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1 outline critically the nature of philosophy


1 Philosophy is a set of views or beliefs about life and the universe, which are often held uncritically

We refer to this meaning as the informal sense of philosophy or ―having‖ a philosophy. Usually when a
person says ―my philosophy is,‖ he or she is referring to an informal personal attitude to whatever topic
is being discussed.

2 Philosophy is a process of reflecting on and criticizing our most deeply held conceptions and belief

This is the formal sense of ―doing‖ philosophy. These two senses of philosophy-‖having‖ and ―doing‖-
cannot be treated entirely independent of each other, if we did not have a philosophy in the formal,
personal sense, then we could not do a philosophy in the critical, reflective sense. However, having a
philosophy is not sufficient for doing philosophy attitude is searching and critical;

it is open-minded and tolerant- willing to look at all sides of an issue without prejudice. To philosophize
is not merely to read and know philosophy; there are skills of argumentation to be mastered, techniques of
analysis to be employed, and a body of material to be appropriated such that we become able to think
philosophically. A genuine philosophical

To philosophize also means to generalize. Philosophers are reflective and critical. They take a second
look at the material presented by common sense. They attempt to think through a variety of life‘s
problems and to face all the facts involved impartially. The accumulation of knowledge does not by itself
lead to understanding, because it does not necessarily teach the mind to make a critical evaluation of facts
that entail consistent and coherent judgment. Critical evaluations often differ. Philosophers, theologians,
scientists, and others disagree, first because they view things from different points of view and with
different assumptions. Their personal experiences, cultural backgrounds, and training may vary widely.
This is especially true of people living at different times and in different places. A second reason
philosophers disagree is that they live in a changing universe. People change, society changes, and nature
changes. Some people are responsive and sensitive to change; others cling to tradition and the status quo,
to systems that were formulated some time ago and that were declared to be authoritative and final. A
third reason philosophers disagree is that they deal with an area of human experience in which the
evidence is not complete. Different people may interpret the evidence we do have in various ways.
Despite these disagreements, however, philosophers continue to probe, examine, and evaluate the
material with the hope of presenting consistent principles by which we can live

3) Philosophy is a rational attempt to look at the world as a whole. Philosophy seeks to combine the
conclusions of the various sciences and human experience into some kind of consistent worldview.
Philosophers wish to see life, not with the specialized slant of the scientist or the businessperson or the
artist, but with the overall view of someone cognizant of life as a totality. Although there are difficulties
and dangers in setting forth any worldview, there also are dangers in confining attention to fragments of
human experience. Philosophy‘s task is to give a view of the whole, a life and a worldview, and to
integrate the knowledge of the sciences with that of other disciplines to achieve a consistent whole.
Philosophy, according to this view, attempts to bring the results of human inquiry- religious

historical, and scientific into some meaningful interpretation that provides knowledge and insight for our

4 Philosophy is the logical analysis of language and the clarification of the meaning of words and
concepts. Certainly, this is one function of philosophy. In fact, nearly all philosophers have used methods
of analysis and have sought to clarify the meaning of terms and the use of language. Some philosophers
see this as the main task of philosophy, and a few claim this is the only legitimate function of philosophy.
Such persons consider philosophy a specialized field serving the sciences and aiding in the clarification of
language rather than a broad field reflecting on all of life‘s experiences. This outlook has gained
considerable support during the twentieth century. It would limit what we call knowledge to statements
about observable facts and their interrelations i.e., to the business of the various sciences. Not all
linguistic analysts, however, define knowledge so narrowly. Although they do reject and try to ―clean
up‖ many non-scientific assertions, many of them think that we can have knowledge of ethical principles
and the like, although this knowledge is also experientially derived. Those who take the narrower view
neglect, when they do not deny, all generalized worldviews and life views, as well as traditional moral
philosophy and theology. From this narrower point of view, the aim of philosophy is to expose confusion
and nonsense and to clarify the meaning and use of terms in science and everyday affairs.

5 Philosophy is a group of perennial problems that interest people and for which philosophers always
have sought answers.

Philosophy presses its inquiry into the deepest problems of human existence. Some of the philosophical
questions raised in the past have been answered in a manner satisfactory to the majority of philosophers.
Many questions, however, have been answered only tentatively, and many problems remain unsolved.
What are philosophical questions? The question ―Did Ram make a false statement on his income tax
return?‖ is merely a question of fact. However, the questions ―What is truth?‖ and ―What is the
distinction between right and wrong?‖ have philosophical importance. Sometimes we think seriously
about fundamental life issues: What is life and why am I here? Why is there anything at all? What is the
place of life in this great universe? Is the universe friendly or unfriendly? Do things operate by chance or
through sheer mechanism, or is there some plan, purpose, or intelligence at the heart of things? Is my life
controlled by outside forces, or do I have a determining or even a partial degree of control? Why do
people struggle and strive for their rights, for justice, for better things in the future? What do concepts like
―right‖ and ―justice‖ means, and what are the marks of a good society? Often men and women have
been asked to sacrifice their lives, if need be, for certain values and ideals. What are the genuine values of
life and how can it attained? Is there really a fundamental distinction between right and wrong, or is it just
a matter of one‘s own opinions? What is beauty? Should religion count in a person‘s life? Is it
intellectually valid to believe in God? Is there a possibility of a ―life after death?‖ Is there any way we
can get an answer to these and many related questions? Where does knowledge come from, and can we
have any assurances that anything is true



1TO Ask the most fundamental questions

Philosophy loves asking all kinds of questions. And asking the right questions is often more important
than the answers themselves. By doing so, we realise there often isn’t one correct answer, or an answer
that will not change as we evolve and keep changing. So, by studying Philosophy you will learn how to
ask the best questions, and how to challenge your personal opinions that you take for granted.

2 TO Learn a little bit of everything

Philosophers love to talk about literally anything and everything. While studying Philosophy, you will
learn how to think correctly but, most of all, you will question and discuss important ideas about all
subjects related to human interest. You have the potential of visiting topics from a large variety of
disciplines such as: Law and Politics, Mathematics, Linguistics,

3. Discuss exciting topics and do thought experiments on Arts, Religion, Medicine, Biology, History, and
much more

4. Discuss exciting topics and do thought experiment

6. Develop critical and structured thinking One of the most important tools Philosophy offers is
critical thinking. Critical thinkers are comfortable with asking questions, looking at problems from
different perspectives and not taking things for granted. Especially in present times, Philosophical
thinking is a great way to avoid manipulation from shocking statements, fake news, and political

7. Learn to read and write like a philosopher

Philosophy students do a lot of reading. And most philosophy books are quite thick. But that doesn’t
mean you will read entire piles of books in a single semester. You will actually do a lot of selective
reading on key concepts. In fact, you might spend all semester discussing 1-2 chapters from an essential
work of a philosopher.

Philosophy asks the important questions No other discipline is as obsessed with big questions as
philosophy. Whether it’s justifying human rights, pondering the meaning of existence, or figuring out the
best form of government, philosophy has always steered humanity’s curiosity. Since ancient days,
philosophers have dedicated themselves to exploring the thought process while analyzing their thinking
every step of the way. No question is too big or too small for philosophy.

. Philosophy helps with critical thinking and reason Besides asking the big questions, philosophy is all
about the thought process. Critical thinking and reasoning are a huge part of what defines philosophy. For
years, philosophers debated how to assess and categorize different styles of thinking, how to identify
sound reasoning, and so on. The debate is always going on. When you adopt a philosophical mindset and
learn to analyze statements and ideas with a critical eye, you become a better thinker. You’re able to tell
when an idea is worth your time or if it’s relying on something that’s inherently weak and unsound. This
is an essential skill that can be applied everywhere in your life.


Main features of philosophy

1Universality , philosophy does not focus on the study of a Branch of science , But embraces them all. It
seeks the deeper ends of science and promotes a critique of them.The universality of philosophy also
refers to the global and general character of the management of it as a way of life and way of

thinking.Although there are different variants depending on geographical location, such as Chinese
philosophy, Arabic, Western philosophy... All have in common that seek to discern universal truth by
separating mysticism and superstitions.

2- Depth Philosophy seeks the truth of all things. The depth of thought consists in having definitions of
concepts. These definitions have to be complete and truthful.
Philosophy questions all approaches until they are demonstrable in all its aspects. He wants to get to the
point where no more questions can be asked because they have all been answered.They reach as far back
as possible through rationality. This is the most important point of philosophy, the origin of the times and
the explanation of all things.

3- Criticism Philosophy has a critical attitude toward things because it does not accept presumptions
without demonstration. It is opposed to the dogmatic attitude, that is to say, that it does not admit absolute
truths as immovable principles that can not be subject to discussion.
He rejects submission and fanaticism, especially the religious, since it has no scientific and demonstrable
basis. It raises radical questions that are at the root of reality and existence.

Through criticism invites to use reason to leave behind ignorance and be free. It is opposed to the natural
attitude of survival, we must not only exist to survive but to know and understand our surroundings.

The critique of philosophy is based on living in a constant disagreement in which we must seek the
meaning of existence.

4-Certainty Philosophy is responsible for seeking the most logical answers to the existence of life and
the universe. Even in metaphysical subjects, it looks for foundations on which to base its theories to
consider them valid. It does not serve any kind of response.

5- Fundamental Guided by logic, philosophy seeks to seek the true answers of the universe. The study of
logic analyzes the correct reasoning of the wrong ones. Logic helps the correct interpretation of language
and prompts reasoning and consistency of its contents.
A clear example of a logical approach is:

 If it is sunny, then it is daylight.

 It is sunny.
 Therefore, it is daytime
 It is not sunny, so it is not daytime

6- Totalizing It has a tendency to universality, is not satisfied with partial explanations or fragments of
reality. You want to get the complete picture for the various problems you encounter on your way.

7- Wisdom Philosophy and wisdom are not synonyms, but wisdom is encompassed within
philosophy. Sophia It is wisdom, and philosophy is the love of wisdom
The intellectual growth of people accumulates experiences. The whole of these experiences is a form of
personal knowledge and development. This is the definition of wisdom.

A well-known anecdote to explain the difference between wisdom and philosophy, came when Lion king
of the Fliacos asked Pythagoras his profession and he responded that he was not wise (sofos) but simply a
philosopher (lover to wisdom, aspiring to it)

He who is wise does not philosophize, for he is supposed to have discovered the mysteries of the world
and knows them. However, a philosopher recognizes his own ignorance, and his constant aspiration is to
attain wisdom

Socrates perfectly reflected the pursuit of his wisdom with the phrase known by everyone:"I only know
that I do not know anything".

8- Praxis Praxis means action or realization. This is the opposite of theoretical activity, and in the origins
of philosophy practice was relegated to the background. It was considered that the theory prevailed over
the actions of the human being.
This perception changed with the postulates of Marx that considered it like"human activity like objective
activity". Marx maintained that practical activity is above theoretical activity, conditioning it.

According to him, the way in which the material production of human beings, in this case praxis, is
organized, determines the way in which people interpret reality.


 The four main branches of philosophy are metaphysics, epistemology, axiology, and logic.


Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that considers the physical universe and the nature of ultimate
reality. It asks questions like, What is real? What is the origin of the world? What is beyond the stars?
Your consideration of reality as an external creation or an internal construct can influence your
metaphysical beliefs and perspectives and your teaching. Regardless of your definition of reality, the
exploration and categorization of the physical universe form the foundation of several school subjects.
The four core branches of metaphysics are ontology, natural theology, and universal science. And

Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that considers how people come to learn what they know.
Derived from the Greek word episteme, meaning knowledge or understanding, epistemology refers to the
nature and origin of knowledge and truth. Epistemology proposes that there are four main bases of
knowledge: divine revelation, experience, logic and reason, and intuition. These influence how teaching,
learning, and understanding come about in the classroom. Epistemology has many branches that
include essentialism, historical perspective, perennialsm, progressivism, empiricism, idealism,
rationalism, constructivism etc. Empiricism and rationalism are two major constructing debates within
the field of epistemological study that relate to business studies

Axiology Axiology is the branch of philosophy that considers the study of principles and values. These
values are divided into two main kinds: ethics and aesthetics. Ethics is the questioning of morals and
personal values. Aesthetics is the examination of what is beautiful, enjoyable, or tasteful. In axiology
education is more than just about knowledge but also quality of life. There are 3 major subdivisions of

axiology are aesthetics , ethics. Aesthetics is concerned with the nature of beauty and taste and
social/political philosophy

Logic Logic is the branch of philosophy that seeks to organize reasoning. Students of logic learn how to
think in a structurally sound manner. Logic has two types: deductive and inductive reasoning. Deductive
reasoning involves examining a general case, deducing a general set of rules or principles, and then
applying these rules to specific cases. Inductive reasoning involves taking specific examples and
considering the general principles, rules, or cases that caused them. Formal and informal logic,Symbolic
logic.Logical theory,Traditional logic,Applied logic,Deductive and inductive logic are some brach of


Human capacities are not genetically specified but emerge within processes of ontogenetic development.
Moreover the circumstances of development are continually shaped through human activity. There is
consequently no human nature that has escaped the current of history

This does not mean, of course, that a human being can be anything you please. But it does mean that there
is no way of describing what human beings are independently of the manifold historical and
environmental circumstances in which they become–in which they grow up and live out their live

Anthropology began as a quest for answers to some of the deepest issues in Western thought: What is
human nature? Is there one nature shared across humanity? Or are there different human types? How
much of our sameness or difference comes from our biology? Anthropology has usually emphasized
shared human capacities, brought out in specific cultures. However, it is time to go beyond the usual
formula. There is no such thing as human nature. There is no core of humanness outside of particular
histories and circumstances. Stating anthropological ideas about human nature remains enormously
important for addressing contemporary issues:
Epistemology helps people to think about life experiences that lead to well-being. Epistemology,
when properly defined, is based on reasoning, which is the method for acquiring knowledge. In turn,
knowledge pertains to the facts that are absolute and can never be false.

Philosophy helps guide the research process When you’re faced with a research project of some kind,
the amount of data can be overwhelming. Philosophy and its emphasis on analytical thinking and sound
arguments help you sort through everything. You’ll be able to tell when an idea or argument isn’t going
anywhere, so you can focus your attention elsewhere. Philosophy also helps you develop your own
position using clear, sound reasoning based on the research you’ve done.

Philosophy teaches persuasiveness Besides critical thinking and reasoning, philosophy teaches people
the importance of being persuasive. You can have the best argument in the world with lots of evidence,
but if you can’t get anyone else to see that, what’s the point? Beginning in ancient days, rhetoric –
the art of persuasion – was employed by everyone from politicians to lawyers to poets. When you study
philosophy and rhetoric, you’ll learn how to develop and present your arguments in a way that appeals to
your audience. This is an extremely valuable skill no matter what your goals are.

Philosophy teaches problem-solving Problems are a part of life. No matter what type of problem you’re
facing, philosophy can help. That’s because philosophy teaches techniques like observation, intuition, and
logic. Using critical thinking and effective research, you can break problems down to their essence and

test solutions. Philosophy was developed as a way to solve problems in the form of big questions. It
makes sense that it would be useful for any problem.

Philosophy can be applied to every discipline No matter what subject you’re dealing with, there’s a
philosophical aspect that enhances the learning experience. In a sense, philosophy forces you to ask
questions like “What?” and “Why?” Whether you’re studying literature or science, the philosophical
piece makes you ask: What is the essence of the topic at hand and why does it matter? Philosophy is all
about critical thinking and reasoning, which are important skills in any discipline. They make the learning
process more organized and rewarding.

Philosophy forms a good foundation for a variety of careers Philosophy isn’t just useful in a
classroom or learning setting. It’s an important tool for many career fields, including the business world.
To succeed in business, a person must work through often-complex issues, write persuasive arguments for
a position, and research quickly and effectively. Critical thinking and reasoning are essential. This is even
more true for legal professions. A career in anything related to science also requires mastery of
philosophical concepts and analytical thinking. Any career benefits from a bit of philosophy; it isn’t a
subject that’s limited to academia.

Philosophy helps you sort through your own beliefs Most people go through life
without questioning what they believe. Philosophy asks us to take a closer look at our lives and
worldviews. You might realize that what you’ve always believed about yourself, the world, and so on
don’t make sense anymore. On the other side, you might become more confident in what you believe.
Even if you don’t ever defend them to another person, the process of questioning and collecting evidence
for your beliefs can change your life.

Philosophy influences the world to day While you may not be aware of it, philosophy has a huge
impact on how the world works. We have democracy because of philosophers. Many of the issues people
wrestle with daily – such as how to be a good person – are philosophical. If you ever wonder why the
world is the way it is and you look back at history, you’ll find most things have a root in philosophy.

Philosophy can fuel change and progress Most of history’s biggest changes, whether they’re cultural
or political, began as intellectual debates. This is because philosophy is all about caring about everything,
including the questions and the thinking process. Philosophy encourages the world to take a deeper look
at why things are the way they are and if they could be better. That’s how progress is made.


The term is derived from the Greek epistēmē (“knowledge”) and logos (“reason”), and
accordingly the field is sometimes referred to as the theory of knowledge. Epistemology has a
long history within Western philosophy, beginning with the ancient Greeks and continuing to the
present. the major sources of knowledge can be categorized under five headings: 
(1) experience,
(2) authority,
(3) deductive reasoning,
(4) inductive reasoning, and

(5) the scientific approach.


The relation between values and knowledge is a central concern for any society. At present, it is widely
assumed that the pursuit of knowledge is valuable only to the degree that it has measurable practical
benefits as an outcome. Our MA programme offers a context for detailed consideration of this
assumption. We identify and question the issues involved in it at deeper levels of analysis than are
available through ordinary discussion.

This high level of critical scrutiny is made possible through the programme’s broad philosophical
perspective—engaging with questions arising in other disciplines also. More specifically, our programme
provides an in-depth study of different forms of values in terms of both their cognitive basis and their
relation to other areas of knowledge and activity. We also consider the way in which knowledge has been
defined and theorized since the Enlightenment. The programme combines historical perspectives and
contemporary critical debates so as to provide a fund of analytic and argumentative skills that are
advantageous for further work in philosophy or for competing in the job market. A notable feature of the
programme is that students are given the opportunity to organise a peer-reviewed international graduate
conference. In so doing, students of the programme engage in knowledge exchange with their
international peers.



Political philosophy is an important part of philosophy. It is a combination of theoretical knowledge of

political life.

The purpose of political philosophy is to speak of political life as theoretical knowledge based on
values.Political philosophy we mean the doctrine of the state, the nature, scope and functions of the state,
and the development and progress of the human race. Political philosophy is the philosophical thinking
about the state as a whole.So back to the point. Political philosophy teaches us to questions our
political life Such as-

 What political role we are playing?

 What is justice?
 What is the government?
 what is the actual meaning of liberty, rights, equality, etc?
Political philosophy does not just teach us to question politics. It enriches us with its wealth of
knowledge and also helps us to find answers to those questions.By answering the questions, we
can understand which is perfect or not? so by political philosophy, we can prescribe what ought
to be to make society from imperfect to perfect one.

The importance of political philosophy is immense because it studies those big questions (I have
already mentioned) especially the big question of how should I live, but Nobody can not be
different from that. Everybody needs the answer to this question. Most people don’t think about

it much. Political philosophy provides us knowledge about how we live together. It enables us to
differentiate between good and bad, just and unjust.

Political philosophy is the oldest field of political science. Political philosophy has persisted over
hundreds of years because of the timelessness of the questions it addresses. Certain questions
transcend history because they are raised by the human condition.

The pivotal one how should be organized our collective lives looms throughout the ages.

The history of political philosophy not only generates fundamental questions but also proposes
to answer them.For example the relative importance of freedom and equality , conceptions of
public and private virtue, the ethics of war and the management of conflict and contributions of
religions and traditions to the common good.

It contains defenses and critiques arguments also. It teaches us ways to think about political
matters. So you understand that how much importance of political philosophy in our life and
society as well.

These ways of thinking constitute an essential part of the heritage of mankind. If we lose forget
or deliberately abandoned these models are acquiring, we will do an injustice to coming
generations by robbing them of profound intellectual resources one vital to the search for and
maintenance of the common good.


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