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Write your answer for Part A here.

Trait Level: High/Low Example supporting the answer

Openness to High He moved from operations to marketing,

Experience demonstrating his creativity and knowledge in
various areas. He was a quick learner and

Conscientiousness Low He wasn’t organized and had problems with

personal style and managing tasks since he
gave a last-minute task to Benton, which is
observed in copying incident where he changed
last minute planning.

Extraversion Low He was not a team player and don't work well
with peers and doesn’t join them for lunch.
Considers himself as smarter than most

Agreeableness Low H’s approach wasn’t proper, he commented on

MBAs on Lisa's first day in office. Other
employees also considered him quite irritable
as well.

Neuroticism High He was nice to Lisa initially by helping her

with questions she had but later she shouted at
her during a small copying incident which was
an act of humiliation.

Write your answer for Part B here.

Using OCEAN framework analysis below are the 2 ways by which Lisa can improve
relationship with Scoville.

1:Both Lisa and Scoville is high on openness and are creative. If they work together on a
single project then, its better they take different responsibilities which would eliminate any
clash and should connect with Scoville more emotionally.

2:Working on different aspects of a project can surely help as Lisa can very well handle team
management or activities which involve team work whereas Scoville can focus on project
specific areas and hence appreciate each other’s work.

Question 3

The area of the Johari window is the hidden area

Lisa can overcome the hidden area by the below ways:

1:She should be more outspoken and acknowledge what she has learned, and should also
make her opinion or voice heard by all which would make her see her analytical skill and
organizational abilities.

2:She should utilize her conversational skills to develop a relationship with Linton as they are
both ambitious.

3: Lisa should seek for responsibilities which suites her abilities so that she can prospect in
those areas and draw attention of her peers.

Question 4

As Linton mentioned that Lisa was “unassertive” during the performance review, Linton
should work on motivating peers.

1: Linton should motivate Lisa rather than telling them the problem and guide her on how she
can improve.

Linton should support Lisa through difficult times in the organization.

Question 5

 Recognition at work.
 Complimenting success
 Training and cross-skilling
 Team building & fun activities at the office.

Question 6
Question 8

According to my opinion, Lisa should not leave her job at Houseworld because:

1. The foremost reason for Lisa to join Houseworld was that she would receive classical
marketing training in a structured environment from an industry leader.

2. I think she would run away from her problems by leaving, instead, she should think of
facing those and find a resolution, this would help her grow for bigger challenges. She can
take the help of Linton’s boss Vernon and should learn to work with Scoville.

3. As Benton was a people person and the management has increased the number of Harvard
Management recruits she has a better opportunity in terms of her career at Houseworld.

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