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Website Valley Website Brief

Quick ProjectOverview
Choose Yes or No if you require the following services. This is a list of the most fundamental information
that will give your website designer/developer what they need to get an idea of what you’re after.

Do you require an SEO Yes / No

Optimized design?

Do you require user experience consultancy? Yes / No

Do you need front-end development Yes / No

Improvement suggestions?

Is a CMSrequired? Yes / No

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The first thing you need to do is provide a summary of your company and give your designer/developer an
insight into what your business does, what you want to achieve as an organisation and where you want to be in
the next few years, with the help of your website. This will help them get a true feel of your business and align
their work alongside your expectation of what you would like to achieve.

What wedoandhow wecametobe:

Explain in a brief paragraph what your company does, when and why it was established, how long it’s been
active for, etc.

Where weoperate:
Provide information on your coverage, whether you’re looking to be represented as a national
or local business, do you have offices in more than one location, etc.

Ourmainproducts andservices:
Tell the website designer about the products and services that the website needs to represent. It’s
essential to make clear which are the most important ones that generate the most revenue.

Our USPs:

Provide information on the things that you do better than your competitors and the things that are important
to your customers.

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Buyer’s profile
In order to create a killer website, your designer/developer will need to know as much as possible about
who you’re trying to sell to, so that they can tailor your website’s content to your buyer’s information needs.
Different buyers will be interested in different things, so don’t forget to split your prospects into groups
(whether this is by sector or job role) and examine each one separately. Hopefully, you’ll already have a great
deal of knowledge on this, but if not, take the time to develop a set of personalized buyer personas.

Ourtarget audience:

Provide information on who your prospects are. Include things such as sector, job title, job function as
well as the pains and challenges they have.


Give examples of the ideal customers you would like to work. These can be both existing clients you
want to have more of, or prospects you would like toattract.

How theyaccess or would access our website:

It’s essential for your website designer/developer to know how visitors are expected come to your website
and what devices they tend to use, such as mobile, desktop, tablet etc. The easiest way to find this
information is through Google Analytics.

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How wewantourbuyerstoperceiveus:
Explain in a few sentences what impression you would like your website visitors to be left with when they visit
your website. For example, do you want to be perceived as a large, national organisation or a small local
business etc.

Ourtop 3competitors:

Provide your top three competitors, as well as information on their advantages and disadvantages over
you. Consider including the companies that come up on the firstpage of Google for relevant keywords as
well, as these will be your digital competitors.

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It’s important for your designer/developer to understand why you wanted to undertake this project as it’ll help
them create an online presence for that you’ll be happy with for as long as possible. Outlining your goals and
objectives will support this, along with giving your designer/developer the opportunity to provide you with
solutions and a perspective on how we could achieve the goal.

Whatwewantfromthenew website:

Provide information on what you want the new website to be. Are you looking for a rebrand or an entirely
new website? If so, is the new website going to be using your existing branding?

Whywewantanew website:

Give some details on what drove you to design your website.

Our visionfor the website:

In a few sentences, explain how you imagine the new website to be. Include a mission statement if
you have one. We would be able to suggest a mission statement if you don’t have one. Tell us about
your DNA. What are you known for? How do you differentiate yourself from your competitors?


Tell your website supplier about the goals you would like the website to achieve, such as
increases in leads, ROI, visits (be as specific as possible).

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Our objectives:

Here are examples of high-level business goals for a site:

Help raise the firm’s profile in the areas of [X]

Reflect updated brand message of [X]

Communicate our expertise and experience in [X]

Rank alongside our competitors but differentiate us in terms of [X]

Drive [X] amount of high-quality monthly leads

Increase the scope of enquiries from [X] type of client

Drive subscriptions

Boost online sales of products / services

Attract the best recruits

Build a community of [X]

Build and strengthen our network of [X]

Serve as a hub for connecting [X] to [Y]

Consolidate existing content channels into [X]

Streamline existing processes (such as online billing and invoicing)

Increase efficiencies in areas of [X]

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Carrying out an audit of your current website is essential - figure out what you want to keep and what you’d like
to completely change. After all, learning from your past mistakes is the only way to really move forward. Don't
have an idea? that is completely too we would be able to suggest aspects of improvement for you.


Provide information on how old your current website is and when it was last updated.

Who builtit:

Give the name of the company that built your website and any details you feel your new website
designer needs to know about them.

What welikeaboutourcurrent website:

In a few sentences, tell your new website designer the things that you like and don’t like about your current
website and the ones that you would like to keep.

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Describe the things that you dislike about your current website and why. This will help avoid
disappointment and unpleasant surprises at the end.

The core elements we want to keep:

Put in here anything you’d like to keep from your current website. It’s important to ensure that this is clearly
communicated to your new website supplier.

Provide references of any websites that you like:

Put in here anything you’d like to keep from your current website. It’s important to ensure that this is clearly
communicated to your new website supplier.

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Traffic andconversions
This is where the money is - the thing that every business owner wants to improve. What kind of conversions
are you looking for, and how do we create a website that will do this for you? The answers to these questions
will lay the foundations.

How wemeasurethesuccessofourwebsite:

Describe what statistics you measure and analyse to prove the success of your website’s
performance. Is there anything that you’re not currently measuring, but would want to be once the new
website islaunched? If you have no idea our expert development team will do the analysis for you.

Ourcurrent website‘s monthly visitors:

Provide information on how many leads is your current website generating and how many of them are
sales ready.

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Whypeoplevisit orshouldvisitourwebsite:

Depending on what you do and how you portray your business, different prospects would come to your
website for different reasons. For example, to do some research, for purchasing, to view news or
entertainment. Provide details in this section.

Where our leads come from:

Tell your supplier what is your main lead source, such as email, social media, organic, referrals etc.

What online user activity would you define as success?

Examples of “success” could be:

Purchase a product / subscription

Sign up for a newsletter
Contact a member of your team
Access resources in a knowledge centre
Sign up for events / webinars
Fill out an enquiry / registration / quote form

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Design andfeel
A website is visual, so its very important that you do not miss this section. Focusing on a growth
driven design is recommended, as you’ll have the freedom to continue to make improvements to
your website even months after it’s all been designed and you have gone live.


Give details on the number of pages you will require your new website to have. Have you
considered a growth driven website, where the number of pages is continually increased over time?

Are there any branding guidelines that your designer/developer would need to adhere to? Or do
these need to be compiled as part of the project? Do you have other branding collateral (brochures,
guides) that the site should tie in with? If so provide details in this section.

Do you have professional photography available for the project, or does the project require custom
photography services? Do you anticipate using stock photography / illustrations in the project?

Preferred colour schemes, fonts andicons:

If you have already considered and sorted the design in terms of the look and feel of your website,
include any specifics in this section, such as colours, fonts, icons etc.

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Website Scope
With a fuller picture of what you do, who your audience is, and what you want to achieve, it’s time to
dive into the details of your prospective website. We consider this the ‘meat and potatoes’ of the brief
because it’s where the technical and creative possibilities are addressed.

Navigation Structure:

Give us an outline – a rough draft is okay – of your prospective website navigation structure.


Give details on the features and functions you want your website to have such as search box
sliders, social media, google maps, blog, etc. Think what would you want your clients to be able to
do when they arrive on your website.

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Mark All That Apply:

Blog Member Log-In

Browser Consistency Mobile Compatibility

Search functionality Newsletter

Contact Button Product Visuals and Descriptions

Member Management Interface Relevant Website Content

Easy Navigation Reviews And Testimonials

Easy To Edit / Update (for the non-tech savvy) Help desk

Ecommerce Platform and Online Billing Interactive map

FAQ Security

Fast Load Times Social Media Integration

Feedback and Contact Forms Surveys

Galleries - Media Trendy, Intuitive Design and User Experience

Events and online bookings User Accessibility

Knowledge center Multi-lingual platform

Business process streamlining or automation Email marketing

Film/Audio Animation

Calendar Statistics and Analytics

Donation Tool AI Functionality

Forum Based Messaging System CRM Features

Customization Tool Push Notifications

3D Modelling for Real Estates Two Step Authentication Access

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If you are going to stay relevant online it’s imperative you keep your website up to date and ever
evolving. You’ll need a straightforward editing system that your entire team can contribute to. Will the CMS
of your choice support you with this?

Content Management System:

Provide details on whether you are currently using a Content Management System or you’re considering
using one with your new website. If so, provide details about your desired CMS. What kind of access you
would like to have on the backend. If this is something you haven’t yet considered, your website
designer/developer can provide you with advice and guidance.


What types of content will be on your website – e.g. text, photos, audio, and their current format e.g
digitised, hardcopy.

What new content needs to be produced

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Legal and Technical Requirements
If you are going to stay relevant online it’s imperative you keep your website up to date and ever
evolving. You’ll need a straightforward editing system that your entire team can contribute to. Do you know
SEO best practices so you can conform to them with everything you publish online? Will the CMS of your
choice support you with this? Are you aware of the benefits from an SEO point of view of a secure


How will you enable SSL?

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a security technology that establishes an encrypted link between a web
server and a browser. This link will ensure that all data passed between the server and the browser will
remain private and integral. Do mention if you would be looking for improvised suggestions on better

Is there a specific platform you prefer or an external third party platform your website needs to tie in with?

Have you considered any software, such as Hub Spot, that makes website maintenance and
usability significantly easier? If so, provide details here.

External SoftwareorThird PartyRequirements:

Let us know if you would be interested in using an external software or a third party application for
maintaining your business processes?

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Who is going to keep your website spick and span and working successfully once the design is completed? If
you have someone in house, do they satisfy the level of experience required by your designer to update and
maintain it? Answering the following questions will give your website supplier a good idea of the level of technical
skill you have in-house and if you require some support.

In-house webdevelopment:

Is there an in-house web development team that is available to you and if so what is their level of


Are you looking to keep the maintenance of your website in-house or is this something that you want
your website supplier to do for you?

Hosting Requirements:

What are your hosting requirements, and do you have an existing hosting provider?


Do you have a preference on how you would like to manage your business whether you would like of an
automated solution? What is your workforce strength?

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There’s a reason branding and marketing often go together. Your campaigns and the way you choose to
advertise your business will affect what features and functions your website will need, such as social media ads
and icons and how a buyer navigates the site‘s various articles, google ads etc. If you’re trying to lead them to a
particular page, or if they’ll be coming from an ad, for example, your designer will need to know.

Main marketing campaigns:

Provide details on your current and most important marketing campaigns that your website is linked to. Are
these going to be continued with the new website or are you looking for a complete online re-
transformation? We would be able to suggest and connect you to our marketing experts for suggestions.

Inhouse marketingmethodology:

Are you looking to implement the inhouse marketing methodology in your new website? If so what is your
level of experience with marketing?

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Strategies andcampaigns:

provide details on your current strategies and

campaigns related tothem.

A. Socialmedia
D. Email
E. Content
F. Third party advertising (e.g.
bannersonrelated websites)

G. Affiliatemarketing
H. YouTubeAdvertising

Do you have any offline marketing in place, such as sending out brochures, direct mail, outdoor traditional
advertising, sponsorship, vehicle wraps, etc. If the answer is yes, provide information on your current
campaigns and whether you’re looking to continue them once the new website is launched.

Pre-launch marketing:
Are you aware of the importance of pre- launch marketing? Yes or No?

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Search Engine

List the top five search terms (words or short phrases) that you think people will use to find your website? Are
you aware of the benefits from an SEO point of view of a secure connection? Do you know SEO best
practices so you can conform to them with everything you publish online

Social Media Strategies:

Do you have a social media strategy in place? Yes or No. Would you be looking for help in improvement
and suggestions?

Social Media Links:

List the addresses of the social media and other external websites linked to this project (e.g. Facebook,
Twitter, YouTube, EBay)

Post Launch Marketing :

What are your post-launch website marketing plans (e.g. PPC, social media marketing, email marketing) and
do you need assistance with post-launch marketing efforts? If

SEO adviceandsupport:

Are you aware of the benefits from an SEO point of view of a secure connection? Do you know SEO best
practices so you can conform to them with everything you publish online
Give information on whether you have an in-house SEO expert and how much advice and support
you’re looking to receive from your website supplier.

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Content Updates:

Do you require assistance managing the website content over time, or do you have an in-house team that
will be responsible for post-launch content updates to the site?

How do you intend to measure success:

We would like to address success metrics at the briefing stage of a project. Here are examples you might
want to consider. Mark if they apply.

Google Analytics usage metrics

Number of subscribers and their usage of the site
Monthly increase in leads
Scope of event registrations
Scope of newsletter subscriptions
Website rankings compared to competitors in a post-launch client survey
Feedback from clients during project pitches
Feedback from prospective job applicants
Company press coverage
Recognition from external bodies and industry awards
Cost savings achieved as a result of specific online features

Have you considered a Growth Driven Design website, where you can continuously improve and evolve
your website after it’s gone live?


Have you put together ROI projections to help justify and even extend the time and cost going into the

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Project Timeline
In order for an agency to make sure 100% satisfaction we would like to know about your requirements. Please let us
know when the project is due, how many people will be involved, and what you are looking for in a prospective

What is the targeted project kick-off date?:

Provide details on your desired launch date?

Please also tell us about your team:

How many decision-makers will be involved in the project?

Project Management:

Will the project have multiple points of contact or a single project manager at your firm? Please provide
details of members who will be involved.

What are you looking for in a web agency:

What skills and expertise do they need to demonstrate? What aspects of the proposal are most
important to you?

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The ending of your website brief should feature a roundabout summary, with a re-cap of your overall vision
and the key things you would like to achieve with your spanking new website.

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About us
Digital Marketing and Business
Consultancy Company. A bunch of
outside-the-box thinkers forming a full-
service branding and ideas agency.

Our team is experienced and passionate

about creating something spectacular and
impactful. We see each project as a
partnership. We strive to understand your
vision and help you overcome the challenges
you face. No matter what we create together,
we take a three-step approach: THINK -
CREATE - OPTIMISE.. Want to know how
your business can implement a fresh online
presence platform to maximise your
engagement today?

Schedule a free B2B inbound website

consultation with one of our experts.

Book aMeeting

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86-90 Paul Street,London

104 Meads Lane,Ilford

Call : +44-2038-834810

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