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Republic of the Philippines


La Carlota City, Negros Occidental
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ED. 94 ICT in Education

2nd Semester AY 2021-2022

Name:MARFE JAN A. MONTELIBANO Date: April 4,2022

Course & Year: Master in Education major in Educational Management
Discuss the following:

A computer is a multipurpose electronic device that can
receive, store, process data and deliver information. A
computer takes data such as numbers, text, images etc. as
input and then process those data and converts those to
useful information. Additionally, a computer can also store
data and information both for future use. Also, a computer
can perform scheduled tasks. Computers are programmed
devices. Computer programmers write programs or software for
computer which takes input, process it and outputs
i. Hardware- Computer Hardware is any part of the
computer that can be touched. These are primarily
electronic devices used to build up the computer.
Computer Hardware actually perform the computing
operations along with taking input and sending the
computed result as output or to storing that.
Processor, Memory Devices, Monitor, Printer etc. are
computer hardware.
ii. Software- Software can specify the processors
instruction through which the processor can change the
state of computer hardware in a predefined sequence.
Briefly, computer software is a language in which
computer speaks. There are various types of software
to do various tasks. Operating Systems such as
Microsoft Windows 10, Word processing applications
such Microsoft Word etc. as computer software.
iii. Data- One or a set or multiple sets of information
used in a process to obtain targeted result or goal
are called data.
iv. User- The person who uses the computer is the user.
However, beside human, another device can become user
of a computer too.
Computer virus is a malicious piece of computer code
designed to spread from device to device. A subset of
malware, these self-copying threats are usually
designed to damage a device or steal data. Is a type
of computer program that, when executed, replicates itself by
modifying other computer programs and inserting its
own code. [2]if this replication succeeds, the affected areas
are then said to be "infected" with a computer virus, a
metaphor derived from biological viruses. Computer viruses
generally require a program. The virus writes its own code
into the host program. When the program runs, the written
virus program is executed first, causing infection and damage.
A computer worm does not need a host program, as it is an
independent program or code chunk. Therefore, it is not
restricted by the host program, but can run independently and
actively carry out attacks. Viruses can be spread several
ways, including via networks, discs, email attachments
or external storage devices like USB sticks. Since
connections between devices were once far more limited
than today, early computer viruses were commonly spread
through infected floppy disks. Today, links between
internet-enabled devices are for common, providing
ample opportunities for viruses to spread. According
to the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security
Agency, infected email attachments are the most common
means of circulating computer viruses. Most, but not
all, computer viruses require a user to take some form
of action, like enabling “macros” or clicking a link,
to spread.
3. Information and communications technology (ICT) in education
Information and communication technology (ICT) in education
is the mode of education that use information and
communications technology to support, enhance, and optimize
the delivery of information. ICT can lead to an improved
student learning and better teaching methods. the use of ICT
in education with integrating technology to the curriculum
has a significant and positive impact on students’
achievements. The results specifically showed that the
students who are continuously exposed to technology through
education has better ‘knowledge’, presentation skills,
innovative capabilities, and are ready to take more efforts
into learning as compared to their counter parts. The Mobile
learning (m ‐learning) as a form of e ‐learning is a rising
trend where the education has outgrown the physical
constraints of the classrooms and acquired mobility.
Students access information whenever and wherever they want,
and institutions that provides such advanced technological
terrains is rising in number day by day. ICT in education
and making use of technology in education creates an easy-
to-manage learning environment where the delivery of
information is so much smoother and the learning easier.

4. ICT in teaching and Learning and ICT governance

 Education systems play a major role in the development of
modern economics. ICT plays a vital role in imparting
education in modern scenario. The way of imparting education
in modern era has changes due to the use of ICT.
(a) ICT IN TEACHING-Teachers are an important element in
education system. To teach better a teacher needs to be
update with the changes. For this ICT helps a lot. ICT
can be useful for a teacher in the following ways.
i. It can be helpful in the professional
development of the teachers. A teacher can
learn various skills with the help of
information and communication technologies.
ii. ICT also helps in the analysis of data,
study of related literature and in the
publication of his research work.
iii. A teacher can increase his domain of
Knowledge with the help of e-journals, e-
magazines and e-library that can be achieved
only using information and communication
iv. With the help of ICT a teacher can learn
modern methods of teaching. It can work with
the students on various project and
assignments. It also helps in providing
teaching contents, homework etc. with the use
of Power Point presentations he can make the
students understand complex processes and
theories. Information and Communication
Technologies also helps him in increasing
interaction with teachers 51 Use of ICT in
Teaching, Learning and Governance in Colleges
and students. He can easily reach to which
students whenever and wherever they want.
(b) ICT IN LEARNING- Now learning can be achieved in the
absence of teachers and without classrooms. It has
become possible only due to information and
communication technologies. A person can achieve
learning according to his own convenience any time
anywhere through it. A lot of ICT tools are available
for this. Uses of ICT for learning may be explained
with the help of these points:
i. Group learning: Information and Communication
Technology tools helps a student to come in
contact with other students, teachers experts
of the subjects for better learning. He can
also participate in online discussions with
persons concerned and enables himself to
enrich his knowledge.
ii. Individual learning: ICT has widened the
scope of individual learning. With the help of
ICT a student can achieve learning according
to his own will without the barriers of time
and space.
iii. Professional learning: ICT has made the
students enable to get various professional
courses and skills for their development
according to their convenience. Different
languages learning courses and skill
development programmers are available on
internet which can be accessed easily trough
ICT tools.
iv. Distance learning: ICT is the backbone of
distance learning all the processes of modern
distance learning courses depends on the use
of ICT. Providing assignments and their
collection, delivery of materials counselling
and other works are done with the help of ICT
(c) ICT in Governance of Educational Institutions-Proper governance is
required for the proper running and development of any
institution. Institutions have to do various works like
teaching, scholarship distribution, organizing
seminars, symposium, workshops, panel discussions,
parent-teacher meetings etc. for the development of the
students. ICT helps a lot in this process.It is useful
in the governance of various aspects of education. Some
of them are following:
i. Management of Education: Information and
Communication Technology helps in the
management of teaching learning process. Day
to day schools works, preparing routines
organising workshops, lectures, excursions,
co-curricular activities and extracurricular
activities. It is also helpful in keeping an
eye on the students’ activities as well as
inspecting the works of teaching and non-
teaching staffs of the institutions with the
help of various ICT tools like CCTV, Biometric
Attendance Machines.
ii. Officials Works: Entire official works is
done with the help of ICT. Attendance, Fee
deposits, Admissions, organizing entrance
tests, Evaluation, Result preparation,
Preparation of merit list of students,
Preparation of seniority list of teaching and
non-teaching staffs, Maintaining registers,
Government grants, Salary payments,
Scholarship distribution etc. are managed with
the help of ICT.
iii. Official Communication: Communication with
the community, parents and government bodies
is necessary for the educational institutions
for their running and development. Official
reports are sent through ICT tools.
Information is displayed with the help of it.
Students and teachers related data like
attendance, number of students, number of
teaching and non-teaching staffs, annual
reports, infrastructure related information as
well as any other information demanded by the
government bodies are exchanged through
internet. Planning and designing of new
courses are displayed with the help of power
point presentations to regulating bodies.
5. Application of ICT
a. Education
 The main impact of ICT in education can be seen
in improving the capabilities of instructors, changing
the educational structure, creating opportunities for
greater and more comprehensive learning, enhancing
educational quality and improving teaching skills.
b. Communication
 ICT is seen as a diverse set of technological tools and
resources used to communicate, create, disseminate, store
and manage information (Tinio, 2003), which include
radio, television, video, digital versatile device (DVD),
telephone, radio, satellite systems, management
information systems, computer and network, hardware and
software, as well as the services associated with them,
such as videoconferencing and electronic mail.
c. Transportation
 Have considerable importance for transport systems, as
they provide access to travel information, planning
tools, opportunities to share transport modes, to work
at-a-distance, compare transport mode cost, make payment,
improve safety and health, and to communicate travel
patterns. There is considerable evidence that ICTs have
profoundly changed the ways in which transport systems
are perceived and used, and mobilities performed, with
far-reaching implications for transport mode choices and
transport demand.
d. Medicine
 Can play a critical role in improving health care for
individuals and communities. By providing new and more
efficient ways of accessing, communicating, and storing
information, icts can help bridge the information divides
that have emerged in the health sector in developing and
new industrial countries—between health professionals and
the communities they serve and between the producers of
health research and the practitioners who need it.
Through the development of databases and other
applications, it’s also provided the capacity to improve
health system efficiencies and prevent medical errors.
e. Commerce
 ICT includes all digital technology that assists
individuals, businesses, and organizations in using
information. It covers all electronic products that deal
with information in a digital form. Therefore, ICT is
concerned with digital data storage, retrieval, and
transmission. ICT makes a business more efficient, effective
and promptly respond to customers’ needs. ICT can assist
business activities including design, manufacturing, R&D,
distribution and sales and feedback.

f. Government
 process provides access of information and services to
the citizens and thus encourages the participation of
citizens in the administrative process. It works as the
key to good governance by offering an effective,
efficient, accountable and transparent administrative

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