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Vol. 29 No.

3 June 2011

President Obama Scores Points With PM

PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA and British Prime Minister David Cameron took in a game of table tennis with London students. The two powerful world leaders had challenged students Jason Do and Jamiyu Mojaj to a game of ping-pong at the Globe Academy in Southwark, South London, and both looked serious about it, the Daily Mail reported. Obama met Cameron at his official 10 Downing St residence after the president and his wife, Michelle, spent much of May 24 at Buckingham Palace in the

company of Queen Elizabeth II, her husband Prince Philip and other royal family members. The two leaders shared Obamas limo for the ride to the Globe Academy in Londons Southwark neighborhood. The school has more than 900 students, ages 3 to 16. Obama and Cameron saw some science exhibits, then rolled up their sleeves for a match against two teenage boys. After a handful of winning shots and the handshakes were over, it was revealed that Cameron and Obama appeared to have taken a sound beating.

UK Retail Sales Boosted In April By Royal Wedding

RETAIL sales in Britain grew 1.1 percent in April, above forecasts of 0.8 percent, as warm weather and an extra holiday for the wedding of Prince William and the former Kate Middleton boosted shopping, ofcial data showed last month. In terms of value, rather than volume, sales were 1.6 percent higher compared with March, the Ofce for National Statistics said. The agency said sales volume for supermarkets and food stores was up 1.4 percent compared with a year earlier, the rst year-on-year growth in 15 months. The big question is whether this represents the start of a brighter mood on the high street or merely a temporary respite in a downward trend in consumer spending that has been evident since early last year, as the impact of austerity measures hit consumer condence, said Chris Williamson, chief economist at Markit. For the rst four months of the year, UK car production is up seven percent compared with a year ago, thanks to a 23 percent jump in output for export. Production for the home market is down 35 percent.

By Cassandra Vinograd THE FORTUNES of many Britains wealthiest individuals appear to have turned. The 1,000 richest people in Britain increased their collective wealth by 18 percent in the past year and are now worth 395.8bn, according to a list published by the Sunday Times newspaper. The newspaper was to later release its annual rundown of Britains Duke of 1,000 richest individuals Westminster and families. Steel magnate Lakshmi Mittals family members held onto their position as the wealthiest people in Britain with a fortune of 17.5bn but they are 22 percent poorer than a year earlier thanks to a drop in the share price of ArcelorMittal. Fellow metals mogul Alisher Usmanov, a Russian who has a stake in English football club Arsenal, saw the biggest increase in wealth. He climbed six spots on the list to No 2 after adding 7.7bn to his fortune. He is now worth 12.4bn, according to the list. ADDING The Duke of Westminster fell out of the top three for the rst time since 1999 despite adding 250m to his fortune. The Briton owns huge parcels of land in central London and elsewhere. For the rst time, more than 100 women made the cut a feat that this year required a fortune of at least 70m. In 2010, the bar was set at 63 million while in 2008 it was 55 million. The study shows that the number of billionnaires in the UK now stands at 73 up from 53 a year earlier but just shy of the record of 75 set in the pre-crisis List of 2008, when the collective wealth of the top 1,000 was 413bn.

Fortunes Of Britains Super Rich Climb

New Floating Walkway To Be Built In Time For London Olympics 2012 See Page 3

UK To Provide Police Uniforms To Libyas Rebels
BRITAIN will supply police ofcers in rebel-held eastern Libya with uniforms and body armor, and help establish a public radio station, Prime Minister David Camerons ofce said last month. Following talks with Mustafa AbdulJalil, head of Libyas National Transitional Council, Cameron said he had invited the rebels to open a permanent ofce in London to cement contacts with Britain. However, the UK has not followed France and Italy in recognizing the council as Libyas legitimate government. These steps continue our very clear intention to work with the council to ensure Libya has a safe and stable future, free from the tyranny of the Gadha regime, Cameron said, following talks at his Downing Street residence. Camerons ofce said Britain would Continued on page 4

Tweets Allegedly Reveal UK Celebrities Gag Orders

A TWITTER user has set up an account claiming to expose celebrities who have obtained court-issued gag orders in Britain to protect their privacy. The account posted six tweets and attracted nearly 25,000 followers since its rst message hit the Internet last month. The tweets touched off a restorm in the British media last month, raising further questions about the effectiveness of the gag orders in the Internet age. One of Britains top judges is mulling new curbs on the use of so-called super injunctions, which critics say stie the media.

Clegg Proposes Elected Upper Chamber

BRITAINS government last month published proposals to reform the countrys centuries-old House of Lords, including the rst direct elections for members. The 700-year-old upper chamber which does not make laws, but has the power to amend legislation currently has 792 active members, a mix of appointed, hereditary and religious peers. The members are appointed for life. A draft bill published by Nick Clegg, the deputy prime minister, outlined how the chamber can be slimmed down to 300 members, with 80 percent elected and each member serving xed 15-year terms. The other 20 percent 60 members would be appointed. The bill was published together with a paper setting out other options, including making the chamber entirely elected. That plan is favored by Clegg, but will likely face strong opposition from the chamber. Both documents will be considered by lawmakers from the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

Scottish Schoolgirl Allowed To Use Ipod During Exams

A YEAR six schoolgirl in Scotland has won the right to use an iPod during her examination, saying she cant concentrate unless she listens to her favorite music. The decision came after her parents threatened legal action against the school and examination authorities. A schoolteacher was compelled to buy a new iPod loaded with the girls choice of music to ensure that no answers are hidden among the music tracks. Initially the school staff of Mary Erskine School for girls in Edinburgh refused the request, fearing a possibility of cheating. However, they agreed after the girls parents took her case to the court. The Scottish Qualications Authority (SQA) examination board ruled out that such a request could be accepted. But, it was forced to back down after reportedly being threatened with legal Continued on page 5

Queen Completes Historic, Successful Trip To Ireland

THE QUEEN, on a landmark trip to the Republic of Ireland last month, visited the site of the massacre of 14 Irish citizens by British troops in 1920. Later, the Queens visit to Dublins Croke Park was seen as a symbol of better relations between the two countries. Ireland won its independence from Britain in 1922 after a bloody 30-month war. Earlier in the day, the British monarch

Youth Survives 90-Foot Fall, Lands In A Sunbed

The Queen Lays a wreath in memory of Irish soldiers who died in WWI. laid a wreath in memory of the 49,400 deep sympathy to all who had suffered Irish soldiers who died ghting alongside as a result of the troubled relations between England and Ireland. British troops in World War I. CONFLICTS On a lighter note, during her historic She did not apologize for any British four-day visit, Elizabeth and her husband, the Duke of Edinburgh, visited the Guin- actions during the bitter conicts between ness brewery, where they were shown how the two neighbors but said it is clear misto pour a perfect glass on the famous dark takes were made. To all those who have suffered as a beer. The Queen declined a taste which consequence of our troubled past I extend drew some frowns. Later, the Queen made a speech during my sincere thoughts and deep sympathy, a state dinner hosted by Irish President she said at dinner. With the benet of Mary McAleese and meet with Irish Prime historical hindsight, we can all see things which we would wish had been done difMinister Enda Kenny. Continued on page 4 In a powerful statement expressing A BRITISH teenager survived a 90-foot fall at a hotel when he landed on a sun lounger, while vacationing in Majorca, it was reported by The Sun newspaper. Nineteen-year-old Jacob Evans suffered a broken arm and ankle after he fell from the seventh oor hotel room on the Spanish island. Police suspect that he may have been trying to jump from the balcony into the hotels pool. To survive this fall is nothing short of a miracle. Hes very lucky. . . .We understand he landed on a sun lounger by the pool and it cushioned his fall, a police source was quoted as saying.

Two Face Trial On 1993 Lawrence Murder

TWO MEN face trial in Britain for the murder of a black student in 1993, a case which drew widespread attention to the nations problems with racially motivated crime. Police and prosecutors said last month the two white men, 35-year-old Gary Dobson and 34-year-old David Norris, were arrested in September and have been charged with the fatal stabbing of 18-year-old Stephen Lawrence. The announcement followed a ruling by the Court of Appeal which quashed the acquittal of Dobson at a trial in 1996. The ruling was based on new evidence. Two other men were also acquitted at the 1996 trial of killing Lawrence.

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at press time

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in the past month . . .

Mystery Shark Discovered Living In Aquarium
Programme, with the intent that such appalling and unacceptable behaviour would not happen again. PROFESSIONAL football clubs across the nation are feeling the financial pinch, but at the Queen of the South FC in the Scottish Division One, they asked local businesses and supporters to submit items for a grand auction and the revenue collected would aid the cash strapped club. The request brought in over forty bits and pieces from South loyalists, which included the mundane, the exciting and the eccentric. Several short salmon fishing weekends were on offer, a one year old bullock and an Aberdeen Angus heifer, a limited edition of a special bottle of Rabbie Burns whiskey, a cut and blow styling at Margarets Hair Design and Audreys Hair Design shops, a three-course al a carte meal at Pleuches Howff restaurant, plus driving lessons at the Nithcree driving school. Other items of interest included 10 litres of Magnolia matt-emulsion-dulux paint, five litres of windscreen washing liquid, 14 bales of straw, 15 dozen, large range laid eggs, a leather office chair, a 12ft farm gate, two bags of grass seed, and pair of size nine Wellies. You may chuckle, but they raised over six thousand quid.

June 2011

STAFF AT an aquarium in Blackpool say they were shocked to discover there was a unknown shark swimming around their tank. Bosses at the Sea Life centre only realised the presence of the mystery shark when they spotted two shark eggs in the massive half-a-million litre tank. Because the sharks known to be in the tank only give birth to live young, they concluded there was another hidden one somewhere in there. Experts think the still undiscovered shark is an easily camouflaged tropical carpet shark which may have been introduced by one of several former aquarium curators.

Auction Of The Unusual Pays Off For Scottish Football Team


POLICE IN Devon were called in last month to investigate pig attacks in Cockwood near Teignbridge, where a large sow with piglets dug her teeth into a 13-year-old holidaymaker from Wales, who was bitten on the arm. Jordan Stock of Pontypridd, said the pig just came out at him causing him to fall, and he fended her off with his arm. Another woman in the area who was admiring the animals had a shock when the sow bit her on the leg. Chris Jeffrey, 29, who runs the nearby Cofton Country Holiday Park insists it is a Black Spot sow with many wild boar attributes, and had probably escaped from the Eastern Plantation pig farm which breeds rare and distinctive wild pig species. But owner David Baker denies the vicious pig attacks come from his establishment and claims all of his pigs are in the pens and none of them are missing. No one is sure who own this aggressive porker, who turns up in the nearby woodland and park areas. Jeffrey says over 40 pig escapes have put locals and tourists at risk over the last four years and hostile hogs are a big problem. He has approached the Teignbridge District Council to get involved in the dilemma, citing that if they are not biting people they are digging up local gardens and fields while scouting for food. Devon and Cornwall Police spokeswoman Deborah Sleeman, confirmed that pig escapes are a civil matter, and while dog bites can lead to prosecutions there is nothing in the law books regarding pigs biting people.

Angry Porker On The Loose Attacking Villagers

exercising on a treadmill for 55 minutes at the local gym. The Department for Work and Pensions had been tipped off that Mary Grace, had not been truthful in her claim of 283 per month disability benefits. Investigators tracked her to the Spindles Gym at the Adelphi Hotel, where she was monitored with the free weights, using the resistance machines and the swimming pool. She was charged will unlawfully receiving nearly 20,000 in disability benefits over a six year period. She is expected to return the monies. The Court ordered a 12 week suspended jail sentence, with 75 in costs.

of Cleese, but something more appropriate interested the tall Monty Pythonite, but the thought that as a working peer in the House of Lords he would have to attend during British winters melted the icing of the cake. Too much of a price to pay, he said. Cleese, 71, divides his time between California and the UK, and in hindsight, appears quite happy to have turned down the offer. He also refused a CBE in 1996, explaining, because I think they are silly.

Backlash At Job Centre Effects Job-Hunter Adam

ADAM PAY from Gillingham, was in shock when he was told at the local job centre that his 65.45p weekly unemployment allowance had been stopped because he was not actively looking for work. The 38-year-old carpenter/handyman told the centre that he had hand posted 5,000 leaflets offering his services and had advertised with a couple of media outlets too, all using his own money. He was told that trying to generate customers did not count as searching for a job. The job centre at Basildon, Essex, were adamant however and his dole was cut. New figures issued by the government reveal that 1.5 million people are receiving unemployment benefit that have never worked a day in their lives. Its suspected that job centers are tightening up, and Mr Pay is one of the first to feel the brunt of the new policies. Its ridiculous, said the carpenter. Im going a step further than just looking for a job by trying to establish my own company and make my own work. The case has been forwarded to a senior official who will review the circumstances. In the meantime, he continues his efforts to find a paycheck.

STEVEN BUNT is an enthusiastic salesman looking to lower gas and electric bills for prospective customers, but his fervent sales pitch and over excitement got him into a lot of trouble last month. After being invited to the home of a single mother who was ready to accept the savings, Bunt, 29, shook her hand then pulled her into a full embrace and kissed her full on the lips. The stunned female was outraged and threw the salesman out into the street and immediately called the police. The severely shaken unnamed woman said she had suffered bouts of crying and was unsure if she could continue living at the location. At Plymouth Crown Court, the salesman had a 12-month prison sentence suspended for two years, with two years of probation. Judge Francis Gilbert ordered him to attend the Thames Valley Sex Offenders

Salesman Gets Suspended Sentence For Kissing Customer

PAUL RIGBY married Emily Horne in 1996, but as a soldier in the Royal Irish Regiment he was posted overseas and the marriage did not last. Rigby, 33, would like to get divorced, but he cannot find the pretty wife he married fifteen years ago. His wifes nuptials after their broken marriage have only complicated things. Since their estrangement, Emily Horne has married Chris Barratt, salesman Ashley Baker, and train guard James Matthew, but never legally ended the previous wedding vows. She was found guilty of bigamy in 2004, and given a six-month jail sentence, but came straight out of jail and married a fifth husband. Two years ago, she was in court again, and a two year suspended jail sentence was ordered after she pleaded a personality disorder. She told the court she would divorce legally and properly as she planned to marry a new boyfriend. But apparently, she never took the legal proprieties she promised the judge. Paul Rigby, who is still her legal husband, says he is glad to be free of her but wants a proper divorce. He has been trying to track her down for years, but without much luck. Apparently, Mrs Rigby, enjoys the notoriety she receives in the newspapers even though her romantic entanglements broke up because she could not help but show the clipping to her new hubbies. Getting rid of her will be like getting rid of a millstone from around my neck, said the exasperated husband, who continues his search.

Bigamist Wife Leaves A Long Trail Of Married Men

SCOTTISH POLICE who pulled over an unsteady vehicle on the A9 in Perthshire, had little trouble getting a conviction when the driver tumbled out the car complaining of being a little drunk. A car load of occupants returning from a fishing trip, had obviously over-imbibed, especially the driver. John Murphy, 36, of Newcastle, was fined 500 and banned from driving for 15 months. The fishing expedition had been considerably shortened, after a planned overnight stay at a local hotel resulted in the men being thrown out in the early hours of the morning for noisey and rambunctious behaviour.

Car-Load Of Drunken Fishermen Feel Arm Of The Law

A 60-YEAR-OLD grandmother who claimed she could hardly walk and rarely got out of the house was before Liverpools Magistrates Court last month, after she was caught

Granny Cheated The System, But Gym Visits Let Her Down

COMEDIC actor John Cleese has revealed in an interview with the Telegraph that he turned down a peerage in 1999, after LiberalDemocrat leader Paddy Ashdown had promoted the subject. Probably not Lord Fawlty

Titles And Other Silly Things Not Appealing To Cleese

A MIDSUMMER Skinny Dip off the Gower Peninsula, on the beach at Rhossili Bay, Wales, is aiming to beat the old world record of 250 naked people in the ocean at the same time. Organiser Alison Powell, is hoping to get 300 nude volunteers to take a dip in the Bristol Channel, to raise money for the Marie Curie Cancer Centre and the National Trust. Rhossili Bay was voted Britains best beach earlier this year, and then voted the best picnic spot in the nation after a survey of travel writers. It is an isolated curved bay, which should keep the any prurient spectators away, but clothed people will be needed to do the actual count and verify the event. The nude bathers have to be in the sea for ten minutes all at one time, with the water at least, up to their waist. Theres been lots of enthusiasm, said Alison Powell. She admits she has never been skinny dipping before, but she will discard her garments with the other volunteers in the early morning, scheduled time, June 21. A Pippas Bum Goes Viral On good number of people have signed up and Youtube And Twitter everyone thinks they can break the world record. PIPPA MIDDLETONS bottom looks set to go viral after pranksters posted a cheeky music mash-up on YouTube. Cockerels A Dying Breed Set to the song Shake Ya Ass by Mystikal, But, At Someones Hands the video highlights Pippas most eye-catchTHERES A cockerel killer on the loose ing moments from the Royal Wedding. in Bishop Monkton, a small rural comAt one stage, it appears as though a munity near Harrogate in north Yorkshire. clergyman is nodding in approval of the The 500-strong residents of this hamlet maid of honours derriere, reported the have back gardens full of clucking chickens Daily Mirror. and some have roosters. For the most part, Pippa caused a real stir in her bridesmaid villagers are at ease with this rural chicken dress and a Facebook group praising her lifestyle. But suddenly, mysterious anony- assets has already attracted more than mous letters began to arrive complaining 10,000 fans. about the noisy roosters, and last month Her bum also seemingly has its own three birds disappeared from their coops, Twitter account, @pippasass, which has kidnapped during the dead of night. Peter just under 800 followers. Taplin, 69, had a Wyandotte cockerel in his The YouTube clip has already notched up backyard, but it has since disappeared, and nearly 60,000 hits in just one day. It is one in the present circumstances, he does not of dozens of clips of Pippa at the wedding expect to see the bird again. Jane Gosney had posted on the video-sharing website. her cockerel, Kevin, taken, and its body was found mutilated three miles away. Another missing bird has not surfaced. Its scary to think of someone snooping around your back yard in the early hours of the morning, said Jane Taplin. The police have been called in and are doing a thorough investigation, and suspect it maybe some-one who recently moved in to the community and are unable to cope with the early morning crowing of the villages cocks.

Longest Day Scheduled For Longest Number Of Skinny Dippers

Comedy man Milton Jones set to discover whether cows had a sense of humour, and was joined by cow expert Bruce Woodacre on a Hertfordshire farm to test the reaction of a herd of fresians. He performed a special set of visual and verbal jokes, called Pull The Udder One, while Woodacre monitored the cows reaction. Gags included: So you cows say youre vegetarians but how come you all wear leather, eh? and: Went to one of those farmers markets the other day bought a couple of farmers. Should taste lovely! Mr Jones said: Writing comedy for cows was very different to my day job but a comedian plays to his audience, so I wrote a raft of new material to really get under their hides. They were a tough crowd to begin with, although Ive played to tougher, and whilst I tried not to milk it too much when I was up there, in the end I can say hand on heart they were udderly brilliant. Woodacre, who has studied cow behaviour for more than 40 years, said: Happy cows are more productive and theres a chance weve stumbled across something here. Most of the herd crowded closely round the stage and jostled for a good position. They had their mouths open and their ears laid back, indicating they were relaxed and content. Not everyone was entertained though I definitely heard some low heckling moos and there were even a few walk-outs. The stunt was set up by Bel UK, makers of The Laughing Cow cheese.

a Brit who would Love a gift sub to


Funny, Mooving Show By Comedian, For . . . Cows

AN UNUSUAL audience herded together last month to be entertained my a comedian the cows responded positively.

Union Jack

June 2011

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The move comes at a time of major changes at Victoria. Land Securities, which owns a lot of property in the area, is planning an estimated 2m makeover of the area opposite the station. Other building works are set to last until 2016. The Stage Door pub, where creators of the Goon Show Peter Sellers, Harry Secombe and Spike Milligan used to meet, falls within the demolition area, and owners of the Stag pub in Victoria Street say that they will be closing in 2012, then the pub will be bulldozed. Refurbishment work is also due at Castle Lane, to a row of houses behind City Hall. Eland House, which is also owned by Land Securities, was built in the 1990s, and it is believed that Westminster City Council is considering moving into the top six floors if its cabinet give the plan the go-ahead. A spokesman for Land Securities said: Our plans will transform Victoria into a leading business and leisure destination via striking architecture, clearer pedestrian routes and enhanced public spaces. ANOTHER ROYAL WEDDING? Another royal wedding is on the way that of Princess Annes daughter Zara Phillips and her fianc Mark Tindall, described as a far more irreverent couple who will go down well with a British public still suffering from royal wedding fatigue. FINALLY A man who had been poisoned lay dying on his death bed. He said to his wife, who was by his bedside: Before I go, I have a confession to make to you. Im sorry to say, dear, that I have been unfaithful to you for the past five years. His wife replied: Yes I know. Thats why I poisoned you.

Oh, And By The Way

I HEAR that Prince William and Kate Middleton were married on April 29. I just thought that you might like to know..
About the only other event which received global publicity was the death of Osama bin Laden. It did seem rather pointless to me that the man was already dead when the usual pundits began questioning the ethics of shooting a man dead in cold (or not very warm) blood without giving him a fair trial. The latest rumour, quite uncorroborated invited to the royal wedding: she was one of and highly unlikely, is that bin Laden, though an elite group of guests at the Butterfly Ball at wounded, did not die but escaped to another the Banqueting House last month, in aid of the country. So whose body was taken out of Caudwell Children fund set up by philanthropist the home? The bind moggles or the mind John Caudwell. Also there were the popular Bruce Forsyth boggles, as they say. and actress Ruth Wilson, while Robbie WilCHANGING THE ROYAL liams provided the music. The evening raised SUCCESSION 1.55m. ROYALS ON TOUR Prime Minister David Cameron will consult The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are leaders of the 53 Commonwealth nations on the question of changing the royal succes- expected to tour the Commonwealth next year to help mark the Queens Diamond Jubilee. sion laws. Clarence House has confirmed reports This will boost the campaign for an historic change to allow any first-born child to become that the couple would support the 85-yearmonarch, whether girl or boy. The current rule old monarch, but said that it was too early to of primo-geniture, under which a woman in the confirm reports that they would visit Australia, line of succession is superseded automatically New Zealand and the Caribbean. The couple are next expected in public in by a younger male sibling has been criticised June for the 90th birthday of the Duke of Edinby MPs as outdated and discriminatory. Talks to reform the legislation are compli- burgh and Trooping the Colour. They will then take an eight-day tour of Canada at the end of cated because the royal succession affects every country where the Queen (now 85) is June, followed by two days in the USA. William will have to schedule his foreign head of state, and all must agree before any trips around his RAF duties. He is due to change can take place. The immense popularity of William and remain at Anglesey until September 2013 and Kate after their wedding has raised fears that is expected to be posted to the Falklands for 10 there would be a public outcry if they have a weeks next year. (I hope they use a first-class daughter followed by a son, and the present postage stamp!) FLOATING RIVER PARK FOR rules meant that the boy might leapfrog his LONDON sister to the throne. A futuristic floating boardwalk will be built Sources say that the talks will take place at the Commonwealth Heads of Government along the Thames shoreline in time for the summit at Perth, Australia, in October, although Olympic Games next summer. Mayor Boris Johnson has secured 60m funding for it. it may be kept off the official agenda. It will stretch from Blackfriars to the Tower So, a message to the Duchess of Cambridge: Be on the safe side have a son of London for a kilometre, providing the first continuous pedestrian link along the northern first! bank and connecting some of Londons most FERGIE: NOT SO UNLOVED Some compensation for the lonely Duchess visited tourist attractions, including St Pauls of York, who found it so difficult not being Cathedral and Tower Bridge.

The floating boardwalk to be built in time for 2012 Olympics.

The 12-metre wide pontoon called the River Park will link eight pavilions themed on topics such as transport, innovation and culture, which will host events and showcase London. It is based on the New York High Line, a public park built on an old elevated railway. CABLE CAR CONTRACT SIGNED Electrical engineer Mr T Clarke has won several contracts in the capital, including work on the new London cable car, which will stretch across the Thames from the Excel exhibition centre to the O2 arena. Clarke has a 4m deal for the electrical installation work on the 1100m cable car, which is being overseen by Mace, the firm behind the construction of the Shard skyscraper. When completed next year, the cable car will journey every 30 seconds, with the fiveminute trip offering spectacular views of the capital, rivalling the London Eye. Other contracts include work on the 2012 Olympic Stadium as well as the Tate Modern 2, the stunning new giant glass pyramid planned for the South Bank. MINISTERS SECRET WINE CELLAR A treasure trove of vintage wine in a government cellar at St Jamess has remained a state secret for decades. Now for the first time ministers have opened the cellar at Lancaster House as part of reforms to make it a self-financing operation during the public spending cuts. Some of the finest wines will be auctioned off and fresh stock bought for future years. With a value of up to 10,000, or 1,600 a glass, the fine wine, bought for 30p, is among the most expensive of the 39,000 bottles in the cellar. Security has been tightened after a builder sneaked out with a bottle a few years ago while renovation works were going on. Inside the cellar, which is kept at a temperature of 12C, pride of place is taken by a 20ft elm table carved from a tree which fell in Green Park in 1830. Almost as old is an 1878 Cognac, the oldest stock, which has since been rebottled. Each bottle in the cellar is given a grading: A1, A, B or C and a description after being tasted by a Master of Wine. By selling off some of the finest stock, about 50,000 a year will be raised to buy thousands of bottles often Chilean Merlot for about 3 for run of the mill events as well as some better vintages to lay down. Officially, the cellar is valued at between 900,000 and 2m, but it is probably worth far more. Orl ov wish goesh to proov that I am not as thunk as you drink I am! LONDON BRIDGE IS GOING UP Plans for an 800m redevelopment of London Bridge have been announced by Network Rail. The scheme, to be completed by 2018, includes a concourse larger than a Wembley football pitch, which will be filled with natural light from huge glass canopies. Two new entrances will be built (well they wouldnt build old ones, would they?) at Tooley Street and St Thomas Street. A MOVING STORY Westminster Council is considering a move from City Hall to share a building with two government ministers: Eric Pickles and Grant Shapps. The council will abandon its 19-storey premises at 64 Victoria Street and move to nearby Eland House in Bressenden Place, where the Department for Communities and Local Government is based.

Mobile Phone Stolen As Woman Lays Dying

A MAN admitted to stealing a womans cell phone as she lay dying on a street. Ben Heney, 23, admitted one count of theft before Manchester City Magistrates Court and was jailed for 12 weeks. The woman, in her 20s, fell from a multi-level car park and died later. While a member of the public was helping the woman, Heney approached and was caught on CCTV taking the phone. He later admitted stealing the phone, and told ofcers he had sold it for 20. Police said they were still keen to nd the phone, a metallic pink touch screen Samsung, so the womans family would be able to inform her friends of her death. Det Sgt Mark Astbury, said: We come across crimes from time to time that shock and disgust even the most experienced ofcers and this is one such incident. I doubt the person who bought the phone has any idea about the circumstances in which it was stolen and it is important they hand it into police so we can return it to the womans family.

Man And Pony Not Allowed On Train

AN INSISTENT man tried to board a train with his pony last month, and was upset when told he couldnt travel with the animal. Wrexham railway station staff had a shock when a man turned up and demanded to buy a train ticket for his pony. Despite being told that horses were not allowed on the train, he bundled the animal into a lift and led it onto the platform. When the train to Holyhead on Anglesey arrived, the man attempted to board it with his pony, but was stopped by a conductor. The Daily Post quoted a source as saying: The man took the pony into the ticket ofce and asked for a ticket. He was refused and told that no horses were allowed on the train. But he said I know the law and walked away. He got into a lift with the horse and walked it across the bridge and onto a platform. He waited for the train to arrive and then got on himself and was in the process of trying to pull the pony on after him when the conductor stopped him. Staff couldnt believe it most people thought it was a wind-up. The man is believed to have left the station, with the pony, after a brief argument. An Arriva Trains Wales spokeswoman said: Obviously passengers are not allowed to take livestock on to the train.

New Anti-Terrorism Minister Appointed

BRITAINS government says James Brokenshire has been appointed as security minister following the resignation of the countrys previous anti-terrorism chief. Pauline Neville-Jones, a House of Lords member and ex-head of the Joint Intelligence Committee of spy agencies, quit last month. Brokenshire, who was already a minister with Britains Home Ofce, said he hopes to meet the challenges of my new responsibilities. He will lead plans to scale back a house arrest-style system used to curb suspected terrorists who cant be deported, or charged with any crime, because of a lack of evidence. Under the changes, Baroness Angela Browning becomes a junior minister focused on drugs strategy and football safety.

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June 2011

Judge: No Blame For Agencies In London Bombings

By Jill Lawless NEITHER intelligence lapses nor a awed emergency response contributed to the deaths of 52 people killed when suicide bombers struck Londons transit system in 2005, a judge ruled last month. Judge Heather Halletts inquest verdict disappointed some victims families, who hoped she would criticize emergency agencies and Britains spy service, which had two of the bombers on its radar but failed to pursue them. Hallett concluded that the commuters were unlawfully killed in a dreadful act of terrorism by the four bombers and said that no failings on the part of any organization or individual caused or contributed to any of the deaths. Victims families packed a courtroom at Londons Royal Courts of Justice for the verdict, which came after ve months of often harrowing testimony. Some said the hearings had given them the answers they sought, but others said only a full public inquiry could answer key questions about whether the attacks could have been prevented. The hearings revealed lapses in the ofcial handling of the July 7, 2005 bombings of three subway trains and a bus the worst terrorist attacks in Britain since the 1988 Pan Am plane bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland. Britains domestic intelligence service known as MI5 or the Security Service had two of the bombers under surveillance as part of an investigation into an earlier, foiled, bomb plot. They were never pursued because ofcials were overwhelmed with other threats perceived to be more serious. Hallett said any suggestion MI5 could have stopped the attacks was based to a considerable extent on hindsight. She was critical of the agencys recordkeeping and use of surveillance photos, but said the evidence disclosed no failings by the Security Service that could properly be reected in the verdicts as a contributory cause of the deaths. Home Secretary Theresa May, the government ofcial responsible for MI5, said a considerable number of improvements had been put in place since 2005. There were also failures in the response by emergency workers confusion, a shortage of rst aid supplies and radios that did not work underground. Hallett said, however, that government errors had not increased the death toll. The judge made a series of recommendations to improve training and emergency-response procedures for police, re, ambulance and transit staff, and proposed full government funding for the London Air Ambulance service, which relies on donations and volunteer doctors. In Britain, inquests are fact-finding inquiries held whenever a person dies violently or under unusual circumstances. They cant establish civil or criminal liability, but their recommendations on how to prevent future deaths carry considerable weight. Victims families said they hoped the recommendations would be acted on. But some families were not satised that MI5 had come clean. The government fought to prevent anyone from MI5 giving evidence, but was overruled by Hallett. A senior MI5 ofcer identied only as Witness G testied out of sight of the media but in view of victims families. Marie Fatayi-Williams, whose son Anthony died in the bus bombing, said the hearings had left a key question unanswered What did MI5 know before and how has it come to light or not come to light? Hallett praised the quiet dignity of the victims families, who sat through graphic and detailed accounts of how their loved ones died, as well as the bravery of the survivors who testied. The inquest actually 52 simultaneous inquests was a monumental undertaking, involving ve months of testimony. The 309 witnesses included some of the 700 people who were injured and fellow commuters who stopped to help, along with police ofcers, reghters and ambulance workers. The inquest opened in October with a reading of the names of all 52 victims and a minutes silence. The names were read out again at its close, as several of the victims relatives bowed their heads or wiped their eyes.

Queen Completes Historic Trip...

Continued from page 1 ferently or not at all. The Queen, whose visit has been highlighted by memorable scenes of friendship and forgiveness, emphasized the positive in the rest of her brief speech, saying no one in past centuries could have imagined the bonds of friendship that now unite England and Ireland. Guests were surprised, and delighted, when she opened her remarks by speaking in Gaelic, Irelands ofcial national language. The Queen then proposed a toast to the people of Ireland, and said, I love these clinking glasses, after the champagne utes were raised and clinked. MEETING British Prime Minister David Cameron also traveled to Dublin for a meeting with Kenny and to attend the state dinner. Before the dinner, Cameron said the Queens visit has already been a huge success. I think everyone back in the UK has been very struck by the pictures and the scenes and the warm welcome that shes had, and I think this visit will set the seal on what is already a very strong relationship between our two countries, but a relationship I believe that can get even stronger still, he said. Despite the friendly welcome, the Queen was still protected by an exceptionally large security contingent of more than 8,500 police backed by troops. Dissident groups had warned disruptions were possible, but all was calm. The following day, the Queen visited the Irish National Stud to indulge her love of horses. This was the first visit by a British monarch since Irish citizens declared independence in 1916. Irish lawmakers made the move ofcial by ratifying the declaration in 1919.

Palace Visitors Treated To A Flashmob Dance

CROWDS OF tourists outside Buckingham Palace last month got to see more than they bargained for when treated to a surprise when more than 100 dancers emerged from the crowds to take part in a royal ashmob. Visitors experienced more than the Changing of the Guard when dancers rose from the Queen Victoria memorial and began slapping their knees and clapping their hands. Starting with just four dancers, the group quickly grew, with performers emerging from all corners of the crowd as bystanders looked both delighted and bemused. The dancers, mainly students from the University of East London, clicked their ngers, stamped their feet and shook their bodies to a mix of tunes including Queens We Will Rock You. Performing fast arm movements known as waacking, the group got increasingly bigger as they performed a series of formations in front of the Palace. PLANNED The ashmob was secretly planned by Buckingham Palace to mark a royal reception to honour young people in the performing arts.

Government To Help Parents Search For Madeleine McCann

BRITAINS Home Office says it has pledged Scotland Yards help in the case of Madeleine McCann, the girl whose disappearance drew global attention. Madeleine vanished from a hotel room in May 2007 during a family vacation on Portugals southern Algarve coast. Her parents have long lobbied to keep her case in the public eye, and in a recently published book they questioned the British governments commitment to the case. Ofcials said last month they wouldnt discuss what kind assistance Londons storied police force would provide. There has been no reliable indication of what might have happened to Madeleine, who disappeared a few days before her fourth birthday, despite her parents campaign and numerous reported sightings from around the world.

University of East London dance student Lucy Sam, 19, from Birmingham, said the choreography had been inspired by the royal wedding and explored romance using urban dance techniques. Our theme was Romeo and Juliet because of the royal wedding. Its just to celebrate Kate and William and their love, she said. Sightseer Tom Accor, 22, from Turin, Italy, said the cameras and mounting anticipation had made him think something big was about to happen.

I saw the cameras before and thought it would be the Queen or Kate and William arriving but this was very surprising, he said.

UK To Provide Police Uniforms To Libyas Rebels

Continued from page 1 supply more non-lethal equipment, after the UK previously sent the rebels radios and body armor. Military mentors have also traveled to Benghazi to help organize the rebels. He said that we would be providing additional support ... things like police body armor, and also includes help and advice on setting up an independent broadcasting service, Camerons spokesman Steve Field said. Britain has led attempts to impose sanctions against Libyas state television service. Field said Jalil and Cameron agreed that NATOs campaign of airstrikes was limiting Gadhas ability to strike out at his opponents. The clear sense from the meeting today was that it is having an effect, he said. Jalil was also meeting later with Foreign Secretary William Hague, Treasury chief George Osborne, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg and International Development Secretary Andrew Mitchell.
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Legal Aid Granted In UK For Deformities Case

A MAN seeking compensation for birth defects has won legal aid to begin a possible court case against the maker of a pregnancy testing drug. Hundreds of people in Britain have claimed they were harmed because their mothers were given the drug Primodos, made by a company which is now part of Bayer AG. Peter Todd, a lawyer specializing in vaccine and drug injuries, said last month that he had been informed that a limited amount of aid had been approved by the Legal Services Commission. We applied for legal aid so we could review the case and whether there was now a reasonable prospect of success, Todd said in an email. The aid will pay for identify a suitable expert to prepare a preliminary report, said Todd, who is associated with the rm of Hodge Jones & Allen in London. Todd declined to disclose the amount of aid approved. He would have to make further applications if the case progresses. Todd represents Karl Murphy, 38, who was born without several ngers and toes, and says his mother was given the drug. In a search of his mothers attic, Murphy says he found a copy of a letter in which some employees of Schering, the drug manufacturer, had expressed concern about harmful effects. It was among a bundle of documents assembled by German journalists investigating the drug in the 1970s. Bayer denies that there is any evidence associating the drug with birth defects. People who claim to have been injured by the drug attempted to mount a case in 1982 but it failed at an early stage. Todds application for legal aid was initially rejected by the Legal Services Commission, but an independent appeal committee recommended that aid be given, he said. Last year, Mike OBrien, then a junior health minister, told the House of Commons that British regulatory agencies had received about 3,500 reports over the years of adverse reactions related to the drugs norethisterone and ethinylestradiol, components of Primodos.

Union Jack Newspaper,

June 2011

Page 5

Olympic Torch To Go On 8,000-Mile Tour Of Britain

By Rob Harris PAST MAJOR city landmarks and through remote islands, the Olympic torch will travel the length of Britain during a 70-day relay ahead of the 2012 London Games. Olympic organizers last month named 74 locations where 8,000 torchbearers will carry the ame when it arrives from Greece on May 18, 2012. The 8,000-mile relay starts the following morning at the southern tip of Britain at Lands End in Cornwall, and organizers plan to hold evening celebrations on 66 days of the journey. The ame will pass through Englands major cities, including Manchester and Birmingham, as well as the Welsh capital Cardiff and Scotlands capital Edinburgh. The relay will also go off the mainland to visit Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man, Guernsey, Jersey, Shetland, Orkney and the Isle of Lewis. The ame will spend the week in London before it is used to light the cauldron at the opening ceremony in the Olympic Stadium on Friday, July 27, 2012. The ame will shine a light across the regions and islands of the UK, bringing people together from the rolling borders of Scotland, the majesty of the Peak District and the big skies of the Fens and our thriving cities, said Sebastian Coe, chairman of the London organizing committee. OUTSIDE The torch could also go outside Britains borders to Ireland. It is our ambition to take the torch through Dublin, Coe said. We are still working through the ne details. After the international torch relay for the 2008 Beijing Olympics was interrupted by protests by human rights activists in London, Paris, San Francisco and other sites, ofcials decided to keep future relays within the host nations, apart from the lighting in Greece. People used the torch as an opportunity for protest (before the Beijing Games) when it should really be an opportunity for peaceful celebration, said Craig Reedie, Britains International Olympic Committee member. Thats why the decision was taken by the IOC to make it a domestic relay only and I think that can only benet London and Britain. PROTESTERS Security will still be high to keep the relay from being disrupted by domestic protesters. London has recently seen large protests against the Conservative-led governments austerity plans, which aim to cut 310,000 government jobs and raise university tuition fees. Coe said that 90 percent of the 8,000 torchbearers will be ordinary members of the public who can be nominated to take part through But it is likely that sports stars including former England captain David Beckham, who is sponsored by relay backer Samsung will also run with the torch. The torch has been designed by a London-based studio headed by Edward Barber and Jay Osgerby, but an image is yet to be released.

Practical Jokers Post Over-Speed Limit Sign

A SPEED CAMERA was working overtime last month after practical jokers erected a fake 40mph speed limit sign in a 30mph zone. Locals in Wyke, Bradford, said the speed camera had been flashing like a disco strobe light as hundreds of motorists sped by at the wrong speed. Highway chiefs condemned the prank as crassly irresponsible, reported the Bradford Telegraph and Argus. Local resident Dave Clarke said: People were coming at 30mph but this sign brought them back up to 40mph so people were picking their speed up and setting the ash off. Some evenings its been like a strobe disco light. There have obviously been a lot of people who have been caught by it. Council engineer Darren Badrock said: The 40mph sign was not put up by the council and appears to have been placed there by a member of the public. We have now removed it. Whoever put it up may think it was just a practical joke but it is actually crassly irresponsible. We lowered the limit to 30mph on Woodside Road because there had been 157 casualties on the A641 over three years. Encouraging people to drive faster than the speed limit may put lives at risk. He said anyone who received a xed penalty notice as a result of the fake sign should contact the authorities.

The Immigration Forecast Today Is.

IM NOT certain if stormy with a high probability of confusion is appropriate for a weather forecast, but as it applies to immigration, it is unfortunately applicable. While immigration law falls under the purview of the federal government, this hasnt stopped storms from whipping up in states like Arizona and Utah, a vast disparity of local immigration enforcement policies across the country and even in cities as close in proximity as Irvine, California is to Los Angeles. The national news reports daily of divergent policies shifts with some states rolling out new enforcement programs, whereas adjoining states are opting out of federally mandated systems, and even while the US doesnt presently allow for same-sex immigration benefits, the US Navy recently declared that they would be performing same-sex marriages on military bases, only to quickly recant. Some states allow for in-state tuition for undocumented university students, but the country cant agree if those kids deserve the promise of the Dream Act. In short, there is no national consensus, policies, enforcement and interpretations of immigration regulations appear to be as varied as the weather. If a benefit of our federalist system is the strong emphasis on states rights allowing for the dynamic testing of competing ideas, it is still difficult to explain how, or more importantly, why there is an on going disparity of outcomes among USCIS four major service centers that adjudicate the majority of visa and immigration petitions. While USCIS service centers are physically located in California, Nebraska, Texas and Vermont, they are all directly controlled by USCIS under the Department of Homeland Security. Thereby, you would anticipate that the service centers all operating under the same mandate would provide, at minimum, for predictable (if not always favorable) case decisions based on regulations that havent changed in over a decade. It is nonsensical that an identical case for an H-1B visa petition filed four years ago would be then approved, but if filed today, might be subject to a denial. Or, the tornado like unpredictability foreign entrepreneurs have been facing after investing their sweat and significant capital in establishing a successful business in the US only to be deemed years after establishing their business that they are no longer eligible for the same visa classification based upon a USCIS determination that an owner of a company really cant be an employee of the same. It is equally confounding that I know that a visa petition, identical in every way but where it is filed, will result in a prompt approval for the maximum validity period if filed at one service center, but will likely receive an unruly request for additional evidence resulting in hoopjumping and unnecessary delays at another. While its nice to be able to predict the weather, it shouldnt be storming at one service center and sunny at the other. Taken on a national scope, immigration reform is clearly necessary, but as weve all witnessed, the politicized nature of the debate makes actual reform extremely difficult to accomplish. Perhaps the proverbial one-hundred year flood will be required, with damage so severe that complete reform is the only choice left when the waters recede. However, in the near-term, the immigration forecast could improve dramatically if USCIS and its service centers would simply deliver uniform, prompt and predictable results based upon a plain reading of the long-established regulations and settled case law. This wouldnt solve many of the other issues, but it would substantially provide attorneys and their clients a heightened confidence that if they meet their burden in establishing eligibility pursuant to the regulations, their effort will be met by predictable approvals by USCIS, and that would be a good start. Unfortunately, the forecast today remains stormy and confusing. As such, it is more important than ever to engage an immigration attorney expert at deciphering the winds of change, because the adept attorney can still deliver the promise of approved cases even when USCIS sends storms and confusion to boot.
The information presented herewith is for general informational purposes only. The information presented is not legal advice, and your use of it does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Ron Rehling practices exclusively immigration law. Additional information may be found at www., and he may be reached directly at (323) 874-6475 or at

Volcano Ash Effects Flights In Europe

HUNDREDS of ights in Britaina and parts of Europe were cancelled late last month following the eruption of Icelands Gramsvotn May 22. British Airways and Royal Dutch Airlines cancelled ights in Scotland and Northern England because of forecasts of volcanic ash in Scottish airspace. Aberdeen, Glasgow, Edinburgh and Newcastle were mostly effected. The cloud of volcanic ash spread to Germany within days, forcing the closure of Berlins airport and threatening to disrupt European ights for days. Some airlines complained the closures were an overreaction. By May 25 British authorities said high-level densities of ash had cleared their airspace today and there were only scattered cancellations, mostly related to Germany-bound ights.

Schoolgirl Allowed To Use Ipod During Exams

Continued from page 1 action under the Equalities Act because the girl often struggles to pay attention in class. SQA bosses have nally allowed the girl to listen to the iPod as long as it can be proved not to contain any prompts. Everyone is very angry that this has been allowed to happen. The implications are massive. Once this girl has been allowed to do this, theres nothing stopping all pupils bringing in their iPods, the Daily Mail quoted an insider as saying. It will also present quite a logistical challenge to ensure those who do not have them are not interrupted by the noise, he added. Nick Seaton, spokesman for the Campaign for Real Education further added, I would have thought the whole idea of using an iPod, or any other portable music device, in an exam would be ridiculous.

Man Survives 200 Feet Fall Down Cliff Face

POLICE in northeast England say theyve rescued a 53-year-old man who fell 200 feet down a cliff face while trying to rescue his dog. North Yorkshire police say the man, who wasnt named, was rescued by a RAF helicopter and airlifted to a hospital. They said it is remarkable that the man survived and his injuries including a broken leg and wrist were not life-threatening. The dog also survived the fall. The incident took place at Little Cliff, near the village of Cloughton on Englands northeastern shore.



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Page 6
count the ways. He wears his jumper tied by the sleeves and slung around his neck. He is too posh for words. And his first words on arriving on the Street are: Toddly, relax. Thats right, he calls him Toddly. So Jools and Toddly brighten up Eileens day then ruin it with their fancy London ways, theres a class clash and chaos on the cobbles but it all ends well with a motherly hug, wrapped up with a Weatherfield warm glow. Ken and Deirdre take up an evening class for old crocks ands tart pottery throwing. Ken wants to sculpt an Etruscan Urn, Deirdre just wants to make an ashtray so when Deirdres pottery teacher praises her to the hilt for her urn work, Ken sulks in the corner over the attention that Deirdres attracting for her talent. Kens sculptures more flaccid, a limp little vase that you could probably stick a couple of carnations in if you were so inclined. Corrie took its outside broadcast crew to Blackpool again where Tracy had ambushed Steve into spending the day with her and their daughter, Amy. However, Amy went missing, Steves car got towed away and they all had to stay in a B&B overnight but hush, dont tell Steves wife Becky because shell go mental. Tracy makes sure that Becky finds out and yes she went mental, taking herself out on the booze for a binge and a bloke. And finally this month, Roy Croppers mum Sylvia arrived on the Street. She gets her feet under the table at Roys Rolls caff and her mighty frame behind the counter when she helps out a frantic Roy whos having a busy day and needs a spare pair of hands. Glenda Young


after all these years, never ceases to come up with new and unique ways to torture Ian. Jane is poised to get half of everything. But at court, Ian presents papers that conceal his assets, he even wears a polyester suit to court (which he picked up at a charity shop just for the occasion), and in an attempt to keep Jane away from his assets, claims that all his businesses were losing money, and that he is worth less than 200K. Jane says theres no way thats true and he must be hiding the money somewhere. So during a pause in arbitration, Phil is called and he breaks into Ians house, ransacks through it looking for a hidden stash. He finally finds it behind a false wall in a closet: Bricks and bricks of cash. Jane is just about to accept a 20% stake in a nothing when Phil emails a video of his find to Janes lawyer, and proceedings come to a halt. Ian is shown the find and Jane is awarded the Cafe, under threat of being exposed to the tax man. Even at the best of times Ian is bitter, but this turn of events cause him to blurt out in the Vic that while everyone thinks shes good, Jane had been having an affair with Masood. Of course, there was no affair, just a flirtation, but both Jane and Masood look so guilty (because they actually do love each other and have only kept their relationship platonic for the sake of their families), Zainab believes Ian and relegates Masood to the couch, while trying to maintain outward appearances...And waiting in the wings is Dr. Evil, Afias Dad and Zainabs first husband, who urged Ian to blurt out the secret, because while posing as Denises new beau, he is really trying to beak up the Masoods and get Zainab back. Whether he wants her for love or revenge, we dont know yet (but Ive got a hunch its the latter)... Over in the UK, awards season is upon us and so far EastEnders is cleaning up: From Best Soap to awards for individual actors, EastEnders is gathering well deserved gongs at every event. And very rewarding after all the protests, the baby swap storyline won a gong for best storyline. Congrats to one and all! If youd like to keep up with all things EastEnders, and maybe even attend one of our EE fan events, just sign up for my FREE, weekly e-newsletter, The E20 Chronicles. You can join by emailing me here at the Launderette: Signed, Deborah Gilbert AKA Ishcabibble

June 2011

Escaped Tiger Causes Major Police Alert

A POLICE alert was raised after several members of the public spotted what they believed to be a live white tiger in a eld near Hedge End, Southampton. The police helicopter was scrambled and a golf course cleared after police arrived at the scene and conrmed the sighting. Armed police were called to the scene and plans put in place to close the nearby M27 if necessary in case the tiger moved in that direction. Specialist staff from nearby Marwell Zoo also attended to advise and potentially tranquilise the wild animal. But as police ofcers carefully approached the wild animal they realised the incident wasnt as serious as rst thought. A spokeswoman for the force said: After a brief stalk through the Hedge End savannah, the ofcer realised the tiger was not moving and the air support using their cameras realised there was a lack of heat source. The tiger then rolled over in the down draft and it was at that point it became obvious it was a stuffed life-size toy. This incident will denitely be the highlight of our day. The CCTV footage convinced us all we were dealing with a real tiger. Police are trying to trace the owner of the life-size toy tiger.

TWO CORRIE regulars leave the Street this month as Eddie Windass says auf wiedersehen and heads to Germany, leaving wife Anna to look after foster daughter Faye. And Liz McDonald hangs up her barmaids apron and skimpy thongs to skip town after husband Jim was sent to prison, again. We also have two weddings this month, the sham wedding of Graeme and Xin (pronounced Sheen) that allows her to stay in the country and secure a visa, (pronounced veeza), The other wedding was David Platts marriage to Kylie. Gail did her best to bribe the bride with a used envelope full of cash, just like they do in The Sopranos, hoping Kylie would take a thousand pounds to do a runner. She did, straight to the tackiest dress shop she could find and spent the cash on a wedding outfit that knocks Gail sick then spends the rest of it on a Platt honeymoon to Tenerife. Elsewhere, Gail Platts fed up and decides to go job hunting. I think Id be good at counselling, she tells a not-too-convinced Audrey. Everyone always tells me all their problems, Ive got that sort of face. Instead she takes that sort of face, puts some slap on it and goes for an interview as bar manager at Nicks bistro. She doesnt get the job of course. Nick needs someone who can stay up all hours with the energy to run a trendy bar into the small hours till party oclock, not his mum who falls asleep on the sofa during the ten oclock news. She does, however, get the job of cleaner instead which isnt what she wants but shes near to her Nick and thats good enough for Gail. In the war of the Websters, Sally and Kevin go halves on Kevs lottery win. Will the Webster women spend, spend, spend? And what on, on, on? Rosie wants to splash out on hair extensions and Sally wants a rattan patio set. Kevin just wants Sally back. Eileen gets a nice surprise when son Todd returns with new bloke Jools in tow. There are many reasons to dislike Jools so let us

ONE HAS always had to wonder what so many beautiful women have seen in Ian Beale. Its one of those disbeliefs that one must suspend when one gets absorbed into a great drama. But this month there is the culmination of something more believable: A divorce. But first... Dot is still resisting needed assistance from anyone, fearing a loss of independence, but finally agrees to a part-time helper... Abi is in puppy love with Jay... Christian and Syed are trying to adopt... Whitney is having a hard time readjusting to being back on the Square and fears people finding out what happened to her while she was away... And speaking of away... Ronnie has been in jail, since being arrested for the kidnapping. She doesnt want out but Roxy finally gets her a good lawyer and gets her bailed. Back on the Square, she (wisely) is afraid to go out. Her presence is also torturing Kat, who cannot have a normal life with her baby Tommy because of the trauma Ronnie caused. Because Ronnie wont go out, Kat sneaks in and in an intense scene, confronts her what she did. And Jack, who has been lurching from bottle to bottle since finding out the truth, at first wants her gone, but then says he wants her back. Though even if he does, she will be standing trial very soon... And over at Chez Beale...Jane has one ally, a lawyer hired for her by Phil Mitchell who,

Prince Charles Visits Romania

PRINCE CHARLES spent five days visiting Romania where he owns a 19th century manor. Friend Nat Page told the Associated Press that Charles travelled without his wife Camilla. Lenke Balint, a spokeswoman for the Adept Transylvania Foundation, which supports local farmers, told the AP that Charles met locals who sell traditionally made jam, milk and bread in the village of Saschiz in central Romania. The prince, who has visited Romania several times, later traveled to the village of Miclosoara where relative Count Tibor Kalnoky has a traditional tourism business. The count restores Charles properties. Page said that the prince will spend a few days at his manor in another remote Transylvanian village.

Crematorium To Be Used To Heat Swimming Pool

ALTHOUGH controversial, plans are going ahead to explore the possibilities of using heat generated by cremating bodies, to warm up people using a swimming pool in Hampshire. Rushmoor Borough Council says heat from the crematoriums furnaces could be used to heat Aldershot Lido. It is trying to make the Lido viable and more attractive to paying visitors as it tries to deal with a 2.4m cut in its government grant. Councillor Eric Neal said Id like to think in the strange times, we consider every option. We should be prepared to try any option to keep it open. Closing the Lido is understood to have been one of the options presented to councillors to save money. But opposition from councillors led them to decide against it and focus on looking at a new way of running it to keep it open. Now the council is to organise a crossparty group to look into the options for the way forward.

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June 2011

Page 7

NICK CLEGG and the Liberal Democrats came a right cropper in the May elections. On Thursday May 5, most of the UK went to the polls for assembly and council elections. Scotland went overwhelmingly for the Scottish National Party headed by Alec Salmond. Twelve years after devolution, the SNP won a majority of the seats, mainly from the Lib Dems but also significantly from the Labour and Conservative Parties. So devastating was the rout of the three parties that one by one each of their leaders in Scotland tendered his or her resignation, leaving Salmond as the unchallenged First Minister of Scotland, free to call for a referendum on Scottish independence at his own convenience. Unfortunately for him, the Scottish people do not seem at this stage to favour withdrawal from the United Kingdom. Support for such a move looks to be stuck at something around 30 percent at best. But he has a further five years in which to change the voters minds and it would be a brave man (or woman) who would bet against this happening. HALF In Wales, it was the Labour party which was the main beneficiary of the Lib Dem implosion. Here Labour picked up exactly half the available seats and announced their intention to rule as a minority administration. For the Principality, however, any move towards independence is unlikely, if only because Plaid Cymru, the SNPs Welsh counterparts, actually lost seats.

Liberal Democrats Hammered In Council Elections And AV Vote

price for the past twelve months of coalition government. In all they lost 695 seats. More tellingly they lost control of city councils like Liverpool, Hull and Sheffield, Nick Cleggs own constituency. It was their worst set of results in over a generation, setting them back years of hard work building up power-bases across the country. PRIZE At the same time as the council elections were held, the Alternative Vote (AV) referendum was taking place. This was the ultimate prize which Nick Clegg and his Lib Dems had wrested from David Cameron to participate in a coalition government: the measure that would ensure that Lib Dem votes would be fairly reflected in the allocation of parliamentary seats and probably ensure them a permanent foothold in government. It is not clear what roles Cameron and Clegg agreed to play in the AV campaign, the former being a No man and the latter obviously a Yesser. Clegg, mindful of his growing unpopularity, kept in the background. In fact, the Labour leader Ed Miliband a Yes man refused to appear on a platform with Clegg though he was happy to be filmed working with Vince Cable.


Theres More Than One Type Of Alien .. AS THE resident doom-and-gloom columnist, I thought I would live up to expectations, and write this month about death. (I assure you I am really a cheerful and happy person!) In the UK, the taxes paid on an estate are known as inheritance tax whilst here in the US they are called estate taxes. UK inheritance tax and US estate tax are due from the estate, rather than from the person who inherits although the payment of tax obviously reduces how much they receive! Only 18 US states have a state estate tax in addition to the federal estate tax; only two states (Maryland and New Jersey) have state inheritance tax and state estate tax in addition to federal estate tax. (State inheritance tax is based on who inherits and their relationship to the deceased.) Liability to estate or inheritance tax is decided by the domicile of the deceased. Domicile is an interesting concept because, unlike residence or citizenship, everybody must have one and everybody can have only one. The domicile of a person in the US is state-based rather than national. Your domicile will therefore be in California or Texas, rather than in the US. It works in a similar way in the UK, so your domicile is England and Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland, rather than in the UK as a whole. In fact though, your domicile may well not be in California or Texas because a UK-based domicile of origin is quite hard to change. Under the US/UK Capital Tax Treaty a person from the UK (unless they are a US citizen) will not be treated as having a US domicile until they have led tax returns as a US resident for seven years. They will be treated as UK domiciled until then, and on their death it would be UK inheritance tax rates and allowances that apply. Often people do not realize that UK tax system could keep hold of them for so long! The estate of a person with a UK domicile will only be subject to US estate tax on US real property and US-based business assets, but UK inheritance tax will be due on the worldwide estate. After the seven years its not inevitable that you will have a US-based domicile, but it is very likely. The important factors are then where you have a permanent home, where your center of vital interests is and where you have an habitual abode. (As you may expect all these terms have particular meanings!). You would need to have kept major connections with the UK and made very few connections in the US, not to have acquired a domicile in the US by then. Another provision of the treaty allows British people to have the same tax exemptions as US citizens enjoy (currently $5m). This is unlike many foreign nationals who would have to acquire US citizenship to increase their exemption amount beyond $60,000. Many US advisers do not realize that the treaty exists or that it can make so much difference. Not all foreign nationals are the same! Generally, British people do not need QDOTs (Qualied Domestic Trusts) and, in fact, would be very illadvised to make such trusts whilst they are still UK domiciled. (More next month!) To nd out how this may affect you personally, please contact Mary-Heather Styles at mhstyles@transatlantictax. com or on (602) 955 5007.

John Polley has been a UJ columnist, based in the UK, for 28 years, and is planning on writing a book, provisionally entitled The Way Things Were. Johns goal is to assemble a collection of peoples recollections of growing up in the UK during the 1940s and early 50s. Topics like, food, clothes, entertainment, work (part-time etc) their attitudes, discipline, education, holidays, leisure, weather, particular recollections etc, all good. John is not seeking to write something that emphasises hardships, rather a book that demonstrates the differences between then and now. We know our diverse readership has an enormous amount to contribute. If you feel you would like to have your thoughts featured in the book please email to: England was voting for its local councils and Labour emerged as the days winner. It won back 800 or so of the seats it had lost four years ago and took control of councils all over the north of England. In the south, the Conservatives more than held their own, actually increasing their representation by a hundred council gains. Labour might be encouraged by taking an equal share of the popular vote with the Tories but David Cameron must have been positively delighted that he had avoided blame for the swingeing cuts his coalition government is making. It was the Lib Dems who really paid the Cameron by contrast fronted the No campaign, taking the opportunity to rub salts into Cleggs wounds by pointing out that mans broken promises, such as over tuition fees, the one single issue that has so discredited the Lib Dems in the past year. Understandably, this infuriated Clegg and his colleagues since it was the terms of the coalition agreement that had led to the broken promises. OVERWHELMING The AV result was announced during the evening of Friday May 6. It ended in an overwhelming rejection for Clegg, being voted cereal and drink brands have already been banned or taken off supermarket shelves after Danish legislation in 2004 restricted foods fortified with extra vitamins or minerals. But Marmite had escaped notice as an exotic import for a small number of ex-pats until the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration telephoned Abigails, a Copenhagen shop selling British food, to ban it.

down by 68 percent to 32 percent, the sort of rebuff that has put an alternative voting system out of discussion for at least the next 20 years, if not for ever. Clegg and his party are arguably the most despised group in British politics. In reality they probably had little choice about entering a coalition: perhaps they should even be applauded for giving stable government in difficult times. Nevertheless, enjoying the sensation of real power for the first time since the 1920s, they set about the job a little too happily. They were as vigorous as the Tories in damning the outgoing Labour government. They insisted on the necessity of cutting hard and fast, though in the run-up to the 2010 General Election they had been in agreement with labour about the dangers of such a strategy. They discarded their objection to raising tuition fees despite every one of their MPs having signed a public pledge not to do so. Little wonder that when the electorate came to casting their council and AV votes in May 2011 it was hostility to the Lib Dems that moved them most. Belatedly they are attempting to draw a greater distinction between themselves and their Conservative allies. The battle ground will be the reforms to the National Health Service proposed by Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, which in their view will totally threaten its existence. One might have sympathy for this stance were it not for the fact that it has already gone through the House of Commons with Lib Dem support and was stalled by health professionals opposition as it reached the House of Lords. The results brought few crumbs of comfort to the new Labour leader, Ed Miliband, but not many. His partys strength in its traditional heartlands of the North seems to have reasserted itself yet it has a long journey back to being recognised as an alternative government. While it gained from Lib Dem disaffection up North and in Wales, the Tories are arguably stronger than ever in the South. FINALLY And finally...heres a little nugget for you. Should you find yourself near Ambergate and Belper in Derbyshire, its a good idea to look out for The Excavator, Buckland Hollow, which serves excellent food at a sensible price and a fine range of ales. Set your Sat Nav to DE58 2HS and make the acquaintance of the publican, Dave, who will give you your first drink free on production of this UJ article. Now that is what I call a real bargain! John Polley

City Trader Gives 15 Novices 100k Each To Prove Anyone Can Win On Stock Market
A VETERAN broker in UK is so condent that anyone can be successful on the stock exchange that he has handed 15 novices 100,000 pounds each to prove his point. Mike Baghdady of London-based Training Traders invested 1.5m on the novices to trade on the nancial and commodity markets in a bid to prove that no specic skill sets are necessary to be a success on the trading oor. All that is needed, Cairo-born Baghdady claims, is a willingness to follow a certain set of rules. About 8,000 people applied for the three-year project and those selected include a taxi driver and a housewife. The apprentices will undergo a rigorous training regime during which they will learn Baghdadis secret trading strategy based on a system called Price Behaviour. They will then hit the trading oor at Training Traders, in Central London, to be pitted against each other over three years, all vying to out trade rivals to win a permanent role on Baghdadys money-making machine. At the end of the three years, Baghdady will decide who is hired and who is red. The rules we use have stood the test of time and are best suited for trading in the 21st century, the Daily Mail quoted a spokesperson for the company as saying. The same method we use to train nancial institutions all Mike Baghdady over the world. We will pay to train each Apprentice and then we will give each of them a fully funded account to trade live across all the nancial markets, the person revealed. All expenses and overheads will be covered by the company and, unlike the TV shows Apprentice, there can be more than one winner. But whoever fails to impress the no-nonsense mogul will face the axe. This project is the dream of my life. Ive taken on responsibility for the 15, so failure is not an option, Baghdady, a US citizen, said. The company will be documenting the performance of its trainees and hopes to eventually publish the results.

Marmite Banned In Denmark

MARMITE, a staple food to many in the UK, has been banned in Denmark. Health and safety ofcials in the Scandinavian country have banned Marmite prompting a campaign to keep the savoury spread. The yeast spread, known for its love or hate marketing slogan, has fallen foul of a ban on foods with added vitamins. Already, many well known breakfast

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I dont eat it myself, I dont like it but Marmite was one of our best selling products. Not a day goes by without someone coming in and asking for it, said Marianne rum, the shop owner. All the English people here are shaking their heads in disbelief and say that it is insane. I agree but it is the law. The shop has now started a Bring back Marmite campaign to overturn a ban that is seen as discriminating against Britons living and working Denmark. Lyndsay Jensen, a Yorkshire-born graphic designer working in Copenhagen, said Brits would carry on spreading Marmite on their toast, even if it meant smuggling it in to Denmark.

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Page 8

June 2011
wouldnt have noticed the way he pranced across the stage with his rendition of Higher and Higher. All the greatest hits were played and some new renditions, climaxing with Justin Hayward singing Nights in White Satin. You could hear a pin drop. It was without question one of the most memorable experiences anyone could ever have. Remember they were different. They were the first to put a full orchestra behind their band. The musicians for the show were equally as talented. The lineup included: Graeme Edge, Justin Hayward, John Lodge, Julie Ragins (keyboard), Norda Mullen (flute), Gordy Marshall (drums), and Alan Hewitt (keyboard). I talked to one chap who stated he saw them in a whole new light as he was stoned back then. One young lady in her 20s, Stephanie, drove her father from Hollywood and said, Now I understand why my father Steve was such an ardent fan. I think it goes beyond being a fan. The Moodys wrote, sang, and performed some of the greatest music of the last century and I urge anyone who hasnt experienced them to live just once, and go see them! www. I looked at the audience and they were smiling, some in tears at times, everyone in the theatre I would like to know. What a nice bunch of people! When you can get that kind of reaction and influence people that much, if that isnt luv, I dont know what is?! Thanks Moody Blues, youve done more than your fair share to make this a better world to live in. Birthdays: Michael Palin 68; long time friend Bill Ward 63; Daniel Day-Lewis 54; Rick Wakeman (Yes) 62; Pete Townsend 66; Craig Ferguson 49; Cate Blanchett 42; Eric Burdon 70; Donovan 65; Ian McLagan 66; Steve Winwood 63; Eric Singer (Kiss) 53; Zoe Wanamaker 62; Mary Hopkin 61; Albert Finney 75; Glenda Jackson 75; Englebert Humperdinck 75; David Beckham 36; Pierce Brosnan 58.
Contact Leo and Karen at PO Box 5691 Oxnard, CA 93031 or

WHAT AN amazing wedding between William and Catherine that turned out to be!! Politicians and warmongers, take note (not that they will) Luv is in the air. Three billion people worldwide turned out to have a good time. Young. Old. Rich. Poor. It galvanized people worldwide and it took ordinary people to make a statement. What is it all about? No, of course it isnt all that simple, nor is there an easy answer. But we believe what it does show is we care about each other, and we all deserve to share in a bit of happiness. The monarchy is just the catalyst to bring this together. Were proud to say the Brits do that the best. Covering so much of the wedding scene that was happening last month we were lucky to be able to invest the help of our dear friend British actress and TV presenter, Julia Gayle, who ran all over LA garnering press coverage everywhere she went for the UJ: the White Harte, Cat & Fiddle, and Fox and Hounds, Julia was on NBC, Channels 5 and 9, Extra, and Inside Edition, among others. Well done Julia, you were awesome! You represented us (the UJ), the pubs, and the Brits superbly well. It looked like you were enjoying yourself, too, being right in your element. Thank Anton for all the photos as he did a magnificent job (check out under royal news tab). We barely got through the wedding when the headlines read Obama got Osama! Not that that wasnt welcome, just a reminder of all the far off wars were still dealing with. So when Scottish Lady MJ Taylor, the Captains wife of the Bill of Rights called and said,

Leo, we need you! We need you. I said, Liverpudlians Macs Fish and Chips 503 Karen, darling, Im needed! Im needed! State St (805) 897-1160 then a pint at They need me on the helm. Can I go? Please? the Press Room (805) 963-8121 before descending upon the Granada Theatre for Pretty please?? We sailed out of the Channel Islands what has to be the thrill of a lifetime...The Harbor at sunrise (how romantic) to the Moody Blues. The Granada is a warm, attractive, and remote side of Catalina at Twin Harbors. On board two dozen high school girls 15-17 from intimate theatre, where we had joined Sir the Bay School in San Francisco, including George and Lady Martin in 2009, presentHighgate born, 16-year-old Jessica Sykes, ing in his honor his show LoveLoveLove a whose dad is from Leigh on Sea came over tribute to him and his work with the Beatles. here six years ago. Also on board another So it was only fitting to enjoy a special exchange student, Naomi Wolf from Heidel- performance by The Moody Blues and the excitement was electric!! berg, Germany. From the moment they walked on stage, We were going to sail north to Santa Rosa Island but ran into 8-10 seas plus very strong standing ovations for every song throughout headwinds. So, Capt Stephen Taylor made the performance. What was hugely noticeable the call that it would take us just too long and (we had orchestra seats courtesy of Nederbe way too uncomfortable to continue, so we lander Productions) the Moodys played like altered course for San Pedro, arriving lunch it was their first ever performance. On the time the next day, and who was there to greet song I know Youre Out There Somewhere us and handle dock lines? But long time friend the audience swayed the entire time, standCapt Michael Barnes (how did he know we ing up one could help but get caught up in were coming?), a very popular member of the their magic! Graeme Edge left the drums to talk to us, British Community and patron of the British & Dominion Social Club of Garden Grove mentioning they had just had a backstage visit (714) 898-6733. Hes had one of the cushiest from Hermans Hermits Peter Noone, Mrs jobs that California has to offer, having a 60 Brown Youve Got a Lovely (grand) Daughter luxury yacht entertaining visiting celebrities, claimed he had just turned 70, although you politicians, ambassadors, and heads of state visiting Southern California. Wouldnt surprise me if William and Catherine dont go aboard as guests of Mayor Villaraigosa when they visit. Our very competent crew then sailed north to Santa Barbara where Karen and our UJ photographer Victoria Linssen grabbed Julia Gayle at one of her many interviews during the Royal Wedding. fish and chips at

Karens California Events Calendar

June 4: British Home Annual Faire fundraiser in Sierra Madre (626) 355-7240. 11: Jethro Tull at The Greek (323) 6655857. Thru 12: The Celtic Arts Centers Theatre Department in association with The Raven Playhouse presents The Au Pair Man by Hugh Leonard. 4-12: The Valhalla Renaissance Faire at Camp Richardson in South Lake Tahoe California www. (415) 897-4555. You Say Tomato in San Francisco offers your favorite meat pies, bangers, sweets, a large selection of teas, plus jams to fill your basket (415) 921-2828. 12: A Royal Weddings Tea 2pm at the Crown Plaza Hotel in San Pedro (310)-521-0175 or email 12: British Home in Sierre Madre holds a Sunday Brunch to honor Nell Parks and Sophie Hules 102nd birthdays (626) 355-7240. 19: Kings Head in Santa Monica suggests celebrating Fathers Day by bringing dad in for a Traditional Sunday Roast dinner and a Pint, or visit their gift shoppe for some great gift ideas for dad (310) 451-1402. 18-19: Scottish Renaissance Festival at Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds in Watsonville www. 18-19: Northern California Pirate Festival at Vallejo in Waterfront, California The Olde Ship in Fullerton (714) 871-7447 and Santa Ana (714) 550-6700 have a classic menu plus 57 different ales to choose from all while enjoying yourself in a down to earth British pub! 18-19: 34th Grand National Irish Fair & Music festival & Tara Village at Irvine Meadows, Irvine (949) 489-1172. The Lookout in Channel Islands Harbor of Oxnard has your favorite Pub Quiz on Tuesdays, and a huge selection of good musicians throughout the week plus a full British menu to choose from. Masters of the Past are back May 28! (805) 985-9300. 25-26: 38th Annual San Diego Scottish Highland Games & Gathering at Terrace Park in Vista (760) 726 3691 (619) 425 3454. Camerons Inn of Half Moon Bay is geared up for the best summer weather yet! So enjoy a pint and meal at your favorite British Pub along the coast (650) 726-5705. July 1-2: Labyrinth of Jareth Fantasy Masquerade Ball at Park Plaza 607 S Park View Street, Los Angeles 2-3: Pirate Invasion and Faire at Belmont Pier in Long Beach www.y

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3: Dart Night 10: Pub Quiz 12: Roast dinner $16 per person 17: Nine Hole Golf Tournament 1-5 17: Fish & Chip Night 6-9pm $9 per dinner 17: Raffle Mania.Tickets are $2 each. Prizes values range from $15 to $250 25: A Queens Tea from 12:30 to 3pm $18 per person

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4: British Home Faire, 10am 4: Special Pub & Social Night / Clubnight 4: British Snacks Served, starting @ 8pm 7,14,21,28: Daytime Club 10:30am-2:30pm 11: Murder Mystery Dinner Show, 8pm 12: Murder Mystery Early Dinner Show, 5pm 14: Laurel & Hardy, Sons of the Desert 18: Variety / Vaudeville Show, 8pm 25: CLUBNITE, w/ Chandler Station, 7:30pm


Visit our gift Shoppe for some great gift ideas for dad.

June 2011
sweetened cocoa butter, which is a byproduct of chocolate processing. I think it is great that one can usually get raspberries now all year, but the best I think I ever had, was when we were on a visit to Scotland, absolute perfection!! The Digestive and Ginger biscuits make a nice change from the usual biscuit base. I hope you enjoy my version.

Page 9

Teenage Maestro Cant Read Music

TUTORS have been amazed by a teenager who can play complex piano pieces in just a few hours despite being unable to read music. Samuel Osmond, 19, has never had a piano lesson but can pick up pieces by composers such as Chopin and Beethoven in minutes because of his note perfect memory. Samuel Osmond The teenager, from St Austell, Cornwall, who is studying Law at AS Level, had intended to pursue a career as a barrister, reported the Daily Telegraph. However, his teachers have urged him to make his future in the eld of music instead. He learns a piece of music by listening to it in sections and then working out the notes. He started playing two years ago and the rst piece he played was Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. He is currently learning a piece by Chopin, Ballarde No 1 in G Minor, which is lled with rapid scales, large chords and difcult ngerings. It is a piece so difcult that his music lecturer Cecil Du Valle, who has two masters in music, cannot play it. Osmond said: It comes easily to me I hear the notes and can memorise them each individual note. Recently I did a performance of a Chopin piece in public. Its ten minutes long and must have over a thousand notes in it but I had committed it to memory. Mr Du Valle, who teaches at Cornwall College in St Austell, said his pupil was a unique nd over a 40 year career.

Clegg Vows To Be More Assertive In Government

By Cassandra Vinograd DEPUTY Prime Minister Nick Clegg last month pledged his Liberal Democrat party will be more assertive in Britains coalition government, responding to a humiliating defeat in last months local elections. Many have blamed the results on a perception that the center-left Liberal Democrats arent standing up to the senior coalition partner, the Conservatives of Prime Minister David Cameron. Clegg insisted that he has learned from the results that people want a louder Liberal Democrat voice in government. We need to show people where we have a moderating inuence on the Conservatives and we need to stand up for our values and say that loud and clear, Clegg told the BBC. Analysts have said the electoral drubbing and voters rejection of the Liberal Democrats push for electoral system change was punishment for their backing of Camerons steep austerity cuts. ACCEPTED Clegg accepted his partys traditional supporters were anxious about the cuts, but insisted that the coalitions efforts to reduce the decit must continue. He stressed there was no need to redraw the agreement last year that joined Cleggs party with the Conservatives in Britains rst governing coalition since World War II following an inconclusive national election. Opposition Labour leader Ed Miliband has urged dissatisfied Liberal Democrats to defect from the coalition and oppose the Conservatives a suggestion Clegg dismissed as tactics. Clegg promised voters in the weeks and months to come he would prove the Liberal Democrats have not lost their mojo. His rst step in that direction was a warning to block the governments planned healthcare reforms unless there are substantial, signicant changes to the proposals.

White Chocolate & Raspberry Cheesecake

... No, Madame; women can spin very well, but they cannot make a good book of Cookery.
(Samuel Johnson, 1709-84) WELL, I beg to differ, but things have changed a lot in the last 300 or so years!! Until I get my cookbook finished I cant really say much I suppose, but then I have been writing this column for 18 years, so that has to count some eh? This is just another quote from my collection of cookery things. Since we are still talking about it, I guess William and Katherines wedding was a smash hit. It really was quite special wasnt it, and made me still proud to be British even though I am no longer over there. I was pleased to see pictures of the Chocolate Biscuit wedding cake of Williams, although the one at the actual wedding was really rather splendid, (however the recipe I featured last month seemed to be quite authentic.) Its always hard to think about change of seasons when we are here in Florida, but summer is definitely here all over. I thought I would feature another dessert that is nice for the warmer weather as it doesnt need any baking. It is adapted from a BBC Good Food Magazine recipe I tried last year, and at time of writing plan to serve for a luncheon this week. It is nice to be able to make up ahead, and you do need to chill it well for 24 hours or more if possible. However it doesnt freeze as well as a regular cheesecake. Actually white chocolate isnt truly a chocolate, but is a vanilla flavoured,

3 oz/85g (approximately 6) plain digestive biscuits 3 oz/85g ginger biscuits (Size will vary according to brand, but about the same amount as the digestives) 4 Tbsp butter, melted 1 lb white chocolate, broken into pieces 2 Tbsp butter 1 tsp vanilla essence 1 lb cream cheese 2 Tbsp sugar 3/4 cup heavy whipping cream 2 cups raspberries Chocolate sprinkles for decoration Crush the biscuits in a processor, and pulse in the melted butter. Press into the base of a lightly greased 9 spring-form tin. Place the chocolate, butter and vanilla in a heatproof bowl, and place in microwave. Melt at low power 1 or 2, a few seconds at a time, stirring frequently, until melted (Or can place bowl over a pan of simmering water). Allow to slightly cool. In separate bowl, whip the softened cream cheese, sugar and whipping cream to a smooth consistency. Stir the chocolate mix into the cream mixture. Very gently fold in the raspberries (Reserve some for decoration). Spoon the mixture on top of the biscuit base, and place in fridge for at least 24 hours. To serve remove carefully from tin, and put on serving plate, decorate with raspberries and chocolate sprinkles or shaved chocolate. (Any left-over will need to be kept in the fridge, as it is not as firm a texture as baked cheesecakes.) Yield about 12 servings (I welcome comments, recipe and suggestions, and can be reached at

Golf Course Layout Changes Due To Endangered Nuns

TORQUAY Golf Club has changed its course layout due to complaints from neighbouring nuns. The nuns at Stoodley Knowle independent convent girls school have recently bought two Georgian houses near to the golf course and are in the process of refurbishing them. But the hazard caused by the nuns being hit by stray golf balls has brought the situation to change. Club secretary Colin Nolan said: If the odd ball was going over the wall it would be all right, but when it is two or three balls a day then it becomes a bigger problem. The nuns dont want golf balls to hit them on the head or damage the glass conservatory theyre building and have to pay the bill. And we dont want to cause anyone any problem either. We just want to be good neighbours. None of the nuns wished to comment.

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Absolutely Nothing of note took place [in England] on this day July 4.

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Page 10

June 2011

~ This paper reaches the British community in all parts of Florida and, of course, the US ~
INDIAN ROCKS BEACH: Red Lion English owner Mark Wicks (727) 596-5411. BRITISH BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT. Florida has hundreds of small businesses owned and operated by expats in virtually every Florida city. My office has a file on each of them from the last 20 years and since promoting British businesses in Florida in these tough times matters, Ill feature one here. NAPLES: British computer expert Charles Steele runs IT company Lanblue Inc, with a top team of development engineers, graphic artists and marketing experts. Whatever stage your business is at, says Charles, well make your website work for you, efficiently and cost-effectively, whether setting up an online store or a simple website, youre taking your first steps into computers or want to improve the effectiveness of your existing website. Call (239) 353-0955 and ask for Charles. They accept clients anywhere in Florida. COLUMN SUBMISSIONS: Opened a British business in the last three months? Email details for possible publication to Your name, city, daytime phone necessary. ORLANDO CITY SOCCER CLUB (British-owned): English Premier League side Bolton Wanderers is to play Orlando City in an International friendly on Sunday July 17. The team will arrive in Florida a week before and be involved locally. To get the scoop, call (407) 579-8474 and ask for fellow Brit Maury Loscher.
ATTENTION FLORIDAS BRITISHOWNED BUSINESSES, SHOPS and PUBS: If you wish to get bulk copies of the Union Jack, (50 papers a month minimum), to offer your customers, phone our circulation department 1-800-262-7305. The paper is free, but a small delivery charge applies.

LETS CELEBRATE HER MAJESTY. Loved her yellow wedding outfit she always gets it right. Our super Sovereign doesnt wear a hat so ludicrously ugly it becomes the laughing stock of the world and is auctioned on eBay. But at least Princess Beatrice raised $131,000 for charity. The British-American Business Council of Miami (BABC) presents its annual Queens Birthday Gala Dinner with Guest of Honour Her Majestys Consul General Kevin McGurgan on Saturday, June 18. Your ticket to this elegant black tie soiree includes Open Bar, Dinner, and Wines, Live music and dancing, prizes like a Four Day Break In London from British Airways and Hilton Hotels, auction for two roundtrip tickets to London on Delta and other desirables. At the Conrad Hotel, downtown Miami. $125 per person. Advance booking required. Call Neal Stebbing (786) 302-0144. Mention Union Jack Newspaper. UK-USA LANGUAGE IRKS: 1) Why do Americans always pronounce the name Craig as Kreg? I see no e in Craig. 2) Major corporations lower the nations standards with bad grammar in their TV and radio commercials. Saying something tastes real good instead of really good gets me yelling exasperation at the TV! Inevitably, if people hear something incorrect repeated on mainstream media, they copy it and thats how American children adopt incorrect English as the norm. Of course, the truth is soon only academic dinosaurs like me will even care. ARE YOU A BRITISH realtor in Florida? International buyers play a larger role in Floridas housing market than in the other 49 states, the National Association of Realtors just announced that in the 12

months ending March 2011, 31 percent of all international buyers bought Florida property. Many of those were from the UK but they dont have exact breakdown figures. (Second place California had only 12 percent of foreign buyers). There exists a British Realtors Network of Florida, used by prospective buyers in the UK, to find a licensed fellow expat realtor in all parts of the state. For details on how to join send email to MIAMI: The newly launched British Dining Club is holding an invitation-only dinner in a private room at the upscale, waterside Smith and Wollenskys on South Beach. Your dinnermates will be fellow witty and wonderful (we hope) expats. Riff-raff not allowed! Saturday, July 2, 2011. For details email your name and phone to On subject line put: Brit dinner July 2. MONDAY, MONDAY. The British Marketplace (954) 584-8888 in Davie has started a promotion where they offer different discounts and deals in their English tearoom and shop on Mondays only. Call them to find out what! BRITISH CLUBS CORNER 1) Sun City British Connection Club in the Tampa Bay area, for Brits and people of British Heritage. Call (813) 633-4368 Anita. 2) Hernando NW Florida British-American Club Call (352) 746-4157 READERS: For your nearest British club, email me your query: INDIAN FOOD we Brits crave it but now theres a new reason to respect it. The Indian chili called bhut jolkia has been declared by the Guinness Book of World Records as the worlds hottest spice. As such, the Indian military use it to make tear-gas hand grenades to immobilise the

enemy. But of course too much curry makes you more mobile than you want to be! DONT FORGET: You can save 20 percent off your next superb Indian meal at the Royal India in Ft Lauderdale with the coupon always in this paper. BEST OF BRITISH CORNER honours the funniest man we ever produced TOMMY COOPER (1921-1984) who made you roar before hed even spoken. So I share one classic gem each month: So I was in my car, driving along, and my boss rang up, and he said Youve been promoted. And I swerved. And then he rang up and said Youve been promoted again. And I swerved again. He rang up a third time and said Youre managing director. And I went into a tree. And a policeman came up and said What happened to you? And I said I careered off the road. (View Tommy Coopers act on YouTube now). MIAMI now has red double-decker buses, imported from Gray Line in the UK, but only for sightseeing tours around the city. This started last month and I tried both, with a fellow Brit passenger for this article. These are Hop-On, Hop-Off buses, pay on or off the bus, offering two different loops: 1) CITY TOUR around the city of Miami and down to the glorious Biltmore Hotel area in Coral Gables. This is on a single decker. 2) MIAMI BEACH around world-renowned South Beach along the ocean, Deco area and famed Fontainebleau Hotel. I recommend the Miami Beach atop the doubledecker as by far the best. PINT AND A PIE CORNER. Herewith I feature one Florida British pub picked at random. This is not a recommendation, unless I have personally checked out the pub, so you may deem it divine or dire. Pop in and see:

The opinions in this column are Patricia Kawajas and not necessarily shared by Union Jack Publishing.

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BRITAINS National Gallery expects its Leonardo da Vinci show to be one of the most popular in its 187-year history, and is limiting tickets to prevent the exhibition from being overrun. The gallery said last month it will sell 180 tickets every 30 minutes to Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan 50 fewer than it is allowed under health and safety rules. The three-month exhibition, which focuses on the artists formative years as a court painter in the 1480s and 1490s, has a capacity of 280,000, and the gallery expects it to sell out. The gallery says the show brings together the largest ever collection of the artists surviving paintings. The 60 paintings and drawings include works loaned from Italy, France, the United States, Russia and Poland, along with the National Gallerys recently restored Virgin of the Rocks. It will also include a full-scale copy of The Last Supper on loan from the Royal Academy. The original mural is in the Monastery of Santa Maria delle Grazie in Milan. Advance booking opened May 9. The gallery will stay open until 10pm for the last two weeks of the exhibition, which runs from November 9 until February 5, 2012.

National Gallery Government Pledges To Cut To Limit Leonardo Carbon Emissions In Half By 2025 A PLEDGE was made by the Government warned that slashing carbon dioxide Show Tickets to cut the countrys carbon emissions in emissions from transport, industry and
half by 2025 an ambitious target which could be watered down if other European countries fail to slash their emissions. Energy Secretary Chris Huhne told Parliament that Britain would reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by about 50 percent from benchmark emission levels in 1990, a step that is part of a longer-term legal commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 60 percent by 2030, and 80 percent by 2050. But industry representatives have energy generation could limit economic competitiveness, and the issue has split Camerons Cabinet, which is drawn from his right-leaning Conservative Party and the traditionally green-conscious Liberal Democrats, of which Huhne is a senior member. Although the emissions target is an ambitious one, it could be scaled back within less than three years, if Britain decides that other European countries arent doing enough to meet their own pollution-cutting pledges.

Page 11


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ATTENTION BRITISH RETAILERS. How many UK football fans visit your Store each week? Licensed souvenirs for all major teams are now available. Fast-moving items. Additional Sales Guaranteed! Contact us for FREE sample and info: 1-877258-2784. 5-5

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ENGLISH LADY seeking friendly US penpals. Not too young, not too old. ALA. Jane Hill, 19 Digby Close, Leicester LE3 1JE, England. 2-12



UK Business Secretary Attacks PMs Party

BUSINESS secretary Vince Cable has attacked Prime Minister David Camerons Conservative Party as ruthless, calculating and thoroughly tribal but insists the year-old coalition government with his party will endure. The Liberal Democrats suffered crushing losses last month after British voters overwhelming rejection of electoral reform changes in a referendum dealt the party led by deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg another embarrassing defeat. Cable, a Liberal Democrat, attacked the Conservatives in a comment to the BBC, but added that doesnt mean to say we cant work with them. His pledge to carry on despite rifts exposed by the referendum echoed remarks by Cameron and Clegg following the results.


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Queens Reign Second To Victoria In Length

QUEEN ELIZABETH has become the second-longest reigning monarch in the last 1,000 years of British royal history. The Queen on May 12 passed King George III in terms of total days served. She has been Queen for 21,645 days. Georges reign from 1760-1820 reached a total of 21,644 days. He was king when the American colonies broke away from Britain. The Queen is now second only to Queen Victoria. The 85-year-old Queen would surpass Victorias length of service in September 2015. The monarch maintains an extremely active engagement schedule and last month attended the gala wedding of her grandson, Prince William, and Kate Middleton, who are now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

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ACKROYDS SCOTCH BAKERY, MI 313-532-1181 www.ackroydsbakery AMES BRITISH FOODS, IA 515-598-5127 BASICALLY BRITISH, OH 937-222-1488 BBC SANDWICH, MA 508-888-6610 BEST OF BRITISH, VA 757-723-7480 BEST OF EUROPE, CA 661-943-0257 BREVARD BRITISH CLUB, FL 321-639-6839 BRITANNIA ARMS SJ, CA BRITANNIA ARMS Cupertino, CA 408-252-7262 BRITANNIA ARMS Aptos, CA 831-688-1233 BRITISH ACCENTS, IL BRITISH AMERICAN CLUB, OH 440-237-3913 BRITISH AMERICAN CLUB, FL THE BRITISH CONNECTION, CA 310-214-1790 THE BRITISH FOOD SHOP, CA 949-582-9546 BRITISH PANTRY, GA 478-953-4009 BRITISH PANTRY LTD, WA 206-883-7511 BRITISH PEDLAR, FL 855-366-9919 BROAD RIPPLE BREWPUB, IN 317-253-2739 BULL & BARREL, Ontario 705 719-4600 CHURCHILLS PUB, TX 972-562-2929 COAT OF ARMS PUB, NH 603-431-0407 THE CORNER SHOP, GA 404-579-9629 CROWN & ANCHOR, NV 702-739-0281 ENGLISH GARDENER GIFT SHOP, NJ 856-354-5051 ENGLISH SHOP, MO 643-946-2245 THE ENGLISH TEACUP, CO 303-751-3032 EUROPEAN GOURMET, FL 813-681-9125 FREDERICKSBURG PUB, VA 540-548-0550 GEORGE & DRAGON PUB, WA 206-545-6864 HARE & HOUNDS PUBLIC HOUSE, WA 360-779-4273 HILLERS MARKET, MI 248-355-2122 HORSE BRASS PUB, OR 503-232-2202 HOSPITALITY USA, TX 713-464-8167 INDO-CHINA MARKET, CA 805-968-3353 INDO-EURO FOOD, INC, AZ 602-485-0776 JOHN BULL ENGLISH PUB, FL 561-697-2855 LADY DIS BRITISH STORE, OR 503-635-7298 LION & ROSE (Sonterra), TX 210-798-4154 LION & ROSE (Castle Hills), TX 210-798-4154 LION & ROSE PUB, (San Antonio), TX 210-822-7673 LITTLE TASTE OF BRITAIN, UT 801-390-2318 LONDON BRIDGE PUB, CA 831-655-2879 LONDON LOOKS, FL 305-772-6156 LONDON MARKET, UT 801-531-7074 LONDON PRIDE, FL 727-517-3550 MACNIVENS RESTAURANT & BAR, IN 317-632-SCOT THE MAYFLOWER, CA 415-456-1011 NINAS INDIAN GROCERY, CA 949-583-2789 PENELOPES TEAS & GIFTS, CA 805-736-1122 PENNY HAPENNY, CT 203-762-2233 PLAZA PANTRY, CA 724-526-3619 THE PRESS ROOM, CA 805-963-8121 PRINCE OWHALES, CA 310-823-9826 THE PRINCE OF WALES, FL 904-810-5725 QUIPS PUB, PA 717-397-3903 ROSE & THISTLE, OR 503-287-8582 ROYAL MALE, RI 401-846-8465 ROYAL MILE, IA 515-280-3771 SCOTS CORNER, FL 941-953-6707 SCOTTISH MILL SHOP, SC 843-837-4696 SHIP INN, OR 503-325-0033 SIMPLE 2 UNIQUE, AZ THE SIXPENCE, GA 912-238-1348 STREETS OF LONDON PUB - Folsom, CA 916-984-3706 TAVERN RESTAURANT GROUP, OH 513-605-4700 THE PUB HAMPTON, VA 757-838-2748 THINGS UK LTD, OK 918-258-7654 THE UK SHOPPE, FL 352-391-5788 UNION JACK PUB & REST, VA 540-722-3976 UNION JACK PUB 2, IN 317-257-4343 UNION JACK STORE, MA 978-535-6256 THE WHIP, PA 610-383-0600 WISE CHOICE BRITISH, OH 937-236-8153 YOU SAY TOMATO, CA 415-921-2828

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Page 12

June 2011
royal motor car, a Hooper body on a Daimler chassis, was delivered to Sandringham on March 28, 1900 for King William IV. They had been associated with Rolls-Royce motor cars since 1909. The company had a foundation of considerable Royal Patronage and had supplied bespoke vehicles usually based on Rolls-Royce or Bentley to the last nine reigns of Great Britains monarchy. Hooper & Co has had Royal Warrants granted from almost all of the Crowned Heads of Europe. The Glass Coach was built in 1881 and was used at King George Vs Coronation in 1911. This Glass Coach has carried previous Royal brides to their weddings Lady Elizabeth BowesLyon in 1923, Princess Alexandra in 1963, Princess Anne in 1973, Lady Diana Spencer in 1981 and Miss Sarah Ferguson in 1986. It has also carried the bride and bridegroom from the church, as it did when Princess Elizabeth married The Duke of Edinburgh and again when Princess Anne married Captain Mark Phillips. The front page of last months Union Jack had a splendid picture of William and Kate in the Royal State Landau, so instead of this I include here a picture of this 1881 Royal Glass Coach. Then there was the Aston Martin . . . and Im sure you have seen pictures of it. Prince William drove his new bride out of the gates at Buckingham Palace in his fathers precious Aston Martin Volante sporting learner plates. The 1969 Aston Martin DB6 was given to Charles by the Queen as a 21st birthday present and was recently converted to run on 100 percent bioethanol fuel distilled from surplus British wine as part of efforts to cut his carbon footprint. Aye there were so many fabulous carriages there on the wedding day both horse driven and engine powered. In my opinion, best of the lot was the royal red velvet interior lined open State Landau which took the newlyweds back to the Palace. Kate had arrived at the Abbey as a commoner in a Roller but she was a Royal when she left and looked every part of it in that magnificent open carriage. What a way to go, well done William. Happy Motoring

A Kind of Intimacy by Jenn Ashworth

IN ASHWORTHS novel, it didnt take me long to realize that the main character, Annie, was a little unhinged, and unfortunately for Lucy and Neil she moves in next door to them. What follows is an uncomfortable account of a neighbor getting too close for comfort. Annie, a woman with an intense personality, makes you feel ill at ease and even though you want to sympathize with her on some level, she is so locked in her own reality that she becomes distant and unlovable. I had to ask myself why I felt that way, which made the story that much more interesting to read. Annie is convinced that Neil, her new neighbor, is interested in her yet we see that she misreads their social interactions terribly and that this belief could not be further from the truth. Neil is very content with his girlfriend Lucy, but Annies illogical certainty is unshakeable and she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. This novel has an enjoyable sniff of the horror genre thrown in which leaves you a little scared once the lights are out. Boo! At first I wanted an explanation. Whats up with Annie? Why is she so odd? We all function better when our whys are answered. But Ashworth never outright explains why Annie is like she is. It might have been some type of psychological issue or even a disorder like Aspergers and I felt Ashworth should have clarified this more if she wanted her readers to connect in any kind of way to Annie but then I realized that Annies reality is as real to her as mine is to me. Her behaviors are the manifestations of her reality and they make perfect sense to her. With that in mind is it valid for me to judge someone who seems to have lost their marbles? I think not. This novel took me a while to enjoy but once I understood who Annie was, compassion set in and only then did I open up to her and her tunnel vision perception of the sinister events that unfold. Ashworth has created a gripping tale narrated by a voice that is not necessarily familiar. There is an element of uncomfortable insanity to it all and I enjoyed this bold approach. Ashworth throughout the novel carefully exposes Annies unnerving character and although I never once agreed with Annies reasoning, I experienced the journey and understood how her conclusions made sense to her.
(Five is the top Teacup score)

THE ROYAL wedding went exceptionally well last month. Congratulations to all that were involved and congratulations, of course, to Prince William and his bride Kate. Other than the Royal Couple it was engine power that transported members of the Royal family and the brides family to Westminster Abbey for the ceremony. You may have observed some notable cars used on April 29. A mix of Jaguars, Rolls-Royces, and Bentleys provided most of the automotive transport for the day, though the newlywed couple was followed by a Range Rover. Kate Middletons mother was taken to Westminster Abbey in a chauffeured Jaguar. Prince William arrived at the Abbey in one of Her Majesty the Queens two State Bentleys, accompanied by best man Prince Harry. Her Majesty and Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh arrived last at the Abbey, as protocol dictates (except of course for the bride), in the other Bentley. The State Bentleys have been uniquely designed enabling greater use to be made of the vehicles interior space. The two modern Bentleys were custom-made with input from Her Majesty, her chauffeur, and Prince Philip. These Bentleys are three-feet longer, 10-inches taller, and six-inches wider than a standard Bentley Arnage. They are powered by twin-turbocharged, 6.75-litre V8 engines that have been modified from Bentleys Arnage R version to produce 400 hp (300 kW) and 616 lb-ft (835 Nm) of torque. Although on processional occasions these State cars only travel at around nine miles an hour and sometimes as slow as three miles an hour, the maximum speed of these cars is about 130mph (210 km/h). The transmission is a four-speed automatic unit from General Motors. This special Bentley has a removable exterior roof lining that reveals a clear inner lining, helping the thousands of onlookers to get a good glimpse of whoever is inside. Hield Lambswool Sateen cloth rear seats are complemented by pale blue carpets in the

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1881 Royal Glass Coach rear and dark blue ones in the front. The rear to the Palace. Horsepower now, for nothdoors of the cars are hinged at the back and ing else would have served as well on this along with the extra height allow the Queen to fairytale like occasion. Prince William and the stand up straight before stepping down to the Duchess of Cambridge made the journey to ground. Exterior finish is Royal claret livery Buckingham Palace in the 1902 Royal State and they do not have registration number Landau Coach led by a squadron from the plates, since they are State vehicles. Household Cavalry. It was followed by two A 1977 Rolls-Royce Phantom VI specially Ascot Landaus which carried best man Prince made for Queen Elizabeth II was the choice of Harry, maid of honor Pippa Middleton with transport to the Abbey for Kate. She opted out their four bridesmaids and two page boys. against the Royal horse drawn Glass Carriage The fourth carriage was another Semi-State that is the usual mode of transport for a Royal Landau carrying Queen Elizabeth and The brides journey to the church, as she wanted Duke of Edinburgh, and the fifth and final to arrive there as a commoner. carriage in the procession was a Semi-State The Rolls was given to the Queen in 1978 Landau carrying Prince Charles, The Prince for the Silver Jubilee of her reign by the So- of Wales, Camilla, The Duchess of Cornwall ciety of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, a and Mr and Mrs Middleton. grand gesture by the imploding British auto It was the Bride and Groom though that industry. Its a sign of those times for British the tens of thousands of people came to automakers that the Queens 25th anniver- see and they just looked perfect in the open sary was 1977, but a strike delayed delivery top Royal State Landau powered by four of the limo. The classic car is the same one Windsor Bay horses. Thankfully the weather which Prince Charles and his wife Camilla held fair on the wedding day, if it hadnt this were riding in when they were attacked by 1902 Hooper Royal State Landau would not rioters in December. Of course the damage have been used as they would have opted suffered to the car during the attack being for the aforementioned closed 1881 Glass carefully repaired prior to the ceremony. Coach for the journey from the Abbey to the Then came the wedding ceremony in the Palace. The Royal State Landau was built by magnificent Westminster Abbey, and I have Hooper & Co for King Edward VII in 1902 to admit that it brought tears to my eyes, both and was intended to be used at his Coronathe Bride and Groom looking splendid. Then tion. The company was established in 1807 came the procession from the Abbey along with premises in Haymarket London, It was Whitehall, Horse Guards and along the Mall founded by Adams and Hooper and held a royal warrant from 1830, building top class horse drawn carriages and supplying them to King William IV, Queen Victoria and King Edward VII. At the turn of the century Hooper & Co readily adapted themselves to the age of motoring and moved into motor bodies, their first Solution to other
Immigration or Visa Problems Free Initial Consultation

Speeding Roller Skater Caught On Camera

A SKATER was caught doing 40mph in a 30mph zone last month, but escaped prosecution because he was only on skates. Sam Tuffnell, 28, was pictured setting off a camera in his home town of Hastings, East Sussex, reported the Daily Telegraph. The stunt was lmed by a friend, who posted the footage to YouTube, where it has been viewed nearly 40,000 times. Tuffnell said: We had always talked about whether it was possible to be caught speeding on blades, but we have only just got around to doing it. We chose the camera we did because it was at the bottom of a hill so I could build some speed up. Like everyone, we do have a bit of a grudge against speed cameras, but this was not some kind of protest, it was just a stunt. A spokesman for Sussex Safer Roads Partnership conrmed Tuffnell would not face any punishment as he was not in a vehicle.

Let Tanya know how many teacups you give the books she recommends in this column. Email:

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Large Scale Plan Of Titanic Up For Bids

A LARGE-SCALE plan of the Titanic, prepared for the ofcial inquiry into the ships sinking, is being offered at an auction in Britain. Henry Aldridge & Son auctioneers estimates that the 32.5-foot-long cross-section of the ship could fetch between 100,000 and 150,000 at the sale in Devizes in southern England on May 28. The plan is being sold by an anonymous collector, the auctioneer said. The ship sank on April 15, 1912, after striking an iceberg on its maiden voyage. The ofcial inquiry opened on May 2, 1912, and nearly 100 witnesses testied during 36 days of hearings. The inquiry concluded: The loss of the said ship was due to collision with an iceberg brought about by the excessive speed at which the vessel was being navigated.



Scottish Police Arrest Two Letter Bomb Suspects

POLICE in Scotland have arrested two men in their investigation of letter bombs addressed to Celtic manager Neil Lennon and two prominent fans of the club, a day after a spectator at a match tried to attack Lennon. Police said the two men, aged 41 and 43, were arrested last month following raids at several properties in Kilwinning, 30 miles southwest of Glasgow. The bombs were intercepted and didnt explode. The spectators lunge at Lennon during a match at Hearts last month was the latest sectarian incident involving Celtic, traditionally supported by Irish Catholics. Glasgow rival Rangers and Hearts, based in Edinburgh, are both mainly supported by Protestants. Lothian and Borders Police media say they have charged a man in connection with the touchline attack on Lennon. The 26-year-old man was due to appear at Edinburgh Sheriff Court.

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June 2011


IN By Martin Burniston

Tel: (713) 256-1173 Email:

Royal Wedding THERE WERE lots of events around the State to celebrate the marriage of Prince William to Kate Middleton. In Houston, Guy Streatfeilds British Isles store in University Village opened up at 4am for a wedding watching party, complete with tea and biscuits, and Bucks Fizzes! Craig Mallinson at the Red Lion Pub chose the slightly later time of 4:30am for customer to enjoy the wedding, full English breakfast, and a Katie Champagne Cocktail. Across the State Daughters of the British Empire chapters organized smaller private Royal Wedding events. There was even a PJs and Tiaras party held by one person in The Woodlands, north of Houston. In the Texas Hill Country, Bridget and John Dale at Queen Bs Tea Room in Ingram, celebrated by offering High Tea at a special price throughout the weekend. They were inundated with reservations! Bridget told me that she had requests from San Antonio, Dallas, even Boston, for her homemade soups, scones, and other delicacies! God Bless the happy couple! GRAMMY Nomination Our congratulations go out to Robert (Bob) Linder former musical director of The Gilbert and Sullivan Society of Houston. Bob was nominated for a GRAMMY as producer of the 2010 jazz album Slide Side by trombonist Thomas Hultn. Ashley, Mike Ashley! My old pal, one-time boss, and formerHoustonian, Mike Ashley, tells me that life continues to be exceptional down in Miami Beach, where he now resides. Mike was a Sales Manager for Aston Martin in one of his former guises and had the honour of taking the Goldfinger DB5 around the world for PR appearances. Well, as you all probably know, the current 40-year owner of the car decided to auction it off in London late last October, so RM Auctions flew Mike over to do press and TV again about the cars history. Bollinger champagne parties, Bond theme receptions etc. Mike just had a blast! As he told me, It got $4.1m. Not me, the owner!!! Mike stayed on in the UK for a couple of weeks more to visit the new track pits at Silverstone (Fantastic!), and family, friends and pubs, What a life!! British Ambassador Visits Louisiana On a two-day visit to Louisiana in March, Sir Nigel Sheinwald, British Ambassador, met with business and government leaders to discuss open and free trade between nations, the importance of the UK/US relationship and expanding the UKs business with Louisiana. As part of his visit, the Ambassador toured Blade Dynamics Michoud Assembly Facility. The plant was established to serve the local and global wind energy markets, something that is garnering more and more interest in the UK. BABC Ascot Day British American Business Council members dressed in their finery for the annual Ascot Day held at Sam Houston Race Park. The event was sponsored by the Royal Bank of Scotland; Wood Group; and British Airways. Over a hundred people were on hand for the event. Its always a fun affair with prizes given for the Best Hat worn by a lady, and the Best Dressed Gent. The honours this year went to Sharon Michaels and James Hysmith respectively. OTC As they have done for the past 28 years,

the Houston Grampian Association hosted members of Grampian/Houston and SisterCity Aberdeen, Scotland, as guests at the Saturday kickoff OTC breakfast, before the opening of the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston. For the fifth consecutive year, HGA was again joined by the British American Business Council in a collaborative effort, and a portion of the proceeds from the event benefited BAFTx The British-American Foundation of Texas, which was founded by BABC in June of 2007 to facilitate the scholarship program envisioned by the BABC Board and membership. HGA also uses the proceeds of the breakfast to support key activities such as a student nurse exchange program and the celebration of Her Majestys birthday in June with an afternoon tea at Hotel ZaZa in Houston. The OTC itself had a 10 percent increase in attendees over last year, but there didnt seem to be as many British companies represented this time around. It is amazing, though, how much influence the Brits have in the development of technology for the oil industry. It seemed to me that every stand that I went to at the exhibition had at least one person from the UK present. United Kingdom Trade and Investment held their annual Gala Reception at the Hilton Post Oak on Monday, May 2, which was fairly well attended. English Speaking Union Shakespeare Success Natalie Tischler from Houston, a student of Marilyn Miller at Cypress Creek High School in Houston, placed as a semi-finalist at the English-Speaking Union National Shakespeare Competition. The competition was held on May 2 at Lincoln Center in New York City for 57 winners of ESU Branch competitions nationwide. Natalie had won the ESU Houston Branch regional competition. This years winner of the ESU Hawaii regional competition, Connor Lawhorn, won first prize in the ESU National Shakespeare Competition, winning a Scholarship to attend the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts Young Actors Summer School in London, England. English Films at WorldFest WorldFest-Houston International Film Festival celebrated its 44th year in April, and showcased over 50 new Independent features films and 88 Award-winning shorts from around the globe, including the UK. All events were open to the general public, and were screened at the AMC Dunvale Studio 30 Theater, on Dunvale, Houston. The WorldFest mission & vision is to recognize and honour outstanding creative excellence in film and video while educating and introducing excel- lence in cinematic arts for the promotion of cultural tourism in Houston. WorldFest, a nonprofit cultural and educational organization, is one of the oldest film festivals in the world. Founded in August 1961 as an International Film Society, it evolved into a competitive International Film Festival in 1968, and became the third competitive international film festival in North America, following San Francisco and New York. The organization has the honour of discovering film greats like Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, David Lynch, Ridley Scott, Ang Lee and the Cohen Brothers. UK films on show at WorldFest-Houston were Re-Evolution by Andrew Walkington, and starring Charis Deighton and Brian Blessed an exposition of a world in which the powers that be prescribe a cure for the youth of today; Moonbug by Nichola Bruce which follows world renowned photographer Steve Pyke as he sets out on a journey across America in his search to meet and photograph the Apollo space pioneers; and a Short by Dan Nathan called Critical Eye. Moonbug received the Remi Award in its category.Critical Eye won a platinum award for Best Black Comedy. Re-Evolution was awarded a Gold Remi, one of the highest honours at the festival. Texas Youth Rugby To follow-up on my report of the Texas State High School Championships held at Strake Jesuit High Scholl, Houston, in April; St Thomas High School (Houston) defeated Dallas Jesuit 7-6 in a very tight game. In the Division I Multi-School championship Alliance of North Texas defeated The Woodlands 37-24, while in Division 2 Stony Point (Round Rock) defeated Allen HS 12-0. Surprise Visitor I have to share this story with you. My good friend, Charlie Adams, owns an antique shop called Artifacts in George Town, Grand Cayman. A few weeks ago he popped out to pick up something for lunch at the local supermarket. When he returned, the shop was surrounded by police. Charlies first thought was, Oh my God, Ive been robbed! He explained to the police that he was the owner and they allowed him to go in. Imagine his surprise when he came face to face with President Bill Clinton, who happened to be speaking at an event on the island, and decided to do some shopping. Well, Charlie, not being the shy retiring type, gave Mr Clinton a twenty minute lesson about antique shipwreck coins and other artifacts, and sold him a few little trinkets to take home for the family! I joke with him that he can now say that Artifacts is By Appointment to the United States President!!!

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Back To Royal Normality For Wills And Kate

PRINCE WILLIAM and Kate Middleton soon slipped into a routine in the week after their lavish April 29 wedding. William returned to work in north Wales as a helicopter rescue pilot for the military and in the short time back participated in two rescues, the British military said last month. The couple decided against an immediate overseas honeymoon after getting married in London at Westminster Abbey. They opted instead to spend the weekend in Britain before William returned to military duty. William was among a four-man crew operating a Royal Air Force Sea King helicopter, which airlifted a 70-year-old man with a suspected heart problem to a hospital. Later, the helicopter rescued four hikers after one of them experienced vertigo. ERRANDS Middleton, now known as the Duchess of Cambridge, has been out doing the couples errands. Front page photographs published in British tabloids showed Middleton pushing a shopping cart at an upscale grocery store in Anglesey, where the pair have their home. They showed Middleton wearing a thin white V-neck sweat shirt under a green knitted throw. Her sapphire engagement ring peeked out over the carts handlebar as she skipped across the stores parking lot. The Daily Mail reported that she was wearing her gold wedding band under her engagement ring. Kates Back up Aisle, joked The Star newspaper.

By Joe Nicholls. Joe and Kevin McGinty can be heard on Sounds of Britain and Ireland Sundays 4-5pm on Clevelands WCPN 90.3FM and JUNE 3, 17: British-American Club, Fish & chips dinners, 8564 Ravenna Rd, (off Rte 82), Twinsburg, 6:30-8:30pm (330) 963-6370. 3,10,17,24: West Side Irish American Club, Irish-style dinners, 8559 Jennings Rd, Olmsted Township, 6-9pm (216) 251-4075. 8: Calon Lan Welsh Club, Lunch Meeting, Dennys Restaurant, Rt 224, Boardman, 1pm (330) 758-4202. 10, 24: British-American Club, Pub Nights, 8564 Ravenna Rd, Twinsburg, 8pm, (330) 963-6370. 12: Scottish American Society, Monthly meeting, Akron Public Library, Downtown Akron, 3pm, (330) 882-0342. 14: SHANO, Scottish Heritage Meetings, Community Presbyterian Church, 5132 Mayfield Rd, Lyndhurst. 7:30pm (330) 463-5559. 18 Cleveland Manx Society, Monthly Luncheon, Wild Mango Restaurant, North Olmsted, 1pm (216) 481-2476. 19: Jaguar Club of Ohio, Fathers Day gettogether, Stan Hywet Hall, Akron 2pm, (330) 722-2297. 23: Daughters of the BE, Westminster Chapter, meeting, Lyndhurst, 7:30pm (440) 461-2533. 24: British American C of C, Link Club, Luncheon, Lockkeepers restaurant, Valley View, 11:30am (216) 621-0222. 25: SACSO, Ohio Scottish Games, Lorain County Fairgrounds, Rtes 58 & 18, Wellington, 8am-5pm. (440) 835-9794.

Red Light District Perfect Home For Bird

ONE DOVE in Basildon, Essex has found the perfect home to bring up her young. The inventive bird has built a nest inside a trafc light at a busy road junction. The unusual red light location has earned her the nickname Roxanne, after the Police song. Most drivers passing the spot have no idea theres anything different about this particular set of lights. Only the most eagle-eyed are able to spot the bird and her nest of twigs. Despite the trafc, not to mention the constantly changing light, Roxanne seems very pleased with her choice of nesting site. After all, she does having something of a birds eye view.


TVs Dr Watson, Dies At 78

EDWARD HARDWICKE, who played Dr John Watson opposite Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes on television in the 1980s and 90s, has died of cancer at age 78. The English actor, who took on the Watson role in the second year of the series after David Burke dropped out, was an unflappable counterpoint to Bretts brooding, nervy characterization of the detective. Hardwicke played Watson from 1986-88 in The Return of Sherlock Holmes, and also played the character in the later series from 1991. Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, described Watson as the detectives rather stupid friend, but thats not how Hardwicke played the role. Hardwicke, born in London, was the son of the actors Cedric Hardwicke and Helena Pickard. His lm debut was in an uncredited bit part in A Guy Named Joe, a 1943 lm starring Spencer Tracy. Hardwicke and Brett, who died in 1995, were both in the National Theatre between 1964 and 1972 when the late Laurence Olivier was leading the company. My God, how lucky we were, Hardwicke said. Shadowlands, a lm about the unlikely romance of Oxford academic CS Lewis and the American Joy Davidson, gave Hardwicke his most acclaimed film role as Lewis brother Warnie. He was also known for playing a character based on war hero British Army ofcer Pat Reid in the BBC drama Colditz.

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cricket in 2007, after have taking 708 Test wickets and making 145 appearances for Australia. MURRAY REGAINING HIS FORM? Andy Murray appears to be moving out of the severe slump he suffered after losing in the final of the Australian Open earlier this year. At the Madrid Open, he was knocked out in the third round by Thomas Bellucci of Brazil, after earlier dispatching Gilles Simon of France. He reached the semi-finals of the Rome Masters before the man who thwarted his Aussie hopes, Novak Djokovic edged him 6-1, 3-6, 7-6, (7-2). Earlier he moved passed Xavier Malisse (Bel) Potito Starace (It) and Florian Mayer of Germany. At a Rome press conference he admitted he was feeling a whole lot better about his game. Britains number one Elena Baltcha, reached her very first clay court final at Cagnes-de-Sur, France, in the Suez Open. She was unable to progress further however, after a two set loss to Pauline Parmentier of France. FIVE BRITONS IN TOP TEN GOLF RANKINGS Last months world ranking list had five golfing Britons in the top ten, that included Lee Westwood, Luke Donald, Paul Casey, Rory McIIroy and Graeme McDowell. After winning the Indonesian Masters, Lee Westwood regained his number one world ranking, while a week later he reiterated his position by winning the Ballantine Championship in Icheon, South Korea, that concluded May 1. His 12 under 276 gave him a one stroke advantage over runner-up Miguel Angel Jimenez. When youre world number one its always nice to come and play like the worlds number one, said the delighted Englishman. Darren Clarke claimed his first title since August of 2008, coming from four strokes adrift on the final round of the Mallorca Open in Spain, May 15. The Northern Irelander finished with a six under 274, three strokes clear of the English duo of Chris Wood and David Lynn. Same weekend at Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, Luke Donald, moved to the number two world ranking after a joint fourth place finish in the Players Championship. An all-British final in the World Match-Play Championships at Casares, Costa de Sol, Spain, May 22, saw Ian Poulter oust Brit rival Luke Donald 2 and 1 in the final. MOTOR RACING Red Bulls Sebastian Vettel pushed his record to four wins from five races in the Formula One Championship, and leads the drivers table with 118pts, 41 ahead of Lewis Hamilton. Last month, Vettel won the Turkish grand Prix ahead of Jensen Button, and the Spanish Grand Prix in Barcelona, May 22, ahead of Lewis Hamilton. Scottish Indycar champion Dario Franchitti, ran a fourth in Brazil at the Sao Paulo, Indy 300, May 2. Will Power leads the Indycar drivers table with 168 pts, with Dario Franchitti just fourteen points behind on 154. As we go to press, the Scot prepares to defend his Indianapolis 500 crown, May 29. NATHAN CLEVERLY TAKES WBO CROWN An injury forced Darren Barker to cede his European middleweight crown last year, but the undefeated Briton (22-0) reclaimed his title in London, during the last evening of April, with a points win over Domenico Spada of Spain. At the O2 Arena in London, May 22, unbeaten Welshman Nathan Cleverly (13-0) was close to not having an opponent for his WBO light-heavyweight challenge when first Jurgen Braehmer and then Tony Bellows dropped out through injury. Aleksy Kuziemski (21-3) was brought in at the last minute, but the Caerphilly fighter apparently broke the Poles nose and the bloody encounter ended in the fourth round with Cleverly becoming the fifth British world champion at this time. Two of Britains unbeaten middleweights faced off for the British crown on the undercard. Hammersmiths George Groves (13-0) and former Olympic gold medallist James Degale (10-1) started slowly but the Londoners eventually turned in to a real slugfest with Groves getting the decision. RUGBY Leinster are the new European rugby champions after coming back from a 6-22 deficit against the Northampton Saints at the Millenium Stadium, Cardiff, May 22, winning the Heneken Cup 33-22. The Harlequins won the Amlin Challenge Cup edging Stade

June 2011
against Leeds, who were looking for a play-off place at the expense of Nottingham Forest. But Forest beat Crystal Palace 3-0, and Leeds will stay in the Championship. Barnet have been in the division two relegation zone most of the season. But a 1-0 home win over Port Vale on the last scheduled game, saw them hop above Lincoln City, who suffered a 3-0 home loss to Aldershot. Lincoln will join Stockport County in the Conference next season. AFC Wimbledon won the Conference play-off final against Luton Town and will join Crawley Town in the second division next season. The play-off final ended scoreless after extra time, and Wimbledon won 4-3 after a penalty shoot out. Birmingham City became the first winner of the Carling English League Cup to be relegated in the same season. The Blues will be in Europe next season, but they will be playing in the Championship. At Wembley, a crowd of 9,000 plus watched Whitley Bay win the FA Vase for the third consecutive year after a 3-2 victory over Coalville Town. WELSH SOCCER Bangor City are the Premier Welsh League Champions, after beating the New Saints 1-0, in the final game of the season. They finished with 70pts, two clear of the Saints who were runners up. The New Saints beat Llanelli 4-3, in extra time to win the Loosemores Welsh League Cup, while Llanelli beat Bangor City 4-1, to win the Welsh Cup. SPORTING PASSINGS Long regarded as one of golfs charismatic players and thought responsible for the resurgence in the public interest of pro-golf in Europe in the 1970-80s, Seve Ballesteros was a fearless player who drew excitement wherever he played. Three years ago he collapsed at the Madrid airport where a brain tumour was diagnosed, and a series of surgeries began. The Spaniard won 87 titles during his career, including being the first European to win the Masters in 1980. He won it again in 1983. He won the British Open three times 1979, 1884, and 1988. Seve Ballesteros was 54. The man who won the Olympic gold in the Beijing marathon 2008, and won the London marathon the following year died after a fall from the balcony at his home in Nyahururu. The young Kenyan Sammy Wanjiru, became the new rising star of world distance running. He won the Chicago marathon consecutively in 2009 and 2010. His domestic life was apparently not as successful as his running exploits, and he had only recently reconciled with his wife. Sammy Wanjiru was 24.

Compiled by Larry Gardner SPORTS FANS REMEMBER OUR ENERY HE WAS the most respected and admired British boxer in the post-war era. A man whose fighting weight was around 190lbs and would not be regarded as a heavyweight today, though his persistence and professionalism always shone through. As a seventeen-yearold, he captured the British amateur lightheavyweight crown and represented Britain at the 1952 Helsinki Olympics. Two years later he turned pro. His amateur record was 73 wins from 84 fights and he blamed his defeats on his mother filling him up with bread-pudding before the fights. Henry Cooper would become a household name with his vicious left hook and amiable ways that projected an aura of a gentleman in a sport that epitomized blood and violence. He was a beloved figure in the British world of sport, and was the first boxer to be voted the BBC Sports Personality of the Year. He put the then Cassius Clay on his back-side in the fourth round in 1963, in front of 35,000 fans at Wembley. His pro-fight record was 40 wins, 14 losses and one draw. His last fight in 1971, saw him controversially lose his British & European crowns to an up and coming, 21-year-old youngster named Joe Bugner. Bugners defeat of Britains boxing legend brought little public accolade however, and the new British and European Champion soon moved to Australia. Henry was appointed OBE in 1969, and made Sir Henry Cooper in 2000. A gamey elbow caused through his days as a plasterer and a tendency to bleed easily around the eyes, thwarted his chances of a world title. Sir Henry Cooper was 76. CRICKET, THE COUNTY GAME Mid-May, County championship leaders Nottinghamshire, lost by nine wickets at Hove to Sussex, for their first defeat of the season. They still led the table with 74pts from five games however. In previous games, Notts had beat Worcestershire by three wickets and Yorkshire by 58 runs. Lancashire who had recorded three victories from four games were chasing with 72pts. In Division Two, Northamptonshire beat Gloucestershire by an innings and six runs to go top with 88 points, played five won three. Northants 557 (Niall OBrien 166, James Middlebrook 109)9 dec. Gloucs 288 and 263. Previously they overcame Kent by five wickets. Sri Lanka began their English tour, opening with a four wicket win over Middlesex in a three day game at Uxbridge. Middlesex 360 (Andy Strauss 151, Daniel Housgo 104)-8 dec and 161. Sri Lanka 309 (Tharanga Varanavia 103 not out, T Dilshan 122)-2 dec and 216-6 at close. A four-day game against the England Lions at Derby, saw Sri Lanka win by 38 runs. Sri Lanka 266 and 448 (Paranavitana 125, T Dilshan 17. Lions 493 (Eoin Morgan 193, Samiy Patel 119)-8 dec and 186 all out. The West Indies beat Pakistan by 40 runs in their first Test encounter in Guyana. West Indies 226 and 152. Pakistan 160 and 178. Shane Warne played his final professional game of cricket last month, and heads for retirement after assisting the Rajasthan Royals to a 10 wicket win over Mumbai in the Indian Premier League. Warne retired from Test
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Francais 19-18. Leicester is the Aviva English Champions with 76pts, with the Saracens, runner-up two points distant. London Scottish won the English National League Division One title, Fylde won division two north and the Ealing Trailfinders won division two south. EUROPEAN SOCCER Manchester United marched in to the final of the European Champions League Cup Final, scheduled for Wembley, May 28, after two stirring semi-final displays against Schalke 04. In Germany, two second half goals within two minutes by Wayne Rooney (67th) and Ryan Giggs (69th) gave the Reds a 2-0 advantage to take to Old Trafford. After a 1-0 defeat against Arsenal, Sir Alex made eight changes for the second encounter with the Germans, and it certainly paid off. A full house roared their approval as Antonio Valencia put the hosts ahead in the 26th minute and five minutes later Darron Gibson made it two. Ten minutes before the break Jurado scored for Schalke, but two goals by Brazilian striker Anderson in the 72nd and 76th minutes saw United carve out a 4-1 victory, for a 6-1 winning aggregate. United will be looking for revenge against Barcelona, who beat them in the final two years ago. The other semi-final saw Real Madrid coach Jose Mourinho pitch temper tantrum and was sent to the stands, as two goals by Lionel Messi gave Barcelona a 2-0 win in Madrid. In the second leg, 90,000 fans crowded the stadium and went wild after Pedrito put Barca ahead in the 56th minute. Marielo leveled it for Real Madrid eight minutes later as a 1-1 tie played out at the ninety minutes. The all-Portugese, Europa League Cup Final at Dublin, May 18, saw a Falcao header one minute before the break, give Porto a 1-0 win over local rivals Braga. Porto has remained unbeaten in the Portuguese League this season and was largely the better side. MANCHESTER DOUBLE Manchester United claimed the English Championship for a record 19th time, and Manchester City captured the FA Cup with a 1-0 win over Stoke City, May 14. Sir Alex Ferguson was happy to see the red devils win another championship under his auspices, the twelfth for the Scot. The reds came behind from a goal down at Blackburn, where a Wayne Rooney penalty earned a 1-1 result and the title with still one game to play. Manchester City collected their first major trophy in 35 years in a tough and hard-fought encounter with Stoke City at Wembley, where a goal by Ivory Coast strike, Yaya Toure in the 74th minute proved the only goal of the game. The Stoke goalkeeper Thomas Sorensen had a magnificent outing, thwarting various chances as the sky blues edged closer and closer. RANGERS CHAMPIONS, CELTIC WIN CUP Craig Whytes long negotiated deal to take over at Rangers, came to fruition last month when he acquired Sir David Murrays 85 per-cent shareholding in the club. It effectively gives venture capitalist Whyte control over the Glasgow club who are reputed be 27m in debt. The new management celebrated with a 3-0 home win over Hearts. The Scottish Premier League Championship went down to the wire as expected. Celtic suffered a set-back at Inverness CT, May 3, losing 2-3 in a vital run-up for the title. Charlie Mulgrew put the ball in his own net after just seven minutes, though Kris Commons equalized two minutes later. Grant Munroe (52nd) and Shane Sutherland (62nd) made it 3-1, for the hosts before a last minute penalty by Kris Commons got the Hoops closer. On May 15, the final game of the season with both clubs only one point apart, saw Rangers visited Kilmarnock where a 5-1 victory saw them claim their third consecutive Scottish Premier crown. A Lyle Lafferty hat-trick gave the Gers the edge. Celtic won 3-0 at Parkhead, over Motherwell and finished highly disappointed runners up, one point distant. Celtic won the Scottish Cup for the 35th time in front of 49,000 fans at Hampden Park, May 22, beating Motherwell 3-0 in the final. Ki Sung Cheung put the Hoops ahead in the 32nd minute, while Motherwells skipper Stephen Craigan put one in his own net in the 76th minute which ultimately set the games conclusion. Charlie Mulgrew added a third two minutes from time to give Celtic a comfortable result. UPS AND DOWNS Queens Park Rangers collected the Championship crown and will play in the Premier League next season. But the title was not without its drama after Swansea and Cardiff had complained to the FA about irregularities regarding the signing of Argentinean, Alejandro Faurlin. Nine charges were leveled against QPR regarding the signing of Faurlin, and the FA could have docked points from the London club if extreme wrong doing had been proved, thus removing the team from the top of the championship table. The FA found two of the charges in violation and fined QPR 875,000, but did not deduct points. Rangers lost their final game of the season 2-1, at home

previous Rugby World Cup tournaments and that has to be our first target this autumn. Summer Warm-Up Schedule All four home nations will be involved in Welsh And Irish Injuries summer warm-up games ahead of the World WORRYING news has emerged from Wales Cup, Ireland being particularly busy: that James Hook is suffering from August a recurrence of the shoulder injury 6: England v Wales (Twickenthat forced him from the pitch in his ham), Scotland v Ireland (Murlast game for the Ospreys. He will rayfield) definitely miss the Wales-Barbarian 13: Wales v England (Cardiff), game as he is getting married on France v Ireland (Bordeaux) the same day. He would also be a By John Polley 20: Ireland v France (Dublin), certainty for two matches against Wales v Argentina (Cardiff), England and the final warm-up game in August Scotland v Italy (Murrayfield) against Argentina. But doubts persist about 27: Ireland v England (Dublin) his future. All the fixtures are settled now, details on The Irish too have their problems, most the RWC website: notably with Brian ODriscoll. He was one of home/fixtures/poolstage.html. four Leinster players who picked up injuries in Scotland and England start on the 10th of their Magners League semi-final versus Ulster, September against Romania and Argentina. described by coach Joe Schmidt as a demoli- Ireland and Wales kick off next day against tion derby with bodies littered all over the the USA and South Africa. pitch at times. On the plus side, ODriscolls Ben Cohen To Fight Homophobia And injury is to a muscle behind the left knee but worryingly he has suffered this sort of problem Bullying Ben Cohen, Englands World Cup-winning too often for comfort. winger, is retiring from the game. His deparScotland Blood Four Players Head coach Andy Robinson has named ture leaves just four of Englands 2003 team four uncapped players in a 40-strong provi- still on active service: Jonny Wilkinson, Steve sional Scotland squad for the IRB Rugby World Thompson, Lewis Moody and Mike Tindall. Josh Lewsey made a brief comeback this Cup 2011 in New Zealand this autumn. The quartet Glasgow forwards Robert season for London Wasps. Cohen is comparatively young at 32 with Harley and Ryan Grant, Edinburgh back-row forward David Denton along with Bath full-back offers in the pipeline from clubs in France and Jack Cuthbert are among 19 players who England. He has preferred to head up a new charity: the Ben Cohen Stand Up Foundation, would be new to World Cup finals. Robinson commented, Im pleased targeting bullying and homophobia. As athletes, it is not enough just to have with the squad. Theres a good blend of the experienced, the battle-hardened and up and strong bodies, we must have strong characters and use our voices to support those who coming talent. The task that lies ahead for these players need and deserve it, is his ringing message now is to be at the very peak of their powers as he sets out on a tour of the US on behalf in order to do themselves, their families, of the foundation. Although not gay himself, friends and country proud in New Zealand in Cohen has become something of a gay icon in recent years. His Acceptance Tour will visit September and October. Scotland have always qualified from the six American cities. pool stages to reach the quarter-finals at the six

World Cup Preparations

Woodward Rules Himself Out Of English Rugby Role

FORMER World Cup-winning coach Clive Woodward has ruled himself out of the running to become the performance director for Englands Rugby Football Union, a job that has no involvement with the senior team. Woodward, the director of sport for the British Olympic Association and its deputy chef de mission, released a statement to formally conrm that I will not be attending any interviews for this position. RUGBY Having quit as England coach a year after the team won the 2003 World Cup in Australia, Woodward had reportedly been the favorite on an undisclosed shortlist of three for the position. Woodward says I am totally committed to my role with BOA and wish the RFU all the best in its search to nd the appropriate candidate.

Controversial Wales Forward Powell Hired By Sale

ANDY POWELLS international rugby future with Wales remains in doubt despite signing a two-year contract with Sale Sharks last month. The contract starts next season for Powell, who left Sales fellow English Premiership side Wasps only last week by mutual consent. Wasps decision came after Powell was suspended last month for being involved in a pub brawl which left him with a head cut. Powell still has to meet Wales coach Warren Gatland to discuss the incident and whether hell add to his 17 caps in this World Cup year. Unlike Gavin Henson, who was also recently in strife with his Toulon club, Powell wasnt included in a Wales squad to play the Barbarians on June 4.

June 2011

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(stoppage time of the second half) brought the Magpies back from a pair of one-goal deficits at Chelsea to earn a 2-2 draw. Stoke City The Potters were shut out in their last two games, losing the home finale to Wigan, 1-0, and falling 3-0 at Manchester City in a league match rearranged to be played three days after they met in the FA Cup final. Goals by Kenwyne Jones and Jermaine Pennant forged a 2-0 advantage over Arsenal and Jon Walters scored a third goal right after Stoke conceded one as they downed the Gunners, 3-1. Sunderland Fell to Wolverhampton, 3-1, in their home finale despite jumping on top with Jody Craddocks goal midway through the first half. They broke up a barren run by winning, 2-1 at Bolton, to win for only the second time in the previous 12 games, but needed an own goal forced by Sully Muntari for the victory after Bolo Zenden had equalized just before halftime. Tottenham Roman Pavlyuchenkos pair of goals in the seasons last game downed Birmingham City, 2-1, which as League Cup winners will join Spurs in the Europa League next season. Rafael van der Vaarts volley and Luka Modrics penalty earned Tottenham a 2-0 win at Liverpool that pushed Spurs a point ahead in the battle for fifth place. West Bromwich Albion A Somen Tchoyi hat trick in the final half an hour claimed a spectacular 3-3 comeback draw at Newcastle to close down the season. Tchoyi started the rally from 3-0 down in the 62nd minute, added a second goal 10 minutes later, and in stoppage time drove home a diving header. Youssouf Mulumbus seventh goal of the season gave the Baggies a 1-0 defeat of Everton in their last home match. Despite being shut out in both games Peter Odemwinge finished his first EPL season with 15 goals. West Ham United A goal by Demba Ba in the 33rd minute edged the Hammers to within a goal of the host at Manchester City, but they seldom threatened after that and were beaten, 2-1. Missing an injured Scott Parker, West Ham drew, 1-1, with Blackburn courtesy of a Thomas Hitzlsperger goal struck from 25 yards in the 78th minute. Wigan Athletic The Latics, second from bottom when play commenced on the final day, roused themselves after a shaky first half to win at Stoke, 1-0, with a Hugo Rodallega header in the 79th-minute to stay up. Mohamed Diames cross supplied Rodallega with the chance, and critical saves by keeper Ali Al Habsi ensured the victory. Charles NZogbia ran onto a ball from Victor Moses to fire home his eighth goal of the season, which was enough to claim a 1-1 draw at Aston Villa. Wolverhampton Wanderers Down 3-0 at Molineux in the season finale, Wolves got goals by Jamie OHara and Stephen Hunt that were enough to retain Premier League status for the third straight season despite a 3-2 loss, thanks to Birmingham and Blackpool both losing. Hunts goal gave Wolves the edge in a tiebreaker that City and Pool could only supersede by getting a draw. A 3-1 victory at Sunderland the previous week had increased their chances of staying up; after Stephane Sessegnon equalized, Steven Fletcher with his sixth goal in eight games and George Elokobi scored for a vital three points. Also proving to be important was a Fletcher penalty that provided a 1-0 lead in the seventh minute at Birmingham City, and proved to be enough to earn a 1-1 draw.

Football ups And downs 2010-11

Champions: Man Utd Champions League: Man Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal, Man City Europa League: Birmingham, Stoke, Tottenham DOWN: West Ham, Blackpool, Birmingham

UP: QPR (champions), Norwich Play-off Final: Reading v Swansea, May 30 Wembley DOWN: Preston, Sheff Utd, Scunthorpe

UP: Brighton (champions), Southampton Play-off Final: Huddersfield v Peterborough, May 29 Old Trafford DOWN: Swindon, Plymouth, Dag & Red, Bristol Rovers

UP: Chesterfield (champions), Bury, Wycombe Play-off Final: Torquay v Stevenage, May 28, Old Trafford DOWN: Stockport, Lincoln


UP: Crawley (champions); also Play-Off Winners: AFC Wimbledon (beat Luton 4-3 on pens in Final) DOWN: Histon, Eastbourne, Altrincham, Southport


Champions: Rangers Euro Places: Celtic, Hearts, Dundee Utd DOWN: Hamilton

UP: Dunfermline (champions) DOWN: Stirling Albion, Cowdenbeath

UP: Livingston (champions) Play-off Winners: Ayr (beat Brechin 3-2, agg) DOWN: Peterhead, Alloa

UP: Arbroath (champions); also Play-off Winners: Albion Rov (beat Annan 2-1)

Champions League Final

May 28, Wembley Man United v Barcelona

Europa Cup
Porto (beat Braga 1-0 in Final)

FA Cup
Manchester City (beat Stoke 1-0 in Final)

Carling Cup
Birmingham (beat Arsenal 1-0 in Final)

Scottish Cup
Celtic (beat Motherwell 3-0 in Final)

Scottish Co-operative Insurance Cup

Rangers (beat Celtic 2-1 in Final)

City Win Causes Man United To Remove Banner

MANCHESTER United fans are no longer laughing quite so hard at Manchester City. Citys win in last months FA Cup nal has prompted United to remove a banner hanging at its stadium mocking its rivals long stretch without a trophy. The annually updated banner had reached 35 years this season. United amassed 13 league championships, eight FA Cups, four League Cups, two Champions League titles and the European Cup Winners Cup between City winning the 1976 League Cup and beating Stoke 1-0 in last months nal. But United fans still managed to poke fun at another rival. A day after their team surpassed Liverpools record 18 league titles, United fans hung a banner at Liverpools stadium reading 19-18.

scored in the second minute and Alex conBy Ridge Mahoney nected in the 83rd as once again Chelsea let Arsenal Robin van Persie points slip away late. equalized in the first half and a late Everton Jermaine Beckford goal by Theo Walcott knotted the raced from deep into his own half scores permanently in a 2-2 draw past numerous Chelsea players at Fulham. In the home finale against Aston to score the only goal needed by Villa, the Gunners conceded two early goals Everton, down to 10 men for most of the secfour minutes apart and netted only a van Persie ond half, to win, 1-0. Seamus Coleman went consolation goal in the 89th minute of a 2-1 off with a second caution in the 53rd minute, defeat. Boos rained down as the Gunners left Beckford scored his goal with a quarter-hour to the field. Faint title hopes were extinguished via play. Second-half headers from Sylvain Distin a 3-1 thrashing at Stoke in which van Persie and Leon Osman brought Everton back from scored a late goal his 19th in the last 21 a 1-0 deficit to beat Manchester City, 2-1, for games and eighth straight in an away match. their seventh win in the last eight meetings of Aaron Ramsey, replacing an injured Cesc Fab- the teams. Distin equalized in the 65th minute regas, scored his first league goal in more than Osman hit the winner seven minutes later. a year in a 1-0 win over Manchester United that Fulham The Cottagers twice had briefly opened up the title chase. led Arsenal by a goal with strikes Aston Villa Wingers ruled the by Steve Sidwell and Bobby Zamora day in a 1-0 defeat of Liverpool to end but after Zoltan Gera was sent off the season. Stuart Downing scored in barely twominutes after coming on as a sub, the 33rd minute and Ashley Young late goal to a cleared a shot off the line to earn Villa its first they conceded a Hangeland end inin 2-2 draw. early each half home win against Liverpool in 13 years. Goals Goals by Brede Cottagers win Birmingham by Darren Bent five minutes apart staked Villa earned theafter being a 2-0apartatby Liverpool, five days torn to a 2-0 lead at Arsenal after a quarter of an 5-2, at Craven Cottage. A Mousa Dembele hour in what became a 2-1 win. Young scored goal brought back brief hope after theyd seven minutes after Villa had fallen behind early conceded three in 16 minutes back but they against Wigan and neither team could muster were 5-1 down when Sidwell scored in the another goal. Birmingham Craig Gardners 86th minute. Liverpool The news that equalizer in the 79th minute against interim manager Kenny Dalglish Tottenham in the season finale has signed a three-year contract seemed enough to stave off relegabrought great joy to the fans, but tion, but a goal scored by Wolverhis first match with a new deal hampton meant City needed a win to survive, and as they pushed forward Spurs countered ended 2-0 to Tottenham. Maxi Rodriguez to score the decisive goal in a 2-1 defeat. Gard- scored in the first and seventh minutes and in the second half rounded off his second hat ner was sent off with a second caution two minutes after Sebastian Larsson had equalized trick in the three previous games as Liverpool in the 27th minute, yet City held on at 1-1 for demolished Fulham, 5-2, with Kuyt and Suarez the rest of the game to claim a point. Gardner netting the other two goals. A 3-0 thrashing went off after being booked for diving following of Newcastle upped Liverpools goal total to a rash reaction to a tackle that produced the 14 in the last three games; Dirk Kuyt scored first caution. In a 2-0 home loss to Fulham, Lee his eighth in the previous seven games in Bowyer, Stuart Parnaby and Martin Jiranek all between a Rodriguez goal in the 10th minute hobbled off with injuries and yet another injury and a Suarez capper. Manchester City Joleon suffered by Alexander Hleb left them with 10 Lescott scored just before halftime men for the final 13 minutes. and substitute Edin Dzeko tallied Blackburn Rovers finished less than a minute after entering the season with a 3-2 win at the match as City wrapped up third Wolverhampton fashioned with first-half goals by Jason Rob- place by winning, 2-0, at Bolton. Carlos Tevez erts, Brett Emerton and Junior Hoilett. They glided past two defenders to smash home a concluded their home schedule by tying goal and scored a second with a curling free Manchester United, 1-1, with an Emerton kick as City outclassed Stoke, 3-0, three days goal. Rovers squandered a lead theyd held after beating them in the FA Cup final, 1-0. for more than an hour after Roberts scored Nigel DeJong and Pablo Zabaleta scored five in the 12th minute at West Ham but they did minutes apart in the first quarter of an hour to propel City past West Ham, 2-1. hang on to draw, 1-1. Blackpool Needing a victory Manchester United Goals at Old Trafford to guarantee Preby Anderson and Michael Owen mier League status next season, propelled United back from a Blackpool let slip a 2-1 lead and 2-1 deficit to win the season lost, 4-2. Charlie Adam and Gary Taylor- finale over Blackpool, 4-2. Park Ji-Sung had Fletcher provided goals for the lead, but after opened the scoring in the 21st minute. Wayne United tied it, Ian Evatt put a cross into his own Rooneys penalty kick in the 73rd minute net to send down the Seasiders. DJ Campbell secured a 1-1 draw at Blackburn that clinched scored the first and third goals of a wild 4-3 Uniteds 19th top-tier title. Javier Hernandez victory over Bolton that kept hopes of staying scored just 36 seconds after the opening kickup alive until the final day. Jason Puncheons off and Nemanja Vidic headed a goal midway goal in the 19th minute gave Blackpool a through the second half in a 2-1 home victory brief 3-2 lead, and Charlie Adams goal 18 over Chelsea that opened up a six-point gap minutes into the second half turned out to be with two matches remaining. the winner. Newcastle The Magpies Bolton Wanderers scored threw away a 3-0 lead and endtwice in the first 24 minutes, and ed the match with West Brom equalized with a third goal early in tied, 3-3 after a 16th minute goal the second half, yet still lost, 4-3, at by Steven Taylor, a second from Blackpool. Kevin Davies opened the Peter Lovenkrands and an own goal. Goals scoring in the sixth minute and after two goals by Jonas Gutierrez (10th minute) and Taylor were conceded Matt Taylor tied it up again (just off scenic highway one) at 2-2. Daniel Sturridge headed a goal in the 53rd minute to tie the game for the third and The last time. Ivan Klasnics equalizer in the 87th BRITISH PUB & RESTAURANT minute against SunderA Great Location Serving You For Near On 16 Years land was followed by a Zat Knight own goal in Homemade Meat Pies Pasties, Bangers & Mash. stoppage time of a 2-1 Mums Roast Beef & Yorkshire Pud. Plus a whole array of defeat. Chelsea British & American favourites. 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premiership roundup

W 23 21 21 19 16 17 13 11 12 12 12 11 13 12 11 9 11 8 10 7 D 11 8 8 11 14 7 15 16 12 11 11 13 7 10 10 15 7 15 9 12 L 4 9 9 8 8 14 10 11 14 15 15 14 18 16 17 14 20 15 19 19 F 78 69 60 72 55 59 51 49 48 45 56 56 46 52 46 40 46 37 55 43 A 37 33 33 43 46 44 45 43 59 56 71 57 48 56 59 61 66 58 78 70

P Manchester Utd 38 Chelsea 38 Manchester City 38 Arsenal 38 Tottenham H 38 Liverpool 38 Everton 38 Fulham 38 Aston Villa 38 Sunderland 38 West Brom 38 Newcastle Utd 38 Stoke City 38 Bolton Wanderers 38 Blackburn Rovers 38 Wigan Ath 38 Wolverhampton W 38 Birmingham City 38 Blackpool 38 West Ham Utd 38 GD Pts 41 80 36 71 27 71 29 68 9 62 15 58 6 54 6 49 -11 48 -11 47 -15 47 -1 46 -2 46 -4 46 -13 43 -21 42 -20 40 -21 39 -23 39 -27 33


QPR Norwich City Swansea City Cardiff City Reading Nottingham F Leeds Utd Burnley Millwall Leicester City Hull City Watford Middlesbrough Ipswich Town Bristol City Portsmouth Coventry City Barnsley Derby County Crystal Palace Doncaster Rov Scunthorpe Sheffield Utd Preston NE P 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 W 24 23 24 23 19 20 18 19 18 19 16 16 17 18 17 15 14 13 13 12 11 13 11 9 D 17 15 8 10 18 15 16 13 14 10 17 14 11 8 9 12 13 15 11 12 15 5 9 13 L 5 8 14 13 9 11 12 14 14 17 13 16 18 20 20 19 19 18 22 22 20 28 26 24 F 71 81 66 75 76 67 80 65 62 75 52 77 66 60 61 52 52 54 58 44 55 43 44 52 A 31 56 42 54 51 50 70 60 47 69 50 69 68 67 65 60 56 66 70 67 79 86 76 79 GD Pts 40 89 25 84 24 80 21 79 25 75 17 75 10 70 5 70 15 68 6 67 2 65 8 62 -2 62 -7 62 -4 60 -8 57 -4 55 -12 54 -12 50 -23 48 -24 48 -43 44 -32 42 -27 40


Brighton Southampton Huddersfield Peterborough MK Dons Bournemouth Leyton Orient Exeter City Rochdale Colchester Brentford Carlisle Charlton Ath Yeovil Town Sheffield Wed Hartlepool Oldham Tranmere Notts County Walsall Dag & Red Bristol Rovers Plymouth A Swindon P 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 W 28 28 25 23 23 19 19 20 18 16 17 16 15 16 16 15 13 15 14 12 12 11 15 9 D 11 8 12 10 8 14 13 10 14 14 10 11 14 11 10 12 17 11 8 12 11 12 7 14 L F 7 85 10 86 9 77 13 106 15 67 13 75 14 71 16 66 14 63 16 57 19 55 19 60 17 62 19 56 20 67 19 47 16 53 20 53 24 46 22 56 23 52 23 48 24 51 23 50 A 40 38 48 75 60 54 62 73 55 63 62 62 66 66 67 65 60 60 60 75 70 82 74 72

GD Pts 45 95 48 92 29 87 31 79 7 77 21 71 9 70 -7 70 8 68 -6 62 -7 61 -2 59 -4 59 -10 59 0 58 -18 57 -7 56 -7 56 -14 50 -19 48 -18 47 -34 45 -23 42 -22 41


Chesterfield Bury Wycombe Shrewsbury Accrington Stnly Stevenage Torquay Utd Gillingham Rotherham Crewe Alexandra Port Vale Oxford Utd Southend Aldershot Town Macclesfield Northampton Cheltenham Bradford Burton Albion Morecambe Hereford Barnet Lincoln Stockport P 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 W 24 23 22 22 18 18 17 17 17 18 17 17 16 14 14 11 13 15 12 13 12 12 13 9 D 14 12 14 13 19 15 18 17 15 11 14 12 13 19 13 19 13 7 15 12 17 12 8 14 L 8 11 10 11 9 13 11 12 14 17 15 17 17 13 19 16 20 24 19 21 17 22 25 23 F 85 82 69 72 73 62 74 67 75 87 54 58 62 54 59 63 56 43 56 54 50 58 45 48 A 51 50 50 49 55 45 53 57 60 65 49 60 56 54 73 71 77 68 70 73 66 77 81 96

GD Pts 34 86 32 81 19 80 23 79 18 73 17 69 21 68 10 68 15 66 22 65 5 65 -2 63 6 61 0 61 -14 55 -8 52 -21 52 -25 52 -14 51 -19 51 -16 50 -19 48 -36 47 -48 41


Rangers Celtic Hearts Dundee Utd Kilmarnock Motherwell Inverness CT St Johnstone Aberdeen Hibernian St Mirren Hamilton P 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 38 W 30 29 18 17 13 13 14 11 11 10 8 5 D 3 5 9 10 10 7 11 11 5 7 9 11 L 5 4 11 11 15 18 13 16 22 21 21 22 F 88 85 53 55 53 40 52 23 39 39 33 24 A 29 22 45 50 55 60 44 43 59 61 57 59



GD Pts 59 93 63 92 8 63 5 61 -2 49 -20 46 8 53 -20 44 -20 38 -22 37 -24 33 -35 26


Dunfermline A Raith Rovers Falkirk Queen ot South Partick Thistle Dundee Morton Ross County Cowdenbeath Stirling Albion P 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 P 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 P 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 W 20 17 17 14 12 19 11 9 9 4 D 10 9 7 7 11 12 10 14 8 8 L 6 10 12 15 13 5 15 13 19 24 F 66 47 57 54 44 54 39 30 41 32 A 31 35 41 53 39 34 43 34 72 82 GD Pts 35 70 12 60 16 58 1 49 5 47 20 44 -4 43 -4 41 -31 35 -50 20


Livingston Ayr Forfar Brechin East Fife Airdrie Utd Dumbarton Stenhousemuir Alloa Peterhead W D L F A GD Pts 25 7 4 79 33 46 82 18 5 13 62 55 7 59 17 8 11 50 48 2 59 15 12 9 63 45 18 57 14 10 12 77 60 17 52 13 9 14 52 60 -8 48 11 7 18 52 70 -18 40 10 8 18 46 59 -13 38 9 9 18 49 71 -22 36 5 11 20 47 76 -29 26 W 20 17 18 16 15 12 13 10 10 8 D 6 10 5 11 12 13 6 7 4 8 L 10 9 13 9 9 11 17 19 22 20 F 80 56 57 58 72 62 53 47 33 37 A 61 40 43 45 57 56 63 61 62 67 GD Pts 19 66 16 61 14 59 13 59 15 57 6 49 -10 45 -14 37 -29 34 -30 32





Arbroath Albion Rovers Queens Park Annan Ath Stranraer Berwick Elgin Montrose East Stirling Clyde

Aptos - Est. 1995

Page 16

June 2011

ROMAN Abramovichs constant search for a Chelsea manager capable of inspiring instant success continues following the dismissal of Carlo Ancelotti. But the Russian billionaires obvious desire to see the club he bought in 2003 win the Champions League and dominate England domestically seems to have undermined the chances of that happening. Ancelotti paid the price for the failure of previous regimes to overhaul a squad largely assembled by Jose Mourinho, with his predecessors unable to stamp their identity on the club in the short time given to them. That sort of pressure generally forces coaches to rely upon short-term fixes and experienced players, a practice that left Chelseas aging squad exposed by injuries and loss of form this season.


Abramovich Continues Search For Instant Success

glish said. The permanent appointment of Dalglish, who won eight league titles as a player and a coach from 1977 to 1990 to establish himself as a club legend, was hardly in doubt after the teams remarkable turnaround in form. Dalglish is set to be given funds to strengthen the squad further in the offseason, giving Liverpool a decent chance of competing for the title next season. Assistant manager Steve Clarke also agreed a three-year deal with Liverpool.

Marathon Record Holder Radcliffe Delays Comeback

MARATHON world record-holder Paula Radcliffes comeback has been delayed after she was forced to withdraw from a race last month because of bronchitis. The 37-year-old Radcliffe had been set to run in the 10-kilometer Great Manchester Run on May 15 but said she was not ready to compete. Radcliffes last race was the 2009 New York Marathon. She then took time off to prepare for the birth of her second child, Raphael. Radcliffe says frustrated as I am, I know that the main focus for me is next years Olympic marathon and achieving a qualifying standard later this year. Radcliffe also says she is being particularly careful in her recovery because of possible complications with her asthma.

New Bribery Charges Within FIFA Investigated

IN A STUNNING twist just days ahead of FIFAs presidential election, footballs governing body said last month it is investigating challenger Mohamed bin Hammam for bribery in his campaign to unseat Mohamed bin Sepp Blatter. Hammam FIFA summoned Asian Football Confederation leader bin Hammam and FIFA vice president Jack Warner to an ethics hearing on May 29 to face allegations of corruption in the Qatari officials presidential election bid. The allegations leveled by Warners longtime ally Chuck Blazer of the United States will likely wreck bin Hammams already fading hopes of defeating Blatter in the June 1 vote by FIFAs 208 national members doubts were even cast as to whether the vote would be held. In view of the facts alleged in this report, which include bribery allegations, FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke ... requested the FIFA ethics committee to open ethics proceedings, the football body said in a statement. The ethics panel can provisionally suspend officials under suspicion while it gathers evidence for a full hearing. It took this path when investigating two of bin Hammams FIFA executive committee colleagues prior to the 2018 and 2022 World Cup votes last December. Bin Hammam, under the terms of a provisional ban, could then be prevented from attending any football meeting and effectively barred as an election candidate. FIFA said the allegations related to bin Hammams meeting with 25 Caribbean football leaders on May 10-11 in Warners native Trinidad to lobby for support. Two other Caribbean Football Union officials, Debbie Minguell and Jason Sylvester, are also being investigated by FIFA. Corruption in FIFA has been a prominent campaign theme after a series of financial and vote-buying scandals severely damaged its reputation during Blatters 13-year presidency. Warner, along with three more FIFA executive colleagues, was accused of unethical behavior in the British hearing this month. The former head of Englands failed 2018 World Cup bid, David Triesman, alleged the 68-year-old Trinidad government minister asked for money to build an education center and buy 2010 World Cup broadcast rights for Haiti.

MANCHESTER CITY defender Kolo Toure will miss the start of next season after being handed a six-month ban from all football for failing a drugs test. The ban is back-dated to March 2, when Toures provisional suspension began. He is free to play from September 2, but will also be target-tested for a period of two years from May 26. This has been a difficult period, and I am sad to have missed the teams triumph of securing Champions League football and the FA Cup, Toure said. But I am relieved that I will be able to return to football in September and thank the FAs commission for their understanding. An independent regulatory commission, which could have issued anything from a warning to a two-year ban by way of punishment, reached the verdict after a hearing on May 26.

Kolo Toure Handed Six-Month Ban For Failed Drugs Test

NORWICH was promoted to the Premier League last month after a six-year absence from Englands top flight. Simeon Jackson ensured Norwich would finish runner-up in the second tier by clinching a 1-0 victory over Portsmouth after third-place Cardiff was beaten 3-0 by Middlesbrough. Its been a magnificent effort by everyone, Jackson said after heading in his ninth goal in seven matches. Norwich, which dropped out of the Premier League in 2005, was also promoted from the third tier last season after Paul Lambert took charge. The eastern English club was joined in the Premier League by London side Queens Park Rangers, which clinched the League Championship title a few days later. Originally there were fears that QPR could face a pointsdeduction after being charged by The Football Association with flouting a ban on third-party ownership of players by signing Argentine midfielder Alejandro Faurlin in 2009. But that turned out not to be the case.

Norwich-QPR Back In Premier League

Silverstone Has $43m Pits, Paddock Overhaul

SILVERSTONE has completed a $43.7m overhaul of its pits and paddock as part of a 17-year agreement to host Formula Ones British Grand Prix. The British Racing Drivers Club unveiled the upgraded Silverstone Wing last month after last years revamping of the circuit and other facilities. The complex holds the new pits and paddock alongside media and conference suites, three halls and an auditorium. Former F1 world champion Damon Hill says the upgrade has kept Britain at the forefront of motor sport. Britain was in danger of losing its GP when Donnington was stripped of the race in 2009. Silverstone stepped in but needed to improve its aging facilities.

Gay Wins 150 Street Race In Rainy Manchester

TYSON GAY won a 150-meter street race in Manchester last month, missing out on Usain Bolts world record in difcult conditions. The American 100 specialist streaked clear early and ran the straight track in steady rain in 14.51 seconds 0.16 slower than the mark set by Bolt at the same event in 2009. Gay covered the last 100 meters in just 8.88. I dont know what that equates to but Im glad its pretty fast, Gay said. American sprinter Darvis Patton nished second in 14.98, with British pair Marlon Devonish and Christian Malcolm rounding out the four-man eld. The conditions probably set the time back and it could have been a lot quicker, said Devonish, admiring training mate Gays performance. Gay said his next Diamond League appearance would be in New York, adding that he could race Bolt before the August 27-September 4 World Championships in Daegu, South Korea. Its a denite possibility but I dont know his schedule yet, Gay said.

KENNY DALGLISH signed a three-year contract as Liverpool manager last month and vowed to bring the good times back to the fallen English giant. Twenty years after ending a successful first spell in charge of Liverpool on health grounds, Dalglish took over for a second stint when he replaced the fired Roy Hodgson on a six-month deal on January 8. The former Scotland striker has overseen a dramatic improvement in results, lifting the club from a perilous position four points from the foot of the Premier League table to fifth place and a win away from qualification for next seasons Europa League. Dalglish was Liverpool manager when the club won the last of its 18 English titles in 1990, and as fierce rival Manchester United prepares to celebrate its 19th crown, the Scot is planning to establish a new dynasty at Anfield. This is a unique football club and Im delighted to have the opportunity to help build something special here again, Dal-

Dalglish Signs Three-Year Deal As Liverpool Boss

THE PREMIER League has confirmed that Fulham have been awarded a place in the Europa League next season due to their position in the Fair Play League. Mark Hughes side had just one player sent off in league matches all season - that happened in the very last game leading to suggestions relegated Blackpool could pip them to the spot. Chelsea finished top of the Fair Play League but had already qualified for the Champions League and Fulham were in second spot. The Premier League said in a statement: Fulham FC has finished the season as the highest placed club in the 2010/11 Fair Play League that has not already qualified for UEFA competitions via the 2010/11 Barclays Premier League. The club will take the additional European place awarded to England and compete in next seasons UEFA Europa League. England received an additional Europa League place for next season after finishing second in UEFAs national fair-play table based on results from all UEFA club and international matches played over the season.

Fulham Secure Europa League Spot Via Fair Play

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