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Group Research Proposal – 2nd Quarter Performance Task

Section: 12 – STEM Date: March 01, 2021

Leader: Sampang, Gio B.
Members: Labrador, John Bert J.
Carpio, Romina L.
Mabini, Keronisa
Santos, Trishalane G.

Original Study Written Study

Perceived Stress and Academic Performance Perceived Stress and Academic Performance

of Senior High School Students in Western of Senior High School Students

Region, Ghana Reference: Affum-Osei, E., Asante, E., &

Authors: Emmanuel Affum-Osei, Eric Adom Solomon Kwaretng Forkouh. (2014).

Asante, Solomon Kwaretng Forkouh Perceived stress and academic performance of

Publication Date: January 2014 senior high school students in western region,

Ghana. Retrieved February 2021, from

ResearchGate website:
Terminologies Terminologies
 Academic Performance Academic Performance. Is the measurement
 Perceived Stress of student’s achievement across various

academic subject (BallotPedia).

Perceived Stress.  Defined as the feelings or

thoughts that an individual has about how

much stress they are under at a given point in

time or over a given time period



 Perceived Stress

 Academic Performance

Objective of the Study

Statement of the Problem
Based on the nature of the problem, this
This study aimed to find out the
study aims to find out the profile and the
relationship of perceived stress and academic
relationship between Senior High School
performance of Senior High School students
Students’ perceived stress and academic
of Dapdap High School. Specifically, it seeks
to answer the following questions:
Research Questions
 What are the demographic profiles of the
The research seeks to answer the
following questions:
 What is the profile of Senior High School
 What is the profile of Senior High
Students’ perceived stress?
School students’ perceived stress?
 What is the Academic Performance of
 What is the academic performance of
Senior High School students of Dapdap
the Senior High School students?
High School?
 What is the relationship between the
 What is the relationship between the
perceived stress and academic
perceived stress and academic
performance of Senior High School
performance of Senior High School

students? students?

The following hypothesis was tested in the The following hypothesis will be tested in

study: the study:

H1: There is no significant relationship H1: There is a particular relationship between

between Senior High School Students’ the perceived stress and academic

Perceived Stress, and Academic performance of Senior High School students

Performance. of Dapdap High School.

H2: There is significant relationship between H2: There is no particular relationship

Senior High School Students’ Perceived between the perceived stress and academic

Stress and Academic Performance. performance of Senior High School students

of Dapdap High School.

Scope and Delimitation

Scope and Delimitation The main objective of this study is to
The population for the study comprised all identify the relationship of between the
Senior High School forms 1, 2, and 3 perceived stress and academic performance of
Students in the Western Region of Ghana. the Senior High School of Dapdap High
There are 42 Senior High Schools (S.H.S) in School (DHS-SHS) school year 2020-2021.
the region, with an estimated number of This study is delimited to Grade 11
109,326 students. Out of the estimated total students of Dapdap High School in getting
of 109,326 students, 63,409 (58%) were through the relationship of their perceived
females and 45,917 (42%) were males. Out stress and academic performance, with
of a total of 28 localities in Shama-Ahanta corresponds to their demographic profiles. At
East District, 10 (36%) of the localities in the the end of Second Mid-Semester, this study

metropolis have Senior High Schools. Out of will be conducted by means of survey and

a total of 30 localities in the Ahanta West questionnaires.

District, 12 (40%) have Senior High Schools

and out of a total of 27 localities in the Wassa

West District, 8 (30%) of the communities

have access to S.H.S. within 10 kilometres.

Four schools were selected from the Schools

in the Region. Two schools were selected

from urban area and two from rural area.


This research adopted the study retrieved

from Senior High School in Western Region,
Research Design
Ghana by Emmanuel Affum-Osei, Eric Adom
The research was a descriptive survey.
Asante, and Solomon Kwaretng Forkouh
Descriptive research is a procedure for
(2014). The study is about the Perceived
organizing and summarizing data in order to
Stress and Academic Performance of Senior
communicate and describe important
High School Students. This explains the
characteristics of the data. It determines and
methodological techniques to conduct the
reports the way things are (Gay, 1996).
According to Gay (1996), a descriptive

survey method is useful for investigating a

variety of educational problems including

Research Design
assessment of attitudes, opinions,
This study employed a descriptive survey
demographic information, conditions and
that describes a population, situation, or
procedures. This design helps in producing a

good amount of responses from a wide range phenomenon that is being studied. It focuses

of people. on answering the how, what, when, and where

Sampling and Sample Procedures questions of a research problem, instead of the

The Senior High Schools of Western why. As stated by Gay (1996), descriptive

Region were listed and grouped into urban research is a method for organizing and

school and rural school and two schools were summarizing a given data to communicate and

randomly selected from each category. The describe important characteristics of the data

samples for the study were selected using the being studied. It dictates and reports the way

stratified random sampling technique. In all, things are. Descriptive-survey research uses

four Senior High Schools were sampled. One surveys to collect data about different topics.

hundred and twenty (120) students were The purpose of this data is to know the extent

selected from four schools. A total of 30 to which different conditions among these

students were sampled from each selected subjects can be obtained.

senior high school. Sampling and Sample Procedure

Research Instrument The researchers used stratified random

The researchers adopted questionnaire as sampling in order to acquire the sample for the

an instrument for the study. Section A of the study. The Grade 11 Senior High School

instrument was design to gather demographic stratified based on their sections. There are a

information. Section B of the instrument total of 9 sections for Grade 11 Senior High

elicited the students views on perceived stress School students. Thirty-five students were

and the questions were made up of 4 point sampled for each sections to form a total

scale type of instrument which comprised number of 315 students as the sample size.

twelve (12) items selected from The Research Instrument

Students-Life Stress Inventory (SSI) by Research instruments are scientific and

Gadzella (1991) where students answered systematic tools that are intended to assist the

item starting from “Not at All” to “Very researcher in collecting data on subject of

Often”. The Student-Life Stress Inventory interest, such as a questionnaire, interview,

(Gadzella, 1991) is a self-report, 5-point focus group, or any other device used by the

Likert-type instrument that includes 51 items. researcher to collect data in measuring a given

The SSI was re-worded to 4-point likert-type phenomenon. Takona (2002, p. 73) described

instrument and included 12 items to suit the research instruments as "primary tools to

population and purposes of study. Gadzella measure such variables as opinion, attitudes,

and Baloglu (2001) reported an alpha value concepts, attitude, composition, and so on,"

of .92 for the whole inventory. In 1993, recommending the use of questionnaires and

Gadzella and Guthrie reported a test-retest interviews when conducting educational

reliability of .78 for the whole inventory. research. The researchers adopted

Researchers demonstrated the concurrent questionnaires to serve as the instrument of

validity of this inventory (Gadzella, 1991; the study. The first part of the questionnaire

Gadzella & Baloglu, 2001). In exploring will help the researchers to gather the

validity of the SSI, Gadzella, and Masten, demographic profiles of the respondents.

(1997) found that the SSI was significantly Section A of the questionnaire includes thirty-

correlated with deep processing, elaborative five (35) items from Bernadette Gadzella's

processing, methodical study, and test The Student-life Stress Inventory (SSI)

anxiety. Reliability was reported with (1991). Section B of the questionnaire focuses

Chronbach’s alphas and Person product- in getting data regarding the respondents’

moment correlations for responses on the SSI academic performance, by their grades in the

by 95 subjects (Gadzella, Fullwood, & subjects in the first semester. Perceived stress

Ginther, 1991). Finally, in section C, students and academic performance were classified

responded to mathematics achievement test. using the range, mean, and standard deviation.

It consists of 30 multiple choice questions Data Analysis

selected from past questions of the West Marshall and Rossman (1995), describe data

African Examination Council (W.A.E.C). analysis as a messy, ambiguous, time-

The WAEC is a body that organizes final consuming, yet imaginative and fascinating

examinations for high school students and the method for bringing a vast volume of data to

mathematics achievement test was adopted brought order, structure and meaning. The

from one of its past questions administered in answered questionnaires were then scored and

2000. serially numbered for easy identification. All

Data Analysis the items in the five point likert scale was

The completed questionnaires were scored from 1-5, correlated to the answers of

serially numbered for easy identification and the respondents from “never” to “always”.

were finally scored. Items on the four point This study used Percentages and Pearson

likert scale was scored 1, 2, 3, and 4 for items Product Moment Correlation Coefficient for

with the response strongly disagree, disagree, the analysis of data, in order to explain the

agree and strongly agree respectively relationship between the perceived stress of

Percentages and the Pearson Product Moment the students and their academic performance.

Correlation Coefficient were used for the

analysis. The range, mean, and the standard

deviation were used to classify perceived

stress and academic performance. The

Pearson Product Moment Correlation was

used to describe the relationship between the

Students’ Perceived Stress and Academic


Survey Questionnaires – Original Study

Name: ____________________________________________

Sex:  Male
 Female

Age:  12 – 14
 15 – 17
 18 – 20
 Other : _________

Form:  One
 Two
 Three
Courses:  General Arts
 Home Economics
 Business
 Visual Arts
 Agricultural Science
 Science
 Other: _____________

1- Not at all 2- Rarely 3- Sometimes 4- Very Often

1 2 3 4
1 I have experienced frustrations due to delays in reaching my goals
2 I have experienced lack of sources (money for auto, books, etc.)
3 I have not been accepted socially (became a social outcast).
4 I feel I was denied opportunities in spite of my qualifications
5 I like to compete and win.
6 I worry a lot about everything and everybody.
7 I feel I must find a perfect solution to the problems I undertake
8 I worry and get anxious about taking tests.
9 I have experienced daily hassles which affected me in reaching my goals.
10 I have experienced dating frustrations.
11 Thought about and analyzed how stressful the situations were.
12 Thought and analyzed whether the strategies I used were most effective.

Survey Questionnaires – Written Study

Name (Optional): ____________________________________________

Age: ____________________________

Sex: ____M ____F

Strand: ___________________________

This survey questionnaires were adopted from the study of Bernadette Gadzella, 1991
entitled “Student-Life Stress Inventory: Identification of and Reactions to Stressors '”. Moreover,
these were also modified by the researchers and chose appropriate questions to reach the
objective of the study.

1 – Never 2 – Rarely 3 – Sometimes 4 – Very Often 5 – Always

I. Stressors
1 2 3 4 5
A. As a student (frustrations):
1 I have experienced failures in accomplishing the goals that I set
2 I feel I was denied opportunities in spite of my qualifications
3 I have not been accepted socially (became a social outcast).
4 I have experienced frustrations due to delays in reaching my goals
5 I have experienced lack of sources (money for auto, books, etc.).

B. I have experienced conflicts which were:

6 Produced by two or more desirable alternatives.
7 Produced by two or more undesirable alternatives.
8 Produced when a goal had both positive and negative alternatives.

C. I experienced pressures:
9 Due to deadlines (papers due, payments to be made, etc.).
10 Due to an overload (attempting too many things at one time)
Due to interpersonal relationships (family and/or friends,
expectations, work responsibilities).

D. I have experienced (changes):

12 Rapid unpleasant changes.
13 Too many changes occurring at the same time.
14 Change which disrupted my life and/or goals.

E. As a person (self-imposed):
15 I like to be noticed and be loved by all.
16 I like to compete and win.
I have a tendency to procrastinate (put off things that have to be
18 I worry and get anxious about taking tests
19 I feel I must find a perfect solution to the problems I undertake.
20 I worry a lot about everything and everybody.

II. Reactions to Stressors

F. During stressful situations, I have experienced the following
21 Sweating (sweaty palms, etc.).
22 Stuttering (not being able to speak clearly)
23 Trembling (being nervous, biting fingernails, etc.).
24 Irritable bowels, peptic ulcers, etc.
25 Migraine headaches, hypertension, rapid heartbeat.
26 Weight loss (can't eat)
27 Weight gain (eat a lot).

G. When under stressful situations, I have experienced (emotional):

28 Fear, anxiety, worry.
29 Anger.
30 Grief, depression.

H. When under stressful situations, I have (behavioral):

31 Was irritable towards others.
32 Used defense mechanisms.
33 Separated myself from others

I. With reference to stressful situations, I have (cognitive appraisal):

Thought and analyzed whether the strategies I used were most
35 Thought about and analyzed how stressful the situations were

General General
Subject Subject
Average Average
21st Century Literature from the Komunikasyon sa Pananaliksik sa
Philippines and the World Wika at Kulturang Pilipino
Disaster Readiness and Risk
General Mathematics
Physical Education and Health Oral Communication
Earth and Life Science/Earth Science Empowerment Technology


Agyemang, D. K. (1993). Sociology of education for African students. Accra: Black Mask Ltd

Altmaier, E. M. (1983). Helping students manage stress. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Inc

Arthur, N. (1998). The effects of stress, depression, and anxiety on postsecondary students’
coping strategies. Journal of College Student Development, 39, 11-22

Affum-Osei, E., Asante, E., & Solomon Kwaretng Forkouh. (2014). Perceived stress and
academic performance of senior high school students in western region, Ghana. Retrieved
February 27, 2021, from ResearchGate website:

Academic performance - Ballotpedia. (2011). Retrieved from Ballotpedia website:

Phillips, A. C. (2013). Perceived Stress. Encyclopedia of Behavioral Medicine, 1453–1454.


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