Julliana Nikolle Pasion - BIO 02 - WS - WK8

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Cagayan de Oro City



SUBJECT: General Biology 2

TOPIC: Modern Genetics LESSON CODE: WK8L2

NAME: Pasion, Julliana Nikolle R.


INSTRUCTIONS: Read and analyze the statements/questions from each item. Supply your answers on the space
provided. For items in which you are required to “encircle” or “enclose in a box” some parts, use “shapes” from the
“Insert” options. Please WRITE LEGIBLY AND AVOID ERASURES (if you plan to answer it handwritten).


The ancestral relationships and the transmission of genetic traits over several generations in a family may be represented
using a pedigree diagram. This activity will help you be familiar with the elements of a pedigree diagram, so it will
become easy for you eventually to construct and analyze a diagram.

An example of a pedigree diagram and its description is found below. Study this diagram and its description, and answer
the given guide questions.

Juan married Maria, and had four (4) children; the eldest is Flora, followed by the twins- Nino and Nina, and their
youngest is Eliza. Eliza married Samuel and gave Juan and Maria their two grandsons, Juan and Miguel, who happen to
be identical twins.

Maria and Nino are colorblind. They have trouble seeing the same colors as non-colorblind people do.

1. What is represented by the following symbols? (2pts)

A. Circle
B. Square
Affected Individual
C. Shaded
Normal Individual
D. Unshaded

2. Encircle the symbol representing identical twins. (3pts)

3. Box the symbol representing fraternal twins. (3pts)

4. From labels A and B, which represents the;

A - Juan and Maria
E. Mating line? (2pts)
B - Flora, Nino, Nina, and Eliza
F. Sibship line? (2pts)
8. How many generations were presented in the diagram? Three generations were presented and it uses
What was used to indicate the generation? (2pts) roman numerals to indicate the generation.
9. How many individuals are present in the last Two individuals are present in the last generation,
generation? How are these individuals labeled? (referring which are boys. They are identical twins and
to the symbol used and the sequence) (2pts) unaffected by colorblindness.

Activity B: Make a Pedigree Diagram

Four generations of the Sorentino family was studied due to affliction of the family with POLYDACTYLY, an
anatomical disorder which is characterized by the presence of extra digit/s in the hands or feet.

The first generation of the Sorentinos showed polydactyly of the woman but her husband was normal. They have
six (6) children, four (4) daughters and two (2) sons. The eldest son was normal. The next daughter was normal but the
third, a girl was with polydactyly. The fourth was a son with polydactyly and the last two daughters were normal.

When the eldest son got married to a normal woman, they had three children, the eldest was a girl followed by
two boys. All of them were normal. Their eldest daughter got married to a polydactyl man and both their children, one
boy and one girl were afflicted with polydactyly.

Their third child who had polydactyly married a normal man and 4 children, the eldest was a boy followed by 3
girls. The boy and the youngest girl had polydactyly but the other two girls were normal.

The polydactyl son of the elder Sorentino married a normal woman and they had 3 children, 2 sons and a daughter,
who is their youngest, were normal. The 5th child of the elder Sorentino did not marry while their youngest daughter who
married a normal man had 2 children, both boys were normal.

A. Construct a pedigree diagram for this case. You can draw your pedigree chart on any clean sheet of paper, take a
clear photo of it and insert it in the box below. (20pts)


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