Define The Business Give The Importance of How

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Weekly Learning Plan

Home Economics and Livelihood Education 5

Quarter First Grade level 5
Week One Learning Area HELE
MELCs 1. To know the contents in terms of business, agriculture, proper hygiene,
and sources of livelihood.
2. To perform the different kinds of activities in order to learn more.
3. To learn the importance of household chores and be strategic in life.

UNIT 1 Objectives Topics Classroom- Home-Based

(July-August 2022) Based Activities Activities

 Define the business The Business 1. Make a plan Make a survey:

entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs in business. Ask your family
1  Give the (P.1-6) 2. Give some on how to
characteristics of examples of make a business
entrepreneurs. business.
 Importance of how
to be a successful

 Tell some The Business 1. Draw what Make a

businesses that can for young man you want to research
be suit for young woman have a small example of
entrepreneurs. (P.7-12) business. business
2 2. Make a entrepreneur
 Give some tips on
business practices group activity for young man
 Develop the young wherein they and woman.
man and woman in will plan to
terms of business. make a

a. Define Retail 1. Make an Draw on your

merchandising Retail essay: What is own retail
3 b. Lists some example Merchandising the value of merchandising.
of retail retail store?
merchandising (P.13-18) 2. Lists the
c. Importance factors kinds of Retail
of consider when store.
opening retail

1. Draw a
a. Label the parts of computer and Make a
4 the computer. The use of put a label. computer using
b. Draw a computer computer in 2. Make an recycled
and its parts. business essay the materials such
c. Importance of the (P.19-31) importance of as used
computer in computer in cardboard and
business business put a label.
UNIT 2 Objectives Topics Classroom- Home-Based
(September- Based Activities Activities
October 2022)
 To create awareness Students will Learn about
about kitchen Gardening learn to identify seeds with an
1 gardening. (P.32-39) plants in the egg carton seed
 To improve skills for garden and work starter
together to make
growing fresh and
garden signs.
safe vegetables This fun science
Through garden
without use of any exploration, craft lets you
pesticide. students will reuse an old egg
 To provide complete learn about the carton as a seed
set ofproduction properties of soil planter, and it
technology including and why soil is lets your kids
quality seedlings and important to engage their
potted plants of plants. They will artistic side
summer and winter closely observe while they learn
vegetables. soil and practice about concepts
tallying and
reporting results
of soil
experiments. and germination.

If you plant
different types of
seeds in the
cups, have your
child draw or
write each
plant’s name on
the lid of the
carton. This way
they can keep
track of what’s
planted where.
Or, they can
magazines or
catalogs and cut
out pictures of
the plants and
paste them to the
carton’s lid.

Water the
planters and
place your carton
in the sun. Check
in daily to water
the carton and
see when your
sprouts appear!

Here are some

more ways to let
your little
scientist explore:

1. If you have
several cartons,
place them so
each one gets
amounts of
sunlight each
day and see how
that affects their

2. If you planted
the same type of
seed in each cup,
remove one after
several days of
watering and see
if it has grown
roots or sprouts.

3. Every few
days, remove
another seed and
track the
progress. How
do they change
over time?

2  Students will be able How do plants

to identify plant What do plants grow in 5th
vegetative and do in a grade?
The classroom? Growing Plants
Vegetables Indoor plants Notes
and have been linked
 Students will Ornamental to improved They cannot
understand basic Plants concentration move from place
principles, processes (P. 40-51) and memory as to place, but
and functions of plant well as a their leaves show
growth and reduction in movement to
reproduction, stress. Research capture light
including has also linked from the sun and
photosynthesis, indoor plants their roots show
respiration, with increased movement
transpiration, productivity and towards the
vegetative growth and reduced mental ground. Their
reproductive growth, fatigue, all of seeds can be
fertilization and fruit which can be carried by
formation. beneficial in the animals or blown
 Students will classroom by the wind.
understand factors environment. Plants can grow
affecting the need to from different
find sustainable parts of the plant
practices for like seeds, stems,
production of feed, roots and leaves.
feed and fiber crops
and how to implement
and evaluate them.
 Students will
understand how to
propagate plant,
sustainably grow,
manage and harvest a
variety of plants in a
diverse set of
marketing, and
financial conditions.
 Students will
understand how the
influences plant
growth and crop
yields, and ways to
modify the
environment to
improve plant growth
and yields.
 Students will be able
to identify soil types
and will be able to
identify ways to
improve soil fertility
as well as reduce soil
erosion and improve
water quality and

 Students will know Harvesting The pupils will Plant vegetables

3 the different ideas on Packaging divide in to 3 in your home
how to harvest, and Selling groups. They will and make a
Vegetables make a small weekly plan how
package and sell
garden and plant
vegetables. (P.52-60) plants grow.
different seed of
 Students will do vegetables.
planting vegetables. Make a survey.
 Students learn how Gather
difficult and information
important being a about on how to
farmer. harvest, package
and selling

 Students will know on Animal Present a video The students will

4 how to raise the Raising in presentation about choose what
animals Back yard on how to raise animals they
(P. 61-70) the animals. want to raise in
 Students will determine After watching the
the difference on how their house and
video they will
to raise the swine or then they will
make an outline
hog and poultry. on how to raise make a daily
the animals. plan where it
shows the
development of
the animals that
he or she raised.
UNIT 3 Objectives Topics Classroom- Home-Based
(November- Based Activities Activities
January 2022-

 Students will know Proper Draw the Make a video

the proper hygiene Hygiene and different clothes that hat shows
1 and grooming Grooming for different the different
 Students will identify (P.71-79) occasions in clothes in
the proper clothes in bond paper. different
different occasions occasions.
 Students will learn the
proper hygiene and

 Students will know

the good health Good health Make 1 week
habits. habits Group the plan showing
 Students will perform (P.80-84) students into 3 the good
2 and then they healthy habits.
the regular exercises
 Students will will dance the Write it on your
appreciate the regular notebook Hele.
importance of health. exercises.

 To know about the Make an essay.

prim and proper Prim and Being a student. Draw the prim
 To develop their Proper What is the and proper
selves to become prim Grooming importance of grooming on
3 (P.85-91) prim and your notebook
and proper.
 Appreciate the proper and then give
importance of prim grooming? some
and proper grooming. explanation
about your

 Students will helps to

gain recognition and
acceptance from the Personality Make an essay. Make a video
society as well as people Development How can you that shows your
around. (P. 92-99) develop your talent.
 Students play an talents?
4 essential role not only in
an individual's
professional but also
personal lives.
 Students will
disciplined, punctual
and an asset for his/her
 Students will define The Family Make a family
the word family and Happy Make an essay. tree. Put it on
5  Students will make a Family What make a illustration
family tree. (P.100-108) happy family? board.
 Students will
appreciate the
importance of family.

6  Students will be able Make Your Make a daily

to name, describe, and House a Give some plan of your
write about various home examples of the household
types of homes in the (P.109-118) following tasks.
community. 1. Daily Tasks
2. Weekly Write the date,
Tasks time, and
3. Occasionally activity.

Draw your
dream house on
your notebook.

 Students will know Healthy Give 5 examples Cut and paste

7 the healthy foods. Foods for the of the following picture of the
 Students will compare family and draw it on following and
the healthy and (P.119-131) your notebook. Paste it on your
unhealthy foods. 1. Go Food notebook.
 Students will learn the 2. Grow Food 1. Food
importance to eat 3. Glow Food Pyramid
healthy food. 2. Kitchen

UNIT 4 Objectives Topics Classroom- Home-Based

(February-April Based Activities Activities
 Students will know
1 the materials needed Drawing Draw your Draw beautiful
to draw. (P.134-145) favorite cartoon scenery in 1/8
 Students will practice character that illustration
their skills in represents your board.
drawing. and give brief
 Students will learn the explanation
importance things why did you
about drawing choose that the

Basic Look around Make a sketch

 Define some terms Sketching, and then sketch your favorite
2 associated with Drawing and what you see place and draw
shading. Shading and draw it on it in 1/8
 Explain how shading (p.146-151) your drawing illustration
is used to enhance a pad. board.
 Name some famous
artists that excelled at
shading techniques.

 Students will identify

and apply a variety of Basic Look around
3 line types and outlining inside your Make an outline
personalities. (P.152-156) classroom and of your table
 Students will learn the find things that just looking at
different techniques you are going to it. Draw your
in outlining. make the outline on bond
subject in paper.
outlining. Make
it on your

 Students will know

4 the used of Electrical Basic Make a scrap
Hand tools. Electrical Draw the book that
 Students will Hand tools Electrical Hand showing the
determine the (P.157-162) tools on your different
differences use of notebook and Electrical Hand
Electrical Hand Tools. write the name. tools.
 Students will
recognize the
Weekly Learning Plan
Home Economics and Livelihood Education 6
Quarter First Grade level 6
Week One Learning Area HELE
MELCs 1. To recognize the contents in terms entrepreneurship and information
technology, agriculture, home economics and industrial.
2. To develop the skills of the students
3. To learn the importance things that they have learned in every topics.

UNIT 1 Objectives Topics Classroom- Home-Based

(July-August 2022) Based Activities Activities

 Discuss about the The Sellers and 1. Make a plan Make a survey:
seller and the the buyers in business. Ask some
1 buyers (P.1-6) 2. Give some sellers how they
 Give the qualities examples of become
of the seller and the business. successful.
 Learn how to be a

 Know the process Manufacturing Lists at least 10 Make a

in manufacturing of Product examples of research about
products. (P.7-11) products. Write the consumer
 Classify the it on your note and producer.
2 book.
 Learn the
importance of

 Know the Explain in your

differences of own. Compare the
needs, wants and Needs, Wants, 1. Needs differences
3 demands, and Demands 2. Wants between the
 Give the examples 3. Demands needs and
of needs, wants, (P.12-21) 4. Competitor Wants. Write
and demands. 5. Unique Sales your answer on
 Understand the Preposition your notebook.
concept of the
needs, wants, and

 Know the In your own 1. Research.

4 Importance of Using of word, what is Give at least 5
Technology in Technology in the role and ways technology
Business Business importance of can benefit your
 Give some (P.22-38) technology in business
examples of business? 2. Cut and paste
gadgets that use in picture of a
business gadgets that can
 Appreciate the help in business
technology in

UNIT 2 Objectives Topics Classroom- Home-Based

(September- Based Activities Activities
October 2022)
 Know the importance Planting in
factors for gardening the Garden The pupils will Explain:
1 to consider the (P. 39-55) make a garden 1. What is the
location that you are to plant importance of
going to plant. different Gardening?
 Identify types of soil vegetables 2. What is the
and will be able to advantages and
identify ways to disadvantages
improve soil fertility of Gardening?
as well as reduce soil
erosion and improve
water quality and
 Show the importance
of the plant in the

2  Students will be able to

identify plant
vegetative and Give at least 5
reproductive Growing examples of the
structures. Vegetables Following: Explain:
 Students will and
Ornamental 1. Vegetables
understand basic What is the
Plants (5)
principles, processes Plants at importance of
and functions of plant home growing
2. ornamental
growth and (P. 56-61) plants (5) vegetable and
reproduction, ornamental
including plants in the
photosynthesis, backyard?
vegetative growth and
reproductive growth,
fertilization and fruit
 Students will
understand factors
affecting the need to
find sustainable
practices for
production of feed,
feed and fiber crops
and how to implement
and evaluate them.
 Students will
understand how to
propagate plant,
sustainably grow,
manage and harvest a
variety of plants in a
diverse set of
marketing, and
financial conditions.
 Students will know on Present a video The students
3 how to raise the presentation will choose
animals about on how to what animals
Animal raise the they want to
 Students will
Raising animals. raise in their
determine the
(P. 63-72) After watching house and then
difference on how to
raise the swine or hog the video they they will make a
and poultry. will make an daily plan
 Students will show the outline on how where it shows
proper care of to raise the the
animals animals. development of
the animals that
he or she raised.
 Students will learn
4 how to grow the fish. Enumerate the Make a scrap
 Students will give an The Fish Following and book of
example of a fish culture then write your different kinds
 Students will show the (P.73-86) answer on your of fish indicated
proper methods of notebook. their names.
fish cultivation. (6) Kinds of fish
in artificial
Inland water
(3) Methods
catching fish
(8) common
fishing device

UNIT 3 Objectives Topics Classroom- Home-Based

(November- Based Activities Activities
January 2022-

 Students will know Management Enumerate the Make a survey

the basic needs of the of Family following to your family.
1 family Resources (9) Components Ask the parent
 Students will share (P.87-94) of a family how much is
the ideas to his family budget spent in a
on how save the (2)Types of month and how
money. Expenses budget it to buy
 Students will learn on (3) Examples of daily
how to budget the human necessities?
daily expenses. resources
(4) Examples of

 Students will know Answer the Write the name

the sewing tools and Sewing following; of parts of
equipment. Household 1. Measuring sewing machine
 Students will sew (P.95-103) tools
2 2. Cutting tools.
perforated blanket
 Students will learn 3. Sewing
how hard it is to be a materials.
 Students will know Healthy Give 5 examples Cut and paste
the healthy foods. Foods for the of the following picture of the
 Students will compare family and draw it on following and
the healthy and (P.104-113) your notebook. Paste it on your
3 1. Go Food notebook.
unhealthy foods.
 Students will learn the 2. Grow Food 1. Food
importance to eat 3. Glow Food Pyramid
healthy food. 2. Kitchen

 Understand the Explain the

reasons for preserving Food following in Make your own
food. Preservation your own: food
 Be aware of the (P.114-122) preservation.
consequences of not 1. What is food And submit on
4 preservation? your teacher.
preserving food.
 Understand the 2. What are the
impact of different benefits of
factors in preventing preserving
the growth of foods?

UNIT 4 Objectives Topics Classroom- Home-Based

(February-April Based Activities Activities
 Students will learn
1 how to crocheting Needlecraft Enumerate the Make at least 5
 Students will make (P.123-141) following crocheting
the different example 1. Give a t least stitches and 5
crochet stiches 2 tools and embroidery
 Students will notice Materials for stitches.
the importance crocheting
making of stiches. 2. Give at least
5 examples of
3. Give at least
10 examples of
 Students will know Basic
2 the materials needed Drawing Draw your Draw beautiful
to draw. (P.142-151) favorite cartoon scenery in 1/8
 Students will practice character that illustration
their skills in represents your board.
drawing. and give brief
 Students will learn the explanation
importance things why did you
about drawing choose that the

 Students will know

4 the used of Electrical Basic Make a scrap
Hand tools. Electrical Draw the book that
 Students will Hand tools Electrical Hand showing the
determine the (P.157-162) tools on your different
differences use of notebook and Electrical Hand
Electrical Hand Tools. write the name. tools.
 Students will
recognize the

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