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Quarter 2 - Module 7

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

Physical Science - Grade 12
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 - Module 7: Light as a Wave and a Particle
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education – Division of Cagayan de Oro

Schools Division Superintendent: Dr. Cherry Mae L. Limbaco, CESO V

Development Team of the Module

Author/s: Naome S. Lagos, Jennifer Jude G. Ragandang, Doris Pabalate

Reviewer: Jean S. Macasero
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Chairperson: Dr. Arturo B. Bayocot, CESO III
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Senior High
High School

Physical Science
Quarter 2 - Module 7
Light as a Wave and a Particle

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Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines

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Table of Contents

What This Module is About........................................................................................................................i

What I Need to Know...................................................................................................................................ii
How to Learn from this Module................................................................................................................ii
Icons of this Module....................................................................................................................................iii

What I Know.................................................................................................................................................iii

Lesson 1:
The Nature of Light.....................................................................................................................1
What I Need to Know...........................................................................................1
What’s New: Observing a Ball’s Path at Different Speed...............................1
What Is It the Corpuscular and Wave Theory of Light....................................1
What’s More: Exploring How Light Travels.....................................................2
What I Have Learned: Sharing my Insights......................................................2
What I Can Do: Reflecting Me............................................................................2

Lesson 2:
Energy of Light
What’s In............................................................................................................... 3
What I Need to Know...........................................................................................3
What’s New: Arranging Rainbow Colors ........................................................3
What Is It: .............................................................................................................. 3
What’s More: Spotting Similarities and Differences.........................................3
What I Have Learned: Writing it Right …………………………………..… 3
What I Can Do: Matching Perfectly …..............................................................4

Lesson 3:
Wave-like Properties of Electron.......................................................................4
What I Need to Know..................................................................................4
What’s In.....................................................................................................4
What’s New: Let’s Match History................................................................5
What Is It:....................................................................................................5
What’s More: ..............................................................................................5
What I Have Learned: Let me Test Myself…………………………….…..… 6
What I Can Do: Challenge the Scientist in Me…........................................6
Lesson 4:
Properties of Light......................................................................................................................7
What’s In.....................................................................................................7
What’s New: Am I Dispersed..................................................................7
What Is It: Dispersion................................................................................8
What’s More: What a Colorful Day............................................................8
What Is It: Scattering of Light....................................................................8

What’s More: Let Me Interfere...................................................................9

What Is It: Interference of Light................................................................9
What’s More: Let Me See You Through....................................................9
What Is It: Diffraction................................................................................9
What I Have Learned: You Complete Me………………………………….…10
What I Can Do: Let Me be a Collector ….................................................10

Lesson 5:
Various Light Phenomena.................................................................................................11
What’s In.....................................................................................................11
What I Need to Know..................................................................................11
What’s New: My Spoony Image/May I Pass Through..............................11
What Is It:.................................................................................................12
What’s More: Picture Analysis...................................................................13
What I Have Learned: Let’s Test Your Understandng………………………14
What I Can Do: Let’s Illustrate…..............................................................14

Lesson 6:
What’s In.....................................................................................................15
What I Need to Know..................................................................................15
What’s New: Arrange the Colo According to Frequency..........................16
What Is It: ................................................................................................16
What’s More: Hertz Experiment................................................................17
What I Have Learned: Test Your Memory……………………………….…17
What I Can Do: Research Time …............................................................18

Assessment: (Post-Test) ……………………………………………………………………...19
Key to Answers................................................................................................................ 21
References...................................................................................................................... 23
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What This Module is About
We live in a colorful world. The green leaves of trees, the blue lakes and oceans, the
white clouds, the red-orange horizon, the colorful rainbow, the multicolored landscape to
name a few. We see these wonderful creations because of the presence. of light. Would it
be wonderful to know the science behind all these?

In this module, you will be introduced to the dual nature of light, its properties and
behavior, and the various optical phenomena created by light. It includes light being a
particle and a wave or both. Some properties of light can be explain by considering light as a
wave (interference of light, diffraction and scattering) while other properties can be explain
by considering light as a particle (photoelectric effect) and still others can be explain
considering light as both wave and particle (reflection, refraction and dispersion). It also
includes the wave-like characteristics of electron and how Hertz produced radio pulses
applying the evidence- based knowledge of his predecessors on light and electron.

Quite interesting! You may now start exploring this module.

The following are the lessons contained in this module:

1. The Wave-Particle Duality of Light

2. The Photon concept and How we see colors
3. Wave-Like Property of Electron
4. The Properties of Light
5. Various Light Phenomena
6. How Hertz Radio Pulses

What I Need to Know

At the end of this module, you should be able to:

1. Describe how the propagation of light, reflection, and refraction are explained by the
wave model and the particle model of light (S11/12PS-IVf-59);
2. Explain how the photon concept and the fact that energy of a photon is directly
proportional to its frequency can be used to explain why red light is used in
photographic dark rooms, why we get easily sunburned in ultraviolet light but not in
visible light, and how we see colors (S11/12PS-IVf-61);
3. Cite experiment evidence showing that electrons can behave like waves (S11/12PS-
4. Differentiate dispersion, scattering, interference, and diffraction (S11/12PS-IVf-65)
5. Explain various light phenomena such as:
A. Your reflection on the concave and convex sides of a spoon looks different
B. Mirages
C. Light from a red laser passes more easily through red cellophane than green
D. Clothing of certain colors appear different in artificial light and in sunlight
E. Haloes, sundogs, primary rainbows, secondary rainbows, and supernumerary bows
F. Why clouds are usually white and rainclouds dark
G. Why the sky is blue and sunsets are red (S11/12PS-IVf-66)
6. Describe how Hertz produced radio pulses (S11/12PS-IVf-68)
How to Learn from this Module
To achieve the objectives cited above, you are to do the following:
• Get your pen and journal ready.
• Take your time reading the lessons carefully note taking important information and
key words.
• Follow the directions and/or instructions in the activities and exercises diligently.
• Perform the activities to heart. Write your observations in your journal.
• Answer all the given tests and exercises as honestly as possible.
• If you have any questions for clarification, feel free to consult your teacher.

Icons of this Module

What I Need to This part contains learning objectives that
Know are set for you to learn as you go along the

What I know This is an assessment as to your level of

knowledge to the subject matter at hand,
meant specifically to gauge prior related
What’s In This part connects previous lesson with that
of the current one.

What’s New An introduction of the new lesson through

various activities, before it will be presented
to you

What is It These are discussions of the activities as a

way to deepen your discovery and under-
standing of the concept.

What’s More These are follow-up activities that are in-

tended for you to practice further in order to
master the competencies.

What I Have Activities designed to process what you

Learned have learned from the lesson

What I can do These are tasks that are designed to show-

case your skills and knowledge gained, and
applied into real-life concerns and situations.

What I Know
Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices.

1. Which of the following phenomena describes no difference between the wave theory
and particle theory of light?
A. diffraction B. interference
C. reflection D. refraction

2. Which factor remains constant when light travels in a different medium?

A. Color B. Frequency
C Speed D. Wavelength
3. Why does a blue t-shirt appear blue?
A. Blue is absorbed by the t-shirt B. Blue is emitted by the t-shirt
C. Blue is reflected by the t-shirt D. Blue is refracted by the t-shirt
4. E=hf is an equation that describes the relationship between energy (E) and frequency of
light (f). What will happen to the energy of light as the frequency goes higher? It
A. goes higher B. goes lower
C. remains the same D. undetermined

5. Under which type of light do we easily get sunburned?

A. infrared B. microwave light
C. ultraviolet light D. white light

6. He formulated the hypothesis that electron being a particle has wave-like characteristics.
A. Albert Einstein C. Louis de Broglie
B. Max Plank D. Neils Bohr
7. Which property of light is responsible for white clouds, blue sky and red sunset?
A. Dispersion C. Interference
B. Scattering D. Diffraction

8. What natural occurrence is produced by the refraction of light as it travels between hot
and cold air?
A. mirage C. virtual image
B. myriad D. real image
9. Which of the following situations exemplifies the dispersion property of light?
A. The image of the flower in a mirror
B. The sparkling glow of the diamond ring
C. The swaying movement of coin under water
D. The rainbow in the sky after the rain shower

10. Explain when can diffraction of light occur?

A. When photons oscillate in certain directions are absorbed, while others that
oscillate in line with the filter pass through.
B. when light strikes the boundary between substances at an angle greater than the
critical angle.
C. when waves spread and bend as they pass through small openings or around
D. when two or more waves overlap or intersect.

11. What effect does interference of light waves have on soap bubbles?
A. They become larger
B. They become heavier
C. They produced different colors at the surface.
D. They produced images of objects like a mirror.
12. After a rainstorm, a rainbow may appear in the sky. Which statement explains this
A. The colors of the rainbow come from raindrops spread in the atmosphere
B. The raindrops act as prisms separating sunlight into spectrum of colors.
C. The white clouds are like prisms which are composed of different colors of the
D. When the incident light is reflected by the ground towards the clouds, it separates
them into different colors.

13. What light phenomena results in a spectrum of colors that escapes when two reflections
happened inside the water droplets?
A. A primary rainbow C. A supernumerary bow
B. A secondary rainbow D. A Halo

14. The reason why Hertz used the same length of wire from CA to CB.
I. The voltage reached at the same direction.
II. The voltage reached at the same point.
III. The voltage reached at the same time.
A. I only C. II and III only
B. I and II only D. III only

15. Hertz’s observation on his experiment.

I. When sparks flew across the main gap, sparks flew across the secondary
II. When sparks flew across the main gap, sparks stopped across the
secondary gap.
III. When sparks flew across the main gap, secondary gap do not ignite.
A. I only C. II and III only
B. I, II and III D. III only
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Lesson The Nature of Light
What I Need to Know

What is light? Is it matter or is it energy? Do you think it is a particle or a wave?

For hundreds of years, scientists disagreed on the nature of light. In this lesson you will be
able to describe how the propagation of light, reflection, and refraction are explained by the
wave model and the particle model of light.

What’s New
Activity 3.2.1. Observing a Ball’s Path at Different Speeds (1 point each)

Find a space in your yard where you can safely play a ball. Face a wall, boundary or
fence at about two meters away from it. Throw the ball slowly. How will you describe the
trajectory path of the ball? Record your observation in the table below. Throw the ball again
but his time do it very fast. Complete the table.

Ball’s Speed Versus Path

Speed Observation of Ball’s Path

What Is It
At slow speeds, a curvature of a thrown ball was easily observed because of the
effect of gravity but at high speeds the ball is inclined to follow a straight line. According to Sir
Isaac Newton, light travels in straight lines, thus its particles must move at very high speeds.

Light can travel straight through empty space

(vacuum) until it hits something else. Once it has hit another
surface or particle, it is either absorbed, reflected (bounces off),
refracted (direction and speed changes), scattered (bounce-off
in all directions) or transmitted (passes straight through) as seen
in Figure 1. But is light a wave or a particle?
Figure 1: Propagation of :Light

The Corpuscular (particle) Theory – Newton’s Theory

According to the theory, Newton thought that light is made up of particles that travel
through space on a straight line.

 Reflection is the bouncing of light as it hits a surface. Newton demonstrated that

particles collide with the surface and bounce back (see figure a).
 Refraction is the bending of light. It is an attraction between the molecules of the
medium and the particles of light which contribute to the change of speed as the
particles of the light travels inside the medium (see figure c)
 Diffraction is the bending of light as it passes around the edge of an object. Newton
felt that light does not travel around corners. He explained that any observed effect of
this is caused by the interaction of particles when they run into each other at the edges
of the objects.
 Dispersion is the separation of light into colors. Newton explained that particles of
different mass would be affected differently when refracted.

Figure 2. The reflection of ligjht (a) particles and (b) waves; refraction of light on (a) particles) and (b) waves

Wave Theory of Light

Christian Huygens, a Dutch physicist, argued that if light were made of particles, when
light beams crossed, the particles would collide and cancel each other. He proposed that light
was a wave similar to that of water waves.
 Huygens’ Principle – each point on a wave, behaves as a point source for waves in the
direction of wave motion. Huygens’ wave model of light explains reflection, refraction,
and diffraction of light
 Reflection happens when light bounces off an object. Upon hitting a smooth surface
as illustrated in figure b, light would be reflected. The waves would bounce back,
producing a reversed image of the wave.
 Refraction – is the bending of wave when it enters a medium where its speed changes.
In figure d, the wavefront approaches the two media with different densities. Since the
incident wave is travelling as an angle, a small portion of the wavefront starts to slow
down upon impact to the boundary while the rest are maintaining their speeds. This
condition makes the wavefront bend while entering the second medium with higher
 Diffraction is the slight bending of light as it passes around the edge of an object
which depends on the relative size of the wavelength of light to the size of the opening.
Light is a particle, a wave or both depending on the phenomenon.

Behavior of Light
Phenomenon Can be explained in terms of Can be explained in terms of
waves particles
Reflection  
Refraction  
Interference* 
Diffraction* 
Polarization* 
Photoelectric effect* 
*Shall be discussed in details in the succeeding lessons
What’s More
Activity 3.2.2 Exploring How Light Travels (10 points)
Go back to your front yard or backyard. Pick 3 best selfie spots, but before posing
for your camera, observe your shadow as you go through those spots.
1. Where did you see the shadows?
2. Did the shadows change?
3. Under what circumstances?
4. Take selfies facing different directions. In the context of light, under what circumstances
did you have a nice selfie photo? Justify your answer.
5. Upload your best and worst capture in your Physical Science group chat on Messenger or
Google Classroom.

What I Have Learned

Activity 3.2.3 Sharing My Insights (Criteria: Critical Thinking-5, Communication-5)

Based on the lesson on Corpuscles Theory and Wave Theory of Light, I have
realized that ________________________________________________________
________________________ .

What I Can Do

Activity 3.2.4 Reflecting Me (1 point each).

Complete the chart to describe how reflection and refraction are explained by the wave
theory and the particle theory of light
Phenomena Description
By Wave Theory of Light By Particle Theory of Light
Lesson Energy of Light
What’s In
Light may behave as a particle, a wave or both depending which light phenomenon.
To scientists, colors of things are not substances of the things themselves but the frequencies
of light emitted or reflected by things.

What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you will be able to explain how the photon concept and the fact that
the energy of a photon is directly proportional to its frequency can be used to explain why in
photographic dark rooms red light is used, why in ultraviolet light but not in visible light we
get easily sunburned, and how we see colors.

What’s New

Activity 7.2.1 Arranging Rainbow Colors (1 point each).

Open your Facebook app. Type visible light spectrum on the search bar. Go through
the resources and observe the frequencies and energies of the different colors. Arrange the
colors according to increasing frequency and increasing energy in the table below.

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
What happens to the energy of light as the frequency increases?
What Is It
Newton thought that light was made of particles (corpuscles) that emanated from the
light source. Light can be described as a quanta or packet of energy that behaves as if they
were particles. Light quanta are called photons. The photoelectric effect introduced evidence
that light showed particle properties. Photons are emitted when electrons of an atom are

When light is shown on an atom, its electrons absorb photon which causes them to
gain energy and jump to a higher level. Since an electron can only exist at certain energy
levels, it can only emit photons of certain frequencies. The emitted light can be perceived as
a series of colored lines called a line or atomic spectra. Each element produces a unique
set of spectral line.

The electromagnetic spectrum depict all of the types of light, including those that we
cannot see in our own eyes. In fact, most of the light in the universe is invisible to humans.

The light we can see, made up of the individual colors of the rainbow, represents only
a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. It is called visible light. Other types of
light include radio waves, microwaves, infrared radiation, ultraviolet rays, X-rays and gamma
rays — all of which are imperceptible to human eyes.
Figure 3. The Electromagnetic Spectrum EM

The relationship between energy and frequency is given by the equation E = hf, here
h is 6.63 x10-24 joules-second called as Planck's constant. A direct relationship exists;
electromagnetic radiation is more energetic with a higher frequency.

Why do we get easily sunburned in ultraviolet light but not in visible light? The sun is
a source of the full spectrum of the ultraviolet radiation which is responsible for causing us
This UV light has higher frequency than visible light, therefore it has higher energy.

Why is red light used in photographic darkrooms? Darkrooms used red lighting to
allow careful control light to pass through, so that photographic paper which is light sensitive
would not become overexposed that will result to ruining the pictures during the developing
process. Red light in the visible region of the spectrum has the lowest frequency and lowest
energy and therefore it does not affect the photo developing process.

How do we see colors? Visible light is a small part within the spectrum that human
eyes are sensitive to and can detect. It is of different frequencies and each frequency is a
particular color. Objects appear in different colors because they absorb some colors and
reflect or transmit the others. White objects appear white because they reflect all colors.
Black objects absorb all of them so no light is reflected.

Life and Electromagnetic Waves

Type Applications Life sciences aspect Issues

Requires controls for

Radio Communications remote controls MRI band use

Microwaves Communications, ovens, radar Deep heating Cell phone use

Infrared Thermal imaging, heating Absorbed by atmosphere Greenhouse effect

Visible light All pervasive Photosynthesis, Human vision

Ozone depletion,
Ultraviolet Sterilization, Cancer control Vitamin D production
Cancer causing

X-rays Medical Security Medical diagnosis, Cancer therapy Cancer causing

Cancer causing,
Gamma rays Nuclear medicine, Security Medical diagnosis, Cancer therapy
Radiation damage

What’s More

Activity 7.2.2 Spotting Similarities and Differences (Criteria: Critical Thinking-5,

Communication-5, Creativity-5)

Compare and contrast any two of radio waves, microwave, infrared, visible light,
ultraviolet, x-ray and gamma ray in terms of properties. Present your output creatively.

What I Have Learned

Activity 7.2.3 Writing it Right (Criteria: Critical Thinking-5, Communication-5)

Based on the lesson on frequency and energy of light, I have realized that __

What I Can Do

Activity 7.2.4 Matching Perfectly (1point each).

Directions: Match the expressions in column A with those in column B by placing the
letter that corresponds to the best answer on the space provided.
______1. Using red light in photographic darkroom a. higher frequency. higher energy
______ 2. Getting sunburned in ultraviolet light b. higher frequency. lower energy
______ 3. Seeing white t-shirt as blue c. lower frequency, higher energy
d. lower frequency, lower energy

Lesson Wave Property of an Electron

What I need to Know

In this lesson, you should be able to some cite experimental evidence showing that
electron can behave like a wave.

What’s In
In the preceding lesson, you learned that light can behave as particle and as a wave.
The idea of photoelectric effects, which show the particle property of light fascinated the
French physicist Louis de Broglie. If light being a wave can show a particle-like property, then
electron and other particles may also have a wave-like properties such as wavelength and

What’s New

Activity 7.3.1 Let’s Match History!

1. Match the year, the scientist and their contribution to the development of the wave-like
property of electron.
2. Write your answer in the column for Coded Answer.
A (Year) Coded Answer Scientists Contribution
1. 1900 1. ___, __ A. Albert Einstein G. proposed that electron could have
wave-like properies
2. 1905 2. ___, ___ B. Clinton H. Photoelectric effect
Davisson and Lester
3. 1922 3. ___, ____ C. Arthur Holy I discovery of Planck’s radiation law
4. 1924 4. ___, ____ D. Max Planck J. announced the complementary
relation between the wave and
particle aspect of electron
5. 1927 5. ____, ___ E. Louis de Broglie K. Compton effect

6. 1928 6. ___, ___ F. Neils Bohr L. experimentally established the

wave-nature of electron

What Is It

In 1900, Max Planck was able to formulate and discover the so called Plank’s constant
which he included in his discovery of Plank’s radiation Law. In 1905 German physicist Albert
Einstein first showed that light, being considered as a form of EM wave, can be thought as a
particle and localized in packets of discrete energy. This was shown in his photoelectric
effect experiment. The observations of the Compton effect in 1922 by American
physicist Arthur Holly Compton could be explained only if light had a wave-particle duality.
Fascinated with the idea that light as a wave can have a particle like property, in 1924,
French physicist Louis de Broglie proposed that electrons and other discrete bits of matter,
which until then had been conceived only as material particles, must also
have wave properties such as wavelength and frequency. Later in 1927 the wave nature of
electrons was experimentally established by American physicists Clinton
Davisson and Lester Germer on their Davisson-Germer experiment. An understanding of
the complementary relation between the wave aspects and the particle aspects of the same
phenomenon was announced by Danish physicist Niels Bohr in 1928.

What’s More

Activity 7. 3.2 Where Can I Find You?

1. Encircle as much words that
relate to the wave-like property of
electron on the puzzle mat.
2. It can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal.

3. You may copy the puzzle in your journal notebook and answer it.
4. Goodluck and enjoy the puzzle.

What Is It

Electron being considered as a wave created questions that gain the interest of other fellow
scientist. Among the question that lingered on the minds of other scientists was that “if
electron traveled as a wave, then where could be the precise position of the electron within
the wave?”

The answer to this question was given by German physicist Werner Heisenberg in 1927, in
his famous Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. He articulated that both the momentum and
position of the electron can not be measured exactly at the same time.

Another scientist in the name of Erwin Shrodinger derived set of equations also called wave
functions for electrons as a result of de Broglie’s hypothesis and Heisenberg’s uncertainty
principle. He formulated the equations that would specify that the electrons confined in their
orbits would set up standing waves and the probability of finding the electrons in the orbitals
could be described as the electron density clouds. The greatest probability of finding an
electron in an orbital is in the densest area, likewise, the lowest probability of finding an
electron in in the orbital of least dense.

What I Have Learned

Activity 7.3.4 Let me Test Myself!

What are some experimental evidence showing that electron has a wavelike property. Write
your answer in your journal notebook.

What I Can Do

Activity No. 7.3.5. Challenge the Scientist in Me!

I. Choose any 1 of the activity.
A. Search on Davisson-Germer Experiment that confirms De Broglie’s hypothesis.
Make a synthesis of their experiment. Write it in your journal notebook.
B. Watch the video on You tube “De Broglie wavelength/Khan Academy @

Lesson Properties of Light

What’s In

As you may recall, the wave-particle nature of light can explain why light is reflected
or it may bounce back as it hit an opaque surface and it shall be refracted or bend as it
passes through a transparent material. In this lesson you shall encounter more properties of
light that may uncover the formation of rainbows, the rainbow-colored soap bubbles that you
played with your younger siblings, the beautiful horizon that you experience in the late
afternoon and white fluffy clouds below the blue sky during the midday.

What’s New

Do you ever wonder how multicolored rainbows are form? Perform the next activity
diligently to know how.

Activity 7.4.1 Am I Dispersed? (Adopted from project EASE-physics Module 3)

Materials: a prism or a clear bottle half-filled with water

Flashlight or sunlight

Procedure: Hold a prism or a bottle half-filled with water against sunlight or any light
source like a flashlight. Observe.

Guide questions:

1. What do you see?

2. Enumerate the colors you observe.

What Is It


As light enters into a prism, or an object

that may act as a prism, it separates into
different band of colors. This separation of white light into different colors as it passes
through a prism is called dispersion. The separated band of colors, red, orange, yellow,
green, blue, indigo and violet, ranges from 400 nanometer to 700 nano meter wavelength.
Dispersion occurs due to the slight difference in the refractive index of each color.

A rainbow is formed after a rainshower

when droplets of falling water acts as a prism
that separates the rays of the sun hitting the
water droplets into band of different colors.

Figure __. A rainbow captured after a rainshower

in Baungon, Bukidnon. Photo credits to Ms. Marivic Labita.

What’s More

Activity 7.4.2 What A Colorful Day!

Now, get your pen and journal notebook and go outside for a while and look up the
sky above you. Note down the things and colors you have noticed. Repeat your observation
at anytime of the day and in the late afternoon. You may do this observation activity for a
series of 2-3 days when the weather Is fine. Keep your journal notebook handy. Good luck!

What Is It

Did you observe the beautiful, fluffy white clouds like cottons arrange under a faint
blue sky during the middle of the day when the sun is shining brightly and the beautiful red-
orange horizon in the late afternoon when the sun is almost setting down?

Scattering of light is responsible for this blue-colored sky and beautiful horizon.
Tiny dust particles, and atoms of oxygen and nitrogen in the atmosphere which are far
apart from each other acts as scatterers. They scatter sunlight in all directions . Of the
band of colors of light, violet has the shortest wavelength of 400 nanometer. It is scattered
the most, followed by indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red which is scattered the
least. But our eyes is not sensitive to indigo and violet, and blue is most predominant to our
sight , so we see the blue sky.

In the late afternoon where the sun is in the horizon, the loner wavelength red light
reaches our eyes more than the blue light which are scattered the most. Red being scattered
the least is transmitted and passed through more of the atmosphere than any other color.
Thus, it is the red color together with some orange that reaches our eyes in the late
afternoon and we see the beautiful red-orange sunset.

Clouds are made of water droplets of varying

sizes. Smaller droplets scatter blue, green , and
yellow and even red color. A combination of these
color results in white clouds.

Rain clouds appear dark because the water

droplets become bigger and denser and it can
absorb more light than scatter it. It almost all colors
are absorb, the resulting color is dark or even black.

So, the next time you look up the sky and view the horizon, you know the science behind its

What’s More

Activity 7.4.3. Let me Interfere!

Materials: Liquid soap, water, basin

Procedure: Put some water in a basin and pour a good amount of liquid soap. Stir and make
soap suds. Blow on soap suds. Observe.

Guide Questions:
What can you observe in the soap bubbles. Write your observation on your journal

What Is It
Interference of light

The beautiful spectrum of colors reflected on the soap bubbles are produced by the
interference of light. It occurs when 2 waves meet while travelling on the same medium. It
may be constructive interference producing bright fringes or destructive interference
producing dark bands. In the case of soap bubbles, the incident ray of white light
constructively interfere in the different regions of the bubbles producing the rainbow-colored
appearance. Interference of light clearly demonstrates the wave nature of light.

What’s More

Activity 7.4.4 Let me see you through!

1. Look at the light through the slit between your fingers. What do you observe? Do you
see vertical white and dark bands? What causes this bands?
2. Repeat step 1 but make the slit narrower. Compare your observations with the
previous one.
3. Write your observation in your Journal notebook.

What Is It

As you look the light through the slit between your fingers, you will observe the vertical white
and dark bands which is due to the bending of light as it passes through an opening or an
obstacle. This is described as diffraction of light.

The narrower the slit, the more pronounced the pattern become.

What I Have Learned

Activity 7.4.5 You Complete Me!

I. Complete the table below: Write your answer in your journal notebook.

Properties of Light Description Applicable light


1. 2. Rainbow

Scattering of light 3. 4.
Diffraction 5. 6.

7. 8. Rainbow-colored
appearance in soap

What I Can Do

Activity 7.4.6 Let Me be a Collector!

Take and collect pictures applying at least two of the four properties of light
mentioned in this lesson. Post it on your journal notebook and briefly describe the science
behind the pictures. Submit your journal notebook to your teacher for the rating.

Hoorah and happy learning!

Lesson Various Light Phenomena
What’s In

In lesson 4, you have learned that rainbows are formed due to the dispersion of light
in water droplets that acts as a prism. You have also learned that the blue sky, the reddish
sunset and the white and dark clouds are products of the scattering of light in the
atmosphere; the rainbow-colored soap bubbles are due to the interference of light and the
bright fringes and dark bands in shadows are result of the diffraction of light.

In the previous lesson, you knew that light reflects or bounce back as it hits an
opaque object such as mirror and transmitted through transparent objects such as glass
and lenses. Light refracts or bend as it enters from one medium to another with different
optical density. You also knew that the colors we see on the object is the color of light that is
reflected by the object to our eyes. The green color of the leaves is the due to the green light
that is reflected by the leaves to our eyes, and all the other color of light is absorbed and
only the green is reflected.

These behaviors of light produce spectacular light phenomena that we often see in
our daily life and sometimes we may not notice it.

What I Need to Know

In this lesson, you are expected to explain various light phenomena such as your
reflection on the concave and convex side of a spoon, mirage, haloes, sundogs, primary and
secondary rainbows and supernumerary bows, You are also expected to explain why a red
laser light passes through easily on a red cellophane than on a green one and why colors of
clothing appears different in artificial light as compared to natural sunlight.
What’s New

Activity No. 7. 5. 1 A. My Spoony Image

1. In a well-lighted room, Hold a shiny spoon with the back side facing at you. Look at
you image and describe your observation.
2. Now, turn the spoon such that the front side faces you. Observe and describe your
3. Write your observations in your journal notebook.

Activity No. 7. 5. 1 B. May I Pass Through

1. Point a red laser light at 90 degree or perpendicular to a red colored cellophane.

Observe the transmitted light on a screen (may be a white bond paper or white
wall).Note your observation in your journal notebook.
2. This time, use a green cellophane, instead of red and do the same as procedure no.
1. What do you observe? Again, write your observation in your journal notebook.

What Is It

For activity 7.5.1A, the back side of the spoon represents a convex mirror while the
front side of the spoon represents the concave mirror. Recalling the images formed in a
convex and concave mirror. In a convex mirror, reflected light rays diverge as if it originates
from the imaginary focus of the mirror, thus producing a small, upright and reverse image
just as what you observe. For concave mirror, reflected light rays bend towards the focus of
the mirror, thus producing an upside down or inverted image.

For Activity 7.5.1B, colored cellophane acts as filters for allowing certain colors to
pass through while absorbing the other colors. In the case of the activity, red laser light
passes through more easily in red cellophane than in green one because much of the red
light is absorbed in the green cellophane.

Light are transmitted in transparent materials without being scattered at an angle of

90 degree, otherwise, light is refracted, but not 100 % of the incident light is transmitted,
some are absorbed and others are reflected.

When light hits an object, some of its frequencies are absorbed and few are
reflected. Such in a case of green leaves, only green frequency is reflected while the other
frequencies are absorbed by the object. The green light is reflected to our eyes, and we see
it green. When all frequencies of light is reflected, we see white object, such as the white
clouds, but when all frequencies of light are absorbed, we see the object black.

Colored objects have pigments capable of reflecting specific colors of light. A blue
colored dress reflects the blue frequency and absorbs the other. But comparing the results of
reflection from a natural sunlight and an artificial light source such as from a LED light, the
color intensities is different. The blue dress would appears pale blue in an artificial light
because it contains less amount of blue light as compared to the natural sunlight.
What’s More

Activity 7.5.2. Picture Analysis

Analyze the photographs of different optical phenomena and answer the guide questions
below on your journal notebook.

A. B.

C. D.


Guide Questions:

1. On a very sunny day, have you observe the apparent pool of water on a straight
highway? What do you call this phenomena and what causes this? Which photo is
2. Which photo shows a halo? What causes the formation of haloes?
3. Which photo depicts sundogs? What property of light causes sundogs?
4. Rainbows are spectacular view in the sky. What is the difference between a primary
rainbow and secondary rainbow?
5. Which among the pictures is a supernumerary bow?
What I Have Learned

Activity 7.5.3 Let’s Test your Understanding

Answer the questions briefly. Write your answers on your journal notebook.

1. Compare and contrast the images form in front side and the in the back side of a
shiny spoon. What does the front side of the spoon represent? The back side?

2. Why does red light passes through easily in red cellophane? What happens to the
green light as it passes through the red cellophane?

3. The color of the dress when artificial light is shone upon it is different compared to
the color of the dress when natural sunlight is shone upon it. Why?

4. What behavior of light is responsible for the formation of mirage?

5. What are the similarities and differences of a halo and a sundog?

6. How is a primary and secondary rainbow different?

7. What is a supernumerary bow? How is it form?

What I Can Do

Activity 7.5.4 Let’s Illustrate!

Now that you have studied various light phenomena, make a sketch or illustrate the
following in your journal notebook. Color your illustrations properly.

1. A primary and secondary rainbow from an observer’s eye

2. A supernumerary bow located at the inner of a primary bow.
3. An image of a red rose reflected on the front side of the spoon.
4. An image of a native fruit as reflected on the back side of the spoon.
5. The color difference of an orange dress when an artificial light shine on it side by side
with same dress illuminated by the natural sunlight.

Enjoy sketching and smile while learning new things! Horrah!



What’s In

In the previous topic, you have learned about light phenomena that are any
observable events that result from the interaction of light and matter. Various light
phenomena are often due to the interaction of light from the sun or moon with the
atmosphere, clouds, water, dust, and other particulates. Light phenomena includes
rainbows, haloes, white clouds and blue sky.

What I Need to Know


o Who is Heinrich Rudolf Hertz?

o Why did Hertz able to do this kind of experiment?
o How did Hertz experiment produced radio pulses?
o Why the unit of frequency is Hertz?
o How does contribution of Hertz become important now a day?

The questions above will give you an idea on the things you may discover today will
become important part for the new generation. Before you may proceed please answer the
questions above.

What’s New
Activity 7.6.1. Arrange Color according to Frequency

On your journal notebook, draw a rainbow and arranged its color from the highest frequency
to the lowest frequency.

What Is It

“I do not think that the wireless waves I have discovered

will have any practical application.”



Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857–1894) was a German physicist who became the first person to
transmit and receive controlled radio waves. He was the first conclusively proved the
existence of electromagnetic waves theorized by James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic
theory of light.

It seems a little odd looking back that he had no practical purpose in mind for the radio
waves he discovered considering how indispensable his wireless transmissions quickly
became. His research focused only on discovering if James Clerk Maxwell’s 1864 theory of
electromagnetism was correct. Hertz was able to measure their wavelength and velocity but
was not only able to detect the waves. The scientific unit of frequency was cycles per second
or named "hertz" in his honour.

Hertz proved the theory that ruled out all other known wireless phenomena by engineering
instruments to transmit and receive radio pulses using experimental procedures. He
designed a brilliant set of experiments to test Maxwell's hypothesis. His apparatus consists
of polished brass knobs, each connected to an induction coil and separated by a tiny gap
over which sparks could leap.

Hertz attached a secondary spark-gap to the

existing spark-gap. He used the induction coil
to generate high voltage ac electricity and
producing a series of sparks at regular
intervals at the main spark-gap.

Hertz noticed that when sparks flew across

the main gap, that is between points A and B
in the image; Hertz called these side-sparks.
He found that the behavior of the side-sparks
highly provoking. He diverse the position of
connection point C on the side-circuit. The
Hertz spark testing circuit
only way he could stop side-sparks produced
was to arrange the connection so the length of w-hertz-discovered-radio-waves
wire AC was the same as BC, Hertz
suggested since the given that the electricity
was ac, the voltage waves were separately racing through the wire along paths AC and BC.
If the distances of AC and BC were the same, then the same voltage must arrive at points A
and B at the same time. Sparks could not be generated if the electrical waves in AC and BC
were said to be in phase with one another. If there was a large voltage difference between
points A and B, sparks could only be generated
What’s More

Activity 7.6 2. Hertz’s Experiment

Make an improvise Hertz’s experiment. Using the picture below as your guide or you
can watch the you-tube Ge7g. Picture
your output and paste it in your journal notebook. (
What I Have Learned

Activity 7.6.3. Test your Memory

Answer the following questions briefly: Write your answers in your journal notebook.

1. What is the unit of frequency?


2. Why large voltage will be used to produce sparks based on Hertz experiment?

3. In Hertz testing circuit, why distance between CA and CB were the same?

4. How Hertz experiment produced sparks?


5. Was Hertz successfully proved the James Clerk Maxwell's electromagnetic

theory of light?

What I Can Do

Activity 7.6.4. Research Time

Do some Research Study. Record your output in your journal notebook.

1. Differences between AM and FM.

2. Why NTC order to stop the ABS-CBN in using their frequency?


Assessment: (Post-Test)

Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer from among the given choices.

2. Which of the following phenomena describes no difference between the wave theory
and particle theory of light?
A. diffraction B. interference
C. reflection D. refraction

2. Which factor remains constant when light travels in a different medium?

A. Color B. Frequency
C Speed D. Wavelength
3. Why does a blue t-shirt appear blue?
A. Blue is absorbed by the t-shirt B. Blue is emitted by the t-shirt
C. Blue is reflected by the t-shirt D. Blue is refracted by the t-shirt
4. E=hf is an equation that describes the relationship between energy (E) and frequency of
light (f). What will happen to the energy of light as the frequency goes higher? It
A. goes higher B. goes lower
C. remains the same D. undetermined

5. Under which type of light do we easily get sunburned?

A. infrared B. microwave light
C. ultraviolet light D. white light

6. He formulated the hypothesis that electron being a particle has wave-like characteristics.
D. Albert Einstein C. Louis de Broglie
E. Max Plank D. Neils Bohr
8. Which property of light is responsible for white clouds, blue sky and red sunset?
C. Dispersion C. Interference
D. Scattering D. Diffraction

8. What natural occurrence is produced by the refraction of light as it travels between hot
and cold air?
A. mirage C. virtual image
B. myriad D. real image
9. Which of the following situations exemplifies the dispersion property of light?
A. The image of the flower in a mirror
B. The sparkling glow of the diamond ring
C. The swaying movement of coin under water
D. The rainbow in the sky after the rain shower

10. Explain when can diffraction of light occur?

A. When photons oscillate in certain directions are absorbed, while others that
oscillate in line with the filter pass through.
B. when light strikes the boundary between substances at an angle greater than the
critical angle.
C. when waves spread and bend as they pass through small openings or around
D. when two or more waves overlap or intersect.

11. What effect does interference of light waves have on soap bubbles?
A. They become larger
B. They become heavier
C. They produced different colors at the surface.
D. They produced images of objects like a mirror.

12. After a rainstorm, a rainbow may appear in the sky. Which statement explains this
A. The colors of the rainbow come from raindrops spread in the atmosphere
B. The raindrops act as prisms separating sunlight into spectrum of colors.
C. The white clouds are like prisms which are composed of different colors of the
D. When the incident light is reflected by the ground towards the clouds, it separates
them into different colors.
13. What light phenomena results in a spectrum of colors that escapes when two reflections
happened inside the water droplets?
A. A primary rainbow C. A supernumerary bow
B. A secondary rainbow D. A Halo

14. The reason why Hertz used the same length of wire from CA to CB.
IV. The voltage reached at the same direction.
V. The voltage reached at the same point.
VI. The voltage reached at the same time.
A. I only C. II and III only
B. I and II only D. III only

15. Hertz’s observation on his experiment.

IV. When sparks flew across the main gap, sparks flew across the secondary
V. When sparks flew across the main gap, sparks stopped across the
secondary gap.
VI. When sparks flew across the main gap, secondary gap do not ignite.
A. I only C. II and III only
B.I, II and III D. III only


Activity 7.1.1 Observing a Ball’s Path at Different Speeds

Speed Observation of Ball’s Path

slow Curve/parabolic
fast straight

Activity 7.1.2 Exploring How Light Travels

1. When there is light source 2. Yes
3. Distance from light source 4. Facing the light source

Activity 7.1.3 Sharing My Insights

Answers may vary

Activity 7.1.4 Reflecting Me

Phenomena Description
By Wave Theory of Light By Particle Theory of Light
Reflection Bounces bounces
Reftaction Bends bends
Activity 7.2.1 Arranging Rainbow Colors

Parameter 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
frequency red orange yellow green blue indigo violet
energy red orange yellow green blue indigo violet
Observation: Energy increases as frequency increases

Activity 7.2.2 Spotting Similarities and Differences

Sample answer

Activity 7.2.3 Writing it right

Answers may vary

Activity 7.2.4 Matching Perfectly

1. D 2. A 3. A

Activity 7.6.1

Violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange, red

Activity 7.6.3
1. Hertz
2. To generate sparks
3. The voltage reached at the same time
4. By the used of large voltage
5. Yes


DepEd CDO Learning Activity Sheets in Physical Science Shared Options LAS
(Cagayan de Oro City: DepEd CDO, 2019)
Project EASE Physics Module 3: The Nature and Properties of Light

Punzalan, Jervie. M. and Monserrat, Richard C., Physical Science in Today’s World
(Quezon City: Sibs Publishing House, 2016)

Dangel, Mercygel, Gorre, Dyna F, Udarbe, Leneth. DepEd Shared Options

Learning Activities.

“Hertz’s Experiment”, You tube Channel Media Smarts, accessed last May 22,
2020, you

“Hertz’s Experiment on Electromagnetic Waves”, You tube Channel Media

Smarts, accessed last June 8, 2020,

“How Heinrich Hertz discovered Radio Waves-Famous Scientist”, accessed

last May 22, 2020, https://www.famousscientists.orghow-hertz-discovered-

“Production and Properties of electromagnetic waves-Hertz”, accessed last

June 8, 2020,

“Visual Physics Online-School of Physics”, accessed last May 22, 2020,
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