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A very good morning, I bid the principal, Madam Kuan Boh Leng, senior assistants, teachers,

and my fellow friends.

I'm Ooi Pei Cheng, and I'm ecstatic to be speaking to all of you today. I'm also delighted to
be representing the Computer Science Club in this capacity. In relation to "social media," I'd
want to discuss the negative effects it has on the younger generations.

Social networking is advancing quickly in contemporary life. Many people utilize it all across
the world. Social networking is particularly popular among young people. However, a lot of
young people nowadays are addicted to social media and unable to regulate their behaviour.
Social media addiction has a number of detrimental repercussions, such as poor study habits,
a disconnection from reality, and poor health.

To begin with, social media addiction lowers kids' academic performance. Many once great
pupils have fallen behind academically as a result of social media. How can they listen to the
academics and comprehend what the professors are saying if they use social media in class?
Furthermore, these young pupils who are hooked on social media do not exercise or study the
new lesson before heading to school since they are preoccupied with social media both at
home and at school. According to research, social media addiction leads to harmful habits. It
has the power to turn a young kid from a strong student into a failure.

Second, teenagers who are dependent on social media may distance themselves from reality. They
won't have time for outdoor activities like playing sports or camping since they use a cell phone
nonstop. These folks enjoy speaking with pals on social media rather than going out to meet up with
them or calling their parents. They'll simply remain at home and post updates to social media. They
exchange status updates or images on social media with their connections. They will eventually only
exist in virtual reality.

Not least among these detrimental effects on health is excessive usage of social media. Young
people use social media exclusively, so they stay up late reading the news on Facebook or chatting
with friends. Staying up late is especially bad for the brain. Lack of sleep may have a negative
influence on young people's health by making them lose weight or make them feel constantly worn
out. The weariness will also prevent them from thinking clearly. The addiction to social media that
many young people have may also lead to depression. The youngsters will encounter others as they
utilize social media. The young may feel inadequate if they observe others who are more talented or
attractive than they are. These young individuals have both pride in themselves and envy for others
who are more renowned or brilliant than them. They constantly ponder why they aren't as good,
talented, or attractive as other people. As a result, they experience pressure, stress, and depression.
These mental health issues are extremely harmful for young people since they can make them lose
their heads and ultimately decide to commit suicide.

In conclusion, even if utilizing social media has numerous advantages for our daily lives, social media
addiction is bad. It will have terrible repercussions on our ability to learn, distance us from reality,
and harm our health. Young people should spend more time participating in school activities,
learning, and playing sports in order to prevent being addicted to social media.

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