilized for recognizing objects
and a supersonic Sensor is utilized for recognizing the stature filled by the dustbin. These
Sensors are associated with the SPI Interface of the Arduino, and a signal is added with
transfers. Signal is utilized as a caution in the event that individuals toss squanders around
the dustbin. The board additionally comprises of a voltage controller, which is utilized to
give the required voltage to the Sensors and the Arduino. The Arduino comprises of an
Ethernet module, which is utilized for worker customer correspondence. Utilizing this,
data can be passed from the customer to worker, and the other way around. This is utilized
for passing information about the present status of the dustbin.
Aims of the project.
To minimize the environmental pollution by waste management in areas with large
amount of human traffic. More over to decrease in the quantity of waste assortments
required by up to 80% effectively, bringing about less labor, outflows, fuel use and

Objectives of the project

In this undertaking is to plan and construct a model for a programmed open dustbin that
can naturally open the top when it distinguishes the individuals who need to toss out their
waste. It likewise can recognize the amount of the trash inside the dustbin. On the off
chance that the dustbin is loaded with refuse at the specific level, the top won't open in
any event. Waste Management is all the exercises and activities needed to oversee waste
from initiation to its last removal. So, this should be possible by actualizing IoT based
waste management utilizing smart dustbin.

(Space kept intentionally)

What effect does smart trash management have in modern world?
The concept of smart dustbin comes forward as a solution for environmental pollution and
waste management. This development incorporates with the IOT technology to where the
process becomes smarter.
In our country improper disposal of garbage has become a big problem. As there are some
issues with dustbin allocation People use to throw trash all over. In other hand the places
where there are dustbins municipals are not collecting the trash, this leads to overflow of
garbage which creates an odor around the area. This proposed solution helps in
distinguishing waste and monitoring the trash level.
There are some researches being conducted previously. The use of IOT technology, there
are so many researches and studies being conducted so far. The waste management
framework as of now utilized in urban communities actually follows an old and outdate
model that no longer addresses the issues of districts. It is wasteful and polished through
enormous fleets of assortment trucks that movement every day significant distances,
regularly by pointless courses, where others are found, and with day by day or week after
week administration plans. These viewpoints bring superfluous costs, waste of time and,
all the more fundamentally, ecological harm, not just by the outflow of gases from the
consuming of non-renewable energy source, which adds to the nursery impact, yet
basically by the defilement of soil and water assets because of helpless waste
This paper proposes an answer that includes equipment, programming, and
correspondence incorporated
into an answer that means to advance the management of the waste delivered in urban
communities through an approach that produces setting aside of the public cash,
contributes with the climate, and furthermore
supports citizenship. As far as exploration philosophy, this examination follows a
methodology dependent on a contextual analysis performed through a genuine
organization of the proposed arrangement. The made arrangement (a genuine model of
the smart holder and waste management application, coordinated through the In. IoT
middleware) is appeared, illustrated, and approved through genuine experimentation.

Research hypothesis
1. H10 – smart trash bin benefits in increasing effective trash management in
municipal councils.
H1A- smart trash bin won’t benefit in increasing effective trash management in
municipal councils.
2. H10 – firms can be integrated analytics, sensing and automated control over the
trash management.
H1A- firms cannot be integrate analytics, sensing and automated control over the
trash management.
3. H10 – IOT helps in proper analysis and monitoring of trash management.
H1A- IOT doesn’t helps in proper analysis and monitoring of trash management.
4. H10 – the users can extract the data to understand the high trash collecting areas.
H1A- the users cannot extract the data to understand the high trash collecting areas.
5. H10 –firms may face several issues on the receivable of senser data through the
H1A-firms may not face several issues on the receivable of senser data through the

(Space kept intentionally)

What is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?
Artificial intelligence (AI) alludes to the reproduction of human intelligence in machines
that are modified to think like people and copy their activities. The term may likewise be
applied to any machine that displays traits related with a human brain, for example,
learning and critical thinking.
The ideal quality of artificial intelligence is its capacity to legitimize and make moves that
have the most obvious opportunity with regards to accomplishing a particular objective.

Blend of AI and IOT in new innovations.

The present business world is changing with the selection of IoT (Internet of Things). IoT
is helping in conspicuously catching a colossal measure of information from numerous
sources. Notwithstanding, folding over the huge number of information coming from
innumerable of IoT gadgets, makes it complex to gather, measure, and analyze the data.
Combining these two streams benefits the regular individual and experts the same. While
IoT manages gadgets collaborating utilizing the web, AI causes the gadgets to gain from
their information and experience.

Advantages of AI Enabled IoT

• Boosting Operational Efficiency
• Better Risks Management
• Setting off New and Enhanced Products and Services
• Wipes out Costly Unplanned Downtime
• The proposed arrangement is portrayed beneath.

(Space kept intentionally)

How can it work
Gadgets and items with worked in sensors are associated with an Internet of Things stage,
which coordinates information from the various gadgets and applies investigation to
impart the most significant data to applications worked to address explicit necessities.
These ground-breaking IoT stages can pinpoint precisely what data is helpful and what
can securely be overlooked. This data can be utilized to distinguish designs, make
suggestions, and identify potential issues before they happen.
While IoT gives information, artificial intelligence procures the ability to open reactions,
offering both inventiveness and setting to drive shrewd activities. As the information
conveyed from the sensor can be analyzed with AI, organizations can settle on educated
choices. The artificial intelligence IoT prevails with regards to accomplishing the
accompanying light-footed arrangements: This blog features why we need IoT and AI to

• Oversee, analyze and obtain significant bits of knowledge from information

• Guarantee quick and precise examination
• Equilibrium necessities for restricted and brought together intelligence
• Offset personalization with classification and information protection
• Maintain protection from digital assault

(Space kept intentionally)

AI and IOT powered Smart Trash bin
The Internet of Things (IoT) is an idea where encompassing items are associated through
wired and remote organizations without client intercession. Articles impart and trade data.
IoT-based waste administration models play out an essential capacity in improving the
way of life and human prosperity by expanding energy-proficiency, upgrading
administration, and decreasing cost. This mechanization significantly relies upon the
information that the gadgets have amassed and has been trained on the utilization of an
assortment of machine gaining information on and profound examining calculations. The
associated devices of keen garbage can give the records and the AI gains from that insights
to complete certain obligations without human intercession.

Figure 1 simple work flow of Smart trash bin

Source (Author’s Work)

(Space kept intentionally)

2. Literature Review
Introduction to the process of Smart Trash Bin.
Smart trash bin as its name speaks to it works smartly or we can say that it is a
programmed trash bin. it works like when you will come before this dustbin it will open
consequently with the assistance of servo motor. so, there is some sensor work to
distinguish the article before the dustbin. smart Dustbin is an awesome venture from the
Arduino board. it works similarly smart things. we can say that, it is a nice device to make
your current circumstance perfect and appealing. because of for all intents and purposes
all posterity of spread reliably make it unsanitary and spread waste generally by various

Technologies used in the system.

• Technology of AI embedded with IOT.
• Arduino technology
• Sensors
• WIFI Module

Basically, my system is developed using above mentioned technologies. Let’s study deeper
how these technologies used in my project.

How these technologies work behind my project.

• Technology of AI embedded with IOT.
The emerge of AI and IoT in developing smart trash bin is remarkable. As the IoT
provides the information aid is used in affective reaction taking. The system is basically
built upon these two technologies.

• Arduino technology
Arduino uno is used in s a physical computing platform which is facilitated
by a i/o board and a environment to develop processing and wiring.

• Sensors
Sensors are the devices that are used to detect the actions and respond my
project it detects whether there is a person nearby and using servo the lid is opened.
• Wi Fi Module
The Wi-Fi model is used to transfer the information gathered through Arduino to the user
vis internet.

Existing trash management Systems

One of the fundamental definitions of IoT from scientists, experts and finance managers
is that IoT is a dynamic and worldwide organization framework, wherein shrewd things,
subsystems and individual physical and virtual elements are identifiable, self-ruling, and
self-configurable. Several endeavors and exploration works have been committed to IoT
advances, for example, Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) innovations, sensors and
actuators, wireless versatile correspondence advances, installed frameworks and
distributed computing advances. These advances permit IoT advances to overcome any
barrier between universal organization-based gadgets and innovations that screen and
gather data from actual world perceptions and offer new types of assistance furthermore,
applications used to improve the everyday environments of individuals in numerous
territories. Consequently, the IoT can convey significant reserve funds, improve usage of
a city's resources, increment measure efficiency, and add profitability by
straightforwardly connecting minimal effort advances.
A few instances of these applications are brilliant urban areas, homes and offices,
coordination and appropriation frameworks, medical care, observation and security, the
inventory network, producing industry, and so forth the efficient management of waste is
a critical test for the climate that IoT will in general address. Waste management covers
all the exercises vital for observing the waste created in a city, from its start, when
residents produce their waste, through assortment, transportation, and landing in its final
convenience, which can be the landfill, incineration, or reusing. It has been a significant
test for urban communities around the globe. Consequently, without a viable and efficient
strong waste management program, waste produced by metropolitan exercises, both
modern and homegrown, can bring about wellbeing dangers and damage the climate.

Comprehension of the waste created, the accessibility of assets and the natural states of a
given society is fundamental for the improvement of a suitable waste management
framework. Strong waste is defined as materials that presently don't intrigue the first
proprietor and are disposed of. Genuine models are natural waste (counting kitchen waste
and extras from garden pruning), paper, glass, metals, plastics, textures, and wood. Strong
waste management is related with age control as well as with the removal of strong waste
in a manner that follows the best standards of wellbeing, economy and different
contemplations regarding the natural perspectives created by residents.
From thickly populated urban areas to more modest country networks, waste management
frameworks keep our homes and networks liberated from undesirable mess. In spite of
the fact that these waste management administrations exist in virtually every network, the
business' present working norms have demonstrated inefficient and exceptionally asset
serious. This inefficiency is to a great extent because of obsolete manual assortment
techniques and calculated cycles which need efficient information driven arrangements.
The waste management industry is starting to create and actualize IoT-related answers for
these issues. From waste canisters outfitted with fill-sensors, to information-based
management and coordination stages, the business is moving into a cleaner, more efficient
piece of present-day life.

Positives of smart trash management

Following are the benefits or favorable circumstances of Smart Waste Management:
• It sets aside time and cash by utilizing keen waste assortment receptacles and
frameworks outfitted with fill level sensors. As savvy transport vehicles go just to
the filled holders or containers. It lessens framework, working and support costs
by up to 30%.
• It diminishes traffic stream and successively commotion because of less air
contamination as consequence of less waste assortment vehicles on the streets.
This has gotten conceivable because of two path correspondence between brilliant
dustbins and administration administrators.
• It keeps our environmental factors perfect and green and liberated from awful
smell of wastes, underscores on solid climate and keep urban areas more lovely.

• It further diminishes labor necessities to deal with the trash assortment measure.

• Applying keen waste management cycle to the city improves management, assets
and costs which makes it a "savvy city".
• It causes organization to produce additional income by notices on keen gadgets.

Negatives of smart trash management

Following are the downsides or inconveniences of Smart Waste Management:
• System requires a greater number of waste canisters for isolated waste assortment
according to populace in the city. This outcomes into high introductory expense
because of costly keen dustbins contrast with different techniques.
• Sensor hubs utilized in the dustbins have restricted memory size.
• Wireless advances utilized in the framework, for example, ZigBee and WIFI have
more limited reach and lower information speed. In RFID based frameworks,
RFID labels are influenced by encompassing metal articles (assuming any).
• It decreases labor prerequisites which results into increment in unemployment’s
for untalented individuals.
• The training must be given to individuals associated with the smart waste
management framework.

(space kept intentionally)

3. Methodology
Primary Research
Primary research is defined as a system utilized by researchers to gather information
straightforwardly, as opposed to relying upon information gathered from recently done
research. In fact, they "own" the information. Primary research is exclusively completed
to address a specific issue, which needs inside and out investigation.

Here are a portion of the primary research strategies associations or organizations

use to gather information:

1. Meetings (telephonic or eye to eye): Conducting interviews is a subjective research

strategy to gather information and has been a mainstream technique for a long time. These
meetings can be led face to face (eye to eye) or via phone. Meetings are open-finished
strategy which includes discoursed or cooperation between questioner (researcher) and
interviewee (respondent).

2. Online overviews: Once led with pen and paper, reviews have made considerable
progress from that point forward. Today, most researchers utilize online reviews to send
it to respondents to assemble data from them. Online overviews are advantageous and can
be sent on messages or can be filled out on the web. These can be gotten to on handheld
gadgets like cell phone, tablets, iPad and comparative gadgets.
When a study is conveyed, a specific measure of specified time is offered to respondents
to response overview questions and send it back to researcher. To get most extreme data
from respondents, overviews ought to have a decent blend or open finished inquiries and
close finished inquiries. Overview ought not be protracted; else respondents lose interest
and will in general leave it half done.

3. Center gatherings: This mainstream research method is utilized to gather information
from a little gathering of individuals, normally limited to 6-10. Center gathering unites
individuals who are specialists in topic, for which research is being led.
Center gathering has an arbitrator who invigorates conversations among the individuals
to get more prominent bits of knowledge. Associations and organizations can utilize this
strategy particularly to recognize specialty market to find out about a specific gathering
of buyers.

4. Perceptions: In this primary research strategy, there is no immediate association

among researcher and individual/purchaser being noticed. Researcher notices the
responses of a subject and makes notes.

Secondary Research
Secondary research or work area research is a research strategy that includes utilizing
previously existing information. Existing information is summed up and ordered to
expand the general adequacy of research.
Secondary research incorporates research material distributed in research reports and
comparable archives. These records can be made accessible by open libraries, sites,
information got from effectively filled in overviews and so on Some administration and
non-government offices likewise store information, that can be utilized for research
purposes and can be recovered from them.
Secondary research is substantially more savvy than essential research, as it utilizes
previously existing information, dissimilar to essential research where information is
gathered first hand by associations or organizations or they can utilize an outsider to
gather information for their benefit.

Following are prevalently utilized secondary research strategies and models:

1. Information accessible on the web: One of the most mainstream methods of gathering
secondary information is utilizing the web. Information is promptly accessible on the web
and can be downloaded at the snap of a catch.
This information is essentially liberated from cost or one may need to pay a unimportant
sum to download the generally existing information. Sites have a ton of data that
organizations or associations can use to suit their research needs. Nonetheless,
associations need to think about just bona fide and confided in site to gather data.

2. Government and nongovernment offices: Data for secondary research can likewise
be gathered from some administration and non-government offices. For instance, US
Government Printing Office, US Census Bureau, and Small Business Development
Centers have important and pertinent information that organizations or associations can
There is a sure cost material to download or utilize information accessible with these
organizations. Information got from these offices are bona fide and dependable.

3. Public libraries: Public libraries are another acceptable source to look for information
for secondary research. Public libraries have duplicates of significant research that were
led before. They are a storage facility of significant data and records from which data can
be removed.
The administrations gave in these public libraries differ starting with one library then onto
the next. All the more frequently, libraries have a gigantic assortment of government
distributions with market insights, huge assortment of professional resources and

5. Business data sources: Local papers, diaries, magazines, radio and TV stations are an
incredible source to acquire information for secondary research. These business data
sources have first-hand data on monetary turns of events, political plan, statistical
surveying, segment division and comparative subjects. Organizations or associations can
demand to acquire information that is generally pertinent to their examination.

Organizations not just have the occasion to distinguish their forthcoming customers yet
can likewise think about the roads to advance their items or administrations through these
sources as they have a wider reach.

Key Differences between Primary Research and Secondary Research

Table 1 differences between primary and secondary research

Primary Research Secondary Research

Research is directed first hand to acquire Research depends on information
information. Researcher "claims" the gathered from past researches.
information gathered.
Primary research depends on crude Secondary research depends on
information. attempted and tried information which is
recently investigated and filtered.
The information gathered fits the Information could conceivably be as per
requirements of a researcher, it is redone. the necessity of a researcher.
Information is gathered dependent on the
total requirements of associations or
Researcher is profoundly associated with Instead of primary research, secondary
research to gather information in primary research is quick and simple. It targets
research. picking up a more extensive
comprehension of topic.
Primary research is a costly cycle and Secondary research is a speedy cycle as
burns-through a great deal of time to information is as of now accessible.
gather and investigate information. Researcher should realize where to
investigate to get most suitable
Source (Author’s work)

My Research Project
The research project that I have conducted is a secondary research about smart trash
management. There are many attributes for it. I have chosen to study deep down about
the smart trash bins. The smart trash bins basically designed to sense the trash level but it
can be advanced through various advancements.
My research source was research projects published online. The research project was free
of cost most of the time but in some instances negligible amount as to be paid. I have
gathers lots if information through the projects that has been published. I have considered
trusted website to collect reliable and efficient data in order to conduct my research.
After gathering the data, I have narrowed down the resource by categorizing the most
relevant information for my project. I was so careful when working with is data because
if the gathered data is unreliable the research I conduct could hamper severely. Whenever
information is gathered, join and think about the information for any duplication and
amass information into a usable configuration. Try to gather information from real
sources. Inaccurate information can hamper research severely. Analyze information that
is gathered and recognize if all inquiries are replied. If not, rehash the cycle if there is a
need to abide further into noteworthy insights. Analyze information that is gathered and
recognize if all inquiries are replied. If not, rehash the cycle if there is a need to stay
further into significant bits of knowledge.

(Space kept intentionally)

Proposed system (Smart trash bin)
In this venture approach model takes the essential cycle exercises of Project Plan,
specification, Analysis, Design, improvement, approval and advancement and speaks to
them as discrete cycle stages. Utilizing a cascade model as an undertaking advancement
approach. Due to Specific framework models, framework engineering and definite plan
of the undertaking, to execution measure utilizing Arduino instrument in the shrewd
dustbin equipment contains engine driver, Arduino UNO, PIR sensors, WIFI module etc.
When certain limit level is reached, the level sensors will trigger the message to the worry
authority. Here when the receptacle is filled it will give the client the subtleties of the
unfilled containers.

Flow Chart

Figure 2 flow chart

Source (author’s work)

Flow Diagram

Figure 3 flow diagram

Source (Author’s work)

System Architecture

Figure 4 System architecture

Source (Author’s work)

In the wake of setting up the Smart Trash bin and making all the vital associations, transfer
the code to Arduino and give 5V force supply to the circuit. When the framework is
controlled ON, Arduino continues observing for any item close to the Ultrasonic Sensor.
On the off chance that the Ultrasonic Sensor recognizes any article like a hand for
instance, Arduino computes its distance and on the off chance that it not exactly a certain
predefined esteem, Arduino will initiate the Servo Motor and with the help of the all-
inclusive arm, it will list the cover open. After certain time, the cover is consequently
shut. This savvy container framework is helpful in forestalling flood of dustbins and
gathering of wastes around the dustbin. This model screens the containers and gives
insights regarding the level of trash gathered in the trash containers through sensors and
Internet. This framework utilizes an Arduino gadget with a force supply. Ultrasonic
Sensors set over the containers top to distinguish the trash outside receptacle the
framework utilizes Arduino board appeared in the above diagram with microcontroller
associated with the ESP8266 WIFI Module to the web page.
• Arduino technology
Arduino is an open-source gadgets stage dependent on simple to-utilize equipment
and programming. Arduino sheets can understand inputs, similar to light sensors,
actuating an engine, turning on a LED, and so forth Note! outside USA they have
changed the name to Genuine. A loads of various Arduino sheets exists, yet Arduino
UNO is the most famous and utilized Arduino board. An Arduino Uno miniature
regulator based smart trash bin observing framework to learn the degree of burn
through in the trash receptacle progressively and before there is flood in trash
canister the framework sense out and alert through web to region for the container
to be cleared and trash to be gathered right away.

Figure 5 Arduino uno


• Sensors
Ultrasonic-Sensor- A Ultrasonic sensor is a gadget that quantifies the distance of an item
with the assistance of sound waves. It apportions distance through sending a sound wave
at a specific recurrence and tuning in for that wave to ricochet back. It is conceivable to
gauge the distance between the sensor and that object by recording the past time between
the sound wave being created and the sound wave ricocheting back. All in all, the sensor
head emanates an ultrasonic wave and gets the wave that is reflected back from the
The distance can be determined with the accompanying recipe:
Distance = ½ × T × C
Where T is the time between the discharge and gathering, and C is the speed.

Figure 6 Ultrasonic Sensor

Source (dlpng.2020)

(Space kept intentionally)

• WIFI Module
I have used ESP8266 WIFI Module for my project. The ESP8266 WIFI Module is an
independent SOC with incorporated TCP/IP convention stack that can offer any
microcontroller admittance to your Wi-Fi network. It is able to do either facilitating an
application or offloading all Wi-Fi organizing capacities from another application
processor. Each ESP8266 module are pre-modified with an AT order set firmware, which
basically implies, that it can be essentially snared to the Arduino gadget and can get as
much WIFI-capacity as a Wi-Fi Shield offers. The ESP8266 module is exceptionally
financially savvy board with an enormous, and truly growing, network. It underpins
APSD for VoIP applications and Bluetooth conjunction interfaces, it contains a self-
adjusted RF that permits it to work under all activity conditions and no outer RF parts are

Figure 7 ESP8266 WIFI

Source (microchips.2020)

(Space kept intentionally)

Proposed design of the Web Page

Figure 8 smart trash bin web page 1

Source (Author’s work)

Figure 9 smart trash bin web page 2

Source (Author’s work)

Figure 10 smart trash bin web page 3

Source (Author’s work)

Above is the simple design of the website which is proposed to develop. The smart trash
bin detects the level of trash and it is displayed in the site as a percentage. when the bin is
completely filled the alarm activates informing that the trash has be cleared. In formation
will be displayed when the user clicks on the button info. This will take the user to trash
level where the user can view the percentage.
Above design is simple and user friendly. There are no complications in the design so the
user can easily get the track of the information gathered through the smart bin and react

(Space kept intentionally)

Advantages and disadvantages of the proposed system
• User friendly
• Eco friendly
• Save time
• Waste management becomes effective
• Minimize the cost of unwanted travels to collect trash.
• Data analyzing ability

• Initial cost is high when implementing lots of bins.
• Loss of employment opportunities
• Utilizing internet bill

(Space kept intentionally)

Item Price (per item)

Ultrasonic Sensors Rs. 1650

Arduino Uno Microcontroller Rs.1200

Wires and DC Power Supply Rs. 1050

Bin (small) Rs 990

Wi-Fi module Rs 480

Total Expense Rs.5730/=

Source (Author’s work)

The table above represents the total expense spend for the system. The system is build
using 5 basic items. As you can see system can be developed by low cost. The budget
can be differing due to currency changes and considerable reasons.

(Space kept intentionally)

Risk Assessment
Risk assessment is the recognizable proof of perils that could contrarily affect an
association's capacity to direct business. These appraisals help distinguish these
characteristic business hazards and give measures, cycles and controls to diminish the
effect of these dangers. Danger appraisal system (RAF) to organize and share the details
of the evaluation, including any dangers to their data innovation (IT) foundation.

• To become aware of healthy and protection hazards and evaluate the risks
presented inside the place.
• To evaluate the effectiveness and suitability of current control measures.
• To ensure additional controls (which include procedural) are implemented
anywhere the ultimate risk is taken into consideration to be something apart from
• To prioritize in addition sources if had to make sure the above

Project milestones

Figure 11 Project milestone.

Source (Author’s work)

4. Result and discussion
Questionnaire Form

Source (Author’s work)

(Space kept intentionally)

Data Analyzing
Below I have analyzed the data which were collected by the questioner. This shows various cities in sri lanka here I could understand how people
show there interest towards the project if I implement and the success rate can be predicted accordingly.

Figure 12 data analyzing 1

Source (Author’s work)

Accordingly, the rate of males and females who provided answers to the questionnaire. It is clear that males show much interest in proper and
smart waste management.

Figure 13 data analyze 2

Source (Author’s work)

The questionnaire was distributed among various social groups. I order I can get I idea about how far the research could reach successfully
among different social groups.

Figure 14 data analyze 3

Source (Author’s work)

Through this analyze we could clearly see how much of interest id shown by induvial towards proper waste disposal waste disposal

Figure 15 data analyze 4

Source (Author’s work)

The method of waste disposal is gathered by the questionnaire. considerable amount of people dispose garbage in public bins. Where there is a
big opportunity to make my research a success.

Figure 16 data analyze 5

Source (Author’s work)

Public bins installed near houses are gathered through the net question in my questionnaire.

Figure 17 data analyze 6

Source (Author’s work)

Finally I have considered about the errors that may occur during the process

Figure 18 data analyze 7

Source (Author’s work)

Future recommendation
Numerous works have been proceeding to lessen sum of waste aggregation and to
maintain furthermore, arrange the waste present in the container. In this way, by executing
these smart receptacles in general the world, the receptacles will be easy to understand,
and there will be sterile climate around the receptacle. It will likewise be helpful for the
specialists who can illuminate the worried to forestall the dustbin from getting flood
subsequently human checking is diminished. Utilizing this, we can screen the total
garbage removal in an effective way. An Infra-red Sensor framework is available in the
container to distinguish objects set around the dustbin. This framework will give alert
sound signals when we keep trash's around the residue receptacle. This thusly will
diminish the time the dustbin is stuffed, and consequently will serve valuable for the
general public and the climate and environmental factors where we live for the
improvement of our future. The Smart trash bin and point compensating framework idea
which planned are an ideal answer for Municipal board to deal with their waste assortment
in a productive manner. As the incapable waste administration is because of absence of
procedure to order burn through and gather them in a powerful time plan, the framework
planned will impact individuals to arrange their loss by their own and the metropolitan
chamber can gather the loss on an appropriate arrangement with the warnings they get
from the smart dustbins when they are going to full and flood. The Municipal board
doesn't need to stress over the waste they are gathered any longer. As the gathered waste
sums in city chamber squander assortment focuses can be seen by the reusing focuses, the
city committee can offer the greater part of the waste classifications to those reuse focuses
as the squanders are appropriately sorted. The analysts trust this framework will assist
with urging individuals to arrange the waste. And furthermore, the public authority can
set up this framework to conquer a few issues, for example, squander ordering, squander
gathering, garbage removal, and waste reusing, and so forth

Gantt chart

Figure 19 Gantt chart

clariontech.2020. [Online]. [October 15 2020[ Available from:
researchgate.2020. [Online]. [October 15 2020[ Available from:
kscst.iisc.ernet.2020. [Online]. [November 12 2020]. Available from:
clariontech.2020. [Online]. [November 15 2020]. Available from:
investopedia.2020. [Online]. [December 19 2020]. Available from:
questionpro.2020. [Online]. [December 20 2020]. Available from:
Higher Nationals
Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)


Programme title

Assessor Internal Verifier

Unit 13: Computing Research Project

Assignment title

Student’s name
List which assessment Pass Merit Distinction
criteria the Assessor has

Do the assessment criteria awarded match

those shown in the assignment brief? Y/N

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded

justified by the assessor’s comments on the Y/N
student work?

Has the work been assessed

Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:

• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment
criteria? Y/N

• Identifying opportunities for

improved performance? Y/N

• Agreeing actions?
Does the assessment decision need
Assessor signature Date

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Programme Leader signature (if
Confirm action completed
Remedial action taken

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Assessor signature Date

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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form

Student Name/ID
Unit Title
Assignment Number Assessor
Date Received 1st
Submission Date
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:

LO1 Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process

Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 D1


Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place
and grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

Assessor Date

Student Date
Higher Nationals in
Unit 13: Computing Research Project
Project Proposal
General Guidelines

6. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use
previous page as your cover sheet and be sure to fill the details correctly.
7. This entire brief should be attached in first before you start answering.
8. All the assignments should prepare using word processing software.
9. All the assignments should print in A4 sized paper, and make sure to only use one side
10. Allow 1” margin on each side of the paper. But on the left side you will need to leave room
for binging.

Word Processing Rules

6. Use a font type that will make easy for your examiner to read. The font size should be 12
point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
7. Use 1.5 line word-processing. Left justify all paragraphs.
8. Ensure that all headings are consistent in terms of size and font style.
9. Use footer function on the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment
No, and Page Number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets become detached
for any reason.
10. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help edit your

Important Points:

10. Check carefully the hand in date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
11. Ensure that you give yourself enough time to complete the assignment by the due date.
12. Don’t leave things such as printing to the last minute – excuses of this nature will not be
accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
13. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
14. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as
illness, you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
15. Failure to achieve at least a PASS grade will result in a REFERRAL grade being given.
16. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You
will then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
17. Take great care that if you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, you
properly reference them, using the HARVARD referencing system, in you text and any
bibliography, otherwise you may be guilty of plagiarism.
18. If you are caught plagiarising you could have your grade reduced to A REFERRAL or at
worst you could be excluded from the course.
Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to
present it as my own without attributing the sources in the correct way. I further understand
what it means to copy another’s work.

7. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

8. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of the Edexcel UK.
9. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiaries or copy another’s work in any of the
assignments for this program.
10. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspects of my program, will
be my own, and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in
the correct way.
11. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding
agreement between myself and Edexcel UK.
12. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is
not attached to the attached.

Student’s Signature: Date:

(Provide E-mail ID) (Provide Submission Date)
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 13 – Computing Research Project

Academic Year

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Final Research Project Proposal

Issue Date

Submission Date

IV Name & Date

Submission Format:
The submission is in the form of an individual written report. This should be written in a concise, formal business style using single spacing
and font size 12. You are required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography using the Harvard referencing system.
Research Project Proposal - Please provide a referencing list using the Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is
minimum 2000 words.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1. Examine appropriate research methodologies and approaches as part of the research process.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence (AI), sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural
intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. Computer science defines AI research as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that
perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals.
Artificial Intelligence covers computer systems which are able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence. These tasks might
include visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages and many more.
AI impacts on every aspect of society and has the potential to be fully integrated into daily work and social lives in the very near future.

Learner requires to select a suitable area from the areas given below to conduct a research and further, needs to develop appropriate
Topic, Research Questions and Research Objectives.
• How does AI aid the in-depth exploration of an environment or system?
• What role may AI play in generating content for big brand products and services?
• How does AI and machine learning contribute to the innovative use of technology e.g. robotics, automotive transportation?
• What impact will the future influences of AI have in our daily lives?


The Learner requires to produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research question or hypothesis, supported by a literature review (Use
the project proposal and ethical consideration form template formats)
Project Proposal should cover following areas;

1. Definition of research problem or question. (This can be stated as a research question, objectives or hypothesis)
2. Provide a literature review giving the background and conceptualisation of the proposed area of study. (This would provide existing
knowledge and benchmarks by which the data can be judged)
3. Consider and define research methodology and research process. Demonstrate understanding of the pitfalls and limitations of the
methods chosen and ethical issues that might arise.
4. Draw points (1–3, above) together into a research proposal by getting agreement with your tutor.
Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

P1 Produce a research proposal that clearly defines a research

question or hypothesis, supported by a literature review

P2 Examine appropriate research methods and conduct

primary and secondary research.

M1 Evaluate different research approaches and methodology,

and make justifications for the choice of methods selected
based on philosophical/ theoretical frameworks.
D1 Critically evaluate research methodologies and processes
in application to a computing research project to justify
chosen research methods and analysis.
Research Proposal Form
Student Name ::R A S M Divyanjalee Student number :
NEG/A 014114
Centre Name :
Tutor : Date : 08/16/2020
Unit :
Proposed title :

Section One: Title, objective, responsibilities

Title or working title of research project (in the form of a question, objective or hypothesis):
Research project objectives (e.g. what is the question you want to answer? What do you want to learn how
to do? What do you want to find out?):

Section Two: Reasons for choosing this research project

Reasons for choosing the project (e.g. links to other subjects you are studying, personal interest, future
plans, knowledge/skills you want to improve, why the topic is important):

personal Interest

Section Three: Literature sources searched

Use of key literature sources to support your research question, objective or hypothesis: - smart
waste management
Things_Garbage_Monitoring_System - smart bin and IOT IOT based waste management -smart bin - ai and iot base smart waste management
Section Four: Activities and timescales

Activities to be carried out during the research project (e.g. research, How long this will take:
development, analysis of ideas, writing, data collection, numerical analysis,
tutor meetings, production of final outcome, evaluation, writing the report)
Milestone one: research development

Target date (set by tutor): 20/08/2020 (5 days)

Milestone two: analyze the idea

Target date (set by tutor): 22/08/2020 (2 days)

Milestone two: data collection

Target date (set by tutor): 25/08/2020 (3 days)

Milestone two: data analyze

Target date (set by tutor): 29/08/2020 (4 days)

Milestone two: meeting tutor

Target date (set by tutor): 30/08/2020 (1days)

Milestone two: development

Target date (set by tutor): 5/09/2020 (6 days)

Milestone two: meeting tutor

Target date (set by tutor): 12/09/2020 (7days)

Milestone two: writing report

Target date (set by tutor): 20/08/2020 (8 days)

Section Four: Research approach and methodologies

Type of research approach and methodologies you are likely to use, and reasons for your choice:

What your areas of research will cover:

Artificial intelligence
Micro controllers

Comments and agreement from tutor

Comments (optional):

I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another qualification and is appropriate.

Agreed: .................................................................................... (name) .................................................................................... date) ......................................................

Comments and agreement from project proposal checker (if applicable)

Comments (optional):

I confirm that the project is appropriate.

Agreed: .................................................................................... (name) .................................................................................... date) ......................................................

Research Ethics Approval Form
All students conducting research activity that involves human participants or the use of data collected from human participants are required to gain
ethical approval before commencing their research. Please answer all relevant questions and note that your form may be returned if incomplete.

Section 1: Basic Details

Project title: Smart Trash bin

Student name: R A S M Divyanjalee

Student ID number:NEG/A 014114

Programme: Computing Research Project


Intended research start date:

Intended research end date:

Section 2: Project Summary
Please select all research methods that you plan to use as part of your project:

• Interviews:

• Questionnaires:

• Observations:

• Use of

• Data Analysis:

• Action

• Focus Groups:

• Other (please
Section 3: Participants
Please answer the following questions, giving full details where necessary.
Will your research involve human participants?

Who are the participants? Tick all that apply:

Ages 12-16: Young People aged 17–18: Adults:

How will participants be recruited (identified and approached)?

Describe the processes you will use to inform participants about what you are doing:
Social media

Studies involving questionnaires: Will participants be given the option of omitting questions they
do not wish to answer?

Yes: No:
If No please explain why below and ensure that you cover any ethical issues arising from this.
Studies involving observation: Confirm whether participants will be asked for their informed
consent to be observed.

Yes: No:
Will you debrief participants at the end of their participation (i.e. give them a brief explanation of
the study)?

Yes: No:
Will participants be given information about the findings of your study? (This could be a brief
summary of your findings in general)

Yes: No:
Section 4: Data Storage and Security
Confirm that all personal data will be stored and processed in compliance with the Data Protection
Act (1998)
Yes: No:
Who will have access to the data and personal information?
Only me
During the research:
Where will the data be stored?
My personal laptop
My personal USB drives

Will mobile devices such as USB storage and laptops be used?

Yes: No:
If yes, please provide further details:
The gathered data are to be stored and used later for analyzing the research.
Aer the research:
Where will the data be stored?
My personal laptop
My personal USB drives
How long will the data and records be kept for and in what format?
Until the research become a success it will stored in a excel sheet.
Will data be kept for use by other researchers?
Yes: No:
If yes, please provide further details:
Section 5: Ethical Issues
Are there any particular features of your proposed work which may raise ethical concerns? If so,
please outline how you will deal with these:
No, there no any ethical concerns.

Section 6: Declaration
I have read, understood and will abide by the institution’s Research and Ethics Policy:
Yes: No:
I have discussed the ethical issues relating to my research with my Unit Tutor:
Yes: No:
I confirm that to the best of my knowledge:
The above information is correct and that this is a full description of the ethics issues that may arise
in the course of my research.

Name: R A S M Divyanjalee

Date: 16/08/2020

Please submit your completed form to :

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