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Tissues Coelom Protostome or Deuterostome Movement None None Neither Sessile, but sponge larvae are flagellated and are able to move away from parent. Gets oxygen from water. Waste diffuses into water Amoebocytes transport nutrients to other cells. None None Neither

Diploblastic None Neither


Rotifers(bilateral symmetry)
Triploblastic, and has specialized organ systems Psudocoelomates Neither Cilia in psudocoelom act as hydrostatic skeleton

Can move by waving body and/or tentacles. Diffuses oxygen from water. Waste is released through mouth/anus into the water None Gas exchance via diffusion across body surface. Nitrogenous waste diffused into water Branches of the GVC distribute rood throughout body. Has a brain and nerves. Nerves detect stimuli, allowing the flatworm to react to environment. GVC. Nutrients are absorbed by the pharynx,

Respiration Excretion Internal Transport Nervous System


Digests food particles which are suspended in the water which passes through their bodies. Intracellular.


Hermaphroditic. Gametes come from choanocytes or amoebocytes. Sperm travels via water to other sponges, and eggs stay in the mesohyls.

No brain, but has a nerve net distributed around the body, allowing the cnidarian to react to stimuli all around itself. Gastrovascular cavity, where both intracellular and extracellular digestion occurs, which allows digestion of larger things. The mouth opening closes around animals and plants. Can reproduce both sexually and asexually (budding). In asexual reproduction, the coelenterate grows a bud that sprouts and breaks off. Cnidocytes used in defence, and to capture prey. Nematocysts are on cnidocytes and sting, such as in jellyfish.

Waste comes out of an anus separate from the mouth. Movement of the body causes the fluid in the psudocoelom to circulate nutrients and waste. N/A

Alimentary canal, or a digestive tube with a separated mouth and anus. (A true digestive tract)

Special Features

Can be used to produce antibiotics in humans, and is being investigated as an anti-cancer treatment.

Both asexual and sexual. Proglottids are packages of sex organs , as they carry both male and female parts. They make up the body of the tapeworm Can regenerate. Bilateral symmetry. Have parasitic forms, such as flukes and tapeworms. Also, they are the first cephalopods.

Parthenogenesis, where an egg fuses with another egg, which can create all females, or males which live only to produce sperm. When eggs are fertilized by sperm, and the pond dries up, the zygote goes into dormancy, reactivating when conditions become favourable again. Also, very tiny.

Tissues Coelom Triploblastic Coelomates

Yes; triploblastic and specialized Coelomates, partitioned by septa (allowing for specialization of body parts) Protostome Burrowers, and some swim. Polychaetes have parapoda which function as feet

Triploblastic Coelomates

Triploblastic Coelomates

Protostome or Deuterostome Movement

Protostome Gastropods: using foot Bivalves: usually sessile; some can move by flapping shells Cephalopods: draw water into mantle cavity and fire a stream through siphon Gills, and snails/slugs breathe through the mantle Through anus. Nephridia remove metabolic waste from the hemolymph(body fluid) Circulatory systems with hearts. Closed circulatory system in cephalopods; open in most molluscs. Nerve ring around the esophagus, with nerve cords extending from it. Cephalopods: sophisticated brain (smarter than some vertebrates) Long complete digestive tract curled up in visceral mass. Gastropods exhibit torsion, where the visceral mass rotates, putting the anus above the head. Bivalves are suspension feeders. Most have separate sexes. Some snails are hermaphrodites Soft bodies protected my shells. Some have reduced shells, or have lost them completely.

Protostome Legs with joints allow some to walk. Some can swim

Deuterostome Slow-moving or sessile. For slowmoving: WVS takes in water and pushes it out from tube feet for movement.


Through skin (cutaneous breathers) Pair of excretory tubes called metanephridia in each segment Closed circulatory system, using haemoglobin. 5 hearts, with large and small vessels. Brainlike pair of cerebral ganglia connect to a pair of fused nerve cords that run along the length of the body. Segmented ganglia on cords too Specialized regions of digestive tract: pharynx, esophagus, crop, gizzard, and intestine. Some are parasites, some are suspension feeders, and some eat soil to extract nutrients. Hermaphrodites, can do crossfertilization. Can regenerate. Segmented body made of fused rings


Internal Transport Nervous System


Gills in crustaceans, book lungs or gills in spiders, and tracheal systems in insects Malphigian tubules remove metabolic waste from hemolymph. Open circulatory system, pumps hemolymph around large internal spaces (sinuses) Brain in head, with senses coming from a pair of ventral nerve cords, eyes, and antennae. Can hear from tympanus. Arachnids: external digestion Others: Intracellular digestion

WVS in charge of gas exchange. Also have gills on skin surface Anus secretes waste, and is attached to the digestive glands. Located near stomach. Water vascular system, moving water around using radial canals (usually 5), from ring canal. Radial nerves create a nerve network. Can detect light

Digestive glands secrete enzymes and help absorb the nutrient soup afterwards. Starfish throw stomach out and digests the food externally Broadcast fertilization: release many eggs/sperm into water Penta-radial symmetry. Bilateral larvae. WVS for food, movement, and breathing. Tube feet, central disk, madreporite (sieve plate), ampulla (bulb) and radial canal

Reproduction Special Features

Usually sexual, internal fertilization. Metamorphosis: complete (caterpillar to butterfly), or incomplete (baby ant without wings to adult with wings). Exoskeletons made of chitin.

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