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 Al Hol: On the night of 12 November an armed attack took place in Al-Hol camp targeting the Syrian and

Iraqi families residing in the reception area. In total, 62 individuals who previously received threats were
residing in the reception area, waiting to be relocated to other safe locations inside or outside of Al-Hol
camp. The attack led to the killing of two Iraqis and injuring of several others. One person was shot in the
leg and another in the head. Many women reported physical violence in the form of beatings by the
attackers. Following the incident, all Syrian families (10 HH / 20 individuals) were relocated Areesha
camp, while all Iraqi families (18 HH / 42 individuals) have been relocated to the safe space inside the
camp. The NES Forum issued an alert around the incident and together with the Protection Working Group
visited Al-Hol camp on 15 November to follow-up with families, assess damage to humanitarian facilities,
and discuss the incident and urgent follow-up with camp administration.

 Al Hol relocations: On 14 November, a total of 12 foreign families (41 individuals) were relocated from
the annex in Al-Hol to Roj camp. This movement is part of ongoing plans by Al-Hol camp administration
to reduce the pressure on Al-Hol camp.

 Newroz camp continued to receive arrivals throughout the month of Oct and it is now reported that the site
is at capacity. From the New Arrivals shared with the SSWG reported by camp management, there were 62
HHs (395 individuals), reportedly 24 HHs (121 individuals) departed the camp. This movement resulting in
growing needs inside the formal camp setting across all sectors. One NES NGO is under the procurement
process to cover parts of the persistent WASH needs, while camp management and NES Forum members
are still awaiting confirmation from UNICEF and ICRC as to their capacity to cover the remaining WASH
needs inside the camp.

 The Abu Khashab HLP issue remains unresolved. Currently the MoU, created by the HLP Working Group
and SSWG, has been shared with the relevant claimants however there has not yet been any subsequent
response or change.

 The number of COVID-19 cases has increased in the informal and formal camps during the month of
October. there were a total of 814 cases since the beginning of the pandemic. As of Nov 15 compared to a
total of 644 cases reported last month, an increase of 170 confirmed cases. As well as confirmed cases,
there have also been an increase of suspected cases currently 24 cases in total.

 In response to the increase in COVID-19 cases across the region, the local authorities imposed curfews and
lockdowns in Western Area of Dez and Tabqqa area. Camps similarly have adjusted their scenario levels in
an attempt to prevent the spread of the virus. Currently 3 camps are at Scenario 4, Abu Khashab,
Areesha,and Roj. Camps currently at Scenario 3 are Serekaniye, Washokani, and Twehina at Scenario 1
with the remaining camps currently at Scenario 2.

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