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(Re- accredited with ‘A’ grade by NAAC )

Model Question Paper
Sem/Class: II/ I M.Sc., Mathematics
Subject: Fuzzy sets and its Applications Max. Marks: 75
Course Code: 21P2MME2(A) Time: 3 hrs

SECTION-A (Multiple choice questions)

Answer all the questions (10 x 1 = 10)

S.No CLO K-level Questions

1 CLO1 K1 The family of sets consisting of all subsets of particular set is
called _______
a) Power set b) Subset
c) Proper set d) None of above
2 CLO1 K1 If every member of set A is also a member of B, then A is called
a) Subset of A b) Subset of B
c) Family of sets d) Equal sets
3 CLO2 K2 The height h(A) of a fuzzy set a defined as h(A)=sup A(X)
a. H(a)=0 b. h(A)<0 c. H(A)=1 d. H(A)>1
4 CLO2 K3 Every fuzzy complement has atmost --------- equilibrium
a.One b. Two c. Three d. Four
5 CLO3 K2 If R(X,X) a reflexive and symmetric fuzzy relation, the fuzzy set
called a ______ relation
a) Proximity b)Reflexive
c)Fuzzy d)None of the above
6 CLO3 K3 Which relation represents the presence or absence of association?
a) Fuzzy b)Crisp
c) Binary Fuzzy d) Optimization

7 CLO4 K3 Set of vectors that satisfy all the given constraints is called ______
a)fuzzy set b)fuzzy subset c)fessible set d)ordinary fuzzy set

8 CLO4 K4 Number of criteria in multicriteria decision making is always

a)Finite b)Infinite c)constant d)not determined
9 CLO5 K3 The set M has no unique maximum then the message is called
a) General b) Ambiguous
c) Specific signal d) Transmission
10 CLO5 K4 The signal attaining the maximum value in M is called _______
a) Week signal b) Intended signal
c) Strong signal d) Unambiguous signal
SECTION-B (Short Answers)
Answer all the questions (5 x 2 = 10)

S.No CLO K-level Questions

11 CLO1 K1 Define degree of subset hood.

12 CLO2 K1 State Intermediate Valued Theorem.

13 CLO3 K2 Write the fuzzy equivalence (or) similarity relation.

14 CLO4 K2 Write down the use of weighted coefficients.

15 CLO5 K3 Define modified expectations in interpersonal communication.

SECTION-C (Either / OR type)

Answer all the questions (5 x 5 = 25)
16.(a) CLO1 A fuzzy set A on R is convex iff A(𝜆𝑥1 + (1 − 𝜆)𝑥2 ≥
min[𝐴(𝑥1 ), 𝐴(𝑥2 )] ∀𝑥1 , 𝑥2 ∈ 𝑅 and all λ∈ [0,1].
16.(b) CLO1 K1 State and prove first decomposition theorem.

17.(a) CLO2 K2 State and prove yager’s class of involute fuzzy complement.
17.(b) CLO2 K2 Prove that if A ⊆ E and B ⊆ F then
(i) A+B ⊆ E+F (ii) A-B ⊆ E-F (iii) A.B ⊆ E.F
(iv) A/B ⊆ E/F (0∉ F, in this case) Where A, B, E & F are closed

18.(a) CLO3 K3 Illustrate similarity relation with example

18.(b) CLO3 K3 Explain the procedure for transitive closure for crisp and fuzzy

19.(a) CLO4 K4 Explain any two classes of decision making.

19.(b) CLO4 K4 Explain the method of total ordering..

20.(a) CLO5 K4 Examine the uses of fuzzy set theory in Interpersonal

20.(b) CLO5 Categorize
K4 of fuzzy set theory in the following area.
(i)Soft Computing (ii)Biology
SECTION-D (Open choice)
Answer any three questions (3 x 10 = 30)

S.No CLO K-level Questions

21 CLO1 K2 If A,B∈ℱ(X). Then the following properties hold for all 𝛼, 𝛽 ∈ [0,1] ,
(i) α+A⊆αA
(ii) 𝛼 ≤ 𝛽 which implies αA ⊇ βA and α+A ⊇ β+A
(iii) α(𝐴̅) = (1- α)+𝐴̅.
22 CLO2 K3 State and prove first characterization theorem of fuzzy complements.

23 CLO3 K3 Determine max – min closure R(X,X) for a fuzzy relation R(X,X)
0.7 0.5 0 0
0 0 0 1
defined by MR == [ ]
0 0.4 0 0
0 0 0.8 0

24 CLO4 K4 Solve the following fuzzy linear programming max 𝑧 = 5𝑥1 + 4𝑥2 such that
(4, 2, 1)𝑥1 + (5, 3, 1)𝑥2 ≤ (24, 5, 8)
(4, 1, 2)𝑥1 + (1, 5, 1)𝑥2 ≤ (12, 6, 3)
𝑥1 , 𝑥2 ≥ 0
25 CLO5 K4 List out the other applications of fuzzy set theory.



Signature of the course teacher Signature of the HOD


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