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SCM Case Study - 6

Submitted By: Roshan S Andrews

Q1.) Was Excel ready to move into supply chain planning?

Ans.) I think excel was ready to move into supply chain but they
lacked that power in them. They were operating most parts of HM’s
supply chain. From their experience they feared that many things
would go wrong for reasons they didn’t understand. They also
doubted on Haus Mart because if planning and execution was together
carried out by them then they would one day feel they no longer need
excel. Excel had the expertise but I feel they need to work on in a
little bit more and come out with confidence and closed loop so that
information wont leak out. Until then they can serve HM as they
provide good money to them.

Q2.) Did they have the capabilities and skills to manage an entire
supply chain, from planning to execution?
Ans.) Yes, they did have capabilities and skills to manage an entire
supply chain from planning to execution but many risks were
involved. Such as information leak or they would need some support
initially. Seeing to all this I say they should wait a bit before entering

Q3.) Did they have the necessary management bandwidth for HM

project and the other customers who could well request the same
Ans.) currently I don’t think they have the bandwidth. They had to pitch in
for higher stakes for their performance. In some parts of their supply chain
of HM they are doing really good.

Q4.) Was HM the right setting for a test of this new strategy?
Ans.) HM can be the right setting but any new strategy unless and until
they are fully confident I don’t think they should go ahead and experiment
it on them, because losing a customer will be a big hit on excel.

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