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Introduction Prismatic Master

You make your way through the monk temple, the You are adept at resisting elemental damage. Pick
building towering with large, grey walls. As you make three damage types from the list below: when you take
your way past you look to your left and your right, damage from one of the chosen types, you can reduce
seeing monks of all different paths, some training their the damage by an amount equal to your proficiency
hand-to-hand prowess, while others kneel in prayer, bonus.
seeing peace. As you step past the monks, you find List of damage types:
yourself at a bright, multicolored door, one piece of Acid
color in a large, grey building. Opening the door and Cold
stepping in, you find yourself in a staggeringly different Fire
environment, one of colored walls, floors, and statues. Force
As you step forward, a dragonborn approaches, Lightning
holding in one hand a small, reflective prism, and in Poison
another, a scroll labeled ‘the Prismatic Way’. You know Psychic
you’ve found the right palace. Thunder
“The Prismatic Way” is a new homebrew pack jam
packed with fresh colorful abilities ready to be added
to your dungeons and dragons game. This collection
includes two new items “Prism of Reflective Colors”,
and “Dancing Shoes”, one new feat “Prismatic Master”
and a new spell “Flash of Light”, and a monk Subclass
“Way of the Prismatic One”. We hope you enjoy this
homebrew expansion for Dungeons and Dragons 5e.


Prism of Reflective Colors

Wondrous Item, Rare (requires attunement)
This small, palm-sized glass prism magically reflects
blinding light. When you are holding this globe, you can
use an action to target up to five creatures within 60
feet of yourself. The creatures must succeed a DC 15
Constitution saving throw, or become blinded for 1
minute. Any blinded creatures can re-make the saving
throw at the end of each of their turns.

Dancing Shoes
Wondrous Item, Very Rare (requires attunement)
These boots are magically infused to allow your body
to be quickened past its normal limits. Once per day,
you can use the boots to cast the haste spell on
yourself, without requiring concentration.

Curse: ​These boots are cursed. Every round that the

haste spell is active on you, you must succeed a DC 13
Wisdom saving throw at the start of your turn or spend
your actions dancing, only allowing you to move during
your turn.


Flash of Light
3rd-level Illusion
Casting Time:​ 1 Action
Range:​ 30ft/20ft
Components: ​V, S, M (A small dot of paint)
Duration:​ Instant
Classes:​ Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
You cause bright energy to burst out of a point within
range. Each creature in a 10ft radius sphere centered
on that point must make a constitution saving throw.
On a failure, the affected creatures are stunned until
the start of your next turn.
Monastic Tradition Shielding Brilliance
Way of the Prismatic One 11th-Level Prismatic One Feature
At 11th level, your ki creates a barrier to shield allies.
As a bonus action, you can spend 4 ki, and surround an
Monks of the way of the prismatic one follow the
ally within 60ft of you with bright lights, giving any
studies of energy sources from light, color, and
attack against them disadvantage until the beginning of
everything in between. Learned by one monk long ago,
your next turn. If the targeted ally is hit with an attack
and storied in scrolls across the land. Monks that
during this time, prismatic energy lashes out towards
follow this path use the bright, colorful energy they
the attacker, dealing damage to them equal to your
gather alongside their knowledge of ki, resulting in a
Martial Arts dice. Roll on the prismatic damage table to
unique, flashy performance of kicks, punches, and
determine the damage type.
beams when threatened.

Beam of Light
Shining Brilliance
17th-Level Prismatic One Feature
3rd-Level Prismatic One Feature
At 17th level, you can channel your prismatic energy
At 3rd level, You can extend your energy towards an
into a beam that you fire at a target in range. Spend 4
opponent while attacking. When you make an attack
ki, and choose a target within 60ft. The target must
using a bonus action, you can spend 1 ki to give the
succeed on a Dexterity saving throw (DC= 8+ your
attack a range of 30ft. The damage of this attack is
Wisdom Modifier + Your Proficiency Bonus), or be hit
equivalent to your Martial Arts die, and the damage
by a beam of prismatic energy. On a failed save, roll a
type is determined by rolling a dice on the prismatic
d8 and follow the effect below. Any saving throws
damage table. An opponent hit by this attack glows in
required below use the same save dc.
bright, colorful light, granting advantage on the next
attack against the target.
1. Red. ​The target takes 10d6 fire damage
2. Orange. ​The target takes 10d6 acid damage
Prismatic Damage Table: D8
3. Yellow. ​The target takes 10d6 lightning damage
1 Acid
4. Green. ​The target takes 10d6 poison damage
2 Cold
5. Blue. ​The target takes 10d6 cold damage
3 Fire
6. Indigo. ​On a failed save, the target is restrained by a
4 Force
shroud of prismatic energy surrounding them. The target
5 Lightning
may make a strength saving throw at the end of each of
6 Poison
its turns, ending the effect on a success. If the target takes
7 Psychic
damage before making the save, it has advantage.
8 Thunder
7. Violet. ​On a failed save, the target is blinded by
prismatic lights flashing in their eyes. The target may
Blinding Explosion make a Wisdom saving throw at the end of each of its
6th-Level Prismatic One Feature turns, ending the effect on a success.
At 6th level, you can explode with luminescent 8. Special. ​The target is struck by two beams. Roll twice
radiance. As an action, spend 2 ki. Every creature more, rerolling any 8.
within a 10ft radius centered on yourself must make a
Wisdom Saving throw (Dc= 8+ your Wisdom Modifier
+ Your Proficiency Bonus) or be blinded for 1 minute.
Blinded creatures may remake this saving throw at the
end of each of their turns, ending the effect on a

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