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Civil Engineering Construction Practice, Planning & Management Comprehensive Theory with Solved Examples and Practice Questions MADE ERSY a ee] MADE EASY Publications Corporate Office: 44-AV4, Kalu Sarai (Naar Hauz Khas Metro Staton), New Dothi-1 10016 E-mail infomep@madeeasy.in Contact: 011-45124860, 8860378007 Visitus a: varw.madeeasypublications.org : i j | Construction Practice, Planning & Management © Copyright, by MADE EASY Publications. Al rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the above ‘mentioned publisher of this book. Edition: 2017 il ights reserved by MADE EASY PUBLICATIONS, No part of this book may be teproduced or utilized! in any forrn without the written permission from the publisher Prine bp Magic neenational Pe Lid. eater Noida Contents Construction Practice, Planning & Management Chapter 1 Project Management and Network Theory ... 1 11 Introduction. 1.2. Phases of Project Management. 1 wl 13 Techniques Used for Project Management non 2 14 Network Diagram and Techniques 3 15 Elements of a Network 3 16 Rules of a Network 6 Objective Brain Teasers 8 hapter 2 PERT and CPM ennnsee TO 21 Programme Evaluation and Review Technique {PERT} 10 22 Mean Time, Standard Deviation and Variance of an Activity nen 23 Central Limit Theorem sue 24 Critical Path Method (CPM. sensed 25 Comparison between PERT and CPM wnsnnnl4 26 CPMSystems.. smn Objective Brain TeAS5.xnnnernnnr enn 26 Chapter 3 Crashing of Network, Resource allocation and CPM Updating... soos 2B 31 Cost Mode! Analysis 28 32 Project Cost 28 33. Components of Project Cost. vn BA Resource AlocatioN ann 3 35. CPM Updating snd Objective Bain Teasers a) Chapter 4 Construction Management. sees 1 A, Tendering and Construction Contract 41. Introduction eT 42 Types of Construction Projects. 42 43. Tenders and Contracts... nh 44 Types of Tender. rnd 45 Types of Contracts a 3 (iii) B, Rate Analysis and Standard Specifications 46 Purposes of Rate Analysis. a3 4.7 Requirement for Rate Analysis. 43 C., Estimating and Costing 48. EStIM aOR eeenneernnenennnnn 4.8 Measurement of Materials and Works 50 49 Detailed and Abstract Estimates of Bulings..58 Objective Brain Teasers. 7 64 Chapter 5 Engineering Economy ... 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Interest and interest Formulae 67 53. Capitalsed Cost 54 Comparison of alternatives 7” 5.5 Break Even Analysis 75 56 Depreciation 16 5.7 Depletion. a1 Objective Brain Teasers. 82 Chapter 6 Engineering Equipments sss 6.1 Rolling Resistance. —— 62 Grade Resistance 84 63. Earthwork Equipments seen? 64 Compaction Equipments 106 65 _Driling Equipments no 6.6 Blasting of Rocks. 2 67 Concreting Equipments ncn 14 6.8 Hoisting Equipments 16 Objective Brain Teasers, 120 Chapter 7 Quality Control, Safety Management and Legislations... 122 7.1 Introduction 12 7.2. Elements of Quality 12 7.3. Organisation for Quality Control ce 2B 74 Quality Assurance Techniques eer) 7.5 Introduction of Safety Management nnennn 124 7.6 Need for Leaisation 129 131 Objective Brain Teasers. Cuarri ER Project Management and Network Theory i 1.2 124 122 123 ee MADE ERSY _ : = Publeations Introduction Project management’ deals with both ‘material’ as well as ‘human factors’ to increase the productivity. Objectives of a Project: + It'should be completed in:minimum time with'minimum capital investment. + Itshould use availatsle manpower and otherresources optimality. Phases of Project Management Planning Planning involves: : 1. Defining objectivesof the project. 2. Listing of jobs that have to be performed. 3. Determining gross requirements for materials, equipmenisind manpower and preparing estimates of costs and duration for various jobs. 4, To bring about the:satisfactory completion of project! Scheduling Scheduling is the allocation of'resourees such asitime, material, space; equipment and human and technological effort. It involves: 1. Finalizing the planned functions mechanically. 2. Assigning starting and completion dates to each activity to proceed in 2 logicat sequence and ina systematic manner. Controlling Controlling involves: 4. Determination of deviations from basic plan and their effects on the project 2) Civil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management FAROE ERSty 2. _Replanning and rescheduling of activities to compensate for the deviations whichis called “updating” * It should be noted that planning and scheduling are accomplished before the actual project starts while controlling is operative during execution of the project ‘The method of planning and controling that wes originally developed was called Project Planning ae ‘and Scheduling (PPS). PPS was later on converted into Critical Path Method (CPM), so the CPM Know @ —_'2lves the deterministic approach and is used forthe repetitive types of projects. Cay 1.3 Techniques Used for Project Management 1.3.1 Bar Chart Firstly introduced by Henry Gantt around 1900 AD. Features of bar chart are: 1. Iisa pictorial chant 2. It has two coordinate axes, the horizontal Coordinate represents the elapsed time and vertical coordinate represents the job or activity to be performed. 3, The beginning and end of each bar represents starting and finishing time of a particular activity respectively, 4. The length of bar shows the time required fot completion. * Jobs can be concurrent or can be started 10° one after other. So some bars can run ‘Unis of ime ———~ Parallel or overlap each other or may run Fig.1.1 Bar Chart serially. Limitations of bar chart: 1. Lack of degree of details: Only major activities are shown in bar chart and sub-activities can not be separated out, Hence effective control over the activities in big projects can not be achieved 2, Abar chart does not shou progress of work and hence it can not be used as a control device. 3. Abar chart is unable to depict interdependencies of various activities clearly, 4. Bar charts are not usefulin the projects where there are uncertainties in determination of estimation of time required for completion of various activities such as in R&D projects. 5. Barchavt can not distinguish between criticaland nonaritical activities and hence resource smoothening and resource levelling can not be done. Bar chart diagrams are useful for only smaller and simpler conventional projects, especially construction ‘and manufacturing projects, in which time estimates can be made with fair degree of certainty Activities 1.3.2 Mile-Stone Chart * _Itisa modification over original Gantt chart. Milestones are key events of main activities represented by bar. Therefore they give idea about completion of sub-activities. MADE EASY Project Management and Network Theory 3 Doyou knew? Controlling can be better achieved with" exstna mecine the help of milestone charts, but still activity Dispose! interrelationship and accountability of time uncertainty s.awaitdsvey of can not be depicted which can be overcome in network 4, Ger new per ™ Publications m4, Remax fniting meine row mechine tetas, ote) z ‘machine : 1.3.3 Network Methods ee tte alae ) * It is an outcome of the improvements in the Uso ine Prien Fig.1.2ie-stone chart * They are called by various names such as PERT, CPM, UNETICS, LESS, TOPS and SCANS. * However al these have emerged from the two major network systems viz. 1, PERT 2. CPM 1.4 Network Diagram and Techniques Network: * Its the flow of diagram consisting of activities and events connected logically and sequentially. + Network diagram are of two types: (@) Activity.on-Arrow Network (A-O-A) (ii) Activity-on-Node Network (4-O-N) ‘Advantages of network method over bar chart and milestone chart: 1. _Interrelationships between activities and events of a project are clearly shown. 2, The project can be treated as an integrated whole with all its sub-activites clearly related with each other. Ithelps in controlling the project Network method is useful for very complicated projects having large number of activities Itindicates the time required in between two activities in which rescheduling of a project is possible. Time uncertainty is accounted for and so itis also useful for research and development projects 1.5 Elements of a Network 1.5.1 Event © An eventis either start or completion of an activity, + Events are significant points in a project which act as control points of the projec: * An events an instant of time and it does not require time or resources. Following are examples of an event : 1. Allparts assembled 2 Abudgetprepared 3. Construction completed MADE EASY inications 4 Civil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MADE EASY See eee eeneeeiee Gon Following can not be events : 1. Prepare budget 2. Assemble parts 3. Excavate trench * Events are represented by nodes in a network. It may have any of the following shapes, © = | (0 Circular Square (aly Rectangular (iv) Oval Fig. 1.3 Different Shapes for Events Most commonly adopted shape for events is circular shape. + Tail event or the start event: It makes the beginning of an activity. If itis the first event of project then known as “initial as start event’. ithas only outgoing arrow. e.g: Event 101s a tail event. Arrows represent job or activity of the Fig.1.4 Tail Event project ti, ‘+ Head event or the final event : ‘The eventwhich marks the completion of an activityisknown as “head —___Aativty B event’. If this event represents completion of entire project then it is called eee "Finish event", i wie & thas only incoming arrows. Fig.1.5 Head Event e.g.: Event 20 is a head event. NOTE (i). When a tail event represents beginning of more than one activity, then the eventis said to ‘occur when the first actiyty starts from it. : (i) Simiarly, when @ head event ocours at end of more than one activity, the event is said to have occurred only when all the activities leading toit are completed. * Dual role events : All events except the first and the last event of a project are dual role events. They have both incoming and outgoing arrows. Fig. 1.6 Dua! Role Events e.g.: Events 2, 3 and 4, are dual role events MADE EASY | | i I MADE ERSY Project Management and Network Theory | 5 =e Publications - oo '* Successor events : The event or events that follow another event are caliad successor events to that event, Fig.1.7 Successor Events e.g.: Event 2 and 3 are successor event of event 1 * Predecessor events ; The event or events that occur before another event are called predecessor event to that event In above figure, events 2, 3 are predecessor to event 6. Do you know? it should be noted there can be only one tail event and one head event in a project. 15.2 Do You Activity Activity is actual performance of a job. it requires time and resources for its completion Following are examples ofan activity: 1. Excavate trench 2, Mixconcrete 3. Prepare budget In A-O-A system (Activity On Arrow network system), activity is represented by arrows between > events while in A-O-N (Activity On Node system), activities are represented by nodes. In Know @ — “O-Neysiom, events have no places. 153 @+-O+-O [pea tl AOA Fig. 1.8 Fig. 1.9 Here A & 8 activities are represented in two different systems. + The activities which can be performed simultaneously are and independent of each other called as parallel activities. A ™ In above figure, activities A & B are parallel activities, 5 ‘* Activity or activities thal canbe performed after performance @— of other activity are known as successor activities to that © activity. Activity Fis successor activity to activity Cin above oma figure + Similarly activities that are required to be performed before another activity can begin are called predecessor activities to that activity. Activity (A) is predecessor activity to activity D. Dummy * A dummy is a type of operation which neither requires time nor any resource, but it denotes dependency among the activities, * [tis represented by dashed arrow. MADE EASY Publications ' 6 Civil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MIRIOE ERGY In the figure shown below, a dummy activity is shown, Fig.1.10 Dummy Activity * Dummy is used to serve following purposes: 1. Grammatical purpose: To prevent two arrows having common beginning and common end, O (ambiguous Representation ©) Grammatically Clean Representation 2. Logical purpose : To show relationship with other activities. Here dummy is required to show that activity D can start after completion activities of A & B both ‘+ Unnecessary dummies should be avoided, Be ‘+ Dumirties are used to show predecessor relation but it that relation is already established ‘Vou ? inthe network, then that dummy is redundant and has to be removed, Know @ —*_|f dummy is only incoming/outgoing arrow to/from a node then it can be remove provided there is no logical or grammatical error. 1.6 Rules of a Network There can be only one inital and one final event ‘An event can not accur unless all preceding activities are completed 3. Anevent can not occur twice 4. Number of arrows should be equal to number of activities, 5. Time should always flow from left to right. 6. Length of arrow does not show any magnitude. Straight arrows should be taken as far as possible. MADE EASY 4 MABE EASY Project Management and Network Theory 7 annem Puicatlons - 7. Arrows should normally not cross each other. If itis necessary to cross, one should be bridged over the other. 8. No activity can start until its tail event has occurred. Futkersons's rule for numbering the events: 1, The single initial event is numbered as 0, 1, 10 etc, 2. All arrows emerging out o the intial event are neglected. Doing so, the created one or more new intial events are numbered as 2,3,4 oF 20, 30, 40ete. 3, Step - 2 is repeated unless all events are numbered. Errors in Network 1. Looping error: Loops shauld not be formed. Wrong Right Fig. 1.12 Looping Error 2. Dangling error : Project is complete only when all its activities are complete but the duration of activity ‘FF has no effect on the project time as shown in figure. Fig. 1.13 Dangling Error To avoid dangling error, the network must be examined in such a manner that all events except initial and final events must have at least one activity entering and one activity leaving them, 3. Wagon wheel error : As shown in figure, each at the activities P, Qand Reannot start until all the three activities A, B and Cate completed. But in reality. this may not be the situation, There is no error visible in the construction of diagram but logical error has crept intoit. Fig. 1.14 Wagon Whee! Error MADE EASY Publications Qt a2 as MADE EASY Publican In antiving at a resource based schedule bar- chart for a construction project, the following stages for planning of the work are involved: 1. Finalizing a network of activities 2, Determining the optimal activity durations considering all the relevant parameters. 3. Computation of time and tloats. 4. Developing the resource-based bar-chart and the corresponding histograms and mass curves of resources, 5. Identification of the:oritical constraining resource. 6. Deciding the criteria for optimization The correct sequence of these stages in the planning of the work willbe @) 162,354 (0) 6,.2,1,.3,4,5 (©) 12,3654 ) 2,1,3,5,6,4 Consider the following statements: 1. Adummy activity is artificially introduced in anetwork when necessary 2. Adummy activity consumes some time, 3. Adummy activity is represented by a dotted arrow 4. A dummy activity must necessarily be introduced in every network ‘Which of the above statements are correct? (@) 1,2and3 (b) 1and3 (c) 2,3and4 (@) tand2 Match List-I (Activity type) with List-Il (Represented by) and select the correct answer: List-l Astificially introduced Critical Noneritical type Dangler List-l A single thick arrow Asingle arrow com> » Q4 Aativiies Qs 3. An arrow emerging from and event and ending into an event which is not finish event and yet no emerging arrow from that event. 4. Adhotted arrow Codes: ABCD @ 41423 ) 23 414 f) 4 3 2 4 @ 2143 Which of the following are critical activities of the bar chart shown below. pasa EEE | ESE] Ce] Ft 4 0 2 w Time in days (@). Activities Band & (b) Activities A, Dand F (©) Activities A, Cand & (d) Activities A and F Consider the AOA diagram as shown below: MADE ERSY Publica MADE EASY Publications» What is the number of dummy links required to convert it into the most concise AON diagram? (8 (7 © 6 (d) 5 Q.6 Activity ‘C follows activity ‘A’ and activity ‘D' follows activities ‘A’ and 'B., The correct network forthe project is Oe +0 @ (b) Q.7__ Consider the AONGiagram shown below: ‘What is the minimum number of dummy arrows required for conversion into AOA diagram? 8 6 o}—fE] (@ 3 () 4 5 (a) 6 as Which of the following is the correct sequence to, analyze a project for implementation? (@)_Time-cost study, Network, WBS, Scheduling with resource allocation (b) Network, Time-cost study, Scheduling with resource allocation, WBS MADE EASY Project Management and Network Theory | 9 (©) WBS, Network, Scheduling with resource allocation, Time-cost study WBS, Time-cost study, Network, Scheduling with resource allocation (0) Q.9. The total number of ertors in the given AOA networkis we (4 7 nswers 2.(o) 3.(@) 4. (c) 7.(c) 8. (c) 9 (b) Hints a’ Satake Pm 5. (b) 4. (0) Tryto find those activities delay in which causes delay in whole project. 9. (b) There is an extra dummy between events (7) and (8). There are two arrows joining events (2) and (4). The correct diagramwill be O—@- So there are two errors. Publications CHAPTER] PERT and CPM 2.1 Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) © PERT tands for "Project/Pragramme Evaluation and Review Technique” + PERT involves uncertainty into the project completion time * itis anumerical technique used in the projects in which time can notibe estimated accurately such as research and development projects. it isan event oriented network. Cost is assumed to be proportional to time, Three time estimates are made in PERT: 1. Optimistic time (t,): This is the minimum possible time in’whichlan aétivity can be completed under the most ideal conditions n s the maximiutn time required lo complete an activity under the worst Pessimistic time (f,): This possible conditions 3. Most likely time (t,): Thisis the time required to complete an activity under normal working conditions. Its value lies between f, and t.. It is near to the expected time. De The most likely lime (J, is based on experience and judgement being based on the lime You > required ifthe activity is repeated 4 number of times under essentially the same conditions Know @ Ths time signifies the most frequently occurring time. It reflects a situation “things are as Usual, nothing exciting’ 2.2 Mean Time, Standard Deviation and Variance of an Activity Mean Time or Expected Time or Average Time * In PERT each activity is assumed to follow B-distribution curve of time. is calculated from B-distribution curve of time at which probability of actvityis just 50%. Time EASY Publications MABE ERGY PERT and CPM iL Hence value of expected time is calculated by weighted average as, + 50% area of curve ttt thy 6 | | 2.2.2 Standard Deviation of An activity (0) * This is the measurement of uncertainty, which is approximately one sixth of time range ie. by the © atime Fig. 2.1 B-cuve with skewness to the left * Itcan be seen above that ‘a’ is affected by relative distance from the most optimistic estimate to the most pessimistic estimate. * Therefore, wide range intime estimates represents greater uncertainly De na limiting case, certainty of an activity duration occurs only when the three time esiimates nee > coincide, so that the standard deviation and the variance both vanish. Consequently the activity Know @ “uation becomes certain which isthe case of CPM. Hence, @ PERT isa general case whereas CPMis the particular case of PERT. 2.2.3. Variance of an Activity (o”) «Square of standard deviation is variance of an activity. Its to be noted that higher the uncertainty about a process, greater is the standard deviation and hence greater is the variance of a project. beta distrioution curves, one having skew to the left (Beta distritoution for aptimistic estimator) Be > ‘Abeta distribution is the one which is not symmetrical albout its apex. Figure below shows two and other having skew to the right (Beta distribution curve for the pessimistic estimator). You Know @ (2) Optimistic Estimation |b) Pessimistic Estimation Fig. 2.2 Two different forms of B-sisiribution curves 2.3 Central Limit Theorem The theorem states that a project consists of a large number of activities, where each activity has its own mean time ({,), standard deviation (0), variance (62) and also its own B-distribution curve. The distribution of time for the project as a whole will approximately be a normal distribution, i.e. mean time or expected time of a project is MADE EASY 42. | ChilEngineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MFIDE EASY rubveatlans be thee thes + along critical path and the variance is, = of +h +08 along critical path. Hence standard deviation of the project asawhole escscis along critical path tical path: The time wise longest path is the critical path In this path, any type of delay in any event will cause delay in the project. These are shown by double lines or dark lines in a network, 4-2-3-4 is the critical path of following net work, Fig. 2.3 Critical path Time computation of Events: 1. Earliest Expected Occurrence Time (EOT): The time at which an event is expected to occur earliest, + The time atwhich an event can be expected to occur earliest. + An event occurs when all the activities leading to it are completed. * itis generally denoted by T..Itis calculated by forward path. The Te+t, ..(when there is only one path) Th = (Th +t) nae {when there are more than one path) Here, Tf = EOT of event Th = EOT ofevent/ q Expected time of activity ij 2. Latest Allowable Occurrence Time (LOT): The latest allowable time at which an event must occur to keep the projecton schedule. itis generally denoted by 7, This is calculated through backward path. Tie Tt (when there is only one path) Te Ci when there aremore than one path) Where 1 = LOTofeventj Ti = LOTot event j 1, = expected time of activity é NOTE: The latest allowable occurrence time of the finish event is equal to the schedule completion time of the project. * Slack : Slackis defined as the difference between latest allowable time (7,) and earliest expected time (T,) of an event Slack for anyevent j= Tj -Th Slack for anyevent i= Tj -Tp ‘MADE EnSa ____ [Beeorie) MADE EASY Perrandcem { 43 a mane | © Slack may be positive, zero or negative. © When “Slack is greater than zero”. It indicates project is ahead of schedule and availability of ‘excess resources. Such events are sub critical. © Ifslackis zero, it indicates workis on schedule and events are critical. Resources are just adequate * flack isnegative, itindicates workis behind schedule and may cause delay in project completion. Events are super critical. Extra resources are required * The path having minimum or zero slack value is the “critical path" which is also time wise longest path. he Ifa project has more than one citical path then severly Is calculated by calculating Slandard Vou ? 0 Supercritical Path: Its the path joining all super critical activities, For a supercritical activities total float is fess than zero ie., F< 0. 2.6 CPM Systems Mainly two systems are used in CPM analysis: 1. A-O-A system (Activity on arrow system) ‘An activity is graphically represented by an arrow. ‘The tail end and head end of arrow represent start and finish of an activity respectively. _ MADE eRSy ee Publications, oe 4 MADE ERSY Publications oe PERTandcPM | 47 ‘Doyou know? Dummies have been used to represent the constraint and consequent interdependence. But number of dummies must be minimum for an efficient network. 2, A-O-N System (Activity on node system or precedence diagram). Activity is represented by acircle or anode, Events have no places. Arrows are used only to show the dependency relationship between activity nodes. © When two or more activities start parallely then an activity called DEBUT (Do) is provided at the beginning, Like wise a finish activity (F,) is provided at the end when more than one activities finish parallely. Activities D& Fhas zero duration 2.6.1. Advantages of A-O-N System over A-O-A System 1. A-O-N system eliminates the use of durnmy activites. ‘Activity est__| Desorinion ert LsT ut \ Duration Activity Number Fig. 2.8 Dobut Activity 2. _Itis more helpful for projects having more overlapping activities. the diagram. 4, Revision and modifications are easier. Itis a self sufficient and self explanatory. All activity times (EST, EFT, LST, LFT) are represented on 5. Pre-operations and post-operations of activities under consideration are distinctly visible. Examples: AO-Asystem AON system A Te) Example Consider the network as shown below with expected time of completion of each activity (f2 (in days) is shown on arrows. Calculate the earliest expected time of the network for the | completion of work 18 shown Civil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management FAIRE EASY — ee saat Publications Solution: Here event 7 is approached by two paths viz. path along 1+ 2+ 4+ 7and1 +3357. Forpath 1 +2947, teforevent7 =7 +1141) For pathi +3 +597, efor event 7 = 8+ 12 + 15 = 35 days ‘Thus event 7 cannot be considered to occur until all activities of path 1 + 3 > § + 7 have completed i.e., event 7 cannot occur prior to 35 days. Thus earliest expected time for event 7 is 35 days. In this network, event 9 is the terminal event which is preceded by path 7 -» 9 and 3 > 6 + 8 +9. Forpath? +9, 2 = 30 days Tefor event 9 = 35 + 5 = 40 days Forpath3 6 38-39 Teforevent9 = 8+7 + 12+ 11=38 days Thus earliest expegted time of event 9 3 2 = Earliest expected time for completion of work = 40 days (larger of two values viz. 40 days and 38 days) fzgudceeee Compute the earliest expected time of completion ot a project whose network is below. The earliest expected time of each activity is shown on the arrows (in weeks). Solution: | ‘The network commences from event 1 and culminates at event 9. Thus earliest expected time of completion of event 1 (7!) = 1 i t le MADE EASY Perrandcem | 49 Pusiieations =m il my Earliest expected time for event ATA) = Te +t? =0 +5 =5 weeks Similarly earliest expected time for event ATE) = Te! + $8 =043 = 3 weeks Event 4is approached by paths 1 > 4and 1» 2—>4 For these two paths, Td = Te + fe1=0 +3 = Socks (lor path 1 = 4) Td = T2 + t2=5 +6 = 11 weeks (forpath 1» 2 4) Thus, Td = 11 weeks (Larger of Sweeks and 11 weeks) | Thus, T=0 | TZ = Sweeks | T= Sweeks Te tte = Tweeks rae [ETE TOFS Meeks «11 eons = |r.) +t" =04+9=3 weeks Ths 12+ t2=5 49 = 14 wecks Tis TE +1 =3+7 = 10 weeks Te tte 21447 =21 | Wels tT 2MORN oo ioske fi | Te +t? = 1447 = 21 Wook [Ee 1447 =21W00IS 5. cg Te +t.” = 11418219 weeks Te +t°* = 14416 =30 weeks Te +t? =1044=14 weeks =30 weeks Now, Tee T.) +t,°* =3+10=13 weeks TT tl? = 21418 =39 weeks Now, Tes - = 44 woeks | : €* [Te 4te* =30414=44 weeks | So, earliest expected time of completion of project = 44 weeks the network. In Question No. 2.2 above, compute the latest allowable occurrence time for MADE ERS! Publications 20 | GWilEngineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MADE EASY Gi ————— Publications Solution: Here since the schedule time of completion of project (7) is not given and thus itis usual to assure that T= T,, Commencing from the last event, event 8 and moving backwards, the latest allowable occurrence times (T,) are as computed below: Forevent9, T2 = T= 44 weeks For event, T2 = Tt: = 44-14 = 30 woaks For event 6, Ti = 7,8 te = 90-4 = 26 weeks For event 3, =19 weeks For event 7, For event 5, = 14.weeks For event 4, T= 77-18" T° -t-* = 1449= 5 weeks Forevent 2, Pelt ey = S weeks Tet" =18+6= 12 weeks 7.) -t," =1943= 16 weeks For event 1, T= |Te-t.? =5+5=0 1 ~t, =18-3=15 weeks in the network as shown, the three times viz. optimistic time, most likely time and. the pessimistic time (in days) are shown on the atraws. Compute the earliest expected times and the latest allowable occurrence times of various events, 11345: Solution: The expected lime of an activity is given by, Yt +t 6 MADE EASY a Publications MABE EASY neomenem Publications FERERIEET o otorkciven in Gveien No. 24 compute tho steck of each event and | 128.17 o =9.67 ere PERTand CPM Te= 30.17 7,230.17 1 Activity # | ‘Successor | Predecessor | t! je |e Tele events | _ event 70 ° a | 7 | 10 7 [ara | arar 9 8 2 a | 6 4 | 3017 | 30.17 9 7 6 | 1 | 12 | 967 | so17 | 3017 8 6 5} 9 | | ger | 2err | 2617 8 5 3 5 T 8 | 2617 | 26.17 7 5 0 o | 0 o| 19] 25 7 3 1 3 | 18 1a | 19 | 205 6 5 ° o | o 0} 178) 175 6 2 Be oe lene ass ea ore 5 4 eee le igee|eeae ie) eure 4 2 2 4 | 5 |. 389]. etr| ear 4 1 6 eo} | ear] ear | ear 3 1 ays | 8 6 6] 75 2 1 i414 3 5 a | 434 the critical path of the network. Solutior | Slack of an event is the diference of latest allowable occurrence time (7,) and the earliest expected time (Tie. Slack 22 | CivilEngineering © Construction Prai Planning & Management MFIOE Bnse The computation of stack of various events is tabulated below: [rei Eee ae e ‘Slack = ‘Successor | Predecessor a Te gs ‘event | event? oe 10 9 aa etree) 7 anv | 0 9 8 2] 4] 6 4 eng 0 8 7 6 | w | 2 | se soz | 0 8 6 s | 9 | nm | a6 vir | 0 8 5 ae | ee ere eee 2.17 | 0 7 5 o | o | oj} o ms | 15 | = 3 4 13 15, 13 20.5 as } | 6 5 o 0 0 0 75 0 6 2 a | 1 | 14 | 1033 ws | 0 5 4 4 | | a2 | 93 ws | 0 4 2 2 | 4 | 5s | 3m at | oo } 3 1 4 [oe |v Blene|7s | 18 | 2 1 a | 3s | 5 a] 3 | 4g | 194 Critical path is the one having zero or the medium slack, Thus in the network given, critical path is 1-4-5-6-8-9-10. i 1-4-5-6-8-9-10 is also the longest path time wise. [ERIE or the network as shown below, determine the oritical path. The duration of each activity (in days) is shown on the arrows, Solution: Along the critical path, slack = i.e., T,- T.=0 Thus T, and T, for each event needs to be computed and the same is shown in the network. MADE EASY Publications MADE EASY PERTandceM § 23, Publications ~~ a : Earleat expected time | Latest occurence tine Event No. | predocensor] Aaviy tine] | Successor | i | 5 |, | onthe ‘event () te | -oventy | Me) | he | 1 = = fe] _2a«_fars|nol o ° | 2. 1 3 3 6 | 4 9 9 6 | - + | 7 7 i 5 6. i 3 e i 4 esas ° 3 | al z ° | 8 o 5 nao - [ala 0 Critical path is 1-3-5-6-7-8-9, which is also the longest path time wise. A network is shown below with activity times (in days) marked on the arrows. Compute the various floats. Solution: The earliest start time (EST) and latest finish time (LFT) of each event is computed and is shown in the network. 7.242 MADE EASY Publications ion Practice, Planning & Management MADE ERSU Publications ‘activity | Duration (Eh | (days) | esr) | rn) 12 5 o | 5 13 10 o | w 25 7 s | 2 | 6) alu | an ° at ° s | m | 2 | a | 2 | 2s 8 a4 6 Oye tee] tele tee |e eo ° 36 4 wo | w | 2 | ow | | 1 9 45 7 16 23 1 | 2 0 0 o cn) 2 | a | 2 | a | o | o Q 57 8 x | a | a | a fr | 7 7 or 5 xs | a | a3 | a | o | o ° 78 4 ss | 2 | so | 2 | ojo ° Critical path wil have total float as zero for each activity. | Critical pathis148>4-5 36-478. NOTE * Slack condition gives only necessary condition while float concept provide boih necessary and sufficient condition. + Asin above example, event (6) and (6) having zero slack but activity §-7 isnot critical eles Find out the project completion time and critical path for the network shown below. The activity durations are in days. Solution: | The network can be redrawn as shown below: Publi I f MADE EASY PERT and CPM penne PUILC ATO meee 25 Duration | Earliest Time | Latest Time Aes | OS Si [eve | aan | | ute | [esp ern | ast) | et) 12 4 of «fo | a4 0 13 5 ofs |2|7 2 28 3 a}r|alor ° 34 z wa fr iu o Project completion time = 14 days. Critical is the one which is having zero total floats i.e., path 1 +2 +3 — 4s orttcal EBREREEE]) Determine the project completion time and identify the critical path for a project | with the following activities. ‘Aetivity | Duration (days) | Remarks 12 3 1-2 and 1-3 are stating activities and ‘can be taken up simultaneously. ee So eee 67 9 | i | 3-6 provoods 67 Solution: | Tet (Activity durations are in days) MADE EASY Pubiestions 26 | Civil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MADE ERSY Publications With the network data given the question, the network can be drawn as shown below: Fa, [tate | aiat oe [a cay | Ouatca sc] eines | Sr | Piet | Cost (Est) | (EFT) | (ust) | (LUFT) | (FA) [42 3 0 3 10 1% | 10 wf os fools ]ofs]o oa | oo | a fs | we | we | 2 a |v fos | wo fs |» | a | ns w]e fs | "| o a {os | a ]e | we] a | 2 oT 8 | 9 7 a | 20 «|e |u|» | a | Project completion time = 20 days. Critical path is 1 +3 +67. g Objective Brain Teasers Q.1. The optimistic, likely and pessimistic time estimates for the PERT network of a project are shown in the given figure. The expected duration of the project is CODD (a) 14days (b) 17 days (©) 17.83days (@) 18.67 days Q.2 The flow net of activities of a project is shown in, the below figure. The duration of the activities are written along the arrows: ‘The critical path of the activities is along (a) 124578 (0) 123678 (o) 1236-78 (0) 1246-36-78 a3 a4 as MADE EASY Publications The area under the B-distribution curve is divided into two equal halves by vertical ordinate through (@) expectedtime (©). optimistic time (c) most likely time (A) pessimistic time Consider the following statements of network: 1. Only one tinie'estimate is required tor each, activity, 2. Three time estimates for each activity 3. Time and cost are both controlling factors, 4. Its buil-up of event-oriented diagram. Which of the above statements are correctly applicable to CPM network? (@) tand3 () 1and2 (o) 2and4 (@) Sand4 In PERT, slack is computed as the difference between which one of the following? (a) Latest allowable time and the pessimistic time (©) Earliest expected time and latest allowable time ai MADE EASY Publications (©) Earliest expected time and the pessimistic time (d) Latest allowable time and the earliest feasible time Q.6. Inthe PERT analysis, which one of the following is followed by the time estimates of activities and probability of their occurrence? (@) Normal distribution (©) Poisson's distribution (©) Bedistribution (2) Binomial distribution Q.7 What does higher standard deviation imply in cost analysis? (a) Higher uncertainty (0) Lower uncertainty (6). Nothing to do with uncertainty (d) Extra costs are likely Q.8 What does the critical path in PERT represent? 1. The shortest path for the earliest completion of the project, 2, The longest path of the network from the initial to final event. Publications eee PERTand CPM | 27 Select the correct answer using the code given below: (a) tonly (6) Both and 2 (©) 2only (d) Neither t nor 2 Qs In a PERT network, the activity durations are given as f (optimistic ime), t, (pessimistic time) and f, (most likely time). What isthe variance of the activity? (0) ( Al + “4. (a) 9. (0) 1. (ce) 2. (b) 7. (a) 5. (b) ‘Three time estimates for each activity are required in PERT network. PERT is built up of event oriented diagram, ~ CHAPTER Crashing of Network, Resource allocation and CPM Updating 3.1 3.2 Cost Model Analysis * InCPM, time is related to cost and the object is to develop an optimum time-cost relationship. + The overall project duration can be reduced by reducing the duration of only the critical activities in the project network. The durations of such activities may be reduced in two ways. by deploying moré fésources for the early completion of such activities. by relaxing the technical specifications for such activities, «© Inwhole of CPM Cost Model, we will be assuming that project duration is reduced by deploying more resources on ritical activities. + InCPM, there are two time and cost estimates for each activity: normal estimate’ and crash estimate’. Inthe normal estimate, the emphasis is on cost with time being associated with minimum cost. The ‘crash’ estimate involves the absolute minimum time required for the job and the cost necessary to achieve it. Here the emphasis is on time" Project Cost Total project cost is the sum of two separate costs: {@)_ the direct cost for accomplishing the work, and } {_Costisoit YF project's (b) the indirect cost related to the controi or direction of trashed fat work, finaricial overhead, lost production, andthe sie cont uve hike ete. 3 Xe The components of the total cost are shown 3 ~ project's in figure below. prolonged Minin oost “otal cost mame Optimum craton Diet east a Fig. 3.1 Cost-Time Relationship of a project t Cutageloss Overheads Fig.3.2 Various Types of Costs MADE EASY seis mADE Easy Crashing of Network, Resource allocation and CPM Updating 29 re Publicatioy 3.3 Components of Project Cost 3.3.1. Indirect Project Cost Indirect costs on a project are those expenditures which cannot be apportioned or clearly allocated to the individual activities of a project, but are assessed as a whole, The indirect cost includes the expenditure related to administrative and establishment charges, overhead, supervision, expenditure on a central store organization, loss of revenue, lost profit, penalty etc. © Indirect cost rises with increased duration, considering only overhead and supervision. Itis represented by a straight line, with a slope equal to daily overhead. But when there is a loss in profit due to inabilly to meet demands ‘or due to some penalty due to delay, a corresponding cost increase must be added to the yas en cost of overheads, producing the _ curve. Such a loss is called the © Prettduration indrec cost ee outage loss «The total indirect cost curve will Fig. 3.3 indrect Project Cost thus be curved. “ oe Indice cost Indirect cost 3.3.2 Direct Project Cost + Itis the cost which is directly dependent on the amount of resources involved for completion of agg. activities, * Itincludes labour, materials, plants and machining at etc, | 76 three shits 7 t «To get the same work done in less time, we have to increase amount of labour, equipment and time saving material that too at extra charges which simply means increase in direct cost. «The project has the highest cost corresponding to Iwo shits Direct cost (Rs) 68 (60) the crash duration, and has normal cost onal corresponding to the normal duration shit © Normal time (t,) : Normal time is the standard 5. 6 time that an estimator would usually allow for an Duration (days) activity © Crash time (t,) :Crash time is the minimum possible time in which an activity can be completed, by employing extra resources. Crash time is that time, beyond which the activity cannot be shortened by any amount of increase in the resources. ‘* Normal cost (C,) : This is direct cost requited to complete the activity in normal time duration. * Crash cost (C,) : Thisis the direct cost corresponding to the completion of the activity within crash time. mi EASY ——— etione 30 Givil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MADE ERSU > enna Publieation® eI i Lee } § 4 C,}—--- Te tO 2 Forearm mae Crasn Normal Duration & = Time fy ‘ uration Generalized drecteosttime curve Staight ine approximation Loe Tm ‘Segmented approximation Directcostcurve approximation Fig. 3.4 Direct Project Cost The straight line or segmented approximation of the direct cost curve is helpful in carrying out the project cost analysis. In such analysis, the cost slape is used. Cost Slope: The cost slope is the slope of the direct cost curve, approximated as straight line. It is defined as follows Costslope = Ciasheast Normal cost Se One COee ot, Cox Semon = AE Notmal ime ~ Crashtime snes, at Do you know? Crashing of critical activity is started in systematic manner Le., staring with that activity which has the least cost slope, «The segmented approximation of cost curva, having multiple cost,slopes, is more accurate but calculations involved are more. Generally, single cost slope is ass: Total Project Cost and Optimum Duration ® The total project cost is the sum of the direct cost and the indirect costs. * We find that the minimum total cost is obtained at-duration known’as the optimum duration. The corresponding costis known as the minimum cost, ifthe"project durations increased, total cost will increase, while if project duration is decreased to the crash value, project cost will be the highest. —+ cost ly © 'Grashed —— Duration Normal O Crashed— Optimum Normal duration duration uration raion” = durstbon Total cost cuve (Linear approximation) Fig. 3.5 Total Project Cost and Optimum Duration MADE EASY Pantications MADE EASY Crashing of Network, Resource allocation and CPM Updating | 34, eeeommeem Publications i ‘Do you know? Crashing of non-critical activities does not serve any purpose as they do not control the project duration and completing them earlier does no benef rather it increases the project cost. Steps in Crashing 1. Estimate project duration and find the critical path 2. Find cost slope of all activities 3. The critical activity having minimum cost slope is crashed in first stage. The next stage crashing will involve activity having second lower cost slope in critical path 4, Total cost of project at this stage is calculated. 5. Steps 3 and 4 are repeated till all activities of project are crashed along critical paths and corresponding time is crash time of project. 6. Its tobe noted that only critical activities should be crashed. Do you know? That certain non-critical act activities. ies may also become critical in the process of crashing critical NOTE: In case of formation of new critical path at any stage of crashing, we have to do parallel crushing of activities for which cost slope is minimum. 3.4 Resource Allocation 6 ‘© ‘Resource’ is a physical varlable required for 14, » completion of activities. It can be material, _ 4. manpower, machinery, space, money or time 26 a resources, 5 ‘© Due to limited resources or limited project £ 8 duration, itis faquiréelt6 allocate resources in’ 8°85) 6 sucha way that more@rless a uniform demand 2 4 ° through out the project dutation can be achieved. 2 # "Resource allocation" is deciding the resources 2 to each activity 012345076 9101 Z19141518101019 The diagram which shows variation in the — Days requirement of resources with time is called “Resource usage profiler "Histogram" as shawn below. Histograms are helpful toknow the requirement of resources at different times in different activities. * Resource allocation can be achieved by following two processes: Fig. 3.6 A Typical Histogram for Resource ‘Allocation 3.4.1 Resource Levelling Here resources are considered unlimited. Project duration is maintained and critical activities remain unchanged. Star time of some of non-critical activities are shifted within their available floats to create uniform demand throughout 3.4.2, Resource Smoothening Here resources are considered limited. Project duration may be changed, Activities are rescheduled to cut down the peak requirement of resources so that it does not cross the limit of resources. Available resources should never be less than the maximum quantity required for any activity of project. Firstly, available floats are used then ifneeded duration of some activities is increased or decreased as per the resource requirement Do you know? Resource smoothening and resource levelling both are trial and error methods. MADE ER 7 32 Civil Engineering ¢ Construction Practice, Planning & Management MADE EASY neve Publica NOTE: Conflict in Definitions : Iai fll incase tei is eck ara nerd pliegesfep d ‘in Foreign author books such or Roury Bourke, Harald Kerzer and some indian authors also have followed {the same concept like M.R. Gopalan, K, Nagranjan, Prasanna Chandra, NPTEL Lectures ‘but some of the Indian authors have given just opposite explanation of these terms which include B.C. Puramia, R.Seetharaman and U.K. Shrivastava. _ c 3.5 CPM Updating * The process of reviewing the progress of project execution and redrafting the network according to latest requirements is called “updating”, * During redratfting, scheduled dates are revised. New critical path may emerge and hence project Priorities may change. * Crashing of new critical activities may be required to make project on schedule. ‘* Updating is necessary to compensate for deviations in actual execution of works and original plans. ‘* During the process of updating, neither activities are deleted nor new activities added. When to Update? Updating should be more frequent for shorter duration projects, For larger duration projects, frequency should be increased as projectis nearing completion, Whenever major change in the duration of any of activity occurs then updating should be done. if change in estimated duration occurs, updating is essential Table below shown information about a two activity network. The project overhead costs are Rs. 400 per day. Work out the least cost plan for the network, { Normal duration | Normal Cost | Crashing duration | Crash Gost | fet | ays) (ey | (ays) co) Le 6 7000 4 9000 [a5 10 | 0 § 12000 Solution: j 614) 1015) | {In the network shown, normal duration of activities are marked adjacent to arrow and corresponding crash duration in brackets, | The cost slope of each activity in computed below: | ae at (Rs) (days) +2 | s000-7000=2000 | 6- - Activity 28 | 13000-9000 = 4000 MADE EASY MADE EASY Crashing of Network, Resource allocation and CPM Updating | 33 = Pui “ Total normal duration of the project + 10= 16 days. Total normal cost incurred on the project = 7000 + 9000 = Rs. 16000/- Now activity 2-3 has the minimum cost slope. Thus crash activity 2-3 first. The duration of activity 2-3 be crashed by 10-~5 = § days, Extra cost incurred in crashing the activity 2-3 = 800 x 5 = Rs. 4000/- Alter crashing activity 2-3, revised duration of project = 6 +5 = 11 days. Direct cost of project for 11 days duration = Normal cost of project + Extra cost incurred in crashing the activity 2-3 = 16000 + 4000 = Rs. 20000/- Alter crashing activity 2-3 fully, now crash activity 1-2 from its normal duration of 6 days to crash duration of 4 days ie., crashing activity 1-2 by 2 days. Extra cost incurred in crashing the activity 1-2 = 1000 x 2 = Rs. 2000/- -. Revised project duration = 4 + 5 = 9 days. Direct cost of project = 20000 + 2000 = Rs. 22000/- i Duration ayy i g | Direct cost Rs) | 16000 | 20000 2000 | "tire cost (Rs) 16 « 400 = 610 | 1 «400 = 4400 | 0 x 400 = 300 fava pray [-eaticoats | amen 7 ean Thus total cost in minimum for project duration of 16 days and corresponding minimum cost is Rs. 22400/- For the network shown below, determine the optimum duration and optimum cost. Normal time | Cost timo | Normal cost | Crash Cost [acta (days) (cays) (sy | Rs) | a 3 | 60 | to | le ase [aa | ea 250 2 | a 5 2 700 950 Indirect cost on the project occurs @ Rs. 105 per day. MADE EASY - Civil Engineering Construction Practice, Planning & Management FRAIDE EASY 34 Solution: ‘The cost slope of each activity is computed and shown below: Normaitime | Cost time | Normal cost | Grash Cost | Cost slope: Activity] ““(ays) | (days) (s) (Rs) | (Rslday) 12 6 3 500 850 60 7 4 250 a3 3 1 2350 525 ficial a4 5 a 700 950 we | Network with normal duration activity times Time duration = 18 days Total cost = (600 + 250 + 350 + 700) + (105 x 18) = Rs, 3690/- Now, activity 2-3 has minimum cost slope So crashing activity 2-3 by 3 days. Hence revised duration of project = 18-3 Indirect cost = 105 x 16 = Rs. 1575 Direct cost = 500 + 250 + 350 + 100 + (33.933 x 3) = As. 1900 Crashed network Still, the critical path is 1-2-3-4 Now, activity 1-2 has minimum cost slope on this critical path. So, crashing 1-2 by available 3 days Hence, Revised duration = 12 days Indirect cost = 195 x 12 = Rs. 1260 ‘Direct cost-=-1900 +(50 x 3) =Rs. 2050. Total cost = As. 3310 Crashed network Stil critical path is 1-2-3-4 (One activity (3-4) along critical path remains to be crushed. Even if activity 3-4 is crashed by available 2 days The critical activities will not change. So crashing 3-4 activity by 2 days. Hence, revised duration = 12-2 = 10 days Indirect cost = 105 x 10 = Fis, 1050 Direct cost = 2050 + (125 x 2) = Fs, 2300 Total project cost = is. 3350 Now, all the activities along critical path are crushed, “MADE EASY MADE EASY Crashing of Network, Resource allocation and CPM Updating | 35 Publications Further crashing not required. ae ee 2 Drecteost a) | re00 | 1600 | 2050 | 200 Indirect cost (Rs) 5 tnaiaet ees) soso | srs | 1200 | ton0 i ee Thus is can be seen that for optimum duration 12 days Rs, 3310 Minimum cost Given below is the table showing durations and costs of various activitios of the network shown below: @ 2 <4) cy] Normal guration Normal Cost | Gras drain | Crash Gos 12 5 4060 8 9500 28 7 3180 4 1520 24 8 3750 6 5650 a4 6 | ss 3 10550 The overhead cost of the project is Rs. 1750 per day. Determine the optimum duration of the project and the corresponding cost. Sol The critical path of the network 1.2-3-4 Total normal duration of the project = Sum of normal durations of ay each activity on critical path = 18 days Atime scaled version of the network is drawn with critical activities 5(3) onetorzotal ine 216) 012345 6 7 B81 4 5 16 17 18 MADE EASY ———— Funlications 36 Civil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management = TADE ERS ~ Publications ee) fiz | emo—asonoie | 6-3=2 78 29 | razon arso-asr0 | 7-4-3 | __ wsoor 24 | 5050-3750= 190 | 9-6=3 63393 | 34 | 10550-s520= 5030 | 6-9-3 167867 Total duration of the project = 18 days Direct cost of the project = Sum of the normal costs of each activities = 4050 + 3150 + 3750 + 5520 = Res. 16470/- First Stage Crashing Nee eee een nae 012345 678 9 0 21914 15 16 7 18 Now for crashing the network, select that critical activity which is the minimum cost slope which is. | activity 2-3 having the cost slope of Rs. 1456.67 per day, Activity 2-3 has the crash time of 4 daysi.e., | it can be crashed by 3 days. Crashing activity 2-3 by 8 days willnot affect the non-critical activity 2-4, | ‘Thus revised project duration = 18 - 3 = 15 days Extra cost of crashing activity 2-3 by 3 days = 1456.67 x3 = Rs, 4370/- Revised direct cost of the project = 16470 + 4370 = Ris. 20840/- Second Stage Crashing 9(6) 5(3) | oO — | pe O12 8 45 6 7 89 1 16 1 1 Activity 3-4 can be crashed by 6-3 = 3 days but crash it by 1 day only so that activity 2-4 also becomes | ctical Thus revised project duration = 15 - 1 = 14 days | Extra cost of crashing activity 3-4 by 1 day = 1676.67 x 1 = Rs, 1676.67/- | Revised direct cost of the projact = 20840 + 1676.67 = 2251667 | But this second stage crashing has also made the activity 2-4 as critical | | Further Stages of Crashing Further crashing will involve two paths viz. 1-2-4 and 1-2-3-4. MADE EASY MADE EASY Crashing of Network, Resource allocation and CPM Updating 37 Publications Further crashing can be done with the following three options: () Crashing activities 2-3 and 2-4 simultaneously with the combined cost slope of 1456.67 + 633.33, 2090. (ii) Crashing activities 3-4 and 2-4 simultaneously with combined cost slope of 1676.67 + 633.33, 2310. (ii) Crashing activity 1-2 alone with the cost slope of 2725. Of the above three options, option (i) gives the minimum cost slope and thus the extra cost of crashing 2-3 and 2-4 by 1 day = Rs. 2090/- but activity 2-3 cannot be crashed further since its duration now is already equal to crash duration Third Stage Crashing ‘Thus another option is to crash activities 3-4 and 24 with a combined cost slope of 2310, Of the activities 2-4 and 3-4, activity 3-4 can be crashed by 5-3 = 2 days after which activity 3-4 cannot be crashed further, | Revised total duration of the project = 14-2 = 12 days So extra cost of crashing by 2 days = 2310 x 2 = 4620 Revised direct cost of the project = 22516.67 + 4620 = Rs.27136.67 | Fourth Stage Crashing Now the only remaining activity is activity 1-2 which can be crashed by 5 -3 = 2 day with a cost slope of 2726. Revised project duration = 12-2 = 10 day Extra cost of crashing by 2 days = 2725 x 2 = 5450 Revised direct cost of the project = 27 136.67 + 5450 = Total cost of the project Project duration 18 15 4 2 {days) Direct cost (RS) 16470 20840 2516.87 27196.67 Indirect cost (Rs.) | 1780» 18 =31600| 1750 15 = 26250] 1750 x 14 = 24500 | 1760 x 12 = 21000] “otal cost (Rs) 47370 47090 | _a701667 4813667 Thus optimum project duration is 14 days which is having the minimum total cost of he project which | equals to Rs. 47016.67. | | FERRIED re tabic below /es activities for a construction project along with other data, Normal Crash ‘| Atty Time any) | ot Ra) | Tmo (daye) | Con Re) | 12 7 so | 5 ie 13 Go toe en ae fs 70 ze fe wz saps ‘0 re % 38 Givil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MRE EASY mannan Publications The indirect cost of the project is Rs. 30 per day. Crash the activities and find the minimum project duration and associated project cost. ; Solution: read 728 The cost slope of each activity is tabulated below: poe Normal Crash Cost slope MY | time (ays) | Cost Ra) | Time days) | coseimay | 2° | (Reveeny | 12 7 oo 3 30 | 1s 13 4 60 2 100 af 10 E 5 50 3 70 2 | 10 25 | 8 100. 5 110 20. 5 34 5 150 2 180 20 | 10 [as 2 70 1 oo | 2 | 20 Total project duration = 15 days Direct project cost = Rs. 510 ' Indirect cost = 15 x 30 = Rs. 450 i Total project cost = $10 + 450 = Rs. 960 f e212 T=13 On the critical path activity2-5 has minimum cost slope Activity 2-5 can be crashed by 4 days but doing so will create other ertical activities So, crashing 2-5 by 1 day Hence revised duration, 14 days Indirect cost = 30 x 14 = Rs, 420 Direct cost = 510 + 5 = Rs, 515 Total = Rs. 935 MADE GASH = nm Pulications er ee MADE EASY Croshing of Metwork Resourceatlocaton and CPM Updating | 3g —~ Publications Revised Network Now, there are 2 critical paths 1-2-5 and 1-2-4-6 Further crashing willinvolve option () Crashing 1-2 by 2 days with cost slope of Rs, 15 /day. (i) Crashing 2-4 and 2-5 simultaneously with combined cost slope Rs. 15/day (ii) Crashing 4-5 and 2-5 simultaneously with combined cost slope of Rs, 25 /day So let say, crashing 1-2 by 2 days frst Hence, Revised duration = 14-2 = 12 days 12x 30= Rs. 360 515 +30 = Rs. 545 Ris, 905 Revised Network Now, crashing 24 and 2-5 simultaneously by t day Hence Revised duration = 12-1 = 11 day Indirect cost = 11 x 30 = Rs, 330 545 + 15 = Rs. 560 Res, 890, Revised Network Now all three paths, 1-2-5; 1-2-4-5; 1-8-4-5 are critical. So crashing options are (i) Crash 2-5 and 4-5 by 1 day with combined cost slope of Rs, 25/day (il) Crash 2-5, 2-4 and 3-4 by 1 day using combined cost slope of Rs. 25/day (ii) Crash 2-5, 2-4and 1-3 by 1 day using combined cost slope of Rs. 25/day Say, lets crash 2-5 and 4-6 first by 1 day Revised duration, Revised Network Now we can either crash 2-5, 2-4 and 1-3 0r 2-5, 2-4 nd 3-4 by 1 day As combined cost slope is same. So, let say, crashing 2-5, 2-4 and 1-3 by 1 day Henoe, Revised duration = 10-1 =9 day Indirect cost = 30 x 9 = Rs. 210 Direct cost = 585 + 25 = Rs. 610 Total cost = Rs. 880 No further crashing is possible Hence minimum cost = Ris. 880 For optimum duration = 9 days. MADE & 40 @ Objective Brain Teasers Civil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MABE easy ne Publ Q.1._ Total Project Cost versus Time curve is/an (@) S-shaped curve (6) Parabola (©) U-shaped curve {d)_ Straightline Q.2__ Inthe cost optimization procedure the cost slope for each activity can be estimated by the formula rash cost— normal cost ‘rash time— normal time @ (oy St2shtime= normal cost crash cost normal cost normal time— normal cost crash cost ~ normal cost crash cost— normal cost (d) ® normal time — crash time. Q.3 Thenormal duration and normal costof an activity are 10 days and Rs. 350/- respectively. The cost slope is Rs. 75- per day. Ifthe erash duration is 8 days, then what is the crash cost of the activity? (@) Rs. 400/- (b) Rs. 500/- (0) Rs. 600/- (@) None ot these Q.4 In the time-cost optimization of project, the project can be crashed by expending (@) all activities on the critical path {b}_ critical activities having minimum cost slope (0) activities on subcritical path (d) critical activities having maximum cost slope Q.5° Match List-1 (Cost) with List-Il (Features) and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists: List-1 Optimal cost Overhead cost Direct cost Indirect cost A B. c. D. a6 az as 6. List-Il Activity related Developed by crashing process Project-related Contained in or contributing exclusively to the related product Codes: sone (b) ©) 2 A @ 4 2 4 o++oo Ananda sooo What is the process of incorporating changes and rescheduling or replanning called? (a) Resource allocation (b) Resource smoothing (6) Resource levelling (@) Updating Scheduling helps in (a) Planning for the project (0) Financial control of the project (c) Preparing the estimate tor the project (@)_ Carrying out the project in an orderly and effective manner The resources in a construction project are mace up of (@) office stall (0) construction materials like cement, bricks ete. (c) office space (d)_ skilled and unskilled manpower Answers (c) 2.(d) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (b) () 7.4) 8d) mADE EASY CHAPTER Construction Management 41 A. TENDERING AND CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT Introduction Acanstruction project is an endeavor or a venture taken up by a project team on behalt of an owner or client to build a facility as per the owner or clients requirements. From inception to completion, the project goes through various stages. Each stage involves definite inputs, processes and deliverable Typically, the life oyole of a project from inception to completion has the following stages: = Project appraisal: inception, feasibility and strategic planning. = Project development: Project planning and design finalization of proposals, procurement method, construction documents along with tender drawings, fabrication drawing, cost estimate, BOO ete. = Construction planning: Sequencing of project components, resource planning, time-cost trade off ete. ~ Tendering: Competitive bidding, pre-qualification of agencies, issue of tender documents, bids evaluation, negotiation and award of work. - Construction: Execution, monitoring, control and acceptance of work: = Commissioning and handing over: Contract closure, financial closure, defect liability commencement, handing over ete. Itis always required to get the project done within the specified time limit Project managementis essential to provide the necessary directions, coordinating the various activities involved and coordinating the responsibilities of the various stake holders of the project. 1S 15883 (Part 2) : 2013 lays down the various construction project guidelines. MADE EASY n Practice, Planning & Management MARIE EASY Publications: Engineering © Constru 42 4.2 Types of Construction Projects Construction projects are classified into various categories which are as given below: 1, On the basis of type of work, construction projects are classified as: {@) Building project (b) Infrastructure projects (0) Industrial project (4) Other projects 2, On the basis of project completion time, construction projects aro clasottied as: (a) Long duration projects (with duration exceeding 5 years) (b) Medium duration projects (with project duration 3 to § years) (©) Short duration projects (with project duration 1 to 3 years) (@) Special short term projects (with projact duration less than 1 year) 3. On the basis of project value, construction projects are classified as: (a) Mega value projects {b) Large value projects (0) Medium value projects (4) Small value projects 4, On the basis of pace of execution, constriction projects are classified as: (a) Fast track projects (b) Normal pace projects 4.3 Tenders and Contracts Tender: Tender is an offer in writing to execute some specified work at certain rates, within a fixed time under some agreement. Whenever work has to be executed, tenders (Le,, offers) are invited through NIT (Notice Inviting Tender) Contract: A contract is an agreement between the two parties to undertake a work. This agreement is enforceable by law. Thus any agreemen| belween the two parties that is enforceable by law is called contract. © NOTE: All contracts are agreements bil all agreements are not Contracts. Offer: A proposal to perform an act or to pay an amount for that is called as offer. Acceptance; Its he assent to the person to whom offer is made. A proposal when accepted becomes a promise. The party who makes the offer is called as promisor and the party who accepts the offer is called as promises, Essential conditions of contracts: There are, in general four essential conditions viz. (a) Competent parties: The parties entering into the contract must be competent ie., they must not be minor, they must not be of unsound mind and they must not be disqualified by law. nt mRDE ERSY Construction Management 143 44 45 4.6 47 3 (b) Free consent: The parties entering into the agreement must give free consent ie., consent is not due to coercion, fraud, mistake, misrepresentation or under influence, (c) Lawful subject matter: The agreement is for a lawful consideration ie., consideration must not be forbidden by law, must not be fraudulent and must not oppose the public policy. (d) Not declared void: The agreement may satily all tne conditions of a valid contract and must not have been expressly declared void by the law in force. (e) Proper and valid consideration: It is defined as the promise to do something by a party in return of some money or other interest. Types of Tender In general, there are three types of tender viz. (a) Open tender wherein the tender is open for everyone and any one can take part in the tendering process ) Limited tender where the offer of tender is sent to imited parties and is not open for all ) Single tender where the tender enquiry is sent only to one party. This type of tender is generally Used for certain specialized items of work for which there are very limited firms available. () (c Types of Contracts Contracts in general can be classified as: {a) Item rate contract wherein the contractor is required to quote his/her rate against each item of work as given in the schedule of items, (b) Percentage rate contract wherein the contractor is requited to quote his/her percentage above or below the estimated value of work, (c) Lump sum contract where contractor is required is quote his/her lump sum rate to undertake the work. This is generally used for petty works of small values. B. RATE ANALYSIS AND STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS Purposes of Rate Analysis The main purposes of rate analysis are as follows (i) To determine the current rate per unit of an item of work at the locality. (il) Toexamine the viability of ates quoted by contractors (il) To ascertain the quantity of materials and labour strength required to campiete the project. (iv) Torevise the schedule of rates due to increase in the cost of materials and labour or due to changed situations, Requirement for Rate Analysis Following are the main requirements for rate analysis: () quantity of material and their cost, (ii) No.of different types of labours to be engaged and their cost. MADE EASY 44 Givil Engineering ¢ Construction Practice, Planning & Management MARDE ERS (ii) Cost of equipment or tools and plants (TRP) {iv) Cost of water charge (if required) (¥) Contractor's profi i (vl) Overhead cost Overhead Costs Overhead charges may be divided under two catagories A. General overhead B. Job overhead ‘A. General Overhead Allthe expenses related to the contractor's office and establishment are termed as general overhead which is a recurring expenditure and does not depend upon the volume of the work under execution. The general overhead consists; (i) Salaries of office staff (establishment cost), (i) Purchase of stationery articles, printings, postage, etc. (ii) Office rent {iv) Telephone and electric bills (¥) Travelling expenses ete. B. Job Overhead The expenses are directly related to construct a job or project such as (i) Supervision cost (Technical and non-technical) (ii) Temporary sheds for material and godown rents, = (ii) Handling charges of materials : {iv) Repair, carriage and depreciation of T&P. i (¥) Amenities of labour, (vi) Workman's compensation, insurance ete: (vi) Interest on investment (ul) Losses/Thett Factors Affecting Rate Analysis f k The followings factors affeot the rate of a particular tem of work. (). Specifications of works and materials, quality of materials, proportion of mix, method of constructional operation etc. (i) Quantities of materials and their rates. {ii Number of different types of labour and their rates. (iv) Location of site of work and its distance from the sources of materials and rates of transport. (v) Availability of water. (\i) Miscellaneous and overhead expenses of contractor. (ui) Site conditions and site organisations. | MADE EASY MABE ERSY Construction Management | 45 cmerenemenom PUBHCRHIONS mo nernemn Procedure of Rate Analysis The analysis of rate is done for unit quantity of an item of work. Details various materials and labour are worked out and added together o get the total cost of materials and labbour. This will also include miscellaneous and T&P cost. To this 1¥% % ofits added for water charge (only in those items which require water in any way). 10% contractor's profit is also added. The summation all these costs is known as rate of unit quantity of an iter. Mathematically Let cost of materials for unit item =x Let cost of labourres, T&P and sundries = y Cost of material and labour = (x + y) 18 1 15% ot = (xt Add 15% forwater charge = 755(*+¥) 10 Add 10% for contractors profit = a5 (x+y) Total cost bones 10) 100 100 Rate for unt of the item = 1.115 (r+ y) Therefore, the following information are imperative o arrive at the rate for unit of the item: (a) Outturn or Task (b) Estimation of labour (6) Materials for different tems of work {d) Current rate of materials, {e) Current rate of labour of different categories 46.2 Specification * During the preparation of estimate. it may be possible to give the detailed specific more items of work * The owner or the department specifies such items and contractor acquires them from the market. ‘+The payment for these items is made on the basis of prime cost. + In India, mostly CPWD specifications are followed for construction projects. However there may be department's own specifications also. ion for one or C. ESTIMATING AND COSTING 4.8 Estimation Estimation requires a thorough knowledge of construction procedure, cost of materials, labour, in addition to the skill, experience, foresight etc. - ‘MADE EASY - 46 | civil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management (MADE EASY oe meme Publications Estimation is not an exact science. Knowledge of construction, detailed plan, working capacity and efficiency is required for good and apt estimate, consist of two tasks: * Determining probable cost * Determining probable time 48.1 Cost Estimate Cost estimate = Quantity of items required to complete the project x Unit cost of the item ‘Need for Estimating and costing: 1. Estimate gives an idea of the cost of the work, idea of ime required 2. Estimate is required to invite the tenders. 3. _Itis also required to control the expenditure, and decides whether the proposed plan matches the funds available or not. Procedure of Estimating and Costing: 1. Preparing detailed estimate. 2. Calculating the rate of each unit of work 3. Preparing abstract of estimate, Data Required: 1. Drawingi.., plans, elevation, sections. 2. Previously executed similar project(s) 3. Scale of present project, locations, availability of funds and resources, 4, Specifications, rates of each unit of work. Complete Estimate: y T 1 Cost of land Contingencies Legal expenses between Cost of structure j em ‘Suner & Contractor ‘Actual cost Cost of materials Brokerage (ifany) Cost of labours Surveying cost Cost of consulting Pre-preparation Pormit 0s like for ofland cost water, electricity etc Estimator (Quantity Surveyor) ‘An estimator is expected to work more closely with all project participants to predict a more accurate estimate, We must be able to for see and details of project, quantity of materials, and prevailing market rates etc. * Thorough understanding of drawings, specifications, class of work and materials, Site conaitions affecting the overall cost: * Choice of construction technique viz. machinery, type of formwork etc © Quality and productivity of labours. MADE EASY i i j i i ' j maADE EASY ConstructionManagement | 47 ——-Publications ~ — — * Weather condition, ground conditions etc. * Availability of good quality materials, machinery ete. Construction Project Cost Project cost = Direct cost + Indirect cost (overhead cost) Direct Cost (DC): The cost and expenses that are incurred for a specific activity are termed as direct cost. (material, labour, equipment, cost of subcontractor) ‘The costs that are spent on a specific activity can also be classified as: 1. Time related cost: Cost spent or incurred along the activity duration, 2. Quantity proportion cost: Cost spent or incurred in proportion to the quantities consumed. 3. Fixed cost: Cost that are often incurred once at a specific point of time Indirect Cost (IDC): Site overhead: is site related cost like establishment of offices at site, housing for project staff, store and first aid. It also includes the cost of items that are not directly related to a specific work package. Generally site overhead is estimated as 5-15% of total direct cost. General overhead: These are the cost that cannot be linked to a specific project but are used to support the overall company activities Ex. Salaries of lawyers, directors et. Generally, general overhead cost can be estimated as 2-5% of direct cost 4.8.2 Types of Cost Estimates Table 4.1: Types of cost estimates ian en SS 1. Conceptual cost estimate| 0.30% of construction | +10-20% Costiunit documents reavalable, 2, Semi-detalied estimate | 30-80% of construction} 45-10% Assembly cost | ‘documents areavallabe, 3. Detalled costesimate | g0-100% of design 32.4% | Quantity take oft | drawings and specication | are availabe (i) Conceptual cost estimate: It is also known as rough estimate, preliminary estimate, feasibility estimate, analogy estimate. It is generally considered as basis for all the cost estimate. Features of conceptual cost estimate. * Absence of exact or detailed data as well as shortage of time. + Itis primarily a fusion of art and science of estimation. Required documents: * Complete cost analysis of previous similar structure(s). * Detailed project scope and preliminary specification for proposed project. MADE EASY Punlieations 48 | Civil Engineering @ Construction Practice, Planning & Management RADE ERS Example of cost estimate: Estimation of a school building. Suppose a school building for 400 students capacity is to be constructed. Conceptual cost estimate: Unit cost i.e., cost/student will be calculated using previous project data and Total cost = Unit cost x Number of students Semi-detailed estimate: Estimate for rooms and labs etc. will be calculated. Detailed estimate: Eslimate in accordance with detailed drawings and specifications will be prepared Types of method of conceptual estimation: 1. Unit cost method — discussed. 2. Factor method 3. Simulations — Advance methodology. Unit Cost Method Unit cost is generally prepared using previous projects data, hence itis necessary thal estimator should have cost per unit for previously same type of completed project. A+4B+C Unit cost = nit cost z Also called as weighted unit cost. ‘A= Minimum unit cost of previous project B = Average unit cost of previous project C = Maximum unit cost of previous project Use the weighted unit cost to determine the conceptual cost estimate for a project is given. proposed project of parking lot that is expected to contain 135 parked cars. Previous data of similar | A = Rs, 2987.3 Project No.|Coxt(R.)| No of Carb | Yano 1. [assseo | 150 | 3n0s3 3. | 525098) 120 49188 i 4. [949920 | 90 3988.0 | 5. |290200] 60 4215 | 6. |6s7208 | 220 | 2987.3 | 7 [avr | 70 41074 alana | 109 | esseo | Solution: j A+4B4+C | Forecast weighted unit cost = = | | ! MADE ERSY Construction Management b 0 3110.53 + 3628.81 + 4375.8 +3888 + 4321.5 +2987.3 + 4167443952 —— = Rs, 3803.9 a s, C= Rs, 4375.8 4378.8 + 4x 3803.9 + 29873 6 UC = Rs. 3763.1 UC x No. of units 9763.1 x 135 = Rs. 508025 (a) Adjustment of time: The adjustment between two projects represents the relative inflation and deflation of cost, material rate, interest rate Cost index for current year Agiustment cost = { — eaten : (ea index for year of construction }s Cost of previous project (b) Adjustment of location: Tender prices vary accorcing tothe region ofthe county where the work isto bbe carried out. Similarly use of costinformation from previous project to forecas! the cost of a propased project will not be reliable unless an adjustment is made proportional to represent the difference in cost between locations of two projects, Construction cost of project @ city A Cost index for city A. = | Costindex of previous project city }s Cost of previous project (c) Adjustment of size: Adjustment should also be made for difference in the size of two projects. The adjustment is simple ratio of the size of the proposed project to size of similar project for which cost data is available. (a) Combined adjustment: Proposed cost = Previous cost x Time adjustment x Location adjustment x Size adjustment Use time and location indices given is the table to prepare the conceptual cost estimate of a building with 62700 m? of floor area and location is city B. A similar type of building that | cost Rs. 21,97,540 of area 38500 m? completed 2 years ago in city E, Estimate the probable cost of | proposed buildings. { {Year consiruction | Gost (milion) | Costindex | |S years ago ass | Foray | | 2years 260 359 | a | | 1 year ago 362 oa Curent year oe Solution: We need to extrapolate to find rate of inflation and thus cost at city E three years from now. MADE Easy 50 Current cost Tost three years ago = (1+ rate of inflation 1.83% 2 years from current Costatter 2years _ 1, | yp Current cost Cost after two years = 391.95 milion Proposed cost = Previous cost x Time adjustment x Location adjustment x Size adjustment 391.95 1.24 62700 = 2197840x = x = = BIST Ox TR * 547 * 38500 4.7.3 Detailed Estimate Itcan be owner's estimate, engineer's estimate or contractor's estimate, Detailed estimate is prepared at the end of design phase. = aa oe Owner's Estiamte: Itis a rough estimate made at conceptual stateto make investment decision, Engineer's Estimate: Itis done to determine the expected cost of he project, used to form contract bid ‘document for bidding purpose. It is also used to evaluate the various design alterna and to look for methodology and construction. Contractor's Estimate: Il can determine more accurate value and can also be used to caiculate actual cost of the project. 4.8 Measurement of Materials and Works 4.8.1. Units of Measurements The units of measurements are mainly categorized for their nature, shape and size and for making payments to the contractor The principle of units of measurements normally consists the followings: (a). Single units work like doors, windows, trusses etc., are expressed in numbers. (©) Works consisting of linear measurements involve lengths lke comice, fencing, hand rail, bands of specified width ete., and are expressed in running metres (RM). (c)_ Works consisingot areal surface measurements involve areas like plastering, white washing, partitions of specified thickness etc., are expressed in square meters (mm?) (a) Works consisting of cubical contents whic etc. are expressed in cubic metres, wolve volumes like earth work, cement concrete, masonry MADE EASY Pub MADE EASY Construction Management | 54 Table 4.2: based on IS 1200 (Revised) SIN, | Particuas of tem Unite of Units of measurement | payment 1 | Earth work 1 {ern workin excavation cum | porcum 2. Earth workin fing in foundation trenches cum Dercum 3 Earth workin fling in pth can pereum | concrete: {Lime concret in foundation cum por eum 2! Gament concrete in Lintels | cum per eum | a.rconsab cum per eum i 4,06 or RCC Chu, Sunshade cum por cum LC noo! wredng (thickness spected) san per cum | 6, Cement concrete bed | om por cum | 7, RC Sunshade (Speci with and Hert) cum =| perrunning 1 | Damp Proot Couree (OPC) | (Thickness shout be mentioned) / | Brick works: | 1. Brice workin foundation cum per cum 2. rk workin pith cam per eum 3. ck work superstructure cum per cum 4. Tun parton walls cum er eum 5. rick workin arches cum fer eum 6. Renee ick work (RB work cum on v | sone work: ‘Stone masonry cum per eum vi | Wood wore 1. Dootsand windows fremesor chow, rts beam cum per cum 2. Shute of doors andwindcws(thickress pected) som persam | 3. Doors and windows fitings (Ike hinges, tower bolts sliding | bots, bandos) umber per umber | vi | stect wor: 1) Stelrnforcemont bars ee. n RCC and RB workainta Quintat | por quit 2. Bondi indng of ste! eiorcement. Quire | peri 3. Rivets, bas & nut, anchor bal, lenis bos, holding down batts, Quintet | per auinta | 4, anhalt Gunat feo 5, Ironrainghelghtanatypesspectiod | Gamat | argue | 8. trongile | an | | vi, | Rooting 1h RCCend RB slabroot excusing steel) com sorcumn 2. LC ro ver and Inelive of les or ik o stone sab ee {ticknsesocctod) 1 sam per qn || 4 A shetrstng | sam persan | | 1%, | Plastering, points & finishing i | | | 41, Plastering Cement or Lime Mortar (thickness and proportion | | i | species) som] par sqm 2, Pointing an per san 3. White weshng, colour washing, cement was umber of coats specified), ‘som persam 4, Distempering (umber of coats spect, sam per sam | 5. Paining.vemishing (numberof coats spect). | om | prem MADE | ERSY Soo Pubications 52 | CivilEngineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MADE EASY iblications x. | Flooring: 1. 25 mm coment concrete over 7 mm time concrete Noor (ireusing LO) | san er sqm 2, 25mmor 0 mm tlooe. | sam er sqm 5. Doors and window sis (CCorcement mortar plain) sam persam Xi. | Rain water pipelPlain pipe RM pert RM Xil. | Steet wooden trusses umber ert No. il | Glass pannels (supply) sam persam XIV. | Fixing of glass panels or elearning [number porn Abstract of Estimate form Table 4.3: A typical estimate form [iene [tweroneramindsr” [aot [uw [Raw | Amount [1] eae eum | 2 | Concrete cum 3. | orc san 4. | Brick workdstone work cum 5. | Stone work on wal sam 8. | Wood wrk umber CChowkhat door and windows Stoo work quinat Roofing sam Plastering pointing and tishing | sam 10. | Flooring sam 1. | Pang meter Methods of Estimation Method-|: Separate or individual wall method: In this method the long walls are measured out-to-out and intemal or cross walls in-to-in To calculate the quantities, length s6 obtained is multiplied by breadth and the height of wall For long wall Long wall ength out-o-out entre to centre length + half breadth on one side + half breadth on other side =centre to centre length + one breadth For short wall Short wall iength in-to-in = centre to centre length - one breadth Itis applicable for symmetrical footing either side all along the walls, also for this centre line remain same for superstructure and for foundation and plinth. Figure represents the plan of superstructure wall of a single room building of Sm x 4 mand section A-B represents the cross-section of a wall with foundations. Estimate the quantities of: 1. Earth work in excavation in foundation 2. Conerete in foundation 3. Brick work in foundation and plinth 4, Brick work in superstructure MADE EASY MADE EASY Construction Management | 53 Publications smn Brick wall 135m —~ 50m——s (a) Plan Section A-B Concrete (b) Solution: 1 1 The length of long wall centra to centre = 5+5x0.3+5 x0.3 = 5.30 m Length of short wall centre to centre = 4+ ; x0. 3+p10 = 430m To estimate the quantities the plan of founciation trench and foundation conerete, the plan of each footing or steps of wall may be imagined as shown below: Long wall = out-to-out Short wall = in-to-in may be dealt one by one Plan of foundation trench & foundation concrete Pan of plinth wal 30) 54 — CivilEngineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MADE EASY == Pubtieations Particulars of Item | 1. Earth work in excavation of foundation Long wall No. Length BH Quantity 2 sa0+4x09+2x09 09 08 62x09x09 Short wall No. Length BH Quantity 1 2 43-Jx09-Lx09 340x09x09=551 | 16.55 cum 2. Conerete in foundation Long walt No. Length BH Quantity 2 5.30+09=6.20 09 030 2x62x09%03 3.35 cum | Short wall No. Length BH Quantity | 2 430-0; 09 03 1.84cum 5.19 cum | 3. Brick wall in foundation and plinth i: Long wall No. Length BH Quantity 4 1 ‘st footing 2 830+ 5x0.6+5 x01 06 03 2x59x06x03 2.13 cum | ‘ | 2nd footing 2 53045(05+05)=580 05 03 2x58x05x03 1174 Plinth wail 2 5:90+3(0.4+0.4) = 6.70 04 08 2x57x04x06 274 | Short wail No. Length BH Quantity | i ‘st footing 2 490-5(06+06)=370 06 03 2xa7x06x03 | 1.33 me | ; | 2nd footing 2 490-5(05+05)=380 0S 03 2x58x05%03 | 4.14 cum 1 Plinth wall 2 480-304+04)=39% 04 06 2x39x04x06 1.87 cum 10.95 cum | MADE EASY nee Publeations MADE EASY Construction Management | 55 onoenwree Pubieations - sermeemanone | 4, Brick wall in superstructure Long wall No. Length BH Quantity 2 5304203103) 5.60 03° 350 2x56x03x35 11.76 Short wall No. Length B H Quantity 2 430- 4(03+03)= 4.00 03 350 2x4x03x35 | 8.40 20.16 cum it may be noted that in the case of long wall, the length of the second footing, third foating ete. differ by 10 cm and each is shorter than the previous one by 10cm. Similarly for the short wall, the length is longer than the previous footing by 10 om, Method Il: Centre line method Sumtotal length of centre lines of all walls, iong and short has to be found out Find the total length of centre line of wall of some type long and short having same type of foundation and footings and then find the quantities is by multiplying the total centre fine length by the respective breadth and height. In this method, the langth will remain same for excavation in foundation, for concrete in foundation for all footings and for superstructure (with slight difference when there are cross wall or no. of junction) For buildings having cross on partition wall, for each and every junction, half breadth of the respective item on footing in to be deducted from the total centre length, Itis also illustrated through example Estimate by centre line method the quantities of the following items of a two cam room building. 1, Earth work in excavation in foundation. 2. Lime concrete in foundation | 3. First class brick work in foundation 4, First class brick work in lime mortar in wall. | TTI | | wat} |g 44.40 m 8 | MADE EASY Solution: In this problem there are two junctions of the inner wall with main wall Total central length of walls = 2x oe of long wall + 3 x o/c of short wall = 2x 10.60+3%630 = 40.10 If total centre length is multiplied by breadth and the depth at the junction, the portion A or B shown above will come twice and we get the quantity in excess in these portions, and these excess shall have to be deducted, The deduction may be done by reducing the centre length by half breadth for each junction, [1 otal centre lengtn-(2 x 3 wea] x breadth x depth 7 [40 10-2x 5x1 so} 40x1.00= 42.90 cum The same principle is applied to foundation concrete of footing, plinth wall and superstructure wall 1, Earth work in excavation in foundation Length B oH Quantity 40.10-2x2x1 10=39.00 1.10 1.00m 4290 2. Lime concrete in foundation “Length BH Quantity ©80.10- 1.10 = 39.00 110 03 12.87 3. 1st class brick wall “Length 8 H Quantity Ist footing 4010-2%4x08=9990 08 02 629 2nd footing 4010-2%2x07=9940 07 O41 276 1 31d footing 40.10-2%}%06=9950 06 01 297 1 4th footing 4010-2x4x05=0960 05 01 198 13.4 cum 4. Istclass brick wall Length B oH Quantity 4010-2x5x04=9970 04 42 68.7eum Deduction of doors, windows, shelves, openings and lintels can also be done accordingly. © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MIRE EASY MADE EASY Construction Management | 57 coeeunemnneme Puoations 4.8.2. Estimation of Labour Normally a buldingis mad up of many diferent systems broken down into smaller components and are associated with responsibilty of individual workers or crew. Crewis the team of workers which can be of same trade on a composite composition of different trades Find duration of interior and exterior painting activities for quantities of 440 sq.m, | 378 sq.m respectively using crew production rate 11 sq.m/nr and 14 sq.m/hr respectively, Assume that | only after interior paint, exterior paint can be done. Solution: 440 Time required for interior painting = <== 40 hes 378 Time required for exterior painting = SE> = 27 hrs | 7, Total time required = 40 + 27 hrs Fre = 8.98 days (Assuming 8hrs of work per day) | pong What is a duration of an excavation activity of 3000 m® quantity of excavation using an excavator with the production rate of 200 m°fday a loader of 250 m®/day and three trucks of 150 m*/day? Comment on the crew formation. Solution: Time required for excavation Time requidred for loader 3000 Time required for three trucks = e5-= 20 days Excavator and loader will remain unused. 000 Try 4 tusks = 355 = 15 days Crew formation: Excavator — 01nos Loader — 01 nos Trucks — 04nos 48.3 Analysis of Rates The basis of arriving at a cortect or a reasonable rate per unit work or supply, for a particular item following its specification and detailed survey of materials, labour equipment, etc. are required for each item of work and prevailing rate is called analysis of rate MADE EASY ‘= Publications 58 | CilEngineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MNAIDE EASY A contractor wants to estimate the equipment related cost for earth work involving a quantity of 40000 m3. The contractor has made calculations and arrived at a following requirements for equipment for this excavation work, Equipment Capacity _No. Required Duration for which eqip. is reqd, 5 months (10 hrs/day @ 2hr OT) 1. PoclainCK-90 80 m/hr 1 2. Dumpers 6m? 3 5 months (10 hrs/day @ 2hr OT) Calculate equipment cost (cost/m) units for earth work Changes/months Workers Poclain CK-90 125000, 220 /day Dumper 50000 200 /day | Helper _ 180 /day Spare and maintenance = 25% of owning cost Over time charges = 50% operator cost Solution 1. Equipment owning cost + operating charges Equipment No. Chargesimonth PoclainCk-30 1 125000 Dumper 3 50000. 2. Spars and Maintenance 25% of owning cost = 0.25 x 1375000 = Rs, 343750 3. Operator cost No. Daily wage. Operator for poclain 1 Rs. 220/day Helper for bucket cleaning 2 Rs. 180/day Drivers for dumpers a Rs. 200/day 4. Overtime charges 50% of operator cost = 0.5 x 183400 = Rs. 76700 Total cost = As. 1948850 for 40000 m? of earthwork = Cost per unit of earthwork = Rs. 48,72/m~ Rs. S0/m? 4.9 Detailed and Abstract Estimates of Buildings From the given figure below, calculate the detailed and abstract estimate for | the single room Building (Load bearing type structure) by (a) Long wall and short wall method (b) Centre line method MARGE ERSH undertaking Duration Total 5 625000 | 2 750000 Rs. 1375000 _ Amount % 220 26 x 2x 180 x 26 x ‘3.x 200 x 26 x 5 = Rs. 78000 I Rs. 153400 (For detailed understanding) maAvE EASY Construction Management | 5G nee Publications Total 24.192 m? Solution: — ors) | siete | owe == 4 fos | eee ellicocasieeenit | Tooof FEE, mingfoas * 53 j oso, aro ROC ed tae : : = 094) | ee | Cross-section | | 43 06 tls Note: Almenion inc orate Bete Es ~| | | oss — Seaman sie ‘Single room building (Load bearing type structure) A, Long wall-Short Method _ S.No, Particular of Htems No. L(m) Bim) Him) Q(m*) Explanation 1. Earth work excavation | i foundation | (@) Long wat 2 62 09 14 5910.45 +045 =62 Bu03+08+00=14 | {b} Short walls 2 34 09 14 8.568 3-0.45-045=34 2. CG. (1:4:8) bed for foundation {a) Long walls 2 62 08 08 3.348 (®) Short walls 2 34 09 03 1.836 Total 5.184 m? MADE EAS! a Publ 60 | Civil Engineering © Construction Practi Planning & Management MADE EASY Publications 3. RC Masonry in CM (1:6) for (@) Footings (i) Long walls, 2 69 06 05 354 L=53+03+03=59 (i) Short walis Pee wy (a fed L=43-03-03=37 Total 5.76 m? (b) Basement {) Long wats 2 575 045 06 3.105 L=5.9+0.225+0,228=5.75 (i) Short wails 2 385 045 06 2079 L=4,3-0.225-0.225=3.85 Total 5.184 m? 4, Brick masonry with CM (1: 6) for superstructure | {a) Long walls 2 56 030 300 10.08 L=5.94015+015=56 | (©) Shor walls 2 490 030 300 7.20 L=43-015-015=40 | (©) For parapet wall | 56 | (Ck (2) Long wais| 2 86 02 075 168 (©) Shon walls 2 44 02 075 132 Total 20.28 m* Deductions for openings (a) Doors 1 10 03. 21 063 (b) Windows 3 18 03-12 402 Total -2.25 nm! Net brick masonry = 20.28 ~ 2.26 5. RCC (1:2:4) for (@) Root ab | 86 48 012-300 (b) Linteis over | (i) Doors 1 12 03 0.15 0.054 {i) Windows 3 15 08 018 O20 | (©) Beene | (i) Long beams 2 56 03 0.3 1.008 | mea Bea oat ae | Total 5.075 m? 6. Sand filing for basement 1-485 3.85048 8.96 L=5.0-0075-0075= 4085 | 7. CC (1:4:8) for flooring 1 485 3.85 On 1.87 B= 4.0-0.075-0.075 =3,85 8. Flooring with Mosaic tiles 1 50 4.0 - 20.0 m?- 9. Plastering with CM (1: 6) for auper structure Inside Fer walls 1 igo — 30 840 Laz6oesq=180 | MADE EASY falications Outside For walls 1 04 = Basement outside 1 216 — Parapet wall (a) Inside 1 188 (b) Top 1 196 02 Deductions for openings Doors ee Windows ee i = Net plastering = 146.18 ~ 15.0 = 131.18 m@ 10. Plastering for Ceiling with CM (1:5) 150 40 11, White Washing with two coats with Janatha cement Same as quantity of plastering for walls and Ceiling 12. Colour washing with two coats Same as quantity of Plastering for walls and Ceiling 18. Supply & Fixing of best ‘country wood for (2) Doors, 1 (0) Windows 3 14, Painting with ready mixed synthetic enamil paints with two coats over primary coat for new wood for {2) Doors. (©) Windows: Q4xg 18 — 15. Petty supervision and contingencies at 4% and rounding off. Construction Management 61 30 612 L=2(66446) = 204 08 1296 H=30+01240.75 (upto parapet wall) 075 141 | = | Total 146.18 me 241 42 12 108 Total 15.0 m? = 0me 151.18 (= 131.18 + 20 = 151.18) | 161.18 (= 191.18 + 20) = 151.18, | 1 No. | 3Nbo | 21 4.725 | 12° 1248 Total 16.875 m? 62 Civil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management — mADE EASY ati en B. Centre Line Method S.No. Particular of Items No. Urn) Bim) Hien) _Q(m?) “Explanation | 41. Earth work excavation for foundation 119209 14 24.492m? = 215.3 +43)= 19.2 53 43 2 CO(1: 4: 8) bed for Foundation 1 192 09 03 5.184m* 3. RR Masonry in CM (1:6) for {a} Footings 1 192 06 08 576 (b) Basement 1 192 045 06 6.184 Total 10.944 m9 4, Brick Masonry with CM (1:6) for superstucture 1192-203 3.0__17.28 mn? For parapet wall 41° 200 02 075 3.00 Deductions for openings : (@) Doors 21 0.63 eee Toe Total =2.25 mi (b) Windows 0 ~ 2.05 = 18.03 m? 8. RCC (1:2: 4) for (@) Roof slab ibev eek eae) o1zeaeaica0) (0) Lintels over : {) Doors Piel Bse9.3 SGM: 0-054: {i Windows 3 18 03. 0.18 0.203 (6) Beams 1 192 08 03° 1.728 Total 5.075 m? 6. Sand filing for basement 1 485 385 048 8.96 L =8.0-0075-0.075=485 7. CC(1:4:8) for flooring «1485 3.85 01 | 187 B= 40-0075-0.075=385 8. Flooring with Mosaicties = 15.0 40 20.0 9. Plastering with CM (1: 6) for super structure Inside For walls 1 180 — 30 540 Outside | For walls 1 204 — 30 612 Basement outside 1216 — 06 12.96 MADE EASY cata MADE EASY Publications s-smnm Parapet wall (a) Inside ‘eee {b) Top. 1 196 02 Deduction for openings Doors Windows Construction Management | 63 10. " 12. 13. 14. 16. Plastering for Ceiling with CM (1:5) 1 50 40 White Washing with two coats with Janatha cement Same as quantity of plastering for walls and Coiling Colour washing with two coats Same as quantity of plastering for walls and Ceiling Supply & Fixing of best country wood for {a) Doors (b) Windows 3 Painting with ready mixed synthetic enamil paints with two coats over primary coat for new wood for 1 (a) Doors ayxt io (b) Windows 2gx8 160 — Petty supervision and contingencies at 4% and rounding off, 075 144 — . 392 Total 146.18 m? 21 42 L=50-0.075-0.075=4.85 12 108 B=4,0-0.075-0.078 = 3.85 Total 15.0 m? — 200me 151.18 m? (131.18 + 20 = 151.18) 151.18 m? 1No. 3 No. 21 4.725 1212.18 Total 16.875 m? 64 at a2 Givil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management r Objective Brain Teasers Correct graph for direct cost in a construction project, at a paint of time / Quantity (b) \ Cost Cost \ Quanity Cost (c) Cost (¢) Quanity In time cost trade off for direct cost, indirect cost and total cost, the variation of cost wrt project duration will be Cost a) ~ Project duration x (b) Project duration as a4 Qs ae ar as ag MADE EASY MADE EASY a ee Pultlcation Project duration {@) None of these Unit of plastering, points and finishing is (@) ms om (© mm (@) isnumbers Unit of measurement for RC sunshade with specified thickness and width @ m {o) m (o) m? (a) isnumbers Office expenses of site as well as head office will be included in @ Direct cost (©) Any of the two (b) Indirect cost {d) None of these In cost estimation, site overhead for a project generally of direct cost @ 14% (©) 18-20% (©) 515% (@) None of these In Conceptual Cost estimate of a hospital, the required data will be (a) Detailed design and specification of project (6) No initial input is required (©) Unit cost Le., costjunit of patients or bed of previous similar project () Drawing and plan elevations Conceptual estimate is prepared by (a) Owners or owner's consultant (©) Engineers (©) Contractor (@) Any of the above Pre-bid estimate (detailed) is propared by (b) Engineer (9) Anyofthe above (a) Owner (©) Contractor MADE EASY Construction Management |g Q.10 att 43 ata = Puntiations pe Current estimate of a project is Rs. 350 milion () Ais wrong Ris correct while the same estimate 4 years back was Rs. (d) Ais correct Ris wrong ili late inf oe ee on Q.15. What willbe the duration to install 6000 sq ft of (o) 10% (A) 3.98% shuttering for walls if productivity of carpenter ae is 0.008 man hours/sq.ft.? Adjustment for location, time, size of A to (a) 36hrs (b) 48hrs calculate project estiamte of B will be _ (c) 60hrs (d) None of these i f A ees opioke Q.46 Previous cost of similar project is Rs, 500 lakh. a eaae Time adjustment = 1.20 Location adjustment = 0.95 () “a Size adjustment = 2.1 Final cost of new project will be (9) xx Oflytime cost of A (a) 1326.3lakhs Time cost of B (b) 1197 lakh @) « (c) 831.25 lakh (0) 1080lakh In unit cost method, unit costis calculated using A+B A+4B+0 Q.17 Assertion (A): At every stage in centre line ans rr) method deduction of half breadth of the main Asc wall at hat particular evel shall have to be made () 8 for junction. Where, Reason (R): In centre ine junction area gets A= Min. unit cost of previous project counted twice. 8 = Average unit cost of previous project (@) Aand R both are correct and Ais correct, C= Max. unit cost of previous project explanation (©) Aaand R both are correct and R is not For the separate or individual wall estimate cottectexplanatonot A calculation of short wall, length measured will (©) Ais wrong Ris correct be (d) Ais correct Ris wrong (@) centre to centre (0) cle + one breadth Q.18 For centre line diagram, (©) cle-one breadth on 4 1 (@) ole 5 x one breadth 38m Assertion: Separale or individual wall estimate is applicable for symmetrical footing on either | side all along | Reason: Cenire line will remain same for fom superstructure and for foundation and plinth, (a) Aand R both are correct and A is correct a explanation Total centre line length will be {®) A and R both are correct and R is not (a) 413m (b) 40m correct explanation of A ©) 395m (d)_ None of theset “MADE EASY 66 | Civil Engineering © Construction Practice, Planning & Management MADE EASY eee sada ~ — Publications 1. (a) 2.(a) 3. (0) 4. (b) 5. (b) Fy 6 (c) 7.(c) 8. (a) 9. (ce) 10. (d) 14. (a) 12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (b) 17.(a) 18. (c) Cost Project duration 5. (b) Indirect cost 1. (a) Ata particular point of time Direct cost = quantity 8. (a) Totloat tender 9. (c) Toapply fora tender 10. (d) Current price = Previous price (1 + Tine Cost uantty 16. (b) 500x12x2.1x0.95 18. (Cc) 333438) +38x9+43x2=41,3m 2. (a) With respect to project duration 1 ™ Project duration IDC & Project duration Ee 1 41.8~5 x breadth xNo. of junctions 1 = 413-5 4 3x0i9x = 39.5, MADE EASY ublleations

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