ORG Meeting January 19, 2011 Minutes

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Joint Organization Committee Meeting Wednesday, January 19th, 2011 8:00am Kaiser Center 2nd Floor Conference Room

300 Lakeside Present: Staff: Minutes

Item Introductions Discussion of Mayor Quan and changes to City government Discussion Deborah and JC welcomed everyone to the meeting and wished everyone a Happy New Year. It was reported that Mayor Quan will not have a Chief of Staff; rather she will appoint 4 deputy mayors. Chief of Police Anthony Batts is entertaining a job offer from San Jose. Mayor Quan has appointed Dan Siegel to be a pro bono attorney to work on her staff. If he volunteers, he can sit in on meetings and advise her because he is not a City employee. Marco referred to page 2 of the agenda packet and referenced the staff transition report. The report is an overview of tasks or functions performed, the person responsible, the date for the transition, and the anticipated number of hours NCA will dedicate per task. Marco is still trying to work out the situation with regards to relations with the Mayors Office and with Redevelopment and CEDA Senior Staff. We dont know yet if the Redevelopment Agency is going to be dismantled, as per the Governors proposal, or what Aliza Gallos role will be. In regards to the possible expansion of the district, Marco explained that a letter had been written to the Fox, and its various entities, and will be given until the end of February or March to decide what they are going to do. We have delayed the Action taken?

Deborah Boyer, JC Wallace, Indrajit Obeysekere, Robert Wilkins, Chris Curtis, Sara May, John Bruno Marco Li Mandri, Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Elizabeth Clark, Victoria Decker, Fiona Simms

No action taken

Review of Staff Transition Report

No action taken

388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612 DOA Phone 510.238.1122 LMUDA Phone 510.452.4530 Fax 510.452.4529

Review of new staff timeline and options

Review of Audits for each corporation

NCA long range plan for district-January-July

expansion by eight to ten months, and although they are a critical piece, we cannot continue to hold everything else up while they decide what they are going to do. Deborah asked Marco if it would be worthwhile to move ahead with the expansion of the district without The Fox. For Downtown, the Clarion Hotel wants to be in and possibly the building next door owned by the County. In Old Oakland, expansion would include two blocks that were left out of the original formation. Marco further explained that it makes sense to do all of the expansion together and to be done with it by the end of July. We would just need to amend the existing ordinance by putting out a petition and a vote of the expansion area. Marco tasked Steve with getting everyones assessment to them and explained that Tori would work with Monica and Shirley on the creation of the database and to learn how to update land use changes. Deborah asked Marco to circulate the final NCA contract to the Organization committee members so all can see how the backup is structured before it is signed and put into place. Elizabeth Clark said that she would distribute the contract as requested. Marco referred to pages 6 and 7 of the agenda packet and briefly reviewed the new staff timeline and options for management of the districts in 2012. Options include the hiring of a new ED, elevating OVM to the position of ED and hiring a district management company to oversee both districts, terminating contracts with both NCA and OVM. Marco distributed the Report of Independent Auditors for each district and asked the committee to review. Marco informed the committee that they have one week to review the document and submit changes to the CPA to make if determined to be appropriate. One thing that Marco would like to do this year is to come up with a plan for what we would like to see accomplished in the next 7 years. Marco has created a conceptual document, essentially a business plan, that serves as a timeline for all of the projects we would like to see implemented. It will start in the Land Use Committee and then it can be sent to the rest of the Board.

No action taken

No action taken

Issues to be addressed include acceptable vs. unacceptable land uses, key corridors we want to emphasize and how we affect parking-a total approach to Land Use. Marco will be meeting with Anagha to have her consider taking Charlie Leonards place as DOA Land Use Chair. Marco will send his document to Indrajit and Anagha first for review. Marco referred to the Grant Task Force Summation of Intent document on pages 8-13 of the agenda packet and explained that the document was not for approval, but review. Marco explained the Grant Task Force plans to look for more concrete improvements and grants more consistent with the districts articles of incorporation. Urban Ecology and Workplace Training and Development projects will be the emphasis going forward. This will set the orientation for where we are going to be looking for grants and it identifies a series of projects for which we will be seeking those grants. This is part of the long-range plan for the district as discussed above. Marco referred to CEDAs request for 2011 Broadway Shuttle sponsorship on pages 15-20 of the agenda packet. CEDA is requesting funding in the amount of $32K for daytime service (same level as 2010) and an additional $30k to fund the new nighttime shuttle service. The $62k requested would be split between the two districts. Marco explained that Jack London is contributing $130k. Marco indicated that the Org. Committee needs to determine if they wish to continue sponsorship and if they wish to contribute to Friday and Saturday evening hour expansion. Much discussion occurred regarding the perceived benefit of the shuttle to the districts. Steve Snider indicated that expansion of the shuttle hours into the evening would tie into First Friday. Marco expressed the concern over bringing more people into the districts (via the shuttle) without the inclusion of The Fox Theater. It was suggested that further discussion with the City should occur regarding district expansion to include The Fox, which in turn would make the continued sponsorship of the Shuttle project more worthwhile for the CBDs. Marco will follow-up with Aliza and Zach about the districts potential contribution.

Grant Task Force Outline for District Urban Ecology

No action taken

Visionary statement for Land Use Committee Discussion on allocating funds for the B Shuttle

No action taken No action taken

First Joint Board meeting with Jean Quan

Meeting Schedule for 2011

It was decided at the December Board meetings of both organizations that Jean Quan would be invited to speak at the first Joint Board Meeting of 2011. Staff has contacted her office via email to suggest possible dates to meet. February 9th and 23rd have been proposed. CBD staff will inform the Boards when a date is set. At the December Board meetings for both organizations, a motion was passed unanimously to authorize the Org. Committee to set the meeting schedule for 2011. The following dates were proposed for 2011 DOA Board, LMUDA Board and Joint Organization Committee meetings: Joint Org-February 16th, 2011 DOA Board-March 2, 2011 LMUDA Board-March 3, 2011 Joint Org-April 13, 2011 DOA Board-May 4, 2011 LMUDA Board-May 5,2011 Joint Org-May11, 2011 Annual Breakfast-June 9, 2011 DOA Board-Aug. 3, 2011 LMUDA Board-Aug. 4, 2011 DOA Board-Oct. 5, 2011 LMUDA Board-Oct. 6, 2011 DOA Board-Dec. 7, 2011 LMUDA Board-Dec. 8, 2011 *Joint Board Meeting with Mayor Quan-TBD

No action taken

Meeting schedule was set by consensus.

Other Next Joint Org Meeting

February 16th, 2011 at 8:00 a.m.-Kaiser Center 2nd Floor Conference Room

Minutes taken by Victoria Decker, staff.

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