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SCM Case Study - 5

Submitted By: Roshan S Andrews

Q1.) Explain how Apple made its supply chain an environmentally

friendly supply chain?
Ans.) Apple made its supply chain environmentally friendly in
following ways:
 Apple always recycled the returned products.
 Apple provided opportunity to customers to return apple
products to the store itself.
 Company reduced reliance on raw materials. Macbook Air
was made with 100% recyclable aluminium.
 Apple used some recycled content in its range of products
like iphone, ipad, apple watches etc.
 iPhone Taptic engine used 100% recycled rare earth
elements, the first among all mobile brands.
 They also had a robot dave which disassembled the taptic
engine from iphone to recover earth magnets and other key
 Its one of the moto is to make all its products from
recyclable or renewable materials by 2030. It also invested
in clean energy technologies and provided an online clean
energy portal for its suppliers.

Q2.) What strategies should apple adopt to overcome the purchase

challenges posed by covid 19?
Ans.) The main problem was that consumers preferring to choose the
lower price models. To tackle this apple can come up with offers to
attract the customers via e commerce sites. Also Apple can showcase
or spread the news how they take care of their employees though they
didn’t come to factory.
Since people wasn’t coming out of homes, all phone in Istores
could be sent back to apple warehouses so that e-commerce people
can sell it to customers. By this we can avoid dead stock at stores.

Q3.) Given the unexpected challenges such as covid 19, what changes
do you recommend to Apple’s supply chain to make it more resilient?
Changes are:
 Get robot to manufacturing unit so that production is fast.
 Make 2 shifts in factories so that factory runs continuously.
 Warehouses can be aware of situations like and be prepared by
the news channels and can stock up products avoiding the
shortage of supply.
 Once news is out apple can move it products from shop to
warehouses and make it available for the ecommerce to pick it
 As once they have experienced the pandemic, they will always
be well planned regarding this case.
 Effective demand planning process should be taken care of.

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