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Army Institute of Business Administration (AIBA) Savar

Admission Test 2021

Session: July-December
Program: Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Time: 2 Hours 45 Minutes (2 Hours for examination and 45 minutes for sending the script).
Marks: 60
Note: Write down the Name, Roll, Mobile Number and Email address at the top of the
answer script. Scan and send your answer script to the given e-mail address.

1. “বাাংলাদেদে ক াভিড -১৯ এর িয়াল থাবা, বর্ত মান ল ডাউন ও জীবন-জীভব া “ ভনদয় প্রবাসী বন্ধুর াদে এ টি পত্র
ভলখ। 10

2. ত োমোর এলোকো কক জন্য কিখ্যো ো কন্য়ে ১০ টি িোয়কয একটি অন্ুয়েদ কলখ্। 5

3. Write a paragraph on your Family. 5

4. Why do you like to study in BBA? 5

5. Army IBA savar has published an admission circular for upcoming BBA program.
300 students have applied. Amongst them, 225 students are primarily selected for
written test. If 180 students passed the test, what percent did not pass in written test? 5

6. A student has an average of 86 in three examination. What grade must he/she receive on
his/her next test to raise his/her average to 88? 5

7. Taxi service charge an initial fee of Tk 22.50 at the beginning of a trip and an additional
charge of Tk 3.50 for 2/5 of a mile traveled. What is the total charge for a trip of 3.6
miles? 5

8. Bangladesh is called an agricultural country. But now a day’s farmers are more
interested in other occupations than farming. What are the major problems of
farmers of Bangladesh. Describe the problems from business point of view.

9. How can internet contribute to the development of individuals, society and the country-
describe in your own language? 5

10. Define any five of the given business terms: Owner’s Equity, Balance Sheet, Fiscal
Year, Accounting, Revenue, Audit and Capital. 10

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