Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PEC)

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Unit 1: Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies


Instruction: Answer the questionnaire based on your personal and honest views as there are no wrong answers.
Remember that no one is good at everything. Rate each of the 55 statements according to your personal beliefs.
Write answers in the spaces provided per number following the downward pattern. Once you are done rating,
compute your score (horizontally) per competency taking into consideration the positive and negative signs. Use this
scale when rating:

5 – always
4 – usually
3 – sometimes
2 – rarely
1 – never

1. I look for things that need to be done

2. When faced with a difficult problem, I spend a lot of time trying to find a solution.

3. I complete my work on time.

4. It bothers me when things are not done very well.

5. I prefer situations in which I can control the outcomes as much as possible.

6. I like to think about the future.

7. When starting a new task or project, I gather a great deal of information before going ahead.

8. I plan a large project by breaking it down into smaller tasks.

9. I get others to support my recommendations.

10. I feel confident that I will succeed in whatever I try to do.

11. No matter who I’m talking to, I’m a good listener

12. I do things that need to be done before being asked to do so by others.

13. I try several times to get people to do what I would like them to do.

14. I keep the promises I make.

15. My own work is better than that of other people I work with.

16. I don’t try something new without making sure I will succeed.

17. It’s a waste of time worrying about what to do with life.

18. I seek the advice of people who know a lot about the tasks I’m working on.

19. I think about the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of accomplishing things.

20. I do not spend much time thinking about how to influence others.

21. I change my mind if others disagree strongly with me.

22. I feel resentful when I don’t get my way.

23. I like challenges and new opportunities.

24. When something gets in my way of what I’m trying to do, I keep on trying to accomplish what I

25. I am happy to do someone else’s work, if necessary, to get the job done on time.

26. It bothers me when time is wasted.

27. I weigh my chances of succeeding or failing before I do something.

28. The more specific I can be about what I want out of life, the more chances I have to succeed.

29. I take action without wasting time gathering information.

30. I try to think of all the problems I may encounter and plan what to do if each problem occurs.

31. I get important people to help me accomplish my goals.

32. When trying something difficult or challenging, I feel confident that I will succeed.

33. In the past, I have had failures.

34. I prefer activities that I know well and with which I am comfortable.

35. When faced with major difficulties, I quickly go on to other things.

36. When I’m doing a job for someone. I make a special effort to make sure that the person is happy
with my work.

37. I’m never entirely happy with the way in which things are done; I always think there must be a
better way.

38. I do things that are risky.

39. I have a very clear plan for my life.

40. When working on a project for someone, I ask many questions to be sure I understand what the
person wants.

41. I deal with problems as they arise rather than spend time anticipating them.
42. In order to reach my goals, I think of solutions that benefit everyone involved in the problem.

43. I do very good work.

44. There have been occasions when I took advantage of someone.

45. I try things that are very new and different from what I have done before.

46. I try several ways to overcome things that get in the way of my goals.

47. My family and personal life are more important to me than work deadlines I set for myself.

48. I do not find ways to complete tasks faster at work and at home.

49. I do things that others consider risky.

50. I am so concerned about meeting my weekly goals as I am for my yearly goals.

51. I go to several different sources for information to help with tasks or projects.

52. If one approach to a problem does not work, I think of another approach.

53. I am able to get people who have strong opinions or ideas to change their minds.

54. I stick with my decisions even if others disagree strongly with me.

55. When I don’t know something, I don’t mind admitting it.


____ + ____ + ____ - ____ + ____ + 6_ =_________ OPPORTUNITY SEEKING

1 12 23 34 45

____ + ____ + ____ - ____ + ____ + 6_ =_________ PERSISTENCE

2 13 24 35 46

____ + _____ + ____ + ____ - ____ + __6__ =_________ COMMITMENT TO WORK

3 14 25 36 47 CONTRACT

____ + ____ + ____ + _____ - _____ + 6__ =_________ DEMAND FOR EFFICIENCY AND
4 15 26 37 48 QUALITY

____ - ____ + ____ + ____ + _____ + 6__ =_________ RISK TAKING

5 16 27 38 49

____ - _____ + ____ + _____ + _____ + 6__ = ________ GOAL SETTING

6 17 28 39 50

____ + _____ - ____ + _____ + _____ + 6__ = ________ INFORMATION SEEKING

7 18 29 40 51

____ + _____ + ____ - ______ + ____ + 6__ =________ SYSTEMATIC PLANNING AND

8 19 30 41 52 MONITORING

____ - _____ + _____ + _____ + ____ + 6__ = _______ PERSUASION AND NETWORKING

9 20 31 42 53

____ - _____ + _____ + _____ + ____ + 6__ = _______ SELF-CONFIDENCE

10 21 32 43 54

TOTAL PEC SCORE =_______________

____ - _____ - _____ - ______ + _____ + 18__ = __________ CORRECTION FACTOR**

11 22 33 44 55


1. The correction factor (the total of items 11, 22, 33, 44, and 55) is used to determine whether or not a
person tries a very favorable image of himself. If the total score on this factor is 20 or greater, then the
total score on the ten PECs must be corrected to provide a more accurate assessment of the strengths of
the PEC score for that individual.

2. Use these following numbers when figuring the corrected score:

**If the correction factor is Subtract the following number from each PEC score
(correction value)
24 or 25 7
22 or 23 5
20 or 21 3
19 or less 0

PEC original score correction value corrected total

Opportunity seeking _____________ _______________ _______________

Persistence _____________ _______________ _______________

Commitment to work contract _____________ _______________ _______________

Demand for efficiency and quality _____________ ______________ _______________

Risk taking _____________ ______________ _______________

Goal setting ____________ ______________ _______________

Information seeking ____________ ______________ _______________

Systematic planning and monitoring ____________ ______________ _______________

Persuasion and networking ____________ ______________ _______________

Self-confidence ____________ ______________ _______________


The highest score per PEC is 25. The nearer you are to 25, the stronger you are in that PEC item; the closer you
are to zero, the weaker you are in that PEC item.

Below the average score of 12.5 means a challenge to improve that PEC item.
However, I want you to look into your highest and lowest scores to interpret. Your highest score will be your
strongest competency and your lowest will be your weakest competency.


These are key personal entrepreneurial competencies that can determine success from unsuccessful
entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs. These were identified through intensive research by
Management Systems International (MSI) and the McBer Team. The 10 are grouped into 3 clusters;
the achievement cluster, the planning cluster and the power cluster.


● Opportunity-seeking. Entrepreneurs seek opportunities and take the initiative to transform them
into business situations.
● Persistence. When most people tend to abandon an activity, successful entrepreneurs stick with
● Commitment to work contract. Entrepreneurs keep their promises, no matter how great the
personal sacrifice.
● Demand for efficiency and quality. Entrepreneurs try to do something better, faster or cheaper.
● Taking calculated risks. Taking calculated risks is one of the primary concepts in


● Goal setting. This is the most important competency because none of the rest will function
without it. Entrepreneurs set goals and objectives which are meaningful and challenging.
● Information seeking. Entrepreneurs gather information about their clients, suppliers, technology
and opportunities.
● Systematic planning and monitoring. Systematic behavior means acting in a logical way.
Planning is deciding what to do. Monitoring means checking.


● Persuasion and networking. Entrepreneurs influence other people to follow them or do

something for them.
● Self-confidence. Entrepreneurs have a quiet self-assurance in their capability or potential to do


Unit 2: The Entrepreneurial Mind

The topics here will enlighten you on what an entrepreneurial mind is and the different
attributes that you need to develop in order to cultivate your entrepreneurial mindset.


Activity 1: How Independent Thinking Are You?

· The following questionnaire yields a quick assessment of your current level of independent
thinking. The items provide an overview of what is involved in thinking for yourself.

· INSTRUCTIONS: Think of how you make decisions and form opinions, then for each item,
using a scale from 1 to 5, rate how often the statement is true of you. With '1' being 'rarely like you'
and '5' being 'usually like you'. There are no right or wrong answers. Simply answer the way that best
describes how you usually feel and act.


__1. I listen.

__2. I consider several points of view.

__3. I accept partial answers.

__4. I seek alternative explanations

__5. I define the core issues.

__6. I am alert for bias.

__7. I resist emotional appeals.

__8. I examine the evidence.


__9. I will clarify my viewpoint.

__10. I rely on my own judgment.

__11. I trust my instincts.

__12. I weigh expert’s advice before accepting it.


__13. I live by a personal moral code.

__14. I consider what really matters to me.

__15. I tell the truth.

__16.I do what I say I will do.


__17. I am constantly improving myself.

__18. I don’t make excuses when I act badly.

__19. I examine my motivation.

__20. I weigh the consequences.


__21. I say what I think.

__22. I question what I see and hear.

__23. I take divergent positions.

__24. I speak up when someone is inappropriate.

Religious Openness

__25. I respect others’ religious beliefs.

__26. I interpret religious edicts for myself.

__27. I explore religious views different from mine.

__28. I question the views of my religion

Questioning Authority

__29. I follow my conscience.

__30. I speak up when people in authority do wrong.

__31. I do what makes sense, not just obey laws.

__32. I am skeptical of what people in authority say.


32—64: Others Think for You

You give in to other’s pressures because you don’t know what you want. When you sort out what matters
most to you, you will be stronger. Take time to explore what really matters to you and how you see

65—96: Potential Independent Thinker

You have considerable potential to think independently. Exercise your mental muscles by deciding your
opinion on issues. Begin by gathering diverse information then weigh the pros and cons.

97—128: Promising Independent Thinker

Your critical thinking skills are good. You avoid stereotypes and question experts and authorities. It’s
important to remind yourself to use your analytical skills. Look for opportunities to practice—everyday.

129—160: Outstanding Independent Thinker

Your ability to think for yourself is outstanding. You are good at seeing bamboozles and avoiding them.
Be careful not to become complacent by being alert to your unquestioned assumptions.

Activity 2. Growth Oriented Mindset Assessment

Directions: read each statement below and then check the corresponding box that shows how much you
agree with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers.

Strongly AgreeM Mostly Mostly Disagree Strongly

Agree Agree Disagree Disagree

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. You have a certain amount

of intelligence and you really
can’t do much to change it.
2. Your intelligence is
something about you that you
can’t change very much.

3. No matter who you are, you

can significantly change your
intelligence level

4. To be honest, you can’t

really change how intelligent you

5. You can always

substantially change how
intelligent you are

6. You can learn new things,

but you can’t really change your
basic intelligence

7. No matter how much

intelligence you have, you can
always change it quite a bit.

8. You can change even your

basic level considerably.

9. You have a certain amount

of talent, and you can’t really do
much to change it.

10. Your talent in an area is

something about you that you
can’t change very much.

11. No matter who you are, you

can significantly change your
level of talent.

12. To be honest, you can’t

really change how much talent
you have.

13. You can always

substantially change how much
talent you have.
14. You can learn new things,
but you can’t really change your
basic level of talent.

15. No matter how much talent

you have, you can always change
it quite a bit

16. You can change even your

basic level of talent considerably.

Scoring and Interpretation

1. Reverse score items 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 10, 12, and 14. That is, if your response to any of these items is

1, change it to 6; 4, change it to 3;

2, change it to 5; 5, change it to 2;

3, change it to 4; 6, change it to 1.

2. Take the average of your responses to all 16 items.

3. If your average score is ≤ 3, you have a growth mindset; if your average score is > 3, you have a
fixed mindset.

Activity 3. Goal Oriented Mind Assessment

Directions: Read each statement below and then check the corresponding box that shows how much you
agree with each statement. There are no right or wrong answers.

Strongly AgreeM Mostly Mostly Disagree Strongly

agree agree disagree disagree

1 2 3 4 5 6

1. I acquaint myself with

goal-oriented people.
2. My friends and I
excitedly talk about our
respective goals and dreams
and how each of us intends to
get there.

3. I write down my goals

onto paper.

4. I make it a habit to write

down my goals each day.

5. As much as possible, I
set a deadline on when I
should be achieving a certain

6. All I have to do is to
identify a goal and claim its
result and it will
automatically come to me.

7. In pursuit of my goals, I
identify the activities to be
done and the resources
needed to do them.

8. Even before I start

doing the activities, I make
sure to determine the proper
sequence of doing them.

9. I schedule the activities

that I need to do to achieve
my goals.

10. As much as I can, I

follow the schedule that I set
for my goal-related activities.

11. I tend to procrastinate in

doing the things that I’ve set
out to do.

12. I commit focused time

each day to doing whatever it
would take to move me
toward my goals.
13. Even if I am busy, I find
time to plan the things that I
need to do on a daily basis.

14. I write down beforehand

what I need to get done for
the day.

15. I am aware that I may not

be able to achieve my goal on
the first attempt, so I
prepared an alternative or a
backup plan, just in case.

16. I constantly review my

progress and actively monitor
my results as I pursue my

17. When I encounter a

hindrance or difficulty, I tend
to be discouraged and to lose
the desire to pursue my goals.

18. Even if the situation gets

tough, I will not abandon the
goals that I’ve set.

Scoring and interpretation

1. Reverse score items 6, 11, and 17. That is, if your response to any of these items is

1, change it to 6;

2, change it to 5;

3, change it to 4;

4, change it to 3;

5, change it to 2;
6, change it to 1.

2. Take the average of your responses to all 18 items.

3. If your average score is ≤ 3, you have a goal-oriented and effectuating mindset; if your average
score is > 3, you need to exert more effort to develop this mindset.

Activity 4. Resilient Mind Assessment


Read each statement below and then check the corresponding box that shows how much you agree with
each statement. There are no right or wrong answers.

The preceding self-assessment tool was adapted from, though Statements 4, 6, 8, and 14 were
modified to match your situation as students.

It would be better if you’d do the self-assessment at the MindTools website as indicated in the URL, so
you could also avail of the scoring and interpretation of the results afterward. You’d be given not just the
general assessment result, but the results itemized according to the elements of RESILIENCE; namely,
Confidence (Items 1, 3, 9, 16), Social Support (Items 4, 8, 11, 14), Adaptability (Items 2, 7, 12, 15), and
Purposefulness (Items 5, 6, 10, 13).

Strongly Disagree Neither Agree Strongly

disagree agree nor agree
1 5
2 3 4

1. When given a new task,

I'm confident that I'll succeed.

2. When one attempt fails, I

learn from it and change my
approach next time.

3. When a task doesn't go

to plan, it affects my self-

4. I have few people at

school who I can speak to
about issues in our academics.
5. When I encounter a
difficulty, I lose sight of my
goal quickly.

6. Sometimes I question my
commitment to my course.

7. I have strategies in place

for dealing with stress.

8. I find it easy to ask my

classmates and friends for

9. I feel positive about the


10. I worry about issues that I

have no control over.

11. Asking for assistance

reveals weakness.

12. When there is

fundamental change, I
struggle to come around to
new ways of thinking.

13. I have strong goals that

are clear in my mind.

14. I am able to discuss my

academics and its challenges
with people outside of school,
such as family members and
close friends.

15. I am more likely to say

"yes" than "no."

16. Failures are hard to forget

and successes are hard to


16-37 - you have little resilient mind

38-59 -you are easily defeated but plenty of room for improvement
60-80 -congratulations, you are a resilient team member.

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