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Q#1. Tick the correct option. (10x1.


1._____________ is a general purpose information.

(a) PC (b) DC (c) USB

2.The brain of the computer is

(a) Monitor (b) CPU (c) mouse

3. There are ________ parts of CPU.

(a) 3 (b) 5 (c) 6

4.When a hard disk was first time introduced it has.

(a) 10 MB (b) 15 MB (c) 20 MB

5.The field of PDA was pioneered by

(a) Apple Computers (b) DELL Computers (c) Lenove Computers

6. ROM stands for

(a) Read Only Memory (b)Random Access Memory (c) none of these

7.Which of the following ports can connect up to 127 devices ?

(a) Serial Port (b) USB Port (a) Parallel Port

8. USB was introduced in

(a) 1997 (b) 2001 (c) 2002

9.Palmtop computers usually fits in your

(a) palm (b) pocket (c) hand

10. Which of the following is also known as Printer port ?

(a) Serial Port (b) USB Port (a) Parallel Port

Q#2. Fill in the blanks. (10x1.5=15)

1. PC is a ___________________ device.

2. PC can be classified in to ________________________.

3. Palmtops are also called ___________________.

4. There are __________________ types of RAM.

5. DIMM is faster than ______________________.

6. In 1997 ______________ was introduced.

7. USB Port can connect up to ___________ devices .

8. ALU, MU, and CU are the parts of CPU.

9. Only experienced users should change ____________ settings.

10. ROM stands for ______________________________.

Q#3: Write the full form of the following. (10x1.5=15)




4. USB

5. RAM

6. ROM

7. ALU

8. MU

9. CU
10. CD

Q#6: Write the names of following Devices. (8x2=16)

____________________ ______________________

____________________ ______________________

_________________ __________________
__________________ __________________

( Subjective Part ) (34)

1. what are hand – held computers ? /7.5

2. what is the difference b/w RAM and ROM ? / 6.5

3. which RAM is faster : SIMM or DIMM ? /4

4. Write a short note on USB Port . /5

5. Write a short note on CPU. /5

6. Give the characteristics of Mini Computers and Micro computers . /6

( Oral Part ) /5
Q#1: Give the names of parts of CPU?

Q#2: How many parts of Computer?

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