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Astudillo to DPCP Prosecutors in Montreal, Québec

File #: 500-01-234952-221

Variation of release order with consent

519.1 : A release order under which an accused has been released under section 515
may be varied with the written consent of the accused, prosecutor and any sureties. The
order so varied is considered to be a release order under section 515.
[1] The Defense, now freed & with access to medical records, has evidence
supporting the following Variation of Release Order, and is seeking the consent of the
Crown actors at the DPCP.
[2] The Defense hereby informs the Crown of its Withdrawal of Consent for a
Psychiatric Evaluation at Pinel Institute.
[3] The Defense, however continues to agree to the other release conditions until
Acquittals can be secured.
[4] The defense fully rejects any potential defense of Non-Responsibility due to
Mental Health s.16 (1), and also rejects that the Crown will twist Reasonable Self-
Defense into a Psychiatric Disorder, even with Genocidal Associates at Pinel Institute.
[5] The defense continues to this day to believe that accusers are guilty of both
Criminal Kidnapping of Minors under s.279 (1)(c) & Accessories After The Fact s.23 (1)
to Aggravated Assault s.268 (1) of his children, Leon Feehan-Astudillo & Phoenix
Feehan-Astudillo, both minors with Dual Citizenship, in spite of Canadian Government
ignoring their Chilean Birthright by IVS SANGVINIS to citizenship according to our
constitution & national laws.
[6] The defense holds that the DPCP actors will be guilty of both Genocide (Crimes
Against Humanity and War Crimes Act, s. 4 (1)(a)) & Fraud Upon The Court, if it
attempts to twist Self-Defense & Defense of my Children into a DSM “Mental Disorder”.
[7] Section 7 of the Charter: This aspect of liberty includes the right to refuse
medical treatment (A.C., supra, at paragraphs 100-102, 136)
[8] The Defense intends to file a Charter Application for Stay of Charges due to
Abuse of Process by both Crown & Police, as well as an egregious repeated
documented pattern of Charter Breaches by the DPCP & Police Employees, meaning
it’s not the first time you barbarians violate my rights, and fail to get away with it.
[9] The Defense also points out that DPCP employees are violating the Defendant’s
right to Liberty (Family) by attempting to use his dissent & defense to justify psychiatric
kidnapping, according to the Nazi Doctrine & education given in Canadian volksschules.
[10] Overview of Charter Breaches warranting a Stay of Charges:
1) Section 7 – Life, Liberty of Having Family & Security of the Person
2) Section 8 – Unlawful Search and Seizure June 30th, 2022
3) Section 9 – Arbitrary detention June 30 2022 – July 6th, 2022
4) Section 10 (b) – Right to Retain & Instruct Counsel (Multiple Breaches)
5) Section 11 (c) – Right to be safe from Self-Incrimination
6) Section 11 (d) – Right to Presumption of Innocence
7) Section 11 (e) – Right not to be Denied Reasonable Bail
8) Section 12 – Right to be safe from Cruel & Unusual Treatment
[11] I allege that the SPVM committed the following illegal actions:
1) Used more force than reasonable or necessary;
2) Destroyed Property;
3) Photographed my apartment, but only after searching it, not before;
4) Did not abide by the legal “Knock & Announce” Doctrine;
5) Having no history of resisting arrest, including in cases with weapons;
6) SPVM SWAT & Detective refused & failed to produce Warrant x3;
7) Violated my Right to Retain & Instruct Counsel;
8) Violated my Right to Reasonable Bail;
9) Medical Diagnosis with no Free & informed Consent
10) All to Intentionally facilitate the kidnapping of my children (Genocide)
[12] I will have my attorney enter in contact with you before the first evaluation date
July 29th, 2022, to have the conditions modified, as the Defense rejects your Criminal
Extortion & Kidnapping to force Unwarranted Psychiatric Diagnostics.

Supporting Authorities:

Failure and/or Refusal to Produce Warrant when Requested June 30th, 2022.
s.8 Charter Violation
- R. v. Cornell, 2010 SCC 31, [2010] 2 S.C.R. 142
Refuse to let me contact mother to relay info to attorney, s.10(b) Violation
- R. v. Zoghaib, 2005 ONCJ 545 (CanLII)
Violated Right to Privacy with Attorney, SPVM C.O. Nord, s.10(b) Violation
- R. v. Cairns, 2004 CanLII 17588 (ON CA), par. 9-10
- R. v. O'Donnell, 2004 NBCA 26 (CanLII), par. 4
SPVM intercepting to Defense Strategy 2x times in 2x calls with 2x attorneys on June
30th, 2022, at the C.O. Nord., s.8 Charter Violation,
- R. v. Bruce Power Inc., 2009 ONCA 573 (CanLII), par. 56
Unreasonable Delay for Bail Hearing over 72 hrs - s.11(e) Violation
- R. v. Reilly, 2020 SCC 27
Violated my Right to Liberty of Family – s.7 Violation
- B. (R.) v. Children's Aid Society of Metropolitan Toronto [1995] 1 SCR 315
Pretending that letting me speak to Duty Counsel does not violate my right to Retain &
Instruct Counsel post-arrest on June 30th, 2022. – s.10(b) Violation
- R. v. Kiloh, 2003 BCSC 209, para 116
Unreasonable Delays between the time where I was allowed to contact my attorney at
the station, and the time of arrest. – s.10(b) Violation
- R. v. Rover, 2018 ONCA 745
Right to Use Lethal Force against Police Acting Illegally Violating Charter Rights
“ According to Mr. Parasiris, the judgment that declared the search of his home on March 2 to
be unreasonable should ground the conclusion that the police officers, including Const. Tessier,
were not acting in a legal manner in the course of their duties. Such a finding would prevent
Mr. Parasiris from being convicted for first degree murder.”
- R. c. Parasiris, 2008 QCCS 2497, para 44

Date: July 20th, 2022

Signature: __________________________________
PROVINCE OF QUEBEC September 25th, 1987
District: MONTREAL 2560 Henri-Bourassa Est, Apt. 3,
Locality: MONTREAL Montréal, QC, H2B 1V5
File #: 500-01-234952-221

CHALOUX, Michelle
Westmount, QC, H3Z 1Y5

Complaint vs SPVM – July 11th, 2022

For events that occurred on June 30th, 2022

1. I have no Axis I (Mental Illness) DSM Diagnostic, and have not had any in over 7 years.

a. Alan Astudillo & Hopital St-Jérome,

Date: 2013-09-12,
Numéro de dossier: SAS-Q-192867-1306; Autre citation: 2014 QCTAQ 06733
No Axis I Diagnostic (Mental Illness)

b. Alan Astudillo & Albert-Prevost, Montréal,

Date: 2015-08-04,
Numéro de dossier: SAS-Q-192867-1306; Autre citation: 2016 QCTAQ 11822
No Axis I Diagnostic (Mental Illness)

c. Psychiatric Report, Written by Docteure Ines Senouci,

Date 2019-01-3017:55:00
Numéro de dossier: SAS-Q-192867-1306
No Axis I Diagnostic (Mental Illness)

d. Psychiatric Report, Written by Docteur Paul-André Lafleur,

Date 2019-11-12,
Numero de Dossier: 101229409; Numero de la Visite: 1668653
No Axis I Diagnostic (Mental Illness)

2. In your document entitled: File #: 525-41-024093-114; File #: 525-41-024706-111;

a. You say the contrary of what the children’s father’s medical record states.
b. You file that in court under oath, +2 files of multiple counts of Perjury. (1 file per kid)
c. Meantime +2 counts of Kidnapping minors to extort service without consent (s. 279 (1)(c)).

3. I have a record of not attacking police officers on arrest, weapons or not.

In past cases with at least several different weapons, I never once attacked officers during
arrest. Why fight them if I know that I will win in court? ¡Las cortes son mías!
File #: 500-01-234952-221
a. No justification or reason to believe this time would be different.
b. Failed to Produce Warrant, twice when requested during No-Knock Raid, then C.O.Nord.
c. I can be heard discussing their failure to produce any warrant in the recording of my
conversation with the detective “Roy” of the SPVM, Centre Op. Nord, June 3 0th, 2022.
d. Upon my release on promise, July 6 th, 2022, and to this day, I still have not seen a copy
of any warrant.
e. R. v. Cornell, 2010 SCC 31, [2010] 2 S.C.R. 142

Date: __July 11th 2022___

Location: Montréal, QC__
PROVINCE OF QUEBEC September 25th, 1987
District: MONTREAL 2560 Henri-Bourassa Est, Apt. 3,
Locality: MONTREAL Montréal, QC, H2B 1V5
File #: 500-01-234952-221

855 Cremazie Blvd E,
Montreal, QC, H2M 2T7


Complaint vs SPVM II – July 11th, 2022

For events that occurred on June 30th, 2022

1. My allegations vs the Detectives, PDQ27 employees & C.O. Nord employees who participated

a. 6. A police officer must avoid any form of abuse of authority in his relations with the public. A
police officer must not: (1) use greater force than is necessary to accomplish what is
required or permitted;

b. 7. A police officer must respect the authority of the law and of the courts and must collaborate
in the administration of justice. A police officer must not: (1) prevent or contribute to
preventing justice from taking its course; (2) conceal or fail to pass on evidence or
information in order to benefit or harm any person.

c. 8. A police officer must perform his duties with integrity.A police officer must not: (1)
maliciously damage or destroy property belonging to any person;

d. 10. A police officer must respect the rights of any person in his custody and avoid any
indulgence towards that person. A police officer must not: (5) interfere in
communications between a person in his custody and that person’s attorney;


2. Your No-Knock Raid on June 30th, 2022, was illegal – Supreme Court of Canada.

a. R. v. Cornell, 2010 SCC 31, [2010] 2 S.C.R. 142

“[150] The issue here is whether society’s interest in the adjudication of this case on its
merits outweighs the interests of society, in the longer term, in discouraging routine disregard
by the police of constitutional, statutory and common law safeguards designed to protect the
sanctity of a person’s home.”

3. Your slaves violated my right to Retain & Instruct Counsel, Used More Force Than Reasonable or
Necessary + Violated my Charter Rights. Now you’re being Willfully Blind, which makes Helene
Tremblay an Accessory After The Fact.

4. Intent to Sue, Deploy Foreign Troops against Your Country & Families and Crush You In Court.
You disgusting barbarian Tremblay.

5. Profesor canadiense que había sido reportado como desaparecido apareció drogado en el norte
Bogotá - 11 de Julio de 2022

Date: __ July 11th 2022__

Location: Montréal, QC___
PROVINCE OF QUEBEC September 25th, 1987
District: MONTREAL 2560 Henri-Bourassa Est, Apt. 3,
Locality: MONTREAL Montréal, QC, H2B 1V5
File #: 500-01-234952-221

855 Cremazie Blvd E,
Montreal, QC, H2M 2T7


Complaint vs SPVM III – July 11th, 2022

For events that occurred on June 30th, 2022

1. Your SPVM employees are Accused of Attempting to Drug Me to Kidnap My Children

a. S. 267 (a) - Assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm


b. s. 279 (1)(a)(c) - Kidnapping


c. If the patient has been lied to about the treatment or there is other fraud in the
informed consent, then the entire consent is invalid. As a pure legal issue, forcing
treatment on an unwilling person is no different from attacking that person with a knife.
-R. v. Ashkani, 2017 ONSC 7345 (CanLII)

d. Self-Defense against your criminal government actors is not a Mental Illness

s. 34 (3) - Defence — use or threat of force vs Government Actor

2. Facing a Medical Record that doesn’t support their drugging plan, they will attempt to fabricate one.

3. The Déontologie Policière du Québec employees in Quebec City will ignore all Ethics & Charter
Breaches committed by SPVM employees in this case. Total disregard for their own laws, code of
ethics and constitutional rights & freedoms.

4. Of course, your barbarian crimes are not without consequence, and the attacks against your
government infrastructure & families shall continue.

5. My unlawfully seized weapon shall be returned: Restitution of property or report by peace officer
s. 489.1 (1) - Restitution of property or report by peace officer

6. Evidence will be excluded according to Common Law & Authorities, under section 24 (1) & (2) of the
Charter of Rights & Freedoms.

a. -
b. -

7. A Stay of Charges will be entered on All Counts against me, for Lack of Evidence.

8. Acquittals will be entered on All Counts against me.

9. You will be sued for Charter Breaches on top of all attacks & counters.

Date: __ July 11th 2022__

Location: Montréal, QC___
La plainte conceme :

Quel(s) l'ftultat(s) souhaltez-vous obtenir en d6posant cette plainte?

Date de naissance
Adresse oCI envoyer nos correspondances
Num6ro de t616phone principal

A. quelle date !'incident s'est-11 prodult ou la situation •t-elle d6but6?

A. quelle heure !'Incident s'est-11 produit ou la situation •t-elle d6but6?

Dans quelle ville ou village !'incident s'est-il produit ou la situation •t-elle d6but6?

A. quel endroit !'incident s'est-il produit ou la situation a-t-elle d6but6?

Quelle est votre situation?


Quelles Informations pouvez-vous foumir sur cette personne pour nous aider A !'identifier?
Service de police/employeur
Poste de police
Description physique
Avez-vous des reproches A faire A cette personne?

Que reprochez-vous pn§cls6ment A cette personne?

Cette personne a dlt certalnes choses.

Cette personne a falt certalnes choses.

Cette personne n'a pas falt ou n'a pas dlt certalnes choses.
Est-ce que l'une des personnes vises par votre plalnte a post§ des actes ou tenu des propos lnjurleux
fond6s sur la race, la couleur, le sexe, l'ldentlt6 de genre, l'orlentatlon sexuelle, la religion, les convictions
polltiques, la langue, l'Age, la condition sociale, 1'6tat civil, la grossesse, l'orlgine ethnique ou nationale, le
handicap d'une personne ou !'utilisation d'un moyen pour pallier ce handicap?

Pour nous alder ~ comprendre, vous pouvez raconter plus en d6tall et de faQOn chronologlque ce qui s'est

Avez-vous subl des blessures physiques en lien avec les reproches que vous faltes dans votre plalnte?

Avez-vous subl d'autres const§quences nt§gatlves autres que des blessures physiques (ex. : Impact
psychologlque, dommages mat6rlels) en lien avec les reproches que vous faltes dans votre plalnte?

Veuillez pr6clser.
Lors de !'Incident ou de la situation, est-ce qu'on vous a remls un document contenant un num6ro
d'6v6nement, de dossier, de constat d'lnfraction ou de cause?

Est-ce que des personnes ont 61:6 t6molns de !'Incident ou de la situation?

SI vous le pouvez, veulllez Identifier ces t6molns.

A. votre connalssance, y a-t-11 d'autres 616ments de preuve qui concement !'Incident dkrlt dans votre
plalnte, mals que vous ne pouvez pas foumlr?

Veulllez pr6ciser.

Acceptez-vous de partlciper au traitement de votre plainte?

La Loi sur la police rend obllgatoire la conciliation, sauf exception. Si nous d6cldons que la rencontre de
conciliation est la mesure appropri6e ~ votre situation, accepteriez-vous d'y particlper?

~tes-vous autochtone, c'est+cllre une personne membre d'une Preml~re Nation ou de la nation lnulte?

Faltes-vous partle d'une mlnorlt6 visible?

Faltes-vous partle d'une minorlt6 ethnique?

Quelle est votre descendance ou votre origine?

Acceptez-vous que nous vous contactlons dans le futur pour r6pondre ~ des questions sur votre
exp6rlence avec notre processus de traltement des plalntes?

Comment avez-vous entendu parler de nous?

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