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1 Vocabulary race

How many gaps can you fill in in just 5 minutes?

1 All the people employed by a company are called s or p .

2 The people you work with are your c or workmates.
3 The opposite of full-time work is p - work, and the opposite
of a temporary job is a p_ one.
4 Construction workers, drivers and production workers, for example, are
referred to as b___________-collar workers.
Those who do office work are called w__________- collar workers.
5 If you lose your job because your company is downsizing and you are no
longer needed, you are made r . If you lose your job because your
company thinks you are unsuitable, you are d . In colloquial English,
you are given the sack/you are sacked (UK) or you are fired (USA).
6 In most countries people stop working–r –around the age of 65.
7 If you work on a c basis, you work when you are needed
and you only get paid for the time you work. You are not entitled to sick
pay or holiday pay.
8 W - balance is the balance between your professional
and private life.
9 If you have a h _w , you have a lot of tasks that need doing.
10 P -based pay is one that depends on your results and the
contributions you make to the company.
11 If you have a good r with your boss or your colleagues, you
get on well with them.
12 If you are on first name t with your boss, you address them
by their first name.
13 P__________ in a job can be a company car or private health insurance.
14 If you work from home, you work r_____________.
15 If you clock and , you register every time you start
and finish a working day.
16 Doctors and nurses do s work, as patients require care 24/7.
17 If you h in your notice, you resign from your job.
18 If you get p , you get a better position than the one you held previously.
19 If you work o , you work extra hours on top of your
regular working hours.
20 If you spend a lot of time c to and back from work, your
journey to and back from work takes a lot of time.

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