LMU Board Meeting December 8, 2009 Minutes

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Present: Charlie Leonard/CIM, Scott Stafford/CIM, Michelle Lane/Cathedral, Aliza Gallo/City of Oakland, Lorie Alemania/Leamington, Eileen Kong/Beacon Properties, Mike Huaco/Kaiser Foundation, Mike Ghielmetti/Signature Properties, Steve Douglas/Douglas Parking, Andrea Kirkpatrick/Swig Company, Robert Wilkens/East Bay YMCA, Mike Brown/Cathedral, CJ Hirschfield/Childrens Fairyland, Indrajit Obeysekere/Kaiser Foundation, Laurie Cooperman Rosen/Metropolitan Estates, Chris Curtis/Metrovation, Deborah Boyer/Swig Company,

Excused Absence: Guests: Chris Donahoe/CIM, Dan Pitcock, Tanicia Jackson/Swig Company, Linda Revelli, Amanda Pinkham, Barbara Turner, John Coppinger, Captain Toribio/OPD Marco Li Mandri, Steve Snider, Andrew Jones, Ted Tarver, Derrick Pickett, Ei


DISCUSSIONS HELD AND DECISIONS MADE BY THE INTERIM BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUBJECT Introductions DISCUSSION Deborah Boyer, the Interim President, called the meeting to order at 8:40 a.m. The minutes of the October 7, 2009 Board meeting were reviewed by the Interim Board. ACTION? No Action Taken.

Minutes of October 7, 2009 Interim Board meeting

Robert Wilkins moved and Mike Brown seconded the approval of the minutes. The motion to approve the minutes was passed unanimously.


388 19th Street Oakland, California 94612 Phone 510.452.4530 Fax 510.452.4529 mail@lakemerritt-uptown.org www.lakemerritt-uptown.org

Guest Presentation from OPD Captain Toribio

Capt. Toribio gave an explanation of his role as the Capt. of Police and defined his area of supervision which is West and North Oakland known as Area One. Toribio stated that he recognizes the importance of the safety of the Downtown area further stating that Oaklands reputation precedes itself. He gave kudos to the Ambassador Program and clearly sees the programs benefits. The program makes OPDs job easier. The Ambassadors improve the perception of safety and have had a hand in fighting crime. Building a relationship with OPD takes time but recently the relationship has strengthened. He would like for the CBDs to assist in implementing measures to prove there is a collaborative relationship. He wants consistent contact, he wants to share intelligence and memorialize/document contacts between OPD and the Ambassadors. He said that OPD will not provide the CBDs with a police radio, but are working on a plan for OPD to carry an Ambassador radio. Ambassadors will be attending daily line-ups and also have bi-weekly meetings with Ted Tarver. He further states that security guards are typically not professional but clearly this is not the case with the Ambassadors. Officers that do not like them and are resistant to work with them will be held accountable. Andrea Kirkpatrick asked what the issue is with certain officers. Toribio said: skepticism and that the Ambassadors might make more work for them. He said if the Ambassadors do not get proper assistance from OPD then the Ambassadors should record the car or badge number and report it to him. He will follow up with them. He further added that there will be a new set of officers coming in late January or early

Update of OPD relationship with Ambassador Program from Ted Tarver Announcements, Public comments, new businesses, property owners, community events

February so this will potentially delay some aspects of relationship building. OPD has been getting all of Teds Weekly Security Updates and these communications are forwarded to all officers. He said OPD does have challenges with communication: Sometimes the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. Officers are required to check their email. Michelle Lane asked about the timeframe for the radios. Toribio said he had a meeting this Thursday to make a game plan. Graffiti was also discussed and Toribio stated that OPD has a system of electronic tracking and can link up tags. Marco said Steve and Drew can provide photo documentation if that is of assistance. Ted said that the attitudes are changing and OPD has been approaching and engaging Ambassadors more regularly. CJ announced Fairy Winterland starts Friday and Chief Batts will speak at 6:30 Friday. Michelle Lane announced a public party from 1-3, then the tree lighting. Tuning the organ at the Cathedral will be done, the scaffolding is down, and the ULI tour was great.

No Action Taken

No Action Taken

Committee Reports: Organization Committee report Deborah Boyer Update from Oakland Structures Conference

Deborah Boyer stated that people are starving for improvements and anxious to contribute to the CBD. Her presentation was very well received and as a result many people have been reaching out looking for ways to contribute to the CBDs. Mike Huaco gave kudos to Deborah for her excellent presentation

No Action Taken

Report from Meeting with Chief Batts

Modification of Management District Plan to allow for potential expansion, resolution adopted by Board

Terms of Board members, two-years vs. one-year

YTD Financial Report through November 30th

Meeting was extremely positive. (See CBD letter to Batts and meeting minutes for more information.) Steve Snider gave an update on the Five Points of Improvement for OPD stating that there is much work to be done to hit all five points noting the only significant improvement is daily checkins with OPD through morning line-up. There was a discussion about Ambassador and Officer of the Year awards. Steve Douglas suggested we name the awards after the 4 fallen officers from the 2009 tragedy. The Fox Theater is not in the CBD boundary as of now. There is a motion to modify the boundaries of the districts annex other properties such as The Fox Theater, Bay Area Legal Aid, Forest City and others. Mike Ghielmetti requested that we move wisely regarding annex and wants to pay close attention to issues of spreading the Ambassadors too thin. Marco states that the Board must approve motion to work on annexing certain properties or areas. Proposal: Under the proposal to stagger first cycle Board terms, nine Board members would have two-year terms and 8 members would have one-year board terms. It would not be required that you leave the Board after end of term. The proposed terms of the Board were distributed as per the Organization Committees recommendation. During the second year nominations cycle, all Board members would then have staggered two year terms. Indrajit deferred to Marco to review YTD financials. Marco stated that each budget area can be further broken down upon request and details can be provided for each line item. Projections are provided for what carry forward funds will be available. Some

No Action Taken

Laurie Cooperman Rosen moved and Robert Wilkins seconded the motion to pursue modification of the management plan and the district boundaries. The motion was approved unanimously. Michelle Lane moved and Chris Curtis seconded approval of the list of proposed Board members for one year terms and two year terms (see at the end of the minutes). The motion was approved unanimously. Indrajit Obeysekere moved and Andrea Kirkpatrick seconded approval of the YTD financial report.

Creation of Bylaw Review task force

of this carry forward money can be used for projects such as additional landscaping, etc. Both SOBO and DISI will have extra funds. Office expenses are basically fixed at this point. PSC and BBB contracts were not for the entire 2009 calendar and this added funds to the carry forward. No increase in assessment dollars for 2010. The Org Committee is suggesting that the Board create a Bylaw Review Task Force that will seek to edit Bylaws to fit better with needs of the CBDs.

The motion was approved unanimously.

Review and adoption of Annual Budget-2010

The Org Committee submitted a recommended budget for calendar year 2010. Discussion was held on the carry forward funds and the anticipated assessments for the coming year. A request made for authorization production expenses of $1500 per film for 2 CBD promo films done by Mark Curtis Productions. These costs would be split by the two CBDs.

Oakland Structures, December 4th, approval of use of funds for brief film for Oakland Structures

Report on Outstanding assessments receivable

Note that all outstanding assessments have not been paid in full.

Chris Curtis moved and CJ Hirschfield seconded authorization of the creation of a new Bylaws Task Force. The motion to create the task force was approved unanimously. Robert moved and Chris seconded adoption of the 2010 annual budget. The motion to adopt the budget was approved unanimously. Chris Curtis moved and Andrea Kirkpatrick seconded the allocation of films used for the Oakland Structures conference, which will also be posted on the website. The motion was approved unanimously. No Action Taken

SOBO Committee (Sidewalk Operations, Beatification and Order) Report Update on contracts, anticipated carry forward

Amend Block by Block and Peralta contracts to be aligned with calendar year

The CBD SOBO Committees are working to establish 12 month contracts for all service providers. There is carry forward funds for 2010 that will be put towards increase services. Staff is working on meeting this request. We are working to realign all contracts so they commence on January 1st and end on December 31st.

No action taken

DISI Committee (District Identity and Streetscape Improvement) Report Review of Strategic Plan summary and budget

Deborah Boyer moved and Laurie Cooperman Rosen seconded realignment of the service provider contracts. The motion was approved unanimously. No Action Taken

See p. 19-24 of Board packet for more info. The Joint DISI Committee has come up with a revised proposal for the use of funds to promote the CBDs through the coming year The tour went great. Approximately 30 people attended the luncheon and the tour. Complimentary CBD Wine with logo labels were distributed to all participants. The Holiday Tree lighting was problematic due to non-cooperation by the City. They would not let us decorate a tree in the median near Lakeside and 20th Street, so we had to place it on the Kaiser Center lawn. The tree lighting is scheduled for later today and will be held at the Cathedral.

Update on ULI Conference Tour and insert Update on Holiday Tree Lighting later today

Mike Brown moved and Robert Wilkins seconded approval of the revised DISI plan. The motion was approved unanimously. No Action Taken

No Action Taken

Continuation of PR contract for 2010

Next Board meeting

Adjournment Discussion on new Administrative Contract with New City America, 2010

Deborah discussed that Gallen and Neilly worked on the Registry piece and will promote the CBD until the end of 2009. The feedback on the insert was terrific. Deborah reminded everyone that there are plenty of extra inserts and to ask Steve for more. General group feedback was that they have done a great job. It was suggest they can act as gate keeper for event sponsorship proposal. The cost of their proposal is their lowest possible at $4500.00/month. This cost would be split 50/50 with Downtown Oakland. The Org Committee is recommending that the DISI Committee allocate 50% of the funds or $27,000 commencing January 1st to fund this contract for 2010. The Joint DISI Committee considered it and will accommodate this in the budget. The Org Committee is proposing, conditional upon Chief Batts being able to attend the meeting, that our next Joint Board meeting be held on January 20th, 2010. The meeting adjourned at 10:45 p.m The Board then asked all visitors, including all staff members to leave the room. They adjourned the open Board meeting and reconvened in Closed Session to discuss the staff administrative contract for 2010-11.

Andrea Kirkpatrick moved and Michelle Lane seconded that the DISI Committee fund $27,000 for 50% of the Gallen Neilly PR contract for 2010. The motion was approved unanimously.

The next meeting date, time and location were approved by consensus

Minutes taken by Steve Snider, District Manager And Marco Li Mandri, Executive Director Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association of Oakland

Lake Merritt/Uptown District Association Roster of the Board of Directors - 2010 Person Nominated 1. Deborah Boyer 2. Scott Stafford 3. Robert Wilkens 4. Indrajit Obeysekere 5. Chris Curtis 6. Andrea Kirkpatrick with Tanicia Jackson as an alternate 7. Mike Brown 8. Aliza Gallo 9. Charlie Leonard 10. CJ Hirschfield 11. Lorie Alemania 12. Laurie Cooperman-Rosen 13. Mike Huaco 14. Mike Ghielmetti with Doug Park as an alternate 15. Steve Douglas 16. Michelle Lane 17. Eileen Kong with Samantha Stires as an alternate Property Representing Swig/Kaiser Center CIM Group YMCA Kaiser Foundation Metrovation Swig/Kaiser Center Catholic Diocese City of Oakland CIM Group Childrens Fairyland Leamington Metro Estates Kaiser Foundation Signature Properties Douglas Parking Catholic Diocese Beacon Properties Proposed Term 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year 2 Year 2 Year 1 Year 2 Year 1 Year 1 Year 1 Year

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